March 2024

company wants me to tell my current job I’m interviewing with them, telling a former intern to honor time commitments, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Potential job wants me to tell my current job I’m interviewing with them I had an initial phone interview today with one of current company’s vendors. This vendor provides the software that tracks all the manufacturing and inventory activities for the product we make. They […]

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the surprising agony of office coffee culture

You would think supplying employees with coffee would be a relatively straightforward task and yet … sometimes it’s anything but. At Slate today, I wrote about office coffee wars — from workplaces with intense bureaucratic in-fighting over coffee supplies, to meetings that get hijacked to debate coffee issues, to outrage when people bring in their […]

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employee uses the bathroom stall with the door wide open

A reader writes: I have (what I think is) an outlandish question for you, but I promise it’s true. It comes from my coworker’s spouse. At her place of employment, they have found it difficult to retain anyone in the administrative assistant position. It sounds like there was a lot of turnover in that role, […]

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weekend open thread – March 23-24, 2024

This comment section is open for any non-work-related discussion you’d like to have with other readers, by popular demand. Here are the rules for the weekend posts. Book recommendation of the week: You Only Call When You’re in Trouble, by Stephen McCauley. A man going through a break-up and his niece, who’s in a professional crisis, […]

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