January 2015

my coworker misuses words, unpaid working lunches, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. My coworker misuses words and it’s affecting how she’s seen I co-manage a small group of seven employees within a large organization. On a personal level, I really like my co-manager and we talk outside of work quite a bit. We have always managed as […]

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my boss thinks he is a mayan shaman

A reader writes: I took employment at a nonprofit as an economic researcher about seven months ago. Overall, I love my job and what I get to do and helping people, but there is one major issue: My boss, who is the founder and head of the organization, thinks he is a mayan shaman. I […]

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my coworker is trying to track my hours and PTO

A reader writes: My company requires employees to enter their hours onto departmental Excel spreadsheets that are emailed to our payroll department. Every person in the department can see each other’s hours. Over the holidays, I was on vacation and my coworker entered my hours without my permission. When I came back, I corrected it […]

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my team’s holiday parties are rather feeble

A reader writes: Am I reacting unreasonably? I have been at my job for about 10 years now with the same department head. When I first started working here, we had a potluck holiday gathering at an outdoor terrace on campus with just our department. It was kind of fun, but some people complained about […]

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