weekend open thread – January 18-19, 2025 by Alison Green on January 17, 2025 This comment section is open for any non-work-related discussion you’d like to have with other readers, by popular demand. Here are the rules for the weekend posts. Book recommendation of the week: Rental House, by Weike Wang. After the daughter of Chinese immigrants and the son of a white, working class family marry, they grapple with their relationship with each other and both sets of parents over the course of a summer vacation. (Amazon, Bookshop) * I earn a commission if you use those links. You may also like:all of my 2023 and 2024 book recommendationsall of my book recommendations from 2015-2022the cats of AAM { 1,051 comments }
Ask a Manager* Post authorJanuary 17, 2025 at 7:11 pm The weekend posts are for relatively light discussion — think office break room — and comments should ask questions and/or seek to discuss ideas. “Here’s what happened to me today” personal-blog-style posts will be removed (because they got out of control in the past). We also can’t do medical advice here. These threads are no politics. Please give the full rules a re-read.
Valancy Stirling* January 17, 2025 at 7:16 pm I’m reading A Love Song For Ricki Wilde by Tia Williams. It’s an absolutely delightful romance about fitting in, romanticizing life, and accepting the things that make you you.
My Brain is Exploding* January 17, 2025 at 7:23 pm Tax Forms. No, not for fun, but I don’t recommend NOT doing it!
Dark Macadamia* January 17, 2025 at 7:25 pm Recently finished “Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone” and loved it. The blurb compared it to Knives Out and I think that’s pretty accurate, the kind of witty, sarcastic, clever-dumb humor mixed with a murder mystery. Now I’m listening to “Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes” on audio. I feel like it’s objectively not great but it’s hitting the exact reading experience I wanted so I’m really enjoying it.
CityMouse* January 18, 2025 at 3:24 am I liked the sequel Everyone on this Train is a Suspect, even more. I knoenthere was a Christmas novella that I haven’t read yet (I noticed a couple Christmas mystery novellas this year).
GoryDetails* January 18, 2025 at 10:13 am I’ve enjoyed Stevenson’s books – well, “Everyone in My Family” and the Christmas “Everyone This Christmas Has a Secret”. Haven’t read the train one yet but it’s on my list.
Dark Macadamia* January 18, 2025 at 1:55 pm Yes! I put the train one on hold before I’d even finished this one.
Squirrel Nutkin (the teach, not the admin)* January 17, 2025 at 7:26 pm I’m part way through Carrie Fisher’s *Postcards from the Edge*, a fictionalized recovery memoir. I like it. While I fortunately do not have any addiction to drugs or alcohol, I do have an unhealthy relationship with food, and Fisher’s depiction of the lies addicts (to anything) tell themselves is spot on. I’m also part way through Betty MacDonald’s very funny *Onions in the Stew*, which details her life moving to and living on Vashon Island off the Washington State coast near Seattle and Tacoma in the early 1940s. So far, none of her vile racism towards the local indigenous population has appeared, but we’ll see how the rest of it goes. She is friendly with a local Japanese couple, but seems shockingly unbothered when they get sent to an internment camp.
Dark Macadamia* January 17, 2025 at 7:46 pm How did I never know Betty MacDonald lived in Washington? I just read her Wikipedia page and I lived in the same neighborhood as her for awhile.
Squirrel Nutkin (the teach, not the admin)* January 17, 2025 at 8:22 pm Oh, cool! There’s a lot of Seattle stuff in her *Anybody Can Do Anything* memoir about trying out a series of jobs in the early 1930s.
PhyllisB* January 18, 2025 at 8:44 am I have her book The Egg and I and plan to read it soon. Yes, I’ve heard that she was racist.
Squirrel Nutkin (the teach, not the admin)* January 18, 2025 at 9:41 am Yeah, that book has the worst of it, unfortunately. It’s weird because in *The Plague and I*, which narrates the chronicles of a few years later when she’s in a tuberculosis sanatorium for a year, she seems quite open to being friendly with her Japanese and Black fellow patients and seems critical of those who are racist towards them, and her family was open to and friendly with gay people and Jews as well. But she has a really problematic attitude towards indigenous people where she judges them as a group in a way she doesn’t seem to do with other groups. Aside from that, *The Egg and I* is quite funny, as are all her books, and it should be required reading for anyone who plans on “going back to the land” — it sets out the difficulties of setting up your own farm in great detail.
Seashell* January 18, 2025 at 11:11 am I enjoyed Postcards from the Edge, and the movie is worth a watch too, if you haven’t seen it. Carrie Fisher’s actually autobiographical Wishful Drinking (and its accompanying one-woman show) were good too.
Squirrel Nutkin (the teach, not the admin)* January 19, 2025 at 3:37 pm I definitely want to see the movie now, and I will check out *Wishful Drinking* as well!
Heffalump* January 18, 2025 at 7:41 pm My first exposure to Betty MacDonald was when my kindergarten teacher read us some of the Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle stories. At that time, I concentrated on the stories and didn’t give any thought to who the author might be. One story that stuck with me: the girl who didn’t like bathing, so one night her parents pressed vegetable seeds into the dirt on her skin as she slept. When she became a walking vegetable garden, she saw that there was something to be said for taking baths. I moved to Seattle in 1981 and finally read “The Egg and I” and “Onions in the Stew” around the turn of the 1990s. Some years ago, Paula Becker published a biography of Betty MacDonald, “Looking for Betty MacDonald,” which I highly recommend. I went to hear her talk about it at the Seattle Public Library. One man in the audience said he was a nephew of Betty MacDonald and one of the Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle stories was based on a specific childhood behavior of his. If I’d been faster on my feet, I would have asked which story it was. Ms. MacDonald actually wrote the Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle books before “The Egg and I,” and publishers turned them down. Once she had the success of “The Egg and I” under her belt, it was another matter. Ms. MacDonald had a Japanese-American roommate, Monica Sone, at the sanitorium. Ms. Sone later went on to write “Nisei Daughter.” https://www.humanities.org/spark/looking-betty-macdonald/
Squirrel Nutkin (the teach, not the admin)* January 19, 2025 at 3:33 pm Oh, thank you for all of the info! I’d heard of *Nisei Daughter* but had no idea that was Betty MacDonald’s roomie who wrote it. And I will be sure to check out that biography. “The Radish Cure” (I think it’s called) is one of my favorite Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle stories too! I loved those when I was a kid, and I was re-reading them now, and they are still very enjoyable (and funny in ways I didn’t pick up on when I was younger). I noticed that the story about the sisters who constantly fight has them named Anne and Joan, after MacDonald’s two daughters, so I have to assume that the behavior detailed is theirs (which tracks with some anecdotes from *The Plague and I* and *Anybody Can Do Anything.*
Heffalump* January 19, 2025 at 3:57 pm In the 1980s the Seattle Times interviewed one of Betty MacDonald’s daughters–Joan, IIRC. She said, “I have every letter my mother ever wrote me, and they could be published. They were hysterically funny.” One of her daughters said that when she was a single mother during the Depression, she was never self=pitying. Her house on Vashon Island was a B&B, but I’m not sure if it still is. The weblink for the B&B is dead. “The Egg and I” is set in Chimacum, which she calls “Town” in the book. The road on which the property is located is now Egg and I Road. As a matter of interest (at least to me), Maw Kettle was originally from Estonia. This was during Estonia’s first period of independence between the wars. If you read the bio, let us know how you liked it.
Heffalump* January 19, 2025 at 4:01 pm Speaking of picking up on things as an adult, the wonderful thing about Beverly Cleary’s Ramona Quimby books is they work on both a child’s and an adult’s level.
allathian* January 20, 2025 at 1:20 am The same thing is true of Tove Jansson’s Moomin books. I first heard them as bedtime stories when I was 10. I grew up bilingual and our dad who’s Swedish-speaking read them to me and my sister in the original Swedish. He was a fairly hands-off dad, as dads of his generation (early Boomer) typically were, so I cherish those Moomin books because they brought some rare moments of bonding with my dad. I was a pretty advanced reader but those were a bit beyond me at the time. I read them for the first time in my late teens, and since then I’ve read them about once a decade. Every time I read them they hit a bit differently thanks to life experience.
Falling Diphthong* January 17, 2025 at 7:30 pm Finished Circe by Madeline Miller, a retelling of the Greek myth, which was very good; I especially liked what the author did with Penelope. Reading this I thought a lot about Pandora’s Jar by Natalie Haynes, about the depiction of women in ancient Greek myth. (Specifically that there are many versions of these stories, and that the versions in your high school Penguin Classics translation probably were the most “women should sit on the sidelines” of all the options available.)
Squirrel Nutkin (the teach, not the admin)* January 17, 2025 at 8:23 pm How interesting that last fact is! I hadn’t thought about it, but it makes a lot of sense.
Lilian Field* January 19, 2025 at 1:39 am This is a great novel, and, as an English professor, I can say that The Youths often love it. It could be a pretty good gift/readalong for a college-aged student.
Second Best Time to Plant a Tree* January 19, 2025 at 4:11 am I’m currently reading Pat Barker’s “The Women of Troy” which is excellent and thematically very close. Follow up to “The Silence of the Girls”, this is from the point of view of women who have been taken captive by the Greeks and awarded as “prizes”. Pat Barker is a fantastic writer, her First World War trilogy (Regeneration, The Eye in the Door, The Ghost Road) is also stellar. I have Circe on my to-read pile, not sure why I haven’t got around to it yet – I must bump it up.
Teapot Translator* January 17, 2025 at 8:16 pm Also, I just realized that when people would recommend Dorothy Sayer, I was confusing her with Elizabeth Peters. And I tried Peters’s first book years and years ago and didn’t finish it because of the racism towards Egyptian people. So, anyway, I’m going try Dorothy Sayer. All I could find at the library was the BBC dramatizations. Will start with that.
Weekend Warrior* January 17, 2025 at 9:19 pm The Sayers novels are excellently written but many are shot through with snobby “genteel” antisemitism, typical of inter-war Britain (and elsewhere). The first one, Whose Body?, is particularly bad. She later has at least one upper class character marry a Jewish character but still traffics in stereotypes. The BBC dramatizations no doubt soften all this. I’ve seen them but don’t really remember. I loved Gaudy Night as a young woman but recently decided to reread all the novels and noticed what I’d skimmed over as a younger reader. Blechh!
Squirrel Nutkin (the teach, not the admin)* January 18, 2025 at 9:44 am Interesting. I tried *Gaudy Night* and the one with the bells, and didn’t get swept up in them. Maybe that’s part of why? The flood scene in the bells one was great, though!
CityMouse* January 18, 2025 at 10:09 am Whose Body and Unnatural Death are particularly bad about this. It’s definitely jarring when you come across it. Agatha Christie’s novels have been edited in recent editions to remove some of the references. Sayers they could probably do for some of her books, but the two I mentioned above the antisemitism and homophobia are somewhat central to the plots. It’s definitely something hard to grapple with because unlike some content like Huckleberry Finn, Sayers isn’t engaging in criticism of those attitudes. I read those books initially when I was pretty young and I forgot about how bad some of it gets. Yes, she was of her time, but it doesn’t make it less jarring.
allathian* January 19, 2025 at 11:27 pm Yeah, I haven’t read Sayers but at least the racism in Christie’s books mainly shows in throwaway lines that could be edited out without affecting the main story. The most egregious example was modified early, And Then There Were None was originally published as Ten Little Indians in the US, and Ten Little n-words in the UK. I have a first edition UK paperback, and the rhyme is jarring to read. The casual sexism is another matter, although even there the most egregious examples could probably be edited a bit. Poirot is particularly bad about this with the assumptions of what women can and can’t do, because he states things so categorically instead of talking about probabilities. The classism is probably impossible to edit out because several stories depend on the assumption that people don’t see servants as people, they only see the uniform, and dressing as a servant/train conductor/airline steward lets you get away with murder.
RagingADHD* January 19, 2025 at 1:09 am I think those are two of the least accessible. Try Black Coffee and Have His Carcase.
Weaponized Pumpkin* January 18, 2025 at 5:10 pm At some point I’d read a later Peters and thought it was decent, so I picked up an audiobook of the first one for a road trip and hated it so much. (Not just the racism, it was just boring and slow too.) On paper it ticks a lot of boxes for me but nope.
Six Feldspar* January 17, 2025 at 11:14 pm I just reread the first few Falco novels and then got distracted by other books, maybe I’ll try to keep them going…
chocolate muffins* January 17, 2025 at 7:46 pm Stamped from the Beginning by Ibram Kendi. I learned some things (like that Roger Taney, who wrote the Dred Scott Supreme Court opinion, also freed everyone he had enslaved – definitely did not know that!) but didn’t really follow the thread connecting the five people he was highlighting. Some of the historical facts were interesting but the anlysis did not seem particularly deep or novel, to me.
Squirrel Nutkin (the teach, not the admin)* January 17, 2025 at 8:25 pm I really enjoyed his *How to Be an Anti-Racist* — it’s a philosophy interwoven with a memoir that covers related moments in his own development as a thinker.
Dark Macadamia* January 18, 2025 at 2:00 pm That was kind of how I felt about How to Be an Anti-Racist (interesting but not novel). I think his books get promoted as kind of “beginner social justice” reading but if you already read that genre a lot or think about these topics in depth he has less of an impact.
Not A Manager* January 17, 2025 at 7:54 pm Just finished Recursion by Blake Crouch. I liked it but idk if I loved it.
HannahS* January 17, 2025 at 7:58 pm I’m slowly picking my way through The Collected Schizophrenias by Esme Weijun Wang. It’s a combination of memoir about her experience of schizoaffective disorder and discussion about psychosis and psychiatry. I think it’s good, but there’s something about the writing style that’s not to my taste. I can’t really put my finger on it. I’m still going to finish it, though. I tend to read cookbooks before bed to help me relax and fall asleep. I just finished Classic German Cooking by Luisa Weiss and enjoyed it, though I won’t be cooking from it (the recipes were pretty much either deeply unkosher or desserts lol) My go-to comfort read is the Innkeeper Series by Ilona Andrews. I’ve read their other works and find them a bit dark/gory for my taste. Since my life is tending towards hard/sad these days, I’m looking for more comforting things. Does anyone have a recommendation for something similar to the Innkeeper series?
RedinSC* January 18, 2025 at 1:39 pm you might enjoy Molly Harper’s books? the halfmoon hollow stories are about a vampire and her community in Kentucky. and then she has the Mystic Bayou stories. they’re fantasy not Sci-fi but I enjoy them.
PhyllisB* January 18, 2025 at 1:47 pm I love to read cookbooks, too. My most recent read was Betty Crocker’s Found Recipes. I liked it, but has a couple of glaring mistakes. The main one was the recipe for Black Forest cake (in this book) called for a yellow cake mix but Black Forest cake is chocolate. And the photo is showed was a chocolate. Anyone used to reading recipes and cooking would know this, but a new cook will be very confused. I don’t know how this got by the editors. I’ve considered writing to the publisher so they can correct subsequent editions. The other thing I was disappointed about was the recipes were mostly from the 80s and 90’s. I know for most of you that is old recipes, but I was hoping for some from 50s or 60s. Maybe even the 40s. True we aren’t growing victory gardens and worrying about sugar rations but I still think it would have been interesting to have a few of those included.
goddessoftransitory* January 18, 2025 at 2:00 pm That’s a pretty major error! And yeah, I would let the publishers know about it.
PhyllisB* January 18, 2025 at 10:01 pm I think I will!! I would have to go back to check the other mistake, but I think it was a reference to a recipe that wasn’t in there.
RagingADHD* January 19, 2025 at 1:11 am Try Baking Yesteryear by Dylan Hollis. He bakes found recipes from all parts of the early 20th century.
Momma Bear* January 20, 2025 at 5:29 pm Great suggestion. His book is currently being sold in ALDI, of all places.
HannahS* January 19, 2025 at 9:29 am Hm, that does sound disappointing! One of my favourite cookbooks is Bravetart by Stella Parks. It’s a history of American desserts, with long interesting essays and really great recipes. I recommend it!
Charlotte Lucas* January 17, 2025 at 8:31 pm Just finished Death in Ecstasy by Ngaio Marsh. The mystery was good, but I found the portrayal of the two gay characters problematic (it was written during the 1930s). Now I’m working through some collections of short mysteries. “Death at the Sundial Motel” shattered me in the modern collection +really good, but so sad), so I’ve moved to a collection of older English mysteries.
Rara Avis* January 17, 2025 at 9:23 pm Learned by Heart by Emma Donoghue. Well -written and based on a real lesbian couple who met at school in 1805. But like her Room, not a comforting read. Virals by Kathy Reichs. Fun YA by the author of the Temperance Brennan mysteries. The Antique Hunter’sGuide to Murder by C.L. Miller, daughter of well-known writer of antique guides. Interesting but the writing is only so-so. Next is Red, White, and Whole, a middle-grade novel in poetry about an Indian-American 12 year old coping with puberty and her mother’s leukemia diagnosis. I’m not a fan of novels told in poems, but we just heard the author talk, and it’s set in 1983, and she mentioned fashion, Cyndi Lauper, and Star Wars — I was 12 in 2983, so I figured I needed to read it.
goddessoftransitory* January 17, 2025 at 9:56 pm Just bought The City and its Uncertain Walls by Murakami, and Witchcraft for Wayward Girls, Grady Hendrix’s latest. Which I should not have done because I have a giant pile of unread books already.
hummingbird* January 17, 2025 at 10:22 pm I started Murakami’s but had to return it and then Grady’s was ready for me so reading that now. (Well, shoot. I didn’t need to return it lol it was automatically renewed, not due. Now, which do I read next??)
Double A* January 17, 2025 at 10:02 pm I just finished “The Saint of Bright Doors” by Vajra Chandrasekera. May be one of the best books I’ve ever read. I would call it mythological fantasy. Beautifully written and intriguing ideas. I’m not even sure else how to explain it. Some might call it magical realism, except it’s not set in our world. And yet if you go into it with the fantasy genre in mind, you’ll be confused.
Bike Walk Barb* January 18, 2025 at 12:07 pm Agree that this one is hard to describe! It’s fantasy if you define fantasy as writing about a world none of us have actually lived in with things happening that can’t happen in this world, but there’s so much here with the development of the religious beliefs and what they mean. The power struggles between belief systems make it a political novel too. I might even describe it as a book about troubled family relationships, but wrapped up in the political power struggles of competing religious systems. It also involves an immigrant adapting to new things, a gay or bisexual man in a place where that’s against the religious laws, caste systems, bureaucracy…. It’s a lot! I think I read it because of a recommendation here. I ran across a Reddit review that referred to it as weird but cool and I think that’s a pretty good description.
Percy Weasley* January 17, 2025 at 10:32 pm Just finished Iona Iverson’s Rules For Commuting by Clare Pooley which was delightful. Also re-read Romantic Comedy by Curtis Sittenfeld – so good!
The Dude Abides* January 18, 2025 at 12:16 am Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Found it in a cute bookstore on vacation, and reading it has made me realize two things – how much I’ve forgotten about Greco-Roman myth (I’m embarrassed at the number of references I have to look up), and how much I miss reading for pleasure We read nightly with our 5yo (currently working through the Junie B Jones box set), but I’ve finally gotten the kick up the backside to read again. Once I finish it, I’m gonna dig up some mythical texts I haven’t read in years (Eddas, Popul Vuh, etc).
English Rose* January 18, 2025 at 5:01 am Just finished Richard Osman’s latest, We Solve Murders. I wasn’t sure what to expect as this is part of a new series with new characters and I’ve so loved his Thursday Murder Club series. But these new characters are great, funny with underlying vulnerabilities which make them real. Found the final villain reveal a bit disappointing but an enjoyable read by a witty and imaginative writer.
RC* January 18, 2025 at 12:10 pm Same on the reveal. The way that character was initially described I wanted them to not be the big bad, and their motivation was pretty unsatisfying. But overall I enjoyed it.
CityMouse* January 18, 2025 at 1:45 pm I didn’t like it as much as Thursday Murder Club, but it was a good read.
Inky Fingers* January 18, 2025 at 7:31 am Yesterday finished Josh Brolin’s _From Under the Bus_, a slender memoir in a uniquely structured essay form. He may be known as a good actor but, damn, he is a stunningly poetic writer! There were pieces that literally caused me exclaim aloud, others so sharply, starkly honest I had to put the book down until the next day.
Evvy* January 18, 2025 at 8:32 am Finally picked up Guards! Guards! (Terry Pratchett’s Discworld) and it’s SO great and funny so far. I kept seeing things on the internet about how it’s a great place to start with Discworld and one of the best books. I started with Mort and Going Postal, back in high school, but it had been a long time since I read any of his stuff and I wanted to get back into it! Kairo-ko by Natsume Soseki, said to be one of (the only?) well-known Japanese adaptations of Arthurian legend. It’s about Lancelot, Guinevere, and Elaine of Astolat (love triangle!)
goddessoftransitory* January 18, 2025 at 2:05 pm I put Kairo-ko on my Amazon list right after reading this!
Evvy* January 18, 2025 at 5:43 pm I found it hard to track down as it’s out of print and not super common secondhand! But there are ways to read it online, mostly by amateur scanners trying to preserve Arthurian lit. (This is the one time I’ll read pdfs of books — if the book/story is out of print, hard to find secondhand, and no longer benefiting the author in sales.) I’d be interested to know if you manage to obtain a print version!
Six Feldspar* January 18, 2025 at 4:33 pm Yeah the first few books are more like satire of fantasy than a good doorway into the Discworld series in its own right. Hope you enjoy Guards! Guards! and the rest of the series!
Evvy* January 18, 2025 at 5:37 pm That makes sense! I remember reading the very first one (The Color of Magic…?) as a kid and being very ??? about it haha. But I loved Going Postal so much I read it three times!
PhyllisB* January 18, 2025 at 9:05 am I’ve done a lot of reading this week. Mostly light cozies except for one, The Treasure Hunter’s Club by Tom Ryan. If you ever liked Gothics you would probably like this, but it had a twist I certainly didn’t see coming. For lighter fare, I read How Not to Murder Your Ex by Katie Marsh (very funny) Low Country Boneyard by Susan Boyer (part 3 of a series) and started a new series The Psalm 23 mysteries. I can’t think of the author’s name at the moment I’ll have to report back if anyone is interested. The first title is The Lord is My Shepard. The main characters are a church secretary and a Jewish Rabbi. They solve a string of murders that were committed during Holy Week. It’s billed as a Christian cozy. There’s no sex or bad language but the muders are rather gritty. I had a hard time believing one person could perpetuate all this alone. I realize it’s fiction, but still… Now I’m reading Kale to the Queen by Nell Hampton. This is a mystery with a main character who is a personal chef to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. If you have read any of Julie Hyzy’s White House Chef mysteries it’s very similar.
Zephy* January 18, 2025 at 9:32 am I’m attempting the PopSugar Reading Challenge this year, they have a list of prompts and you have to read a book that satisfies each prompt. I just finished prompt 3, a book about space tourism, but I feel like I kind of cheated because I chose a fiction novel called Floating Hotel (Greta Curtis, 2024). Which, while the action centers on the titular hotel floating in space, it’s not about space tourism as such; we’ve skipped past the “Vacation on the Moon!” 2001 A Space Odyssey type of space tourism and humanity is now a pan-galactic society strip-mining entire planets for resources. I wanted to read Packing for Mars (Mary Roach, 2010), which I think is more in the spirit of the prompt, but my library didn’t have a copy available and I didn’t want to either wait for another branch to ship it or drive across the county myself, LOL. I do still want to read Packing for Mars and I’m close by a branch that has copies today, so maybe I’ll stop by there this afternoon.
Mrs. Frisby* January 18, 2025 at 10:09 am Just finished The Tainted Cup by Robert Jackson Bennett, and I definitely recommend it. It’s being sold as a Holmes/Watson mystery in a fantasy world. I went on a deep dive of the author after reading it, and he says he was more inspired by Nero Wolfe mysteries (which I’ve never read) than Sherlock. Anyway, I thought the world building was interesting and I really loved the dynamic between the two main characters. And there’s humor. I have added more of his books to my list.
GoryDetails* January 18, 2025 at 10:16 am Books I’ve read recently/am reading and would recommend: Small Game by Blair Braverman: cooperative survival reality show contestants find themselves stranded in the woods when the film crew doesn’t come back. Lots of gritty survival skills demonstrated – and much introspection in a very challenging situation. Birder, She Wrote by Donna Andrews – more Meg Langslow, quite entertaining. (Dedicated to Angela Lansbury for “bringing us Jessica Fletcher”) Features Pomeranian pups being trained as scent dogs, which is hilarious. All the Water in the World by Eiren Caffall, a post-apocalyptic tale from the viewpoint of a young girl who’s coped with rising ocean levels and, as the novel begins, a mega-storm that forces her small family out of their (relatively) snug home atop New York’s American Museum of Natural History. Audiobook: The Masquerades of Spring by Ben Aaronovitch, a kind of distant prequel to his “Rivers of London” books. Set in Jazz Age New York, it features Augustus “Gussie” Berrycloth-Young, who’d trained at the same school of magic as one Thomas Nightingale – but who chose to move to New York to enjoy the music and entertainments of the city. His pleasantly idle life – and his time with his boyfriend – are interrupted when Nightingale turns up, on a quest to rescue a fey from bondage at the request of the Folly’s housekeeper Molly.
Dontbeadork* January 19, 2025 at 4:02 pm I found The Masquerades of Spring to be very reminiscent of the Jeeves and Wooster books by PG Wodehouse, if anyone is hesitating about whether to read it. Very nicely done.
Nervous Nellie* January 18, 2025 at 11:34 am Two for me – my Year of Penguin Classics is coming along nicely. A late thread comment a couple of weeks ago from Little John (hi, LJ!) about Six Records of a Floating Life by Shen Fu (translated by Leonard Pratt and Chiang Su-Hui, which I was halfway through at the time, caused me to slow down and really absorb it. Thanks for that! It’s a lovely true diary from 1809 of a Chinese private secretary who recounts his work and wonderful home life with his gentle and beautiful wife. He’s a romantic and a dreamer. Hugely recommended! I am also greatly enjoying Voltaire’s two short novellas (in one Penguin): Zadig and L’ingenu. Both are witty feel-good tales – it’s no spoiler to say everyone in the tales overcomes their obstacles. It’s like he wrote the script for Ted Lasso! My used copy may have been a college textbook as L’ingenu is littered with highlighting and dogearing (who DOES that?) but the story is shouting down the previous owner’s marginalia. I could see this being a very fun operetta.
Tea Monk* January 18, 2025 at 11:36 am I’m reading The Thinking Woman’s Guide to Real Magic and it’s an amazing novel. It’s a portal fantasy and well written with gokd characterization and world building
Bike Walk Barb* January 18, 2025 at 11:50 am I just finished Starter Villain by John Scalzi, which I picked up thanks to a recommendation here. Super fun romp with punchy writing. And if you love cats, you’ll love this.
RC* January 18, 2025 at 12:16 pm I’ve made strides this week towards maybe getting the gang back together for a book club of Climate Rock Star Ayana Johnson’s “What if we get it right?” We had a group who read the previous one she edited (All We Can Save) back in 2020, and I think there’s enough interest to discuss with the same group if we can find a time for discussion. I’d been hesitating because the book was written earlier this year and now the world has proven itself to be an extra hopeless nightmare, but if anyone can frame it in a hopeful way, I’m hoping it’s her. Would be interested if anyone here has read it; I’ve only just started the copy I got for Christmas. (Am finishing Scalzi’s Old Man’s War series first; while I still enjoy his style, it’s only okay, I definitely like his more recent stuff much better.)
Amy Purralta* January 18, 2025 at 3:22 pm I’m currently reading the first part of Cher’s biography. It’s very good. It’s worth a read just for her Mum’s backstory. I don’t know how her Mum survived. The next books on my list are Butter, Yellowface, and Pachinko. The last book I read was the latest Richard Osman, We Solve Murders. I think I’m going to enjoy this series as much as The Thursday Murder Club.
kt* January 19, 2025 at 10:38 pm I went to a talk by Dr. Johnson and it was thought-provoking & so I have the book on order, but I haven’t yet read it. In the wake of events in Altadena, close to where I used to live, I need a take like hers so I’ll start once I get it. I also picked up Medicine Wheel for the Planet by Dr Jennifer Genz, and right from the beginning it’s really hitting the right spot for me. Especially in this moment, given the situation & some of my life experiences, talking about the tension she felt in bringing together a Western scientific academic worldview & her Indigenous relational worldview, and what philanthropy funded vs what was effective in terms of ecological restoration work, and and and.
Forensic13* January 18, 2025 at 4:59 pm I’m reading Death Comes to Pemberley by PD James, the mystery that takes place in the Pride and Prejudice universe, a few years after the book. I’m not sure if I like it or not, but it’s well-done, if that makes sense.
Dontbeadork* January 19, 2025 at 4:04 pm I liked it well enough, but I wasn’t wishing that they’d make it a series by the time I finished. Kind of like Pride and Prejudice and Zombies , it was a fun read, but one’s enough.
Forensic13* January 20, 2025 at 2:15 am You are kinder than I am because I finished today out of spite! I grimly told my husband that I don’t think I’ve ever read a worse mystery. Not the worst mystery book ever, as she is a stylish writer. But oof, the actual mystery parts were unbearable to me.
I liked Prodigal Summer* January 18, 2025 at 7:39 pm Am in the middle of The Making of a Major Motion Picture Masterpiece by Tom Hanks for next month’s book club. I do NOT recommend it. Too long, too wordy, tough to get through. This may be the first book club book that I do not finish.
ElastiGirl* January 18, 2025 at 10:19 pm I found his book of short stories, *Uncommon Type,* very enjoyable indeed. But I agree… *The Making of a Major Motion Picture Masterpiece* was… disappointing.
Reluctant Mezzo* January 18, 2025 at 9:44 pm Just finished “Making It So” by Patrick Stewart on audio (in his voice). He’s a much more vulnerable and emotional person than you would think from him being Picard.
Shakti* January 19, 2025 at 1:28 am I just finished “get the picture” by Bianca Bosker and I highly recommend it
carcinization* January 19, 2025 at 10:11 am Just finished Wiswell’s Someone You Can Build a Nest In. I think it was worth the hype. There were a couple of things I would have liked more explanation of, but in all it was really enjoyable!
