January 2016

can I reopen negotiations on a job offer I already accepted?

A reader writes: I accepted a job offer recently but have since learned that I will not be paid or compensated for overtime. The job is $45k plus $4k in bonus annually (if earned). This is the first big job I’ve had and feel like I missed an opportunity to negotiate the salary because I didn’t […]

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my new hire turned from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde

A reader writes: I’m a manager at a large nonprofit. The budget is tight and I am short-staffed. I finally was approved to open up a position with the understanding that it would be a 90-day trial period and at the end of that period the organization would evaluate how well it worked and then […]

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what’s your time management personality type?

If you struggle with time management (and who among us doesn’t?), you probably fall into one of five common styles. If you can identify your time management “personality,” it will make it easier to figure out what changes might help you make better user of your time. Take a look at these five types and […]

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my boss says I don’t respond to people quickly, but I do

A reader writes: I’ve been having an ongoing issue with my manager. I work in a bookstore, and he is frustrated that I don’t reply quickly enough to authors who will doing speaking events at the store, but I feel that I do. My job is 75% marketing/events and 25% retail. I work from home the […]

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this is why you need to leave your toxic job

Everyone complains about their job occasionally or has times when they dread returning to work on Monday. But for some people, their workplaces aren’t just occasionally frustrating, but truly toxic: Good work isn’t recognized, dissent is penalized, managers are punitive or belittling, and employees are subjected to impossible expectations, punishing hours, and a fear-based atmosphere. […]

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