July 2014

how to leave work behind when you go on vacation

If you’re looking forward to a vacation this summer, are you confident that you’ll be able to truly disconnect from work while you’re gone – or are you likely to find yourself answering work calls and emails from the beach? Some advance planning – and a firm determination – can help you truly unplug on […]

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my new coworker is pushing a pyramid scheme on us

A reader writes: A relatively new coworker of mine has been secretly approaching people in the office one by one trying to sell them memberships into what can only be described as a pyramid scheme. (Pay a sign-up fee, then $X per month and gain money for each new person you recruit, and they recruit, […]

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my coworker keeps emailing higher-ups about typos

A reader in last week’s open thread writes: How would you suggest dealing with the guy who literally emails every single higher-up he can every time he catches anyone making a typo? My boss now has to go into meetings with the big boss to account for us making typos. Ironically, this dude is literally […]

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