November 2015

Thanksgiving eve open thread

Are you having a holiday meltdown?  Are you currently engaged in a 70-hour car ride? Do you secretly hate the side dish that family law requires you to cook for the rest of your life? Are you in danger of committing a crime against a relative? Have you already committed said crime? Share your holiday angst (or your […]

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my coworkers keep pressuring me to leave early

A reader writes: I am about two months into my temp-to-hire job as a receptionist, which I love. The end of my 90-day probationary period is coming up in December. I am paid hourly, and my schedule is from 8:30 to 5:00. I have three salaried coworkers who have to take turns closing the building […]

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what’s the best timing for rejection letters?

A reader writes: I’m a firm believer in following up with every single applicant, interviewed or not. When would you say is ideal time to send out a rejection letter? The thing with rejections is that if you send them really quickly, people often feel stung — like you couldn’t possibly have given them sufficient […]

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don’t say these four things in a performance review

If you’re a manager who’s gearing up for year-end performance reviews (and perhaps dreading them), you’re probably thinking a lot about what to say. But what not to say is just as important. Here are four common traps to avoid. 1. Don’t say “I haven’t had much time to prepare for this.” Managers notoriously dread writing performance […]

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how to negotiate a 50% increase in salary

A reader writes: When I last moved jobs, I went from being a big fish in a little business to an “experienced professional” non-managerial role in a corporate environment, and I read a lot of your salary negotiation advice to prepare for what I knew would be a way more formal interview process than I’d […]

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