April 2011

my managers are younger than me!

A reader writes: I just started a new job on Wednesday. This is a holdover job until something better comes along, and is nothing more than that. Unfortunately for me, I have a job where the majority of other workers are high school or younger college-aged students. As if that isn’t awkward enough, three of […]

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10 tips for negotiating a raise

When’s the last time you asked for a raise? If you’re like most people, it’s been a while – in large part because it’s an intimidating conversation to have. Here are 10 do’s and don’t’s to make the conversation go smoothly 1. Pick your timing carefully. Check out these right and wrong times to ask for […]

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short answer Sunday: 7 short answers to 7 short questions

Getting it in four minutes under the wire: another short answer Sunday — seven short answers to seven short questions. Here we go… Is this application process too much work? I am applying for a tenure-track job posting at a large university. I know from a current employee of this university that references are called […]

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fired for being too eager

A reader writes: I am a young graduate who was unfortunately laid off from his first job post-graduation.  The issue was that I wasn’t a good fit — I was too eager to take responsibility and frustrated management by being forceful in my requests.  I had a fellow coworker admit to me that the supervisor […]

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when you work for jackasses

A reader writes: I landed my dream job after graduate school in this tough market, in part thanks to your awesome advice. Now that I have been working my dream job for over a month, I feel like I’ve been sold a bill of goods when it comes to my supervisor. During the interview process […]

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3 things I learned by quitting my job in a recession

Last spring, I quit my job to go to work for myself. At the time, it felt a little like jumping off a very tall bridge without any idea where I’d be landing, or whether I’d land at all. As it turns out, I landed somewhere awesome. (My couch, most of the time.) I haven’t had a moment […]

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when’s the right time to ask for a raise?

When’s the last time you asked for a raise? If you’re like a lot of people, the answer is never … because you worry that your boss will react badly or think your request is premature or presumptuous, or just that you’ll be turned down. Despite these fears, it’s perfectly normal to ask for a raise […]

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