1,000th blog post (an excuse for an orgy of self-indulgence)

This is my 1,000th blog post!

And today, while thinking about this ridiculous landmark, I started going through my Ask a Manager “kudos” folder — which is a folder in my email where I store any particularly nice email I receive. (Do you do this? If you don’t, you should; it’s pretty awesome to read when you’re having a bad day.)

So there’s now a “Reviews” tab up at the top where some of these nice emails will reside. Because 1,000 posts entitles me to an orgy of self-indulgence, right?

{ 9 comments… read them below }

  1. Elizabeth*

    This is a fantastic way to celebrate 1,000 blog posts. Congrats and thank you for all that you do.

  2. Lexy*

    I’m glad you’re so appreciated. Also, love seeing my email to you posted (hey, does that make me internet famous now? No? Okay then).

    Happy 1,000th post!

  3. Ruby*

    Congratulations on your 1000 posts!

    I like the idea of keeping encouraging emails in a place that is easy to find and re-read as required. Encouragement goes such a long way in restoring our confidence and trust in ourselves.

    I look forward to the next 1000, too. :)

  4. Rachel*

    Yours is one of the few HRish blogs I still read. I get excited when I see you’ve posted.

    “You make me want to be a better [manager].”

  5. Melissa*

    Congratulations! You certainly deserve to celebrate! I’m with Lexy — one of the “thank you” emails is mine, so now we’re both famous! (not really). With so many blogs out there, I am so very happy to see yours continue with much success and I look forward to reading the next 1,000 posts! Now, go treat yourself to some cupcakes! No? Okay, I’ll eat them for you. Yeah you!

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