
The switch from school to work can be hard. If you’re a student with a question about job searching or having a job, these answers are for you.

should you go to graduate school?

Thinking about going to graduate school? Before you get too far in your planning, make sure that grad school makes sense for you and your specific career aspirations – and that your investment of time and money will pay off in the ways you hope. Too many new college graduates turn to grad school because […]

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new year’s resolutions for upcoming graduates

If you’re still in college, you should make some new year’s resolutions that have nothing to do with getting more sleep or working out more often. As a current student, you’re in the enviable position of being able to make changes now that will put you in a stronger position to find a job when […]

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teaching high school students about labor issues

This is from a reader who’s an attorney who participates in a mentoring program at a local high school with a law magnet. She was giving a presentation to students there on employment law, and used some posts from Ask a Manager for warm-up and closing activities. Here’s her letter on how it went: Thank […]

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colleges aren’t preparing students to get jobs when they graduate

Far too many students are graduating from college unprepared to get a job. And part of the reason for that is that colleges aren’t providing the right guidance — and in some cases are actually providing harmful information. Here are eight things that higher education could do in order to better prepare students to find […]

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tips for new grads entering the workforce

Soon to start your first post-college job? Here are some tips to quickly build a strong reputation and ensure your first job is a success. 1. Listen more than you talk. Soak up information about how the organization works, and the reasons why, before you offer “helpful” alternatives. 2. Don’t segregate yourself with other people your […]

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thinking about grad school? think again.

I talk to way too many 20somethings who are planning to go to grad school but can’t explain what they plan to do with the degree once they get it. Instead, they have a have a vague idea that having a graduate degree will somehow make their career path easier for them … when the […]

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“let me know if any jobs might appeal to me”

This is an excerpt from a letter I received from a reader recently. Don’t do this! I especially agree with your advice to students, since I (somewhat) recently graduated myself (’08). I get contacted by a ton of students from my alma mater and I am often discouraged by their lack of awareness about the corporate […]

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how college doesn’t prepare students for the work world

For all the talk about how college is essential to landing a good job after graduation, higher education often fails to prepare students for the workforce in several key ways. Even with a degree from a competitive school and a high GPA, many students graduate without ever having been taught these 10 essentials for the […]

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students: don’t make commitments you don’t intend to keep

A reader writes: I am a college student working my way through school to (hopefully, someday) work in journalism. Currently, I am working at a private school as an after-school worker to pay the bills. I enjoy working with the kids, but the school is incredibly demanding. I only work about 15 hours per week […]

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