open thread – March 25-26, 2016 by Alison Green on March 25, 2016 It’s the Friday open thread! The comment section on this post is open for discussion with other readers on anything work-related that you want to talk about. If you want an answer from me, emailing me is still your best bet*, but this is a chance to talk to other readers. * If you submitted a question to me recently, please don’t repost it here, as it may be in the to-be-answered queue :) { 1,286 comments }
Snarkus Aurelius* March 25, 2016 at 11:02 am How do you deal with people who literally do not read your emails? This week, I was asked multiple times if I was available for a meeting at a specific time. Every single time I said that I was not available, but the meeting was scheduled anyway. People at the meeting, the ones I directly responded to, wondered where I was. Obviously this is not the first time this has happened. I never know what to do when someone gets frustrated with me or corners me on something that I literally told him over email. I prefer keeping communications to email because in the past, when I’ve had conversations, people magically forget things that I tell them. Email provides me with a written confirmation of what I said I was going to do. What do you all do about this? I’m ready to tear my hair out.
Kelly L.* March 25, 2016 at 11:04 am I wish I knew. I talked yesterday about how sometimes I write “the sky is blue” and get back “but what color is the sky?” I have no idea what goes on in some people’s heads when they read an email.
Who watches the Watcher's?* March 25, 2016 at 12:11 pm Oh Kelly L. do work with the same people?! I get this ALL THE TIME! I keep emails short (4 or 5 sentences) and to the point and I get the most random responses back!
Anxa* March 25, 2016 at 12:54 pm I have family with a lot of ADHD symptoms (myself included) and some with CAPD signs. It helps a lot to be very deliberate with communication and too repeat the take away message. Also saves frustration to accept the question responses as part of the communication. At least IME
Kyrielle* March 25, 2016 at 11:06 am If they’re going to forget it, or not read your email, there’s very little you can do. First, keep it short and simple (which I’m bad at, if I don’t think about it). “Are you available for a meeting at 1 pm?” “No.” Or, if the meeting is something you need to (but can’t) attend, “No. Would 3 pm work?” And second, if you’re keeping it short and simple and they’re still not remembering, there’s not a lot you can do.
INTP* March 25, 2016 at 11:57 am Keeping it short does help. With some of my corkers I can pretty much only make one point per email. Three sentences don’t even get absorbed. Drives me nuts because something that could be resolved in one email if people would actually sit down and read an email fully takes 10 emails instead, but there’s not much you can do about it.
Finman* March 25, 2016 at 11:10 am One of my biggest complaints from my last job. I posted month end reports to a teamsite for people to review. The most egregious example was when I sent people an email stating very clearly that we were not posting reports for Jan and Feb as the final budgets were still being negotiated/approved. The subject of the email read “IMPORTANT PLEASE READ!”, I got so many emails asking when the reports were being issued. I also had one admin respond, “I went to the teamsite and printed the report and my director told me it was December’s report.” (Bangs head on desk)
Kyrielle* March 25, 2016 at 11:15 am Yep. Though people either won’t read or will forget. Putting as much weight in the subject as you can sometimes helps, so maybe “IMPORTANT: JAN & FEB REPORTS WILL NOT BE POSTED” would have worked better, with the detailed info in the body.
Jillociraptor* March 25, 2016 at 1:00 pm And probably putting the info on the team site, too. They might not remember the content of every email, so putting the information where they’ll see it when it’s relevant is ideal.
Meg Murry* March 25, 2016 at 1:29 pm 100% this! Don’t send me something in an email that isn’t important to me at that time, and then expect me to remember 6 weeks later that you mentioned something about it an email. Putting it at the top of the website (preferably in red or bold) is the best way to communicate this. I might even suggest going so far as to upload a file where the monthly reports go with the same naming system but add NO REPORT at the end (so 2016-01 Monthly Report – NO REPORT) and the body of the report saying “there is no report for January or February of 2016 because final budgets have not been approved). Email is not always the best way to communicate items like this, especially when I get hundreds of emails a day. Your case is not so very bad, since it’s more of an FYI – but my biggest pet peeve is when people send out long emails detailing how a procedure I don’t use very often is changing, and then months later when I do that procedure for the first time get mad that I didn’t follow the “new” procedure. Email is not the medium for communicating this.
TootsNYC* March 25, 2016 at 2:35 pm well, I would expect you to print that email out and put it where you can find it, or to simply remember, “something is different this month, I think–she sent an email,” and then go look in your email folder and dig it out.
Finman* March 25, 2016 at 2:44 pm 600+ reports were pushed (with 300+ people having access to the teamsite in general) to various sharepoint folders that most people had book marked their specific location so they would not have easily seen an announcement like this. Also, the reports were pushed on WD 10 every month, that is when the email went out stating reports would not be issued in both January and February (advanced warning was issued by email as well).
Jillociraptor* March 25, 2016 at 6:37 pm Couldn’t you then push out a file to those folders explaining the situation, though? While it would be great if people’s minds worked this way, they just don’t — obviously, or you wouldn’t be having this problem! So you can either bang your head against a wall with frustration that they didn’t receive the information the way you communicated it, or you can find a solution that takes into account the way they actually generally act. The latter will lead to many fewer headaches!
TootsNYC* March 25, 2016 at 2:33 pm I think that’s a subject-line fail. “IMPORTANT PLEASE READ” is a junk-mail line; I would be a lot of people don’t even open messages that say that. I agree w/ the concept of putting the core of the message in the subject line. People will still forget, not notice, etc., but it could cut it down. And I’d also suggest when a routine is being disrupted so much, putting a placeholder that says “Jan. reports will be late” in the spot that they’d expect to find the report would be much more powerful. I’ve become more adept at thinking about how to put info where people will naturally find it.
RKB* March 25, 2016 at 5:55 pm IMPORTANT PLEASE READ is spam when it comes from HotLadiezLoveU, not from your boss!
Audiophile* March 25, 2016 at 11:10 am I had this exact problem yesterday. I had sent an email to manager, followed up a few hours later with a face to face discussion. Only to be told she stopped reading at the first line.
AVP* March 25, 2016 at 11:44 am I had a boss like that and I would literally put a TL:DR version of my email in blue font at the top, never more than one line. And then put the full version below it in case the TLDR version piqued his interest or led to further questions.
Audiophile* March 25, 2016 at 11:53 am She’s normally pretty thorough. But for some reason, she just stopped reading that email. I’ll chalk this one up to starting my email with the word “thanks” and that’s where she got stuck.
The IT Manager* March 25, 2016 at 12:06 pm Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF) = professional version of TL;DR.
Audiophile* March 25, 2016 at 12:23 pm Thank you. This was a lesson well learned, because had I not gone in for that face to face, I would have been on the wrong end of a different discussion.
No Longer Just a Lurker* March 25, 2016 at 11:13 am There is a setup in outlook where you can request confirmation that the email was read (automatic so the reader does not have to click). That way when they do this crap you can say I sent you an email about this and my setting showed that you read it at such and such a time. I had to use it more times than I care to admit at OldJob (one of many reasons why I left) because there were several managers who would say that they didn’t get things when I said I sent them and I needed to cover my butt. I wonder if your coworkers were not happy with your answer so just ignored it thinking that if they set up the meeting you would rearrange things to be there.
Audiophile* March 25, 2016 at 11:44 am Doesn’t outlook still ask the receiver to acknowledge they read it? I’ve had it tell me “sender requested a read receipt, do you want to send one?”
Kyrielle* March 25, 2016 at 12:18 pm It does, and you can also check the “don’t ask me again” and decline to send one and then you don’t send out read receipts. Which I did at my last job because Outlook can send a read receipt for a long email when I glance at it and click away, then mark it unread to come back to later, because I don’t have time to go through the whole thing….
Audiophile* March 25, 2016 at 2:28 pm I’d rather just ask the person if they read it. I always found them annoying when I got them, like the sender didn’t trust me to read the email.
Colette* March 25, 2016 at 11:17 am Do they ask via email? If not, you could try responding in the way they ask (i.e. If they leave you a voicemail, call them back). I understand preferring email, but it’s not about proving you answered, it’s about doing what works rather than proving you did something that doesn’t work (in this situation). In other words, you can prove you said that time didn’t work for you, but that won’t retroactively allow you to attend the meeting.
MoinMoin* March 25, 2016 at 11:18 am Sometimes I find it more helpful to rename the subject when I reply, rather than just RE: whatever subject they started. I don’t like it for my own email organizing, but it seems like it helps them. I don’t know if they just skim or start seeing 12 emails all with the same subject and a bunch of FWD: RE: and assume the rest of the conversation doesn’t pertain to them, but in either case replying to an email ‘subject: Can you meet?’ with ‘MoinMoin Unavailable RE: Can you meet?’ has seemed to garner more of a response. Also, when I start a conversation ‘subject: Hey I need a thing’ and have followed up a bunch of times with no response, I usually just send a meeting request (I use Outlook) to call them and ask for the thing. And then we talk and they say “I don’t know the thing/I don’t know what you’re asking about the thing/ I know I cared about the related thing which is why you’re trying to get the main thing but I don’t care anymore so you don’t need the thing from me now” and I say “Good talk” and silently scream. Sorry, got off topic there.
Jeremy Stein* March 25, 2016 at 11:27 am In this example, it sounds like you may have included text in your Outlook decline invitation message? If so, I can understand that people wouldn’t read it. Those are usually empty and just used to track attendance. I would suggest replying to the invitation separately from the decline message.
Kelly L.* March 25, 2016 at 11:33 am No, I think they sent her a regular email asking if she was available, and she sent them a regular email saying no.
Snarkus Aurelius* March 25, 2016 at 11:39 am Correct. I did both. The email request was first, which I hit reply-all. Then the meeting request. I declined all.
AnotherHRPro* March 25, 2016 at 12:57 pm If you frequently reply-all to emails, you may be training people to not read your messages. When I am on reply-all messages I typically do not put a priority in reading them. People only have so much bandwidth and tend to get a lot of emails. You honestly have to pick and choose which ones you are going to read.
Quinalla* March 25, 2016 at 11:36 am I still send them an e-mail for my records, but I follow it up with IM/phone call/text/in person conversation as I am able. Also keep your e-mails to these people as short as possible, preferably with vital info in the subject or at least the first line. Some people just aren’t e-mailers, not just that they prefer other communication methods (which is fine!) but they just don’t read e-mail. Sometimes they get too many, sometimes they are stubborn and don’t want to adapt to new communication methods, etc. Find out their communication method and use it, but yeah, I’d still have the e-mail record when necessary. And for meetings, are they not sending electronic invitations? Those are good for everyone and have a built in response tool so they can clearly see on their electronic calendar who is attending and who is not and who is a maybe. Encourage use of that? Oh, and when they don’t read your e-mail and ask where you were, you are telling them you replied via e-mail, right? What do they say? Ask them outright the way you should communicate in the future to make sure they don’t miss it.
Kelly L.* March 25, 2016 at 11:41 am But the worst of these in my office is an emailer! LOL! He loves email. He emails everything. He sends millions of emails. He just doesn’t read the ones he gets.
NarrowDoorways* March 25, 2016 at 11:58 am I hate this and everyone does it! I’ll email: “Is this true? If so, I need this…” I’ll get emails back that say, “Yes! It is true,” routinely leaving off the second half. I always end up copying and pasting the second part and re-emailing it.
Mando Diao* March 25, 2016 at 12:19 pm If you’re missing important meetings because people aren’t reading your emails, I’d bring it to a manager’s attention and then start CC-ing the manager in emails to create a paper trail.
Nervous Accountant* March 25, 2016 at 12:28 pm That is so weird it almost sounds like deliberate hostility–“forgetting” what you say, and just ignoring emails.
beachlover* March 25, 2016 at 12:29 pm I have an issue with people not only not reading them, but comprehension. I sent an email asking about the min order qty for some specialty teacup boxes. My supply planner responded back with – do you mean from the supplier? SMH!
Soupspoon McGee* March 25, 2016 at 12:33 pm Convey important information by phone/text/telegram/carrier pigeon and follow up with an email for documentation. Put the key info in the email subject line (RE: Not available for Brutus meeting 3/15). If you can, retrain people that you use email because it’s searchable. Caveat: This inability to read and respond may be a fixed part of your workplace culture. I worked in a place where people just did not seem to absorb key information. I’d email a VP asking for a key decision and get no reply or “yes” to “Should we do x or y?” I’d go to meetings with a bulleted list of projects that needed input or permission to proceed and say, “I need information from you before I can proceed.” People would nod and give me no information. I’d relay information through my boss. Nothing worked.
Stranger than fiction* March 25, 2016 at 1:20 pm Might be considered passive aggressive, but if it’s someone whose perception is important, I’d forward it and say something like “heard you thought I didn’t respond to meeting invite?”. Guess that’s a know your audience thing though.
Terra* March 25, 2016 at 1:36 pm Depending on your situation and the politics involved I’ve had some success redirection people to email. By which I mean I’ll reply to an email saying I’m not available for the meeting, they come asking why I wasn’t at the meeting, I respond with “I sent you an email about that.” It seems like if people know they can get the information in some other manner (by asking you) then they won’t read or will forget about the email, even if it’s less convenient and causes more problems for everyone. Redirecting them to the email as often as possible rather than giving in and providing the information some other way seems to get them to eventually realize that they need to read and remember my emails. That being said, the mileage on this definitely varies depending on who is involved and their personality.
Engineer Girl* March 25, 2016 at 1:38 pm Usually when they ask a 2nd or 3rd time I’ll include the previous emails as attachments. I will also reference them. “Hello Jane, I will not be attending meeting per emails I sent you on March 1 and March 16. See attachments.” A little passive aggressive but also throws the evidence back in their face. It is also strictly factual so if it truly was a mistake vs negligence the other person can go “whoops”
Engineer Girl* March 25, 2016 at 1:46 pm This also works if people claim you didn’t respond to their request for information. “Hi Marcus, I’m confused. I sent you the reports on March 6 and again on March 11. Please reference attached emails. Did I misinterpret what you wanted?” And yes I did cc all the othe people on the list. If you are going to blast me via email that I’m not responding then I will provide references that I’m doing my job.
Rubyrose* March 25, 2016 at 1:49 pm When they come back asking things that would have been answered by the original email, I respond back with “please read the email I sent on xx/xx/2016 at xx:xx am.” After getting that response a few times they start coming in line.
Fafaflunkie* March 27, 2016 at 6:55 pm The next time you’re asked this, you respond with high priority, return receipt requested, stating your intentions. If you don’t see a “read: (subject)” within a few hours of the original reply, dig into your sent folder to find the email you originally replied to, forward it back to the sender, and add “I really need you to respond to this promptly. As I haven’t seen anything from you, nor any bounce back indicating I sent this to an invalid address, I can only presume you have this in your inbox and I need an immediate response. Please take care of this email right away.” If this still doesn’t grab his/her attention, then you may have to call that person’s manager, or HR, and ask whether this person still works here or if (s)he’s on vacation/on sick leave. This now brings someone who can make this person response accountable for not responding to you. If that still doesn’t work, you should start wondering if there’s something your company isn’t telling about you.
Ann Furthermore* March 25, 2016 at 11:02 am Yay, in early! I’ve started job searching for the first time in 11 years. Yikes! I submitted my resume for 2 very similar sounding positions at a very large software company – the same company I worked for before leaving to work for my current employer. It’s been a week, and I have not heard anything. I can tell they’re using a Taleo system. Is it normal to not have any response after a week? The status of both resume submissions is still ‘New.’ Does that mean no one has looked at it yet? Do I just have to be patient? Also, one of the positions has been open for over 60 days. Is it normal for a job to be posted for that long? Or is it like when you’re trying to sell your house, and people start wondering what’s wrong with it when it’s been listed for awhile? So many questions!
Michelenyc* March 25, 2016 at 11:08 am Yes, it can be very normal. It could even take them upwards of a month to respond.
Ann Furthermore* March 25, 2016 at 11:13 am Ugh. I figured as much, but wanted some input since it’s been so long. I’ve got a job now, so I can afford to wait, but now that I’ve made the decision that it’s time to move on, I just want to get on with it.
AnotherHRPro* March 25, 2016 at 1:00 pm As you used to work there, I would recommend using any old contacts you have by sending a note letting them know that you applied to the position
Kyrielle* March 25, 2016 at 11:09 am It can easily take more than a week to get back to you. I haven’t used a Taleo system from either end before. If employers don’t have to change the status, they may not. They may accumulate resumes before evaluating them – and since it’s a large company, HR may be accumulating possibles to pass to the hiring manager en masse. It’s also possible that someone has a stack of “definitely not, maybe, must talk” and don’t update anyone until they decide it’s time to act on the last two categories (or just the last one if it’s large enough). I don’t know if it’s normal or not, but I’d take a deep breath and move on – they’ll either call you or they won’t, and close-watching the application won’t change that. No matter what’s going on, you either need to be patient or, better still, move on and let it go. There’s nothing you can do; the ball is in their court.
F.* March 25, 2016 at 11:25 am I’m with a small company, and I can tell you that unless you were outright rejected, you may not hear from me for a week or longer. The company owner likes to collect resumes and then have a week of blitz interviewing. I totally understand how frustrating it is for the applicant, though there isn’t much I can do about it from my seat.
RKB* March 25, 2016 at 6:15 pm My current position uses a Taleo system — and it still says New for my application!
Not a Real Giraffe* March 25, 2016 at 11:14 am It depends on the company and the industry, of course, but yes waiting more than a week to hear back is very, very normal. On my last round of job searching, it could be more than a month later when I got an invitation to interview. Sometimes it would be more than a year later when I’d get my rejection notice. Your best bet is if you still know someone who works at that company, to reach out to them directly and let them know you applied. They can ask HR to flag your application for faster review.
Sunflower* March 25, 2016 at 11:27 am Some positions are posted forever and they never close them. Sometimes they are in a rush to hire someone and sometimes they aren’t. It’s really tough but you really need to just apply and then forget about the application. All of these things are VERY normal. Don’t waste your energy reading into all these little things or you’ll drive yourself nuts!!
Anon Accountant* March 25, 2016 at 12:40 pm Yes it’s normal. To use AAM’s advice apply and then move on mentally. I keep a spreadsheet of place applied, position and date applied. As hard as it is try to push it out of your mind. My friends have had companies call them for interviews 3 months after they applied. You took first step by applying. Now just keep applying. :)
T3k* March 25, 2016 at 12:45 pm This. It’s hard, but it is best to move on mentally and if you do get a call, then it’s a nice surprise for you.
overeducated and underemployed* March 25, 2016 at 12:50 pm I’m not in a large software company so ymmv, but 1) a week would be unusually early, though not unheard of, for a response, in my experience, and 2) I wouldn’t get my hopes up about a 2 month old posting unless it said they wouldn’t review until after 2+ months. I usually don’t even hope for a response in under 2 weeks, and cross a job off my list after 4 (though I’ve been pleasantly surprised after that). Good luck!
Ann Furthermore* March 25, 2016 at 1:06 pm Thanks all for the reality check. I’m going to be very selective since I already have a job (even though I think my department will be outsourced in the next couple of years) and I’m not yet in a position where I have to take the first thing that comes along. I’d love to go back to this company. They make the software that I’ve spent almost my entire career becoming an expert in. My expertise was pretty good while I worked for them, but in the 11 years I’ve been gone it has probably tripled, both by learning more about what I already knew, and also being able to work on things I’d had no prior exposure to. I’ve posted my resume on a couple of sites and I’ve gotten quite a few responses, but all for consulting jobs where the travel would be much more than I’m willing to sign up for at this point.
Fabulous* March 25, 2016 at 1:18 pm There’s one more thing you can do to see if a position has been filled: If the company has a directory on its website you can do a search for the title, or even look on LinkedIn. This is also a great way to find your past contacts if they’ve moved on, as well as who may have taken their place.
