July 2012

ask the readers: my boss has a drinking problem

I’m throwing this one out to readers to solve. A reader writes: I have been working at a small but fast-paced company for a long time. Even during difficult economic times, it has thrived. This is because the company owner has nurtured a loyal client base and has carved out a nice niche. However, years […]

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dealing with a coworker soliciting for charity

A reader writes: A few weeks ago, one of our newest employees went from desk to desk asking everyone if they’d like to buy a lunch as a fundraiser for her daughter’s church. As she approached each person she began, “I’ve already cleared this with [HR Manager], and he said it was okay…” Is this […]

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tiny answer Tuesday: 7 short answers to 7 short questions

It’s tiny answer Tuesday — seven short answers to seven short questions. Here we go… 1. Being asked to train your coworker I started working for a new company about 10 months ago. A few months after I was hired, another person was also brought on to our department at one job level below mine. […]

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my coworkers expect me to return their customers’ calls for them

A reader writes: My office has a central phone line that makes every telephone in the office ring, and I’m often required to forward phone messages on to their respective parties via email. Recently, some coworkers have started sending me responses as to the context of the phone call, or the status of their relationship […]

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10 reasons you’re not the boss

Wondering why you can’t get promoted to a management position? One or more of these 10 common problems might be the reason why. 1. You don’t look the part. It might seem superficial and unfair, but appearances really do count. You might be able to get away with pushing your office’s dress code to the limit, […]

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I don’t know how to accept compliments graciously

A reader writes: I recently (less than a year ago) began a new job, working as an in-house graphic designer for a wonderful company, and everything so far has been going really well. A bit too well, considering the problem I am asking you about. I am horrible at receiving compliments. I stammer, I blush, […]

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