should you have a bunch of people send the hiring manager unsolicited letters of praise for you? by Alison Green on January 30, 2025 A reader writes: I just saw the below post on LinkedIn, and I thought I’d send it along and get your thoughts on this strategy. After years of reading your blog, it makes me cringe so much. (Why would you write someone a reference if you weren’t their manager? Why would you pester every person at every interview stage with this letter? What if it’s not helpful information for them? Etc.) But everyone in the comments was praising this, saying how it’s so actionable and helpful and “gold,” which I found perplexing. Curious to hear your take on these kinds of strategies, especially as these sort of “advice posts” become more common. This is the post: Just went through a RIF but weren’t impacted? Are you saying, “let me know what I can do” to the people impacted? Stop. Here’s your play — the Reference in Advance play — or RIA, as the kids call it: 1. Write an email reference template for the person — helps if you were the direct manager or person that hired them — but doesn’t have to be. 2. Tell the person to send you the email addresses of the people of every interview they have. 3. Ask the person when the interview is and when they need it sent. 4. Then copy and paste your letter and send it to those people IN ADVANCE of the interview (makes people stand out immediately, nobody really does this before an interview). 5. You can send it more than once to a specific company as they move through the process by forwarding it to the new people, referencing that you sent it to the previous and wanted to share with them as well. The results can be pretty astounding. And in total, it should take 15 minutes to write the letter and 30 seconds for each send. Put your action where your (maybe empty but maybe you really mean it but don’t know what to do) words are. And we were just saying that there are fewer gimmicks these days! This is indeed a bad idea. First, written references aren’t a thing in most fields (although there are some exceptions, like teaching and some parts of law). When most hiring managers are ready to talk to references, they want to ask about the things that matter most to them, and most will want to talk — so we can hear tone and hesitations and ask follow-up questions. Plus, no one puts critical info in reference letters, so they’re not terribly useful. (I also don’t see anything in this advice about making sure the letters are nuanced or speak to what the job the person is applying for requires, so they really won’t carry any weight.) Second and more importantly, this behavior is way too salesy and annoying. It’s going to look like the candidate is the one organizing it, and it’s going to make them look pushy and out of touch with how hiring works. It will not make them stand out — or at least, it won’t make them stand out in a good way; it is likely to make them stand out in an annoying way. And then sending the letter over and over as the process moves on? It’ll just keep annoying people, and at some point when they realize they’re all getting the same letter, it’s going to feel really spammy. Third, the hiring manager won’t know anything about who these letters are coming from. Are they all your friends? Family members? Is the candidate herself emailing the letters from a bunch of fake email accounts? Someone actually did this to me years ago and it was concerning, not impressive. To be clear, it’s different if the person contacting your interviewer knows them personally. If you hear that I’m interviewing Valentina Warbleworth who used to work for you and you email me to rave about how great she is, that’s something that will carry weight — because I know you, I know your judgment, and it’ll be clear that it was our existing relationship that moved you to do me the favor of giving me intel on a candidate. None of that is in effect with a bunch of unsolicited letters from strangers that will appear to be coordinated by the candidate herself. You may also like:should I point out job applicants' mistakes to them?yes, you are awkward ... and yes, it's okayis it possible to apply for a job too quickly? { 144 comments }
Amber Rose* January 30, 2025 at 2:02 pm Liz Ryan, you’re back! Gosh, LinkedIn sure is a landmine of awful, unbelievable and/or unintentionally hilarious advice. I use it for keeping up with a couple organizations I’m part of, but it’s just the worst every time I log in.
AJ* January 30, 2025 at 2:57 pm I started calling the worst ones LinkedIn McNuggets and this would seem to apply :I
Ella Minnow Pea* January 30, 2025 at 3:13 pm LinkedIn McNuggets = GOLD. I’m stealing that. I’ve noticed a huge uptick in these bossy, preachy, finger-waggy posts (with or without the awful advice) and I’m so over it.
Chauncy Gardener* January 30, 2025 at 4:16 pm Came here to say this x10000000. UGH! Please stop doing all this stuff. I’m so sick of the holier than thou posts and all these totally cringe ideas with zero merit.
Hey, I'm Wohrking Heah!* January 30, 2025 at 3:06 pm Right? I’m about to shut mine down. As to the post that the LW sent in all I can say is: here we are being told AI is smarter than us.
Hey, I'm Wohrking Heah!* January 30, 2025 at 3:10 pm Party foul one-upping my own cleverness but it just hit me. If humans write these McNuggets, they are the same people who wrote all the top 5 lists and “how to make sure he’s obsessed with you” drivel for the now defunct women’s magazines.
RC* January 30, 2025 at 4:13 pm I’m like 83% sure that most of those nonsense Linkedin articles are written by AI anyway… :x or maybe that’s just my hope since I hope humans aren’t that terrible (lol)
Ama* January 30, 2025 at 4:20 pm Honestly that would make a lot of sense since they seem to be regurgitating older bad advice.
Joana* January 31, 2025 at 9:39 am It’s 50/50 considering these bad advice posts/articles existed long before things like chatGPT came into use. What does it say about the sort of person who writes them that it’s difficult to tell if it’s AI or just really out of touch?
Rotating Username* January 30, 2025 at 3:13 pm It’s so bad on so many levels. I hibernated my account after learning of the new default privacy violations/invasions right here at AAM. But the content already made me hate 99.9% of it before that. Now I just read r/LinkedInLunatics and shake my head.
