my company is requiring us to travel because “they miss us” by Alison Green on August 2, 2021 A reader writes: My company’s headquarters are based out of a city where the Delta variant is currently climbing rapidly, and where travel restrictions have recently been added as a result. I am a remote employee based out of another part of the country, and over half of our department is remote as well. I’ve […] Read the full article →
the people who’d rather quit than give up remote work by Alison Green on July 26, 2021 We’ve heard rumblings for a while now that workers are quitting, or threatening to quit, if they can’t continue to work from home. That’s because for many people remote work has been great—the lack of commute, flexible schedule, and more casual dress have provided a massive quality-of-life boon, to say nothing of the productivity increases […] Read the full article →
how is the return to work supposed to work, exactly? by Alison Green on June 8, 2021 As a work-advice columnist, I’ve been able to track the evolution of the pandemic through my email: In the spring of last year, I was flooded with questions about companies that weren’t keeping people safe, the adjustment to working from home, and dealing with furloughs. Then it was coworkers who wouldn’t wear masks or keep […] Read the full article →
unvaccinated employees are complaining about a $100 bonus for getting vaccinated by Alison Green on June 3, 2021 A reader writes: My wife is in middle management for a relatively large health care system, where she manages over 100 clinical staff. Her employer recently announced that anyone who receives a Covid-19 vaccine will get a few perks, the most significant being a $100 bonus. We both thought that was a great idea, but […] Read the full article →
how to help coworkers who have been in the office all along by Alison Green on May 25, 2021 If you’ve been working from home but will be returning to the office at some point in the future, have you thought about what you can do to make life easier for any colleagues who have been there all along and who have been shouldering a higher level of risk and burden? In the comments […] Read the full article →
am I the only one excited to return to the office? by Alison Green on May 18, 2021 A reader writes: On your blog, we’ve heard from people who’ve been working from home and are afraid to return to the office. We’ve also heard from people who’ve been going into work for all or most of the pandemic and find it hard to sympathize with those fears. But I’m wondering if there’s anyone […] Read the full article →
people who haven’t been working from home feel invisible by Alison Green on May 10, 2021 As employers start to set timelines for bringing workers back to the office, they’re setting off waves of anxiety in some of their employees … which in turn is setting off some frustration and impatience among people who have been working on-site all along. Many of these workers resent that people upset about returning didn’t […] Read the full article →
people who have been at work all along are exhausted by Alison Green on April 22, 2021 We’ve talked a lot lately about how anxious many people feel over returning to their offices later this year — and how much of that stems from a break in trust in the people and institutions that have shown they can’t be counted on to protect us. But plenty of people won’t be returning to […] Read the full article →
how do I get out of my office’s toxic positivity meetings? by Alison Green on April 13, 2021 A reader writes: So I work at a small nonprofit in a non-U.S. country, during this pandemic. Due to a number of pandemic-related factors, the work I do has been complicated multiple times during the last year or so, and I am doing my best to manage this stress and all of the deadlines my […] Read the full article →
people are freaked out about going back to their offices by Alison Green on April 12, 2021 Many workplaces that went fully remote last year are starting to set timelines for bringing people back to the office, and their employees are not happy. As reopening initiatives gather steam, I’ve been flooded with letters from people viewing these plans with deep suspicion — largely, I suspect, because in the past year, we’ve had […] Read the full article →