Stephanie* March 26, 2016 at 1:24 am I’m sure there’s someone on here who can speak to a different experience, but I’ve never gotten anything of interest from posting my resume publicly on Indeed, et al. Plus, the more tinfoil-wearing hat side of me is worried about someone from work finding out I’m job searching.
Reg poster going anon* March 25, 2016 at 11:03 am I started a new job in January after having been at my previous job for about 3.5 years. The culture at my new job is entirely different and much more slow-paced. I’m told that for the first 6 months of being here, I am basically responsible for finding things to train myself on. I’d estimate I’m being guided about 10% of the time by a mentor, but it is fully understood that I simply don’t have much to do. I’m looking around at my coworkers, and the volume of work they’re working on doesn’t seem like it supports this amount of headcount either… I’m sort of stymied as to why they hired me (and two others) to begin with as it doesn’t seem like we will ever be needed, but I’m reassured that they are padding out the team in preparation for some big changes in 6 months – a year. I can accept that at face value I guess, but… I’m bored out of my mind. I can only do so many hours of aimless self-learning, and otherwise I’m basically spending time finding ways to waste time. I have asked my manager several times to let me do real work sooner, but there just isn’t enough work to be done right now. I don’t know if manager knows the extent of how little I have to do and I don’t know if I want to tell him for fear of being let go. I’m going crazy with boredom. I’m not sure I can stick this out, and even if I do, I’m not confident that I will ever really be busy. What would you do?
Collie* March 25, 2016 at 11:12 am Even after a year-and-a-half, I rarely have enough to do to keep me busy. If you can, find resources online (like Coursera, or maybe Lynda if you’ve got something like that through your public library, etc.) to get more training in your field. Read articles. Read AAM. These things have kept me alive the last several months.
Reg poster going anon* March 25, 2016 at 11:18 am Yep this is basically what I’m doing now. I just can’t make myself do it for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. I suppose that is my own issue though. So you’d hang in there if you were me?
Artemesia* March 25, 2016 at 12:04 pm I’d be inclined to find an online course on accounting (If I didn’t have that training) or some other extremely transferable and useful skill. It would be tempting to a learn a foreign language or something like that but you do want something that will look ‘professional’ on your screen.
Kristine* March 25, 2016 at 11:15 am Are you allowed to use Coursera as part of your self-training? If so, they have lots of classes that pertain to different aspects of business. You could see if there are any classes that would give you added knowledge for your role/field.
Dynamic Beige* March 25, 2016 at 11:32 am At LastJob, when we were not busy, we still had to account for all of our hours on our timesheets but… there wasn’t any docket number for FTD (AKA making puppies) or Training. Trying to get new software to learn or try out was also a big long PITA full of questions and suspicion. The internet wasn’t as commercialised as it is now, so we were bored out of our minds when things were slow. Manager had zero f*cks to give, unless you were one of their BFFs. If you don’t have any of those hurdles, you are lucky! Is there something you do within your job that you want to get better at? Excel pivot tables? Is there something you don’t currently know that would be of benefit to your employability, either currently or in the future? Like learning HTML or WordPress? Are there things about your organisation that you think could be spruced up that would allow you to either learn new skills or apply the ones you’ve already got? Are there publications or journals for your industry that you might gain some benefit from reading? So long as there aren’t a whole lot of NetNanny issues, you can download a 30 day working trial of the entire Adobe Creative Suite to play around with. There are places like codecademy dot com where you can learn to code for free. Figure out a project for yourself and do it. If you can teach yourself that kind of thing — to be a motivated self-starter — you will benefit greatly from that.
Tris Prior* March 25, 2016 at 11:34 am I’m having the same issue – came here this morning just to post the same thing, actually! It really sucks because I like to be busy and to contribute, and at my last job there was never any shortage of work to do. I also got a big pay bump to come here and feel sort of… guilty about that, I guess? Since I’m not really producing much. My manager knows and told me not to worry about it, and I make a point of asking others if they need help, even if it’s something mundane like moving some furniture. I’m spending most of my time training myself on various softwares and also learning to code a bit. I figure that can’t hurt – supposedly we have a huge project coming up soon so may as well take the time while I have it. is awesome! But I agree, it is hard to stay on task with that 40 hours a week. My mind wanders. And, all my co-workers seem to spend most of the day on social media, which I do NOT want to do as I’m so new. Not sure what the solution is, but since you’ve been specifically told that you’re expected to train yourself, that’s what I would do. Good luck – I know how much this sucks!
Reg poster going anon* March 25, 2016 at 11:44 am We are seriously twins in this situation! I guess I need to work on staying motivated and keeping my brain engaged in online learning – it’s my option at this point, so I guess I’ll hang in there! And same for the pay bump… It’s the major thing keeping me here, plus starting new jobs is so tedious and there is going to be the break-in period anywhere. I just hope that someday I’ll have work to do where I can feel like I’m contributing and providing value.
Tris Prior* March 25, 2016 at 12:49 pm We have some (which are internal so unfortunately I cannot share the links) that force you to respond and complete exercises – which is so much better and more engaging than just watching training videos. (which I find tough to stay focused on after an hour or two.) So maybe look for anything like that?
MoinMoin* March 25, 2016 at 11:38 am Do they already have a lot of training documents for whatever tasks you currently have? If not, maybe you could start documenting those processes, something I find most workplaces lack and need. It will also give you something to show for your time and it might be a good way to start building on additional tasks you can take on or processes that need updating/modification. Agreed with comments to find training for general professional development also.
MathOwl* March 25, 2016 at 11:44 am I’m curious as to what the other new hires have to say on this. Are they in the same situation and feeling somewhat bored too? Perhaps you can talk to them to get ideas. Another possibility I see is asking your manager if someone has been in a position similar to yours before and if so, what they did then to keep busy or what things were useful for them to learn during the initial slow period. Other than that, I think it is worth staying for at least a while as long as the situation isn’t permanent. It can be hard to build new skills when you’re out of school and working full time, so in a way I guess that transition period can serve as a way to build skills you perhaps didn’t have time to focus on or improve yet. If anything, you’ll be even readier for the tasks given to you when the work starts flowing!
Reg poster going anon* March 25, 2016 at 11:55 am The other new hires are also in the same boat. The thing that really has me worried is that I can’t tell if I will EVER have work to do, judging by the workload I’ve observed of the tenured people. This is my main concern – do I stick things out and risk never having enough to do and being bored all the time? I suppose things could be much worse though, and it probably makes sense to hang in there for a year or so and see what happens.
Anonymousaurus Rex* March 25, 2016 at 12:03 pm If I were you, I’d observe carefully for a free weeks and start a pet project that would help the company. Even if it’s just process documentation (which is easier than process innovation when you’re new) there are usually things that, as a new person, you might realize that aren’t being done–not because people are busy, but because they haven’t thought to do them. If identify some of those things and take them on. Do they have methodology documents on how they do things? Is there something interesting and tangential to your work that you could start a project on? It sounds like you have a real chunk of time before the “real” work starts, and directing yourself towards a project will give you an early accomplishment at the new job. (The risk here, of course, is being seen as the uppity newcomer, but I prefer that to endless non-work) Good luck!
Meg Murry* March 25, 2016 at 1:39 pm Can you ask your mentor for more work? Or could you train yourself by asking your mentor for the starting point of one of her completed projects and basically re-do the work so you can learn by doing? Or do something in parallel with her, or ask her if you can do a piece of her project and have her review it with you? Otherwise, if you are allowed to wear headphones, get some audiobooks or podcasts and give yourself 30 min listening breaks (pull up something work-looking on your computer screen so you don’t look like you are totally screwing around). You can download lots of audiobooks for free through public libraries, and something like “Getting Things Done”, “Lean In”, Brene Brown, or other career/business reading, is at least semi-work related.
Eva* March 25, 2016 at 4:42 pm Just going to offer a bit of sympathy here. My last job was like this. I got to a point where I had automated all of our excel processes, created a new customer database, learned how to use a new software program all off my own back but nothing could explain the sheer boredom of it, especially because none of that meant anything – it was purely to kill time. I understand the advice that people give to train up on a new skill or improve a company process but I also sympathize with the fact that this kills time but somehow the boredom still remains. Sorry you are in this situation op. I hope it does improve. My only advice is that listening to radio helped more than listening to music because it was less predictable and there is a bit of talking too. I also sometimes listened to ted talks etc while working (I made sure I was at least doing something else at the same time so I wasn’t just watching videos at work).
OohHello* March 25, 2016 at 5:02 pm Sounds very frustrating. Someone has mentioned Coursera, and there’s also EdX and FutureLearn. Alternatively try looking for a new job…
Stephanie* March 25, 2016 at 8:59 pm I’m having the same problem at work. I’m heading in and dreading it, because I know I have maybe an hour or two of work to do tonight. I poke around the employee portal and read things. I’m on a lot of listervs at work that will send out reports…I read all those. The struggle is real.
Lindsay J* March 28, 2016 at 4:05 pm Ugh I feel the same way. I work 10 hour days and currently have enough work to fill maybe 2-3 hours of work on a busy day. I’m told that my work level will ramp up as my location becomes busier, but that doesn’t seem to be happening in the time frame I was originally told. I feel guilty for getting a paycheck for doing nothing. My manager knows I have little to do right now and doesn’t really have any ideas on how to fill my time. I’ve been told I need to look busy, though, so he doesn’t get questioned about his headcount. It’s a big org in a somewhat highly regulated industry so I can’t do the little things I’ve previously done in smaller organizations to kill time. I was planning on staying here in this role for at least 3 years to build some stability on my resume but it’s been 3 months and I’m already bored out of my mind.
Fabulous* March 25, 2016 at 11:03 am I found out this morning that my job has been posted on my company’s career website. I’ve been a temp in this position for nearly a year. I discovered this tidbit because one of my coworkers asked me if I was leaving – apparently one of her friends has a phone interview for my position!! My manager Joe is based in Missouri (I’m in Michigan), so I went directly to my location’s HR manager. She had no idea my job had been posted, let alone that people were interviewing for it. I’ve spoken previously with Joe about coming on full-time, but we haven’t actually had a conversation about my role since Sept/Oct. In fact, I’m not even confident that he realizes he’s my manager. Most things I bring to him get deflected to the CEO’s admin assistant Cindy (also in MO), who will also be the manager of this “new” position. I’m at a loss of what to do. The HR manager says I should talk to Joe or Cindy. Since I haven’t spoken to Joe in nearly 6 months, I doubt he would care enough to have a discussion. He’s got other priorities. I don’t feel comfortable reaching out to Cindy because, while we’ve worked together fairly often throughout my time here, she’s been increasingly stand-offish with me lately for whatever reason (at least I now have an inkling why…) I have been job searching and interviewing the entire time I’ve been here (since there’s been no guarantee my job will become permanent) but nothing has come through yet. I definitely do not want to be left out of a job. But with the way they’ve handled things, I REALLY don’t want to apply and interview for my own position. This company has been riddled with RIFs and consequently low morale the entire time I’ve been here. Ideally I’d like to be gone from this place, but can’t afford to leave without something lined up. HELP!!
Michelenyc* March 25, 2016 at 11:15 am Based on what you have written definitely step up the job search. I know it is easy to say that when you have already been looking. You say that you are a temp, have you reached out to the agency that placed you so they can help you find a new position? I was permanent employee that found their job posted the first part of December, the day of our holiday party. It felt awful.
Fabulous* March 25, 2016 at 11:19 am I talked to my agency a while ago asking if they knew of anything else, but haven’t heard since and I haven’t pressed them. I wasn’t even invited to our holiday party for “insurance” reasons… which they promptly let me know the day before the event.
BuildMeUp* March 25, 2016 at 11:41 am I would talk to them again ASAP. Have you told them that the company appears to be interviewing for your replacement? Remember, your agency is getting paid when you are getting paid. If you’re no longer in this position, they’re going to lose money. It’s beneficial to them to know what’s happening and have a chance to find you something new. Get in touch with them! Reach out, send them an updated resume if you have one, etc. Seriously, don’t wait. I’m with a temp agency and while they’re great, they’re also very busy and have many temps. Sometimes they forget about me if I haven’t talked to them in awhile, and then I’ll send them a quick email and almost immediately get several assignment requests. If they don’t know that you’re definitely going to be available soon for an assignment, the perfect placement for you might come up and they won’t think of your name unless you’ve talked to them.
Michelenyc* March 25, 2016 at 11:44 am Go back to your agency or even to a new one and let them know you need to find a new position. Companies don’t always tell agencies that they have started their own search. This is your careeer and you need to own it, don’t wait for someone to tell you something at that point it oculd be too late. As for Cindy she is clearly not going to be up front with what is happening so you have 2 choices you can tell her you saw the posting and ask her what the timeline is to fill the position and ask to be considered or just wait and see. Based on what you have said it does sound to me like at this point they are not considering you as a candidate which I know feels like total crap. Do you really want to work for a company that can’t be honest with you about the current situation?
Fabulous* March 25, 2016 at 11:47 am Definitely will be mentioning it today when I submit my timecard.
Stranger than fiction* March 25, 2016 at 4:13 pm That really stinks. Also, it sounds like this might be an out of sight out of mind type situation. In addition to what others are advising, start cc’ing boss on everything that goes to Cindy so you’re in his view so to speak. Maybe boss thought your time there was already up?
Colette* March 25, 2016 at 11:20 am Talk to Cindy. Tell her that you’ve heard they were going to be hiring and that you’d be interested in applying. The worst case scenario is that she doesn’t hire you, which is exactly what is likely to happen of you don’t talk to her.
Artemesia* March 25, 2016 at 12:07 pm I’d contact Joe if he is doing the interviewing. I assume you are not on his radar rather than that he is dissatisfied and wants to replace you. Sort of a ‘I hear you are interviewing to fill the position permanently that I have tempted in. I would love to be considered for the job; what do I need to do?’ If it is an oversight, it might help. If not, it can’t hurt. And of course you have stepped up your search.
Not a Real Giraffe* March 25, 2016 at 11:23 am I think I’d just talk to Joe about it anyway, even if it’s uncomfortable, or even if he gives you the brush off. Just say something like, “I saw that my position was posted online and I wanted to talk to you about my future at the company. I’d be very interested in staying on in this role full-time, if that’s a possibility.” And then go from there. It may also be worth it to pose this same question to Cindy, whose standoffish-ness may just be awkwardness because she doesn’t know how to bring the subject up with you. Who knows? It can’t hurt to ask — the hardest part of this scenario is all the “what ifs.” If you ask the question and get an answer, you at least know where you stand.
Preggers* March 25, 2016 at 11:26 am I would do what the HR person said and talk to Joe and Cindy. Could you ask your coworker who her friend is interviewing with? That may help you decide if you need to talk to Joe or Cindy. IF she doesn’t know then I’d talk to Cindy. If she is standoffish, then go to Joe. Even though he hasn’t talked to you in 6 months he should still know what’s going on with your role or know who to ask. And of course keep job hunting because it seems no one has any idea what’s going on there!
Fabulous* March 25, 2016 at 11:30 am The friend is interviewing with Cindy. And what makes matters even worse is that I’ve spoken with Cindy recently and she’s mentioned absolutely nothing. She’s extremely direct with everything else. This sucks… :(
Meg Murry* March 25, 2016 at 1:43 pm It’s also possible Cindy doesn’t know you’d be interested in the position – someone may have wrongly told her that you only planned to temp and didn’t want to go full time. Or heck, she may not even realize that the job description posted IS your job description, given all the disfunction. It stinks but almost everyone I’ve worked has required even long term temps to formally apply for their positions. So talk to Cindy, brush up your resume and apply. Otherwise, you have 0 chance of getting the job.
TootsNYC* March 25, 2016 at 3:11 pm I’d mention it even if you weren’t interested. Just to provide the kind of “tea leaves” that would let her know she’s handling this badly.
Random Lurker* March 25, 2016 at 11:37 am If you haven’t spoken to your boss in 6 months, that alone is a good indicator to start looking elsewhere.
Fabulous* March 25, 2016 at 11:46 am That’s one of the reasons why I think he may not realize he’s my manager. Another reason is because when my coworker Mitch switched from Admin to HR, Joe didn’t have a clue that Mitch reported to him for nearly 6 months after our former (local) manager left the company. He may think I report to Cindy. It’s possible I actually do report to Cindy and it’s just never been communicated to me!
Preggers* March 25, 2016 at 12:40 pm What? You need to get out of there. Sounds dysfunctional. Couldn’t HR tell you who you officially report to?
Fabulous* March 25, 2016 at 1:00 pm What makes things even more difficult is that while we’re all under the same umbrella organization, we technically work for different companies. Tech Company A purchased Tech Company B. I’m stationed in Company B while Joe and Cindy work for Company A. The HR department for A does not communicate well with the HR in B. And to top it off, Company A employees do not regard HR with any sort of authority, especially Company B’s HR. So many things wrong here…
Doriana Gray* March 25, 2016 at 6:13 pm What? You need to get out of there. Sounds dysfunctional. Truer words. Fabulous, I understand you need a job, but you don’t need this one. Hell, I think this whole thing is the universe’s way of showing you just that.
Looby* March 25, 2016 at 1:45 pm If you want the permanent position, what’s stopping you from applying for it now? Just because they are doing phone interviews doesn’t mean they’ve stopped taking applications.
Coffee and Mountains* March 25, 2016 at 11:05 am Librarian question — I currently manage a public service department in a public library, and I’m really not happy. I’ve been trying to transfer internally to support services for a while now with no luck, and I just feel stuck. I wouldn’t even mind going the corporate or special route, but I’m having trouble getting my experience to translate. Did anyone else successfully navigate this?
Weekend Warrior* March 25, 2016 at 11:19 am Is there some specific training or other education you can take to enhance your experience. By support services do you mean tech services. e.g. cataloguing, or systems? There are definitely workshops or courses you could take to show your interest in a new direction, as well as gain expertise. And yes, customer service is still part of these areas. :)
Preggers* March 25, 2016 at 11:30 am In my former life I was Library HR. In my experience everyone wants to transfer to support services and jobs are few and far between. I would talk to your manager about your career goals (unless they are someone who holds grudges against ppl who move on). And see if they can recommend some training or perhaps projects you can work on directly with X department. I’ve found the best way to get into a support department is to work closely with the manager and staff on projects or helping out. If you want to go the corporate route where do you want to go? If you can narrow down your search field that will helps us recommend ways to translate your work experience.
Kelly L.* March 25, 2016 at 11:34 am Yeah–the library I worked at was pretty calcified, and I don’t know how universal that was. The same people had been doing the same things for ages. Retirement was about the only time anyone ever moved.
Heather* March 25, 2016 at 11:42 am Try to volunteer at a different kind of library and get training on technical services work. Unfortunately there are a lot of librarians out there that may have the experience to do the special libraries route where you have to be a jack of all trades. You might be able to move to another public services role in a different kind of library, but if you want to get out of it altogether you will have to build up the skills to make that transition happen.
PaperbackFighter* March 25, 2016 at 11:44 am I’m having the opposite issue — I’m in a corporate environment with an MLS, and have had trouble translating my work for library jobs :) Try thinking about broader skills to start with — if you do cataloging, for example, that means you can learn software (like your ILS) and are good at organizing and analyzing data. If you do reference, you have customer-facing experience, including doing research and communicating the best information to that customer. Etc. Etc. That might help you segue better.
Christy* March 25, 2016 at 12:17 pm Use the management training! That management experience will translate anywhere, I think.