Elizabeth West* January 31, 2025 at 10:53 am For the most part, I avoid posting or reading posts on LinkedIn unless I absolutely have to. Most of them could be a whole category on AAM simply entitled “No.”
Aurion* January 31, 2025 at 11:25 am Can one monetize LinkedIn? Youtubers can get paid by the view regardless of the merit of the content, but I thought LinkedIn doesn’t allow for monetization. If they’re not making money off the engagement, then I am deeply baffled at why these people are posting this kind of nonsense.
Roland* January 31, 2025 at 5:29 pm Yup. > But everyone in the comments was praising this, saying how it’s so actionable and helpful and “gold,” Standard linkedin post, standard linkedin comment section!
Kes* January 30, 2025 at 2:05 pm If you really want to have references in advance, just get your references to give you a linkedin recommendation. At least that way anyone looking at your linkedin profile can see it, without the aspect of spamming the poor people involved in the hiring process. People may or may not pay attention to it since they probably want to be able to ask questions of a reference, but it would still be better than this, which as Alison says will make you stand out but not in a good way
nnn* January 30, 2025 at 3:49 pm That’s what I was thinking – it’s ironic that LW read this on LinkedIn because LinkedIn already has a mechanism for giving people recommendations that will show up to anyone who happens to look at their LinkedIn profile! That way, you aren’t interrupting anyone or straying from norms, but still proactively vouching for them
fhqwhgads* January 30, 2025 at 4:57 pm linkedin recommendations as useless for the same reason unsolicited praise emails are.
Nonsense pt2* January 30, 2025 at 2:05 pm Wow. Been a while since I’ve read something so full of cringe I physically recoiled. That’s impressively terrible advice.
Hlao-roo* January 30, 2025 at 2:17 pm My “favorite” part was this: it should take 15 minutes to write the letter Barring a few exceptional writers, I can’t imagine the letters are going to be any better than the ones in the linked “bombarding an employer with unsolicited recommendations can backfire” post: None of [the emails] talked about how they knew her or what made her great. Instead, they were short, vague, and simply assured me that I “couldn’t go wrong” with hiring her.
MK* January 30, 2025 at 3:29 pm That part (about the minimal effort required for the reference) stood out to me as completely unrealistic.It would take a lot longer than 15 minutes to write a good reference letter. And then you are signing up to be on the receiving end of constant reminders when the candidate applies, and then when the interview is about to happen, and to do this again if they progress to the next stage. And to repeat this as many times as they get an interview!
ThatGirl* January 30, 2025 at 3:31 pm I mean, I could write a good reference letter in 15 minutes or so. But that doesn’t make any of this a good idea.
MK* January 31, 2025 at 3:46 am My point was, this is presented as an easy, effortless way to help job seekers, and it’s not. Writing the letter, no matter if it takes 15 minutes or a whole day or, more reallistically for most people, a few hours, is a one off time commitment. Having to constantly send the letter around is going to be a huge hassle.
Wendy Darling* January 30, 2025 at 2:27 pm I said “No!” to my computer upon reading the headline. First time in 2025, well done!
A Significant Tree* January 30, 2025 at 3:49 pm My first thought was “this is SO DUMB” but then I think that a lot when I see this flavor of LinkedIn post. It wouldn’t be nearly as objectionable if it had been, say, “write to the candidate directly and tell them what you liked about their work or working with them” as a way to bolster confidence or reassurance or whatever. But cold-emailing a hiring manager with unsolicited (and likely generic) praise is just… so dumb.
Successful Birthday Rememberer* January 30, 2025 at 2:06 pm Plus there’s the self-righteous and judgy tone of the post, because if someone reached out and simply offers their support, they are obviously being insincere. I tend to scroll past that kind of stuff.
I'm great at doing stuff* January 30, 2025 at 2:28 pm Agreed. And if you dare to give any constructive criticism on LinkedIn itself, you will be flogged.
MsM* January 30, 2025 at 2:34 pm Yeah, the whole ploy has big “Mom and Dad jumping in to interact with employers on their kid’s behalf, whether the kid wants it or not” energy.
Radioactive Cyborg Llama* January 30, 2025 at 3:45 pm oh this does sound like something my father in law would recommend. He told our adult kid that he just HAD to put his picture on his resume.
Irish Teacher.* January 31, 2025 at 6:46 am Yeah, my immediate thought was this story my mum told me about when she was working retail in her late teens and her mother rang up her boss and gave a fake name and claimed my mum had done such a good job and been such a help when she was looking for a new outfit. My mum said the way her boss asked “do you know a Mrs. Whatever-It-Was?” she was pretty sure her boss guessed it wasn’t a genuine customer.
Inigo Montoya* January 30, 2025 at 2:07 pm One other way it is SOMETIMES OK is if the person sending the reference works for the target company, even if they don’t know the hiring manager. It is a little bit more of a grey area and will depend on their level of seniority, time at the company etc.