The Gollux, Not a Mere Device* January 19, 2025 at 1:59 pm The Wednesday Wars, by Gary D. Schmidt: a historical novel about, and narrated by, a seventh grade boy in Nassau County, NY in 1967-68. He’s the only kid in his class who isn’t going to either Hebrew school or Catholic catechism classes on Wednesday afternoon, so his teacher has him start reading Shakespeare. Some of the events follow from that, and others are because of the Vietnam War. I reading this for a book club, and then decided that I liked it but had nothing particular to say about the book.
Evvy* January 19, 2025 at 6:26 pm Oh I LOVE the Wednesday Wars!! It’s been one of my favorite books all the way since I read it for school. Schmidt’s Okay For Now (set in the same world, I wouldn’t call it a sequel exactly as it follows a different main character who moves away from Holling’s neighborhood at the beginning of the book) is if anything even better. I love his writing.
StarTrek Nutcase* January 20, 2025 at 5:19 am I just devoured Vin Strong’s Lone Survivor and Lone Target (1st & 2d in a series). While I usually read sci-fi or paranormal, the covers & blurbs caught my attention. These are modern thrillers dealing with different airline terrorism from view of an Air Marshal. The action sucked me as did the Air Marshal’s decision making when 300+ lives balanced on a knife’s edge. And I enjoyed the glimpses of the ubiquitous entitled passenger or two. These aren’t tomes but definitely long enough to capture one’s interest with satisfying conclusions. I am already anxious to continue the series.
Valancy Stirling* January 17, 2025 at 7:14 pm Procrastination thread! What, if any, are you hoping to get done this weekend? (“Catch up on sleep” is an absolutely valid response!)
Past Lurker* January 17, 2025 at 7:33 pm I want to purge my closet of clothes that I don’t want anymore. I’ll donate as much as possible and hopefully repurpose or recycle the rest.
English Rose* January 18, 2025 at 5:02 am Me too. Finally going to start using that Vinted account I set up.
Mrs. Frisby* January 18, 2025 at 10:10 am I started this a few weeks ago and this weekend is when I hope to finish–box everything up for donation, store the clothes I’m keeping but don’t want hanging up right now, etc. Clearing out the piles would be good!
PhyllisB* January 19, 2025 at 5:21 pm I need to do that with my late son’s closet. I keep putting it off because I feel like I’m erasing him. When I do get to where I’m able to, can any of you suggest a group that wants professional men’s clothing? When he was in college he had to attend a lot of professional events and there are a lot of sports coats, dress slacks and such. I know this is (or used to be) a group for women’s clothing called Dress for Success that would provide women with clothing for job interviews but haven’t heard of anything similar for men. Thrift shops and sober living places don’t want them, they only want casual clothing.
Dontbeadork* January 19, 2025 at 8:16 pm If you check on the Dress for Success website, they do suggest a couple of places that take men’s professional clothes.
Dark Macadamia* January 17, 2025 at 7:50 pm Put away the Christmas tree. I took all the decorations off of it two weeks ago and all the other holiday decor is gone but this naked tree has just been looming in the corner being too hard to confront, lol
Squirrel Nutkin (the teach, not the admin)* January 17, 2025 at 8:29 pm Syllabi. Ugh. My brain is so foggy sometimes, and creating something new/modifying something existing feels like it hurts. But I know I will be much happier once I have the syllabi done and that I’ll be a better teacher once I have *my* roadmap set out for me! I don’t think I can bring myself to drive back to my apartment and clean it of pesticides in the biting cold that’s coming, but maybe later next week. Ugh.
Amber Rose* January 17, 2025 at 9:35 pm I should probably pull the Christmas lights off the lawn… It’s also time to get back to the gym. I have been sick since December but I’m more or less better except for a cough so, it’s time.
goddessoftransitory* January 17, 2025 at 10:06 pm Bring LOTS of tissues. I’ve been making myself work out post cold and man, that runny nose…
goddessoftransitory* January 17, 2025 at 10:05 pm Finish Black Ghosts and My Best Friend’s Exorcism and get moving on the book pile.
Percy Weasley* January 17, 2025 at 10:27 pm Just finished Iona Iverson’s Rules For Commuting by Clare Pooley which was delightful. Also re-read Romantic Comedy by Curtis Sittenfeld – so good!
GoryDetails* January 18, 2025 at 11:21 am Decluttering. Massive decluttering. I’ve lost some significant things in the stacks-of-stuff-to-sort-through, and I need to make room for some household repairs, and in general I’m feeling the weight of the detritus. [It’s supposed to snow, so maybe that will motivate me to stay in and sort things!]
WantToBeAGoodFriend* January 18, 2025 at 12:41 pm I bought a handful of books recently that I’m excited about, but I have no room for them in my bookcases. I’m going to clean my bookcases and pick some books to donate to make room for my new books this weekend. It shouldn’t be hard to pick which books to donate since I came up with an “acquisition and deaccession policy” for my collection a few years ago, but I feel horrible about getting rid of books anyway since I really love books. (I borrow most of the books I read from the library though, so this isn’t a constant problem or anything though.)
WellRed* January 18, 2025 at 2:20 pm I’ve been trying to rehome a bunch of books. I’ve managed to give some away on Buy Nothing and am going to stick some in my car and find some LF libraries in need of restocking. I definitely use the library when possible but it’s like the books just multiply on my shelves!
WantToBeAGoodFriend* January 18, 2025 at 10:01 pm Someone fed your books after midnight, lol! (Just googled the Gremlins movies, and there’s a third one in development!)
Amy Purralta* January 18, 2025 at 3:23 pm We’ve had an unexpected £5000 vet bill. Our 6ish year old indoor cat had server liver issues, luckily he’s turned a corner. I’m selling some of our collections this weekend to make some of the money back.
Six Feldspar* January 18, 2025 at 4:35 pm The weather and the weekend has *finally* aligned for me to be able to repaint my front porch (I need a run warm dry days when I’m not working). I did the prep Friday, undercoat yesterday and today I’ll paint the top coat (hopefully only one!)
Geriatric Rocker* January 18, 2025 at 6:44 pm The ironing, a job I hate (but not as much as I hate vacuuming). As it’s summer (and we have some 40C+ days coming up), I like to wear cotton, which means I have to iron them unless I want to go to work looking like an unmade bed.
Thorn of Queens* January 18, 2025 at 7:55 pm Watch sumo nonstop with my husband. I just got into it two years ago and it’s so much fun.
Reluctant Mezzo* January 18, 2025 at 9:45 pm I was not sleeping well early in the mornings because I was cold, so I got an electric blanket (all the warmth is on the other side of a long house at night). Ah bliss!
Six Feldspar* January 19, 2025 at 12:04 am Last winter I discovered electric throw rugs and they’re also fantastic!
Six Feldspar* January 19, 2025 at 5:06 pm Mine is warm even without being powered, has options for heat level and timing and has a click in charger like a standard electric blanket for a bed. It’s something like this model in the link below but hopefully you can find it somewhere closer to you! https://www.harveynorman.com.au/sunbeam-feel-perfect-sherpa-fleece-heated-throw-light-grey.html
Squirrel Nutkin (the teach, not the admin)* January 17, 2025 at 7:15 pm Joys thread! : ) What made you happy this week?
Valancy Stirling* January 17, 2025 at 7:15 pm I traveled to Chile with one of my best friends, who lives on the other end of the continent and whom I almost never get to see.
Southern Violet* January 17, 2025 at 11:28 pm I am currently rereading the Blue Castle and LOVE your user name! To answer the question, my cat fell asleep on me earlier and I’ve never seen a creature look so contented.
Chauncy Gardener* January 19, 2025 at 8:02 am It’s one of my favorite books! And so, your user name is one of my favorites too.
RC* January 18, 2025 at 12:18 pm Oooh which part? Summer in Patagonia is amazing (we’d intended to do TdP in December 2020 but we all know how that story ended…).
Falling Diphthong* January 17, 2025 at 7:15 pm I traded my old pair of Lothlorian wool/possum gloves for a new one. The old pair was getting thin in the palms, and the new pair is just delightfully warm and cozy and never gives me that “grk, thin spot there” when grabbing a car handle.
Six Feldspar* January 17, 2025 at 11:15 pm That possum/merino combination really is magical! I have several pairs of socks that I wear 24/7 through winter and they’re barely worn.
Hastily Blessed Fritos* January 18, 2025 at 4:06 pm Probably New Zealand possums, unrelated to American opossums.
Six Feldspar* January 18, 2025 at 4:39 pm The “possums” are brushtail possums, which are native to Australia and a protected species there. HOWEVER they were introduced to New Zealand and have become a pest species so using their fur/skins isn’t an issue for species management. It’s also an important source of possum skins and products for Australian First Nations peoples.
Goldfeesh* January 19, 2025 at 4:10 pm I’m just picturing elvish possums and no amount of fact will change my mind.
Six Feldspar* January 19, 2025 at 4:58 pm That’s hilarious! Brushtails are locally known for eating fruit and clomping around on roofs at night (seriously, a brushtail on a tin roof sounds like an elephant) so I’d put them closer to hobbits myself XD
fallingleavesofnovember* January 18, 2025 at 7:41 am Are these available in North America? I looked at their website but couldn’t see stockists outside of NZ and AUS!
Falling Diphthong* January 18, 2025 at 7:58 am I ordered these from David Morgan. (Used to order from a company called Three Islands that seems to have vanished.) They are quite reasonably priced (about $25/pair). I first got a pair in ’99 at the Sheep Expo in New Zealand, amazed at wool that was not itchy. Babied those along until the internet reached the point where it could figure out that by “Lothlarian gloves” I probably meant “Lothlorian gloves” and found a source for me. And as Six Feldspar says, the socks are great.
RedinSC* January 19, 2025 at 10:17 pm Oh, I got a a musk ox neck gater from David Morgan, it’s AMAZING, I love it so much.
Teapot Translator* January 17, 2025 at 7:21 pm Finally received my pack of dogs playing cards from Artiphany! Delivery was delayed due to the strike.
WellRed* January 17, 2025 at 7:28 pm On eBay I found a replacement for a top I loved that I didn’t get to enjoy for long because it got damaged (and I had paid full price I liked it so much). It arrives next week,
Weaponized Pumpkin* January 18, 2025 at 12:38 am I have found replacements so many fav things on eBay and it’s the best feeling!
WoodswomanWrites* January 18, 2025 at 2:04 am Same! I had a hard time finding hiking boots that fit properly until I at last I found a design that has been perfect. I’d replace them when they wore out with the new version for many years, until recently the company decided to stop making them. I went to eBay and found two pairs my size, both listed as used but they clearly were like new. Someone probably wore them once or something.
Weaponized Pumpkin* January 18, 2025 at 1:59 pm Shoes have been my biggest wins. Many replacements of discontinued or changed styles, often new. Amazing!
WantToBeAGoodFriend* January 18, 2025 at 1:09 pm Yes! I have a Tupperware container I use to pack lunch for work. The latch closure breaks off after a few years of use, but I’ve gotten a few replacements off of eBay. (Some new, some used in good condition.) I’m grateful for it!
WorkNowPaintLater* January 17, 2025 at 7:43 pm The weather warming up enough to melt the glacier that had formed around my car’s wiper blades. Catching a new episode of Will Trent. And realizing today that I can sleep in (for me) for three days in a row.
Past Lurker* January 17, 2025 at 7:45 pm The online order form for my favorite coffeehouse didn’t let me select the latte flavor I wanted. They recently changed the order form, so I flagged it in case they wanted to fix it. I picked a different flavor but alerted them in the comment section that it wouldn’t let me pick that flavor. When I went to pick it up, they had made my latte with the flavor I originally wanted!
PippinTook* January 17, 2025 at 8:14 pm watched my granddaughter sledding. my hyacinth-in-a-vase is blooming.
Might Be Spam* January 17, 2025 at 8:48 pm Two of my Christmas cacti are blooming. One is pink and the other is red.
goddessoftransitory* January 17, 2025 at 10:10 pm It finally being cold enough to enjoy our duvet rather than suffering through kicking it off the bed every night.
Knighthope* January 17, 2025 at 10:47 pm I suggested that my watercolor teacher apply to teach at an art collective she was unfamiliar with. She was hired and already has several classes coming up!
WantToBeAGoodFriend* January 18, 2025 at 1:06 pm So nice of you to encourage her to apply to the art collective job (and it’s so great that she was hired)!!!
Blythe* January 17, 2025 at 10:53 pm Complicated story that is too much for this thread— but the summary is that I am so grateful for a good situation my three (foster) teens and I are in!
The Unspeakable Queen Lisa* January 18, 2025 at 12:33 am Finally got to see a sea otter in the wild today. My hubs and I have been visiting everywhere they are reported to hang, but had no luck. But today was the day – we followed it along the shore for about 10 minutes before it swam off.
No longer single and alone* January 18, 2025 at 7:21 am How amazing! This has been a life goal of mine since I was a kid.
Rose is a rose* January 18, 2025 at 3:48 pm I got to see sea otters for the first time on my 40th birthday, they are so wonderful!
Weaponized Pumpkin* January 18, 2025 at 12:39 am My dad and I took a drive up to wine country for a lovely lunch :)
BellStell* January 18, 2025 at 2:55 am My joys were walking a lot this week, the road ice sheets melting, and fresh squeezed orange juice.
Evvy* January 18, 2025 at 8:36 am I gave myself the day off yesterday and drove a few hours to visit one of my favorite small local museums, and fulfilled a childhood dream of mine by actually buying a cute plushie from their gift shop! I always talk myself out of it (that stuff tends to be expensive LOL) but not this time and I’m very happy with my cute lil guy
WantToBeAGoodFriend* January 18, 2025 at 1:02 pm I’m not the type of person who likes cute things in general, but I have two cute plushies at work that I got as gifts from coworkers, and they do bring a lot of joy. Fulfilling your childhood dream by buying a cute plushie from a museum giftshop sounds lovely. :)
goddessoftransitory* January 18, 2025 at 2:10 pm I like buying jewelry from museum gift shops–they have nice stuff, for obvious reasons!
Sunshine State* January 20, 2025 at 9:57 am What a great idea! And you got the plushie!! (I was shopping with my cousin Saturday who reminded me I can talk myself into and out of anything! We were at Hobby Lobby at the time and she was correct. I talked myself out of a lot of things there that day!) Now I need to plan a day trip to a museum!
allathian* January 18, 2025 at 9:18 am I got a facial and pedicure today, I really enjoyed the pampering.
fallingleavesofnovember* January 18, 2025 at 11:54 am So many this week! Skating home from work one day, dinner out and orchestra the next, booking a trip with my Mum for the spring, and drinks with one of my best friends!
WantToBeAGoodFriend* January 18, 2025 at 1:05 pm It currently icy/snowy where I live, so when you said you skated home from work my first thought was that you ice-skated home, lol. Roller blading or a skateboarding would be a fun trip home too!
fallingleavesofnovember* January 18, 2025 at 7:18 pm I actually did mean ice skating! This sort of gives away my location, but my city has a canal that they turn into a long ice skating trail in the winter! Sadly climate change is having an impact and the last two years it was barely open so everyone is really excited we are getting the opportunity this year! It’s not quite close enough to skate to and from work every day, but we do it when we can!
WantToBeAGoodFriend* January 18, 2025 at 9:52 pm Oh, wow. When I thought of ice-skating home, I was thinking the roads or sidewalks were somehow ice-y enough to skate on, and then I was like, nah, it couldn’t be *that* ice-y. (Though, once when I was a kid, our back yard was a sheet of ice after a storm and a family skated across it.) I never heard of places having bodies of water that they could turn into ice-skating trails. It’s awesome that that kind of thing exists and that you get to ice-skate home! That’s so much nicer than sitting in traffic.
WantToBeAGoodFriend* January 18, 2025 at 12:59 pm I ordered a book from ThriftBooks for the first time. It’s an old, out-of-print book, and I was disappointed that they sent me the paperback instead of the hardcover I ordered. I e-mailed them about it because the listing obviously has an error (it says hardcover, but the ISBN matched the paperback sent to me). I expected to get ignored or simply told to return the book, which would really suck (I hate the hassle of going to the library to print a return label, scrounging around for packing materials, and then waiting in line at the post office on a Saturday morning to return stuff), but they responded the next day asking for more information to “look into it,” and then refunded my purchase because they didn’t have any hardcovers to send. I was shocked but happy. :) (Is it just me, or has anyone else come to expect to get horrible customer service? I’m like, “Wait, what just happened?” when I have a good customer service experience.)
Rose is a rose* January 18, 2025 at 3:40 pm We drove up to the snow and stayed in a ski cabin. Our 6.5 month-old pup got to frolic in the snow for the first time!
Be the Change* January 18, 2025 at 6:19 pm Not exactly happy but it was beautiful weather for sign-waving and demonstrating with other community members.
chocolate muffins* January 18, 2025 at 7:18 pm Spent time with two friends and their adorable new baby! I did not really enjoy my own child’s babyhood but it turns out that babies in general are marvelous when one is well-rested and in general enjoying life. I got to hold the baby while his parents ate which was a win for everyone, I think.
Rara Avis* January 19, 2025 at 4:49 pm The great thing about holding someone else’s baby is that you can hand them back when they start crying.
Clara Bowe* January 19, 2025 at 4:54 am I signed up for and went to an adult ceramics class! Haven’t done it since high school, and spent a couple hours on Friday night just playing with clay and chatting with some nice people. I also got to smash my pot at the end! (I do not want or need new things. Just creative building time.)
Chauncy Gardener* January 19, 2025 at 9:05 am Just went for a nice walk in the woods and saw a pileated woodpecker!
Shiny Penny* January 19, 2025 at 4:50 pm This week I’ve been learning about Opae Ula, aka Hawaiian Volcano Shrimp. I want more furry animals, but now is not the correct time for that! So I’m looking at all the possible indoor non-furry pets. Opae Ula sound like a fun option, and watching all the you-tubes about how to keep them has brought me a lot of joy this week.
Just a name* January 17, 2025 at 7:19 pm That kitty looks like the feral cat I’ve been feeding this winter. Although much less skittish.
Falling Diphthong* January 17, 2025 at 7:25 pm What are you watching, and would you recommend it? Blue Eyed Samurai is good if you’re up for a tale of animated revenge. This is definitely R rated, between the violence, nudity, and sex. In old Japan a mixed race warrior sets out to seek revenge on a whole lot of people. I liked the straightforward approach to brothels, and that the romance turned into less “a perfect pairing of souls” and more “we could be a step on each other’s journeys.” Returned to S2 of Silo, after taking a break because the slow pace was getting frustrating watching once a week. Will probably finish the last two episodes tonight. I like individual characters, but we have learned almost nothing and the whole middle of the season could have been an email. Did not finish No Good Deed, about the secrets that bubble up when a house is listed for sale in LA. I like stories where the house feels like a character in its own right, and this had a lot less of that than I expected–the people looking for a house needed shelter, and shelter with natural light and exposed beams is nice. They missed a chance to go much deeper on “Why do shows like House Hunters appeal so hard?” After three episodes, I didn’t care what happened to any of these people.
Teapot Translator* January 17, 2025 at 7:47 pm I’m watching The Last Detective. I like it, but I think they meant it to be funnier than it actually is.
Sloanicota* January 17, 2025 at 8:15 pm Sidenote, FD, I’ve been watching with dismay as whatever has been happening kept happening this week. I hope the site has figured out how to block that person’s IP or whatever. You are such a good commenter and it’s horrid.
Squirrel Nutkin (the teach, not the admin)* January 17, 2025 at 8:36 pm *Sex and the City* — I missed it when it was on in the late ’90s/early 2000s, though of course I read about it. I like some of its LGBTQ+ representation so far, though the language is sometimes cringey and I haven’t seen all identities fully represented yet. But it’s nice to see at least a consistent presence of gay men in the series. I wasn’t even out as bi yet when the series was on, but watching the series feels like teleporting to a more hopeful time for LGBTQ+ rights, where what was in front of us was only going to get better. I also like fact that the series does not shy away from the representation of women being able to be unapologetically sexual if they want.
Squirrel Nutkin (the teach, not the admin)* January 17, 2025 at 8:39 pm I will say there was (in my opinion) some bi erasure going on in one episode where an out apparently gay man marries a straight woman and they tell their friends they are in love and have great sex. The series seems to grudgingly admit that it’s possible (though individual characters doubt it) but never takes the step to saying, you know, lots of folks are bisexual or homoflexible — this isn’t that unheard of. That would have been nice.
Busy Middle Manager* January 18, 2025 at 11:23 am I’m surprised you like it in retrospect! I remember loving it when it was new since but have watched some clips since and it’s a tad cringy to me in retrospect. So many scenes are basically “sex, amirite?” I think too many characters on the show are basic caricatures and they only give full personalities to Miranda and maybe Charlotte. I am of the school that they actually did not want us to like Carrie even though she was the protagonist. Just a series of bad decisions she thought were cute, but that bothered or hurt other people. I remember generally liking the show, but leaving annoyed that Carrie screwed up another opportunity or relationship for no reason I think I liked it back then because of the random street scenes and the coziness of a group of friends that actually meets and does things and can afford to live near eachother (I grew up in a higher COL area and them just meeting up for dinner so often without half the friend group being an hour away is a huge luxury!)
Charlotte Lucas* January 17, 2025 at 8:38 pm I rewatched both seasons of the extremely funny British comedy Spy recently. Then realized that I want Darren Boyd and Alan Tudyk (or Wat from A Knight’s Tale, as he’s known in my household) to start in something together. Maybe as brothers.
Rara Avis* January 17, 2025 at 10:36 pm Alan Tudyk will always be Wash to me. No wait, K2! Oh, but then there’s Hei Hei …. You know what … never mind!
MissB* January 17, 2025 at 10:56 pm Episode 10 of Silo season 2 was actually pretty good, especially the last 15 minutes or so. Worth it.
Falling Diphthong* January 18, 2025 at 8:10 am I liked episode 10, but feel we stalled all the way through the middle of the season. I think the pace of doling out information about the silos got thrown out of wack. It makes sense that any society locked into small space would have some rigid ideas about order, and be designed to quash anyone curious. I can believe that the curious would still exist but keep it contained to realms where the powerful either didn’t notice or didn’t care, and then A Thing would happen that lit them onto a mystery relevant to the plot. I’m not sure how much of my frustration with the show’s pace is that not enough is being revealed about what’s going on, and how much is that the author told a different kind of story set in different constraints and this is the natural outcome of that. Basically I thought the middle of S2 needed a lot more The Martian, where there are solid tech problems to solve and a reason those take a long time.
Strive to Excel* January 17, 2025 at 11:26 pm I’ve been very hyped about Solo Levelling season 2! It’s one of the newer trend of anime with a “somehow there are monster dungeons and superheroes on Earth”, but I enjoy the art, the concept, and the fact that it keeps a tighter grasp of some of the themes and plot lines than others. It’s adapted from a wildly successful webcomic. Definitely R rated for animated violence.
allathian* January 18, 2025 at 9:58 am Yeah, my son at nearly 16 loves it. He’s never been fazed by violence in movies because he’s so aware that it’s not real, especially animated stuff. We watched the extended LotR movies with him for the first time when he was 8, for reference. We’re also watching Star Trek TAS. Skeleton Crew ended in an absolutely amazing finale. My husband and I are watching The Sopranos.
Thorn of Queens* January 18, 2025 at 8:06 pm Me too! Loved season 1, and season 2 looks good so far. But I am so so so hyped for season 2 of Apothecary Diaries! My husband found it by searching for “strong female protagonist” but it seems to be genuinely popular. Maybe it’s the Frieren effect.
Helvetica* January 18, 2025 at 6:12 am I started watching “Black Doves” on Netflix because there was a lot of hype around it. I do like it in general, although I am a bit annoyed by them being supposedly excellent spies and then relaying important and sensitive information to each other over regular phone calls on their personal phones….That is in no way secure or safe, and they should know better.
GoryDetails* January 18, 2025 at 11:15 am I just watched “Countdown”, a 2019 horror film, on Netflix – it’s leaving Netflix at the end of the month so I boosted up my watchlist. And I enjoyed it. It is a fairly typical horror film, and yet I liked the execution, jumped at the jump-scares, and was especially fond of the quirky demon-fighting priest that the protagonists met in hopes of fending off the Big Bad. [The premise: an app called “Countdown” will tell you when you’re going to die, via a full-screen count-down clock. Characters download it just for fun, and every single one of them accepts the terms and agreements without reading them first – leading to havoc when it turns out that taking steps to circumvent your given death-date means that the date will be moved up and you’ll be stalked by something really scary. Again, nothing really out of the way horror-film-wise, but I liked it. Am also getting through the older seasons of “Is It Cake,” which is a very silly show but which features some jaw-dropping photo-realistic cakes.
Ostrich Herder* January 18, 2025 at 11:21 am Extremely excited for Severance starting back up – it’s one of those wonderful shows where I’m terrified they’ll mess up the legacy of a perfect first season, but the season two opener was good!
Nervous Nellie* January 18, 2025 at 11:47 am I am riveted to the 2015 English series Humans, which I found streaming free on Tubi. It’s 3 seasons long. It’s edgy stylish sci-fi about the impact of AI and robotics on everyday life. The story is set in London in the very near future, and it’s a trip. Replicants (thank you, Philip K Dick) live in people’s homes doing their shopping and gardening, etc. and are also in most service jobs. Many of them work alongside humans covertly. Creator scientists are sympathetic advocates or mad scientists. Some replicants become sentient and search for each other for protection. It’s a marvelous cast, and the story is bursting with things to consider. I personally am very uneasy about the advent of AI and what it may do to my job and others’ jobs, but this series makes me feel sympathy for some of the replicants. Interesting! As a lifelong fan of Blade Runner, I can say this series expands on those ideas, and that Philip K Dick would be nervous today with our phones, cars, fridges etc. monitoring us….
Bike Walk Barb* January 18, 2025 at 12:14 pm Humans was good. I hoped they’d go on for one more season to explore implications of the last episode.
Nervous Nellie* January 18, 2025 at 12:35 pm Ah, I’m only on Season 2, and am hopeful it doesn’t end on a cliffhanger. But then again, AI kind of is a cliffhanger in our lives, so maybe that would be apt.
Thorn of Queens* January 18, 2025 at 8:16 pm I really enjoyed Blue Eyed Samurai. I recently found a series called My New Boss is Goofy (Atarashii Joushi wa Do Tennen) that I absolutely loved. It’s about a young man with PTSD from an abusive boss and how his goofy and supportive new workplace helps him heal. It’s one of those feel-good shows I put on when I want to destress and laugh.
Rosyglasses* January 19, 2025 at 10:42 pm Just discovered Staged on Britbox after seeing a few shorts on Instagram. Michael Sheen and David Tennant started it during 2020 and it’s pretty hilarious!
StarTrek Nutcase* January 20, 2025 at 5:33 am After seeing some YouTube shorts, I got the Mandalorian series on DVD. It’s a offshoot of Star Wars. Originally on Disney+ (which I don’t have), it’s a high quality production. While it’s obviously fantasy sci-fi set in a universe far, far away, it’s themes are familiar (religion, politics, underdog, adoptive love, honor, etc.). And while there’s lots of action/adventure, it’s really a tale of relationships including a baby (50 yo) of Yoda’s species. It’s like sci-fi chocolate – a yummy guilty pleasure.
Quinalla* January 20, 2025 at 3:33 pm Severance is back and AMAZING! And just finished Silo which I really loved.
RLC* January 17, 2025 at 7:40 pm Grendel’s expression seems to say “you weren’t supposed to see me up here !” Would love the backstory on how he got to that perch.
Aphrodite* January 17, 2025 at 8:52 pm Is it a perch? It appears to be not more than about two inches wide.
Ask a Manager* Post authorJanuary 17, 2025 at 9:26 pm It’s a big slab of live edge wood that’s hanging on the wall. He’s discovered that he can jump from the top of the cat tree in the corner onto the wood slab and walk along it. He’s also discovered that he can jump from the cat tree to the top of the window blinds, which I am less happy about.
goddessoftransitory* January 17, 2025 at 10:27 pm Allison, have you seen the comic strip Breaking Cat News? It is hilarious and I think you would really, really relate.
RLC* January 18, 2025 at 12:05 am Proof of my theory that there once was a feline Cirque du Soleil: when it disbanded the former troupe members dispersed and were adopted into human households around the world. One of them is evidently living with Alison. Another lives with us and maintains her acrobatic skills walking along the 1/2” wide top edge of our TV then leaping gracefully to the 2” wide top frame of a 6-1/2’ tall mirror. (TV and mirror are secured to house structural framing with seismic restraint brackets for safety.)
Falling Diphthong* January 18, 2025 at 8:14 am The Spanish Inquisition spent a long time practicing leaping onto the newel post at the bottom of the stairs. And not in a graceful “clearly I mean to be hanging sideways off this thing with my ears flat” way. But she persevered, and can now leap dramatically onto the newel post and bypass the bottom of the stairs. I don’t know why this was an essential pathway to develop, but it was.
allathian* January 19, 2025 at 3:00 am My parents’ cat used to perch on the curtain rail in their living room/office as a young adult. He’d jump from the floor to the desk and from there to the rail.
GoryDetails* January 18, 2025 at 11:08 am Love the photo! Brings back memories of a fluffy grey cat my family had when I was a kid. She could jump to the top of an open door – from a standing start, too. She even made it up to a picture-rail that couldn’t have been 2 inches wide, and how she stuck there I do not know. I think she just used those feline gravity-control powers, the same ones that let a small cat increase in weight when they want to pin you to the chair or mattress.
Anon5775* January 17, 2025 at 7:48 pm My partner and I are thinking of going to Lincoln or Omaha Nebraska for our summer trip. We like staying in Airbnb’s, but since we’ve never been to either city before, we’re not sure of the best neighborhoods to stay in to be close to say, the zoo, and other attractions. Alternatively if there are neighborhoods to avoid, I’d love that info as well. Can’t miss attractions we should see are also welcome. Thanks!
Enjoy Nebraska* January 17, 2025 at 8:42 pm I live near but not in those areas. Don’t go during the College World series unless you are going FOR the College World Series. Also don’t go during Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting. Both of these are in Omaha and lodging prices are sky high. Then it depends – adults only or adults and kids? What do you like to do? Lincoln has some off-the-wall museums: roller skating museum, World of Speed (HUGE), International Quilt Museum, there’s a museum on the college campus. In between Lincoln and Omaha is a big outlet mall, Baker’s chocolate company, and the SAC (Strategic Air Command) museum. Omaha has its share of museums, so look at them and see if their exhibits are what interest you. The Durham Museum is small , it’s had some good exhibits and some not-so-good; Joslyn Art Museum, tour of Joslyn Castle if you like cool old historic buildings. There’s a Black History Museum (I haven’t been there yet), a children’s museum in both cities. Bellevue (near Omaha) has Fontenelle Forest Tree Rush. I’m not sure about areas where there would be Airbnbs.
