May 2021

does working remotely harm your chances of advancement?

A reader writes: I graduated from college about four years ago and have been working full-time since. Over this period of time, I’ve worked my way up the ladder. About one year ago, I started a position in my field that I’d been trying to get for about two years. I started this position remotely […]

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where are you now? (a call for updates)

It’s mid-year updates season! If you’ve had your question answered here in the past, please email me an update and let us know how your situation turned out. Did you take the advice? Did you not take the advice? What happened? How’s your situation now? (Don’t post your updates here though; email them to me.) […]

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someone gave me a terrible review on Glassdoor

A reader writes: I work for a tiny company and manage a team eight people in a niche industry. There is fair amount of turnover, generally by design – people often take this job with the explicit goal of going to a particular grad school in a few years. I recently learned that someone left […]

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who will look after your digital and social assets when you die?

And now a word from a sponsor… With people having such large digital footprints these days, have you ever thought about what will happen to your online presence when you’re no longer here? Increasingly, people are making “digital estate plans” – which is basically a will that includes a set of provisions for your digital […]

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someone keeps farting in important client meetings

A reader writes: I work in upper-middle management at a large business and entertainment events company and recently we got back to regular face-to-face client meetings. Over the last few weeks, we’ve been having some intense and lengthy meetings in our office with a potential local client, which could really take our company to the […]

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