MK* January 30, 2025 at 3:32 pm But that’s more of a referral than anything. I can see it working in a small-medium company, because, while the hiring manager may not know the reference personally, they might have heard of them or can ask.
ferrina* January 31, 2025 at 9:29 am The thing is that this would be great advice if it were advising someone to be a referral to their network. If you know a great person who is looking for a job, send an email out to your network. Explain who this amazing person is, what their skills are, and share their contact info. Important caveat: only do this for someone that you can truly vouch for and want to tie your reputation to. Obviously only do this with the candidate’s permission and don’t reach out to anyone that you don’t already know. Make it an email, not a LinkedIn blast. But this is the way to utilize that network.
daffodil* January 31, 2025 at 11:21 am that’s the most baffling part. You actually can help by reaching out to people you personally know and ask if they know of any openings that would make sense! Friend-of-a-friend loose ties is literally how people find jobs!
fine-tipped pen aficionado* January 30, 2025 at 2:15 pm This isn’t the same but a job application I reviewed last week had 4 random letters of reference attached to it. They were generic praise about the candidate’s work ethic and attitude and from the most random assortment of people (allegedly). I understand there are industries where written references are normal, but mine isn’t one of them and I’d think even in those industries the company actually asks for those letters. Also, you’d probably want them to be somewhat relevant and from someone other than a person you volunteered with once, a member of your church, and a professor you had several years ago. I generally try not to penalize people for bad resumes/cover letters/applications at junior levels because there’s so much astonishingly bad advice out there, but that one for sure left me baffled.
mango chiffon* January 30, 2025 at 3:02 pm I’m an a senior level administrative type role and we were hiring for a new entry-level of the same role, so I had a chance to interview the candidates. One candidate did the same thing and provided a couple of random reference letters as part of his cover letter. Someone definitely gave him some bad advice, and the interview itself didn’t end up very good either since it seemed more like the candidate just wanted to get a foot in the door to our org, and didn’t really understand the role we were hiring for
Gathering Moss* January 30, 2025 at 3:59 pm I once had someone apply for a position I was hiring for with a glowing recommendation from a previous manager…. who happened to now be working for me, and was outraged, as the applicant apparently wasn’t a great employee and had never asked her for a rec. The bit that got me was that at the time, my entire team was on the company website, so the applicant hadn’t even bothered checking before sending in her application.
Successful Birthday Rememberer* January 30, 2025 at 6:38 pm My face when I read this (⊙_⊙’) I literally said ‘oooohhhhh’ lol
Good Man Hennerz* January 31, 2025 at 4:25 am I was thinking this isn’t so strange if you think the person is applying for a job in the ”real world” for the first time, and the last application that ”got them in” was to college, where you have to provide this kind of random reference and motivation letters.
Apex Mountain* January 30, 2025 at 2:17 pm When the traditional methods of job searching seem to be fruitless, it’s not surprising that people would think of outside the box ideas. Desperation can do that
I should really pick a name* January 30, 2025 at 2:25 pm I’m not totally convinced that the person who posted the article uses the “tip” that they’re pushing. My guess is they just want people to engage with their content.
Apex Mountain* January 30, 2025 at 2:30 pm 100% – I looked it up, he’s a CEO of a startup that helps workplaces support employees during bereavement and grief, so i’m assuming he’s got some emotional intelligence
Analystical Tree Hugger* January 30, 2025 at 5:42 pm Interesting, that makes me think the opposite. In my experience, people who talk about how emotionally intelligent they are or create companies to do work that requires high emotional intelligence (exception are *some* therapists) have lower than average self-awareness and emotional intelligence. People with high emotional intelligence (again, just my experience) are aware of how much they don’t know and have to learn, so see themselves as less competent than average.
fhqwhgads* January 30, 2025 at 6:49 pm That makes me think he’s overly invested in his idea of a kind gesture being kind, without any idea of whether it is, in fact, effective. Like I bet this dude hugs people who don’t want hugs because he has decided it is A One True Kindness.
Wendy Darling* January 30, 2025 at 2:33 pm I think in the past we had people trying all kinds of weird stuff that worked for their cousin’s best friend because hiring is a bit of a black box to the candidate and people are desperate to find SOME way to make it “easier”. But now that everyone’s being encouraged to hustle on social media as well, there’s this additional layer of people just posting BS because they want the engagement to promote their “personal brand”, because THAT’S how they think you get a job. Gumption-ception.
Apex Mountain* January 30, 2025 at 2:47 pm If I had been applying to hundreds of jobs over months and months with little to no replies, ghosting, etc as we see here all the time, I would probably want to try something a little different myself. I don’t blame anyone for trying to break through the black box of hiring.
General von Klinkerhoffen* January 30, 2025 at 5:38 pm It isn’t advice for the jobseeker, though. It’s advice for managers whose reports have been laid off. There’s a kernel of useful information there (prepare detailed and appropriately supportive reference letters for people who will need them, so you can send them at the drop of a hat and make their job hunting easier) but it’s draped in this nonsense hustle culture gumption nagging rubbish.
Tea Monk* January 31, 2025 at 9:28 am Yes which is why I’m glad that people are explaining especially to people who are new that it’s a bad idea
MassMatt* January 30, 2025 at 2:29 pm This. Desperate people will resort to these gimmicks, also the hiring process is not transparent, so people will fill in the unknowns with all sorts of nonsense. It’s the same with quack cures for illnesses and conditions that are expensive and/or hard to treat, such as back pain, cancers, etc. The internet can give so much information SO quickly–but so much of it is crap. Whenever I see these gimmick job search tips I would like to see who they actually worked for–or better yet, a hiring manager who says “I hired the person who went me a cake with their resume in frosting! I chose them because they showed gumption!”