Ginger Cat Lady* January 17, 2025 at 10:53 pm I got the same advice to eat at Runza’s when I went there and it was….not good.
Jean (just Jean)* January 17, 2025 at 10:53 pm What is Runzas and what is their specialty? Inquiring minds* want to know. Thank you! *mine and probably those of some other folks in the wider AAM community :-)
Generic Name* January 18, 2025 at 9:57 am It’s white bread with seasoned ground beef and cabbage in the middle. Traditionally the filling is baked inside the bread, but I noticed maybe early 2000s they switched to just slicing a long roll and plopping the meat in the middle, which isn’t as good. The flavor profile is “savory meat”. I believe it’s German heritage. It’s a fast food restaurant, so set expectations accordingly.
Frieda* January 17, 2025 at 11:45 pm Staying in Midtown in Omaha (maybe Aksarben or Blackstone) will give you proximity to the zoo, the Old Market/downtown, the beautiful new riverfront park and museums, the botanical garden, etc. IMO there’s more interesting food in Lincoln and the Capitol is fun, and there are museums at UNL.
Generic Name* January 18, 2025 at 9:55 am I agree with this. Dundee is a cute historic neighborhood close to all that stuff as well (that’s where I grew up). As far as stuff to do: Henry Doorly Zoo (number one zoo in the world) Durham history museum Lauretzen Botanical Gardens Hang out at the Old Market Air and Space Museum (closer to Lincoln, but it’s just a 30 min drive from Dundee) Kiewit Luminarium Joselyn Art Museum Interesting about the food. I always thought it was my mom’s pedestrian tastes in food, but maybe it’s the restaurants? Jaipur in Dundee has good Indian food. The Mattress Factory near downtown has good bar food.
Frieda* January 18, 2025 at 1:30 pm Yes on Dundee! Omaha has lots of good Indian food, a few really good Middle Eastern places, one good and one medium Ethiopian place, and lots of Mexican/Central American, but I think of Lincoln as having more fun niche places – Banhwich for banh-mi and several other Vietnamese places, Pepe’s Bistro… but there’s probably some nostalga coloring my POV since we used to be in Lincoln a lot and haven’t so much recently. The restaurant group that includes Blatt Beer and Table and Blu Sushi is pretty good, too.
MaxKitty* January 18, 2025 at 10:04 am The Durham Museum is inside Omaha’s gorgeous Art Deco Union Station. And it has an operating old-fashioned soda fountain.
Enjoy Nebraska* January 18, 2025 at 2:06 pm Runzas – some people like them, some don’t. But it’s a very regional thing so yes, you have to try one at least! That’s why I said the basic one (regular or regular with cheese); I don’t care for the specialty types. They came over to Nebraska from Germans who lived in Russia. It’s a chain, but many, many people make their own. Quite like a bierock. A highly rated sushi chef is here and you can have his omakase for $$$ at Yoshimoto, I think. Umami, in Bellevue (just south of Omaha) has an award-winning sushi chef. Of course, if you eat meat, there are many notable beef restaurants.
Stunt Apple Breeder* January 18, 2025 at 4:44 pm If you you plan on being in NE over the 4th of July, check out Seward’s fireworks show!
MissB* January 17, 2025 at 7:50 pm How does your garden planning go? Too wintery here to be growing much and this is the time of year that I really narrow down my choices of what to grow this year. So tell me what seeds/plants/new things you’re trying this year! I’m using the seed snail method for much of my seed starting this year. I’m looking forward to trying Biquinho peppers this year too. They’re super cute and supposedly good to pickle.
Middle Aged Lady* January 17, 2025 at 8:04 pm We are expanding space, putting in raised beds, and plan to add green beans and maybe some bell peppers to our mix of tomatoes, yellow squash, zucchini, white onions, and eggplant. Also moving the perennial herbs out of pots into a designated garden spot. What is the seed snail method? We usually start some seeds in the garage under a grow light.
MissB* January 17, 2025 at 11:29 pm It uses soil along a roll of material- some folks use the thin foam that is used in packaging and some folks use burlap or other material. I use about 30” length of material and the height is a bit less than the container you want to use. I use half gallon round plastic pots. Spread a layer of moist dirt (maybe 1/4-1/3” thick) on the material then roll it up and tape it. Stick that “seed snail” in the plastic pot, then plant the seeds along the spiral at the top. Cover seeds as usual, then I use a plastic bag on top for inside germination until the seeds emerge. Once you have seedlings, you can unroll and add dirt as needed. The roots don’t really get tangled too much and you can grow quite a few seedlings in a smaller space plus the depth of the container allows for deep roots. Gently separate them when you’re ready to plant out. I used it last year to grow out my outdoor seedlings for fall.
Middle Aged Lady* January 18, 2025 at 3:39 pm Thank you for that thorough explanation! As soon as I posted, I realized I could have looked it up—but probably would not have got so much detail. It’s our first year in a long time to grow beans. We will see what Territorial Seeds has for our area (PNW). I am leaning towards bush, but Mr Middle Aged Lady will probably want pole, because it means he will be called on to build a structure for them to grow on!
MissB* January 18, 2025 at 5:53 pm Haha! That’s great that he wants to build structures. I have limited vertical space so I tend to tuck bush beans in everywhere along the edges of my raised beds. I really love territorial’s Desperado bush green bean- it’s the only one I’ll grow. (I do grow yellow waxed and purple too for fresh eating and black bush bean for dried beans.)
fallingleavesofnovember* January 18, 2025 at 7:21 pm Thank you for sharing, I think we will give this method a try!
Jean (just Jean)* January 17, 2025 at 10:54 pm Landless apartment dweller (and would-be gardener) here. What is the seed snail method? Thank you and enjoy your garden planning!
Professor Plum* January 18, 2025 at 12:42 am I also have no outdoor space for gardening. I’ve really enjoyed my aerogardens for indoor gardening—herbs and greens so far. Getting ready to start tomatoes.
Red Reader the Adulting Fairy* January 18, 2025 at 6:25 am We found with our aerogarden tomato experience – don’t fill more than half the spots. We filled all six of our spots and when they were getting big enough to start flowering, there were enough roots to choke out the pump and block the water sensor, so the thing went dry but the “please water me” light didn’t go on so we didn’t realize it til the plants all dried up literally overnight and the pump was making awful noises trying to run dry. So start with 2-3 pods and see how it goes first!
Professor Plum* January 18, 2025 at 9:48 am Thanks for sharing your experience. What I’ve read is 1 pod for every 3 spaces for flowering plants—now I know why. Herbs and greens can apparently fill every space.
Red Reader the Adulting Fairy* January 18, 2025 at 11:15 am Yep, exactly — our herbs and lettuces did fine with all spaces filled, and we didn’t even think to look into how to space other plants. :)
BellStell* January 18, 2025 at 3:03 am Today I noticed on my indoor tomato plant that I have five small flowers! I brought in a straggler in October and it is blooming and 18 inches tall. Today will go get some soil and bulbs and containers for my balcony garden for spring. Also the birds love the bird seed I have out so may get some sunflowers from the mess they make.
CityMouse* January 18, 2025 at 3:30 am We built basically a care around our garden plot in an attempt to foil the deer. We will see if it works.
MissB* January 18, 2025 at 5:57 pm I’m sorry! I know it’s challenging to deal with deer. They used to come in and eat everything – hostas, roses, columbine. We built a fence around the garden that had a panel and then a 2’ gap before the top piece. They won’t jump through the gap between the panel and top and while it requires taller posts, it uses less material overall. But what really helped was getting a fully fenced yard so our dogs could go out and patrol the entire yard. Haven’t had deer come in for years, and I now grow roses fearlessly, lol. Hope your cage works!
Falling Diphthong* January 18, 2025 at 8:18 am Someone here asked about winter sowing. I had to go to a neighboring town building and noticed signs about where to go for the winter sowing class. So I pass this on as a spot to look for such information, designed to be local to the microclimate.
Spacewoman Spiff* January 18, 2025 at 8:51 am So cool! I was the person who asked about winter sowing, and this is a nice reminder to me to look into local classes for building my gardening knowledge. I bet my city has a lot of resources I don’t know about.
fallingleavesofnovember* January 18, 2025 at 7:22 pm My town has lots of gardening Facebook groups and such too that often have info on these!
Spacewoman Spiff* January 18, 2025 at 9:02 am This is only my second year with a garden (and my first where I can actually plan—last year was a late rush to the hardware store to buy whatever plants they had) and so everything is new and I’m very excited for the spring! I’m trying to get a good mix of heights and colors into my garden, and I also have some containers which I’m hoping to do more with than I managed last year. I’m trying to make it very pollinator-friendly and am bringing in some perennials this year, so I’m hoping I manage to arrange things so I have a nice number of blooms this year…I know some of the plants won’t really get going this summer. I’m planning to plant: hollyhock, bachelor’s buttons, milkweed, coneflower, marigold, black eyed Susan (two types, one vining), zinnia, creeping thyme, lobelia, sweet alyssum, bells of Ireland, cosmos, larkspur, and lavender. All new to me, sure to be an adventure! This is also my first year winter sowing (thank you again to everyone here who had advice) and have started the seeds that need cold stratification…planning to get the rest out in the next couple months. If it works, I’m really liking this approach to sowing and how it lets me do some gardening stuff in the dead of winter.
Frieda* January 18, 2025 at 9:36 am I’m putting in an arch for better support for cucumbers, beans, and peas. (I went to look at the materials I want to buy at Farm and Fleet, just to see what I would need to do for transport home since we don’t have a truck, and the woman who was helping us briefly thought I wanted to strap an 80 inch cattle panel to the top of my Prius. Good times!) That will involve amending the soil in one new bed and converting some existing raised beds for more tomatoes, which is my top-priority vegetable. I’m also going to give seed starting another shot – my soil hosted too many gnats last year and the whole project was a little wobbly. I might delay a few weeks for warmer weather and get heated seed mats and put the little indoor greenhouse on my sun porch, which is enclosed but not insulated. We’ve been in this house four years in July so I think it will be a big transplanting year for me! I’ve also got seeds from a variety of friends – mostly native flowers – that I’m excited to put in. I keep bees which is fun but also I worry that my bees provide competition for native bees so I try to over-populate my garden with native pollinator plants.
MissB* January 18, 2025 at 5:44 pm Awesome! We put in two arches last year and ended up getting some 8’ tall material and then just zip tying the top together in about 6-7 places. We used two pieces of wood to create more of an arch towards the top- just scrap lumber that you wedge along the top three or four squares between the two panels. Not totally necessary depending on the arch shape you want. It was a lot easier to move 8’ long panels vs 16’ long panels, lol. We even have a truck. We just pounded in the t-posts (oh, breaking a new irrigation line in the process) and zip tied the panels to those and then grabbed a ladder and zip tied the top. I’m sure I saw a video somewhere. Oh, found it on YouTube – called making a Gothic arch garden trellis. (The Gothic arch matches our green house door arched windows)
Ellis Bell* January 18, 2025 at 12:13 pm This winter has taught me that in spite of my camellias, bamboo and privet topiary I still need yet more evergreen structure, but they have to be both kitty safe and low pollen. I’m thinking a column of Rosemary Tuscan Blue, and some dwarf picea/spruce and maybe some (female) bay lollipops (not kitty safe but too high and spindly for cat climbing). I’m going to sow annuals for the first time (not counting the cornflowers I grew ahead of time in autumn) I’m going to sow a lot of decorative salvias to go below the roses, as well as alyssum, saxifrage, and lobelia. I also want to do better with tomatoes than my miserable effort last year. I think I need to create more heat and sun, and certainly pest protection. Pill bugs and snails won hands down, with strawberries too. I’m really excited about the helianthemum seedlings that took off well in the autumn and have been overwintering beneath a dome. Evergreen groundcover that flowers for months!
Chauncy Gardener* January 18, 2025 at 3:55 pm Trying Shishito peppers this year, also celery, both from seed. Fingers crossed! I love being in my deep parallel gardening fantasy universe while it’s busy being winter outside. Seed catalogues are the BEST form of entertainment.
Rara Avis* January 19, 2025 at 4:51 pm It has been quite warm in CA this winter, and our purple irises are already blooming.
Teapot Translator* January 17, 2025 at 7:52 pm I got myself a brand new deck of playing cards. What are you favourite card games to play alone? I’ll look them up on the Internet.
Peanut Hamper* January 17, 2025 at 8:15 pm Plain old solitaire always works for me. I think it’s the “Klondike” version, but I’m not entirely sure.
The Dude Abides* January 18, 2025 at 12:18 am Klondike is the traditional one, yes. Sometimes I’ll play single-deck blackjack for fun and to practice basic counting. I have a 8-sided folding table and a case of poker chips, waiting for the day I can teach my daughter to take kids’ allowances.
Nervous Nellie* January 18, 2025 at 11:51 am Be sure to get her the visor and teach her the riffle and wash methods of shuffling. The players will be so dazzled they’ll just place their allowance on the table and call their Mums to come collect them.
Charlotte Lucas* January 17, 2025 at 8:42 pm I like 13, also known as Pyramid. I love Free Cell as a computer game but have never tried to play it with real cards.
Falling Diphthong* January 18, 2025 at 8:20 am I played it with real cards on a trip, and there is an advantage to being able to decide that there is probably another cell here.
allathian* January 18, 2025 at 9:27 am Somewhere I have a tiny deck of cards, about 2 in by 1 in. The deck is small enough to play Free Cell on a large tray, although shuffling the ordinary way is impossible.
Falling Diphthong* January 17, 2025 at 10:12 pm Arkadium has some solitaire games; I particularly like Free Cell Solitaire and Tri Peaks Solitaire. (You could figure out the rules by playing a few online games.)
Saturday* January 18, 2025 at 11:31 am I like Accordion. I see some rules online say to start by laying out the whole deck at once, but I’ve always played it by starting with a line of… 10? 12? 13? cards. I can’t quite remember, but something like that.
Forrest Rhodes* January 18, 2025 at 1:11 pm Oh, my gosh! Thank you, Saturday! I had to google it, then realized I’ve been playing Accordion since I was a kid (back in the Mesozoic)! My grandparents and great-grands were, um, great card players, and among the many other things they taught me were about six different kinds of solitaire. Accordion was one of them, but we just called it “that game that nobody ever wins”!
Saturday* January 18, 2025 at 3:18 pm I actually didn’t know what it was called either until I looked it up today! My sister taught be how to play when I was a kid (also maaaannnny years ago). I’ve gotta pull out my cards so I can play it again!
Forrest Rhodes* January 19, 2025 at 1:15 pm About starting a game: We always laid out four cards, then added one card at a time, playing them whenever possible. Laying out all 52 at once just seems overwhelming to me. The best result I ever achieved was 51 in the first stack and one lone card left over—I’m counting that as a semi-win. One of my aunts said she actually did end up with all 52 in one stack … but none of us were around to see it, so the family gave her an asterisk with that win! :)
Dontbeadork* January 18, 2025 at 11:55 am I really like Forty Thieves, but it’s a two deck game. And my hands can’t shuffle two decks as well as they used to.
Don’t make me come over there* January 17, 2025 at 8:02 pm I asked for podcast recommendations recently and you all came through! Really enjoying 99% Invisible, and looking forward to checking out the others. Thanks!
Part time lab tech* January 18, 2025 at 2:12 am I’ve been listening to that too. It’s great. I particularly enjoyed the ones about invisible women and nobody’s average.
Peanut Hamper* January 17, 2025 at 8:12 pm I have (ironically) a weird question about peanuts. A few months ago, I bought a container of Fisher dry-roasted peanuts at Menard’s. They were delicious for a few days, but then I noticed they had a musty/moldy smell. Well, peanuts can grow mold and I figured that’s what I get for buying a cheap brand at Menard’s, so I threw them out. Then I bought some at Walmart (the Great Value brand) and had the same experience. Tasted great for 4-7 days, then had a musty/moldy smell. I thought that maybe they were from the same manufacturer (a slim chance, but still a chance) so I threw those out as well. A month later I bought name-brand dry roasted peanuts. And the same thing happened: fine for a few days, then a weird musty/moldy smell when I opened the container. Out they went. After that, I noticed that my jar of peanut butter from Aldi (which I love and have loved because it’s the bomb and thus I have been eating it for years) had the same smell. I did not throw it out, because I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Fast forward until this week, and I opened the jar of peanut butter and the smell is gone. Tasted a bit and it tasted fine. My question is….is there something weird going on with peanuts that I don’t know about? (A peanut recall I missed, maybe? I didn’t find anything at the other end of a google search that affected the smell of dry-roasted peanuts.) A bad year for peanuts? Possibly storing them wrong? (Although I’ve used the same pantry for years now.) I could think that I am imagining this, but it was just weird. Has anyone had a similar experience with a particular food? I’m completely perplexed. Googling “weird disease that makes peanuts smell bad” just brought up a lot of articles about peanut allergies and I am definitely not allergic to peanuts. (As proved by the large number of peanut butter cookies I bought from the store last week and ate.) Not looking for medical advice, just clues. Nothing else has smelled off to me in the past year.
Not A Manager* January 17, 2025 at 8:23 pm When you open a peanut product, try storing it in the freezer (nuts) or fridge (peanut butter). See if that helps.
ThatGirl* January 17, 2025 at 8:48 pm Is there anyone you could ask next time? You don’t mention a partner or roommate but maybe a friend or coworker? I’d be curious if anyone else smelled it.
Washing Walls* January 17, 2025 at 8:54 pm Did you get sick in that time that could have caused allergy-like symptoms to peanuts? Maybe the smell was only in your head (not mentally, but I couldn’t find a better term).
bishbah* January 17, 2025 at 10:12 pm I got pine mouth once and it was horrific. But that made *everything* taste bad, not just the nuts.
A313* January 18, 2025 at 9:26 am I’d never heard of this and just looked it up — interesting! And so glad it doesn’t last forever!
goddessoftransitory* January 17, 2025 at 10:19 pm Have you been sick or taking any medications recently? Sometimes either one of those things can affect taste and smell.
allathian* January 18, 2025 at 9:32 am No clue about the pennut butter, but peanuts contain a lot of fat and when it goes off, the taste goes stale.
Ellis Bell* January 18, 2025 at 12:48 pm The only conditions I know of that mess with your sense of smell, are COVID and pregnancy; don’t know how helpful that is! The other thing to consider is if when you opened the nuts/peanut butter where you in the same spot each time? If you were in the vicinity of something else that smelled musty/mouldy; food is really good at absorbing smells or appearing to be the source of a smell, and when the actual smell went/dried out, then you realised the food was okay. It would have been interesting to try storing/opening the nuts somewhere else to see if that changed your response to them.
Cai* January 19, 2025 at 7:31 pm Yes, maybe there’s a mouldy smell in the part of the home that OP is opening the peanuts in? Could be something caught under an appliance or under the trash can?
Armchair Analyst* January 18, 2025 at 1:51 pm You could put something in with the peanuts that absorb moisture – like a teaspoon of uncooked rice. Don’t eat it, but it’s edible so it would be fine if you did (unlike a silica gel packet)
empossible* January 18, 2025 at 3:05 pm It could be because fresh nuts do go rancid. it’s from the high fat content. I’ve known plenty of people who store almonds and walnuts in the fridge for this reason. (Although I’m surprised you have the experience with peanut butter, unless it’s no-sugar PB. sugar can act like a type of preservative.) It’s the same reason why if you grind fresh flour directly from wheat berries that the flour and bread itself can go rancid!
fhqwhgads* January 19, 2025 at 1:02 am True although I wouldn’t generally expect it to happen withing 4 days of opening…with the exception of the package that had been on the shelf for a few months.
PX* January 18, 2025 at 4:35 pm I think the smell might either not be exactly musty/mouldy but perhaps something like offgassing? Probably not the right technical term, but perhaps something about how you are keeping them/how they are now manufactured/the container/whatever means that as they acclimatize to your house they either release more chemicals/the chemicals in them react to something and then once they are acclimated the smell goes away? Things to help narrow it down: has this happened before? has anything changed in how you store them? is it the actual peanuts which smell or the container (eg the if you took them out and put them on a plate or other surface, would they smell), if you waited before tossing them, do they still smell, if you decanted them into a separate container from how you bought them, would they smell? etc etc.
And thanks for the coffee* January 20, 2025 at 11:56 am Once I was at a restaurant and ordered ice cream with chocolate syrup. I insisted it did not taste like chocolate. They showed me the can and everything. Later I realized that maybe it was because I was taking Flagyl, an antibiotic. It apparently altered the taste for me. I never went back to that restaurant because I was so embarrassed. This was way before COVID.
BeachyKeen* January 17, 2025 at 8:52 pm Looking for feedback/stories from folks who moved to a new city for a better climate/nature- do you feel it actually improved your QOL? I currently live in the Northeast US. I like where I live- good COL, exciting urban life, culture etc. I have lots of friends and a good community here which means a lot to me. I live 90 minutes from the beach, which I get to go 4 months out of the year because we have all four seasons. During those 4 months, and from trips I’ve been on in beach towns/cities, I realized my days feel more worthwhile and I just feel better when I “end” my day on the beach. It feels kind of sad to be living for those 4 months when this could be my life everyday if I had the guts to move and give it a try. I consider myself a realistic person- I know if I moved, I probably won’t go to the beach as much as I think, no place is perfect or comes without its flaws and the beach isn’t going to make everyday better. I also know I’d be looking at higher COL, home is where you make it and building community isn’t easy. I am single, without kids so I don’t need to worry about community the way some others do. I really have no desire to leave my current city besides this so would love to hear from others if making a change like this actually made an improvement in your quality of life
Lisa* January 18, 2025 at 1:04 am You’re single without kids. Go! Try it out! If you find out it’s not all it’s cracked up to be, you can always move back. There’s no law you have to stay forever. Or you could even try different beach towns. I just moved from the east coast to the west coast and the nature options are totally different. I get to see new, breathtaking scenery all the time, and I’m really happy with my new town that also has cool, quirky events and people. I do wish I had 4 seasons, but I didn’t have that back east either. Anyway, “not everyday” and “way more often” are not the same thing. I’ve done the really big move/relocate to a new state thing twice and both times improved my QOL.
Squirrel Nutkin (the teach, not the admin)* January 18, 2025 at 9:58 am I agree with Lisa’s theory here — if there’s nothing tying you to your current location, this is the perfect time to experiment and see what makes you happy! Like she said, you can always move back if you decide you like your old location better. Better to try than get stuck in thinking “would’ve, could’ve, should’ve.” I lived in several places around the US, and while I enjoyed different things about each one and learned new things from each one, I ultimately wound up in an area that is near and culturally similar to the place where I grew up, and I am glad to be back here. However, I think that I would have felt stifled and hemmed in if I hadn’t lived in a bunch of other places and just stayed here the whole time. So spread your wings and fly now, while it’s easy!
BellStell* January 18, 2025 at 3:11 am Yes! One year ago I moved to a small mountain village from a small town. I am 2minutes from the forest, have foxes and chamois and loads of birds, walk all the time even in the snow and ice, and it is quiet here with nice neighbours in my building. I moved due to a bad bad neighbour with a noisy toddler who was up running around until 1am each night (five of seven nights at least) & that neighbour flooded the building so I found a cheaper smaller place and moved and it has been TheBest thing for my mental health!
Red Reader the Adulting Fairy* January 18, 2025 at 6:29 am I loved Seattle as a place but couldn’t deal with 9 months a year of gloom and drizzle. I moved back to somewhere with real seasons and my mental health immediately improved. (But I also now have a lower COL, much better career advancement, and terrible state politics, so there’s always pros and cons.)
six sided snowflake* January 18, 2025 at 7:14 am I’m also a beach person. I spent 20 years (just moved this year due to lay-off, boo!) living in a small apartment in a high COL city, 4 blocks from the beach. I would walk past the beach 4-5 times a week. I’d made a detour to go by the beach. If it’s in your soul, your soul will feel better for being by the water.
Sloanicota* January 18, 2025 at 9:07 am I used to live on the Lake Michigan shoreline. I really did go to the beach every day, but that’s because I was literally steps from it at my job/home. When I moved even just 10 miles inland, I went so much less. But it truly was glorious when I lived there. If it’s not realistic to move to the beach, what about a temporary thing so you can say you did it? Could you commit to renting an air bnb four times this year or for one whole season, perhaps working remotely? The biggest returns are probably in the first year, then other frustrations popped up after that, as they always do.
Mostly Managing* January 18, 2025 at 11:29 am Does going to the beach have to involve swimming? My sister has a similar love of the ocean, and gets to the beach as often as she can all year round (coastal city). In summer she swims. In the spring and fall she wades. In the winter she bundles up against the cold and walks the beach and looks at the ice and snow – at least on the weekends, when she doesn’t have darker evenings to work around. As others have said, you are at a good stage to try living somewhere completely different if you want to. But maybe a different perspective on the beach could also help
Can't Sit Still* January 18, 2025 at 11:39 am I’ve always been happiest near moving water, but that wasn’t always affordable or realistic. When my company relocated, I took the relocation package, because it meant I could live near water. Now I live in a condo with water features made to look like natural flowing water AND I can see the ocean pretty much everywhere except inside my condo. Ok, I can see peeks of it, but even the biggest fabulist wouldn’t say “ocean views.” My QOL has improved dramatically. It makes me SO happy to see the ocean when I’m coming back from the grocery store or on the way to work or just taking out the trash. It was absolutely worth it to me to buy a small condo rather than a larger SFH farther away from the office.
Longing for the Beach Too* January 18, 2025 at 12:09 pm I’ve done it and yes, it made a huge impact for me. I think the thing to keep in mind is any of the negatives that will also impact your quality of life. I’m now looking to move again since one of the huge draws to this area has been greatly diminished by changes in other aspects. Think – I moved for a quiet beach town and now it is a rowdy spring break spot 365 days a year type situation, so I’m now more unhappy that I can no longer enjoy the beach that is right in front of me.
Ideas welcome!* January 18, 2025 at 1:08 pm I’ve done an intentional QOL move before (to Portland, OR) and loved it. I’m at a different place in my life now and wanting to make another move. For those who love their new locations, would you care to share where? I have the ability, and the mindset, but am struggling to come up with new ideas. I don’t know what I don’t know!
empossible* January 18, 2025 at 3:17 pm We moved for climate reasons! It improved our quality of life, but mainly because we go for daily walks. Daily walks were impossible in MN, and we also were looking for places with better sunshine and latitude (for vitamin D). We did a lot of research before moving, including visiting multiple towns. Ultimately, I think it’s important to remember that EVERY place has pros and cons, so the best you can do is maximize the pros. And the other important thing is that what is “quality of life” for you? We considered the community events, the feel of the town (like layout, traffic), and the day-to-day amenities (groceries and stuff). I love that we’re closer to hiking and mountain biking now, even though that will be seasonal. I am looking forward to having Zone 8 growing now, which is an entirely new project for me.
Generic Name* January 18, 2025 at 8:05 pm I’m originally from the Midwest, but moved from Texas to Colorado because I couldn’t stand the heat in Texas. Plus, even though I lived there for years, I was seen as a Yankee outsider. Texas is very snobby and provincial. I think the climate here is about perfect (if a bit too hot). Much happier now (the culture is closer to what I grew up with, which helps). Not to discourage you, but consider if your happiness when you end you end your day at the beach is because you are on vacation and are therefore more relaxed in general. Something to think about!
Peregrine* January 18, 2025 at 10:14 pm Living near nature as opposed to in the suburbs or city really improves my QOL. I lived in a beach town for several years and it was wonderful. I did actually to the beach a lot, because it was so close and I could go on off times to avoid the traffic, and could go at night, bird watching, for walks in winter, etc. If you can, I’d absolutely move closer.
Fire Country* January 18, 2025 at 11:06 pm No, moving to a higher nature quotient area did not improve the quality of my life. I don’t regret it because I have no desire to go back, but I am ambivalent here at best. When I’m out hiking I ask myself “would I really want to give this up?” But it doesn’t offset the isolation (especially after covid and the resulting polarization), the environmental risk, and poor health care access.
fhqwhgads* January 19, 2025 at 1:04 am Moving somewhere that Does Not Snow absolutely did great things for my mental health.
Sloanicota* January 19, 2025 at 9:28 am I agree that moving from a place with long grey winters to short sunny winters was a big boon to me, because it allows me to get outdoors most days and get some exercise / fresh air, which makes a huge difference for my mental health. I’m glad to still have four seasons, just … less of one.
bay scamp* January 19, 2025 at 11:41 am I love the beach (though we often call it something else where I live now). In high school I lived 20 minutes or so away and I wanted to go more than anyone else I knew and always enjoyed it when I went. After graduate school I moved to the beach. I had a demanding job (this was a bad economic time so I was lucky to have one at all) and didn’t go down to the actual water more than a few times, though I took walks more often than that where I could see the water at least. There hadn’t been hurricanes for a long time when I moved there, but the hurricanes started up again that fall and now they are more common again, I guess due to climate change. After losing everything due to a hurricane I moved away again. Now I am back to enjoying the beach as a yearly vacation. I wish living there again seemed viable, but I think the hurricanes are too much of a risk for me.
Qwerty* January 19, 2025 at 12:32 pm My sibling did this twice and both times ended up moving back to Midwest US. Her favorite home was actually Chicago because she lived near Lake Michigan and her tall apartment building had a giant beautiful view of the lake during all seasons, giving her a beach feel without actually being on it. Some lessons to keep in mind 1) Building a social life is hard and takes a few years. She was lonely both times and always trying to get family to come visit. Even single people need community. 2) Towns that are fun to visit are not fun to live in, so her test vacations to the area didn’t provide an accurate preview. Research where locals who aren’t tied up in the tourist industry live and can afford. Most people she knew where either remote white collar workers or people scrapping by on multiple jobs. 3) Seasons are different. In one location, she went from only liking the 4months of Midwest Summer to only liking the 4 months of Southern Winter. Her solution has been to find more outdoorsy activities like hiking in Fall/Spring so she still gets her nature fix when the beach isn’t an option. And to take a long trip to a southern beach each winter. 4) The beach is less special when it is a daily reality rather than a special treat. Make sure there are many other things that you are looking forward to 5) Hurricanes/Earthquakes/whatever natural disasters are common to the region. All this stuff is getting worse. She was certain hurricanes would not be an issue in her beachy town because that region only gets hit about once or twice a century. It has been hit hard twice in three years (first time she was living there and evacuated, second time she was already gone) If you are looking for a daily fix, also consider middle ground options. Like could the beach be a large lake in a medium cost of living place? Is it ending your day at the beach or just being in a natural untouched place that could let you have maybe woods or fields to go to in spring/fall when you can’t make the beach?
