July 2019

should recruiters tell you up-front what a job pays?

A reader writes: How common is it for recruiters to disclose salary range for positions when they reach out to you? I’ve heard colleagues who have professions that are highly technical and in demand talk about how recruiters have disclosed salary ranges to them for the openings they are recruiting for. This has helped my […]

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how to answer “why are you interested in this job?”

Sit down for any job interview and one of the first questions you’re likely to be asked is, “Why are you interested in this position?” If you’re thinking that’s a softball question, you’re right to some extent. For most interviewers, it’s a way of easing into the conversation that hopefully won’t be too high-pressure. But […]

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is my employee taking advantage of the flexibility I give her?

A reader writes: In my current position (where I’ve been for two years), I’m a first-time manager of two direct reports, both of whom are salaried, not hourly, employees. One of them — who’s younger, less experienced, more eager — rarely asks to adjust her work hours or work from home, and is generally happy […]

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is there any point to exit interviews?

If you’ve ever left a job, you might have been asked to do an “exit interview” to talk about your experience there, why you decided to leave, and whether there’s anything your employer could have done to keep you. And if you’re like most people, you might have wondered how your input would be used, […]

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job candidate says she has to work for us secretly

A reader writes: We held an interview with a candidate for a part-time position who had been out of our line of work for 10 years. I interviewed her because she had some other things on her resume that seemed really interesting (she has been running a local online platform for 10 years with one […]

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