Antilles* January 30, 2025 at 4:01 pm Desperation yes, but also confirmation-bias. Did you send in an application with the gimmick, then get an interview? Even if the reality is that they would have given you that interview anyways, you’re going to credit the gimmick. Meanwhile, the dozen other hiring managers who respond with “this gimmick makes me question your professionalism” and throw your resume right in the trash happens behind the scenes, so you don’t realize the times where your gimmick actually hurt you.
Anon-E-Mouse* January 30, 2025 at 2:17 pm I’m not sure if anyone who plays an important role in hiring (eg headhunters, hiring managers etc actually reads anyone’s Linkedin profile anymore, but in the past, I know it was useful to have a handful of short endorsements from people you worked with (supervisors, people you supervised, peers, even clients). I offered to do this for people who had been let go and some people did this for me. (I asked people what I should comment on that would be most helpful to them and offered some key points I wanted my endorsers to speak to). I know that this helped some of the people I wrote endorsements for and I know that some of the people I interviewed with in my job search commented positively on the endorsements. To be clear, I never had more than about five on my profile and each one addressed a different strength or skill.
MassMatt* January 30, 2025 at 2:34 pm LinkedIn is definitely a resource in my field, though it is getting less useful as it starts to resemble sites like Facebook more and more. The “endorsements” feature is not useful however, except as a way to gain traction and interaction within your network (which was probably the reason why LI rolled it out). They are specifically prohibited in my industry, but even in other fields generic endorsements from random people about generic topics should really not sway anyone.
Rex Libris* January 30, 2025 at 2:24 pm This strategy, as presented would make the applicant stand out to me. As “that person I got all the annoying spam emails about.” Probably not the effect they’re going for.
Inkognyto* January 30, 2025 at 5:32 pm Seeing that would make the whole thing probably end in the circular filing bin aka ‘nope” pile before reading any further.
londonedit* January 31, 2025 at 5:22 am Yeah I loved the ‘nobody really does this’ line. Nobody really does it FOR A VERY GOOD REASON.
Goldenrod* January 30, 2025 at 2:25 pm One time when I was applying for jobs and was worried about my manager supporting me, I emailed all the faculty I worked with and asked them to reply to me with a paragraph or two about why they liked my work (if they did)…I got a ton of positive responses, and I compiled it into a few pages of praise, listing all their names. The hiring manager loved it…but this was over 10 years ago! It may seem old-fashioned nowadays and not have the same effect…
Goldenrod* January 30, 2025 at 2:26 pm Oh, and I didn’t produce it until the “asking for references” stage…
badger* January 30, 2025 at 3:42 pm you know what, though, I could see that being useful in a different way – like if I’m struggling to write a cover letter or figure out what to put in my resume or how to present myself at an interview, maybe getting that kind of feedback would help me figure out exactly what to highlight. So less to send on to future employers and more for me to use as my own personal reference tool, because other people might see things I don’t in my work, or give more weight to something I didn’t think was important in my work. Have to be in the right kind of environment to be able to ask for it, though.
Basketcase* January 30, 2025 at 5:23 pm That was where my thought process went too. I am terrible for selling myself / defining what I really achieved in roles, so this sort of feedback would be immensely useful for my CV writing process.
Goldenrod* January 31, 2025 at 12:38 pm It also gave me a much-needed boost of confidence, because I was in a situation where my manager was awful, but the faculty I actually did work for were super appreciative of me…So it felt great to get that positive feedback in a job where I otherwise wouldn’t hear it.
FricketyFrack* January 30, 2025 at 2:26 pm Unless someone’s application was otherwise outstanding, this would be more likely to get them put in the “no” pile. Discretion is extremely important in my office and someone demonstrating from the jump that they don’t have a good sense of boundaries is likely not going to be a good candidate. Eesh.
Sparkles McFadden* January 30, 2025 at 3:17 pm Yup. In the majority of cases, stuff like this pushes a “maybe” to a “no thank you.”
Khatul Madame* January 30, 2025 at 3:55 pm Yes – bad judgment and disrespect for the hiring manager’s time would disqualify a candidate for many jobs.
Sharks are Cool* January 30, 2025 at 2:26 pm This is so validating–I recently fired a therapist for a variety of reasons, but one of her bad takes involved letters of recommendation. I dread, DREAD asking for references, so I shared with her my plan to ask two safe current coworkers to be references before I even start applying. Instead of in any way validating what was kind of a big step for me, she told me I should ask for letters of recommendation instead. I was like, “Great you just turned something that is scary but do-able into an IMPOSSIBLE task, thanks so much.” And as I suspected, it wasn’t even good career advice!!!!! (She did say it had worked for her so maybe it’s better advice in a therapy/social work field?)
FricketyFrack* January 30, 2025 at 2:58 pm A letter of recommendation isn’t inherently a bad thing, but plenty of places call references, so I don’t know how useful it is to have people preemptively writing them. I guess it depends on your industry and what you’re seeing on applications, but I strongly suspect you’re fine to stick to your original plan.
Goldenrod* January 30, 2025 at 3:00 pm She was wrong, no one really wants letters anymore. It probably worked for her a long time ago. BTW I am jealous of your commenter name + sharks ARE cool!!!!!!!!