Cai* January 19, 2025 at 7:36 pm I have 2 caveats to consider before you move. 1 – places that are warm enough to go to the beach in non-beach months are usually HOT during the summer. I lived in North Carolina for a while before moving to Boston, and everyone goes “how could you move away from that gorgeous weather?” Well, because it was highs in the triple-digits for a month straight sometimes in August. We lived in an apartment where the air conditioner broke – it hit 120 in my living room during the day. I had to threaten to sue the apartment complex before they’d fix it; we had to live like that for several weeks. 2 – living close to the beach means you run a higher risk of ocean-related weather and natural disaster events. Flooding CAN happen inland too, but hurricanes do a lot less damage to places further away from the coast. There can be positives through. Southeast US is probably significantly cheaper than the urban northeast.
Chauncy Gardener* January 20, 2025 at 10:38 am Why don’t you either move closer to the beach or just go more often? I live in New England and we walk on the beach quite frequently year round. I’m about 40 minutes away from a beach, depending which one.
Charlotte Lucas* January 17, 2025 at 8:55 pm What are some of your favorite films or TV shows that retell classic stories/books/plays from a fresh/different/modern perspective? Here’s a short list of what popped into my head (I will probably think of more later). Ball of Fire – A screwball comedy based on Snow White with Barbara Stanwyck as a gangster’s moll in hiding and Gary Cooper as the head of a group writing an encyclopedia. Instead of singing and cleaning house, she teaches them slang. Clueless – Best retelling of Jane Austen’s Emma. The Haunting of Hill House (TV series) – While I wasn’t crazy about the resolution in the final episode, I think this series was respectful of the source material while also turning it into an extended meditation on grief and loss. The Muppets’ Christmas Carol and Scrooged – Both great retellings for different reasons.
Dark Macadamia* January 17, 2025 at 9:11 pm Lizzie Bennet Diaries! In a way it’s the most accurate Pride and Prejudice adaptation. It’s very true to the characters and themes while modernizing it to be relatable to our current social norms. They also develop the sister relationships really well, especially Elizabeth and Lydia. I watched it as it was originally aired (on YouTube with fun social media character stuff too) and it was soooo good.
Professor Plum* January 17, 2025 at 9:43 pm Moonlighting’s episode that is a retelling of The Taming of the Shrew. O Brother, Where Art Thou? is an adaptation of Homer’s Greek Epic, The Odyssey. Gregory Maguire’s books retell classic fairy tales with a twist. I read his book Wicked after seeing the musical on stage, and now of course there’s the new film in theaters. Can’t wait for part 2!
Red Reader the Adulting Fairy* January 17, 2025 at 9:53 pm Ten Things I Hate About You – Taming of the Shrew, set in a (Seattle) high school.
Red Reader the Adulting Fairy* January 17, 2025 at 9:54 pm I think right around the same time as Ten Things there was also an Othello retelling, also with Julia Stiles?
Red Reader the Adulting Fairy* January 18, 2025 at 8:47 am Yes! That’s the one. Also decent, as I recall.
Red Reader the Adulting Fairy* January 17, 2025 at 9:58 pm Muppet Treasure Island. I have heard it said that Muppet Christmas Carol was good because Michael Caine treated all the muppets like real actors, and Muppet Treasure Island was good because Tim Curry treated himself like a muppet. Speaking of Tim Curry – does Clue count as an adaptation of something?
Percy Weasley* January 17, 2025 at 10:34 pm Yes, I love this movie! Also, the podcast Hot and Bothered just did 2 episodes about it.
Dark Macadamia* January 17, 2025 at 11:46 pm I love this movie so much. Another one that I think is very underrated and I definitely didn’t realize it was a Twelfth Night adaptation when I watched it as a kid – the Disney channel movie Motocrossed!
RC* January 18, 2025 at 12:48 pm I started watching that on streaming recently and was … disappointed about how it has aged relative to what teen-me remembered :\
Jill Swinburne* January 18, 2025 at 2:51 pm I still love and adore that movie with the fire of a thousand suns. A couple of years ago I watched it with a bunch of 20-somethings, some of whom hadn’t even been born when it came out (where are my dentures?), and they enjoyed it. A couple of small things jarred, but overall it held up for them.
bishbah* January 17, 2025 at 10:41 pm “Scotland, PA” is an interesting take on Macbeth as a black comedy. Maura Tierney is great in it.
goddessoftransitory* January 18, 2025 at 2:25 pm Oh, I love that one! And yes, Muara is fantastic–especially wearing that fab ’70s dress at the end.
bishbah* January 17, 2025 at 10:46 pm It’s not modern in its setting, but “The Little Hours” did a good job of making stories from the Decameron feel fresh. Plus, Alison Brie, Aubrey Plaza and Kate Micucci? How could you not?
CityMouse* January 18, 2025 at 3:44 am Hadestown is a musical that tackles Orpheus and Eurydice as well as Persephone’s story. The BBC did a whole series of Shakespeare ReTold that’s worth checking out.
Armchair Analyst* January 18, 2025 at 1:48 pm Well on that note I really enjoy “Upstart Crow” show from BBC, quite a re-imaging of Shakespeare’s life, usually in Stratford-upon-Avon, and each episode is a funny imagining of something that might have inspired one of his plays. It’s newer (2016+) so there are actors you recognize, too. Very fun and ridiculous
Brevity* January 17, 2025 at 10:57 pm OMG Ball of Fire. It’s a good movie, and Barbara Stanwyk is a goddess; but my mother absolutely haaaaaaaaated “Drum Boogie”. Like, it became her code for the mediocre: “How was the dinner?” “Ugh, Drum Boogie.”
Banana Pyjamas* January 17, 2025 at 11:51 pm Have you watched Abby Cox’s discussion about The Muppets’ Christmas Carol? It’s a favorite of mine.
AL* January 18, 2025 at 1:27 am I enjoyed The Fall of the House of Usher, which is based on the tales of Edgar Allen Poe – I thought it had a good balance of horror and camp. I’m also very bummed that KAOS wasn’t renewed for more seasons. It’s a bit of a modern take on Greek mythology, with a focus on Orpheus & Eurydice and King Minos & the Minotaur, with Jeff Goldblum playing Zeus.
goddessoftransitory* January 18, 2025 at 2:26 pm I want to see that one! I Just Can’t with Haunting of Hill House, but that’s because it’s one of my very favorite books ever and I keep it in the “No Tinkering” part of my brain.
allathian* January 18, 2025 at 9:42 am Not quite a retellung but a sort of adaptation, Percy Jackson and the Olympians. My son loves the books by Rick Riordan. The teen characters are refreshingly played by a very talented bunch of actual teens.
Falling Diphthong* January 18, 2025 at 5:51 pm I quite liked the recent series based on book 1; the earlier movie adaptation wasn’t well done. Just want to note for those who have an “eh” impression, it might be from the movie, which took out a lot of the details that made the books sing.
Squirrel Nutkin (the teach, not the admin)* January 18, 2025 at 10:03 am Bridget Jones’s Diary, loosely based on Pride and Prejudice. I like the book and its sequel even better than the films.
Irish Teacher.* January 18, 2025 at 11:45 am The Muppets’ Christmas Carol is amazing. It’s actually pretty faithful to the real thing while…also being hilarious and you know…Muppets.
Fellow Traveller* January 18, 2025 at 1:02 pm I loved My Lady Jane (the book, I haven’t seen the series yet.), but it’s telling of the story of Lady Jane Grey. So much fun.
Christmas Carol* January 18, 2025 at 8:18 pm A couple of episodes of The Monkees from the 60s: The Prince and the Pauper, with Davy Jones as the title character, and Fairy Tale, with Peter Tork rescuing Mike Nesmith as Princess Gwen.
Film Prof* January 19, 2025 at 1:13 pm I am actually teaching a college class on this subject right now. It’s a lot of fun. Next week we’re diving into Pride and Prejudice, and yes, I’m showing Bridget Jones’s Diary and Fire Island (and many others).
fluff* January 19, 2025 at 9:02 pm I discovered Wishbone as an adult. All classics retold from a heroic dog’s perspective. Wishbone, what’s the story? Plus the costuming department rocks.
Ron McDon* January 20, 2025 at 1:43 am I just watched the film Rosalind and really enjoyed it: “Rosaline” is a fresh and comedic twist on Shakespeare’s classic love story “Romeo & Juliet,” told from the perspective of Juliet’s cousin Rosaline (Kaitlyn Dever), who also happens to be Romeo’s recent love interest. Heartbroken when Romeo (Kyle Allen) meets Juliet (Isabela Merced) and begins to pursue her, Rosaline schemes to foil the famous romance and win back her guy. (from Rotten Tomatoes) I thought it was very funny (Kaitlyn Dever was particularly fabulous, as always), and it mixed modern dialogue and sensibilities with a Shakespearean setting and characters in a way I found fresh and entertaining rather than irritating, as some ‘modern takes’ can be!
Aphrodite* January 17, 2025 at 8:58 pm Is anyone else a huge Jeopardy fan? I don’t own a television but watch it each night on YouTube. How do you think Ken is doing? It certainly seems to have change, which is not a bad thing. But the types of championship games, the pace of Ken’s speech, even the questions seem different somehow. I enjoy it, t just feels very different.
Bookworm in Stitches* January 17, 2025 at 9:23 pm We’re (my husband and I) are huge fans. We like Ken as the host, very much so. He seems like a nice person without aiming to be a “big personality”. Alex was the same. Thank goodness. Speaking of Alex, we always have recorded Jeopardy in case we were late getting to the TV or missed a show when it was fun watching a current champion. I haven’t deleted the last month or so of Alex hosting.
Donottry* January 18, 2025 at 4:49 pm We were just talking about this yesterday so funny exclamation point I have not watched Jeopardy in quite a long time, as I didn’t care for Bialik and I really don’t like Ken Jennings. I wish they had picked someone outside of the Jeopardy family, or if they were going to pick someone from Jeopardy I would’ve preferred Buzzy. I know he’s an acquired taste, but I think he would’ve given the levity and interest in the contestants that Ken seems unable to muster. But I also know that they had fired the producer at one point or he left Not exactly voluntarily and I believe Ken stepped in as a co-producer. So he probably got to call the shots. In any event, I haven’t watched it in quite a while and don’t plan to.
CityMouse* January 18, 2025 at 4:00 am So they have a new producer (after they fired the guy who tried to make himself host) and he’s responsible for a lot.kf the tournament changes and such. He also started putting box scores online. I think Ken has good rhythm now and gets through the episodes well. I do like the second chance tournament, in part because a friend of mine got to participate in it after losing a nail biter game to someone who went on to qualify for Tournament of Champions. I know people have mixed feelings on the Masters games but I do enjoy watching the big names come back. I have a soft spot for James because I was on maternity leave when he did his big run and watching him play was sort of something I could pencil in during those tough early days). You should read the recent Rolling Stone article, apparently they have figured out something like 14% of their viewers watch it on YouTube which is why they’re trying to get the daily episodes on streaming next season.
CityMouse* January 18, 2025 at 4:01 am https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/jeopardy-ken-jennings-behind-the-scenes-set-1235207751/
Jules the First* January 18, 2025 at 9:44 am I can watch jeopardy on youtube?!?! As an expat, it’s one of the few tv things I miss.
CityMouse* January 18, 2025 at 9:46 am Not officially. That’s why the show is trying to make it available on a streaming service. If you don’t have cable or an antenna it’s not currently possible to watch it officially.
Clisby* January 18, 2025 at 2:22 pm Yes, not official and sometimes you can’t find every game, but youtube is the only way I can see it now. I haven’t had a TV in almost 30 years, and am not about to buy one just to watch Jeopardy.
Clisby* January 18, 2025 at 12:21 pm I liked 2nd Chance too. I remember when they introduced Drew Goins as a journalist from Honolulu. Which is completely true, but I was like, “Drew Goins from the Washington Post?” I don’t think that was ever mentioned, but yep, it’s the Drew Goins from WaPo.
SAF* January 19, 2025 at 5:36 pm I have been wondering what he will do, as TPTB at the Post are apparently mandating a full return to office.
Boggle* January 19, 2025 at 7:59 pm Hubs and I started watching Jeopardy years ago, while I like Ken, it’s still odd when Johnny introduces him because I was so used to hearing Alex’ name. There are some categories I really enjoy and do well with, and hubs is the same, but usually different categories. We tape the episode if we aren’t available to watch (together) during its regular scheduled time. Love, love, love Jeopardy.
Marie* January 17, 2025 at 9:14 pm Does anyone have any dish towel recommendations? I bought some from Target and Kohl’s, but they seem to repel water.
KayDee* January 17, 2025 at 9:48 pm I have noticed recently when shopping for dish towels for myself that a lot of them are a cotton/poly blend. I prefer 100% cotton for absorbency. And don’t use fabric softener when you launder your towels, kitchen or bath, and they will be much more absorbent. Just anecdotally, I bought some towels from Costco a whole back and at first they seemed to repel water, but after being washed a few times they became very absorbent. Don’t know if there was some kind of sizing or treatment on them or what, but maybe give your towels a few washes to see if that helps?
Pyanfar* January 17, 2025 at 10:00 pm Cloth diapers…according to my mother, best to use them as dish towels once the babies are out of diapers.
goddessoftransitory* January 17, 2025 at 10:23 pm Look for “Bartender weave,” designed for absorbency.
Clisby* January 18, 2025 at 12:35 pm Yes. We bought a bunch of those about a year ago and they’re great.
Higher-ed Jessica* January 17, 2025 at 10:41 pm I haaaaate those linen-y ones that are so decorative and utterly unabsorbent. In my opinion the first and most important function of a towel is to be absorbent, and it’s called a dish TOWEL for a reason! I have been using these long enough to recommend them highly: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B010GHN2LU/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1 They’re absorbent, 100% cotton, are wearing well, come in several color/design variations on a basic theme, and are (imo) attractive.
goddessoftransitory* January 18, 2025 at 2:31 pm This! My towels get USED and any pretty designs are obliterated quickly. I like a nice looking towel, but it has to dry first and foremost, not pose in an art gallery.
Alex* January 17, 2025 at 11:03 pm Are they microfiber? I don’t like microfiber. I like 100% cotton towels that are flat woven. Brand doesn’t really matter. I think mine are from TJ max or Marshalls or someplace like that.
CTT* January 17, 2025 at 11:41 pm I swear by the Williams Sonoma striped dish towels. They last forever and come in good colors.
Weaponized Pumpkin* January 18, 2025 at 7:02 pm That’s what I use! They work very well and I haven’t managed to use one up yet.
Marie* January 18, 2025 at 8:07 pm Are you talking about the “Williams Sonoma Classic Stripe Towels”? (Just want to make sure I’m looking at the correct item.)
OxfordBlue* January 19, 2025 at 6:24 am Those got a great review from the Gear Heads at America’s Test Kitchen on their YouTube channel. The dishtowels are the last reviewed item in the “The Best Kitchen Cleaning Tools & Tips For 2023” video. I happened across it while scrolling a few days ago and so your comment rang a bell, good to know that the review is accurate too.
*daha** January 18, 2025 at 12:04 am I’m very happy with my barmops (bar mops?) I got from Sam’s club a while back.
RetiredAcademicLibrarian* January 18, 2025 at 12:09 am Trader Joe’s has nice dish towels — cotton with a waffle weave.
Silent E* January 18, 2025 at 12:27 am New towels often have a coating on them, so that’s probably what’s causing them to repel water. I’ve had luck with running them through the wash before use. If you’ve done that and they are still not absorbent, try washing them again, and add 1 cup of white vinegar to the washing machine’s fabric softener dispenser – that seems to remove the coating on the new towels (this has worked for me for bath towels, too). Some places on the internet suggest running the towels through the wash twice: first with the cup of white vinegar, then with half a cup of baking soda and no detergent the second time. Never use fabric softener on towels because that will put a waxy coating on them that repels water, too. Good luck!
CityMouse* January 18, 2025 at 4:03 am I got some from Sur La Table as part of a bonus when I bought a cake pan and I like those a lot.
English Rose* January 18, 2025 at 5:13 am I would say always get 100% linen but find that whichever brand I get they’re better if they’re laundered on a hot wash before using for the first time. And I iron my dish towels (we call them tea towels in the Uk btw). Is that too much??
Red Reader the Adulting Fairy* January 18, 2025 at 6:32 am If ironing your tea towels makes you happy, and you’re not lecturing other folks for not doing it, you do you. :)
Jules the First* January 18, 2025 at 9:41 am Ironing the dishtowels, table napkins, and pillow cases was one of my first independent chores as a child. As I got bigger, my mum added the tablecloths and sheets too. Funnily enough, this was one of those chores that stopped being done when I moved out…it turns out my mum wasn’t that bothered about it but it did helpfully absorb me in one spot for a chunk of uninterrupted time. As an adult, I don’t iron anything except sewing projects, but ahead of big family dinners you can find me and my brother in law in the basement quietly working our way through a stack of wrinkled table linen and sheets while chaos rules upstairs…
Dinwar* January 18, 2025 at 12:06 pm I second the cloth diaper recommendation. We have a few from when the kids were babies (thoroughly washed! My wife and I both did environmental sampling, so we know how to decon) and they work really well. Also, don’t wash towels with fabric softener. Sure, they show it on all the adds. But the reality is that fabric softener puts a coating that repels water on the clothing. Not so bad if it’s a shirt you plan to wear on a rainy day, but it defeats the purpose of a towel. My favorite option for dishes, though, is the drying rack. Why go through the effort of drying things when they’ll naturally do that on their own?
YNWA* January 18, 2025 at 12:16 pm I buy the Zeppoli Classic Dishtowels off Amazon. They last forever and are not hydrophobic at all.
WFH4VR* January 18, 2025 at 2:19 pm Go to yard sales and craigslist and buy old “tea towels” which are actually linen, and dry everything to a polish.
ronda* January 18, 2025 at 6:28 pm depending on what you are using them for: swedish dishcloths. very absorbent but not the dish towel size I am used to
Generic Name* January 18, 2025 at 8:07 pm I’m liking the Everyday Living 2-sided dish towels I get from my local grocery store.
Bookworm in Stitches* January 17, 2025 at 9:32 pm I want to do a hot cocoa bar! My plans so far are mini marshmallows, chocolate dipped spoons, a bottle of Irish Crème, mini gingerbread cookies that can hang off the sides of the mugs, and candy canes. What else would be fun to include?
Jay* January 17, 2025 at 9:45 pm I love Rumchata in hot cocoa, also Rumple Mintz peppermint schnapps. Gingersnaps are great. If, by some minor miracle, you have access to Moravian spice gingersnaps, they are wonderful with hot cocoa. Home made whipped cream, especially vanilla whipped cream. Cinnamon sticks. Try making it with cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice.
Professor Plum* January 17, 2025 at 9:51 pm My first thought is to have a variety of bases: Dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white chocolate.
Donottry* January 18, 2025 at 4:51 pm In a similar vein, I would have different syrups. Maybe raspberry, caramel, etc.
HannahS* January 17, 2025 at 10:09 pm Definitely a big bowl of whipped cream (or a canister, if that’s easier!) Maybe some spices or flavourings? Like peppermint flavouring, pumpkin spice blend, chili pepper.
Fifi* January 17, 2025 at 10:20 pm I just did one of these for work! In addition to your great add-ons, we got sprinkles and whipped cream. Also got some of the cocoa with chili spices (haven’t tasted it yet) along with vegan and gluten free.
Flower* January 17, 2025 at 10:31 pm It would be fun to include me! At least it would be for me. It sounds marvelous.
goddessoftransitory* January 18, 2025 at 2:36 pm Seconded! Also, do you just want suggestions for what to put IN the hot chocolate, or sides? For the latter I recommend those yummers cookies that melt in your mouth–they’re usually round with a dusting of powdered sugar?
GreySuit (they/them)* January 17, 2025 at 10:47 pm If no allergies, provide peanut butter! A spoonful in my hot chocolate makes it taste like liquid Reese’s, I love it.
AcademiaNut* January 18, 2025 at 12:43 am Make some of the cocoa not very sweet and provide coffee syrups for sweetness/flavouring. Peppermint syrup is excellent, anything nut-like (hazelnut, almond), maybe raspberry. It’s also a nice add in if you want flavour but no alcohol. Alternatively, a bit of baking extract (vanilla, peppermint, almond, etc.) adds flavour but no sweetness. If it’s for a big group, I might include some hot matcha milk for those who aren’t chocolate fans. Maybe some biscotti for dipping?
Martin Blackwood* January 18, 2025 at 1:33 am Caramel sauce! to stir in or drizzle on top of whipped cream all photogenic. I have a container of Turtles(tm) that recommends rimming the mug with caramel and chocolate bits which seems like a Lot more work, but its An Option.
Peanut Hamper* January 18, 2025 at 10:07 am For some reason, I love graham crackers for dipping in hot cocoa.
Nihil Scio* January 18, 2025 at 12:23 pm Try grating different kinds of chocolate I grated my leftover toblerones and Terry’s chocolate oranges and mixed them with cocoa and brown sugar You could do a ‘tasting’
Pam Adams* January 18, 2025 at 1:08 pm we set it up for the holidays. Peppermint marshmallows are great, as are the new peppermint holiday Peeps. We got a special pot to heat the milk, and have multiple hot chocolate types.
My Brain is Exploding* January 18, 2025 at 1:47 pm This sounds like fun! Please add some marshmallow fluff. mmmmmmm
Past Lurker* January 18, 2025 at 2:28 pm Some people like to pair cheese (like Gouda) with hot chocolate. A family member adds it right into the cup so that it melts. I’ve never tried it though.
Seeking Second Childhood* January 19, 2025 at 3:40 am Whipped cream. Chocolate shavings. Flavorings like vanilla, almond, hazelnut, pistachio, raspberry…. these let someone allergic to chocolate or just not into it have a hot flavored milk drink anyway. If you can, a frother of some sort could be fun.
CanadaGoose* January 19, 2025 at 7:13 pm Sounds amazing! And also terribly sweet…personally, I’d appreciate having a decadent milk base (eg whole cows milk) that I can add things to as I please. If that what you’re already planning, then it’s likely to work well for lots of folks, though a vegan alternative is also often appreciated.
Maotseduck* January 19, 2025 at 7:24 pm Flavored marshmallows if you can find them. A couple of times in college I made orange marshmallows and they were amazing with brownies and hot chocolate.
MozartBookNerd* January 17, 2025 at 10:10 pm One quick followup please, from last week’s great thread last week on password manager apps! Am I really dumb to be just listing my passwords in a simple Word file, on my day to day Mac laptop? My passwords themselves are strong and non-duplicative. I like using just a simple Word file because it lets me also notate related info. (For example security questions and their answers; which e-mail account the two-factor identification message goes to; what’s a good poorly-publicized customer support phone number; etc.) A lot of that related info changes over the months and years, so writing it all down in classic hard copy format isn’t great for me. From what was said last week I’m sure my approach is really naïve — but how come, exactly? It seems really far-fetched to me that a hacker would be interested in getting “inside” my paltry laptop. Isn’t hacking much more focused on big sites? And regarding password managers, ugh, I dislike software in general and a password manager would be “software about software” which makes me a little dizzy and frankly even kinda sad. . . . :-|
strawberry lemonade* January 17, 2025 at 10:32 pm I’m not an expert, but password managers are good because they make it way way way easier to have good passwords—strong ones without a system or duplication. What you’re relying on is security-by-obscurity, ie that the dice of fate will roll in such a way that you’re not targeted. The problem is, you’re not facing a small group of nefarious hackers carefully choosing their targets. You’re facing an array of people who cast scamming nets extremely widely—for example there are numerous scams (like, “you have a problem with your computer, click this link to get help”) that will grant someone remote access to your computer, and yes, they will look for passwords.txt. Bank account info is nice to retrieve, but also just a login to an instagram account can be sold. And, literally anyone can fall for a scam—just has to find you on the right day. Basically, while a password manager is not an automatic shield of safety, it does help on multiple levels—first making your passwords good, next making a compromise a little less impactful (hopefully).
Reba* January 17, 2025 at 11:00 pm Well, a password manager will let you keep all those notes, too. Something else I really appreciate about using 1password is that it syncs so I can get my logins on my phone, or via web when I’m on a work computer, and I’m not tied to the info in one place. Is your laptop password protected? In that case, and if it always stays at home, you do you.
Ginger Cat Lady* January 17, 2025 at 11:19 pm Who you really need to be worried about is anyone who might have access to your laptop when you’re not around. A friend had a dog sitter/neighbor access her bank from her laptop and take a couple thousand. A cousin of mine had an adult child with a gambling addiction empty her accounts. It’s not just random anonymous hackers you need to be concerned about.
o_gal* January 18, 2025 at 7:59 am But that’s an “Evil Maid” scenario. If she protects her laptop so it requires authentication to get in, and makes sure that she locks her laptop every time she’s away from it, that makes it a little bit harder for people to access the file. As someone with Security+ and CASP certifications, I’d say you were playing with fire. It may end up being safe, or if you do fall prey to a scheme where someone gets remote access to your laptop, then you’re sunk. If you are going to do this, then bury that file a number of layers deep in your file system. Then name it someone weird like “UncleAlRemindersMedication.txt”. And see if you can put something other than the actual passwords in there – come up with a scheme for naming them. Such as, if you are going to use “CorrectHorseBatteryStaple!23” put in “XKCDwithbangnumberofgenes”.
Aphrodite* January 17, 2025 at 11:52 pm I have all of mine in an Excel sheet that includes columns for the site name, login, password, secret questions and other things that may be needed. The document itself is locked under its own complicated 18-character password that makes sense only toe me. (My executor has the password.) I know it’s not as good as a password manager but I prefer it.
Ashley* January 18, 2025 at 8:04 am I have the excel sheet as well. Most of the important passwords are in code that I and my partner know. I never lost my bank password on anything. There are a few that are strictly memorization. Also the file isn’t called passwords to slow someone down if they did get on my computer.
Sloanicota* January 18, 2025 at 9:12 am This is what I do. I have the passwords saved in places that are not that secure, but there is a very basic simple code I use to make sure that the actual thing in the file is not the password itself.
Mutually supportive* January 18, 2025 at 11:43 am The search engines within computers are powerful now and trawl the content of files, not just the names. So someone can search your computer document library for “netflix” and bring up the file “not passwords.doc” b fair it says netflix in it!
Harlowe* January 18, 2025 at 12:45 pm I also use an excel sheet (technically an excel tab, inside an excel document that is used to inventory my collection of books and vinyl). It lives on my hard drive and on two back-up thumb drives in my safe. Nowhere online. I just don’t trust password managers. If I were a hacker, I would be throwing everything I had at those sites, because they’re the motherlode.
David* January 19, 2025 at 5:11 pm Hackers *are* throwing everything they have at the password manager sites. At least, the ones who haven’t realized that password managers are *extremely* difficult targets (and also the ones who are employed by the password manager companies to find their own weaknesses). Password managers are specifically designed to resist everything the hackers have to throw, and for the most part they are doing that. Obviously password managers are not 100% immune to being hacked, but most hackers who are in it to steal passwords eventually realize that it’s much much easier to get what they want by tricking non-technical people into giving up their passwords with phony emails or phone calls or fake tech support scams or so on.
Double A* January 18, 2025 at 12:06 am If the document is backed up on the cloud, it could be vulnerable. If it’s not backed up on the cloud, the how is it backed up and what would happen if the computer it’s stored on died? Do you save, for example, a thumb drive with a back up in a safe deposit box? This would still need to updated periodically.
La* January 18, 2025 at 3:14 am I recently started using a password manager too (yes, hacking was involved and it is going to take forever to fix things – I actually have zero hope of changing all passwords because there are just SO MANY, so I tried doing triage) – but my complaint is none that I could find work on kindles. if anyone knows one that does, please let me know.
Roland* January 18, 2025 at 11:17 am Like a Fire tablet? If none of the major ones support it, I don’t think it would be a good idea to download some smaller unknown one. I would use Firefox or Chrome’s built in manager at that point I think – the internet says those browsers are supported, but I haven’t used a Fire tablet since they were a prototype so idk for sure. (Or just type in passwords, depending on what you’re doing on there and how often.)
Mutually supportive* January 18, 2025 at 11:42 am I’m the OP from the thread last week and I sympathise – there are SO MANY sites/accounts that have passwords!
Sloanicota* January 18, 2025 at 9:10 am Yeah, my stupid computer came with a bunch of cloud defaults and is really sneaky about reverting to “one drive” when I don’t want it to. You tell it to save to desktop and it saves to user/onedrive/desktop. That means hackers who get access to one drive, perhaps through no fault of my own, have all the info, plus I assume onedrive casually scans everything to feed ai / advertising too.
Sara K* January 18, 2025 at 4:57 am Apart from what other have already said you can set it up so you have access to a password manager from multiple devices. I have mine set up on my work laptop, my home computer, ipad and my phone. So if I am out and about using my phone I still have access to my passwords if I need them. I also use mine for other secure information like bank account information and passport number. Basically anything I want to be secure but also accessible quickly. Password managers are kind of like little secure databases so you can absolutely set them up to hold notes and other information associated with that particular username / password combo
guerilla agile* January 18, 2025 at 5:24 am Not at all. The advantage of password managers is in having access on multiple devices, quick password generators, organization. handy backup. I like the auto fill feature, since I inevitably miss type something. But as we learned from LastPass, you have to trust the company too. If the Word file is password protected in case your computer gets stolen, it’s not less secure than any other software. The basics of security are what is important: Long random passwords because the hackers just automate trying dictionary words and simple variations in an automated way until the get lucky. Unique passwords per site so that when a company is hacked, the hacker can’t use the info elsewhere. And making sure only you have access to the passwords. A locked piece of paper works and what was recommended before password managers became a thing.
