October 2019

is contract-to-hire worth it?

It’s the Thursday “ask the readers” question. A reader writes: I’ve been at my current job for about three and a half years, and have been in my current position for almost two of those. In theory, I know that I should really like my job; it involves some of the tasks that I am […]

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my employee quit, but now wants to stay

A reader writes: I have an employee who resigned by email two weeks ago. He sent his resignation by email to the head of HR, one of the VP’s, and the president of the company. Fast forward to last week, when the employee told us that he wants to stay. (Evidently he had a job […]

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I’m so nervous at work that it’s holding me back

A reader writes: About six months ago, I started a new job that takes some different pieces of my background and combines them into a new role. I was pretty up-front in the interview process that my skills are self-taught and I hadn’t formally worked in this capacity yet. I want to do well in […]

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will smoking hurt my promotion chances?

A reader writes: The further I advance in my career, the more I have noticed something: people at the higher levels are much less likely to smoke. I’m a smoker, and I have lots of desire to quit but am not quite there yet. When at lower levels of my career, I had lots of […]

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