Rick* March 25, 2016 at 11:05 am How should I handle this recruiter who submitted me to a company I’m definitely not interested in? I’m working with an agency recruiter to find a new job. She’s been very pushy on one specific company that I know I’ll never want to work at, but I’ve stood my ground on them. I found out the agency submitted me anyway. A few days ago, I got an email from that company saying they liked my resume and wanted me to take a skills test. I still don’t want to work with this company, so I emailed the recruiter saying so, and that I’d be pursuing opportunities elsewhere. She called me up at work and left a voicemail on my cell about how great the company is and how I should reconsider. I’m considering emailing the hiring company to tell them that the recruiter doesn’t represent me, I’m not interested in the position, and apologize for the misunderstanding. Would that come off as weird?
Rick* March 25, 2016 at 1:21 pm I’m ditching the idea of non-internal recruiters honestly. Too many incidents where they absolutely refuse to tell me the company’s name, submit me and THEN make first contact, or other silly things like that.
Stranger than fiction* March 25, 2016 at 4:54 pm Or screen you for some non existent opening just to get you onboard. It’s unfortunate how many unscrupulous ones are out there these days. It’s like all the sub-prime loan officers went into recruiting after the real estate crash ( and I actually know a person where that’s exactly the case).
Not a Real Giraffe* March 25, 2016 at 11:25 am Agree with Lurker. Definitely get a new recruiter. And definitely email the hiring manager back to let them know that there must have been some confusion with your recruiter, and that you don’t think the position would be a good fit. And end the conversation there.
Preggers* March 25, 2016 at 11:33 am Ugh I had that happen. I went ahead with the interview, figured maybe I would like the company more than I thought. Nope, I hated it. Interview went horrible. If they company contacted you directly I would contact them like you mentioned. And realize this recruiter (like most) is looking out for themself and will be no help to you.
Rick* March 25, 2016 at 1:23 pm I’ve done that too. It sucks. Beginning to think that being selective is a good quality. Then again my field is booming right now, so I can say that.
Quinalla* March 25, 2016 at 11:43 am Agreed, find a new recruiter and e-mail the company back explaining there must have been a mix-up as this is not a good match.
Rick* March 25, 2016 at 1:36 pm Done! My reply to the recruiter was basically a polite “submitting my resume to random companies without confirming my interest is bad for both of us, so I won’t be working with you any further.” I fully expect them to keep doing that, because that’s what the dozens of low quality recruiting shops in NYC do, but I’ve done my part.
INTP* March 25, 2016 at 12:38 pm The only reason I would say not to is that you probably don’t have the contact email of the person who your recruiter is communicating with so I don’t think your message would actually get passed along to them. If you do have that person’s contact info, I see nothing wrong with doing that. It might be seen as a little weird, but I don’t think it would be any more damaging to your reputation with this company than whatever the recruiter tells them to explain why you’re no longer interested (I can almost guarantee that they aren’t telling the companies they’re sending people without confirming their interest).
Rick* March 25, 2016 at 1:27 pm It wasn’t a donotreply email address, so I’m not sure. Sent off a quick “it looks like there has been some confusion, as I don’t think your company would be a good fit and the recruiter did not inform me that they’d be submitting me, best of luck finding someone” email. Worst case I lost 2 minutes of my lunch break.
voluptuousfire* March 25, 2016 at 2:59 pm Oof. Been there! I had a recruiter submit me (before calling me) for a role with a non-profit, which is not a field that interests me. I was annoyed that she didn’t ask me before putting me in but I went with it because I was on unemployment. The interview was neutral at best and I walked out thinking “yay! They won’t call me.” Later that afternoon, the recruiter called, saying they liked me a lot and they wanted to offer me the job. Against my better judgement, I took it and was let go a month later because I wasn’t the right fit. Lesson learned: listen to your gut. If the job doesn’t “feel” right, chances are it’s not going to work out. Turns out they had had 3 people in the role before me (it was a temp gig) and all 3 were let go due to some reason or another after a short while. Taking the first semi-suitable candidate that comes along because you need stuff done doesn’t always work out for the best.
Sassy AAE* March 25, 2016 at 11:06 am My BFF and roommate just got offered a full time position! She graduated with me, but her Bach. is in History. She had a heck of a time finding work. Luckily she started at a really, really famous law office in the area (It’s known state-wide) as a copy clerk, but as they transition to paperless they want her to help with archiving and digitization. Yay~ I’m so happy for her. It’s such a relief to find a good job post-grad.
Crazy Admin Lady* March 25, 2016 at 11:23 am Yay! Congratulations to her!!! As a recent history grad myself, I can say that job hunting is hard! And my profs were so disappointed in the students who ended up working retail and food service. Oh well. :)
I'm a Little Teapot* March 25, 2016 at 2:56 pm One of the many low moments of my first year out of college was my computer science professor’s disappointed look when he walked up to the counter where I was working retail.
JB* March 25, 2016 at 11:08 am Should I list my home and mobile numbers on my resume? For years and years I’ve been a “cell phone only” person, but my current apartment has such terrible reception that I was forced to get a landline for calls at home. I only have my mobile number listed on my resume, but I recently had a phone interview, which I took from home, and even though I told the recruiter who set up the appointment to have the interviewer call my home number, she called my cell and I was mortified asking her to call back on my landline and having to give her the number. It seems like I might be able to prevent this from happening again by listing both numbers on my resume…but is that overkill? I don’t have voicemail on my home number – only on my cell. Thoughts?
Kyrielle* March 25, 2016 at 11:13 am Get a Google Voice number and forward it to your cell or home according to where you are, maybe? (Or…can it be made to ring through at both, one first and then the other or both at once? I’ve never used Google Voice, but I know people who swear by it.)
The Cosmic Avenger* March 25, 2016 at 11:26 am You can’t do sequential rings that I know of, but you can definitely do simultaneous rings. And if it goes to voicemail, you can get an email and/or a text of the audio and transcript of the voicemail.
Fabulous* March 25, 2016 at 11:14 am When setting up phone interviews, I would just make it clear which number they are to call from the get-go. You don’t want potential employers calling your home phone if there is no way for them to reach you if you’re not around… for that reason I’d keep the resume to just the cell number.
Preggers* March 25, 2016 at 12:41 pm Sounds like you had a fluke with a scatterbrained person. I’d just continue doing what your doing and make it super clear.
Lily Rowan* March 25, 2016 at 3:51 pm You can even ask to call the other person back — if you’re at the office, maybe you need to get someone out of your office, or get to a call room, or anything. It’s really not a big deal.
Jubilance* March 25, 2016 at 11:24 am I second the suggestion to get a Google Voice number and list it on your resume. You can set it to ring both your cell and home phone. Also don’t be mortified that you had to ask her to call you back – stuff happens.
Not the Droid you Are Looking For* March 25, 2016 at 2:43 pm My old apartment was the same way! On days I was expecting a phone interview I would just set up my cell to forward to my home phone. On an iPhone you can do it in the settings.
Stephanie* March 26, 2016 at 1:30 am Similar problem–I live in an area with eh reception. It’s fine if I’m just shooting the breeze with a friend, but not great if I’m doing a phone interview. I usually list my cell number as the contact number, give the home number for interviews, and just say “Hey, reception isn’t great on my cell phone at home? Can you please call me back at 555-1212?” Usually isn’t a huge deal and the other person is glad to hear me not sound like I’m underwater. I’d also give Google Voice a try.
Anonymous Poster* March 25, 2016 at 11:08 am I’ve been wildly demotivated at work. Our deadlines are nonsensical, we’re being forced to work mandatory, unpaid overtime (We’re exempt) but upper management doesn’t follow the same work schedule, and I’m not very interested in my work anymore because I don’t feel I can advance or really do a good job because of the overall environment. For sure it’s time to start looking around, but in the meantime, what can I do to not be one of those people that’s completely checked out? How do I maintain enough motivation to still do a good job at my current place? Thanks!
GOG11* March 25, 2016 at 12:08 pm If I were in your position, I would focus on getting a great reference for the future. When the work itself doesn’t motivate you, focusing on doing your work as a way to further your career might help. You won’t see any immediate pay off, unfortunately, and it’s kind of abstract, but maybe it could help you? Best of luck, and may your job search be on the shorter side.
Terra* March 25, 2016 at 1:56 pm Oh man, right there with you Nony. The best thing I’ve found is something called Habitica. It’s a to do list that’s set-up as a game. You complete tasks to get experience and such. Putting all my tasks in it and then getting to check them off means I’m more motivated to work for the game then for the company. If you’re motivated just by checking things off a regular to-do list could also work or possibly self-bribery of the “once I get x, y, and z done I can go out to dinner/buy that outfit I wanted/get a massage” variety would be helpful? Good luck on the job search!
Sunflower* March 25, 2016 at 3:22 pm I would keep thinking about your future and focus your work around adding new things to your resume. What got me through my last miserable job was knowing while I was there, I was able to learn and do new things that I could add to my resume and help get me out of that place.
TootsNYC* March 25, 2016 at 5:33 pm Or look at each task and say, “Once I’ve done this, how will I spin it as an achievement?”
FindingAName* March 25, 2016 at 11:10 am After taking a couple of months off I have a new job, starting Wednesday. And I’m starting to panic. I’m turning into a big ball of anxiety, not over particular things, just generally anxious, with a pit in my stomach. I’m very happy I have the job, so it’s not that I have reservations about it (beyond wishing I could win the lottery and never work again), I’m just suddenly nervous and anxious. Anyone have any tips for dealing with new job nerves?
AFT123* March 25, 2016 at 11:17 am I totally can understand that!!! What works for me – wear comfortable clothing the first day. For me, this means wearing flat shoes, and something with long sleeves (a blazer works well) and not too tight of a waistband. I know this is terrible but when I feel really anxious, I sort of dig my nails into my forearms and I can do that if I wear long sleeves. Also, I quit caffeine all together for a week or two before I start, and skip it until I’m settled in. Up until the job starts, maybe just remind yourself that the worst thing that can possibly happen is that you do something mildy embarrassing and then life goes on?
Dawn* March 25, 2016 at 11:21 am Remember that everyone gets those same nerves, you’re not alone! For me, I try to figure out what exactly I’m nervous about and then address that. Nervous the new people won’t like you? Nervous you won’t like the job? Nervous you won’t be able to do the work? Once you narrow that down, you can come up with specific, logical explanations to overcome your anxiety- “I will be polite and warm to everyone I meet, and go out of my way to be friendly and approachable. How others react is on THEM, not me.”/ “Every job is different. It will take time to settle into this new job, and until I do, things will seem weird. I understand that, and will make sure to have X, Y, and Z things to look forward to outside of work, and will also take extra good care of myself while I’m getting used to the new job.” / “It will take time for me to learn my responsibilities at the new job, and to learn how the job expects me to do my work. I will be sure to do X, Y, and Z (write a lot of notes, review notes at night, whatever) in order to learn the job as quickly and thoroughly as I can. I will be gentle with myself when I make a mistake, and realize that everyone makes mistakes and that’s part of learning” And then repeat over and over and over to yourself whenever you feel anxious about *thing*!
HeyNonnyNonny* March 25, 2016 at 11:23 am I just saw this article: I have not had a chance to try it myself, but it sounds like it might help!
Kypra* March 25, 2016 at 11:24 am It’s of course totally normal to feel a little jittery before your first day at a new place, but what helps me is to reframe that jittery feeling as excitement, not anxiety. You’re not nervous–you’re pumped! You’ve got a new position that you say you’re happy to have, it’s hopefully going to provide you some financial stability, you’re going to meet cool new people and learn new skills. What’s not to be excited about? Naturally, you can create a really elaborate, specific narrative of all the things that could go wrong, but a lot of psychological research suggests that people who reframe anxious feelings (about specific events–this probably doesn’t apply to generalized anxiety) perform better when they say “I’m amped!” or “I’m excited!” rather than “I’m nervous!” or “I’m going to pee my pants in terror!” It sounds like a cheesy mantra thing, but in my experience, it does work.
Kelly L.* March 25, 2016 at 11:42 am Bring your OTC painkiller of choice. (I always get a stress headache my first day. Maybe that’s just me.)
Elizabeth West* March 25, 2016 at 11:52 am Bring a water bottle, too. If you don’t drink enough water, that can give you a headache.
voluptuousfire* March 25, 2016 at 3:02 pm Breathing and meditation! As someone who deals with anxiety, it helps. Google 4-7-8 breathing. It’s hokey, but it works.
I can't even* March 25, 2016 at 11:10 am Dunce cap employee update. I have two separate in-person interviews next week with companies that appear more sane than my current employer. I will be keeping my eyes peeled for red flags. Thanks AAM for all the great advice that helped me land these interviews!
Mythea* March 25, 2016 at 11:33 am I will keep my fingers crossed that something much better comes out of the interviews! I still can’t believe the current company thinks that is a good idea…
Paige Turner* March 25, 2016 at 11:40 am Good luck!! Your post was bananas so ‘more sane than your current employer’ should be a low bar.
Elizabeth West* March 25, 2016 at 11:52 am Yay! GOOD VIBES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Marzipan* March 25, 2016 at 1:17 pm I’m pretty sure ALL companies are more sane than your current employer!
T3k* March 25, 2016 at 11:10 am How do you guys customize your cover letters for an application? I’ve read how some try to say specifically how they’d apply their skills to helping the company, but I’m at a loss on how to do that exactly. Any advice/tips?
Rick* March 25, 2016 at 11:21 am Something I like to do is elaborate on how I picked up various skills in the job description, if it didn’t really fit into my resume. I can’t come up with any solid examples right now, but it’s a good way to fill in details that may not be easy to communicate on your resume.
AFT123* March 25, 2016 at 11:23 am I don’t really know if this has an impact, but I will always call out something about the company that I admire and a reason why I specifically want to join their organization. It might be their history with my local township, their commitment towards philanthropy and volunteering, their amazing progress, or maybe I use and love their products. Usually just one or two sentences though, to show I “know” them and am not just throwing out random applications.
katamia* March 25, 2016 at 1:31 pm Something that really helped me was to break down my jobs and look at them from different angles. Like in my audio transcription work, I have the research angle (my Google fu is amazing), the “I type really fast” angle, the “I keep people updated even though I’m on the East Coast and the people I work for are in the Southwest” angle, the “I juggle multiple deadlines” angle, etc. If a job posting emphasizes that they want someone who’s good with deadlines, I talk about the deadlines. If it’s research-heavy, I mention that I’ve transcribed interviews on many different subjects and have therefore had to learn about lots of different things.
Kay* March 25, 2016 at 1:57 pm I read the job description carefully and make sure to highlight 2-3 examples in my career when I’ve excelled at something that they specifically want. For my current job, I work in programming at a nonprofit, and the experience I had prior to that was not obvious on my resume (one line that didn’t really show the depth of it). So I studied the way they talked about programming, and then wrote two sentences about how I had created and grown a brand new line of programming, with integrated evaluation and some innovative remote audience aspects. I also make sure to reflect some of the language of the job posting – not parrot, and not in a way that would not mesh with my own writing style, but I make sure I refer to tasks in the same way that they do. It’s all about a close reading of the job description. If I can get any info about the organization or the position via my network, I will also try to thoughtfully work that in.
Terra* March 25, 2016 at 2:04 pm Always put the job title (and usually the company title as well) in your cover letter somewhere. It sounds obvious but I’ve seen a lot without it. Try to have a short story/example for each of your four or five “best” skills. These should be one or maybe two sentences. For each job pick the one or two of these that best fit the job description and work them into your cover letter. Mention why you want to work with the company (beyond that you need a job) this should usually only be one sentence. If you don’t have a reason why you want to work for them or it’s not easy to express you can replace this with something you admire/know about them or their work. I’ve had a great response to a cover letter where I complimented an article posted on their website so anything that shows you’ve “done your research” will work.
I Come Anon* March 25, 2016 at 11:10 am If you’re applying for an internal job and the letter is to be addressed to someone in HR you don’t know well (or haven’t met in person but have communicated with for non-application purposes previously), is addressing them by their first name in the cover letter or any follow-up communications appropriate? Or should you revert back to Ms. Smith for the purpose of the application materials?
Charlotte Collins* March 25, 2016 at 11:32 am I’d base it on the company culture. If your company is all first-name basis, it would seem really odd to bump up the formality beyond that. However, if you do use honorifics/titles and last names in some cases, then you might go that route if it fits.
Ms. Didymus* March 25, 2016 at 11:32 am Assuming you are in the US, yes, you are both professional adults and equals. You should use their first name unless there is a really, really weird company culture at play.
Doriana Gray* March 25, 2016 at 7:09 pm You have to write cover letters for internal transfer applications? My company just has a button you click, and then you have to answer three questions. Our resumes, which are already uploaded in the system, is then automatically sent to HR.
anoooooooooooooooon* March 25, 2016 at 11:11 am I’m really tired of people at work assuming I celebrate Easter. I work and live in New England so it’s not outwardly super religious, but it’s frustrating to have people say “Happy Easter” because even saying “Oh, I don’t celebrate it, but I hope you have a nice holiday” gets weird responses. Or having someone at work as what I’m doing for the holiday and having to say “I don’t celebrate it” gets people asking “But what about when you were a kid? With Easter baskets and chocolate?” Not acknowledging a response is worse and I’ve had one person already tell me that if I don’t let my future kids celebrate even the non-religious aspect, I’m ruining their childhood (which, WTF and I don’t even plan to have kids so again WTF?) This is a new company for me and my previous two companies never really asked after people’s holidays aside from the winter ones, so I’m at a loss on how to carefully navigate this. I’m not religious – and I celebrate Christmas only in the sense that some family and friends do and I go to festivities to support and see them the same way I do with friends or family who are of other religions – but Easter seems to be a much more religious holiday than Christmas (and not really a social one?) so it’s not something I would even feel comfortable celebrating. I know a Jewish coworker is also getting irritated with the questions about Easter. I know Christianity is the dominant religion, but I’m really tired of people assuming I’m Christian.
Fabulous* March 25, 2016 at 11:18 am I think you’re making a bigger deal out of it than needed. Just think of Easter as bunnies and chocolate eggs, religion doesn’t need to be injected into it. And just say “Thanks, happy Easter to you too” and no one will question anything.
anoooooooooooooooon* March 25, 2016 at 11:21 am Eh, I feel a bit uncomfortable saying “Thanks” when someone wishes me well for a holiday I don’t celebrate. It feels like I’m acknowledging that I do celebrate it and that’s why people assume I’m Christian, if that makes any sense.
The Other Dawn* March 25, 2016 at 11:26 am I see it more as accepting their good wishes, assuming you just say “Thanks” and that’s it.
Kelly L.* March 25, 2016 at 11:32 am Yup. They’re wishing I have a happy day that day, even if all I do is watch TV in my pajamas.
Florida* March 25, 2016 at 12:01 pm This is how I see it. I’m not a mother, but sometimes strangers (like cashiers) will wish me a happy mother’s day on that day. I’m sure that happens to men on father’s day. I usually say, “Thanks, you too.” and go about my day. I think it’s really about choosing your battles. Yes, you can explain to every person that you are not Christian and don’t celebrate Easter, but is that how you want to spend your energy?
AnotherHRPro* March 25, 2016 at 1:14 pm Exactly. Just acknowledge the gesture which is to wish you an enjoyable day.
Ms. Didymus* March 25, 2016 at 11:36 am I get this, I do. I am also not Christian and so I used to have issues with this sort of thing. But I’ve decided it is meant with good intentions and so I am simply acknowledging that they hope I have a good day (and are not trying to subtly convert me). If asked directly, I’ll say I don’t celebrate it. If pressed, I’ll explain I’m not Christian. That usually illicits an apology for the good wishes though, which isn’t my intent. I don’t want people to feel bad for their nice thoughts.
danr* March 25, 2016 at 11:42 am I think you have to split your responses. If someone wishes you a Happy Easter, just say “Thanks, and the same to you”. That’s just courtesy. If someone asks what you’ll be doing for Easter, then you can say that you don’t celebrate it. A sensible person will stop. On a personal note, it’s becoming a second Christmas, where the assumption is that everyone does the non-religious stuff and it’s a shock for some folks to find out that it’s not the case.
