February 2013

how to calculate how much work experience you have

Here are two questions about how to calculate work experience. 1. How much do part-time internships count toward work experience? Looking at job listings that say they require a certain number of years of experience, I’m a bit unsure of how to figure out how much “experience” I have. For example, if I did an […]

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asking HR for advice about a second-round interview

A reader writes: I have a second-round interview coming up for an in-house legal position. This round of interviews is with senior management and will include the chief legal officer. My contact person is the HR manager in charge of legal recruiting. I am wondering what type of information I can request of her about […]

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fast answer Friday — 7 short answers to 7 short questions

It’s fast answer Friday — seven short answers to seven short questions. Here we go… 1. Brushing your teeth at the office I recently got Invisalign treatment for my teeth that require me to take very strict care of my oral hygiene, such as brushing my teeth after every time I eat. However, my office […]

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And thus ends our Valentine’s Day series, which I hope you enjoyed as much as I did. (Why, yes, that is my engagement ring on top of Emma.)

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update from the reader with the inexplicably creepy coworker

Speaking of creepy coworker situations, as we were in the previous post, remember the reader back in July who was creeped out by one of her coworkers but couldn’t put her finger on why? She later wrote in with an update saying that several other women in the office were feeling the same way. Here’s […]

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I work the night shift with a creepy coworker

A reader writes: I work a great full-time day job, but it wasn’t paying my bills, so I took a part-time weekend position too. The weekend position involves working graveyard shifts at psychiatric residential units. Most of the time the clients are sleeping, and I work directly with one male coworker (I am female; they […]

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should we report husband’s ex-wife to her boss?

Here’s another post from October 2009 to continue our Valentine’s Day theme. A reader writes: My husband’s ex-wife has been breaking into his email for the past year. They have been divorced for 2 years. She just can’t stay out of our lives! Well, here is why I am asking you. She works as a […]

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