PlainJane* January 30, 2025 at 3:41 pm Oh, random thank you. I thought I was the only one who gets incredibly stressed about asking for references. Heck, when I bought a car–and had a pre-approved loan–the dealership randomly asked me for three non-related references out of the blue while I was sitting there with my loan approval from the bank. I managed one of my high school friends and my manager at work… only because I was able to reach them to ask. And then I started panicking. I’m totally socially isolated, tbh. I have no idea how people are able to come up with three people ready to financially vouch for them–and aren’t in their family–on the spot. I was just about crying when the dealership manager came out and said, “She doesn’t need to do that.” And finding references when I’m applying for jobs and notifying them that they might get contacted… it’s the absolute most stressful part of the process. None of them would report anything bad, but I always feel like I’m imposing and… I guess that’s off-topic. I sometimes really resent the social anxiety that all of it causes. As to the advice, that sounds like the usual anxiety exacerbated exponentially, so… not fun.
L* January 30, 2025 at 4:21 pm While I am fine with work references, I can relate to this! I’ve been asked for references for volunteer work, or to adopt a dog, all kinds of stuff, where they specifically ask for non-family. My social life is a little lacking right now so while I have lots of casual acquaintances, no one is really a “super close friend.” And for some reason I always imagine if I ask an acquaintance to fill out this sort of thing for something in my personal life, they’ll be thinking, why me? You don’t have a better friend you could ask? LOL so silly but I so overthink it. I actually avoided getting a dog for a while because of this and eventually got one at the SPCA where they didn’t ask.
PlainJane* January 30, 2025 at 6:32 pm I can understand it to some extent for animals, because they want to make sure you’re not going to be dogfighting or something. But still. Family should be fine for that. And if I were applying for a car loan, I’d have understood that… which is why I brought my references with me when I went to the bank to get a car loan. (Although, honestly, the bank has my credit score; I can see it every time I log in. Why do they care what my best friend from second grade has to say?) I don’t even *get* the idea of having so many handy social connections that I could just pull them out of the air.
Sloanicota* January 30, 2025 at 3:53 pm I always feel bad for counselors because I feel like they don’t really understand white collar office norms very well?? They probably never have to experience the life. That must be quite confusing. I’m sure they give good advice on other topics, but like my mom, they are *frequently* off-base with work advice.
Rainy* January 30, 2025 at 6:11 pm There are fields where letters of recommendation are still the norm, but mental health counseling is not one of them, except for (some types of) practicum placements during the counseling master’s. I wonder if she got a return offer from her practicum or something and has never applied for anything since.
N C Kiddle* January 31, 2025 at 7:24 am That sounds like a bad therapist even if she was right about letters of recommendation. They’re supposed to support you with your goals, not tell them you should have a completely different goal instead. So glad you fired her!
Slow Gin Lizz* January 31, 2025 at 9:22 am Wow, Sharks, I’m so glad you fired that therapist. As someone who also hates asking for references, I applaud your efforts to ask your coworkers to be refs for you and hard NO to asking them for letters. People without social anxiety have a really hard time understanding us who do, and it sounds like you need a therapist who understand us. I hope you find one soon, if you haven’t already. Irony is that if you have social anxiety, finding and going to a therapist is often a huge barrier. I was pleased that I found someone short-term through my company’s EAP, because otherwise I wouldn’t have found one on my own.
Yankees fans are awesome!* January 30, 2025 at 2:34 pm Who does this? Who thinks this is a good thing? I mean…
Sparkles McFadden* January 30, 2025 at 3:18 pm A surprising number of people. More than you’d think possible.
I'm great at doing stuff* January 30, 2025 at 6:04 pm More than you would think. I just had a former coworker ask me for a letter of rec. I said workplaces almost never ask for those anymore, but I would be happy to be a reference for her (and I was; she was a great coworker). Then she got rather snippy with me when I wouldn’t write one! I did end up writing one for grad school which is a thing, but she really didn’t believe me that it’s not appropriate for work these days.
N C Kiddle* January 31, 2025 at 7:26 am I think the key is in how they praised it for being “actionable”. For many people, the need to be doing *something* in a bad situation outweighs any consideration about whether the something is actually effective.
Caramel & Cheddar* January 30, 2025 at 2:38 pm I started reading this thinking it was going to go on a completely opposite direction and man did it go off the rails. What I was hoping it was going to say was to advise managers to write out references before they’re needed, not for something like this, but just so you don’t forget details about that employee. That is, as part of your off-boarding for an employee who is leaving, make some notes of the kind you might offer when giving them a reference in the future, and then file that somewhere so that later on you’re not scrambling to answer questions about someone who hasn’t worked for you for a few years. I used to manage a revolving door of seasonal staff and in retrospect this would have been a great way to help me keep track of them long term.
iglwif* January 30, 2025 at 3:31 pm Now THAT is a good idea. I used to manage entry-level staff and interns, and some were really memorable (for either good or bad reasons) but a lot were like … perfectly fine, not outstandingly good or bad, definitely deserve a nice reference but I don’t remember enough to be as specific as I, were I checking references, would like a former manager to be. Doing this would have helped a lot!
Jackie* January 30, 2025 at 2:41 pm I just hired for two open roles and had a candidate did something similar; had multiple people across the organization I didn’t know and don’t work with reach out on their behalf. He even had one follow up after not hearing from the recruiter as quickly as expected. This was extremely off putting. I’m happy to have a referral, especially if the person referring understands the role, but multiple people reaching out, multiple times came on too strong.