Kelly L.* March 25, 2016 at 11:46 am I once dated a guy who reached his mid-twenties, as a US native, without ever realizing that there was a “secular Easter.” It wasn’t that he knew about it but condemned it; he honestly had no idea that people did the candy/bunny thing without any religious element. I have no idea how he missed it–his family’s pretty religious, sure, but he lived in a large city with lots of people and watched television!
The IT Manager* March 25, 2016 at 12:14 pm But you know what, if it is religious for him it can be hard to separate the two unlike Christmas which for some reason is really, really easy. What I don’t get is adults without kids celebrating secular Easter. That’s odd to me.
Kelly L.* March 25, 2016 at 12:17 pm Yeah, that I haven’t really seen. The usual activities seem pretty kid-centric. I guess I “celebrate” it by eating chocolate, but that’s about it.
I'll think of something later* March 26, 2016 at 8:25 am I celebrate Easter by buying half price candy the Monday after!
Sprinkles* March 25, 2016 at 12:41 pm I go to a family dinner, decorate my house with some bunny and chick things and eat Cadbury Mini Caramel Eggs.
Anxa* March 25, 2016 at 1:16 pm Do you find secular Easter odd in general? I’m an atheist who grew up without much religion in the home (although my parents are horrified by the A word, yet would be concerned if I labeled myself Christian – regular, lapsed, or non-practicing…parents!). I also have lived where there’s a spring (even though Easter has always been a crapshoot regarding the weather). As for being wished a happy Easter… Even though I do celebrate, I do resent the assumption that I’m either Christian or that everyone would regardless. That said, I find it well intentioned and harmless compared to other instances (solicitations for Christian ministries as charity, asking where I’m churched, condemnations of atheists, casual discussion of Jesus and God during work, prayer circles, promotion of CPCs at my public institution, etc) Most of the holidays I grew up with are secular versions of Christian/pagan holidays. I think it’s perfectly normal to want to carry over traditions from childhood even without your own kids. Adults deserve holidays, too ( if they want). I also love hard boiled eggs.
Nicole* March 26, 2016 at 11:58 am I agree with the sentiment that adults deserve holidays too if they want. Also, when you’re an adult you can up the ante with the things you draw on the colored Easter eggs since there aren’t any children around. Not that I’m saying I’ve done that… *wink* *wink*
cardiganed librarian* March 25, 2016 at 2:50 pm In some cultures, Easter is a much bigger deal than in North America, so I get it. Half my family is Polish but I was not brought up Catholic, so while I don’t do the blessing of the Easter basket, there are lots of little rituals that still make it Easter for me – I still paint eggs, and it’s just not Easter without zurek. (It’s sour cream soup! What other time of year can I excuse making soup with sausage and eggs and SOUR CREAM??)
Marzipan* March 25, 2016 at 3:55 pm Chocolate! Secular Easter is basically a celebration of chocolate (plus hot cross buns, simnel cake, and maybe roast lamb if that’s your thing) and I’m quite happy getting behind that. My boss gave everyone in the office an Easter egg and you should have seen how excited my new colleagues got.
Nicole* March 26, 2016 at 11:54 am Hmmm… I guess I’m odd then :) – my stepkids are older and don’t spend the holiday with us, we’re not religious, yet my husband and I celebrate Easter anyway. We usually make baskets for one another and have a nice ham. This year we’re going over to my parents’ house and my mom is having an Easter egg hunt and there’s no one under the age of 30 that will be in attendance. I think it’s fun to celebrate holidays regardless of religious affiliation and/or whether you have children. It breaks up the monotony of day-to-day life.
esra* March 28, 2016 at 9:58 am It’s just a good excuse to get together and eat. My family isn’t religious at all, but we celebrate everything from Christmas to Lunar New Year as an excuse to eat good food together.
Elizabeth West* March 25, 2016 at 12:16 pm We did both (Roman Catholic). We always had new dresses/a tiny suit for my brother for Easter Mass. When I was very young and we lived in KC, it was more formal–we had new hats also and little white gloves (okay, I’m old, LOL). But there was always, always an Easter basket. The meltdowns over lack of bunnies would have been epic.
F.* March 25, 2016 at 6:30 pm I grew up RC in the midwest, too. I remember the matching hats for me and my sister for Easter. It was chapel veils the rest of the year, though.
Windchime* March 26, 2016 at 12:06 pm I’m non-religious now but I was raised Protestant. We always had Easter dresses with hats and gloves when we were little. I still celebrate Easter, but now I do it in the secular way with chocolate and a ham dinner, or maybe a killer brunch. Now I feel kind of bad because I asked a couple of coworkers, “Are you doing anything for Easter?” I will stop doing that.
Ad Astra* March 25, 2016 at 12:52 pm That’s funny, because I was probably in high school before I realized that Easter was a religious holiday. I thought it was just for fun, like St. Patrick’s Day or Halloween.
katamia* March 25, 2016 at 1:33 pm LOL, same. I knew Christmas was Christian at a pretty young age (Jewish but we did secular Christmas/Easter as a kid), but it took me a long time to figure out that Easter was too.
Bea W* March 25, 2016 at 6:09 pm This part of the thread is fascinating. I didn’t realize secular Easter was a thing. For the life of me I can’t recall any of my other-religion co-workers, friends, or acquaintances doing this even the ones that do secular Christmas. I’m not particularly religious, and secular Easter just strikes me as weird!
Bea W* March 25, 2016 at 5:49 pm I know people do secular Easter but only in that they leave out the religious trappings, but they’re from a Christian upbringing or background. I can’t say I’ve never known someone of a non-Christian religion to celebrate Easter even in a purely secular way. That does seem weird to me, and I know a lot of non-Christians.
Countess Boochie Flagrante* March 25, 2016 at 11:54 am Ugh, to be honest, I hate how that’s happening. It’s like you wind up with the worst of both worlds — the religious holidays get cheapened with massive consumerism, and the secular celebrations aren’t really secular so there’s still a very exclusionary aspect. I wish we could just split them up. Christmas is for going to church and talking about baby Jesus, and idk Winterfest or something for Santa Claus and Jingle Bells and reindeer and snowmen and all that.
College Career Counselor* March 25, 2016 at 12:29 pm I actually attended a festivus celebration late last year. It was….interesting. They had the festivus pole, and a LOT of booze (which fueled the feats of strength for some people later–and probably some strained muscles the next day). For the airing of the grievances, someone taped up sheets of paper on the walls with markers for people to semi-anonymously write things down. Evidently, the face to face airing of the grievances (they’d been doing this party annually for over 10 years) got a little, um, contentious at times.
overeducated and underemployed* March 25, 2016 at 1:19 pm That’s what happened in Russia due to the Soviets. Christmas is religious and New Year’s gets decorations, gifts, and Father Frost. They may be getting more mixed up nowadays as the church becomes more of a nationalist symbol, I don’t know, but I liked that.
Sadsack* March 25, 2016 at 12:27 pm Why does that matter? Just say, thanks, you too, and move on. When people ask, how are you?, do you actually tell them what’s going on in your life, or do you just respond with, good and you? Look at it the same way. That’s what I do.
Kelly L.* March 25, 2016 at 11:31 am I do this too. I actually forget Easter is coming, every year–my family doesn’t have a big event for it the way they do for Christmas, so I don’t have to work it into my plans–but if someone brings it up, I just do that.
Sarah* March 25, 2016 at 11:38 am As a non-Christian, this stuff really bugs me. I don’t celebrate Easter, and expect people to respect that I have a different culture than them. I don’t go around wishing Christians happy Purim and expecting them to just “say thanks.”
Ms. Didymus* March 25, 2016 at 11:46 am Maybe you should! I bet most people would say thanks (and probably ask to know more about it).
Florida* March 25, 2016 at 12:05 pm I agree with this. If someone wished me Happy ___(holiday I don’t celebrate), I would say thanks. I’ve had people wish me a happy Chinese new year, and I’m not Chinese. I just say, “Thanks. Happy New Year to you too.”
Sarah* March 25, 2016 at 12:16 pm I was thinking I’d start doing that, actually! Especially with things like Purim which is like Jewish Carnival/Halloween rolled up into one. It was just on Wednesday/Thursday this week. It’s not that big of a holiday here in the states for my brand of Judaism- it’s kind of considered as something for kids- but in Israel it’s a huge deal and everyone gets dressed up. I… er… really wouldn’t want to wish someone a good Yom Kippur though.
Christy* March 25, 2016 at 12:20 pm My area is really Jewish, and I’ve actually had people wish large groups “an easy fast, if you’re fasting”, which I think is just lovely. (I’m a lapsed Catholic so I’m still culturally in the Christian majority.)
Sarah* March 25, 2016 at 1:03 pm Yeah, in the town I grew up (about 50% Jewish) people do that. It’s just kind of hard to explain to someone who’s never even encountered the concept of Yom Kippur before. I also don’t fast, my whole family doesn’t fast, and I only know a few people who do. I was raised reallllly reform.
Anonsie* March 25, 2016 at 4:26 pm Honestly I think you should. People should be happy to get well wishes from others regardless of the wrapping, darn it!
Whoops* March 25, 2016 at 4:29 pm In one of my first jobs, the office manager was Jewish (I’m not). I wished her a good Yom Kippur, and she kindly corrected me that it is not a holiday that one should wish a happy ___ holiday. She was really nice about it, but I was pretty embarrassed.
Sasha* March 25, 2016 at 7:38 pm I agree. I don’t celebrate Easter or Christmas in any religious or secular sense. I don’t say Ramadan Mubarak! to random strangers because I know it is not socially acceptable and would probably garner some looks. I wish others would similarly keep their religion to themselves.
Jo* March 27, 2016 at 5:33 am Just out of curiosity, why is that not socially acceptable? I’m technically (mostly lapsed) Christian but I live in a Muslim country, and I always wish my colleagues a happy Eid, or Nowruz, or whatever the holiday is. And, in turn, they wish me a merry Christmas and so on. I’m not being facetious; I really would like to know if I’ve been making a faux pas all this time…
INTP* March 25, 2016 at 2:05 pm It IS a religious holiday though. There is some fun stuff thrown in there for children, but adults aren’t celebrating it for the egg hunts and Easter baskets. Plus, even if you can technically eat the candy without worshiping the deity involved, it’s still culturally exclusionary. Easter is a Christian thing. It just is. Period. Whether you associate it with religious or secular celebrations, people celebrate it because they are of Christian descent. The OP’s coworkers are being incredibly ignorant. I seriously doubt they practice the non-religious aspects of all other religious holidays to avoid ruining their children’s childhoods by depriving them of, say, Diwali. I don’t think the OP can necessarily do much about what the coworkers are doing. When you’re in an environment where the overall tone is ignorance, then it’s a losing battle to try to change everyone, you will be the “bad guy.” But she totally is valid in being annoyed by it and finding it wrong.
Colorado CrazyCatLady* March 25, 2016 at 11:21 am I’m from New England and moved to Colorado and people seem to be pretty religious out here, so it annoys me too. But I just say “you too!” when they say Happy Easter or “oh, not much for plans, what about you?” when they ask about plans – otherwise it feels awkward.
Florida* March 25, 2016 at 12:06 pm I think saying “Thanks, you too.” But if someone asks your plans, it is more than fair to say, “I don’t celebrate Easter.” and explain it. Your answer is fine, but for people who want to make it known that they aren’t Christian, that is the perfect opening.
Colorado CrazyCatLady* March 25, 2016 at 1:23 pm Yeah, that’s reasonable too. I say that sometimes too depending on the person.
Elle the new fed* March 25, 2016 at 11:22 am Ah yes. I get tired of people assuming I’m religious at all. Luckily my particular office is federal and has made a strong effort to secularize, so no one assumes anything. We all just talk about nice weekends and what plans we have in a generic sense (go to dinner with family, go out of town, etc). However, my previous employment was SO full of religious overtones. I adopted a lot of the language AAM has advised in the past to other people who are being obnoxious. I’d turn it back on them and make it feel awkward for them to be pressing. Deadpanning with a “Why not/why?” “Oh.” and “Interesting.” were my favorite responses. I’m really sorry you have to field those questions though.
Ann O'Nemity* March 25, 2016 at 11:24 am I just say “you too,” and don’t worry about their religious assumptions. It helps if I think about it like someone saying “happy Friday” or “have a good weekend.”
Dawn* March 25, 2016 at 11:24 am Agree with other commenters- just say “You too!” and go back to doing whatever. Honestly, 99% of people I have ever met who celebrate Easter (including all of the super religious Southern Baptists I knew when I lived in NC) do so in a “eat candy and go on easter egg hunts with family” kind of thing and not in a “go to a 6 hour mass” kind of thing. So I think it’s about on the same level as wishing someone a “Happy Friday”- just a “Hey, fun thing coming up, happy Fun Thing!” Think about all of the discounted Easter candy that’ll be around to buy next week when it’s all over if you need to think about a reason to smile when you say “You too!”
Ad Astra* March 25, 2016 at 11:24 am Your coworkers are being weird about this. Would you feel comfortable responding to “Happy Easter” with something like, “Yeah, you too!” just to minimize discussion about it? When someone asks how you’re spending Easter, you could just say “Oh, no big plans, just relaxing at home.” It sort of sounds like your coworkers hadn’t even considered the possibility that some people don’t celebrate Easter, and they’re taken aback to learn that you don’t celebrate. They don’t seem to know how to respond to that information. That’s really a “them” problem, but if it’s becoming a “you” problem, I say shut those conversations down as quickly as possible.
anoooooooooooooooon* March 25, 2016 at 11:28 am I think the problem is that they haven’t considered the possibility that some people don’t celebrate Easter. I know this has come up for some of my coworkers who are Jewish or Muslim. We have a good number of Jewish employees, so I don’t know why it would come as such a surprise that not everyone is Christian. I think most of them have good intentions when they ask after plans, but it’s the assuming everyone is the same religion and not knowing what to do when they aren’t that bothers me.
Ad Astra* March 25, 2016 at 11:38 am Yeah, I can understand what that would bother you. If it’s important to you, you can keep mentioning that you don’t celebrate, but you’re likely to continue to get the sort of “wtf” responses you’re describing. You have to decide which option would make you happier. If you’re confident that this mindset isn’t prevalent in your community as a whole, this may be a sign that your specific company’s culture isn’t going to be a great fit long term. (In some places, you’d have this problem at virtually every company in town, but it doesn’t sound like that’s the case where you live.)
AvonLady Barksdale* March 25, 2016 at 11:41 am Honestly, when someone wishes me a Happy Easter, I’m thinking about spring and chocolate bunnies (I’m Jewish). It doesn’t bother me too much. When people ask if I have plans for Easter, I say, “Nah, I’m Jewish, I don’t celebrate it. Gonna eat some chocolate bunnies” or something. It’s a little easier when Passover and Easter overlap, because then I say, “Actually I’m Jewish, so it’s Passover for me!” But the truth is, I don’t mind too much. It’s like getting engaged and people immediately ask to see the ring– if you don’t have/want a ring, you shouldn’t fault people for making an assumption that you do. (This has come up recently in my life– not my engagement!)
Bea W* March 25, 2016 at 7:05 pm I understand being bothered by it. I grew up not Catholic in a heavily Catholic area, and it just did not (and does not still sometimes) occur to people that there were non-Catholics not doing what everyone else was doing. As a kid this confused the heck out of me. When I got older it got annoying, because when someone had to ask my religion (they do this still in some hospital admissions for example – secular hospitals) the question was usually “You’re Catholic”? and not “What is your religion?” It seems silly, but not when as a kid, “Are you Catholic?” had been a loaded question. It hasn’t been that way in general for a long time, until someone brings up ethnic background, and then all bets are off. That just leaves people baffled. It’s a good thing I love talking about ancestry, because it lessens the annoyance over people assuming my religion or ethnicity based on knowledge of one or the other. Really at this point I’ve just run out of f***s to give. I can’t control other people’s preconceptions. I attended church once while traveling in the Netherlands. People assumed I was Jewish. I did get a kick out of that. I got that in Israel as well, but that’s maybe less shocking. It was a 50/50 Jewish/Christian tour, but it did still confuse our tour guide when 3 or 4 days in when we were visiting Yardenit and I wanted to be baptised. :D It is what it is. Now that I’m dealing with fairly sane adults, and no one is going to run me off the playground for not living up to assumptions about what either my religion or ancestral background should be, I can just go with the flow and take the things that need correcting with good humor. Those are oppurtunities for education and sometimes interesting conversations.
The Other Dawn* March 25, 2016 at 11:24 am I celebrate Easter, but not the religious aspect of it. My family has never really observed that aspect. It’s always been all about dying eggs to hide and find, baskets of chocolate, and dinner with family. Maybe when people ask what you’re doing for the holiday you can just say you’re having a quite dinner at home (which would likely be true since most people eat dinner daily) or you’re going to relax and enjoy the day. No need to say you don’t celebrate it if you don’t want to say it.
Ask a Manager* Post authorMarch 25, 2016 at 12:35 pm I think for a lot of people, the issue with this is that it’s denying a fundamental part of who they are — whether it’s that they’re Jewish or Muslim or just a non-Christian — and can just reinforce the same stuff that’s already leading people to say/do fairly offensive/non-inclusive/alienating things as a result.
Journal Entries* March 25, 2016 at 11:25 am I just say “Have a good weekend!” and “Just staying home.” Some people give me flack for it but I don’t really care. I wouldn’t feel weird explaining that I’m not Wiccan or a Scientologist, so why should Christianity be any different?
matcha123* March 25, 2016 at 11:35 am I don’t really identify with any religion, and I assume people are non-religious unless they say something about practicing a certain religion. I also don’t know what kind of area you are in or the tone the speakers are taking with you. However, I think Easter is kind of evolving into a spring Christmas. When I was a kid, Easter egg hunts, baskets, bunnies and dyed eggs were the name of the game, and my guess is that that aspect has only gotten bigger. Heck, I’m working in Japan and people here are like, “Let’s do Easter, that sounds like fun.” No joke. And the vast majority of people here are definitely not Christian. With that said, I don’t really get why saying “Happy Easter” back is a big deal? You’re not being forced to do something religious and those people are probably using it as a greeting. I have had people look at me and assume that I practice a religion I have never practiced and know little about. When those people wished me a “Happy XYZ Day,” I returned the greeting. If they asked something more detailed, I’d just say that I really don’t know what goes on since it’s not my religion. Then I’d ask what they knew, which usually shut them up and they wandered off. ha!
The Cosmic Avenger* March 25, 2016 at 11:39 am I’m an atheist who was raised Jewish, and I’m OK saying “Thanks [for your well-intentioned but misplaced holiday wishes]!”…usually without the bracketed part being detectable at all! Sometimes I’ll even say “You too!” if the person makes me feel charitable, but if they seem pushy I’ll sometimes say “Thanks, and a happy vernal equinox/Ostara/Purim to you!”, depending on which feels more appropriate. ;)
Jules the First* March 25, 2016 at 9:36 pm I particularly enjoyed the surreal conversation I had on Thursday night with my Lebanese Orthodox coworker who wished me a happy easter, then caveated that he didn’t know why he was saying that because it’s not easter for him for a few weeks yet. I replied that it was a bit of a moot point, since I’m atheist, and suggested we both just enjoy the long weekend instead…
KR* March 25, 2016 at 11:40 am I think Easter, though it has Christian roots, has evolved into a holiday that many people celebrate just to celebrate. My family doesn’t pray at the dinner table, go to an Easter service or outwardly acknowledge that this is the day set aside to think about the resurrection and all that (though a few family members do those things on their own without requiring anyone else to do it). We get together and wear spring colors and over eat and munch on chocolate together and that’s what counts. I don’t think you have to feel too bad about saying, “Thanks, you too.” to people. If people ask what you’re doing for the holiday, I agree with the other posters that you could just say “A quiet dinner at home is all!” or “Everyone was busy this year!” or something similar.
