advice about your coworkers

Need advice about your coworkers? Here are answers to questions from dealing with a coworker who sings all day, to interrupters, to credit-stealers, and much more.

how to tell coworkers, “that’s not my job”

A reader writes: I have been employed with my agency for five years. Six months ago, I was promoted, but no one was hired to take over my old job. Some duties have remained with me and others were transferred to other people, primarily a great support person named Robin. We has communicated with the […]

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my coworker with OCD wants to control how I do everything

A reader writes: I have a coworker — let’s call him Sergeant Duke — who is a pretty nice guy. We’re in the military, are the same rank, and have a similar level of experience. Aside from a personality clash with one other coworker, Sergeant Duke gets along with everyone, is good at his job, […]

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my coworker REALLY doesn’t like me

A reader writes: I work in a small office (less than 15 of us). There’s pretty low turnover so most of us have been around for at least a year, most of us more. I have one coworker, Paige, who is great at her job and really personable around everyone … except me. She was […]

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