
You’re resigning! Here’s what to say when you quit, when to do it, who to tell first, and why you don’t need a resignation letter.

the managers who feel personally betrayed when workers quit

Quitting a job is supposed to be business, not personal—but my inbox is full of letters from people whose managers are deeply aggrieved by their resignations, take it as a personal betrayal,  and respond with either fury or despair. At Slate today, I wrote about these managers — and why this is just as bananas […]

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how to write a resignation letter

For all the anxieties that land in my inbox, anxiety over quitting is probably the biggest. Even when they’re glad to be leaving, a lot of people get really stressed out about the mechanics of actually quitting: How do you tell your boss? What do you write in your resignation letter? And for that matter, […]

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my boss is handling my resignation badly

A reader writes: I’ve been working for a consulting company for three years. I am the most senior person on my team after my boss, who founded the company. Over the last three years, I have lost count of the number of people who have been hired and left in less than a year. Expectations […]

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everything you need to know about how to quit your job

Getting ready to resign? Here’s a round-up of advice on how to do it. how much notice to give how much notice should you give when you resign? how do I resign gracefully when my boss wants more notice? giving notice when boss will tell you to leave immediately do I have to give two […]

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should I tell the truth in my exit interview?

A reader writes: I’ve gotten a new job offer and have put in notice at my company that I’ve worked at for 10 years now. HR has contacted me saying they will be doing an exit interview. I already know the format will be a list of questions rating the company 1-5 on how they […]

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how do I give notice to my boss if they’re on vacation?

A reader writes: I am planning to go back to school a month from now, to up-skill and ultimately career switch. Originally, I intended to provide my boss 2.5 weeks of notice before starting my program. However, I just found out this morning that my boss will be on a month-long vacation starting mid next […]

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can I tell my boss I’m a bad fit for my job?

A reader writes: Since early 2021, I have been working as an administrative assistant in a fairly specific field (think a specialized field within a larger industry). I changed jobs in June of this year, as my previous role was only part-time and that wasn’t working out for me. There were some other culture issues […]

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