Felicia* March 25, 2016 at 12:05 pm I’ve actually never heard of anyone who didn’t have a Christian background celebrating Easter just to celebrate (the non religious people who celebrate it i’ve met have all been from nominally Christian backgrounds) and people of like Muslim, or Jewish or Christian backgrounds just don’t celebrate it at all. In my experience people of other religions celebrate Christmas but not Easter so much . And I agree that “thanks you too” is fine, but i don’t think anyone should pretend to celebrate Easter just because. The other day I actually answered “Thanks, Happy Purim!”
Cath in Canada* March 25, 2016 at 1:32 pm My Sikh friend’s family celebrates. When we were kids, it actually used to mildly annoy me that she got more chocolate than I did! But her family tended to celebrate a lot of holidays – all the Sikh ones, all the Hindu ones because “close enough, let’s have a party”, and all the Christian ones because “we live in England, let’s have a party”.
Elkay* March 25, 2016 at 2:25 pm Do you think that it’s more widely celebrated non-religiously in England because it’s a public holiday?
katamia* March 25, 2016 at 1:36 pm I’m Jewish, but we celebrated Easter when I was a kid. We dyed eggs and had chocolate bunnies and stuff. I had a lot of non-Christian friends growing up, too, and most of them celebrated it on some level even though clearly it didn’t have the meaning for us that it did for many Christians.
Preggers* March 25, 2016 at 11:41 am I work in a very diverse company and the culture is to say things like “have a great whatever holiday it is” or “how was your whatever holiday.” For any company recognized holiday. They aren’t asking did you go to church and celebrate Christ rising. Its more of did you enjoy your paid day off?
Temperance* March 25, 2016 at 11:41 am As an ex-evangelical atheist, I totally get it. I’m pretty open about my atheism, most of the time. I actually just smile and say that I don’t celebrate Easter, and then change the subject to what the person is doing. Obviously, this only works if you don’t live in a rabidly religious place. Atheists and non-Christians are pretty common in my firm and city in general. I would respond that Easter chocolate tastes like hot garbage, so my kids aren’t missing anything, and then complain about the crappy Palmer chocolate.
ThatGirl* March 25, 2016 at 11:46 am I mean, Easter is at least partly a secular holiday, so I wouldn’t take it too seriously, although your Jewish coworker has a right to be annoyed if people know she’s Jewish. But honestly, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal, just be sure to wish them a happy Passover next month ;)
Ask a Manager* Post authorMarch 25, 2016 at 12:37 pm Easter is not a secular holiday. For those of us of other faiths, it’s still another religion’s holiday. It’s not secular. It’s a Christian holiday, both religiously and culturally. If some people find it secular, that’s a reflection of how dominant Christianity is in the U.S.
The Cosmic Avenger* March 25, 2016 at 12:47 pm Thank you, Alison. I believe we had this same discussion last year, IIRC. I’ve never heard Jews or Muslims or atheists (unless they’re former Christians) call a holiday that is currently celebrated by many as a Christian religious holiday a “secular holiday”. I didn’t want to turn it into an argument, though.
Turanga Leela* March 25, 2016 at 2:13 pm Cosmic Avenger: I take your and Alison’s point here, and I know Easter is a very serious Christian religious holiday (really the most serious), but just because you say you’ve never heard it: I’m an agnostic, I was raised without a religious affiliation by two atheists (a former Jew and a former Christian), and I celebrate and enjoy Easter as a secular holiday. It’s all eggs, chocolate, and bunnies. If anything, I have a stronger Easter tradition on the secular Jewish side of my family than on the historically Christian side. My Jewish family loves brunch and scavenger hunts. With that said, I get why it’s irritating to have people assume that you celebrate the holidays of the dominant religion. Saying, “Yeah, I don’t celebrate Easter, but have a great weekend!” is totally normal and should be treated that way.
ThursdaysGeek* March 25, 2016 at 3:05 pm And, as a really serious Christian, I agree with you, Turanga Leela. Because when I hear someone say that Christmas or Easter are not secular, only religious, I see their point. But that also sounds like they are saying that reindeer, the Easter Bunny, and chocolate are part of my religion. They are not, and they have nothing to do with my religion. (Ok, maybe chocolate, but only the good kind, not Palmer.) I think they maybe have a lot to do with marketing and capitalism, with a bit of historical Christianity overtaking and using a historical pagan holiday. Really, if you’re celebrating with bunnies and eggs, you’re celebrating the pagan holiday. Or the Wall Street one.
Turanga Leela* March 25, 2016 at 3:59 pm I was just talking with someone about this! I think this is a deep point. I’m actually surprised that more Christians aren’t offended by my bunnies-and-eggs celebration of their most important holiday.
Ms. Didymus* March 25, 2016 at 5:49 pm Perhaps if they were going to be offended, they should not have commandeered Pagan holidays from which those symbols are derived?
ThursdaysGeek* March 25, 2016 at 8:01 pm @Ms. Didymus – a very good point, and also one of the reasons I don’t take offense.
Not So NewReader* March 25, 2016 at 8:22 pm @ Ms. D. The Catholic Church is still doing that. I read a little while ago, that they were setting up Saint’s feasts to match the holidays already being celebrated in Africa. Same rationale as used to set holidays on the calendar hundreds and hundreds of years ago.
ThatGirl* March 25, 2016 at 12:50 pm This is a fair point, I rethought my comment after reading some others. It has some secular components, in my opinion (bunnies and eggs, for instance, are borrowed from pagan traditions) but you’re right, I apologize for labeling it secular.
ThatGirl* March 25, 2016 at 2:08 pm I’m just falling all over myself this week, aren’t I? Should have said non-Christian origins. Though, come on, you can’t tell me the Easter Bunny is religious.
Katie the Fed* March 25, 2016 at 2:29 pm Yes. It’s as though “Christian” is the default setting and everything else is an aberration. And that’s the problem.
anoooooooooooooooon* March 25, 2016 at 2:43 pm Yes, thank you. I don’t think I explained as clearly in my original comment. I understand that a lot of people with kids celebrate the egg hunting and chocolate, but I find asking if I’m having traditional Easter dinner or even asking how I’m celebrating when they know I don’t have kids implies that I’m celebrating it in some religious sense.
Jenn* March 25, 2016 at 9:11 pm umm, I disagree. Easter is often celebrated as the spring lets get together and eat holiday. That’s is how we celebrated in my family where none of us were raised religious. MOm had a family dinner. if people went to church that’s on them. This year my sister’s family is going to be out of town. My brother’s family is in LA so my brother and I are having food at my mom’s house. No church going required.
WhichSister* March 25, 2016 at 11:51 am I am spiritual but not religious. (my beliefs can be summed up as “Spirituality unites people, religion divides.”)My parents were Catholic and from New England. I was raised Catholic, went to the Episcopal Church for a while,which I liked but don’t attend now. I grew up in the midwest and now I live in the DEEP SOUTH . I am not sure what the bigger sin is here – not going to church or being raised Catholic. Every one wants to recruit me to their church. We moved into a house once and the neighbors were over the next day asking us to visit their “church home.” When we didn’t go, we never saw them again. My new co-worker asked if I was a “church person” then went into all the reasons why I should go to his church. The guy who owns the self car wash was trying to recruit me yesterday. My kids and I celebrate the holidays in our own way but don’t attend services. (For example, on Easter we watch Jesus Christ Superstar!) I just smile and nod and try to recognize their intentions are good.
Elizabeth West* March 25, 2016 at 12:26 pm I love that musical. I might have to steal that tradition. :)
Jiffy* March 25, 2016 at 3:02 pm Yeah I usually just say “thanks, you too!” even when the holiday doesn’t apply. For example I don’t have any children but my mom always said that Mothers’ Day is a holiday for all women everywhere, so I just smile and say thank you when somebody wishes me a Happy Mothers’ Day. Beats a lengthy and awkward discussion about my health issues and personal choices!
Al Lo* March 25, 2016 at 3:03 pm My husband was in a production of Jesus Christ Superstar that ran the weeks surrounding Easter last year, with a matinee on Easter Sunday.
still anon* March 25, 2016 at 3:38 pm I’ve always wanted someone to do a genderswapped version of JCS. I don’t know why, but of all the musicals I love I think JCS would be one of the more fascinating plays to switch up the gender (though I realize a lot of people would not be okay with that).
SubwayFan* March 25, 2016 at 11:59 am FWIW, I feel like it’s stupid to celebrate a secular version of Easter. It’s a holiday that’s about someone rising from the dead on which the entire foundation of Christianity rests. I was raised Christian, but don’t practice anymore. I have a little kid now, and when he gets bigger, I’m not planning on doing Easter baskets or anything, since I’m not planning on taking him to Church. Christmas is different, because there are a lot of religious and secular holidays at the end of the year (Hanukkah, Diwali, sometimes Eid, Yule, Winter Solstice) so just about everyone celebrates, and you get it off from school and work, so I do celebrate a very secular Christmas based on the idea of “let’s be nice to everyone and have cake.” But Easter is explicitly about a single religion, so I’m passing.
Kelly L.* March 25, 2016 at 12:07 pm Well, to me, Easter has kind of devoured the spring-equinox time of year the way Christmas has eaten the winter-solstice time of year. Many people throughout history have done some kind of “It’s spring!” celebration, and I think secular Easter is maybe an attempt at that. (I have a whole theory in my head about old seasonal festivals being reflected in secular US celebrations, but that’s a whole other derail.) I also think the secular St. Patrick’s Day is another attempt at a spring festival, and one more often focused on adult revelry.
Elizabeth West* March 25, 2016 at 12:30 pm I do say Happy Vernal Equinox because it means WINTER IS OVER. I also say Happy Solstice in December because it’s the shortest day of the year and means the days are now getting longer and soon WINTER WILL BE OVER. :)
danr* March 25, 2016 at 6:38 pm Do you also wish folks a good Midsummer’s Night on the summer solstice?
Sprinkles* March 25, 2016 at 12:53 pm This is how I view it as well. When I was a kid, it was religious, but now I see it as a “welcome Spring” kind of thing, where I have a dinner with my family, we eat special foods, and I get to nibble on chocolate all day. I actually hate Spring with a passion, so it’s not my favorite holiday, but a holiday is a holiday.
Anxa* March 25, 2016 at 1:38 pm Of all the seasons, spring has the biggest chasm between Expectation and Reality, in my experience. I love spring in theory, but it was really just mild winter that was hard to dress for in the northeast and in the southeast it’s become the string of a few days between your heater going off and your ac going on for a heat wave you haven’t prepared for…but can’t really switch clothes out for cuz there are still some freezing nights and mornings.
Kelly L.* March 25, 2016 at 1:58 pm Here, there are often a few days that are beautiful and mild and live up to expectations–but mostly winter and monsoon trade off back and forth until suddenly it’s time for summer. We actually had a stunning February this year, and then on the equinox it snowed.
non-profit manager* March 25, 2016 at 4:11 pm I, too, like spring in theory. In reality, in southern California it means marine layer and hazy skies; what used to be “june gloom” is all spring, now. It means you have lost any chance for cooler weather, after the hot winter you just experienced and the hot and sticky summer to come.
Cath in Canada* March 25, 2016 at 1:37 pm Yeah, same here. We get a 4-day weekend, so why not use it as an excuse to get together and celebrate the start of Spring? We’re about to head to the ferry to go up to my MIL’s place for a couple of nights. My BIL and his partner are coming too. Adults only, no religious aspects at all – just an excuse for a nice big roast ham dinner (which we do call “Easter dinner”) and then some chocolate eggs for breakfast the next day. I don’t find that stupid at all.
Anonyby* March 25, 2016 at 12:41 pm A lot of the more secular elements of Easter started off as the pagan traditions relating to the vernal equinox and its associated holidays (largely Ostara and its variants it seems like). For those who want to celebrate the more pagan ideas & symbolism, it’s usually easier to do on Easter anyways because that’s when practically everybody has off, while the equinox itself can be hit or miss.
Kelly L.* March 25, 2016 at 12:49 pm Being pagan is part of why I always forget about Easter. The equinox always falls first, so when Easter comes around I’m like “I already did this!…oh wait.”
Anonsie* March 25, 2016 at 4:32 pm Haha, yeah, this is why my family always rolled them together. I guess they thought it would be hard for them to have the kids do one celebration involving eggs and then like a week later have to explain that we wouldn’t do this other celebration involving eggs, ok, even though the traditions were largely from their faith, because it was attached to something from another faith that… Ok ok we can go to the egg hunt, sheesh!
ThatGirl* March 25, 2016 at 12:42 pm But Easter is also celebrated in the spring because of the Equinox and the pagan Ostara festival, so while the whole resurrection thing is the foundation of Christianity, you can’t really say Easter is … they co-opted a lot of stuff.
HeyNonnyNonny* March 25, 2016 at 1:04 pm Well, I think it’s also important to keep in mind that for some of us, the secular Easter was how we were raised, so it’s unfair to say how I celebrate is “stupid.” I totally understand that Christianity’s dominance is what allows it to feel secular, but my parents were adamant agnostic/atheists, and we always “celebrated” Easter (probably so us kids wouldn’t feel left out at school and with other family). For me, Easter is a family holiday with candy. I don’t think that’s more right or wrong than any other way to celebrate.
Anxa* March 25, 2016 at 1:33 pm I think there are a lot of reasons why Easter cannot truly be secular or divorced from Christianity, but I bristle at the idea that my celebration of it as a nonreligious person is stupid. Traditions, religion, family, and culture are pretty messy. Maybe I am a pathetic woman child for wanting to revisit some holiday traditions from my childhood, but it does make me feel better to have that spring holiday. I could get by without it, but it’s comforting. Also, I do have Christian family that wants to celebrate with us atheists, and it works for us to celebrate the more secular aspects all together, even as non believers.
Tau* March 26, 2016 at 3:19 am I’m with you here. I celebrate Christmas and Easter as cultural traditions, not religious ones. I find the sense of continuity/familiarity comforting, especially since I live in a foreign country and it can get pretty lonely when nobody around you shares certain cultural touchstones (not Christmas and Easter in this case, but the specific way they’re celebrated). From that perspective, it’s also a good excuse to go back home for a few days and have a family get-together – Christmas and Easter are often the only times in a year I see my brother or niece. I agree with you that they’re not holidays that can be completely secular or divorced from Christianity. They’re originally Christian(/co-opted into Christianity), I celebrate them because I’m from a Christian family background. At the same time I get very tired of Christians saying that I don’t have a right to my own family traditions that are very important to me or dismissing said traditions as symptoms of rampant commercialism because they think they’re the only ones allowed to have the holiday.
Felicia* March 25, 2016 at 12:00 pm I don’t celebrate Easter either and never have and I’ve heard more “Happy Easter” this year than ever before, and it kind of annoys me too. Usually I just say “Thanks, you too!” But if/when you mention you don’t celebrate, the proper response is “oh, cool!” or something. Your coworkers are really extreme in their responses to the point where their responses are pretty offensive. Saying Happy Easter in and of itself isn’t particularly offensive. But acting all shocked and appalled that you don’t celebrate Easter is offensive and ridiculous. Though i think it can feel weird and uncomfortable when people wish you a happy holiday that you don’t celebrate, and I don’t think people who are part of the dominant religion can quite know how that feels (just like how I wouldn’t know what it’s like to be a race other than white, and I am not straight, so there are things about my experiences in a heteronormative society straight people sometimes don’t consider and will never quite experience)
Ask a Manager* Post authorMarch 25, 2016 at 12:39 pm Yeah, that last paragraph is something I really wish people would keep in mind. If you’re part of the dominant religious tradition in this country (and I’m including non-religious Christians in that, like anyone who grew up celebrating Christmas), you really shouldn’t be telling people outside of it how they should experience this stuff.
Cat* March 25, 2016 at 1:44 pm So I do want to say: I think there’s a difference between non-religious Christians and anyone who grew up celebrating Christmas. I am a non-Christian who celebrates Christmas and I have Mulim, atheist, pagan, and Hindu friends who do the same. I think it’s fair for me to co-opt a Christian holiday for secular purposes and fair for them to do so; “Christian” is more than that. I would never in a million years criticize anyone for not celebrating it, and since I know many people who don’t am careful not to assume anyone does, but I also don’t think it’s fair for me to be labeled a Christian for celebrating it.
Mando Diao* March 25, 2016 at 2:20 pm I think this is an instance where your particular social group is skewing your perspective of what’s common. If I heard that someone was celebrating Easter, I would assume that they were Christian, since “celebrating Easter” implies attending church and then having a certain type of family meal. That’s what the generally assumed celebration is. Easter isn’t a holiday that has evolved in a way that lends itself to non-religious acknowledgment IMO. What’s the celebration then? Buying pastel candies? It’s not about whether you’d be labeled a Christian though. It’s about the fact that Easter (and Christianity) is so pervasive that it seems natural to you that you’d celebrate the rebirth of a lord you don’t acknowledge.
Cat* March 25, 2016 at 2:31 pm I am not saying that it’s an unreasonable assumption per se, though I think it is in a lot of cases (like if you’re in social groups like mine) – I was merely objecting to the idea that someone who celebrates Christmas is a non-religious Christian without qualification, which is what I read Alison’s comment as saying. And I am not saying Christmas and Easter aren’t pervasive. They are and that’s why members of a predominantly Christian society choose to celebrate them even if it’s not their religion or have to counter people’s assumptions that they’re celebrating them. They’re absolutely pervasive. And yet, I still defend my particular celebration as secular. Most cultures have a spring festival. Eggs are a common feature of it and long predate Christianity. Yeah, we dyed eggs and hunted for Easter baskets brought by a bunny. I’d probably do the same with my own kids. It’s name comes from a religion I don’t acknowledge but coloring eggs to celebrate the return of spring? That is something I’m happy to acknowledge even if some of the particular trappings are from a religion I’m not part of. The fact is, Christianity absolutely appropriated various existing celebrations and a lot of Christmas and Easter traditions are from those existing celebrations. To me it’s okay to take those and make my own traditions that aren’t related to Christianity even if the form is not entirely unrelated. I’m not saying anyone else should do that and ever would, but I am going to continue to defend that I do that.
Ask a Manager* Post authorMarch 25, 2016 at 2:36 pm I think of that as more or less culturally Christian, rather than religiously Christian. (But I also totally get and appreciate your right to label or not label yourself whatever you want. I think the point is just to understand that even if something isn’t religious to you, that doesn’t mean it’s secular to people of other faiths/non-belief.)
Cat* March 25, 2016 at 2:39 pm Yeah, I can understand that and do try to never make assumptions about that. I guess for me, the issue is that celebrating Christian holidays secularly in a predominantly Christian culture is a choice people make to live in that culture and deal with the pervasive effect just like not celebrating them does. I think there’s a variety of ways for non-Christians to do that and all of them come with different baggage, but it’s never baggage-free. (And it’s not that I think culturally Christian is an invalid thing – I just don’t feel like it applies to me, who doesn’t have any Christian family or background or anything like that, but I understand it’s complicated and it varies).
Anxa* March 26, 2016 at 2:33 pm I never went to church as a kid or young teen for Easter. We had an Easter egg hunt at home or in town square, went out to brunch or had at home early dinner with extended family, ate too much chocolate, wore Easter clothes, and if the weather was nice went for a walk on the beach. But dying the eggs the night before was my favorite part. I have several friends who also grew up celebrating Easter w/o ever going to church or talking much about Jesus or God.
