August 2017

what benefits do you get?

A couple of years ago, in an effort to take some of the mystery out of salaries, I ran a post asking people to share how much money they make, their job, and their geographic region. It ended up being one of the most popular posts on the site, and we did it again early […]

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interviewer called me the weakest candidate, being asked for pay stubs during salary negotiation, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. A hiring manager accidentally sent me an email calling me the weakest candidate I recently interviewed at a financial services company that has a great reputation. I interviewed with an account executive VP who has been in business magazines and written articles on financial trends. […]

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is it unprofessional to use emoticons in work emails?

A reader writes: What is your feeling on using emoticons (smiley faces, etc.) in professional emails? My first reaction is “no, they are too childish and unprofessional,” but then I find myself sometimes wanting to use them to add some levity to an email, or soften some language, or convey a friendly message. Since emails […]

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do you really have to stay at a job for at least a year?

I moved yesterday and am on an unpacking mission, so some posts this week will be reprints from years ago. This one is from November 2014, and I’ve updated in a few places. A reader writes: I took a new job just less than a year ago that I was incredibly excited about. It wasn’t […]

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update: my boss made me leave a work note at a grave

Remember the letter-writer with the worst boss in the world, who made her leave a note about work at the grave of a bereaved employee’s relative? Here’s the update. Thank you again. The updates you have posted on your site reminded me I should update you on what happened. I went back to the cemetery because […]

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our interns are clueless about our office dress code

A reader writes: I’m a new manager. Each year, the company I work for brings on college students as interns. One thing I have noticed is the lack of following the dress code and unprofessional outfits from the interns. Our industry is on the conservative side and wearing suits and button-downs is expected for everyone, from […]

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