Busy Middle Manager* January 18, 2025 at 10:53 am You are not dumb, I often refer to my paper list of passwords. The issue with password managers is that they also have passwords. I got locked out of LastPass and it was a PITA to get back in. Ended up writing that password down on paper anyway to avoid another run around of sending me codes that never came through and saying my security questions were wrong etc.
Kay* January 18, 2025 at 12:21 pm I have a hard copy in a spiral bound notebook so I can tear out pages as the information becomes obsolete. Some of it is written in partial code and has a few intro pages of junk so it isn’t some notebook screaming pick me either.
Ellis Bell* January 18, 2025 at 12:52 pm Yeah I write mine down in a sort of code; shorthand. Even when people are trained to write in shorthand, they can’t usually read other people’s shorthand so I feel pretty safe.
Peanut Hamper* January 18, 2025 at 6:11 pm I use a password card so I can write down my passwords without actually writing down my passwords. Check passwordcard dot org.
zyx* January 18, 2025 at 6:45 pm One big advantage of using a password manager is that it will autofill for you on the website where your password should go, but it won’t autofill in other places. That means if you end up on a shady site that looks just like your bank login page, for example, it won’t fill in your password, which gives you an opportunity to realize you’re being phished.
MozartBookNerd* January 18, 2025 at 9:06 pm OP here. My life doesn’t expose me to an Evil Maid or Substance Abusing Nephew scenario. And the computer is locked and the file is not on the Cloud. And I’m quite alert about phishy phunny business. So tentatively, maybe I’m not quite so monumentally bone-headed as I feared I might be. Much appreciating the comments of “you’re not dumb” and the qualified “you be you.” In the meantime this is all great input and please keep it coming. The line between thinking and overthinking is so elusive sometimes, innit!
Qwerty* January 19, 2025 at 6:08 pm You’ll also want to password protect this specific file – Microsoft has a way to do it locally for Word/Excel products. That protects you in case anyone else ever uses your computer or it gets stolen. Probably best to also make sure the filename doesn’t indicate what the contents are so that a bad actor is less likely to notice it too.
strawberry lemonade* January 19, 2025 at 10:28 pm You’re not dumb, but smart people also fall for phishing scams. I care a lot about this, because the more we say “it really helps to be aware of phishing and scams, but everyone CAN still fall for them,” the less shame people will feel when a scam gets them on a bad day. It’s an area where it’s helpful, in my opinion, to set up a few safeguards with the mindset, “when I get scammed, what will I be happy my past self did?” For me, that is already using a password manager, generally using 2fa, and having my credit frozen. Those things make my current life more convenient, and they’ll do at least a little bit to mitigate my risk if I get got.
Seeking Second Childhood* January 20, 2025 at 9:49 am Whatever method you choose please record your device login as well as site logins. And consider filing a copy of the notebook (or the password to your password manager) with your will. My late husband did not do this and we still haven’t gotten into everything after a year — including his laptop. It’s a very expensive brick.
CuriousLemur* January 19, 2025 at 12:57 am How do we know we can trust the password managers? What if someone hacks them? What if someone who works at a company that creates password managers finds a way to get people’s passwords?
Sara K* January 19, 2025 at 3:28 am Reputable password managers are encrypted. Nothing is stored in the clear in anyway that any random person who works in the company can access. Everything can be hacked but the likelihood might be very small. The point of security is to balance risks (of hacking, of breaches, etc) with other factors to get to a point where you as an individual are comfortable. There are risks to **not** having a secure way of managing or generating your passwords (re-using passwords, writing them on sticky notes, keeping them in an unencrypted passwords.txt file on a computer that is connected to the internet, etc) and these also need to be part of your risk management decision.
Just a different redhead* January 19, 2025 at 11:46 am One reason my husband uses KeePass is that it’s locally stored on your computer (or wherever you put it), not anywhere on the Internet, so not only does it store them plus whatever you name and note on them, but it’s got the encryption patterns of a password manager and is still only accessible from your own computer. I described in the previous thread that I use patterns and keep a document of hints in an Excel file. They wouldn’t make sense to anyone who is not me. None of them are actual passwords. I’ve just had it drilled for so long “no plain text passwords anywhere” it would make me feel terribly uncomfortable to put them anywhere. Tbh I’ve had enough trouble resetting a few important things where the pattern differs by this point that I’ll probably start using KeePass myself though. If you do need to keep the Word file system for now, I would suggest as others have a) make sure it never accidentally saves/backs up online or somewhere you aren’t 100% aware of so you can make sure that *backup* never gets online either, never email it to yourself etc., b) make sure it’s named something not related to passwords at all, c) password-protect the file itself.
fhqwhgads* January 19, 2025 at 2:27 pm You’re not dumb, but it’s not secure if a bad actor gets control of your machine.
Anonymous Cat* January 17, 2025 at 10:23 pm I have a question for the coin collectors! My grandparents bought some mint proof sets of coins in the 90s and the sets have been in a box for years. How do I find out if they’re worth anything? I thought these probably are like mass-produced collectibles that aren’t really worth much, but if I take them to a coin shop, I expect they’ll know I’m an amateur and lowball me. I’d like to at least get as much money as my grandparents spent so they come out even. Does anyone know how amateurs handle this? (In case you’re wondering, my grandparents aren’t able to deal with stuff like this and are fine with me handling it.)
MM* January 18, 2025 at 4:43 am Look on eBay for the exact same coins and see what they are listed for. Then realize that is the selling price, so if you take them to a dealer they will need to offer you less so they can make a profit. When searching on eBay, there are a lot of similar coins so be sure you are comparing the same coin. Two things that will affect their worth, are they graded? If so do they still have their original packaging? If they are not graded, are they still in their original packaging?
goddessoftransitory* January 18, 2025 at 2:42 pm If not packaged, make sure they are NOT cleaned unless it’s by a professional! Scrubbing an antique coin can remove patinas and other things that increase its value.
Peanut Hamper* January 18, 2025 at 9:48 am Mint proof sets aren’t really going to be worth much. There are just too many of them out there. The three factors that affect the price of an antique or collectible are: 1) Scarcity – how difficult is it to get your hands on one? 2) Quality – is it in good shape? Value declines precipitously with quality. Even a few minor issues can cut the value by half. (This rule does not apply if you find a first edition Edgar Allan Poe. It does apply in the case of a first edition Ernest Hemingway, however, due to factor #1.) 3) Demand – how much do people want to buy this? Is this an item people are actually looking to buy, or is it going to sit on a dealer’s shelf for a decade before somebody actually looks at it? I once ran into a young couple who were saving wheat pennies as a college fund for their (then) baby. They asked me how many I thought they would need and I told them about ten million, because a wheat cent is worth exactly one penny. There are simply too many of them out there and because they were in general circulation, most of them are in pretty awful condition. And nobody really collects them. They might get one from each year they were produced and that’s about it. This is also why JFK items can be had pretty cheap. After he was assasinated, lots (and I mean tons) of commemorative items were produced. They’re not difficult to get your hands on, but most people don’t want them any more unless they have some kind of personal connection to JFK. (In fact, I would say this is true of most presidential commemorative items. They get bought up in a faddish sort of way when the president gets elected, but that’s just the excitement of the moment. They don’t really hold any value, and often end up in a tag sale a few years later for pennies on the dollar.) So yes, you can expect to get a very low value from a coin shop, because of the reasons above. Most coin shops that get decent traffic see people coming in with these things on a regular basis, thinking they’re going to get a fortune for them, and then walking away disappointed.
Anonymous Cat* January 18, 2025 at 1:28 pm I think they bought these as an investment so I’m just sick at the idea they actually lost money.
nonprofit director* January 18, 2025 at 2:40 pm I want to second what Peanut Hamper wrote. My mother-in-law purchased many of those coin sets for a lot of money, including presidential coin sets, far beyond face value. My husband inherited her coins when she died, I inherited them when he died. I recently educated myself about coins and sold them to a coin shop. I went to a coin shop because I wanted to make it easy on myself, not maximize what I might get for the coins. I felt very lucky to get what I got for them; I got more than face value, but not much more. My husband held onto a lot of old, random coins, which I also sold; I actually got $0.02 for each wheat penny! I, too, was angry and sick that my mother-in-law spent that money, thinking she was passing on something of value to her heirs.
WellRed* January 19, 2025 at 7:27 am This is so true of so much stuff that gets passed on. With the exception of the obviously valuable, do yourselves a favor and make it easy to get rid of stuff. It’s nit worth it otherwise.
ThatGirl* January 19, 2025 at 7:10 pm After my husband’s grandparents passed, his dad gave us a bunch of Emmett Kelly Jr clown figurines they’d collected, asking us to sell them for him and split the profits. Someone had told him they’d be worth a few grand. They were not. I think there was maybe one that would’ve netted us $50 but it was so heavy it was hardly worth the shipping. So I had to break the news to my FIL and they ended up at goodwill.
goddessoftransitory* January 18, 2025 at 2:45 pm I have a buffalo head nickel that I once googled hoping to sell, only to find the most I could make was about five dollars.
Generic Name* January 18, 2025 at 10:35 am When you say “proof sets of coins” does that mean they are legal tender or not? If they are legal tender, hopefully they paid no more than face value, since that’s likely what they are worth today.
Anonymous Cat* January 19, 2025 at 12:37 pm They come in a plastic case that keeps them nice but would have to be removed to use them as money. Some of them have higher metal amounts than coins for daily use like extra silver so theoretically they’re worth more than face value. So I wonder if coin shops turn around and sell them to be melted down.
Seashell* January 18, 2025 at 11:20 am Regarding ebay, click on Advanced and search only for completed or sold items. That will give you the ones that actually sold or what people asked for ones that didn’t sell, so you can if sellers were asking too much. I would also see if anyone was selling a similar item on Facebook marketplace, Craig’s List, Nextdoor, etc. There also might be coin collecting groups on Facebook, Reddit, etc. where people can give you an idea of what they’re worth.
KristinaL* January 17, 2025 at 10:24 pm Recommendations for a camera and a scanner? I’ve got a small camera (can carry it in my pocket) with great zoom, but it’s several years old, and I think I can find a camera with great zoom that also deals better with movement instead of blurring on it. I’d like to be able to scan pictures that are 9 inches by 12 inches. I’ve got a huge old scanner that has a printer (the printer no longer works), and it would save so much room if I had a slim scanner that I could store easily on a shelf. Any suggestions? I’ve heard Sony is a good camera brand. Thanks!
Ginger Cat Lady* January 17, 2025 at 11:05 pm You can probably get better images out of that same camera if you know a little better how to use it. A fancier, newer camera won’t fix most causes of blurry photos! Image blur happens at slower shutter speeds and can be from your subject moving or from you moving (or both). When the light is low, the camera makes the shutter speed slow to have more time for enough light to hit the sensor. So there are three possible solutions: 1. Add more light. If you can use a flash, add more light in other ways (turn a lamp on in a dim room, etc.) 2. Increase the ISO setting on your camera. This makes the sensor more sensitive and can give you faster shutter speeds. However, there’s a tradeoff: the image might be noisy (grainy looking) because of that sensitivity. 3. Stabilize the camera and/or the subject. A tripod works if the source of movement is you. Does nothing if the blur is from the subject moving. If you can get your subject to stay still, that would help. (In the early days of portrait photography, people had to stand still and sometimes have their head clamped to a stand. Not recommended.) If you’re shooting flowers and can have someone hold the step just out of frame, or block the wind, etc those might help.
KristinaL* January 18, 2025 at 12:47 am Thanks! I noticed that my phone’s camera does better with not blurring, but my regular camera has more zoom. My phone is fairly new, so I assumed its technology deals with it better. I’ll try those things. Sometimes I’m taking pictures of animals, and they move a lot.
Workerbee* January 18, 2025 at 5:18 pm I switch to video on my phone, hold myself as steady as I can (I don’t usually carry a tripod), then extract frames later for still images.
Lady Alys* January 18, 2025 at 12:11 am I did a family photo scanning project a few years ago and bought the “Canon CanoScan Lide 400 Slim Scanner, 7.7″ x 14.5″ x 0.4″ for under US$100 and I’ve been very pleased with it. I store it in an old laptop sleeve when not in use, as it has quite a slim profile. It accommodates only up to US letter/A4 so many not be quite big enough for what you need, though. (Anything wider than 8.5” seems to jump to “large format” category which also means “large price” category…)
AcademiaNut* January 18, 2025 at 12:54 am So for blurring with motion, what’s happening is that the exposure is too long, so you get movement as the picture is being taken. To get crisp, non-blurred motion shots, you need shorter exposures. But that means less light is going into the camera, so the pictures are darker. There are three ways to fix this. One is making the detector more sensitive – you can fiddle with the ISO settings in your camera, and push for a higher ISO. Putting the ISO too high (some cameras will go to 6400) can result in grainy, noisy looking images, however. You can add light – so a flash (or turning on the lights indoors). This will be less useful for outdoor action shots. You can also use a lens that gathers more light, so a larger (wider) lens, which makes it harder to fit in your pocket. I’d see what you can do with the ISO, or see if your camera has an action mode, before getting a new one. If you’re zooming while doing action shots that decreases the amount of light that lands on the detector as well, so action shots can work better unzoomed. Good zoom on an in pocket camera is mostly software, because you need a larger (longer) lens to get bigger optical zooms.
PollyQ* January 17, 2025 at 11:47 pm Looking for recommendations for chair yoga or standing yoga videos. Free is obviously ideal, but I’m willing to spend a little money, especially if it means no ads. Thanks!
tangerineRose* January 18, 2025 at 12:45 am This isn’t a specific recommendation, but you might try checking some out from a nearby library. Some libraries have it set up so you can borrow stuff from any library in the county, and it will be delivered to your local library. That way you can find out what you like for free.
LGP* January 18, 2025 at 4:08 am Yoga with Adriene! She has a few chair videos and more standing videos. And even in ones that don’t fit that criteria, she often talks about modifications you can do to make them more accessible. Basically whatever type of yoga you’re looking for, she probably has it.
Evvy* January 18, 2025 at 8:45 am I love Yoga with Adriene!! I am NOT a person to whom yoga practice comes easily and her 5 minute yoga and Yoga at Your Desk videos have actually got me to do yoga (!) a couple times a week without stressing about it! She has vids of all lengths on her channel.
Harlowe* January 18, 2025 at 12:46 pm Hot take I’m sure but I really dislike her stuff. The dog is extremely distracting.
Be the Change* January 18, 2025 at 6:21 pm It’s okay to have a minority opinion. :-) I keep wondering if the dog is still around, some of her videos are 9 or 10 yrs old at this point.
LGP* January 18, 2025 at 7:06 pm Her first ever video is from 2012, so it’s actually been about 12 years! Back then, she had a dog named Blue, who passed away in 2014 I believe. Then that Christmas, she got Benji, who is her current dog and still going strong. :)
Teacher, Here* January 18, 2025 at 12:57 pm Agree with this and also the ones produced by the Veterans Administration.
Healthcare Worker* January 18, 2025 at 4:42 pm Yoga with Adriene on YouTube is great! I love her chair yoga, very gentle and a good stretch. You can also subscribe to her free channel, and she will send you regular updates. I also like chair Yoga with Kassandra on YouTube, she’s also very good.
Donottry* January 18, 2025 at 4:54 pm We only do chair yoga on YouTube as we don’t do anything in group classes. There’s a number of people we really like, depending on our mood and whether we want something gentle or more active. yoga pantry – a young woman from New Zealand, who actually has a zoom class on Sundays that we occasionally attend. Yoga 77 – also from New Zealand and very gentle. Yoga with Kassandra – combination of chair and standing classes ranging from easy to strenuous. Bea Yoga – I don’t know if all of hers are chair yoga, but we do a number of them that are. Jody yoga – lots of videos, including ones you can do from your bed, and a chair, standing or lying down.
Going to New Zealand!* January 17, 2025 at 11:58 pm In early November, I am going to New Zealand! I am going on a two week organized tour of LOTR filming locations that will include stops on both islands. I am so excited! I am looking for feedback on a couple of things: 1. I’m flying from the West Coast of the USA to Auckland. For people who have made that trek in particular, is it better to plan to arrive a day earlier than my tour starts? (Just in case) 2. How soon should I plan to book my flights? (Probably ASAP) 3. Feedback on booking the sky couch on Air NZ? 4. Any advice on how to dress that time of year if I’ll be spending a decent amount of time outside (though not all day every day)? 5. Any other tips?
AcademiaNut* January 18, 2025 at 1:04 am Based on general long-haul travel experience, arrive a day earlier. That will give you a buffer for delays or late luggage, and you’ll be exhausted when you arrive, so a bit of extra sleep can help. Try to stay on local time as much as possible while adapting to jet-lag, though.
CTT* January 18, 2025 at 8:16 am I would even recommend two days earlier – the potential for delays plus not feeling at 100% due to jet lag is high.
Falling Diphthong* January 18, 2025 at 8:24 am When oldest was going back and forth between Europe and the US she recommended making sure to eat on the new framework, since that is a signal to your body of what time it is.
WoodswomanWrites* January 18, 2025 at 1:59 am How exciting! My experience with New Zealand at a similar time of year is that the weather can be all over the place. In deciding what to wear, consider what part of the country you’re going to be in. For instance, the North Island is substantially warmer and tropical. At the southern tip of the South Island, you may need to wear thermals. As context, my trip to the South Island was focused on being in wilderness for days on end and often at elevation. It snowed on us in the mountains and when kayaking in Milford Sound, we were in cold rain. However, walking around town we were sometimes in our shirt sleeves or with a fleece jacket over it. If you’re going to locations where the movies were filmed, it sounds like you’re going to be in all kinds of locales. My suggestion for figuring out clothing is to ask the tour company for their packing list. I’m sure they’ve got that dialed in.
Going to New Zealand!* January 19, 2025 at 11:55 am Thank you! This is all very helpful. Yeah, asking the tour company for suggestions is probably a good idea.
fallingleavesofnovember* January 18, 2025 at 7:58 am Oh that sounds so awesome! Hope you have such a great trip! Huge LotR fan and would LOVE to do something like this one day :)
KeinName* January 18, 2025 at 1:35 pm I did this in 2003, self-guided with a book and a 2nd hand van. Was lovely! Absolutely arrive with plenty of time before tour. You’ll be jet lagged, possibly have to go shopping for forgotten items, get snacks for the trip, explore Auckland, sample local cuisine. My tips will all be 20 years out of date (last time I went was 2010): – Hell‘s Pizza – Burger Fuel – warmed lemon poppyseed muffins with yoghurt (they used to give dollops of yoghurt with any muffin, and warm anything you) – maybe buy yourself some adventure clothing as souvenirs, they have the best outdoor stuff, with merino wool
Jill Swinburne* January 18, 2025 at 4:06 pm Hell Pizza has gone way downhill. It was great in 2003 but now they’re really just a marketing stunt that sells expensive and average pizza :-( Burgerfuel is still pretty good, but also expensive for what it is. Actually that pretty generally applies to NZ!
KeinName* January 19, 2025 at 3:59 am Oh thanks for the update. The pizzas were so delicious and like nothing we had at home, and the little sarcophagus for leftovers was so cute. But fantastic to hear burgerfuel is still around. In 2003, NZ had a lot of stuff we didn’t have, like cheap sushi, lots of barista coffee places, these nice small cafes with the large salad bowls to put together, and the kumara fries and gourmet burgers, and all seemed quite high quality. Is it not like that anymore you would say?
Jill Swinburne* January 19, 2025 at 2:56 pm Nah, there’s still a lot of that, but Hell expanded and franchised, and there was a marked decline in quality after that. There are still many great cafes! (Obviously the sector has taken a hit thanks to covid, though.)
Going to New Zealand!* January 19, 2025 at 12:02 pm Thank you! Yes, having a day to regroup before joining the tour sounds like a good idea. Definitely looking forward to buying wool clothing there.
Jill Swinburne* January 18, 2025 at 3:26 pm I suggest bringing lots of layers for November, particularly for the South Island. I live in a city near Hobbiton and November can be pleasantly warm, but also can be chilly. Classic changeable spring weather, sometimes in a single day. So bring a raincoat for sure, and light layers you can pull on or off as the weather demands. The South Island will definitely be colder, as will Wellington, so I’d suggest a warm jacket, possibly down if you have one. And good walking shoes. And yes, I would give yourself a day or two on the ground before your tour. You’ll probably be jetlagged (set your watch to NZ on the plane and try to sleep and have your meals at destination times) and you want to get the most out of your time. There’s loads to keep you busy in Auckland for a day. The art gallery in particular is great. Other tips: we don’t (generally) tip here! Most restaurants and cafes have a jar by the counter for loose change etc when you go up and pay (you don’t normally ask for the bill/check unless it’s somewhere really fancy) and sometimes there’s an option to leave a tip on the machine, but most locals would really prefer it didn’t become a thing. Usual other things apply, like taking care of your valuables. If someone greets you with ‘kia ora’ (hello) or ‘morenaa’ (good morning) saying it back will be appreciated, but otherwise you don’t have to stress about learning Maaori phrases. (I’ve seen people online tie themselves in knots worrying about this.) Have an amazing trip!
Going to New Zealand!* January 19, 2025 at 12:11 pm Thank you very much! I am so excited to visit and experience your country! I get cold easily, so it definitely sounds like I’ll need to pack plenty of layers. Good to know about tipping! Regarding money, should I expect to use cash regularly or would I use my card? (I’m thinking of when I visit family in Sweden, where they are a mostly cashless society.)
Jill Swinburne* January 19, 2025 at 3:04 pm Most places, particularly in cities and tourist spots, will accept card. You will almost certainly have to pay a surcharge for credit card or paywave (what NZ calls contactless), usually in the region of 2 percent. So factor that in – in the absence of a New Zealand bank card I’d be inclined to have a little cash, but also to be aware that some really really small places (coffee carts and the like) may be cashless. You’ll find ATMs easily.
FanciestCat* January 18, 2025 at 7:30 pm I was just in NZ for most of November this year. 1) All the flight available to me from SFO were overnight flights so they got into Auckland in the morning. I’d recommend trying to stay up until 6pm or so but stick to light things that day since you’ll be exhausted. Also, getting early check in or booking the hotel for the night before is so worth it to shower after the flight. We got lucky with early check in. 2) I booked mine in May and there were plenty of seats, but once you know for sure that you’re going and when I don’t see any reason to wait. The flights were basically full when we were on them. 3) Nope, didn’t do that . 4) Prepare for all seasons, especially if you’re going to both islands and varying elevations. We experienced humidity, rain and heat in the North Island, while it was cooler and more temperate on the South Island, and cold at high elevations on the South Island. We brought suitcases that were close to the max size allowed (one each) and duffle bags for our carry ons that fit under the seats. I’d also recommend Air Pockets, they were so useful.
FanciestCat* January 18, 2025 at 7:34 pm Double checked and they’re called Airplane Pockets. You put them over the tray table and they give you a bunch of pockets to store stuff in during the flight.
Janesfriend* January 18, 2025 at 10:36 pm Exciting! I live in Auckland so if you have any specific qu’s, happy to answer. In the meantime: 1. Yes, definitely arrive a day early. Jetlag can be brutal and a day, or two, to recover is a Very Good Idea. I’d get the ferry from the bottom of Queen St to Devonport or Rangitoto Island (depending on how energetic you feel), or go to the museum or the art gallery, or walk up Mt Eden for the amazing view of Auckland. 2. I book early, but that’s just because I like to have it ticked off the list. I think one of the websites (google flights, maybe) tells you if the current prices are good or bad (better or worse than average) for the time of year so maybe check there. 3. Depends on your needs/wants. If you can’t sleep in a normal airline seat and you can get a sky couch at a good price I’d do it, but I find flying miserable if I can’t sleep. They are fairly comfortable. Though they are not great if you are especially tall, as either your head or legs will be in the aisle to be bashed by those walking past. Less of an issue if you are shorter or like to scrunch. Also less of an issue if you’re flying through daylight and don’t want to sleep. 4.Early November is spring so could be a wide variety of weather and temperatures. Unlikely to be freezing but I’d bring a warm and water proof jacket, but it’s not like winter in Montana -20C kind of temps. And NZ does have good outdoor clothes (lots of merino wool) so you can always buy stuff here. 5. New Zealanders, in general, are pretty friendly and like to help. Just ask if you need some info. Hope you have a fabulous trip.
Going to New Zealand!* January 19, 2025 at 12:41 pm Thank you! The consensus seems to be to arrive early so I’ll definitely be doing that. Not sure how much energy I’ll have for sightseeing but certainly want to try. I’m short and have chronic pain issues so I think the sky couch will make flying a bit less miserable for me. I definitely want to buy some NZ wool clothing.
Felicia* January 18, 2025 at 11:02 pm I did the sky couch on the way there and couldn’t get one on the way back amd I would say if you can afford it do it. it’s a significant extra expense but it was the difference for me of getting about 6.5 hours of pretty good sleep vs like 20 minutes of uncomfortable sleep. I’m short so I can stretch fully out but the width was surprisingly good and unless you’re 6 feet or taller I feel like the length would be comfortable.
Oink* January 19, 2025 at 5:33 am If you can afford it, Skycouch is great. It’s better than premium economy because you can lie down across the whole row, or if two people are sharing one row at least you have more space. It’s worth the money especially if you’re flying overnight.
ThursdaysGeek* January 19, 2025 at 7:40 pm Arrive early, as others have said, and have a towel, change of clothes, and soap in your carry-on. There are showers at the airport, and after travelling that long you’ll feel much more refreshed if you get in a shower before your next leg of the trip (unless you’re staying in Auckland the first night anyway). If you get a chance, go to the local bakeries and have the pies, drink the tea, get off the tourist route if you can. You probably won’t get a chance on an organized tour, but there is a lot more to NZ that’s not a movie set.
Little John* January 18, 2025 at 12:10 am Please speak to me of fun things to do in London! I’ll be there for at least a few days, probably in May, with my partner. We’re both physically active enough for a good bit of walking, and enjoy history, urban planning tourism, traditional music, social dancing, offbeat museums, and finding places referenced in books and media set in London (I’m hoping to find some cool places where Doctor Who scenes were filmed, and identify locations in the E. Nesbit books, for example). I want to do some day-to-day stuff just to see what it’s like there (grocery shopping, go to the movies, that sort of thing). Recommendations of less-expensive places to stay are also very welcome. We’re not absolutely broke, but it would make sense to save money on accommodations if we can, since we’ll only be going back there to sleep.
AL* January 18, 2025 at 1:47 am The museums in London are fabulous and mostly free! The Victoria & Albert, British Museum, Natural History Museum, National Library – all worth a visit. If you’re American, Waitrose is the “Whole Foods”, Tesco is the “Safeway/Kroger”, Marks & Spencer is the “Target.” I’d also encourage you to check out the markets – Borough Market & Spitalfields are fun larger markets, and each neighborhood has its own smaller individual grocers/butchers/fishmongers etc. The public transportation in London is top-notch – everything works with Tap/ApplePay, so you don’t need to buy an Oyster Card! However, when you’re looking at areas to stay in, keep in mind what “zone” you’re in on the tube. Most of the main tourist attractions are in Zone 1 – if you are staying in Zone 2, 3, etc, it can cost £6/$8 or more each way to get to and from your lodgings and your destination, along with additional travel time. Consider that in your cost matrix, as it may not be worth it to save £20 per night on a place further out.
The Prettiest Curse* January 18, 2025 at 3:55 am Hmm, having lived in the US and UK, I’d say that Marks and Spencer might be a cross between Safeway and Trader Joe’s. M&S has similarly creative and good quality products to TJ’s. They are also known for selling clothing – a lot of people love their bra range but I’ve always found them over-rated. Sainsbury’s is probably closer to Target food-wise. The bigger branches of all of our supermarkets sell clothing and home goods too. Regarding Doctor Who locations – do your research if you want to find locations from the newer series, as a lot of it was filmed outside London.
Ellis Bell* January 18, 2025 at 12:54 pm M&S claim to fame is knickers. Hands down the best knickers anywhere.
The Prettiest Curse* January 18, 2025 at 1:54 pm I find their knickers over-rated too, but that might be due to their habit of putting those stupid tiny bows on them. I hate those things!
londonedit* January 19, 2025 at 12:35 pm M&S knickers used to be excellent, but the quality has seriously declined over the last five years or so.
Ellis Bell* January 19, 2025 at 1:14 pm That could be true; I have some older than that which are going strong. The only recent ones I’ve tried are not knicker-knickers, but period knickers which are freaking awesome.
DistantAudacity* January 18, 2025 at 4:04 am +100 on the locations bit. For reference, I tend to stay at the Covent Garden Travelodge hotel. Budget-ish hotel chain, top-notch location-wise. You save SO much time on location, and extra travel costs. Still, it is a hotel in central London, but see what else you can get in the area. Plenty of good breakfast options nearby (try Franx for a classic English. Also that place right across the street from the hotelmis great).
Cordelia* January 18, 2025 at 4:17 am Yes, I agree about the locations. Travelodge is a budget chain all over the UK, the other – very slightly fancier – one is Premier Inn. I’ve always found them clean and reliable. The central London ones are still pricy, but thats central London. You can use contactless credit cards on transit, although I couldn’t guarantee that all US cards work. Get the free app citymapper to show you how to get around. Do some riding around on the top deck of the buses, much more interesting than the tube if you are not in a hurry There is a company called London Walks which does great guided walks in all sorts of areas about all sorts of things, I can highly recommend them. You can do various river boat tours, but the Uber Boats go the same places (obviously, it’s the same river!) and are cheaper. its nice to get the boat out to Greenwich for river walks, market, maritime history, nice pubs.
londonedit* January 19, 2025 at 12:40 pm Talking of boats, what I like to do if I’m having a touristy day is go over to the cable cars (I start on the north side of the river, at Royal Victoria Dock), get the cable car across the Thames (you can pay with a contactless or Oyster card, it’s on the TfL transport network) and then get the boat back into central London from North Greenwich Pier. If you fancy hanging around a bit in North Greenwich first, what started life as the Millennium Dome is now the O2 Arena, which has an outlet shopping mall and absolutely tons of options for eating and drinking. It’s not your classic ye olde worlde tourist London by any means but it’s something different to do!
Zebydeb* January 18, 2025 at 3:29 pm Similarly, my parents like to stay at the Premier Inn near Blackfriars station. Handy for trains, tubes, boats and buses, and walking distance from some of the big attractions.