Turanga Leela* March 25, 2016 at 3:51 pm Echoing Cat here: To me, “Christian” means believing that Jesus is the son of God and that he died to redeem the sins of humanity. Not everyone who celebrates Christmas is Christian. My background is unusual, but I think it’s useful as an example. My parents were atheists. One was raised Jewish, the other Christian. When I was growing up, we had no religion at all: there was no house of worship we visited for holidays or for the birth of a child, for weddings, or for funerals. It’s not that we were non-religious Christians; I was raised in literally no religious tradition at all. We celebrated totally secular versions of Christmas and Easter. I didn’t know that Easter was a celebration of the resurrection until I was pretty old (12, maybe?). As I said above, I get what Alison and others are saying: Christmas and Easter are Christian holidays! They’re not religiously neutral. People who belong to another faith, or to no faith at all, should not be pressured to observe them. But secular versions of these holidays do exist, and there are non-Christians who celebrate them.
Rin* March 25, 2016 at 12:01 pm A coworker told me have a good holiday weekend yesterday, and for a second I was so disoriented, like “Is it December…?” I had totally forgotten it was Easter.
Mando Diao* March 25, 2016 at 12:28 pm Say “Happy Passover” in return. I don’t agree with the commenters claiming that Easter has evolved into a secular thing; that sounds like privilege speaking. When you’re able to view the resurrection of your lord and savior as so innocuous and generally accepted that you (and I) should roll with assumptions that everyone acknowledges the same lord and savior? lol nope. That is honestly one of the weirdest things I’ve ever heard.
Felicia* March 25, 2016 at 1:29 pm I said Happy Purim in return, since Purim was two days ago, and Purim is fun. Happy Holi is also a good one, since that was yesterday (I think) and seems like an awesome holiday I think in it’s very telling that in North America the only holidays that get to be considered secular are Christian ones, and even non religious people of Christian backgrounds don’t think that means they have a certain level of privilege to even celebrate those things secularly .
Katie the Fed* March 25, 2016 at 2:32 pm A total tangent here, but I have some Indian friends (in India) who are strongly opposed to Holi because it’s a really violent holiday and tends to involve a lot of harassment against women in particular. If you go outside on Holi you’re basically exposing yourself to a nonstop barrage of assaults, so my friends won’t even leave the house those days. It sounds pretty unpleasant. But, Purim is totally fun!
The Cosmic Avenger* March 25, 2016 at 6:47 pm Oooh, this helped highlight why I don’t get “celebrating secular [religious holiday]”. I love hamentashen. If my family and I ate a bunch, and even played with groggers, I wouldn’t call that “celebrating Purim”. That’s doing some stuff I associate with a religious holiday because of the nostalgia/cultural factor, but to me enjoying just a few of the foods or non-religious customs of the holiday isn’t celebrating that holiday, because I would never think of a religious holiday in a secular sense. Just like we can enjoy matzoh when it’s not Passover. But then, Judaism always felt more cultural than faith-based to me, even when I was going through the motions.
Tallyvoo* March 25, 2016 at 8:30 pm I feel like if one is doing something associated with a religious holiday around the time of that holiday then one is “celebrating” that holiday. If I eat a bunch of chocolate and jelly beans and put bunny decorations in my house in August, I don’t think that would be celebrating Easter. But if I do it around Easter, then I feel like I’m definitely celebrating Easter.
ThursdaysGeek* March 25, 2016 at 3:16 pm And I suspect as other religions become more prominent in the US that their holidays will also be taken over by marketers and become something that lots of people celebrate in a totally non-religious way.
fairyfreak* March 25, 2016 at 8:05 pm Halloween. It’s not Christian, but it’s considered pretty secular now.
Amy UK* March 26, 2016 at 7:26 am But the point people are making about secular Easter is just that- it’s secular. I celebrate secular Easter. It is not the resurrection of my lord and saviour- because I don’t believe in one at all. And I’d assume that most people talking about secular Easter feel the same. There’s no privilege there, because we are not Christians. I am not a Christian. Easter is a secular holiday for me. I don’t see why it’s speaking from ‘privilege’ to say that Easter has become secular. What privilege exactly are you talking about? My link to Easter as an atheist is no different to someone who is Jewish or Muslim. None of us believe it’s the resurrection of our saviour. I’m getting really sick, to be honest, of people reading ‘atheist in the West’ and assuming ‘basically Christian without church’. I am no more Christian than a Jew is. Just because Jews (or Muslims, or Hindus, or whoever) have different religious festivals and practices, doesn’t make them ‘less Christian’ than atheists.
Ask a Manager* Post authorMarch 26, 2016 at 10:20 am It doesn’t have to feel religious to you to still be a holiday connected to a particular religion, which makes it offensive for people to assume it’s secular/celebrated by people of other faiths/some sort of universal cultural celebration. It’s erasing Jews, Muslims, and others from the picture to assume that, and it’s very alienating. (You may not be doing that, but that is the impact of people deciding it’s secular.)
Ragnelle* March 25, 2016 at 12:32 pm Keep making them uncomfortable with your perfectly reasonable, nice response you’ve included here. They are the ones making the stupid assumption that everyone is Christian, so it’s not your responsibility to make them feel good about that. I’m all for subtle, kind reminders to those in positions of privilege that their mindset is not universal. Anyhow, I agree completely with you. I’m in the South, so telling anyone I’m not close friends with (and even my own family) that I’m an atheist is liable to result in anything from becoming the recipient of unwanted conversion attempts to having my job put in jeopardy. My 2-year old has an “Easter Party” at daycare today, and I bought the damn eggs and chocolate so she wouldn’t feel left out at school, but there’s no way we’re celebrating at home or anywhere else. Easter is an explicitly Christian holiday, centered around the foundational aspect of the religion (“Jesus died for your sins”), and I will have no part in it. Of course, when I talk about this with my also nonreligious husband, he just goes with the, “Eh, the eggs and candy part is pagan, so I’m okay with that. Plus it’s fun to give the toddler candy.” I guess everyone navigates this in their own way, but just know others are in this same boat with you!
beachlover* March 25, 2016 at 12:42 pm I am non-religious myself, but it really doesn’t bother me. But I am pretty much a live and let live sort of person. I don’t take offense unless something is pointedly directed at me. What is strange is that a lot of the production plants we work with are closed on Good Friday. And these are publicly owned companies. I had to laugh the other day, because I asked in a meeting why someone was closed today , because I totally forgot it was good friday. People looked at me like “how could you not remember it is Good Friday”. I said, well since I am not a religious person, it just wasn’t something I would think about.
Mando Diao* March 25, 2016 at 12:47 pm I have no idea what Good Friday is. Lots of people don’t /shrug.
Felicia* March 25, 2016 at 1:31 pm Good Friday is a statutory holiday here, so I would be surprised that people don’t know what the statutory holidays are. But I didn’t know what Good Friday meant or was for until I was an adult, I just knew it as a day everything was closed everywhere.
Mabel* March 26, 2016 at 1:26 pm I’m originally from LA, and out there, Good Friday, Columbus Day, and Veterans Day were not holidays or any kind of big deal when I was growing up (I’m sure this is partly because LA seems to be the land of assimilation – IMO). When I moved to the East Coast, I was taken by surprised that Good Friday actually is a holiday (I’m pretty sure the Stock Exchange, banks, and Post Office are closed). I don’t like it; I feel really strongly that church and state should be completely separate.
Engineer Girl* March 25, 2016 at 1:54 pm You say “Actually I don’t celebrate it, but you have a great weekend!” You’ve now corrected their wrong assumption and taken their wishes in the spirit intended (hope you have a nice weekend). Stop personalizing it.
Lady Kelvin* March 25, 2016 at 4:10 pm Or I generally respond “Oh is it Easter already?” because a. I had no idea this weekend was Easter and 2. It clearly implies that you don’t celebrate it, otherwise you’d know when it was.
Audiophile* March 26, 2016 at 9:59 am I think a lot of people had this thought. Easter is so early this year.
Terra* March 25, 2016 at 2:11 pm You can just say “you too” if you don’t want to say “thanks” and potentially imply that you are Christian. Or (assuming you get Sunday off) you might respond with “and happy day off work to you too” in a warm/friendly/jokey tone which may get across not celebrating Easter (or at least open the discussion) while also avoiding potentially weird responses. Or you can just keep doing what you’re doing. As long as you’re polite/friendly about it there’s nothing really wrong with what you’re saying. If anything your co-workers are being the weird ones with commenting on your future children and such.
Student* March 25, 2016 at 2:41 pm I’m an Atheist. I can sympathize. However, I think you’re making a friendly interaction more antagonistic than it really needs to be with your specific reply. When people say stuff like this, they don’t actually care at all about your Easter plans. They especially don’t want to hear about your religious beliefs in any challenging way. They want to talk about their own Easter plans and hear you say, “Oh that sounds lovely!”. If it’s an accurate statement about your beliefs and it’s something you want to tell people, you could go with something like, “I’m not Christian actually, so I’m just looking to get caught up on the laundry this weekend. Do you have some fun plans?” If you want to make it more lighthearted, you could say you’re looking forward to the candy going on sale on Monday. If you don’t want to point out your non-belief, or if you identify as a non-Easter-celebrating Christian, you could just go with a plain, “I don’t have any special plans, how about you?” or the normal business small-talk deflect, “I’m a bit busy at the moment; can I catch up with you about social stuff and weekend plans later?”
Not So NewReader* March 25, 2016 at 9:00 pm I am tending to agree. However, anything past “happy Easter” or “what are you doing for the holiday?” that goes into several questions or a longer discussion, I see as a big problem. If a person says, “I don’t celebrate” then people should be leaving them alone, give their holiday wishes to someone else. So, “I don’t celebrate” should be answered with, “Oh, then have great weekend, see ya Monday” or something similar. I think people hear or say “Happy Easter” or “Merry Christmas” a hundred times a day, it gets to the point where they don’t even realize they are saying it- they are on autopilot. Personally, I have a hard time keeping track of who does what. I had a Jewish doc who used to wish me Merry Christmas. I said, “what do I wish you?” He said Merry Christmas was fine because he gave up his Jewish religion years ago. I try to remember people’s preferences but I know for a fact I have messed up a couple times. OP, sometimes people say these things, not because they are trying to tick you off but because they honestly cannot remember who prefers what. My solution has been to follow others’ lead- if there is no mention of the holiday, then I don’t initiate the topic. Tangent but not totally related- since I lost my folks and my husband holidays are a mixed bag for me. I enjoy them but they tug on my heart strings some, too. I don’t know if it’s any consolation, but believers have trouble with holidays also for different reasons, though. So that person wishing you a Merry Christmas/whatever might be bawling their eyes out on the inside and trying to make the best of it on the outside. If you know the person is struggling to get through the holiday as best they can, please find some words of warmth for them. It can mean a lot that you put the thought into it.
One of the Annes* March 26, 2016 at 12:25 am +1 I’m an atheist too. And everyone who wished me a happy Easter at work today got a “you too” in return. No one gives a rip about your beliefs. They really don’t. : )
TootsNYC* March 25, 2016 at 5:39 pm Easter isn’t a religious holiday anymore. You know how I can tell? My block association is having an Easter egg hunts. At 10:30 on Sunday morning. It’s getting to be pretty much as pagan/secular as Christmas. Just be vague and say, “”thanks,” and move on. That doesn’t mean you’re joining in. My son asked his online friend, ‘How was your Palm Sunday?” And the kid said, “I’m not really religious, so…” You could try that.
Ask a Manager* Post authorMarch 25, 2016 at 5:41 pm Christmas is not secular either. Again, it’s a reflection of how dominant Christianity is in the U.S. that people who celebrate Christmas and Easter can think that they’re secular, but it’s actually … well, kind of alienating to the rest of of us to insist that they are. For those of us of other faiths, it is another religion’s holiday. I think you probably mean that it’s lost of a lot of religious meaning for many who celebrate it — but saying it’s secular implies “people of all faiths can/should enjoy it” and that is very, very much not the case.
Tallyvoo* March 25, 2016 at 8:35 pm Is it weird that I would love to celebrate holidays for other religions? I don’t have any close Jewish friend who would invite me, but I’d love to be invited to a Seder or Purim and learn about the holiday and celebrate it, even though I’m an atheist. Is that a form of appropriation? I just like holidays and the reasons they exist.
Jillociraptor* March 25, 2016 at 6:33 pm No advice just support. I grew up in a Christian family and it’s still SO alienating and awkward to be wished well for holidays that I don’t celebrate. Many people are nice and normal about hearing “Oh, I don’t celebrate it but, I hope you have a nice holiday!” but there are also many who are jerks about it, with the “isn’t your life so sad and meaningless without the Easter Bunny” AND the “GOSH I was just wishing you a HAPPY HOLIDAY.” People are weird about having the centrality of their experience being called into question and there’s just no good way to do it.
Not So NewReader* March 25, 2016 at 9:08 pm Not a fan of the first reply because life being empty sounds like a put down and pretty snarky- which is what Christianity is NOT supposed to be. But the “GOSH” reply sounds like embarrassment/awkwardness to me. Hopefully the embarrassed people will remember the next time.
Lady Bug* March 25, 2016 at 7:16 pm “Thanks, you too.” Done. Catholic turned atheist. If they keep asking questions just say you don’t celebrate and ask what they are doing.
GreenTeaPot* March 25, 2016 at 9:11 pm Raised Catholic here, and view Easter as a solemn yet celebratory day. With no children and an atheist husband, we do not do anything special, other than take a bit more time with meal preparations. I find the expression “Happy Easter” to be utterly idiotic.
Doriana Gray* March 25, 2016 at 7:17 pm Easter is religious?! (I actually totally forgot that as my family never celebrated that aspect of it growing up. Easter to me is Cadbury eggs and Tales From the Crypt marathons.)
Ultraviolet* March 25, 2016 at 9:37 pm If I recall correctly, the religious aspect of Easter is in fact centered around a tale from the crypt.
Doriana Gray* March 26, 2016 at 12:18 am Hee! I’ll pretend that’s the reason my mom chose that particular holiday tradition.
Amy UK* March 26, 2016 at 7:14 am Maybe things are different in the US, but I wouldn’t assume someone wishing me a Happy Easter presumed I was Christian. Here, it’s literally the same as Christmas – a few days off work to binge eat good food and spend time with family if that’s your preference. I have literally zero idea of my colleagues religious beliefs and have absolutely none myself, but we’ve still been wishing each other Happy Easter and asking what each other’s plans are. At this point, I’d be surprised if someone gave me a religious answer to that question, it’s become so almost completely non-religious as a holiday.
Aella* March 26, 2016 at 10:06 am Also from the UK, and I would think yes, because people do assume the default is Christian, because the CofE is the national church, etc. In my experience, people assume you are Christian, and usually Anglican, until proven otherwise. It is not loud, but it is there.
Mabel* March 26, 2016 at 8:31 pm I live in New England, too, and I was very surprised this year at the vast number of people blithely wishing me a “Happy Easter.” I was surprised because in Boston, we are constantly trained to NOT make assumptions about people: don’t assume anything about someone’s sexuality or gender or race or anything else. I think this is very important, and I love that it’s what we do here (at least among a lot of the people I know – I’m sure this is not everyone’s experience). I thought people would see it the same as Christmas and know that not everyone celebrates it. I think part of my surprise is that last year, I was mostly working from home, and now I’m going in to the office everyday, so there are many more people wishing me a “Happy Easter” this year. Also, I really can’t stand it when people who DO celebrate a holiday accuse others of being “scrooge-like” if they get tired of assumptions being made about themselves. But I guess I feel defensive enough about that criticism to feel compelled to say that when someone wishes me a “Happy ,” I always say, “Thank you. You, too,” and I mean it sincerely and don’t think anything bad about the person. However, I don’t appreciate the assumptions.
Eager Job Seeker* March 25, 2016 at 11:13 am Still searching/interviewing for a new job. I keep failing to meet the timeline goals I set for myself for getting out of my terrible job; I finally heard back from that PAC after sending another email and it turned out they hired an internal candidate. I also had a session with an interview coach that I think helped. I’m debating leaving this job without another one lined up, though I know it’s generally unadvisable.
Eager Job Seeker* March 25, 2016 at 11:16 am Oops, realize I already posted about the PAC rejection. My brain is so tired from the search process.
Colette* March 25, 2016 at 11:24 am Keep in mind that the timeline is out of your control, so you can only do what is in your control. How long can you survive financially without any money coming in? That’s the key factor when deciding whether to leave without something lined up – because it can be many months before you get a job, and even longer until you get paid.
Eager Job Seeker* March 25, 2016 at 11:46 am A couple months, maybe 3? I don’t have a lot of savings.
Not a Real Giraffe* March 25, 2016 at 12:19 pm If that’s the case, I would probably not quit without something lined up. If it’s taking you longer than you thought it would to find a job, then that will probably continue to be the case. Even if you applied for a new job today that ends up working out, there’s no guarantee the interview and hiring process will take less than 3 months. It would be too much of a risk for me, personally.
Colette* March 25, 2016 at 12:22 pm Agreed. It can easily take six months or more, depending on a lot of factors out of your control.
Bruce H.* March 25, 2016 at 2:46 pm >> Keep in mind that the timeline is out of your control Ditto that. Setting goals in terms of other people’s behavior is a recipe for failure.
overeducated and underemployed* March 25, 2016 at 1:24 pm You’re not failing because only applications and interviews are in your control. No amount of effort can give you total control, so don’t frame it in a way that is so down on yourself. I hope luck is with you soon!
Gwen* March 25, 2016 at 11:13 am Advice on making the most of an office move? We’re moving next week, and I’m looking forward to the chance to start fresh! (Also advice on being in a “two-up” cubicle would be appreciated…not sure how I feel about that part.)
Elle the New Fed* March 25, 2016 at 11:27 am What is a two up cubicle? I’d recommend taking the opportunity to clean out old junk and papers that you don’t want to haul with you. Also, it’s a chance to make sure you are happy with the configuration of your desk before it becomes comfortable and you don’t even change it (monitor locations, other decorations).
Charlotte Collins* March 25, 2016 at 11:35 am I think it means there are two people per cubicle. I’m currently in a similar situation and hate, hate, hate it. I recommend headphones.
StellsBells* March 25, 2016 at 12:05 pm I actually preferred it to my lonely cubicle set up now, BUT I had a great cubicle-mate. This set up is 100% dependent on who is sharing the cubicle with you and how much the two of you get along on a personal level.
Charlotte Collins* March 25, 2016 at 12:13 pm I think it really depends upon how you work, too. I prefer my personal space and privacy, to the extent that when I am allowed to pick my hours, I prefer a time when there are the fewest people in the office, because I can get the most done with the least amount of distraction. (I’m the same person who listed my dream job a while back as being night security in a closed/office building.)
justsomeone* March 25, 2016 at 12:51 pm I’ve actually been night security in a closed/office building before. It’s eerie.
No Longer Just a Lurker* March 25, 2016 at 11:34 am I’ve done 2 office moves with 2 different comapnies 1. Label everything and try to make everything as easy as possible with your IT group (they generally give you handouts – follow them to the letter and if you are confused by something ask!!!!) 2. Take all personal stuff home now and really work to purge your files – both of my moves resulted in larger personal spaces but less storage. 3. Most places that move offices end up with a slight culture or “rule” change. Many times these are unspoken so be prepared. For example, we were expected to up our appearance a bit due to the shiny new showplace. It wasn’t a full dress code revamp but it was obvious that the culture was moving closer to the business side of business casual; fewer khakis and more dress pants type of thing. Also no open beverage containers – lidded coffee cups were handed out to everyone and lids for the disposable coffee cups at the coffee bar were required. Eating at desks was frowned upon and group potlucks now have to be approved. 4. Be courteous to your new cube mate – there are most likely things that will drive both of you batty about the other so try to deal with things up front and be reasonable about expectations. If you are a foot tapper/leg giggler that can drive someone up the wall even though you don’t notice it. Hopefully your cube mate doesn’t like to workout and lunch and then skip the shower (if they do bring it up nicely because I guarantee you aren’t the only one noticing).
