don’t call to “schedule an interview” by Alison Green on December 4, 2010 A reader writes: Somewhere out there, somebody is telling kids that they should be “proactive” and call a company to “schedule an interview” as soon as they apply. I’m beseeching you to do a public service announcement to tell them to STOP. There is no way this is a good idea, and I am getting very, very tired of telling people in my nice voice that unless somebody from the company has already contacted them, there is no way I am going to schedule an interview for them, and that they have been sadly misinformed about how an application process works. I don’t mind nearly as much a “did you get my application, I would really like to work there!” phone call. At least I don’t come out of the phone call feeling like you’re a pushy jerk with boundary issues and an inflated sense of your own self worth! Kids, (and it has mostly been young applicants) sometimes your career center is wrong. I’ve gotten these calls too. They are not a good idea — because job-seekers don’t get to decide to schedule the interview; employers do, and it’s inappropriately pushy, not “good salesmanship” or whatever some of those awful job-hunting books claim, to pretend otherwise. There are some career centers and some job-search books out there (and some well-meaning friends and relatives, I suspect) that are really steering people wrong, often with what I suspect is advice that worked decades ago but is no longer effective or relevant in today’s market. It’s infuriating, because they’re doing job-seekers such a disservice. You may also like:does it look bad to be unavailable on one of the dates an employer suggests for an interview?is it possible to be TOO responsive to an interview invitation?I was invited to a 300-person cattle-call interview, and now the company wants to know why I'm not interested { 9 comments }
Suzanne Lucas* December 4, 2010 at 6:38 am Yes, yes, and ummmm, yes. I hate the concept of "Gee, I sent in an application, but I better call to let them know I'd like to schedule an interview because otherwise, they won't know why I submitted an application!" Urgh. Bad, bad career advice.
Mike* December 4, 2010 at 7:08 am I'm so sick and tired of all the bad advice I and my peers received. We don't have inflated egos or senses of self worth. We were simply drilled from the high school guidance counselor to college career centers and fad business books that it's all about SELL SELL SELL and if you don't be obnoxious then you aren't "selling yourself" and they'll think "you don't really want the job" (even though you made a custom cover letter). If I could go back and verbally smack the people that gave me crap advice like you mention above, I would. Before this becomes a "kids these days" argument, remember that this behavior isn't innate – it's taught to them by someone else.
Mike* December 4, 2010 at 7:15 am And I'd also like to note that folks like Ms. Greene and Ms. Lucas do a pretty good job correcting ;)
Anonymous* December 4, 2010 at 2:45 pm While I'm glad my college center hasn't given this piece of "advice," I still believe mine is completely out of touch.
Anonymous* December 5, 2010 at 2:24 am An unrelated comment, but I'd like feedback… I graduate in May 2011 with a Masters degree in Library & Information Science. I also have a Masters degree in Professional Writing. I've been sending out resumes and tailoring cover letters for jobs that I feel I am qualified for – I am not getting any interviews, but employers/hr departments are taking the time to tell me "thanks but no thanks." Would you agree that someone is at least taking the time to read my resume, so it is catching someone's eye? Any other thoughts?
Tracy Brisson* December 5, 2010 at 8:08 pm My experience is that people think because they once were hired for a job they applied for, they are an expert in job-seeking and careers. It's the same false logic that makes people think that because they were once a student, they know how to be a great teacher. People talk about all the conflicting advice out there, but I find that 99% of people who have worked in recruitment or hire regularly are almost always on the same page about great job search strategies. It's everyone else that it's in conflict- the parents, the career centers, the free library workshops.
Megan* December 16, 2010 at 11:17 pm Anonymous 9:24 I just graduated last year with my MLIS and recently got a real library job (albeit part-time). All I can tell you is my experience, but I started getting the "thanks but no thanks" emails before I got my last interview. So hopefully that's a good sign. Fingers crossed for you and good luck!
Nicole* March 3, 2012 at 8:01 pm I can tell you exactly where that bad advice is coming from — Job Choices magazine. There’s always been a copy in my university library and career center for years. And I think they’ve been recycling the same articles for years too. They advocate for both an objective in the resume and the “I shall contact you next week” line in the cover letter. Who says “shall?” In my field, over 100 out-of-town people applied for a job in the middle of nowhere (it’s a shrinking field), and I’d hate to be the person who gets 10o phone calls asking for interviews.
Anonymous* April 14, 2012 at 4:20 am Thanks for this article! I faced the same too. Very often we get calls from applicants asking for interviews, saying they’ve already sent in their cv 3 weeks back and questioning (sometimes, in a very overbearing manner) why they were not contacted. It takes a while for us to gently remind that the ad said “only shortlisted candidates will be notified”.