
You’re resigning! Here’s what to say when you quit, when to do it, who to tell first, and why you don’t need a resignation letter.

how can I get out of doing an exit interview when I leave?

A reader writes: I’m hopefully giving my notice very soon and looking for advice on how to decline an exit interview with my boss’s boss. I haven’t had a one-on-one conversation with this person in the five years I’ve been at my job. We’re a small team of fewer than 20 people, so I am […]

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you need to do these 10 things before you resign

If you’re preparing to quit your job, you’re probably focused on the resignation conversation itself – telling your boss and your team that you’re leaving. But before you take that step, there are a bunch of things you should do first — finding out how your company is likely to handle your notice period, making […]

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my old job won’t stop asking me to come back

A reader writes: I recently left my job as a team lead. I’d been frustrated for a long time with my role, my workload, the organization’s culture, and my manager’s oversight of my team and me. I was very open about all of this with my manager, as well as the impact that stress was […]

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the managers who feel personally betrayed when workers quit

Quitting a job is supposed to be business, not personal—but my inbox is full of letters from people whose managers are deeply aggrieved by their resignations, take it as a personal betrayal,  and respond with either fury or despair. At Slate today, I wrote about these managers — and why this is just as bananas […]

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how to write a resignation letter

For all the anxieties that land in my inbox, anxiety over quitting is probably the biggest. Even when they’re glad to be leaving, a lot of people get really stressed out about the mechanics of actually quitting: How do you tell your boss? What do you write in your resignation letter? And for that matter, […]

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my boss is handling my resignation badly

A reader writes: I’ve been working for a consulting company for three years. I am the most senior person on my team after my boss, who founded the company. Over the last three years, I have lost count of the number of people who have been hired and left in less than a year. Expectations […]

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