Margali* March 25, 2016 at 11:53 am “leg giggler” Can’t help but picture a face written on a knee with a “Tee hee!” in a word balloon!
No Longer Just a Lurker* March 25, 2016 at 12:57 pm that sounds a lot more fun than having my entire desk shake all day one of my more fun typos
KR* March 25, 2016 at 11:48 am Clean everything! Bring some multi-surface spray and some disinfecting wipes and clean as you go. Before you pack anything, evaluate if you need to keep it. Think about how you want your monitor, keyboard, and PC set up. Bring wire-ties so when your PC is moved you can get all the wires off the floor and tied up neatly. I recommend the ones you just twist around the wires or velcro wire ties. Zip ties are nice and neat, but from an IT perspective they’re a total pain because you have to cut them every time you need to change out a component or move a wire. Enjoy the move!
StellsBells* March 25, 2016 at 12:10 pm You might want to talk with your new cubicle-mate about some ground rules for your space early on. Like if one of you has a day full of conference calls or meetings, then the other one needs to avoid socializing at the cubicle during that day (and other things that could be loud). Or if there is a specific food or smell that makes you nauseous. Also, you might as well share Outlook calendars because everyone will assume you both know where the other one is at all times and come to you when they are trying to track that person down. And if you have the ability, try to choose who you share with (and pick someone you personally like and could stand 8 hours a day with). Who sits with you makes a HUGE difference, obviously.
Just an ARRGH moment* March 25, 2016 at 11:14 am Company hires new developer (Pat) three weeks ago. I was the one who called all of Pat’s references. They all say that Pat is great, has good technical knowledge, would work with Pat again… except for the CEO of the company that Pat was with the longest, who says yeah, Pat has amazing technical knowledge but is unreliable as hell (no call/no show, shows up late, “just stopped coming to work one day”, etc). I think this is kinda weird but none of the other references/former managers I talked to (including Pat’s direct manager at that same job) said anything similar so I figure this has got to be a one-off. I report all of my reference findings good and bad to my CEO to make a hiring decision. Three weeks later: Pat has been a no-call no-show for two days (and when Pat showed back up at work said “Oh, car trouble”). Pat has been on time maybe…. twice? Constantly running late. Constantly not telling anyone why Pat’s running late. 1- UGH. I feel like I should have pushed harder for not hiring Pat, even though I know I had zero to do with that decision. 2- For whatever reason, my company owners feel like it’s super hard and difficult and awkward to fire people, so they don’t. Gonna wait a couple more weeks to see how this plays out and then have a Come to Jesus with the owner because if Pat’s behavior isn’t corrected and SOON it’s going to poison everyone else.
Rocket Scientist* March 25, 2016 at 11:22 am I’d have that conversation now, honestly, with all the documentation you have, including the former reference. Then, when it happens again, the owner can’t claim ignorance. If this is already affecting morale, then let the owner know that too.
Just an ARRGH moment* March 25, 2016 at 11:26 am Owner absolutely knows already. It’s not affected morale yet but if it continues I know it will. Owner’s currently stressing about a big contract renew that’s coming up so I’m letting things be until that stress is over (next week), because I know if I bring it up before then there’s not enough space in Owner’s brain to parse it correctly.
TootsNYC* March 25, 2016 at 5:40 pm I agree–I wouldn’t wait. And I’d have that come to Jesus meeting with *Pat*–right now, she doesn’t know that the company is loathe to fire people.
Ask a Manager* Post authorMarch 25, 2016 at 6:37 pm Yeah, Pat needs to hear ASAP “this is not acceptable here; if it happens again, we would need to let you go.”
The Other Dawn* March 25, 2016 at 11:31 am I wouldn’t feel guilty about not having pushed harder not to hire her. It wasn’t your decision ultimately; that was the CEOs decision and his choice to use (or not) the information you gave him. Don’t beat yourself up about it.
KR* March 25, 2016 at 11:50 am This. Honestly if it were me, I would have assumed he was going through something and cleaned up his act since none of the other references said anything. If you hadn’t said anything that would be cause to feel guilty but you reported everything to the CEO. The new guy is the one who should be feeling guilty here.
Ama* March 25, 2016 at 12:19 pm Yeah, I once participated in a hiring process where we had two positions open. Everyone in my department except the boss liked the same two people — the boss decided to offer one of those positions to a third person who seemed fine, but a little flaky to the rest of us. The choice we all agreed on was great, super reliable, and worked for the department for a couple of years (it was part-time, we didn’t expect them to stay that long). Boss’s choice proved to be just what we’d feared — very personable, but flaky, and we had to double check all of her work because sometimes she only followed half of the directions. She ended up quitting after six months. Sometimes bosses just aren’t that great at hiring — if you gave yours the info about Pat beforehand, you did all you could to help them make an informed decision.
Newbie* March 25, 2016 at 12:23 pm Very much this. I had a very similar situation (all the references were good except for one former boss). We hired the candidate since everything else seemed good, but she wound up being unreliable (in addition to a whole host of other issues) and we eventually had to let her go. You provided all of the information you had to your CEO, who made the final decision. Sometimes hirings just aren’t successful.
NicoleK* March 25, 2016 at 7:15 pm At Old Job, boss wanted to hire a candidate that she fell in love. When I pointed out that candidate didn’t have much experience in x, boss said that doing x was only a small part of her role. Boss was wrong, x was at least 75% of the job and boss eventually asked the employee to resign 10 months later (there were many other reasons besides employee not being able to successfully do x).
BuildMeUp* March 25, 2016 at 11:35 am Have you sat down with Pat and had a conversation about how big of an issue their reliability is? If most of Pat’s references didn’t even mention it, and Pat was not fired over it (since Pat apparently quit by just no longer coming to work), Pat might not realize that this is something that could (and will) get them fired if not fixed. And even if you have addressed the problem, I think it’s worth having a CtJ with Pat before you have one with the owner to establish that yes, Pat needs to show up on time and let someone know if they are going to be late/out, and that if Pat is not doing these things they will no longer have a job. After you have this conversation, I would let the owner know exactly what you talked about and exactly what rules you discussed with Pat. That way there is a clear baseline that Pat either will or won’t meet, and hopefully that will make it easier to say, “Pat knows that they are supposed to be doing X; Pat has not been doing X despite repeated warnings and conversations. We need to fire Pat.”
Just an ARRGH moment* March 25, 2016 at 12:10 pm I am not Pat’s manager and I only work with them in a very tangential manner. It’d be very, very weird for me to have this conversation with Pat, otherwise I would have.
Ask a Manager* Post authorMarch 25, 2016 at 6:38 pm Oh, ignore my advice above then. But pass it on to Pat’s manager!
AdminSue* March 25, 2016 at 12:11 pm Hmmmm, we just fired Pat! Same here, showed up and left whenever he wanted. and management doesn’t like to fire either. After 6 weeks of this nonsense they finally let him go!
The Other Dawn* March 25, 2016 at 2:08 pm It sounds to me like the other references likely didn’t want to state the truth, either because they were in fear it would come back to bite them, or they were just being lazy about it.
Terra* March 25, 2016 at 2:20 pm Not necessarily. Some tech companies have very flexible hours/work from home policies so it’s possible that in the other jobs Pat’s flakiness wasn’t an issue or something they even noticed.
Pineapple Incident* March 25, 2016 at 2:31 pm I really like your term “Come to Jesus” talk. Good vibes- hope it turns out alright!!
Sunflower* March 25, 2016 at 3:40 pm I would have a talk with the owner/ Pat’s manager now and express that someone needs to have a talk with him. In some offices, it seems like it could be totally fine to do this- maybe it was in the offices his other references worked at. Sounds like its possible Pat doesn’t know this is an issue considering he’s acting so casual about it. It might end up that Pat can’t/won’t work in an environment that he’s expected to be on time everyday and he might leave on his own. Or he’ll start showing up on time. Either way, I would
Anonsie* March 25, 2016 at 4:42 pm I wouldn’t have put too much in that one reference either, since I would think that nearly everyone would have little patience for such a thing, so if it were true there would be more than one person bringing it up. Don’t beat yourself up about it.
TootsNYC* March 25, 2016 at 5:42 pm I think one thing you could have done was to call back all the other references and asked specifically about punctuality and reliability.
Ask a Manager* Post authorMarch 25, 2016 at 6:39 pm Yes — don’t beat yourself up for not doing it, but for future reference, that’s the thing to do. Some people won’t volunteer anything negative but will tell the truth if asked directly.
Updating!* March 28, 2016 at 10:49 am In case anyone comes back to check, this issue resolved itself on Friday when Pat quit (apparently Pat had multiple irons in the fire and ours wasn’t the most attractive). As for the references, the weird thing is I specifically asked about reliability and professionalism, as that was something paramount to my CEO in the hiring process. I ended up speaking with four different references and asked pointed questions about reliability, arriving/leaving on time, being communicative about absences, that kind of thing. Pat’s former CEO was the only one who said anything negative about reliability, and volunteered that information without me having to ask- basically said “very technically smart, but incredibly unreliable.” Weird situation all around.
OlympiasEpiriot* March 25, 2016 at 11:15 am My company has almost twice as many employees as it did when I was hired (oh so many years ago) and our biz office has only increased by one person. Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Expense Checks Payroll Insurance Certificates Taxes Audits Etc. Etc. It takes on average 4x as long to get an expense reimbursement now as it did when I started. /venting
Adnan* March 25, 2016 at 4:16 pm Same thing happened in my former dept. I was the only finance person in the Dept with responsibility for A/P, A/R, Expense Claims, Payroll. Customers & employees increased fourfold in the three years I was there but they did not think it was necessary to add more finance staff. People kept blaming finance for being the bottleneck so I moved to another department. Now ex-department has 3 finance persons and the boss is asking for funding for a couple more positions because the work is still not getting done.
LavaLamp* March 25, 2016 at 11:16 am Anyone have a story about bosses trying to discriminate against an FMLA (or well anything else) and having your relationship actually your relationship recover? This happened with my managers and I and everything actually worked out, which is rather rare from what I’ve seen. Just a random question since work is slow today. Also, I hope fellow Coloradians are safe due to the snowpoccalypse. My work actually closed.
Ann Furthermore* March 25, 2016 at 11:27 am I’m in Denver. Just got dug out from the big storm earlier in the week, and round 2 is moving in tomorrow. It was insane though — I live 15 minutes from my office and it took me over an hour to get home. My husband left yesterday to go camping (he goes every year at about this time, he’s completely insane) and texted me when he got to his usual spot — the weather was beautiful and there was hardly any snow, and he said he didn’t have too much trouble digging out the RV when he went to pick it up.
Elle the new fed* March 25, 2016 at 11:16 am I have been incredibly frustrated with my job lately and this is mostly just to vent. I’ve been here about 8 months now and things were going well, I thought. I had a great mid-year review and then my manager was put on a short-term detail elsewhere. So I was temporarily reassinged and have been working with a new manager. He keeps saying things like, “You have done well BUT…” or “I know you have said you want this BUT…” and it’s always followed up by all of the things he perceives as not up to his standards. I don’t think any of the things I’m supposedly not doing will get me fired (after all, I’m a Fed and I am actually doing my job) but I do worry I won’t get a grade increase at the end of the year, which would make it really hard to stay in this role much longer. Great, but you aren’t actually my manager longer than 6 months and my previous manager said things were on track and progressing well. According to her, I was performing as the higher pay grade and therefore would be looking at the increase and according to him, I have a long way to go. I’m not sure if I should follow his direction since he technically will be doing my end of year review, or if I should just continue with what my actual manager said. I’ve tried to have these conversations with him, but he takes things really personally and as an affront to him and his management style when I mention that I had a completely different conversation with my manager. Ugh. Working with him has really demotivated me and I was hoping to be here 3-5 years and now I just…. don’t know. I’ve started to dread going to work in the mornings because I know I’ll have to deal with him.
Colette* March 25, 2016 at 11:27 am He’s your manager well, so work in what he wants you to work on. Your previous manager didn’t mention the same issues, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t legitimate – and your previous manage may not return.
Elle the New Fed* March 25, 2016 at 11:35 am That’s a great point. Last I heard she was still planning to return, but obviously, that could always change. If that were to happen though I think they would replace her and put her team back together (as it just makes more sense for the department configuration). I think the sense of my frustration is coming fromt he fact that I don’t feel like the things relate to my job. I have been very high producing in my actual job, and it’s the things like “stop producing so much” or “spend work time on extracurricular activities” (like the party planning committee) that are really rubbing me the wrong way. We are a large office and I don’t NEED to be on the party planning committee because there are already 10 other people doing it. And being told to stop doing my job… what? Isn’t that what I was hired to do? I was hired because I am good at X and Y and my job is to do X and Y, so I don’t understand why I’m now being told to stop doing what I am being paid to do. (For context, it’s like someone being hired to make 10 sales a quarter and the office on average makes 30 calls to have 10 sales, and I’m being told that even though my product is harder to sell, I should stop making 40 calls to make those 10 sales.)
Colette* March 25, 2016 at 11:37 am That would be very frustrating. Have you tried asking what he wants you to do if it’s not work or non-work?
Elle the New Fed* March 25, 2016 at 11:47 am I have and I am now thinking that comes across as not a team player, or not wanting to participate in the department. I am very much the type of person who wants to do my job and do it well, and not waste my time on the superfluous stuff, but as many discussions on this thread before have touched on, that may very well be coming across much more negatively than I anticipated to this new manager, whereas my previous manager didn’t care.
BuildMeUp* March 25, 2016 at 12:18 pm It definitely sounds like a company culture thing. Your new manager obviously thinks that doing those outside things is part of your job; whether you agree or whether doing those things will help you in the long run, maybe putting in at least a token effort on that will get New Manager off your back a little. The “stop producing so much” comment is weird, but maybe he meant it in relation to the extracurricular stuff – that you should spend X amount of time per week on that instead of on your regular duties. Or maybe his team is more social and friendly with each other, and it’s expected that you’ll take a break to chat at some point during the day. If you’re not doing that already, try it for a week or two and see if it helps, and see if there’s a visible but not too time-consuming extracurricular thing you can start doing.
FutureLibrarianNoMore* March 25, 2016 at 12:21 pm So, this is just my opinion (and it is coming from personal experience), but your manager isn’t telling you to do your job less. He’s telling you that in his opinion, socializing with your co-workers/getting along with them/participating in office activities, is very important. That’s what I am seeing when I read what he is asking you to do. He wants you to spend less time in head-down mode (which a lot of people take as an insult, and that you don’t want to participate), and more time interacting with others. Is it fair/right? I don’t know. But that’s what I’m getting out of this. I also might be totally off-base!
Elle the New Fed* March 25, 2016 at 1:08 pm That’s completely fair and the reason I asked is that I knew I was missing something, I think this is it. Whether or not it’s company culture is debatable, but obviously it’s important to him and therefore something I need to pay attention to.
FutureLibrarianNoMore* March 25, 2016 at 3:08 pm And within companies, there can be so many different types of cultures, which is something I personally didn’t realize until recently! I assumed that because my team was a certain way, the others would be similar. Really, it comes down to your specific manager.
Dawn* March 25, 2016 at 11:31 am 1- Is your other manager expected to come back at some point? Or is the new guy going to be around a while? You can always just remind yourself that your original manager is going to come back eventually! 2- Ain’t fair, but you’re stuck with this guy for now, and if he’s doing your end of year review then you’re going to have to kowtow to what he wants to see from you. Honestly, if I came in as a manager and had an employee whose performance I wanted to see improve say “But Old Manager said I was great!” I’d be pretty darn annoyed. So try to put a lid on those complaints, *as justified as they might be*, and start to have a dialogue with New Manager about what he wants to see from you. If this is the guy responsible for moving you up a grade, you’re just going to have to do his dance to get there. 3- regarding the end of year review thing, any way you could ensure that your previous manager’s voice was heard in that review as well? So previous manager would review the 1st 6 months of your performance, and current manager would review the 2nd 6 months? That way your review would more adequately reflect your actual performance during the year instead of just this one dude’s opinions.
Elle the New Fed* March 25, 2016 at 11:42 am She is expected to be back by August but as another commenter pointed out, she might not come back and that’s something I hadn’t really thought about. I can totally understand #2 and I (obviously biasedly) don’t feel like I’m doing that, but it could very well come across that way and something I will pay closer attention to. I feel like I am too close to the situation and needed a different perspective. It’s just very different management styles and priorities–one wants everyone involved in all social aspects of the department and the other (my first manager) wanted the job done and done well, and once you were doing the job well could focus on the other things. I shared above a little bit more specifics, specifically the “stop doing your job” part. TBH I wouldn’t have taken the job if he had been originally presented as my manager, but that’s the way things are and I have to work with it. And to #3, there is a mid-year review filed by my manager and her manager (because it’s federal) so I think it would be hard to come back and say my performance has really dropped off between that and the way our performance is tracked, it would be impossible to say I’m not doing my job and not high performing. It’s the extra stuff that has been causing me undue stress.
Just an ARRGH moment* March 25, 2016 at 12:12 pm “The way our performance is tracked, it would be impossible to say I’m not doing my job and not high performing.” Well that’s good to hear! At least you have that knowledge in the back of your head :) This sounds super annoying/frustrating, for sure, because you’re holding the short end of the stick in this situation. I hope it gets better/ you can overcome your frustrations/ you can reach a comfortable neutral with your current boss/ your old boss comes back soon!
Elle the New Fed* March 25, 2016 at 1:10 pm Thank you! I feel like I have a new perspective of this whole situation and do hope to reach that comfortable neutral soon :)
Girasol* March 26, 2016 at 9:44 am Sometimes a manager feels it’s his job to “give feedback” but he’s not good at it, so instead of effectively helping the employee to grow he just adds a little nitpicking to every encounter. Is it possible that the ongoing negativity is an issue with his job skills rather than yours?
Bowserkitty* March 25, 2016 at 11:17 am Bathroom Bandit Update: Thanks for all the suggestions from the open thread a couple of weeks ago on suggestions for signs to hang up! We went with whomever said to use “Please check/clean the toilet seat before you go, it’s unhygienic and we all share this room” (paraphrasing). My coworker put it on the door and we called it a day. My boss was skeptical. I pshawed him because I am an optimist. The next day I went into the bathroom and saw the seat was up and pee was all over the place. “Did he do it to spite us!?” I asked the coworker. Her guess was that he was too busy to read anything. By the way, we’ve more or less identified the culprit, and he is also a non-hand-washer. I grudgingly admitted my boss was right. (Typing this just now, I LITERALLY heard my coworker’s doctor boss ask if the sign is making a difference.) So we laminated and hung another sign right on the wall above the toilet. So far so good but we’ve still got a full Friday ahead of us…
AFT123* March 25, 2016 at 11:31 am Ugh… can anyone maybe just pull this guy aside and talk to him? That sounds terrible!
Bowserkitty* March 25, 2016 at 11:49 am My coworker mentioned she asked the head of the department (whom the bandit reports to) to speak to him and he wasn’t very keen on that for some reason. Aghhhhh. I know it’s an awkward conversation but even worse is walking in there and seeing a disgusting toilet.
Artemesia* March 25, 2016 at 12:13 pm This is the managers job. This is one case where if the manager didn’t do it, I would want to see a pile of anonymous notes going to this guy’s mailbox. I don’t know why men are so unwilling to step up on this sort of thing and manage.
danr* March 25, 2016 at 11:55 am Maybe put another sign inside the stall door at eye level. And, if the toilet seat has a cover, another sign taped to the underside with directions. A big arrow pointing down and side arrows with the crossed circle pointing to the side (meaning NO!).