VoPo* January 30, 2025 at 2:42 pm Person that does a lot of hiring here. DO NOT do this! I would be so annoyed and really question the candidate’s judgment. When I’m evaluating a candidate, I have specific things I need get information about or a sense on. A form reference is not going to give me that, so it’s just a waste of time for me to look at anyway.
learnedthehardway* January 30, 2025 at 3:08 pm Recruiter here – totally agree. It will come across as harassing the hiring manager, who will then question the candidate’s discretion and decision-making/judgment.
Pretty as a Princess* January 30, 2025 at 3:23 pm Oh my goodness yes – I’d probably round file the resume for the poor judgment. Inability to communicate clearly and appropriately with stakeholders.
Orange Cat Energy* January 30, 2025 at 2:57 pm That LinkedIn advice reminds me of advice when I was in software engineering bootcamp. The school arranged a mock behavioral interview with a volunteer from the industry and told all the students that we should reach out to our mock interviewer on LI ahead of the interview. It felt a bit creepy, but I rationalized that this was a mock interview and not a real interview. So I did what the school told me to do…and then on the day of the interview, I was told that my volunteer dropped out and I would be assigned a new one. The volunteer was actually assigned to several students, so don’t take this as my actions causing the volunteer to withdraw. The volunteer didn’t even respond to my LI message…maybe they just didn’t check their LinkedIn. Even though this was a mock interview, we were supposed to be learning professionalism/be professionals and it was really gross that my school would put me in an awkward position like this.
MsM* January 30, 2025 at 3:33 pm Narrator: The kids, in fact, do not call it that and have no idea what you’re talking about.
Lily Rowan* January 30, 2025 at 3:07 pm My favorite part of this whole fiasco is that it shows how there is no new bad advice under the sun — it happened TO ALISON 14 years ago!
Magdalena* January 30, 2025 at 3:08 pm To quote some of the genius advice: “… makes people stand out immediately, NOBODY REALLY DOES THIS BEFORE AN INTERVIEW…” Gee, wonder why…
Elenna* January 30, 2025 at 4:23 pm Nobody poops in the interviewer’s potted plants, either, that doesn’t mean it was a good move for the guy that did it!
Pam Adams* January 30, 2025 at 3:09 pm I just received an email recommendation from someone I used to work with- about an interviewee whose boss she is. To me, thats a valuable recommendation.
Khatul Madame* January 30, 2025 at 4:02 pm Yes, because it came from a person you know professionally. Would it be as valuable if you didn’t know the recommender?
Mark This Confidential And Leave It Laying Around* January 30, 2025 at 3:11 pm I recently cooked a recipe I found online and quickly realized it had to be untested. This has that same “add 3-4 cups of breadcrumbs “ feel. Like…no. That’s not how this works.
Georgia Carolyn Mason* January 30, 2025 at 5:31 pm Ha, maybe it’s from the “add glue to your pizza” AI.
Acallidryas* January 30, 2025 at 3:15 pm Ah, that’s why this just happened to me! Or something like it. I’m hiring for a position and one candidate, instead of attaching a cover letter, attached reference letters. The letters didn’t speak directly to the job needs, or answer the questions I would have as a hiring manager. it wasn’t helpful at all, and if I’d had a bunch of generic reference letters emailed it would have been annoying. This is indeed bad advice!
Phony Genius* January 30, 2025 at 3:25 pm The results can be pretty astounding. This is the most truthful part of the post. But not in the way the poster thinks.
chocolate lover* January 30, 2025 at 3:40 pm I’m not a hiring manager but I am often on search committees (higher ed) and I would be so annoyed if I were suddenly deluged with emails from people I didn’t know or trust, raving about a candidate. I’m not going to read that or take it seriously, I don’t have the time to worry about anyone but the finalists we are seriously considering.
Sloanicota* January 30, 2025 at 3:48 pm I saw a version of this work well for someone we hired, but it … wasn’t this. The candidate was *already a finalist* for a job we had and several people in the community (but not personal contacts of the hiring manager, that I recall) emailed the hiring manager unsolicited saying X person was great and would be a great hire. I would guess calling it an “RIA” would be appropriate. It did impress the hiring manager – she mentioned it to me. Two things in favor a) the job would involve a good amount of coordinating in the professional community and b) I assume my boss at least kind of knew *of* these people, they weren’t total randos.
Sloanicota* January 30, 2025 at 3:50 pm It did seem obvious to me at the time that the candidate must have orchestrated it – how else did so many people know they were a finalist for a position with us, it’s not like that’s public – but apparently it came across as authentic to the hiring manager nonetheless.
Rainy* January 30, 2025 at 4:27 pm Did this hiring manager usually make good decisions, or did they frequently make hiring decisions based on something other than an ability to do the job?
Mark This Confidential And Leave It Laying Around* January 30, 2025 at 4:50 pm If professional contacts are part of the job, and at my company we definitely hire human Rolodexes, than this matters.
Rainy* January 30, 2025 at 6:15 pm I think that’s a little different than a hiring manager who’s apparently bowled over by an astroturfing campaign.
Rachel* January 30, 2025 at 4:13 pm I like recommendation letters in applications for internships. I hire 100-120 interns every summer and the recommendation letters are useful in sorting through the 3000 applicants I get.
Elenna* January 30, 2025 at 4:17 pm “The results can be pretty astounding” Yes, indeed. The hiring manager will be astounded by how annoying and out of touch this is, and the person who thinks this is a good idea will be astounded by how quickly the job-searcher gets rejected.
