phone interviews

You’ve got a phone interview! Here’s what to expect, how to prepare, what you’ll be asked, and how to impress your interviewer without being face-to-face.

a day of phone interviews – experience it for yourself!

Today I did a slew of phone interviews for an open position and thought you guys might find it interesting to peek into the hiring process from the employer’s side. This is pretty typical of how a day of phone interviews go. The position I’m hiring for is an entry-level job, doing administrative work that isn’t […]

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36 phone interviews in 3 days

A reader writes: I applied for an IT position at the university here and a week or so after the posting ended received a request for a phone interview, which I happily accepted. I was told to expect a 15-20 minute interview scheduled on the half hour. The interviewers called on schedule and quickly ran […]

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how to prepare for a phone interview

I’m always amazed by how often I can tell that a candidate hasn’t really prepared for a phone interview. Laziness aside, preparing takes a lot of the stress out of the experience and lets you answer the phone feeling confident and possibly even excited. Here’s what I recommend you do to prepare. Ideally, you’d do […]

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6 reasons you failed the phone interview

Last week, I wrote about reasons your resume might end up in my trash. This week, let’s assume you’ve made it past the initial resume screening and now are at the phone interview stage. Here are some ways to quickly fail the phone interview: 1. Not displaying a grasp of what the job is all […]

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