BellStell* January 18, 2025 at 3:47 am Go to the Royal Observatory Greenwich, The Old Operating Theatre Museum and do The London Eye at sunset.
CityMouse* January 18, 2025 at 4:47 am It’s classically touristy, but I do think the Tower of London is a must do just because it’s classic and there is actually quite a lot to see there. It gets packed so try to go right when it opens. I like to do the South Bank walk at least from Tower Bridge to the Millennium Bridge as you see a lot there and you can go through Borough Market on the way. Seconding the free museums. I also enjoy just walking around some of the parks. For literary stuff, it really depends on what authors you’re into as there are a huge number of options. I love theater and West End shows are typically cheaper than Broadway, so I might consider seeing something, if it’s in your budget.
Jules the First* January 18, 2025 at 6:33 am For people spending only a couple of days in London, I recommend doing one (long but fascinating!) day, especially if the weather is good: start at the Tower of London when it opens, then walk across the bridge and head west along the south bank, through Potters Field. Stop for lunch in Borough Market, then, continue along the river. The route takes you past The Globe, the the Millennium Bridge (which you can pop across for a 45min detour and see St Paul’s), then into the Tate Modern for some (free) modern art and architecture, back out along the river past the Oxo Tower, and into the Southbank. Stop for a drink or some theatre, or pop into the BFI for a very comfy cinema experience. Back out onto the south bank of the river and keep heading west to finish at Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey or stop for a spin on the London Eye.
CityMouse* January 18, 2025 at 9:27 am That sounds like an awesome and packed day. Last time I did this but ended after St. Paul’s (I was with my kid). I did enjoy climbing the dome of St Paul’s, especially if you time it right to hear the bells. The choir was also rehearsing which was nice. I’d also say go early to Westminster Abbey, because last time I went it was so packed you were in lines. I had a much better time when it wasn’t so busy.
Red Reader the Adulting Fairy* January 18, 2025 at 6:39 am Seconding the Tower. When I was there, the Beefeaters did free first-come first-serve tours, and that really made the experience. Aside from the history, we got ours talking about the experience of actually everyday living in the Tower, like how often do food delivery places hang up on you when you give them an address assuming it’s a prank? Often, and apparently it similarly took him six weeks to get a washing machine delivered and installed to his apartment. It was one of my favorite days of my trip.
fallingleavesofnovember* January 18, 2025 at 8:10 am Jules the First’s recommended walk is definitely what I’d recommend, it really does hit so much! And echoing all the people who say the Tower of London is worth it! The parks are great and most are quite large – we’ve enjoyed visiting Hyde Park, Regent’s Park (a bit wilder in some sections – we actually did a mushroom foraging tour there, it was super cool to do in the middle of the city!), and Greenwich Park (you can go see the Prime Meridian line). We’ve been to Spitalfields Market and the area around Liverpool St Station too a few times!
goddessoftransitory* January 18, 2025 at 2:56 pm The ravens at The Tower are worth the tour on their own! So big, so clearly not killing because they just don’t happen to feel like it at the moment…
fluff* January 19, 2025 at 9:13 pm Yes – and the Ravenmaster presentation. I especially loved the one raven that would play dead. He would flop over on the grass. Then people would throw bits of snacks at him. Hence, there are signs to not fall for the ploy: “he’s not dead. Please do not feed them.” Brilliant little velociraptors with personality they are.
vegan velociraptor* January 18, 2025 at 4:59 am If you’re into offbeat museums, I’d highly recommend the John Soane Museum and the Grant Museum of Zoology (check opening times for the latter). They’re within walking distance of each other and both small, so very doable in one day. If you like urban planning tourism, you might enjoy the Barbican.
English Rose* January 18, 2025 at 5:18 am Thank you, another John Soane fan here, I was just coming to recommend it. So wacky.
guerilla agile* January 18, 2025 at 5:40 am I’m a fan of walking tours, just showed up at designated time and place to meet the guide and then got a 2 hour wander stoping off a various points of interest. All were good and not too expensive.
EllenD* January 18, 2025 at 6:22 am If you like walking try the footpaths alongside the Thames, especially on the South Bank. From Lambeth Bridge heading east, you’ll find views of Parliament across the river that appear in lots of movies and TV series. Then you’ll hit the South Bank complex and further east there are great views and pubs. You can walk to Tower Bridge and see Oxo Building, HMS Belfast moored on the river.
The Prettiest Curse* January 18, 2025 at 1:32 pm Agreed, a walk by the river is always fun, so many different things to spot!
six sided snowflake* January 18, 2025 at 7:01 am I don’t mind hostels (you might), and I quite liked the Palmer’s Lodge Swiss Cottage. I booked a private room (obviously more expensive than dorms), but it was nice & relatively quiet. They have a garden with picnic tables etc to eat at – I was there in the summer and it was very pleasant. And, I like that I can cook a meal there, I don’t always feel like eating out for every meal. Your vacation preferences may vary.
Buni* January 18, 2025 at 8:04 am If you’re willing to share an email address a friend of mine put together a table of Free London days that shows places, location, nearest station etc and a little breakdown of what it is. I live here and every time they come to visit we knock a few things off the list. Seconding recommendations of all the free major museums and a stroll along the SouthBank.
HannahS* January 18, 2025 at 8:34 am When I went to London, I stayed in the north end, near the Jewish Museum. I had to take the Tube into the touristy area each day, but if you’re really just going back the hotel to sleep, you might find a better deal there. This was in 2017, and my hostel was 12 pounds a night! Not that I would stay at that specific place lol. But the few times I returned after dark, I felt safe enough.
Squirrel Nutkin (the teach, not the admin)* January 18, 2025 at 10:11 am Churchill War Rooms (preserved just as they were from the 1940s) was my favorite museum. It’s like stepping back into the past.
MaxKitty* January 18, 2025 at 10:18 am The location of the Strand Palace Hotel can’t be beat, and it’s less expensive than a lot of central London locations. The Churchill War Rooms (previously the Cabinet War Rooms) is fascinating for a history buff. If you’re interested in theatre but aren’t committed to any particular show, look into half-price day-of tickets (ticket booth in Leicester Square but also deals available online, I believe). Try out the double-decker buses. The 15 goes between Charing Cross Station and the Tower (and farther), with St. Paul’s on the way.
GoryDetails* January 18, 2025 at 10:40 am If you’re into geocaching at all, that’s a great way to explore new locations. And the associated “Adventure Lab” app includes tons of London-area ones: often themed (history, art, statues, writers, etc.), they typically feature five or so stops – mostly within walking distance, though some can extend across an entire county/state – where you’re meant to find a specific landmark and answer a question from info you find on the spot. They make a fun little add-on to whatever else you might be doing. Re hotels: last time I was in London I stayed on one of the super-tiny budget ones (Z Hotel? Something like that). It really was teensy – pretty much a bed-sized room with wall-shelves and a tiny bath/shower. Very budget-friendly, and acceptable as a place to spend the night, but not especially relaxing in itself.
Clisby* January 18, 2025 at 12:49 pm The one time I was in London (a long time ago) one of the most interesting experiences was to attend a criminal trial at the Old Bailey (confession: I am a huge fan of Rumpole of the Bailey). Just from googling around, it looks like this is still available – just like a visitor to the US could attend a criminal trial here. The barristers were wearing the robes and wigs, and, with exquisite politeness, snidely sniping at each other.
Peanut Hamper* January 18, 2025 at 1:23 pm Portobello Road Market is always an experience. Or at least it used to be.
The Prettiest Curse* January 18, 2025 at 1:50 pm Since you’re into urban planning, you might find the London Transport Museum in Covent Garden worth a visit. Added bonus: their museum sells great reprints of vintage transport posters. (The rest of Covent Garden is very touristy and over-priced, but worth a wander around.) I’ve never visited the London Mithraeum, but have always wanted to – it’s the preserved remains of a Roman temple found when excavations to build a skyscraper were taking place. I’ve also heard that the Museum of London is worth a visit, as it’s about the history of the city over time. I second the recommendation of the Barbican (read up on how perceptions of it have changed over time) and would also recommend visiting the National Theatre if you’re into Brutalist architecture. Advance reading: on the urban planning side, London Under by Peter Ackroyd I’d all about everything underneath the city, and it’s fascinating. His book London: The Biography was published a while back so is probably a bit outdated, but was very acclaimed at the time. I hope you enjoy your trip!
Buni* January 19, 2025 at 9:13 am I love the Mithraeum but fair warning you’re in & out in under half an hour, unless you *really* like staring at the ruins.
goddessoftransitory* January 18, 2025 at 2:53 pm My mom and I went to London years ago and my best memory is actually of a day out tour we took of the countryside–my mom was a HUGE Anglophile and “seeing thatched cottages” was high on her bucket list. She booked a professional tour with a local guide who really knew his stuff and dressed the part–flat cap, knickers, tiny British car–and dedicated himself to giving us the Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride experience along the tiny and terrifying back roads of rural England, flying along past blind curves along tracks that were easily eight hundred years old and so sunken there was no such thing as being able to “pull over” or “have two actual lanes.” I asked him what would happen if another car happened to be racing along the same road in the opposite direction, exactly? “Well, hopefully we won’t!” He replied cheerfully. Quite the day out! So anyway, I recommend at least one day outside the city limits!
londonedit* January 19, 2025 at 12:45 pm I definitely agree with getting out of the city for a day, but the British countryside is not some sort of theme park. I’d steer clear of the ‘day’s coach tour of Windsor/Oxford/Stonehenge/the Cotswolds’ type of thing, because they’re ridiculous, and maybe just look at taking the train to a different city/town. Much of rural England isn’t particularly accessible by public transport (trains/buses) but there are plenty of places within striking distance of London that are easy to get to on the train, like Brighton, Canterbury, Bath, Bristol, Oxford, Cambridge etc.
Zebydeb* January 18, 2025 at 3:32 pm For social dancing, check what’s on at Cecil Sharp House here: https://www.efdss.org/whats-on?subcat=27 I haven’t been but it’s long established and I know it’s where the ceilidh-lovers go!
ronda* January 18, 2025 at 6:54 pm when my sister (a nurse) chose a museum in London to visit, she chose the Florence nightingale museum. I (not a nurse) found it interesting too. I always liked going to the theatre when I was in London.
Anima* January 19, 2025 at 6:14 am If you enjoy history, you can go mudlarking in the themes shores. BUT (really big BUT) you need to know two things: 1. Check the tide table. Really do, the Themse is no joke and you can get trapped easily looking at interesting things in the mud. Stay alert, leave if you feel it becomes dangerous, even if there is no obvious danger. 2. You can look at cool things in the mud BUT you can’t take anything. You need a permit for that which is not worth the hassle for a tourist. Do not bring plastic bags or trovels. Just go for a stroll on the “beach”, have a look, wonder what you did see and leave everything were it was. It’s still fun, though, you will probably see so many ship parts, big and small, wood of all ages, bricks as old as Tudor times, and pipe stems. So many pipe stems! Take pictures but leave them there (they can be quite pretty). I did this with my sister before mudlarking was a thing and we had so much fun. I think wee took a few things, because we didn’t know better (and you didn’t need a permit back then). But you learn a lot about Londona history just by looking up after what you saw.
Clumsy Ninja* January 19, 2025 at 4:25 pm We were just in London! Our favorites were Windsor Castle and St Paul’s Cathedral. (They say not to attempt the climb to the dome if you’re claustrophobic, but it wasn’t too bad.) And we went to the Sherlock Holmes Museum, which was small but seemed very true to the books. The Tower Bridge was really neat, and we went down into the lower level as well. Definitely use the tube for getting around, plus walking. And if you look into it ahead of time (sadly, we didn’t), you can probably watch a Shakespeare play in London!
Qwerty* January 19, 2025 at 7:00 pm Consider taking day trips to the towns surrounding London – my trip there alternated between London things and taking trains to nearby towns like Oxford, Canterbury, St Albans, etc. I’ve heard that Oxford/Cambridge feel similar since they are both college towns so its generally recommended to pick one of them. Many places offer free walking tours – make use of as much of these as you can! I loved them and wish we had more of that in the US. Tower of London was great – I’ve been there twice. Definitely do the guided tour (it’s included in the ticket price) – the stories vary by the guide so it was different each time I went The British Library was enjoyable and has some book related small exhibits The British Museum is ginormous. Their website has recommendations on what exhibits to see based on the time you have. I was alone and managed to somehow cram 90% of the place into 3hrs – I think the adreneline of rushing around trying to see as much as possible added to the excitement. Castle wise – check out what exhibit is at Buckingham if its open when you are there because how much you like it depends on that year’s topic. I didn’t find Kensington Palace worth it, though I enjoyed the park around it. Tea – There’s a river tour with afternoon tea that was a great way to see the skyline. The Portrait Gallery also has a lovely high tea on their top floor so there are great views of the city (can’t remember what you can see, I was there for the tea so I gave the better seats to others) I can’t remember the name of the company, but there’s a company that does bus trips to places like Stonehenge or Harry Potter world – might be worth checking if they have a Doctor Who one? I did the inner circle tour for Stonehenge, where you go to a small town, Bath, Salisbury, then visit Stonehenge after hours where you walk right up to the stones – if you are lucky it is at sunset though timing doesn’t always match up. (there’s a sunrise one too)
Land Acknowledgments?* January 18, 2025 at 12:43 am I’m from the east coast and just moved to an area that has a lot of indigenous presence. I have been seeing land acknowledgments everywhere, which are new to me. Are they something indigenous folks asked for or is this something well-meaning white people are doing? I don’t want to ask around here and offend anybody. As a white person and outsider, they seem totally insincere. Oh, yeah, this is your land, here is your history, blah, blah, feel good about ourselves, totally not giving it back tho. It’s like how I feel about the Elgin Marbles. I hear a lot of talking and not a lot of acting. Give it back already! Am I wrong? Is this something all tribes agree on? Is there a goal, like, bare minimum, level 1 is to acknowledge it, maybe some future level 5 is give it back?
RagingADHD* January 18, 2025 at 1:17 am As with anything pertaining to indigenous people, there is no monolith of opinion or single spokesperson for geographically, linguistically, and culturally disparate people who are lumped together by the dominant society as one group. There is a variety of opinions about white people practicing land acknowledgements, which include the opinion that they are a hollow gesture. I am pretty sure that no institutions practicing land acknowledgements have any plans to give away any portion of their real estate holdings, ever.
Cacofonix* January 18, 2025 at 7:12 am I think you’re looking at land acknowledgments in isolation. Alone, they can come across as hollow, but I’ve also heard some insightful ones. They are just one of many ways to create awareness and inspire people to actually reflect on and learn about the realities and history of colonialism, and what you can do to support reconciliation and break down the systemic biases that indigenous peoples still live under.
fallingleavesofnovember* January 18, 2025 at 8:26 am They are now super super common everywhere in (what is now called) Canada and most institutions won’t start a formal meeting or event without them (governments, universities, theatres). There is definitely WAS a lot of conversation about whether or not they were just a hollow gesture but it seems we have landed on the idea that it’s better to do them than not do them – it does at least provide acknowledgement and has meant more people are learning whose territories they are on. From my own experience (as a settler working for one of these big institutions) I find there are two ‘styles’ – for smaller meetings, etc. I keep it short and sweet – when I would naturally mention the city I am located in, it makes sense to me to include that it is on the territory of X Nation(s). For larger meetings or events (like a workshop where we want to work together on something vs just exchanging information) the advice I’ve generally received is to try and say something to make it more personal in terms of how your work or efforts contribute towards reconciliation or what it means for you based on your own identity/heritage (as a settler, new Canadian, etc), or something specific you have learned about the history of where you are. Also many public events in Canada will now have an Elder from the Nation whose territory the event is in to give an opening prayer and other remarks. Bottom line, they can be done well or poorly, and maybe they are more about forcing us as settlers to reflect and be aware and struggle to make it meaningful as much as for Nations themselves – they already know very well whose lands they are!
fallingleavesofnovember* January 18, 2025 at 8:31 am Also, look up the ‘Land Acknowledgement’ video from the Baronness von Sketch show, it gets right at what you are asking…
Land Acknowledgments?* January 18, 2025 at 12:19 pm Thank you. In researching the Canadian history of it, I see that it was the result of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Typical of America, it seems we have skipped over the hard part and just copied the acknowledgments/easy part from Canada. I appreciate the context you gave me.
Unpopular (maybe) opinion about land acknowledgments* January 18, 2025 at 12:02 pm I have definitely seen them used without any input from indigenous people and where they seem performative, but others have had different experiences. There was an interesting discussion about this on this site. If you’re interested, see the first comment on the post “can I tell employees not to bring partners on work trips, coworkers ostracizing a former friend, and more” from April 12, 2023. Baroness Von Sketch did a segment on this (comedy take, so might not be for everyone). On YouTube: Baroness Von Sketch Show – Theatre Acknowledgement
Rara Avis* January 18, 2025 at 12:06 pm I do tend to feel that it is just an empty gesture, but my school worked with the local Muwekma Ohlone tribe to create ours, and has committed to supporting the tribal community in other ways.
Land Acknowledgments?* January 18, 2025 at 1:08 pm Thank you, everyone who recommended Baroness von Sketch. That’s kind of what I thought. I’m the lady in the audience! I’ll just sit down and enjoy the show.
fallingleavesofnovember* January 18, 2025 at 8:27 pm I mean the lady in the audience (and you!) aren’t wrong!
Dark Macadamia* January 18, 2025 at 3:40 pm I’m white and have always thought they seem performative, but I do see some organizations doing other things to be supportive of our indigenous communities and/or anti-racist work so it’s not always completely empty. What bugs me is the common wording that’s been adopted in my area has phrasing like “since time immemorial” which just feels weirdly… unnatural? over the top? It’s the only place I’ve seen that word used and it feels like it subtly sends the message that native people are just a part of ancient history. I’d be curious to know who came up with that wording and why.
Lexi Vipond* January 18, 2025 at 4:13 pm In England, ‘time immemorial’ ends in 1189, which is not directly relevant to this, but an interesting fact!
Donottry* January 18, 2025 at 4:56 pm Where I worked, we always had land acknowledgments, but added a link to an organization here that helps indigenous people reclaim land.
Student* January 18, 2025 at 11:21 pm “Time immemorial” seems to be a common usage among Native American communities in my state.
epizeugma* January 19, 2025 at 7:05 am I’ve been told by people representing indigenous orgs that land acknowledgements are disingenuous if they don’t come from a place of actual relationship. If you’re just naming the people whose ancestral lands these are, and you don’t actually have a relationship with those people, it’s theater. I’m sure people have different opinions about this, but since the native people I know don’t like them, I don’t do them.
Bike Walk Barb* January 19, 2025 at 11:40 am I work for a public agency that works directly with tribes in a government to government relationship. We do things that directly affect people, land, and sometimes cultural items found in the ground. Our tribal relations director advised me that for our agency work we consider it performative unless we can say something real and specific about the relationship with the tribe whose lands we’re on or working with. If it’s something that’s a major event and involved partnering we would have someone from that tribe speak on their own behalf, not try to speak for them, and would thank them for the relationship. I was at an event a while ago for dedication of a new bridge. Someone fairly important did some kind of an acknowledgement of what I think of as the typical type and then invited tribal representatives to speak. What they said was fantastic. They talked in a far deeper way about the meaning of the land and how the people who lived on it lived WITH it, relied on it, didn’t exploit it. They weren’t describing the land as something that belonged to people. They explicitly said they’re acknowledging the land for itself. They also noted that these acknowledgments often sound like they’re all about the past and yet their people are here, now, with modern-day needs and issues (that the important person was positioned to address). If you’re doing anything that involves a tribe I would ask them what they prefer and follow that. With multiple tribes having lived in some places this might result in conflicting preferences and you’d have to sort that out. If there are no tribal people involved in the event, the entity isn’t doing anything to work directly with the tribe, and you have some position power I would ask some pointed questions about the purpose of the acknowledgement and intentions for authentic work on behalf of a stronger relationship. If they’re just doing it to feel better about not actually doing anything…. But if they’d stand up and say they respect the history of the place and are in conversations with tribes about how to partner better in future (if true) that would at least be some kind of basis.
Alex* January 18, 2025 at 12:44 am In 1999, my best friend at the time introduced me to the computer game Caesar III. I loved loved loved that game. It’s so simple yet complex. At some point, I put it on a USB stick, because it was all of 50MB or something like that, and I’ve had it ever since. This game does not work on a mac, and the last time I bought a Windows computer was 2012. I’ve kept that 2012 computer around simply to play the game, which I do every now and then when I get a hankering for it. Well, I knew that the “new” 2012 computer (with windows 7) wasn’t totally compatible with the game, which was probably made when we had windows 98 or something like that. But the other day I hauled it out and played for a while. There were a few new glitches–some of the animations were missing. I put the game on pause and went to go do something else for a few hours, and when I came back, my computer was totally fried. Now it won’t start up–I get a black screen with a blinking cursor in the upper corner. Some digging online tells me that this is not good at all. I really just want to play this game, which I know is a bit absurd, but does anyone have any ideas? Either how to get this computer going again or how to play Caesar III? Why don’t they make games like this anymore! Modern games are too complicated to be fun for me.
Lisa* January 18, 2025 at 1:08 am Can you buy a “new” old computer on eBay or at your local thrift store or something? It would probably be cheap, because it’s old tech. Or you could maybe take it to a local repair place as long as they had someone on staff who remembered how to work with Win98.
AcademiaNut* January 18, 2025 at 1:08 am You might want to look into virtual environments. They let you run older/different operating systems on a modern computer, and are used for running old software, or testing software on different systems. Virtualbox is free, and a quick google indicates that people are running Windows 98 on it. (If you do download an old version of Windows 98, follow instructions for validating the checksum for computer security purposes).
Chaordic One* January 18, 2025 at 2:02 am Out of curiously I did some googling and it looks like it is still be available from a company called GOG dot com. (The company was formerly called “Good Old Games.”) According to their website the version they sell runs on Windows 10 and 11. The price seems very reasonable. Here’s a link to the the game as advertised on their site:
Songs* January 18, 2025 at 4:07 am It’s also available to buy and download on Steam, but it looks like only for Windows version 10 and above (ie not Mac).
Saturday* January 18, 2025 at 12:10 pm Try googling “play Caesar III” and you might find an option that works for you. In addition to GOG which someone mentioned, there is an online version on epicport.
Lisa* January 18, 2025 at 12:51 pm Wow, people love this game. When I did that search, I also found a Reddit thread that mentioned “two open-source variants, both from the same extraordinary reverse-engineering-and-programming effort: Julius maintains all original game play details, including the save file format, and Augustus provides additional features of game play that some people wanted without remaining compatible. Both of these automatically adjust to different screen sizes and resolutions (which the original does not do), and both require the original game playing files and then install over the top of them.” They don’t specifically say, but I assume this was so they could be played on a modern computer.
Alex* January 18, 2025 at 5:00 pm Wow thanks for all the great and varied suggestions! I knew ya’ll would know.
Just a different redhead* January 20, 2025 at 12:33 am Hmm… I feel like I usually get it to run in Windows 7 by messing with practically all of the compatibility settings. 1998 was a great year for games lol :D if I get time I’ll dig out the one Windows 7 computer I still have running and see what it was I needed to do : / I have played it (from the original cd-rom!) within the past couple years, though I feel like at this point I need to make a backup of the cd and just use the original to play it on the Windows 95 PC. It is indeed a fun game. All I know is that I beat it fully once. (Just the one time. On the Windows 95.)
The Prettiest Curse* January 18, 2025 at 1:55 am Which songs were you surprised to find out were cover versions? I never knew until recently that “I Love Rock ‘n Roll” wasn’t originally recorded by Joan Jett. And for a long time, I thought “(There’s) Always Something There To Remind Me” was first recorded by Sandie Shaw. My husband only knew the 80s version of that song for a long time – but we were both wrong, because the original version was by Dionne Warwick.
ghost_cat* January 18, 2025 at 3:49 am Proud Mary – didn’t know it was by Creedence Clearwater Revival.
The Prettiest Curse* January 18, 2025 at 4:00 am Correction on (There’s) Always Something There To Remind Me – Dionne Warwick was the first person to record it, but Lou Johnson was the first person to release their version as a single. The different versions of this song get confusing, because it’s been recorded a lot!
Atheist Nun* January 18, 2025 at 6:30 am I grew up in the 70s/80s and did not know at the time that two songs I love are covers: 1) Hanging on the Telephone by the Nerves, covered by Blondie 2) I Want Candy by the Strangeloves, covered by Bow Wow Wow
Morning Reader* January 18, 2025 at 7:21 am Nobody Knows You When You’re Down and Out. I thought it was a depression era recording by Bessie Smith but it was written in 1923 and recorded in different versions by several others. I heard it from a local harmonica player in the 70s about the same time Clapton covered it; knew it wasn’t his but thought it was Bessie’s. (She recorded it early in ‘29, released in September, just in time to become a hit after the crash. It was originally about being poor during the roaring 20s but resonated well when everyone was in the ‘30s.)
Peanut Hamper* January 18, 2025 at 9:55 am “Tainted Love” by Soft Cell was originally recorded by Gloria Jones and released in 1964. (And it’s really good! Look it up on YouTube. I doubt you’ll be disappointed.) She later became romantically involved with Marc Bolan of T. Rex, had a child with him, and was driving the car in the accident in which he was killed. Also, while we’re on the subject, “Bang a Gong (Get It On)” which was released by the supergroup The Power Station (which was Robert Palmer, former Chic drummer Tony Thompson, and John Taylor and Andy Taylor of Duran Duran) was originally released in 1971 by–you guess it–T. Rex in 1971. (It was called “Get it On” in the UK and “Bang a Gong (Get It On)” in the US, but as this a US-based blog, I’m guessing more people here are familiar with the latter.)
Buni* January 18, 2025 at 10:57 am Well this is interesting, because I’ve never heard any but the T-Rex version and didn’t even know there *was* a cover.
Peanut Hamper* January 18, 2025 at 1:20 pm In general, I always prefer the original to the cover version, but this is one of a handful where I really do like the cover version better. Another would be “I Will Always Love You” by Dolly Parton/Whitney Houston. I love Dolly’s version, but Whitney just took it to a completely different level. Also, “Mad World” by Gary Jules — it’s on the Donnie Darko soundtrack — is much better to my ears than the original version by Tears for Fears.
Seeking Second Childhood* January 19, 2025 at 4:06 am I recently learned that Dolly wrote that song for the movie ” Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.”
KarenK* January 20, 2025 at 10:21 am This is not exactly accurate. Dolly wrote “I Will Always Love You” for Porter Waggoner. They were performing partners, and she wanted to go out on her own. Oh, and Dolly is wrong about Whitney’s version being better. JMHO!
fhqwhgads* January 19, 2025 at 2:47 pm Dolly has frequently publicly agreed that Whitney’s version is better.
Dr. Gurathin* January 18, 2025 at 10:23 am Tainted Love, Soft Cell, originally sung by Gloria Jones Girls Just Want To Have Fun, Cindy Lauper, written and released as a demo by Robert Hazard
Peanut Hamper* January 18, 2025 at 12:58 pm Yep, the Robert Hazard version was a demo but dang that was a good song! It had a nice punk rock vibe to it, and I see no reason it couldn’t have been released as a single. I love Cyndi Lauper, but I really love this original version of the song. I listen to it fairly often.
A313* January 18, 2025 at 11:05 am “Superman” is a 1969 song by the Texas band The Clique, but I’ve only ever heard the R.E.M. version that I really love!
Elle Woods* January 18, 2025 at 11:30 am Nothing Compares 2 U. Sinéad O’Connor made it famous in the early 90s but it was originally written by Prince in the mid-80s for his band the Family; he later recorded a version of it with Rosie Gaines. I love Prince’s music but Sinéad’s version of the song is the gold standard in my book.
peter b* January 18, 2025 at 11:59 am I was astounded to find that Dear Prudence is not a Siouxsie and the Banshees original… and years later somehow surprised again that This Wheel’s on Fire was originally by Bob Dylan. I still prefer Siouxsie’s Prudence to the Beatles’.
Peanut Hamper* January 18, 2025 at 1:03 pm “The Tide is High” by Blondie was originally performed by the Jamaican rocksteady group The Paragons. I’ve loved Blondie since I was a kid, but The Paragons’ version is so much better. There are a lot of songs that started out as reggae/rocksteady songs, and the original artists have too often been forgotten. In that vein, “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” by The Tokens (1961) was originally recorded in 1931 by Solomon Linda, a South African musician. There is a long, sad story about how he and his descendants have been cheated of their royalties for decades. Sadly, that is kind of the history of rock and roll in general.
PhyllisB* January 18, 2025 at 2:05 pm How many of you knew that Pearl Jam did a cover of a song from the 60s? I can’t remember the original artist and I may have the title wrong, but one of the lines is “Where oh where can my baby be? The Lord took her away from me..” Usually I don’t care for covers, especially when I was around when the original came out, but this one is very good. Also, I’m sure everyone knows Elton John did a cover of Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds. I like it, but like the Beatles version better.
WFH4VR* January 18, 2025 at 2:24 pm It’s Last Kiss, originally by Wayne Cochran in 1961. If you’re familiar with the Rock Bottom Remainders, which are a band of authors including Amy Tan, Stephen King, Dave Barry, and Ridley Pearson, their version includes “I saw her lying there, and brushed her liver out of my hair.”
anxiousGrad* January 18, 2025 at 2:13 pm I didn’t realize that All Along the Watchtower was by Bob Dylan! I was surprised that I liked the original almost as much as the Hendrix version given the very different guitar styles.
allathian* January 19, 2025 at 1:43 am And my favorite version is the U2 cover on the Rattle & Hum album. Bob Dylan’s written a lot of great songs, but if I’m honest I don’t really like his voice. Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door by Guns ‘n Roses Lay, Lady Lay and Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door by Eric Clapton Mr. Tambourine Man by The Hooters
WFH4VR* January 18, 2025 at 2:18 pm Barbara Ann, which is *not* by the Beach Boys, but an earlier group called the Regents.
goddessoftransitory* January 18, 2025 at 3:06 pm I knew it was a cover, but The Cowboy Junkies cover of Lou Reed’s “Sweet Jane” is amazing. I also love Tori Amos’s covers of “I’m On Fire,” “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas,” and “Nevermind.”