Rainy* January 30, 2025 at 4:25 pm “Nobody does this”…well, no. Because it’s an awful idea. I also don’t cut my hair at home with a lawnmower, or use a woodchipper to give myself a pedicure, or touch my kitten’s belly when it’s clearly not belly-touching time.
MsM* January 30, 2025 at 4:59 pm I like the running theme of “things that will get you mercilessly shredded.”
el l* January 30, 2025 at 5:43 pm Seinfeld got it right: “The road less taken is usually less taken for a reason.” In this case, because it doesn’t work.
Goldenrod* January 30, 2025 at 4:41 pm “I actually avoided getting a dog for a while because of this and eventually got one at the SPCA where they didn’t ask.” Awww, that makes me sad! It’s like – yeah, I’m working on GETTING my best friend – this dog!! That’s what’s so great about dogs – they love us instantly, no references required!
Pyanfar* January 30, 2025 at 4:45 pm I’m in the US and used to do a *lot* of hiring and interviewing. I tended to see formal reference letters from previous employers and professional references attached with applications from people originally not from the US (based on colleges/universities and/or previous job locations). I just assumed that was expected in other places and gave them no specific weight, good or bad. So my question to the non-US contingent: Do you do this in your country?
Pigeon* January 30, 2025 at 6:49 pm I lived and worked in Namibia and South Africa for a number of years (I am a U.S. American), and this was and remains (according to friends and family there) quite common, although there is some variability. Fields that are more technical or credential-oriented seem to be trending away from reference letters, but they remain quite common in education and for “pink collar” jobs that don’t necessarily carry specific education or experience requirements (or are very light on those requirements).
allathian* January 30, 2025 at 11:17 pm In Finland it’s done to some extent, but the certificates of employment generally replace calls to HR to confirm that a candidate actually worked for the employer when they said they did and that they weren’t fired for cause.
londonedit* January 31, 2025 at 5:28 am Nope, not a thing in the UK. Usually references are contacted by phone or email – there’s no need for formal letters. Also, as discussed in the comment section a couple of days ago, in the UK references – unless you’re going for a job that needs a criminal records check or a security clearance – are really a formality. Offers are made ‘subject to references’, but generally you don’t give the details of your referees until you’ve accepted the job offer (because one of them will probably be your current manager), and then you accept the offer, hand in your notice, and tell the new company that it’s OK for them to contact your referees. In theory an offer could be rescinded because of bad references, but in practice I’ve never known that to happen, because most people have good references! And they’d just say ‘Yes, londonedit worked here from 2017 until 2021’ usually. So there’s no real need for a letter.
Alex* January 30, 2025 at 4:46 pm Was this advice written by the person who invented spam? Because we all know how much everyone loves spam. (in the email sense, not the meat product sense.)
the hulk's PTSD* January 30, 2025 at 4:50 pm There aren’t fewer gimmicks these days. It’s that said gimmick-providers have moved to LinkedIn and are peddling crap like this. Or are on TikTok and Instagram, peddling crap like this and other word-salad nonsense. You haven’t done hiring in a while so it’s understandable that you wouldn’t necessarily know the trash fire that’s out there now.
I'm just here for the cats!!* January 30, 2025 at 4:52 pm Besides everything Alison said, this also sems to be a major waist of time. You’re supposed to have a template for the person, yet you are supposed to add reference that you already sent it to other people in the company? How is this supposed to be better than just being a reference and taking a 10 minute phone call.
Jon* January 30, 2025 at 5:14 pm This is reminding me of an episode of The Dick Van Dyke Show, “Three Letters from One Wife”. Rob has talked his boss into appearing on an intellectual show rather than comedy as he normally does, and is worried about how it will go over. The neighbor takes it upon herself to write 14 letters praising the program and Rob himself, to his boss. The time for the show comes, and it isn’t shown due to a flood in the subway being covered. But her letters are already sent. I could see this leading to such a situation where you give them the time and email and can’t get in touch to tell them the interview was postponed by a week lol.
N C Kiddle* January 31, 2025 at 7:36 am I wonder if the writers of that episode ever read The New Treasure Seekers. Six siblings learn from their beloved uncle that his editor is not impressed with the latest installment of his serial story, so they write effusive letters of praise to the magazine and arrange for servants to post them from different parts of London. Unfortunately a) the majority of the servants post them in the first postbox they pass and more significantly b) they put this plan into action before the issue in question goes to press. The chapter ends with a letter from the uncle saying that he loves them but could they please mind their own business in future.
English Rose* January 30, 2025 at 6:29 pm Crazy idea! But just to pick up one point from the answer, around “written references aren’t really a thing”. Not so here in the UK. At my company and in most others I’ve worked for – across a wide range of sectors – written references are mandatory. And in reverse, most places I’ve worked have policies of only providing written references – actually speaking to someone to give a reference would get you in serious trouble. (When I say written of course I mean email mostly although some still arrive on actual paper.)
londonedit* January 31, 2025 at 5:30 am Ha – that’s interesting because I’ve just said the opposite above! Though I suppose I was thinking more of formal written letters, and emails can definitely count as ‘written references’. It’s been fairly rare that anyone’s actually bothered contacting my referees, but it’s definitely been a mix of phone and email, there’s no stipulation about ‘written references’ that I’ve encountered.
