January 2019

should I apply to jobs I’m not fully qualified for?

A reader writes: I’ve gotten advice from a lot of other blogs, friends, and family that I should be applying to jobs even if I’m only about 50-75% qualified, and I was wondering what your opinion was. I’ve been applying to jobs that I believe I could do, but for which I don’t have all […]

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how do I tell my boss to fire our new hire?

A reader writes: I have a coworker who was hired about a month and a half ago. She works very closely with me and I’m unofficially her supervisor – I have done almost 100% of her training, I’m responsible for reviewing her work, and it is expected that she comes to me with questions before […]

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how do you avoid burnout when your work is under-funded and emotionally draining?

It’s the Thursday “ask the readers” question. A reader writes: I’m in my tenth year of working in an elementary school, not as a classroom teacher but in a role that is still certified and student/teacher/parent-facing. My school and district serve a suburban community of mixed income…we have some very white collar, professional families, as […]

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what’s wrong with being chilly at work?

A reader writes: I’ve been reading your blog and listening to your podcast for a while. There are a number of times you describe certain things as coming off as “chilly” in some of your answers. It clicked for me while reading your response to the letter writer who didn’t want to interact with small […]

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how can I stop freaking out if I get a curt-sounding email?

A reader writes: I’m definitely a relationship person at work and maintain a warm tone in my emails and most interactions with people. I know there are different work styles, but I really struggle with receiving curt-sounding emails. I worry that someone is mad at me or that I’ve done something wrong even when, most […]

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how do I announce my pregnancy at work?

A reader writes: I’m a 39-year-old middle manager, and I’ve always been openly ambivalent about the idea of having kids. I think that most of my colleagues have reasonably assumed by now that it’s just not on my to-do list! My husband and I haven’t really been trying, but we’ve been cautiously open to the […]

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