Thanksgiving eve open thread by Alison Green on November 25, 2020 Share your holiday angst — or your holiday joy — in this special Thanksgiving eve non-work open thread. Read the full article →
a happy ending by Alison Green on November 25, 2020 We’re not quite into update season yet (that starts December 1), but I thought this letter was a good way to send us off into the Thanksgiving holiday. This is from a reader who had commented on a post earlier this month about kindness at work, about her sister and nephew who both had Covid. […] Read the full article →
job applicants’ parents keep calling me by Alison Green on November 25, 2020 A reader writes: I work at a camp, with loads of seasonal employees. We just opened applications for staffing opportunities for teens age 14-17 and were flooded with hundreds of applicants who want to come do our dishes, haul trash, and chop firewood. This is a wonderful thing! The problem is their parents, who regularly […] Read the full article →
how do I talk about my work when my work is depressing? by Alison Green on November 25, 2020 It’s the weekly “ask the readers” question (I’m bumping it up to today since tomorrow is a holiday). This one is tough. A reader writes: How do I talk to my friends and family about my work when it is depressing? I work for an international development nonprofit. The situation in the country where we […] Read the full article →
bringing pet spiders to work, manager is following people to the bathroom, and more by Alison Green on November 25, 2020 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Employee is bringing pet spiders and roaches to work For most of the year, my organization has been running partial operations with lighter staff. During that time, one of our supervisors learned that her small dog needed surgery and post-operative medical care. The supervisor started […] Read the full article →
should I tell my boss about my coworker’s temper tantrum? by Alison Green on November 24, 2020 A reader writes: Today at work, something happened that I need some perspective on because I’m still rattled by the incident. I work in retail-based sales with roughly 50 employees, but just three people at my location (my manager, my coworker, who has about four weeks more tenure in the position than I do, and […] Read the full article →
my boss keeps inviting herself to my house by Alison Green on November 24, 2020 A reader writes: Three months after I started a new job as an executive assistant, my position was eliminated. Fortunately, the company offered me a 12-month contract in another department with a new boss, which would help me out financially while I looked for a permanent job. When I met my new boss, “Carrie,” I […] Read the full article →
the people I train keep failing — am I the problem? by Alison Green on November 24, 2020 A reader writes: I’m fairly positive I’m the jerk in this situation and I’m worried I might be throwing another new hire under the bus. I know I need to be better at training but I’m not sure what else I can do. I was promoted from a coordinator job to a new position. Due […] Read the full article →
coworker won’t stop consulting an ex-employee, my boss won’t wear a mask, and more by Alison Green on November 24, 2020 It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. My coworker won’t stop consulting our former boss, who doesn’t work here anymore Due to recent restructuring from Covid, the head of our department’s position was eliminated and now I and one other regional director report directly to the CEO. Instead of one person making […] Read the full article →
HR is giving me bad vibes, but I like the hiring manager by Alison Green on November 23, 2020 A reader writes: I went on an interview for a job in a different industry (academia), I’ve always had a passion for education so even though I knew I would likely be taking a pay cut, I still applied and was willing to take the offer if it was a good fit. My first phone […] Read the full article →