Pigeon* January 30, 2025 at 6:33 pm I’m hopeful that the teacher shortages we see in many parts of the U.S. will make LORs-in-advance a thing of the past in this field, because it’s genuinely ridiculous. I’ve been at my current school for 5 years, and hope to stay at least two more – and if I start a search at that point, it’ll most likely be without telling my current leadership in advance. That would mean asking my last principal, whose terrible leadership led me to resign my last job, for a letter of recommendation nearly a decade later?!? Absolutely not. Or my previous principal, for whom I worked one year as a first year teacher, fifteen years ago? What would she even say?
Can’t think of anything clever* January 30, 2025 at 6:43 pm Granted I did my turn as hiring manager in 2006-2009 but NO don’t do it! Anything gimmicky or formulaic just doesn’t work or if it does I wonder why? Gives me the “one big happy family” vibe.
Artemesia* January 30, 2025 at 7:32 pm If you are in academia or certain other professions a contact from one key person — a major professor with prestige for example — can be critical in advancing your application and even more so if they know the hiring manager i.e. are part of their network. but unless the person sending an unsolicited recommendation or making a call is part of that person’s network or well known to her? yuch. And if you get a bunch of these it comes across as a gimmick and likely to be orchestrated by the candidate.
The Gollux, Not a Mere Device* January 30, 2025 at 7:35 pm Another problem with this. If the advantage of this idea is that “nobody really does this before an interview,” well, now that it’s been recommended on LinkedIn, it’s not going to look original or stand out for that reason.
Analyst* January 30, 2025 at 7:44 pm As a hiring manager, I am doing my best to maintain equity, so I won’t read these at all. Doing this will however make a very bad impression and I would have serious reservations about hiring a person who did this- trying to get around our hiring process isn’t a good thing.
Annony* January 30, 2025 at 7:56 pm The only way it could possibly be helpful to have your reference reach out to the interviewer in advance is if they have a connection already which would make it less weird and also carry some weight. But even then it is a one time thing, not emailing every interviewer.
Rusty* January 30, 2025 at 9:04 pm one year during performance reviews instead of the requested 2 360 feedback references from colleagues one of the staff (whose work was under the microscope) attached 13. They were of dubious quality and we wondered why she didn’t ask the guy in the coffees shop in the lobby to write something too, so bizarre and scattershot was the selection. This technique reminds me of that, being spammed by utterly irrelevant testimonials.
Teapot Connoisseuse* January 31, 2025 at 1:11 am I initially misread two 360 references as 2,360 references!
niknik* January 31, 2025 at 2:07 am Question from the other side of the pond: In Germany, we have what we call an “Arbeitszeugnis”, which would translate to “employer’s reference/testimonial”. Its a kind of standardized document you can request from your employer at any point (but typically after giving notice, sometimes also when changing positions), and in which they have to describe their evaluation of your work and general workplace behavior. There are a couple of laws/regulations about what can and what cannot be put into these testimonials, but a somewhat skilled HR person can read between the lines and get a pretty good impression about their opinion of you (and there are also online “translators” to give you the true meaning of some commonly used phrases). A good testimonial of a reputable employer has serious pull in an application here. Does anything like this exists outside of Germany ?
Good Man Hennerz* January 31, 2025 at 4:15 am I think it’s the exact same in Finland. I’ve got a portfolio of these letters, some more elaborate than others, a couple on ready-made forms you can buy in the book store along with other office stationery).
alle* January 31, 2025 at 11:34 am “He was always trying hard”= “He was completely useless, do NOT hire”. ;)
Ganymede II* January 31, 2025 at 3:44 am Ugh, the LinkedIn post format drives me nuts. Write One Sentence. Add a line break, then write another sentence. And make your third sentence the same. Everything else is below “read more” which means LinkedIn thinks everyone wants to read your stuff, not matter how poor the quality is. It’s never good writing, it’s just dumb click-bait.
Good Man Hennerz* January 31, 2025 at 4:46 am Actually, there are a few industries out there, that explicitly forbid giving telephone references. I worked in a couple places, ”reference calls” were treated the same as phishing emails, they were reported the same as security breaches. I’m not sure if it was in one of the NDA’s but giving out my managers name and number would get me into all kinds of trouble… including that even if they managed to get my manager, they’d just end the call as per procedure. It was HR department contact only, and I think they required a secure email, and they sent out a form letter with dates verifying employment. Trying to explain this then to recruitment people not familiar with the concept and demanding actual people to call to… yeah, is it Q or M you’d prefer?
2cents* January 31, 2025 at 6:27 am See, this is why we need Alison/AAM on LinkedIn – well thought responses to these kinds of posts might help balance out the wackiness we see there.
AnonAnon* January 31, 2025 at 8:37 am This seems like intentional sabotage. Posting this on LinkedIn in hopes people do it to limit the applicant pool for jobs/industries you want to apply to, thus enhancing your chances at the job.
HailRobonia* January 31, 2025 at 8:51 am Great idea! I’m going to try to get my competition to use this “genius” gimmick: Make a fake obituary of yourself from the future that mentions what a great and productive employee of Company X you were while you were alive. Bonus points for mentioning that the senior leadership of the company spoke moving eulogies at your funeral. Then send the obituary to the company with a note “a message from the future!!!!!!”
Orora* January 31, 2025 at 1:11 pm Yes, the results are astounding. It’s astounding how fast your application will be put in the Do Not Hire Ever pile if you do this.