Lexi Vipond* January 18, 2025 at 4:10 pm Could It Be Magic – I was just the right age for Take That to be omnipresent in my early teens, and hadn’t heard the Barry Manilow version until maybe 5 years ago.
MozartBookNerd* January 19, 2025 at 2:40 am “I Say A Little Prayer.” I didn’t know that the original was by Dionne Warwick (just like your first one Prettiest Curse). Instead I grew up on the passionate, graceful, fervent version by Aretha Franklin. Just recently I saw that the song has a subtext of worrying about the singer’s loved one fighting in Viet Nam. This really snaps the lyrics into place. Wow what a perfect song. Thank you Burt Bachrach and Aretha Franklin.
Seeking Second Childhood* January 19, 2025 at 4:04 am Don McLean’s “On the Amazon” turned out to be from the 1920s! (A quick insomnia websearch says a 1929 English musical, “Mr. Cinders”)
*daha** January 19, 2025 at 2:19 pm They Might Be Giants “Istanbul (Not Constantinople) was originally by The Four Lads. Aerosmith “Big Ten Inch Record” was originally by Bull Moose Jackson. Aerosmith “Train Kept A-Rolling” goes back to Led Zeppelin, The Yardbirds, and before that to Tiny Bradshaw in 1951.
Chaordic One* January 19, 2025 at 7:04 pm OTOH, there are a few people like me who are easily duped. I actually fell for the prank that “Wonderwall” by Oasis was a cover of an old song from the 1950s or 60s. The Mike Flowers Pops did an amazing cover that had me fooled and radio DJs from around the world promoted the prank.
80th birthday ideas* January 18, 2025 at 4:07 am Looking for 80th birthday presents for my dad please! My brother and I want to get something jointly but are drawing a blank. We are not in the US, but probably around the $100 mark. If we ask him, he will say he doesn’t want anything, and he will mean it, but it doesn’t feel right to get nothing. We are going out for a family meal and staying the night in a hotel, but his actual birthday is a few days before, we need something we can post so he can open on the day. I totally understand that he really doesn’t want more stuff, but the alternative – experience-type gifts – is tricky as he is really quite frail, and sometimes starting to get a little confused. We know there aren’t many birthdays left so we want to mark this one. We’re not super close – my parents divorced as a child and he has a new wife and stepchildren and grandchildren, we don’t have much of a relationship with them. He does/did have hobbies but they are not things he is able to do any more. I think he mainly reads and watches sports on TV. We are at a loss! Any ideas please? Are there things you did for elderly parents that were a success?
Imprudence* January 18, 2025 at 4:26 am Photo albums and similar. I made my 90 to mil a calendar for Christmas with pics of all the children and grandchildren – she was in tears.
Clisby* January 18, 2025 at 12:55 pm By the time my parents got up in their 70s, they were asking us to send photos instead of “things”. We did, and they loved it.
Shiny Penny* January 18, 2025 at 5:01 am Food treats? Especially any food treats with nostalgic cultural, regional, or familial value.
WellRed* January 18, 2025 at 7:55 am Food is my suggestion as well. Candy, nuts, crackers and cheese, favorite coffee?
Lexi Vipond* January 18, 2025 at 5:03 am In the UK there are companies which will sell you a newspaper from the day you were born, we’ve done that a couple of times for that kind of age. But it is technically ‘stuff’. Or coffee table sorts of books with pictures of your town/sports team/whatever in the past. Or would he appreciate something like a nice bottle of whisky? There’s definitely a reason why people that age get so many tins of biscuits and boxes of chocolates!
Cheap ass rolling with it* January 18, 2025 at 5:36 am Seconding the newspaper for the day your dad is born. My father really enjoy his. He read it multiple times and told friends about it. Just do an online search to find where to purchase it.
CityMouse* January 18, 2025 at 7:55 am What about a digital photo frame? You can set it up so it’s pretty easy for anyone to add pictures to it.
Falling Diphthong* January 18, 2025 at 8:31 am A cool book, especially as you say he reads. If you can find something with local history of a place important to him (check the location’s historical society) that can be a neat niche offering. Like the place he spent summers growing up, or where he lived when he was in his 20s, etc. A hit with my dad was a scroll with the history of our last name.
Morning Reader* January 18, 2025 at 10:05 am Some years ago, for a friend’s 70th birthday, I got him some smaller things representing each of his decades. Some Swedish fish for his inner 10-year-old, a Beatles album for his 20th, a dem donkey button for 30th, a worlds greatest dad mug for 40th, and so on. It was inexpensive and didn’t involve anything that took up too much space. (I already had two copies of Meet the Beatles so that was easy.)
Christmas Carol* January 18, 2025 at 8:50 pm I just did the math involving Meet The Beatles as a callback gift for a milestone 70th birthday, and now I have to go lie down.
Fifi* January 18, 2025 at 10:52 am These are all great suggestions, but also consider that respecting his wishes for no gifts is also a gift in itself. The gift of your time – even if it’s only to go visit for a bit and chat to him about his life and your lives or watch a sportsball game together, is the best gift of all. Happiest of birthday wishes to your dad
Indolent Libertine* January 18, 2025 at 11:53 am Does he wear a wristwatch? You can get nice ones engraved with names, initials, dates, etc. on the back pretty easily in that price range. “Happy 80th Dad” on one line and “Kid1 Kid2” first names on another.
Kathenus* January 18, 2025 at 11:57 am Similar to Imprudence’s recommendation – for my dad’s 80th birthday I did a photo book (Shutterfly) for him. When my mom passed I became the keeper of the old family photos so had some from his childhood, him as a young adult, in the Army, then of our family throughout the years. I think he really liked it. And as Fifi says the thought and time you put into it will likely mean as much or more than the actual book itself – although the book turned out really great. And if you don’t have access to those types of past pictures, one focusing on your and your brother and such might be a good option.
same but different* January 18, 2025 at 10:20 pm We did a shutterfly blanket of family photos for my dad’s 90th. It has as many or few photos as you want, you don’t have to caption things, and it became a lap rug/memory aid/ conversation starter as he declined. If you didn’t want to do family photos, you could go the memory route as various other posts have mentioned focused on favorite hobbies, or a photo per decade or something.
Irish Teacher.* January 18, 2025 at 12:00 pm I love the idea of a newspaper from the day he was born. Or from a significant date in his life – his wedding day, his graduations… Or something related to an important moment for you all. Like in my dad’s case, he introduced me and my brother to Agatha Christie’s Poirot when we were kids and inspired a life long love of mysteries in us both and it was a game for the three of us throughout our childhood to see who could work it out closest to the truth. So in a case like that, a box set. Or something from a country you went on holiday to as a child or something. Or there’s a company, Wonderbly, that do personalised books and they have an adult range. By adult, I don’t mean X-rated, just suitable for adults. https://www.wonderbly.com/ie/personalized-books/adults?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=GO-SEA-IRL-En-Brand-E&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIyYqqnd__igMV9ZZQBh2MvQv-EAAYASACEgKPkvD_BwE
AnotherRetiredLibrarian* January 18, 2025 at 2:15 pm I did a photo calendar with family photos for my dad. The following year I did one with photos of all the cars he had owned. (Yes, there were photos of every one of them.) I used Walmart Photo, but there’s also Shutterfly.
anxiousGrad* January 18, 2025 at 2:16 pm A couple of years ago my mom and aunt got my grandmother a StoryWorth account. It has prompts for the person to answer and then puts them together into a book at the end. I thought I already knew a lot of my grandmother’s stories, but I actually learned so much about her life from it! And I think she enjoyed doing it.
Chauncy Gardener* January 18, 2025 at 4:16 pm Is there specific food type treats he likes? Maybe from your area? That stuff is easily mailed/delivered. I’m thinking things like real maple syrup, candies, chocolates, preserves, etc. Good luck!
Healthcare Worker* January 18, 2025 at 4:51 pm Electronic photo frame! When my mother was quite frail and really couldn’t do anything but sit up, she loved watching the changing pictures of her great-grandchildren. We placed the frame on the kitchen counter where she could see it from her chair. She died about eighteen months ago, and my dad still enjoys “having breakfast with Emma.” My daughter-in-law and is really good about regularly sending new pictures (almost every day he gets a new one or two), and they cycle through from her birth. My daughter also sends pictures so Dad keeps up with what they’re doing, too. Simple pictures that share their day to day life. It’s so easy to set up – it turns on in the morning and off in the evening, you can adjust how quickly the pictures change, and the phone app is simple to use. We also have one, and I love it, too!
Anono-me* January 18, 2025 at 7:14 pm Is there a luxury that would make his life easier? A bidet with warm water and hot air is my first recommendation (if you can have it installed). Hiring a spring garden clean up if he has a yard. Have a handy person add a railing or safety bars. A meal delivery subscription. The Shutterfly book is a great idea. A friend does a personalized calendar for her grandmother. (A big family photo for each month and then a picture of the person for each loved ones birthday.)
RLC* January 18, 2025 at 7:25 pm If there is a charity your dad supports, perhaps a cash donation in his name? Late in life my parents preferred to have money given to their favorite charities rather than spent on “stuff”.
IT Manager* January 18, 2025 at 8:52 pm At this point, things that show him/others in the home that you want to maintain a relationship are better than him-focused presents IMO. He’s getting to the age where both he and caregivers will be better off if they know there is family who cares. Pictures, calendars, those eFrames where you can email/upload updated pictures (and then mentally commit to sending them!). Photo sculpture of a memorable childhood photo of yours, bonus if he’s in it too. Birthstone jewelry with kids or grandkids if he’s a jewelry wearer. Blankets made from family photos. Scrapbook/photo book of family history (the part he was in!)
Seeking Second Childhood* January 19, 2025 at 4:11 am Might not fit your price range, but one of my mother’s favorite Christmas gifts was the year my brother got her an extra delivery of heating oil. It was a way to help my depression era mother push the thermostat up and stay healthy as she got frail.
Tulip* January 19, 2025 at 12:38 pm I’d suggest writing a letter. Or writing down little memories you have with him. I see that you aren’t close, so this suggestion might not be useful. I share it, though, because I’ve seen it be very well received by my elders. One holiday my mom had my sisters and I write little memories of our times with our grandma on slips of paper, then gifted them to our grandma in a little container. For years afterwards, my grandma would read through those notes. Similarly, I once wrote a letter to my dad about a fond memory I had with him, and he cherished that letter. It doesn’t have to be super long or eloquent. It was showing that I cared and remembered that my elders appreciated.
Qwerty* January 19, 2025 at 6:18 pm For milestone elderly birthdays we’ve often done group sentimental gifts like “80 memories with John” that is a mixture of everyone’s happy memories and specific sayings. Or a scrapbook where each person put together a page about what grandma meant to them. Maybe you could do a smaller version? My grandpa loved a giant picture frame we put together for a milestone birthday – one of those things from the craft store that holds 8-10 pictures of varying sizes. It has a large picture in the center where we printed a portrait and for the supporting pics we used shots of him at work, with his kids, with his friends, etc. An alternate idea would be one picture for every decade. The man loved it – it was temporarily hung in the hallway at his house after the party and for several years after my grandma kept asking when she could restore the painting that usually hung there (grandpa refused to take it down). He has dementia now and still stops to look at that board, thrilled to see the homage to himself. It has occasionally been helpful when he doesn’t remember that he lives there – we tell him to go look in the hallway and it helps him remember that he’s in his own house.
LGP* January 18, 2025 at 4:51 am Do you (or would you) save your child’s baby teeth? My son is starting to get his first teeth, so this topic has come up among some friends and family. Most of them say they would keep them/have kept them, but it seems so weird to me! I think I’d like to keep the first one, like how some parents keep a lock of hair from their kid’s first haircut, but keeping a box full of teeth feels too creepy to me. So I’d love to know your opinions: do you find it cute or creepy? Also, if you do keep them, what do you do with them? (I know there’s research about getting stem cells from them, but from what I understand they have to be stored in specific conditions in a facility; you can’t get stem cells from them if they’ve just been kept in a box in your closet). How long do you keep them? Do you give them to your kid when they’re an adult, and then what do they do with them? I have so many questions lol (And just to clarify, this is all lighthearted curiosity, I’m not trying to criticize anyone, I just genuinely want to know people’s thoughts on this)
six sided snowflake* January 18, 2025 at 6:44 am I find it creepy. My mother, however, did not. My mother kept all my baby teeth, and asked me to keep my daughter’s. My mother was an artist, and before she died, she made a sculpture that incorporated both my and my kid’s. I find the sculpture weird and creepy and my daughter loves it. Some things just skip a generation.
Red Reader the Adulting Fairy* January 18, 2025 at 6:46 am I don’t think my parents kept mine. If they did and they gave them to me, I’d either be like “ew, no thanks” or if I did for some reason take them, throw them away immediately. I’m not terribly sentimental even about things I do have valued memories about, and I definitely don’t find any valued memories in random bits of biological detritus – to me, lost baby teeth are no more important than like, fingernail clippings.
Morning Reader* January 18, 2025 at 7:09 am Yes, I have them in a little box somewhere, along with the little knit cap the hospital gives newborns, my favorite onesie from babyhood, a few other small things. I don’t know why; it’s more sentimentality than cuteness. But I paid for them, in the guise of tooth fairy, so I will keep them. I tend to keep some few sentimental items from significant people and I don’t think it’s creepy, particularly. It seems a very mild form of childhood souvenir. Many parents of adult children I know have significantly more “stuff” from their children’s childhoods still in their house or garage or storage, boxes full of their toys and clothes and games. My one little drawer devoted to artifacts of her life pales in comparison. (It is mostly stuff like the onesie that are meaningful to me but that she would have no interest in now or even remember. And I’m not going to fess up to being the tooth fairy even at this late date.) What to do with it? I assume it will get thrown out like most of the rest of my stuff when I’m gone. I read somewhere of a scientist doing an environmental study analyzing baby teeth, and thought of sending them in, but we moved too much in the early years for her teeth to be useful that way.
LGP* January 18, 2025 at 8:57 am I tend to keep some few sentimental items from significant people and I don’t think it’s creepy, particularly. It seems a very mild form of childhood souvenir. Just want to clarify that I don’t think keeping childhood things in general is creepy; I’ll definitely be keeping some clothes and stuff from my son’s babyhood. It’s specifically the teeth that I find creepy. Anyway, thanks for sharing your perspective!
AnonymousOctopus* January 18, 2025 at 12:07 pm “ But I paid for them, in the guise of tooth fairy, so I will keep them.” Thank you for this, it brought me my first laugh of the day. Can’t argue with your logic there!
CityMouse* January 18, 2025 at 7:58 am If the kid loses their first tooth at my kid’s school they get a little box to put it in. I don’t think my parents kept mine but I think I chucked some of them in a drawer and then threw them out. I guess I haven’t thought about the tooth fairy and given my kid is in kindergarten I should figure that out fast. He hasn’t lost a tooth yet but many of his classmates have.
Morning Reader* January 18, 2025 at 8:25 am I do wonder about that tooth fairy. What is the fairy giving in exchange these days? In my day it was a shiny dime. For my kid I used a half dollar (to keep the shiny theme.) Do kids even know what cash or coin money is now? Does the tooth fairy use Venmo?
Red Reader the Adulting Fairy* January 18, 2025 at 8:54 am I got a quarter. Except the one time I thought I was gonna be clever and told my dad on my way out of church, I took one of the blank offering envelopes from the pew and I was gonna put my tooth in that and make the tooth fairy prove that she was real, because only a real tooth fairy could get the tooth out without ripping the envelope open or having to put it in something else. “Good thought, that’s clever,” says my dad, and suddenly remembered he had to pop back into the church to ask his choir director something real quick. The next morning, I opened my sealed envelope and tipped out two dimes and four pennies, and then noticed a note written on it, “minus one cent for not believing.” My siblings and I never questioned the tooth fairy (or the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus) aloud again. :)
fallingleavesofnovember* January 18, 2025 at 11:44 am That’s so funny, I love both you and your Dad in this story!
CityMouse* January 18, 2025 at 9:12 am I got a dollar back in the 90s. I know Bluey (popular kids cartoon set in Australia) gets $5 and the Dad protests but the Mom notes that’s how much the other kids got. I need to chat with some other parents after drop off. I do know as a kid I was very aware that the tooth fairy wasn’t real, but I have older siblings.
Sloanicota* January 18, 2025 at 9:15 am I think my nieces and nephews got $5 per tooth and I was a bit shocked haha.
Jay (no, the other one)* January 18, 2025 at 9:26 am My kid is 24 and the Tooth Fairy gave her Susan B Anthony dollar coins. Which meant that the night she lost a tooth and we were out of coins, the Tooth Fairy wrote her a lovely little note as an IOU and from then on they kept up a correspondence – kid left a note with each tooth, and Dentina answered. When she lost a tooth while we were on vacation, Enamella filled in for Dentina and explained that on that side of the Rockies they only had dollar bills, not coins. I didn’t save the teeth. I did save the notes.
Squirrel Nutkin (the teach, not the admin)* January 18, 2025 at 10:18 am Enamella and Dentina — I’m dying. That’s great!
Rara Avis* January 18, 2025 at 12:13 pm My kid is 16. We did half dollar or dollar coins. Except the tooth fairy always forgot, so mom had to do a search under the pillow and somehow the coin always showed up in my hand … I don’t think we kept the teeth. My kid did keep their extracted wisdom teeth for a while but I think they’ve been thrown away now.
The Dude Abides* January 18, 2025 at 1:31 pm I got scratch tickets. My daughter (5) gets $5 per. It’s hitting the budget hard, she just lost three within the past two weeks.
goddessoftransitory* January 18, 2025 at 3:13 pm Nowadays it’s apparently a dollar minimum. When I was a kid the tooth loser got a quarter, and the sibling who didn’t lose a tooth got a dime (to prevent IT’S NOT FAIR wailings.) But anything that low would probably be met with “???” these days.
HBJ* January 18, 2025 at 5:22 pm We currently give the children $1.50. Which I think is too high, but that’s what my husband wants.
Seeking Second Childhood* January 19, 2025 at 4:18 am My child got Sacagawea dollar coins because of his extended pirate phase.
RagingADHD* January 19, 2025 at 9:30 am Mine got quarters when they were little, then there was significant inflationary pressure when the kids at school started comparing notes. There were kids in school getting five or ten bucks a tooth, which was not doable for us! I can’t remember what my cover story was, but I think we got up to a dollar before it was over.
RC* January 19, 2025 at 3:49 pm I (90s) got a dollar, but it was a silver dollar. According to some friends with kids, nowadays some tooth fairies give a $20 (????)
o_gal* January 18, 2025 at 8:07 am My kid is now 24 years old and I still have his, in a ziploc bag in a drawer with other sentimental stuff from when he was a baby. I just didn’t feel like throwing them away. But I’m not planning on keeping them forever, or even giving them to him. Eventually they’ll get thrown away.
Falling Diphthong* January 18, 2025 at 8:36 am I did not save any teeth. (Children are in their 20s.) I vaguely recall a show where the amateur sleuth was trying to run down the baby teeth to show that the Mysterious Interloper had taken over an identity and wasn’t that person at all? I think my children would have found it extremely weird to give them the teeth on reaching adulthood. Of more interest was stuff created by them (a book for 2nd grade) or about them (the kindergarten entry forms), but I think those were much bigger for me as nostalgia. (Told to build a tower of blocks, oldest ignore this and constructed a tunnel and told a story about it, which was On Brand.)
Sloanicota* January 18, 2025 at 10:29 am I have my own baby teeth in a box and I have no idea what to do with them. How did I get these? My mom might have had them and then put the box into one of my boxes of stuff, or maybe at some point I stopped giving them to the tooth fairy. And wth am I going to do with them? I would feel weird throwing them out and also weird doing anything else with them, haha. What if my otherworldly spirit is forever bound to this box of stuff in my basement because they’re there?? (this makes more sense as a concern if you watch a lot of paranormal television, as I do).
GoryDetails* January 18, 2025 at 10:53 am I wouldn’t save baby teeth – though I did hang on to one of my own for a bit. As a kid I tripped and knocked one of my upper front teeth loose, and when it came out it had turned a spectacular purple color. (It also put a little dent in the permanent tooth growing behind it, which is still visible some 65 years later.) Anyway, I thought the tooth was cool and kept it for a couple of years before losing interest. My folks did the tooth fairy thing (a quarter a tooth in the 1950s, good money!), but didn’t keep the teeth as far as I ever knew. Those who’ve read Terry Pratchett’s book Hogfather might want to be very, very careful about keeping teeth – something to do with controlling the powers of belief in children, a very dangerous magical source indeed {wry grin}. Fun fact: baby teeth are also known as deciduous teeth – though that does make me picture them all falling out at once, fluttering down like leaves…
Double A* January 18, 2025 at 12:14 pm I am keeping them and I really don’t know what I’ll do with them. However, we have a lot of animal skulls and bones in our display cabinets, so I feel like a little container of baby teeth fits right in. I just put them in a little decorative pot I have in a display cabinet.
Dinwar* January 18, 2025 at 12:16 pm We tried, but they ended up getting lost/thrown out anyway because it’s a house full of small kids. I’m a paleontologist, and pretty much every paleontologist has bits of bone and skulls and teeth lying around (comparison collections), so even if it’s weird/creep, it’s weird/creepy in a way that counts as an occupational hazard. Used to have a few jars of dried frogs on my desk at work; no one would bat an eye at teeth! There’s a way to use wire, a small jar, and a cork lid to display them–museums do it with fossil rodent teeth–that looks sort of interesting in a “Witch in a gingerbread house” or “Mad scientist from the Victorian Era” sort of way (which honestly fits with our aestheticeither way). If I find the teeth I’m going to try that. Put them on the shelves with the rest of my bones.
Kay* January 18, 2025 at 12:37 pm I tend to ask myself what I’m trying to accomplish by keeping whatever thing it is in question. If you are looking to perhaps creep out your adult child at in the future – hey go for the long game! I tend to think in the moment sentimental things will be cute, but I end up chucking them later in a fit of annoyance that I created so much work for myself. For the record, I would be totally creeped out if my mom handed me a box of my teeth, its making my stomach turn just thinking about it.
My Brain is Exploding* January 18, 2025 at 1:31 pm We did not save our kids’ baby teeth. I, however, still have the wisdom teeth that were extracted when I was in my 20s. Each came out in one piece. I was surprised at how huge they were!
Anonymous Cat* January 18, 2025 at 1:39 pm I once saw a notice to parents and grandparents asking if they had any of their kids’ baby teeth because a (legit) science group needed them for research. So if anyone is still using actual teeth for research, maybe you could donate them.
WFH4VR* January 18, 2025 at 2:25 pm I never did, I thought (and think!) that it’s totally creepy. Ew. Oddly, I have one of my horse’s teeth, which doesn’t bother me at all.
Clisby* January 18, 2025 at 3:13 pm No, I didn’t. I don’t really think it’s creepy, just nothing I was interested in. I did play Tooth Fairy, though. A couple of times my kids had their teeth come out at school and then lost them, so in those cases they had to write a note to the Tooth Fairy to get the money.
Mrs. Pommeroy* January 18, 2025 at 4:32 pm Yes, I’ve kept all my kid’s baby teeth so far. We don’t do the tooth fairy but when the first one came out, kiddo and I went to a toy store and found a small and very pretty box to put it in, and every subsequent tooth has gone in that little box, ever since. (after a thorough soaking and cleaning of each) The box is my kid’s and it’s on a shelf in their room. Should kiddo ever feel like getting rid of them, I’d ask for one front tooth as my own “souvenir” and let them toss the rest. I don’t find it particularly creepy but can understand others not wanting to keep their kids’ teeth or ever being interested in my kid’s teeth. To me they are just a keepsake to mark the passage of time and remember how much smaller everything about kiddo used to be. Kiddo themselve sometimes opens up the box and looks at their tiny teeth in fascination, trying to wrap their head around this evidence of their own growth.
Chauncy Gardener* January 18, 2025 at 4:39 pm I kept my son’s for a long time, until at one point I opened the box and got totally creeped out and threw them away!
Nightengale* January 18, 2025 at 6:44 pm I kept my own baby teeth as a kid and my parents let me. They are in a plastic baggie in a small jewelry type box. . . somewhere. I refused to give them to the tooth fairy. I used to leave notes to the tooth fairy asking her to admire my tooth but not take it. I asked her to write back – I was trying to do some, er, handwriting analysis. My last baby teeth were removed by the dentist when I was a teenager and I was always sorry not to have the full set. I have done nothing with them. But they were important to my 8-16 year old self.
Anono-me* January 18, 2025 at 7:21 pm I got a little pill box full of my baby teeth and several extracted teeth when my parents downsized. I did not know what to do with it. It was disquieting. The lock of hair in taped in the baby book is more sweet. I suspect it is a holdover from when photos were a luxury or not available.
RagingADHD* January 19, 2025 at 9:26 am I have some of them, mainly because I was hiding them in the tooth-fairy days. I have no idea what to do with them and never really thought about it. I found my own when I was cleaning out my mom’s house after she died, had a couple of sweet childhood memories, and then threw them away. I guess that’s what she kept them for, if she thought about it at all.
Ali + Nino* January 19, 2025 at 10:56 am Absolutely not. And my oldest (the only one to have lost teeth so far) swallowed his first lost tooth while he was brushing so that kind of took care of that. We don’t do the tooth fairy either. No shade to those who do, its just not our thing
Qwerty* January 19, 2025 at 6:25 pm My mom kept them with the intent of giving them to us as adults. It was forgotten about until they downsized their house – my mom brought out a box of stuff/memories for my siblings and I to go through so we were all surprised together. It is very creepy to see bags of teeth, but also we laughed a lot about it and still laugh at the memory so I think its worth it. Teeth extracted by the dentist are the creepiest because they have long roots (especially wisdom teeth). It also was fun reliving memories of the tooth fairy, tricks from our mom to help us with loose teeth, our mom telling us stories about the first tooth we each lost. If you have multiple kids, please label the bags with something that will last 20yrs. The names had rubbed off so trying to figure out which bag belonged to who was so weird (but also we couldn’t stop laughing at the awkwardness) So – I’m in the “creepy but worth doing” camp. You can always get rid of the teeth later if you change your mind. It might be worth at least holding on to them until the Tooth Fairy period ends to avoid an accidental reveal. (Or use them during an intentional reveal when you are ready for that period to end?)
lily* January 19, 2025 at 11:08 pm As a mid twenties human who’s parents kept them and are now giving me all the crap they saved from when I was a child, one still has all the same questions when they are given back! And it’s a little creepy. Just toss them unless they are super meaningful to you.
Road running - with or against traffic flow* January 18, 2025 at 5:09 am So I jog around my neighbourhood and some of the roads do not have sidewalks so I always run against traffic so I can see what’s coming towards me, especially bikes. My friend’s running coach has told her to always run with the traffic flow – and I see probably 50% of other runners doing the same thing. Wondering what other people choose and why?
Cordelia* January 18, 2025 at 5:26 am I do the same as you- face the traffic so I can see what’s coming. Otherwise bikes come up behind and try to pass far too close , forcing me aside. If they are coming towards me I can glare at them!
CityMouse* January 18, 2025 at 6:01 am You’re definitely supposed to walk or run against traffic if you’re in the road. I googled it snd multiple jurisdictions came up saying to do that.
Still* January 18, 2025 at 6:13 am I’ve been taught to always run/walk against the traffic for the reason you mention, and would feel very vulnerable doing it the other way. I would only switch if I moved someplace where it’s universally accepted to go with the traffic, to the point that it would be putting me in more danger to go against the local custom. And even then I’d probably feel weird about it.
Helvetica* January 18, 2025 at 6:17 am I’ve always been taught to move against traffic, especially if there are no sidewalks. You can see the cars, the drivers can see you and I just feel much safer than having a car come up behind me.
adca* January 18, 2025 at 6:23 am Depends on the road. I go against traffic if I can escape to the side of the road. But if there is no place to go, definitely not against traffic. Always really scary when I’m cycling and people just keep walking towards me, when there are also cars, so I can’t go around them and have to suddenly brake and literally stop. I always feel like these are people who read in some magazine that this is the safest thing to do.
Maestra* January 18, 2025 at 7:28 am Definitely against traffic for all the reasons everyone else mentioned and also so that you might be able to make eye contact with drivers coming in your direction. With the way so many people run with headphones in, why would you take away another of your senses to know if you’re safe or not? I’m really surprised a coach would recommend running with traffic (I say as a high school cross country coach).
Falling Diphthong* January 18, 2025 at 8:41 am My understanding was that you bike with traffic and walk against it, the latter making it easier for the two things going at very different speeds to see each other, and be sure the oncoming person sees them. I mostly do that (at a walking pace), allowing for road curvature sometimes making the other side more sensible. Anecdotally, on the mixed use bike trail, the most erratic obstacle for me as a biker is the person walking in the same direction while talking on a cell phone, who may be about to veer off randomly across 180° of freedom. When I am coming toward this pedestrian, they know I am there and avoid me because they can see me. While a surprising number of people reason “What are the odds that a bicyclist is approaching from behind, on this bike path, where I am passed by a bicyclist 1/2 times per minute? Probably nil.”
Sloanicota* January 18, 2025 at 9:17 am This goes both ways haha. I’ve been the biker wondering why walkers are so oblivious (especially dog walkers) and I’ve been the dog walker annoyed by bikers who are zipping by at what seem to me to be unsafe speeds* while I’m trying to corral my stubborn dog. Twas ever thus. *probably a speed not too dissimilar to what I was doing when the walkers were in my way.
Enough* January 18, 2025 at 10:08 am You bike with traffic because it is a “vehicle” and you must adhere to traffic laws just as if it was a car. It is actual law.
Lexi Vipond* January 18, 2025 at 3:59 pm I always get confused if it’s just bikes and people – not formal cycle paths with a marked lane for each, but tracks and things. Do I walk on the right because bikes are traffic and I should be facing them, or do I walk on the left because it’s a path and not a road? In practice half the time everyone’s in the middle to avoid puddles and mud, so it doesn’t really matter!
Spacewoman Spiff* January 18, 2025 at 9:09 am Yeah, on foot you always move against traffic. I’m so confused that a running coach would advise to go in the same direction as vehicles. Perhaps they learned from my childhood neighbor’s mom, who instructed us to walk with traffic so…if we got hit…we would not be spattered so much. (Don’t ask me.)
