March 2021

how do we fire a well-liked employee who can’t do the job?

A reader writes: An employee of our small company of 100 people has been moved around from department to department, manager to manager, and give a chance in various jobs that he wanted to try or that managers thought he might be successful in. Sadly, he has been unsuccessful and at this point there is […]

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can I leave my job after one year if I committed to more?

A reader writes: I am currently looking for a new job. I’m a person who seems to perpetually be stuck in dead-end positions in toxic environments, so I’m searching for a new position with a keen eye out for any red flags. (Your past advice, plus Glassdoor reviews, have been really helpful in discerning the […]

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I feel no ambition whatsoever at work

A reader writes: The company I work for strongly encourages establishing a career development plan, and includes career goals and skills as elements to be discussed as part of our annual performance evaluations. Both my direct supervisor and a number of other managers who I do work for have regularly been asking me questions about […]

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should I tell my boss I hate my job?

A reader writes: I started a new job a few months ago, and at first I was crazy excited about it. I was really looking forward to all the cool things I’d get to work on, the smart people I’d get to meet, and the new things I’d get to learn. Plus, the company I […]

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can you bill for your time after a long interview process?

A reader writes: A friend recently sat for 29 — yes, 29 — half-hour interviews for the position of senior director. The interviews included the CEO, president, COO, CFO, etc. The company’s hiring manager called her two references, both of which are highly respected in the field, and both of which attested to giving her […]

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