February 2011

what should an internal “farewell” email say?

A reader writes: I have to send the “farewell” mass internal e-mail to my co-workers. You recently wrote about what should be in a resignation letter. I am curious what you would say about the mass internal e-mail bidding goodbye. What do you think is appropriate/inappropriate? What’s the best way to wrap things up? Ugh, […]

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1,000th blog post (an excuse for an orgy of self-indulgence)

This is my 1,000th blog post! And today, while thinking about this ridiculous landmark, I started going through my Ask a Manager “kudos” folder — which is a folder in my email where I store any particularly nice email I receive. (Do you do this? If you don’t, you should; it’s pretty awesome to read […]

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how can I avoid jobs that expect 70-hour work weeks?

A reader writes: What’s the best way to get across to potential employers I’m not willing to work 70 hours a week without sounding like a slacker? I work in IT and accept that every job I have is going to have some after hours and weekend work (sometimes with no notice) and I will […]

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job listing asks candidates to submit a headshot

A reader writes: I’m applying around for part-time office work. Every now and then, a listing will ask for a headshot along with a résumé and cover letter, and it skeeves me out. Is it a red flag? Can I just not send one? I know that’s common in the UK, but I’ve never had […]

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apparently (many) outplacement firms suck

Check out this Wall St. Journal article about how many outplacement firms suck. (Outplacement firms are hired by some companies doing lay-offs; they ostensibly help laid-off workers find new work, by helping with resumes and cover letters, coaching, etc.)  Unsurprisingly, it turns out that many of them offer lame boilerplate advice that isn’t helping anyone. Some […]

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