March 2008

incompetent coworkers

Two readers write in with the same problem. Reader #1 writes: I have a co-worker who has been here for a period of 8 months, and we are part of a team — she loads items to be placed onto the site that I work for (and is the basis of our company) and I […]

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unhappy with raise

A reader writes: I have a question regarding pay raises. Today I received my one year review after working in a new department after six months time. The review went well and I scored fairly high, I was praised on all most every level, but one. They want me to take on more work, but […]

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boss knows about job search?

A reader writes: My fiance is sure that his boss knows that he’s looking for a new job. He applied to another company and his boss had a “casual” conversation with him about how young people in their industry worry about money too much and look for jobs with only that as a concern. He […]

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am I being frozen out?

A reader writes: I was wondering if what I am feeling is just paranoia or if I may be on to something. I have been getting the sense in the past few weeks that my stock as an employee in our company has fallen dramatically. My boss hasn’t mentioned anything to me nor has anyone […]

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