when you’re accepting a job offer, should you get any extra promises in writing? by Alison Green on August 26, 2024 A reader writes: I currently have an offer for an internal transfer to a different division in my company — same level but new team and scope of work. I’m planning on negotiating the salary offered (using some of your advice from prior letters!) which I would obviously want in writing, but I’m wondering if […] Read the full article →
don’t forget to scrutinize benefits when you’re considering a job offer by Alison Green on July 25, 2024 A reader writes: I wanted to share a recent story that highlights why, when reviewing a job offer, it’s important to consider the benefits package in addition to the salary. I was recently offered a position that would be a huge step up for me. It only came with a modest salary increase, but I […] Read the full article →
can I negotiate a later schedule before accepting a job? by Alison Green on March 19, 2024 A reader writes: Are hours ever negotiable? I’m in the late stages of interviewing for what I honestly think is my dream job: I love the team, the manager, the work, everything about it, and the salary is a huge step up from what I’m making now. But I am leaning towards turning it down […] Read the full article →
should I be worried by how pushy an employer was with a job offer over a holiday weekend? by Alison Green on May 31, 2023 A reader writes: I found out about two weeks ago, verbally, that I was the chosen candidate for a job. It took them two weeks to send me the offer letter, which was sent past 9 pm on Friday night in their time zone (Pacific time). I am located in Eastern time right now, so […] Read the full article →
how bad is it to accept an offer and then back out for another? by Alison Green on May 10, 2023 A reader writes: I am about to finish grad school and am job-hunting. I have interviewed with a company for Job A, and feel like I may get an offer in the next week. Although I am interviewing now, I would not start this job for several months due to my grad school courses, something […] Read the full article →
how to gracefully decline a job offer by Alison Green on May 2, 2023 You’ve been interviewing for a job and now it’s paid off with an offer – but what if you want to turn the position down? There are lots of reasons why that might happen: maybe the salary is too low, even after you tried to negotiate, or maybe the manager seems awful or the work […] Read the full article →
is being offered a job too quickly a red flag? by Alison Green on October 13, 2022 A reader writes: I work in an technical aspect of healthcare. In my city I have heard there is a shortage of people in my field. A lot of people left during Covid and my small city has experienced rapid growth. I have recently decided to look for a new job. My independently owned clinic […] Read the full article →
do I have any recourse when an employer ghosts me after saying a job offer is coming? by Alison Green on August 4, 2022 A reader writes: I’m really frustrated at the way employers treat potential hires and would like to know if I have any recourse for the way I’ve been treated. Over the last three months, I’ve been interviewing for executive assistant roles. I have made it to the offer stage three times. Each time I meet […] Read the full article →
my job offer was rescinded after I asked for more money by Alison Green on June 14, 2022 A reader writes: I’m currently in a job where I thought I was going to grow a lot more quickly but I haven’t, so I have started to explore other options. The tricky part about this position is that I am in marketing and my manager is not tracking any results or success (which is […] Read the full article →
should you make job offers by phone or email? by Alison Green on June 8, 2022 A reader writes: I lead a team and just sent an email to a candidate making a job offer. After I sent the email (my typical practice), I was curious, and I googled “email job offers,” which led me to articles declaring the practice a bad idea and recommending phone calls instead. I was wondering […] Read the full article →