August 2011

is referring to an orgy in my cover letter going to hurt me?

A reader writes: I was applying to jobs in advertising and I put the following paragraph in my cover letter. I haven’t been contacted by a single agency and, after reviewing my cover letter, I am concerned that putting the word “orgy” in the letter might have been inappropriate: “Although I enjoy my current role […]

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the 8 weirdest questions I’ve ever been asked

Career advice columnists get asked some pretty strange questions at times. In between the usual inquiries about how to deal with a micromanaging boss or the best way to ask for a raise, we sometimes hear from people with much more, uh, specific queries. For the past four years, I’ve been fielding all sorts of […]

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fast answer Friday: 8 fast answers to 8 fast questions

It’s fast answer Friday (so named by JamieH): eight short answers to eight short questions. We’ve got ex-boyfriends giving bad job references, a manager pressuring an employee to take extra shifts, and more. Here we go… Attaching a cover letter when using an online application system I’ve noticed that a lot of company websites require […]

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resume offer ends tomorrow

Just a heads-up that my resume review offer will end at midnight EST on Friday (tomorrow). So if you want it, get it now! Also, I need a synonym for “short” that begins with an F.

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what do reference-checkers ask?

I promised recently to write a post about what types of questions reference-checkers ask, and I’ve realized that I have a shortcut that I can use:  The Management Center has a great mini-guide to checking references, which includes suggested questions to ask. My reference questions are very similar to theirs, and they’ve already written theirs […]

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should I send a basket of treats to my new employer?

First, a quick reminder: If you’re interested in having me review your resume, sign up soon since the offer won’t last long! A reader writes: I just got hired for an amazing position and I’m really excited about starting work there in a few weeks. The interview process was really long and involved a lot […]

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