Road running - with or against traffic flow* January 18, 2025 at 10:47 am Thanks for the responses :0)
Buni* January 18, 2025 at 10:54 am My family & I always quote some 1960s Traffic Safety book we used to have laying around, which cheerfully stated “Always teach your children to walk INTO traffic!”.
Kathenus* January 18, 2025 at 11:59 am As far as I’ve always been taught, runners/walkers are supposed to go against traffic and bicycles are supposed to go with traffic. For runners and walkers it is so you can easily see what’s coming and react as needed along with the drivers. For bicycles due to the higher speed if they were coming at a driver both sides would have less time to react in an emergency so it’s more dangerous for bicycles to go against traffic.
Bethlam* January 18, 2025 at 2:55 pm My answer is very peculiar to me. I mostly run with traffic. I live way out in the country and our back roads are mostly built humped in the middle and graded with a slope to either berm to let the water run off. That means one foot/leg/hip is always striking lower than the other. If done a lot,, this can cause hip and back problems. If you walk/run facing traffic, then it’s always your left leg striking lower. Probably not a big deal for casual runners, which I am, except – my left leg is already an inch shorter than my right leg. An orthotic lift in my shoe compensates for part of the difference, but not all, so running against traffic is physically uncomfortable and, if done much, painful. Caveat: there isn’t a lot of traffic on my roads, and I switch sides on the crests of hills so a car doesn’t come over the top,, see someone unexpectedly, and have to swerve. I also switch sides a lot to stay in either the sun or shade, depending on the weather, and to avoid suspect dogs.
Chauncy Gardener* January 18, 2025 at 4:40 pm Our police department constantly is putting out notices for runners and walkers to go facing traffic. I believe this is the law around here.
Person from the Resume* January 18, 2025 at 9:19 pm You’re supposed to run against traffic so you see the cars coming. Also cyclist (on a road) should be following the rules of the road so they ride in the direction of traffic.
fhqwhgads* January 19, 2025 at 2:55 pm My understanding is there are actual regulations about this, so regardless of what individuals choose, I’d recommend following the actual traffic laws for wherever you are.
Still* January 18, 2025 at 6:14 am Alison, I’m not in the US so I don’t order books from the US anyway, but it’s lovely to see that you’re offering an alternative to Amazon!
Jules the First* January 18, 2025 at 6:39 am Feeling a little burned out and depleted and wondering how other working parents square the circle of working full time, keeping the house adequately clean and tidy and everyone fed, and spending quality time with your kid while also getting some time to yourself? (Say, for an out-of-the-house workout or hobby) Does it get easier or harder when they start school?
six sided snowflake* January 18, 2025 at 6:49 am I never kept the house adequately clean. In one period of time, when my spouse was injured, no one vacuumed for 5 months. For housework, I solely focused on food, and clothes to a much lesser extent. If the kids do activities – that’s your alone time — reading in a coffee shop or in the back of the hockey rink or pool. Mine did *a lot* of activities.
No longer single and alone* January 18, 2025 at 7:48 am It does get easier just because most kids (not all!) can be more independent for longer periods of time. Then it become me telling my kid “I’m going to focus on X for the next 30-60 minutes, what can you do for that time all by yourself?”. Mine usually does a ‘quiet time’ in their room for at least an hour each day in the weekends as a way of letting everyone in the house recharge. My biggest recommendation is to start figuring out childcare for the summer months and school breaks. There are a lot and camps fill up fast! Registrations often open up months before summer actually starts. Best of luck to you!
HannahS* January 18, 2025 at 9:13 am I’m not sure of the age of your kid(s.) I have one 3 year old. One thing that I’ve now insisted on is one evening activity (a class Tuesday night) and one 3-hour block of time on Sunday that’s mine, so my husband is responsible for the kids during those times. And my husband gets one evening and one weekend block too. We were in a situation where he was getting tons of time to himself and in was getting none. So we readjusted and now I’m much happier. And honestly my husband does most of the cleaning and shares the cooking, so that’s not all on me.
CityMouse* January 18, 2025 at 9:33 am I have a Kindergartener. It does get easier as they get more independent (kid can be trusted to dress himself for school and he can entertain himself while I’m making dinner).
CityMouse* January 18, 2025 at 9:34 am I will also say, I signed my kid up for a before school class at school specifically so I could go to an exercise class those mornings).
Jules the First* January 18, 2025 at 4:49 pm That extra morning sounds super tempting, though I will have to figure out how to make sure I use it for that instead of what I currently do with my extra morning which is catch up on work or chores. It does not help that kiddo is *not* a morning person, so prying him out of bed before 7.30am is a challenge…
Jay (no, the other one)* January 18, 2025 at 9:36 am It gets easier and harder. They can be more independent and they also have more activities – at least mine did. A few things made it possible for us to manage two more-than-full-time jobs plus kids plus non-kid activities: 1) neither of us had much of a commute and hubs worked less than three miles from home. Until kid was in seventh grade, everything she did (school, dance class, aftercare, religious school) was within a mile of home. We didn’t spend a lot of time in the car. 2) We hired help in the form of weekly cleanings so that the only housework we did was cooking, dishes, and laundry. Once she started evening dance classes, we hired college students to pick her up at school on those days and supervise homework and dinner and then get her to class. One of those evenings became our regular date night when we’d go to a drumming class and then out to dinner while the sitter picked kiddo up from dance and put her to bed. 3) kid went to bed early. This wasn’t a deliberate strategy – it’s how she came wired. She needed a lot of sleep and didn’t sleep in until she was in high school, so no matter what time she went to bed she popped up at 6:00 AM. She went to bed at 7:00 PM until she was 8, I think, and was in sixth grade before she started staying up past 9:00 PM. So we had time after she went to bed to spend time together and we could shift some of our work – I did most of my. paperwork after she went to bed. 4) she didn’t do sports. Again, not a deliberate strategy. She started dance at age four and never looked back. She had some classes on Saturdays but not games – we only had to drop her off and pick her up. We didn’t spend our weekends sitting at a soccer field or driving to away games. We got her to class, kept her supplied with leotards and footwear, and attended two recitals a year. Indoors.
Sloanicota* January 18, 2025 at 10:27 am I legit do not know how today’s parents are able to handle the sports pressure. My niece was on a travel team at 9, like she was training for the Olympics, just to keep up with her peer group.
Clisby* January 18, 2025 at 1:08 pm I don’t either. My son loved soccer, and played Rec League soccer through U15 (he signed up for U17, but they didn’t have enough participants to have games, so that was a no go. He then volunteered as an assistant coach.) I was so relieved that he never seemed interested in being on a travel team. I don’t think we’d have agreed to it anyway, but fortunately it never came up. I don’t know how parents do that.
Saturday* January 18, 2025 at 3:47 pm Yes! Huge chunks of my sisters’ weekends were completely devoted to kids sports. And the kids didn’t even seem that into it – it was just what everyone in their communities did.
Jules the First* January 18, 2025 at 4:51 pm My sister has an 11 year old who is a competitive swimmer and they basically spend every weekend doing that, most of the year. I’m definitely nopeing out of that one. The daycare dads are campaigning to have him join the local rugby kids, but I’ve said no unless one of them would like to come fetch him for an 8.15am start on a Saturday morning…
Emma* January 18, 2025 at 9:43 am I think it’s just perpetually challenging, though as they get older and can do things like bathe unattended, deal with their own toileting, etc, it does help. I think part of it is realizing that you need your own time, and wedging it in there.
Emma* January 18, 2025 at 9:53 am And our house is definitely not tidy, but having a basic robot vacuum (Eufy, it was like $175), and when we can spring for a monthly house cleaner (about $200 with tip), that helps immensely.
Emma* January 18, 2025 at 9:58 am I find time away really helps my state of mind. Tonight we’re going out with friends and got a babysitter – haven’t done that in at least 6 months, but it helps so so much, and we’re going to start doing more of it . If you can have someone watch the kids for a long weekend (haven’t done that since having #2, but hope to when they get slightly older), it is incredible. just so rejuvenating, even when it’s short. I will also sometimes take a day off, leave kids in daycare, and just lay around the house. it helps too!
Emma* January 18, 2025 at 10:08 am And today during quiet time (little kid naps, big kid either plays outside or in their room), I’m gonna try to learn to knit. Or take a bath! I’m excited! Little stuff like that helps the spirits!
rkz* January 18, 2025 at 10:43 am I’m just here in solidarity!! lately my answer has been to really neglect cleaning except for the absolutely bare minimum. I keep talking about hiring a cleaner but haven’t actually made the leap yet. My kids are 2 1/2 and 4 1/2 and can be independent sometimes but lately have been going through a much less independent phase which makes things tough.
Generic Name* January 18, 2025 at 11:28 am So, you basically just described like 4 full time jobs right there. Of course you’re depleted! Yes, it does get easier as the kids get older. The “answer” to doing all of that stuff to perfecting standards is that you can’t. You either lower your standards in some areas (house is untidy/dusty often, you eat takeout/leftovers/frozen dinners/sandwiches sometimes) or you hire someone else to do some of that (lots of people hire cleaners). Now is a great time to assign age appropriate chores to children. A 3 year old can put away cutlery (not sharp knives) and plastic dish ware or run a rag over the coffee table to dust it, put away their own laundry, etc. It won’t really lighten your load now, but you are setting a standard for later. They also won’t do any of that perfectly, but in the example of putting away laundry, I don’t know of any 3 year old who needs to look perfectly pressed all the time. For kids, doing dishes or putting away laundry with parent IS quality time. I loved going to the hardware store with my dad when I was a kid. I just tagged along while he did his shopping; it was great bonding time for us. If you have a partner I suggest sitting them down and telling them you feel burned out and depleted and ask for some changes in the division of household labor.
Jules the First* January 18, 2025 at 5:00 pm I hadn’t thought of it that way. Maybe I do need to hire a housekeeper a couple of days a week and screw the cost… No partner – little dude is a sperm donor baby, because I’m ace but wanted to have kids. Little dude is a dab hand at laundry though – he loved to watch the cycle when he was teeny and he was allergic to disposable wipes and diapers, so there was a lot of laundry and it sort of naturally flowed into helping. He needs a grownup to add soap and turn the machine on for another couple of years until he gets tall enough to safely reach, and he does needs to be told it’s time to do it, but otherwise he manages 99% of his own laundry aged 4, which I am seriously impressed by. (Harsh experience means I do check his pockets for tissues and rocks in the hamper after he’s gone to bed, and sometimes I redistribute a few things on the drying rack, but still…)
Generic Name* January 18, 2025 at 8:21 pm Oh my goodness, of course you’re depleted, doing it all on your own!! Do you have any friends or family nearby who could give you a break for a few hours? Even a neighborhood middle schooler or teenager to play with kiddo while you read in another corner of the house. I say this from the perspective of having a special needs (autism, but not diagnosed until very late) child who is now 18 and about to graduate and go to college. Physically, it gets much easier. When people say it gets harder or doesn’t get easier are referring to the mental/emotional piece. When they get to school there are friend issues to deal with, and in high school you worry about dangerous things they might be doing with their friends. But if you raise them well, they’ll have a good head on their shoulders and can handle the typical stuff themselves, and come to you when they can’t handle something on their own.
Double A* January 18, 2025 at 12:23 pm Our house is only clean once a month after the cleaner comes. Then I know that the clutter will at least cover clean surfaces. I don’t really mind the mess because it means we’re doing stuff. toys that are strewn about are ones that have been played with (again, having one a day a month they’re put away helps). It absolutely does get easier. I don’t know how old your kids are but mine are 6 and 3.5 and they are both downstairs while I’m lounging in bed typing this. Lazy mornings are one of my favorite types of me time, and Saturday morning cartoons are a time honored tradition. I also try not to self-own. I see someone in this thread mention sports; sports are a choice and a conversation. If they are adding substantial stress on the family, there needs to be a serious family talk. My oldest going to public school has made a big difference and next year they will both be at the same school!!! It will be incredible. My husband and I are baffled by the veteran parents who, when our kids were babies, would tell us it doesn’t get easier. Like, I have no idea what they are doing where they find elementary school or older kids to be as hard as babies and toddlers.
CityMouse* January 18, 2025 at 1:48 pm I get my house cleaned once a month too. You do have to prep for that (put stuff away). It helps me keep up.
Pickles* January 18, 2025 at 4:24 pm My kids are teens and its still hard. But here are my tips We have a weekly dinner menu that doesn’t change much, but I don’t have to make decisions Order groceries online Housekeeper twice a month-for my marriage sanity I do at least one load of laundry everyday Have friends who get it who you can laugh with everyday Occasional date nights It’s hard, buckle up. Now with housing prices as they are these kids will probably never leave!
Dark Macadamia* January 18, 2025 at 4:49 pm It gets easier and harder. Easier – they are more independent for both necessities (snacking, dressing, bathing) and entertainment. Harder – they have more activities and more of a social life. I have two kids currently in elementary school and I’ve recently been appreciating how I can actually do hobbies during their waking hours because they don’t need me to do everything for them anymore! Nora Ephron has this great analogy about juggling – some balls are glass and some are plastic, and you need to know which ones can be dropped. This isn’t like “never sacrifice family for work” or vice versa, but like “This meeting is a plastic work ball, so I need to drop it for the glass family ball of my kid’s first big performance. This project deadline is a glass work ball, so I need to drop the plastic kid ball of going to the library today and go on the weekend instead” etc.
Jules the First* January 18, 2025 at 5:06 pm That’s a great analogy…I’ll try to remember it when everything feels like heirloom crystal baubles! I keep hoping it will get easier – one of the reasons we moved to this neighbourhood was because of the relaxed family vibe…there are still packs of pre-teens playing in the local park and most summer nights we have drinks in the cul de sac while the kids tear up and down on their bikes. We probably just need another summer and the anchor of the school community to really build that network in the neighbourhood.
chocolate muffins* January 18, 2025 at 7:43 pm I saw above that you don’t have a partner. Do you have anyone who watches your kid sometimes? I do the same things others here mentioned where I do stuff that I want to do for me while my kid is in daycare sometimes, or hire babysitters. A recommendation I saw somewhere that we haven’t tried yet, but that has seemed to work for others, is to set up a kid-share with another family. If you think you’d be okay watching two kids for a few hours, you could set up times when another family dops off their kid with you (say, first Saturday of the month for three hours) and other times when you drop off your kid with them (say, third Saturday of the month for the same amount of time). Depending on how old your kid is, that might give you some time not just when your kid is away but also when the other family’s kid is there, if the two kids can play together and leave you free to do your own thing. For food, I cook a bunch all at once and freeze, so I am never trying to cook a dinner on the day that we need to consume that dinner. That makes evenings way less chaotic since all we need to do is heat something up in the microwave. I have a toddler who loves cooking with me so batch cooking is a time to have fun together, not just a chore I need to do.
Peanut Hamper* January 18, 2025 at 9:43 pm Two of the best things you can do to invest in your kid (and in your own sanity, as well as their future spouses) is to 1) teach your kids to cook, and 2) teach your kids how to do laundry and put it away. There will be a lot of mistakes along the way, but a small investment in time earlier (although it seems like a lot at the time) will have huge dividends later, many of which you won’t see. So yep, if you can do these things and think of it as preparing them for success later in life, it does make what you have to do right now feel a little bit easier.
RagingADHD* January 19, 2025 at 9:34 am We significantly lowered our standards on the house to health and safety rather than company – ready.
Hastily Blessed Fritos* January 19, 2025 at 2:32 pm If you have a partner, the two of you can obviously both make sure the other gets time to themselves. Accept that “adequately” clean and tidy will not be what it was pre-kid. If you can afford it, consider hiring cleaners to come in every couple weeks – for us this was the biggest difference and since we obviously weren’t going out to eat very often we were able to make it work. It gets a lot easier when they start school. When that happens, consider taking an occasional vacation day just to stay home – solo or as a date day if you have a partner – and have some kid-free time.
Hlao-roo* January 18, 2025 at 8:15 am The weekend open thread is for non-work discussion. Try posting this question on yesterday’s open thread (“open thread – January 17, 2025”) or wait until next Friday, the 24th. You’ll probably get more answers on the 24th because the Friday open threads are mostly active on that specific Friday.
Sloanicota* January 18, 2025 at 9:20 am I have been reflecting on the ways that my – to me – seemingly reasonable paranoia around tech, are also increasingly life-limiting. It doesn’t feel like paranoia to me when there are many examples of ways they really are out to get you! But I just don’t know how sustainable it’s going to be to worry about data privacy, as everything increasingly moves to apps and two-factor (connecting online accounts to your phone) and cloud-based services. How do you decide where to draw the line on intrusive tech that could get hacked or used by bad actors, vs convenience for you? Ring cameras, location-sharing apps, digital assistants with full access to all your accounts, etc?
Red Reader the Adulting Fairy* January 18, 2025 at 11:26 am I’m pretty much entirely on the side of “what makes my life easier”. I don’t activate the digital assistants on most of my devices, and I use my Alexa app more to set time schedules to automate my smart devices than I actually talk to the dot, and if something on my phone asks for location services I say no unless I actually feel like it would be useful, but I do have cameras and smart devices and whatnot, and my husband and I share our locations on our phones primarily for geofencing reasons (not for checking up on each other :P ) – on my end, it lets him know when I’m getting home so he can prepare to help me bring in groceries or whatnot, and on his end, it lets me know when he arrives at his gaming group an hour and a half away because he’ll get caught up in greeting everyone and forget to let me know he got there safely for another couple hours. :P In general, I look at it kind of like locking the door on my house. I do always lock the door on my house, and I don’t hide a key under the mat or something. I take sensible precautions. But if someone really wants in my house bad enough, all they have to do is smash a window, and there’s only so much I’m able to do to prevent that without causing myself a lot of additional work and effort.
WestsideStory* January 18, 2025 at 11:27 am My entire work life has revolved around digital products and unless it’s an online thing or application I use in my work, I don’t put them on my phone or computer. My partner has everything on his phone – from his health apps to transit pass to all his banking. But I’m the one who had ID theft in past two years (twice). Mileage varies I guess.
Sloanicota* January 18, 2025 at 11:35 am Honestly I’m not even sure what threats I’m worried about. Not even identity theft tbh since, as you say, that happens to everyone no matter what. It just drives me crazy to think of these invisible eyes watching all my interactions and storing them up in vast databases for unknown purposes. But all my friends are like, “it’s no problem, who cares these invisible people watch us all the time?” so maybe I really am the crazy one.
Red Reader the Adulting Fairy* January 18, 2025 at 12:03 pm Sometimes stuff just lands weird. I get (what my husband considers irrationally) twitchy if someone is eating out of serving bowls or serving out of eating bowls. When I first started using smart plug for timers on lights and similar, my husband was like “But that’s just a way for someone to get access to our wifi.” I was baffled and asked for more information, like how is someone going to get access to our wifi if I put a timer on the Christmas lights? and he couldn’t explain it, but it bugged him. (And then he decided he wanted to buy a raspberry pi off the internet and run ALL OUR INTERNET TRAFFIC THROUGH IT for a network-wide adblocker, and could not explain to me why that was somehow safer than a timer on the Christmas lights, so he got his adblocker and I got my timers and we all just roll with it. The adblocker is actually quite useful. :P )
Rick Tq* January 18, 2025 at 5:03 pm He isn’t crazy. ‘Tanked!’ is a tv reality show about at Las Vegas company that makes custom high-end fish tanks. They build one for a casino that had all the bells and whistles, including Internet controls for temperature, feeding, etc. A hacker group got access to the thermometer system and penetrated the casinos IT systems, including getting access to the high-roller databases. Anything that reports to a cloud system can be hacked, and most IOT devices like smart plugs have poor to no security nor the ability to apply security patches. Your pi-hole system only blocks access to advertising sites, none of your actual traffic should be flowing thru it if is not working as your router too.
Red Reader the Adulting Fairy* January 18, 2025 at 6:29 pm I didn’t say he was crazy. But if someone really wants onto our wifi specifically, and they have the skills to somehow do it through the smart plug, they probably didn’t need the smart plug to access our wifi. Like I said above, it goes along with locking a door. Someone who really wants around the locked door can do it.
fhqwhgads* January 19, 2025 at 6:49 pm Thing is most criminals don’t specifically want to get at You. They’re looking for low hanging fruit. If your door is locked they move on to the next because it’s not worth the effort when they know there are tons of unlocked doors. Slightly different if you were a casino. But the smart plugs are unlocked doors.
Red Reader the Adulting Fairy* January 19, 2025 at 10:05 pm Yeah, but I’m also the only house out of the six in my cul de sac that has a password on my wifi. :-P so I am still not the low hanging fruit.
Can't Sit Still* January 18, 2025 at 12:03 pm I have a lot of stuff on my phone, but I insist on non-smart appliances. When that’s not feasible, I don’t connect them. I prefer dials and buttons over touchpads, too. The one exception is electronic locks over manual locks, simply because of the arthritis in my hands. Not enough to replace the mortise lock on my front door, though. There’s lots of useful tech tools, so I try to balance the trade off between privacy and usefulness. Since I’m disabled and live alone, some tracking, for example, is useful to me for peace of mind. OTOH, having a device with the sole purpose of listening to me 24/7? Not going to happen.
Annie* January 18, 2025 at 9:41 pm Same here with the smartphone vs other smart devices: Smartphones have the right mix of convenience and portability for my use cases, whereas other smart devices seem to just add complexity and expense for features I won’t use for any length of time (Do I really need to check on that thing at home while I’m out and about? Sure it’s nice to be able to double-check how many eggs are in your fridge while you’re at the grocery store deciding whether to buy more, but not 3-4x the price of a normal fridge or maintain the “fridge cam” setup nice), and failure or discontinuation of the “smart” features tends to take the “non-smart” parts down with them.
AnonymousOctopus* January 18, 2025 at 12:36 pm I try to find a good middle ground. Some things I just refuse to have, like Ring cameras (grossed out by surveillance and I don’t agree with their TOS/sharing footage with police without a warrant) or Siri/Alexa, or smart appliances. I’m wary of AI so when I had to replace my phone a few weeks ago, I purposely got an iPhone 15 instead of the 16 because it didn’t have the Apple AI baked into it yet. Other things I may have but limit what functions I use; I have a smart lighting system that I control with an app, but I refuse to use the feature where it tracks where you physically are in your home and turns off/on lights accordingly (creepy!). I do have apps for my banking/financial stuff because I have ADHD-related challenges with managing finances, but I refuse to use the scheduling app for my salon appointments and instead use a browser. I don’t have location permission turned on for any apps that don’t actually require it (Google maps is one example exception). And then there are things I don’t have a choice about, such as my job requiring MFA to access work platforms and tools. I don’t like it, but I do like my job so it’s a package deal. All that to say: I also share your concerns and basically take it all on a case by case basis, where the improvement to my life has to be worth it and I have to maintain some level of control over what happens to my data. If I can’t do that, then I don’t use it.
Mrs. Pommeroy* January 18, 2025 at 5:07 pm That’s basically my take on it, too. I hate surveillance stuff and don’t want my every move tracked. But I do let googlemaps show me my position when I’m on a bike trip – though I always activate the location tracking thingy “for now” instead of “when the app is in use” or whatever it’s called. I like to believe, the app is actually not tracking me at other times then. I don’t have or want smart appliances or even smart lights. My locks are manual. I go to my bank to do banking stuff and have almost no important information on my phone appart from phone numbers and my email-account – and the latter only because my kid’s school sends important information via email and I didn’t manage to check my emails regularly enough to always catch those in time. If I feasably could, I would go back to having my only-set-up-for-the-phone email account being the only one on it. For most of these things my peace of mind is more important to me than convenience is – both highten my comfort but one feels less risky than the other.
Sloanicota* January 18, 2025 at 5:57 pm Yeah, I text, and I use google maps (but don’t have my main google email on my phone) and I try to turn off location services whenever I can. I don’t download apps unless I really sincerely need them – to me, that’s Lyft and the parking app. But it’s getting harder and harder. More and more public services are going to be through an app if Europe is the model. During Covid there were already places I couldn’t go because I didn’t want to use the app (not for any other covid objections, I just didn’t want to use the tracer app), and now increasingly hotel keys or plane services are via app. And I see how I’m making my own life harder not having my email on my phone or connected to other things.
goddessoftransitory* January 18, 2025 at 3:25 pm It’s tough. I don’t have a cell phone, for instance, partly because I don’t want to be tracked every second of my day. But it’s increasingly hard to function without one, and probably moot at this point (I use computers at work and at home, not exactly a Luddite.) I do find that at work, convenience trumps security nine times out of ten–customers can get really huffy about having to verify their credit card information, for example, even though A) it’s for their protection and B) cards change information often enough that it has to get done or you end up with a huge delay when your card doesn’t go through and you have to call me back and update your info anyway.
Isabel Archer* January 18, 2025 at 9:15 pm So my comment is tangential to the original question, but I personally feel like technology is ruining humanity. I hate that being tethered, tracked, and targeted is just How Things Are Now. I’m not a Luddite, either — fully computer literate and use them personally and for work. I have a smart phone, have for years, but as mentioned above it’s getting to the point where not having one becomes a huge inconvenience. And yet we lived for many years (decades, depending on your age) without any of this technology, and we were all just fine. We only got phone calls at home, the only screen was the TV, people knew how to read paper maps, and we made decisions on where to go/what to eat/what to buy without — gasp! — first reading the reviews of dozens or hundreds of total strangers. Identity theft was rare. Children weren’t bullied into self-harm by social media. Nobody whipped out a small computer in the middle of dinner with friends to run the Roomba or change the cat litter or read a notification from a celebrity’s Instagram account. Does anyone else feel like the frog in the slow-boiling pot of water? If you feel the same way, allow me to plug a lovely series of 4 books called “World Made By Hand” (which is also the title of the first book in the series), by James Howard Kunstler. Set in the not-too-distant future, after a combination of wars and pandemics that killed most of the population but left the planet intact, it tells the stories of people in a small community in upstate New York. They live in houses, but without electricity, internet, phone service, cars (no oil), banking, newspapers, etc. They were all alive when these things were readily available, and they adjusted once they were gone. Lots of bartering for goods and services. Growing their own food. Being there for their neighbors. I’ve read the whole series twice, and both times I found myself yearning to live like this. Not wishing mass death and destruction on us all, of course, but honestly, I’d rather go back than keep rushing headlong into a future where humans are just another “thing” in the Internet of Things.
fhqwhgads* January 19, 2025 at 3:02 pm So, two-factor auth helps with the security. It’s not an additional intrusion on it. That one thing should be a comfort, somewhat. But yeah, given all the GIANT dataleaks…everyone’s info is pretty much already for sale somewhere, so I try to not stress toooooo much. That said, I absolutely am opposed to ring cameras, location-sharing apps, and digital assistants with full access. Ring does some shady shit with cops. Location-sharing is a physical security risk, not a digital one. And I just hate digital assistants anyway.
David* January 19, 2025 at 8:36 pm Yeah agreed, two-factor authentication stuck out to me as well as an odd outlier on this list. Assuming we’re talking about good versions of it, like the authenticator apps that generate six-digit codes, or hardware tokens, it’s a significant boost in security with essentially no privacy concerns. (If it’s the versions where they send you a text message or email with a code, then yeah I can understand how it’d be a potential problem, but it is still better security than not having 2FA at all, so if that’s your only option for 2FA, you could reasonably decide either way.)
Trixie Belden was my hero* January 19, 2025 at 3:24 pm I am not as worried about smart tech as I am about the rising population of dumb people. The conversation in Jurassic Park where Jeff Goldblum states that they are using advanced science to create a world but they are using science that they haven’t bothered to understand. Paraphrasing his speech from the dinner debate scene and over 30 years later it is very prescient. This hit close to home after I spent the week on the phone with a major cellphone provider. An elderly relative asked me to get them a cellphone and I picked a VERY basic flip phone. I last used a flip phone in 1999? and worked in tech. So how hard could it be? I set it up after looking up an online user manual and filled the contacts but it wouldn’t connect and it took me calling Tech support repeatedly until I found someone who UNDERSTOOD THE TECHNOLOGY, and also knew how to fix it. (hint,it wasn’t my error) I also got an email this week from same provider that they are raising my monthly plan $4.00 next month. I might have ranted to my family that I want to move to a one room mountain cabin with just my books and a weekly food delivery.
Not the One* January 18, 2025 at 9:26 am There is a friend-boy in my social circle that I think is having romantic thoughts about me. He has started texting me separately from the group thread – just innocuous little texts – and we do occasionally meet up one-on-one for drinks at a pub near him, but it’s never flirty. Everyone in my circle thinks it would be cute if we got together (we are both single). Unfortunately, although I really do like my friend – he is so sweet and kind – I just have zero amorous thoughts about him. The thought of kissing him makes me scrunch up my nose, not in the good way, which is generally my sign that we are not going to be a romantic couple, ever. I’m surprised he would be leaning that way since he knows I’m mostly interested in women, but he’s seen me go for at least one fellow so I guess hope can spring eternal. How to cool any thoughts he might be having when he hasn’t even said anything, and may never? Just don’t respond to the texts and stop going to the pub meet ups, or is there more I can do? I don’t think addressing it directly would go well, but maybe there’s a way that wouldn’t seem conceited (I could be wrong!) or hurtful … ?
Jules the First* January 18, 2025 at 9:59 am Shut it down when the friend group starts floating it – handy that you prefer going for gals, which means you can just cite that. As for the rest…do you enjoy the private texts and 1:1 pub catch ups? If yes, you can continue and just assume his interest is platonic. If or when he finally does push things, you just warmly and gently decline. You are not responsible for shutting down his potentially flirty thoughts unless and until he actually articulates them.
goddessoftransitory* January 18, 2025 at 3:35 pm I think this is the best approach. I would definitely put paid to any speculation in the friend group at large, because any soft pushback is going to be ignored, and most likely at least one of them will probably report back to him that you “seem interested.”
Qwerty* January 19, 2025 at 7:38 pm This x10! If your mutual friend group thinks the two of you are cute together, then they are also pushing him towards you. There’s a decent chance those friends are telling him that you are into him. Almost everytime a guy friend has pursued me and been shocked to find out I was completely NOT interested, he had been convinced not only that I was Sure Thing but that I was actually persuing him due to things that mutual acquantences/coworkers/friends had said. Also seconding to assume his intentions are platonic until proven otherwise. Guys and girls can be friends and platonically hang out alone together. Since you usually lean towards gals, he might be thinking that this friendship is automatically platonic and not worrying about having to state that explicitly.