following up

Looking for advice on how to follow up on your application or after an interview? Here’s everything you should do — and what you should never do.

when should I follow up after a job interview?

A reader writes: I’m in education and transferring to a new state, Pennsylvania to Virginia. I’ve had five interviews that I have not heard any response from. One of the interviews was a dud and I knew I was not their candidate. However, the others were great from my view, and I felt like a […]

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5 things you should never do while waiting to hear back about a job

Your job interview went great, and the employer said you’d hear something soon. But it’s been a week, your phone hasn’t rung, and you’re getting antsy to hear something. When you’re waiting to hear back about a job, time often seems like it’s passing incredibly slowly, and each day of silence can be agony. But as […]

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what to say when following up on a job interview

I probably get more questions about how to follow up on a job application or job interview than any other other topic. If you’re like most job seekers, the post-interview stage of the job hunting process can cause a lot of stress: If you follow up, what should you say? How can you be sure […]

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my mother says I should call employers daily for an interview

A reader writes: I am at my second semester of graduate school. In order to get an internship for next semester, I’ve been really working 24/7 for the past month. However, I still haven’t heard anything from employers yet and of course feel frustrated, as the deadline for join my school’s internship program is in […]

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waiting to hear about a job during the holidays

A reader writes: A while back, I wrote to you about an internship that was going well, and the fact that there was a position open at the institution I was interning at. I applied, and got rejected the first time. I thought nothing of it, and went about applying for other opportunities elsewhere. The […]

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do sales jobs follow different hiring rules from other jobs?

This question came up in the comments on a recent post: Is sales really an exception to the “don’t call to follow up” rule? I’ve written numerous times about how — in most industries — you shouldn’t call to follow up on your job application, because it’s annoying and won’t help your chances … and that […]

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how much effort is too much when job searching?

A reader writes: How much effort to connect directly is too much when applying to positions? I am getting the impression from feedback that supply and demand means employers have to sift through many more applications than they have time to process in any depth. So personal contact / networking and briefer applications may have […]

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