July 2012

10 ways job-searching is like dating

Dating and job hunting have more in common than you might think – from making sure you’re compatible to dealing with rejection!  Here are 10 ways that job-hunting might give you dating déjà-vu. 1. Don’t take the first thing that comes along. When you take a job, you’re signing up to spend every day in this […]

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dealing with a negative coworker

A reader writes: I am a teacher in a high school that is very collaboration based, which is great because I love to collaborate with my colleges. Overall, everything is great in my work; teaching is my passion, and I have principals and leaders who value me and rank me as one of their top […]

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my friend hates me for “stealing her job”

A reader writes: As recent graduates, my classmates/friends have begun the job search. One friend who majored in the same major as me applied for the same positions as I did (without prior knowledge or consultation of each other because we kept it private). In this poor economy, jobs are hard to come by. Afterwards, […]

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crying at work / smart bosses

A reader writes: I had a boss many years ago who had a really fantastic managing trick, and I want to share it with you and your readers. I know from conversation with colleagues that she’s done the same thing with at least one other person; we talked about it because we were all so […]

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rude new coworker won’t get off her Blackberry

A reader writes: I work at a fairly large university in the DC area, and one of my responsibilities is meeting new adjunct faculty to complete hiring paperwork. (We do this to save them the trouble of travelling all the way out to our main campus, which is quite a drive from where we are.) […]

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fast answer Friday: 7 short answers to 7 short questions

It’s fast answer Friday — seven short answers to seven short questions. Today, you’re wondering about your coworker’s bathroom habits, you want feedback from your employees, you have more salary questions, and more. Here we go… 1. Coworker takes iPad into the bathroom throughout the day I have a weird question. We have a new guy […]

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what to say when you negotiate salary

A reader writes: I just went back over your archive for salaries and read all the posts regarding initial salary negotiation. I’ve also read a bunch of stuff about women not negotiating at all when hired — or appearing to seem too aggressive when they do ask. I am willing to negotiate for a salary […]

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tiny answer Thursday: 7 short answers to 7 short questions

It’s tiny answer Thursday: seven short answers to seven short questions. Here we go… 1. Negotiating salary as a recent graduate without much job history I am applying for a position that requires salary history and salary requirements. The organization has taken a step of good faith by stating their salary range. I am a […]

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