Florida* March 25, 2016 at 12:12 pm I am very much against this, as I think it’s passive aggressive. If you know who the culprit is, than deal with the culprit. This reminds me of the teacher who punishes the entire class because they don’t want to deal with the one kid who is misbehaving. It never corrects the problem, and creates resentment with everyone else. If you know who the culprit is than deal with that person. If you don’t want to do that, then use another bathroom.
HR Recruiter* March 25, 2016 at 12:38 pm Yuck! If you know who it is I’d have a talk with them. Although I’m not one to take my own advice. My boss does the same thing. I just can’t imagine approaching a high level, grown man and explaining to him how to use a bathroom.
Anonsie* March 25, 2016 at 4:44 pm Yeah this is probably someone who’s immune to some level of shame, but being specifically told to his face to stop pissing all over the place might be a new level that’s not so easy to brush of.
Dynamic Beige* March 25, 2016 at 5:49 pm A friend of a friend of mine has 4 boys and a 70’s bathroom with dark brown tile. The first time she stepped in pee, she cleaned it. The second time, she corralled them all in and said “don’t do that.” The third time, she caught them at it, they were actively peeing all over the place and giggling because it was fun. So she handed them a tube (? box?) of Clorox wipes and made them clean it up right there and then. Never had another problem. As bad as this may sound, if someone can keep an eye on when the Dirty Pee-er goes into the bathroom, him coming out to a bunch of people standing there and holding out the Clorox wipes, then making him clean it while they watch — shaming yes. Effective, probably. Bonus: at least that one time his hands would be clean. And just ew! Seriously, who the hell doesn’t know to wash their hands after they go to the bathroom? When you’re at home, if you don’t want to that’s your business, but when you’re out in public? Ugh.
Anon Accountant* March 25, 2016 at 11:17 am I have a job interview tomorrow! It’s at an accounting firm and I’m nervous since it’s been over a year since my last interview. It’s exciting, nerve wracking and scary at the same time. I did everything this website suggests. Focused resumes on accomplishments and took advice of commenters on changing my cover letter to be less dry and used changed wording. Will update to let everyone know how it goes. I’d been applying to so many positions and having no luck in spite of changing resume and networking. The job market is still very sluggish but let’s hope for the best.
BRR* March 25, 2016 at 2:56 pm Good luck! Remember that if they’re bringing you in, they think you can do the job.
Juli G.* March 25, 2016 at 11:17 am My manager is awesome and is helping me position myself really well for not just a promotion but probably a choice in promotions next month. That’s the catch 22 – a good manager develops you for your new role but than you have to take your chances on a new manager.
AnotherFed* March 25, 2016 at 12:33 pm But it’s a small world sometimes, so you may end up working for or with that good manager again. Good people like working with other good people!
going anon for this* March 25, 2016 at 11:19 am So, I was contacted by the VP of a startup through LinkedIn and after going through a few rounds of interviews, they’re offering me more money than I had asked for (double what I’m making now). I’m tempted to take the job for the money alone because I could easily pay off some loans within a few years with the salary and start saving for a down payment on a condo. The position is also two steps up from my current role in terms of responsibility and title and is a mangerial role instead of my current non-managerial role. However, the job is in my current industry which I’ve been trying to get out of because the corporate side of the industry is a sinking ship and layoffs are frequent. I know the startup scene is poised to do better (without going into too many details, the corporate side is all big business print media and the startup scene is more tech and digital) and the startup has good investors and positioning in the industry, so if all goes well, it could be a great career boost. As far as the work environment goes, it doesn’t seem too startupy and I was assured that they were totally in favor of work-life balance and taking vacations and all that. I’m not so much worried about the startup itself as being stuck in this industry (and this city. I’ve been itching to move to a new city but I can’t move without more money or a job lined up) or being bored with the work. The new job would be similar to what I do now and I’m pretty bored. I’m good at what I do, but bored. I feel kind of guilty for taking a job in the same industry just because the pay is so good when I’ve spent the last few years saying how much I want to make a career change. Thoughts?
Anna No Mouse* March 25, 2016 at 11:26 am This is a tough one. If you’re truly unhappy and unfulfilled in both the work and your location, maybe don’t take the job and just work on finding something in a field and a place you want to be. You don’t want to take this job and then leave after a short stint once you realize that this is just not where you want to be, especially considering this is a big move up for you. It could make you look like you were unable to handle the added responsibility. I’d work on figuring out what you really want to do, and where you want to be. Then work towards that goal. Money isn’t everything.
Not a Real Giraffe* March 25, 2016 at 11:34 am It depends on which goal is more important to you in this moment of your life. Is it more important to progress your career and put it on a longterm track? Or is it more important to save money, pay down debt, and potentially buy a condo in whatever location you may want to relocate to? Both goals are good, both goals have value. It all depends on what is personally important to you right now.
Dawn* March 25, 2016 at 11:34 am “I’m tempted to take the job for the money alone because I could easily pay off some loans within a few years with the salary and start saving for a down payment on a condo.” Would you rather accept being bored for a couple years with the payoff being loans paid off and down payment for a condo in New Awesome City, or would you rather switch industries now and move to a new city now? Only you can answer that question. Money isn’t everything, sure, but if you could stick out boredom for a 2X salary for a few years (and be serious about saving your money!) that could and would absolutely let you have more freedom later on in your life once your debts are paid off.
going anon for this* March 25, 2016 at 11:44 am I think I could stick out a couple years of boredom to save money and pay off loans. I think I’m just feeling guilty taking a job for the money alone because I had that “take a job you love/follow your dreams/don’t take a job for the money” mentality instilled in me.
Dawn* March 25, 2016 at 12:19 pm You’re TOTALLY following your dreams by taking this job! You’re dreaming of having your loans paid off, and having enough to put a deposit down on a condo- and you’re taking this job to make that happen! You’re gonna work through boredom for a couple years to make those dreams happen! If that’s not awesome, I don’t know what is. It’s OK to take a job that you don’t love sometimes. In this case, it’s more than just “OK”- it’s going to mean you achieve your goals faster and in a better financial situation, and that’s AWESOME. You’re not taking this job because you want a Ferarri and a huge house and a boat (not that there would be anything wrong with that, mind). You’re taking this job *for a limited time*, knowing what you’re getting into, knowing what you’re gonna get out of it, and knowing what it’s going to mean for your overall career/life progression. THAT’S awesome! That’s following your dreams!
going anon for this* March 25, 2016 at 2:30 pm Thanks, this really helped! I think I just needed to put it in perspective. I have the weekend to think over the offer and get back to them, so this has given me some good food for thought!
Doriana Gray* March 25, 2016 at 7:56 pm You’re TOTALLY following your dreams by taking this job! You’re dreaming of having your loans paid off, and having enough to put a deposit down on a condo- and you’re taking this job to make that happen! This. This dream is just as important as any.
Not a Real Giraffe* March 25, 2016 at 12:22 pm As a person who followed my dreams and took a job I love… it has really screwed me in the long run. I took my current job for the money and for the growth opportunity, and it is amazing how much the extra boost in my salary helped me relax and breathe. I can sit tight in this job for a few years, pad my savings, pay off some debts, and then find a job later that allows me to follow my dreams. This current job buys me the freedom to follow my dreams later.
going anon for this* March 25, 2016 at 2:29 pm Thanks! This is helping me feel less guilty about taking it for the money and financial security.
Jiffy* March 25, 2016 at 3:33 pm Yes — please feel OK about taking a job for the financial security. I work so I can pursue my dreams and hobbies.
FutureLibrarianNoMore* March 25, 2016 at 12:26 pm It’s nice of people to say that, but I think most people will agree that the vast majority of the population is working for money, not because they love what they do. Sure, they may *enjoy* what they do, but at the end of the day, I’m sure everyone has a dream job and a real world/reality job.
Allison* March 25, 2016 at 12:00 pm Take the money and run! Double your salary is a lot of money to be bored while setting yourself up well financially.
voluptuousfire* March 25, 2016 at 3:12 pm Or you can take a few years and pay down your loans and debts/save like crazy and once you’re in a better place (or they’re paid off), take a few months off and rethink what you want to do. A sabbatical isn’t a bad thing. I’m kind of in the same position. I’m very bored in the job I’m at now but don’t hate it. I like it and love my environment but if I were offered a similar role at twice my current salary, I’d take it in a heartbeat. At this point in my life, I can deal with being bored for much higher pay. Knowing that I’m making good money and can really chuck most of my pay into savings and such would temper the boredom nicely.
going anon for this* March 25, 2016 at 3:24 pm Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking. I think writing the comment out and reply to some comments made me realize I feel guilty taking a job I know I could do in my sleep just because of the money and more financial security/opportunities. I hadn’t considered a sabbatical after a few years of working at this new job, etc., but that’s actually a really good point.
Brandy* March 25, 2016 at 4:15 pm Consider taking it and banking the new salary like crazy to give you an exit cushion if you end up not liking it. A story about a startup that failed/didn’t grow isn’t crazy and might be a good way to jump industries should you want to do that down the line.
eemusings* March 27, 2016 at 4:21 am Personally if it’s between two not dissimilar options and one paying much better… I would rather be bored with double the money than half. Obviously I don’t know the full context but if you wind up moving on in a year or two from a startup in digital media I doubt anyone would bat an eye. It’s been two years now since I left publishing (the subject of my very latest blog post actually!) and I must admit I still fight feelings of being an overpaid impostor. But it is so amazing to have financial wiggle room and own a home. As important as it is that my work is meaningful and enjoyable (and it totally is) money is just as if not more important to me personally.
Anna No Mouse* March 25, 2016 at 11:19 am My husband just got his annual review back from his manager, which said that while my husband is good at his job, he doesn’t meet deadlines or attend their daily meetings regularly. I can’t speak directly for the deadlines, but I know he attends the daily meetings, at least on days when he works from home, because I hear him attend them. He has often said that he is the only one who shows up sometimes. I get the feeling this manager doesn’t like my husband (who I admit, can rub people the wrong way, but is not malicious in any way). Any advice for dealing with an annual review that you dispute?
Colette* March 25, 2016 at 11:30 am Take it as legitimate feedback, ask for more information, and work on improving. How does the manager count attendance at meetings? What does the manager mean about missing deadlines – is that true? If not, how can he make the manager aware that he’s meeting deadlines?
Anna No Mouse* March 25, 2016 at 11:39 am That’s more or less the advice I gave my husband. I told him to ask for specific instances, so he can get an idea of where his manager is coming from.
Charlotte Collins* March 25, 2016 at 11:40 am Definitely ask for details. And if there is no solid evidence of what the manager is saying, your husband should see if there’s a feedback mechanism in the review process. Where I work, employees can make comments on their reviews and point out when the facts don’t support the assessment. (Since these are fact-based criticisms, your husband can note if they are accurate or not.)
Artemesia* March 25, 2016 at 12:18 pm He should approach the boss in genuine puzzlement and open to feedback. ‘I need to review this with you so that I can meet expectations here. I have a list of the meetings I attended and don’t recall having missed any I was scheduled for; am I missing out on notices of other meetings? Which meetings have I missed?’ I want to be sure to meet deadlines, so can we review the deadlines missed and figure out a system to make sure we are always on the same page so this doesn’t happen again.’ i.e. committed to achieve, listening to feedback, taking it seriously — needing documentation of the specifics so he can fix this.
Newbie* March 25, 2016 at 12:49 pm I agree that he should ask his boss for specific examples. And then discuss with his boss how these issues/behaviors can be improved in the future. For example, when your husband is the only one that “shows up” via phone for the daily meetings, should he then email the boss to advise that he was on the phone and no one else showed up? He might also want to check with HR to see if there is any mechanism for employees to respond to the information in their performance review. Where I work, the employee has the opportunity to write a letter that is placed in the HR file with the review. I once had a review where I disagreed with 75% of what it contained, so I did write a letter in that one case (it was my only somewhat negative review in my 20+ years with the same company).
Katie the Fed* March 25, 2016 at 2:37 pm I think he can also reasonably ask why the annual performance review was the first time he heard there was a problem (assuming it was). A boss shouldn’t be waiting until that point to bring things up – she should be mentioning an issue at the first sign so that the employee has a chance to correct the problems.
Kristinemc* March 25, 2016 at 11:22 am How would you suggest handling this? I’ve taken on more and more responsibility at my company in the 4 years that I have been here. The accounting department has fluctuated between two part-time, to 1.5 full time, to now 2 full time people. We have expanded pretty substantially over the past year and a half, added health insurance retirement benefits, and also using new software which is slightly more time consuming, but gives us the reports that we need. I addressed all this at my review last year, and I’m happy with my benefits & compensation. I’ve gotten to the point where instead of needing to work extra to keep up just Dec/Jan (for tax prep) it’s now happening more and more often. Every time I think things are going to slow down, something else comes up – switching payroll companies, new reporting requirements, a new location, something. I’d like to be at 80-90% capacity, and be able to analyze reports and do some of the “nice-to-have” things instead of just the “these-are-required” things, but instead I feel like I am always at 100-120% capacity. I never feel caught up. When I started this job, about a year in, I was pretty busy, but had a little wiggle room at the month. That’s not the case any longer. We’ve dropped a couple of items from the list (smaller locations), and the general attitude seems to be “Now you should have so much more time!” and instead it’s more like “Now I am *still* having to work occasional weekends”, and I don’t know how to convey that. I don’t know that they ever knew how much extra I was working, and I’m exempt/salaried, so it doesn’t really affect them. Things have also changed at home – in the past year, we’ve added a teenager to the family, and so I can no longer go home and just relax – I have to handle that scheduling, and homework, etc. So before, where I didn’t mind working from home sometimes, I mind more and more – because the time that I previously had for my leisure time is already taken up with managing a third person’s schedule and helping with homework, etc. What is the best way to say to my boss – I don’t want to do this anymore? I’ve basically been working extra for them just to get things done, and I didn’t mind doing that, but I am getting to the point where I am burnt out. My boss is very kind, and offers to let us go home early and genuinely wants us to take time off, but I don’t think he has a good idea of what day to day tasks are for me, or what my deadlines are. So I imagine he also wants everything to get done.
Dawn* March 25, 2016 at 11:38 am “My boss is very kind, and offers to let us go home early and genuinely wants us to take time off, but I don’t think he has a good idea of what day to day tasks are for me, or what my deadlines are” Just go lay it out to him. You’re not doing yourself, the company, or your boss any favors by not giving him a heads up about how bad it really is down in the trenches. “Boss, here’s *exactly* what’s on my plate. Here’s how it’s more than what it was a year ago. Here’s how much I’m having to work just to keep things afloat. Here’s how many times in the last six months I’ve had to work extra *just to keep things afloat*. (And here’s the important part) Here’s exactly what I suggest we do in order to make sure that I do not become burnt out, everything gets done in a timely manner, and we are able to dedicate some brainpower to new initiatives.” It’s important to come with solutions already in hand!
Artemesia* March 25, 2016 at 12:21 pm Coming with solutions in hand is critical. If you bring a boss a problem that he can’t solve to make you happy then he is likely to hurt you. He would rather push it on you than own that he is ineffective about meeting your needs. I got this advice decades ago and it shaped how I approached bosses and it worked much better than being agrieved. Complain and you are the problem; talk about how you need X to meet the company’s needs and you are the solution.
Kristinemc* March 25, 2016 at 1:05 pm The only solution I can see is to hire someone else, however, I don’t think they are going to want to do that. I think I am struggling with feeling like they were paying me $x, and getting x amount of work from me, which gradually increased and increased – and now I’m asking them to decrease the amount of work back to regular level without decreasing my salary. I feel somehow as if I am trying to offer them less, when in reality, I think I stretched to do more for a while, and it’s really not an option moving forward.
BRR* March 25, 2016 at 3:35 pm You are not decreasing your work. You are trying to keep it at a reasonable amount. They have added things and I’m curious if you have gotten raises to match? I would point out how much as been added and how much time each thing takes. In previous letters the advice has been to say something along the lines of you can do only two things between A,B, and C so which is the priority. Just maybe throw that out there and then be quiet to see what your boss says, people love solutions that they come up with even if you lead them there. As an alternative, can you suggest outsourcing anything or hiring a temp during the busiest times? If that fails, you’re going to have to decide if you want to continue to work with these conditions.
Boop* March 25, 2016 at 11:23 am How do you all estimate appropriate time investments for projects? I’m not scheduling myself well and cant seem to balance big and small projects or accurately predict how long something will take. My manager asked me to establish specific time investments for the different types of projects I work on. Would love to hear how some of you do this.
Colette* March 25, 2016 at 11:31 am Break the big projects down into smaller tasks – everything should take less than a week, ideally a day or two. Schedule them out, multiplying by 1.25 to account for unexpected problems.
Boop* March 25, 2016 at 11:43 am Is that an agile method? Not sure why I haven’t thought about breaking them down into tasks, but I haven’t! I also wouldn’t have thought to multiply by 1.25. Great advice.
Colette* March 25, 2016 at 3:18 pm Not agile specifically, it’s just the only way to accurately figure out how long something will take.
GOG11* March 25, 2016 at 12:30 pm I also find it very helpful to break things down. In my case, it’s generally pretty specific and concrete (generally a behavior I can see or hear – not just a project name, for instance), which helps me ensure I don’t forget anything and keeps me from getting distracted, but even noting components can get you thinking of what specifics the process entails and how much time those pieces take.
A Non E. Mouse* March 25, 2016 at 4:24 pm Where I’ll sometimes get a little sideways in the planning stage is forgetting that I’ll be interrupted. There are NOT 40 “billable”* hours in a week working regular business hours where I work – if I really bust it I can get 35 billable hours out of myself in a week, but that includes taking a laptop and hiding. I will get interrupted, I will get pulled into meetings, I will have something go from smoldering to active-flames on a random Tuesday that I have to drop everything and address. So make sure you aren’t scheduling 40 hours of work time each week, unless you plan on working before/after hours. I also started keeping track of my time last Fall, and I was severely underestimating the time each distraction took away from other things – a 1 minute request meant I had to access two servers, email the end user, close the ticket… *And by billable I mean “I can attribute it to a project or point to a specific task”
Not So NewReader* March 25, 2016 at 9:28 pm Time yourself doing various tasks. It’s very hard to estimate time when you don’t know how long it is taking you to do something. I do x once a week. If everything goes well it takes me 20 minutes. If the computer burps or if I am missing information it can take 3 hours. So I allot an hour on busier weeks with more information to handle. If it’s a slow week then I know I can get x done in under a half hour. There are patterns in almost everything we do, so assume you have a pattern and try to describe your pattern. It is also helpful to have a list of side work to do for those days when you are ahead of your schedule. These are the days I straighten out a desk draw or oil a machine, etc.
Manders* March 25, 2016 at 11:23 am This is a relationship question, but the problem is about our jobs and where we can do them, so I was hoping someone here had a similar experience and could offer advice. I work in digital marketing and I’d like to stay in this field long-term, which means my best career options are in large, mostly coastal cities. In a few years maybe I’ll have enough experience to freelance, but I’m not there yet. My boyfriend is in a PhD program and is ABD, but now he’s decided he wants to drop the program and work in a small private high school. This isn’t the first time he’s gotten pretty deep into a career path, got frustrated, and decided to go in a completely different direction. The problem is that most of the schools he’s applying to are in places where I can’t find work, period. I’m talking about towns in Korea with one apartment building and boarding schools in the actual middle of nowhere. I’ve noticed this gendered dynamic in his department where men move wherever they need to go to further their careers and women are expected to both 1) follow them, and 2) keep up a high income level to support them. I can do one of those, but I can’t do both in the places where he’s applying. I’ve pointed this out several times and told him that I’ve noticed and strongly dislike this trend in his department, and he agrees with me intellectually, but still gets disappointed whenever he announces that he’s applied to a new place and I respond with, “Cool, good for you, I won’t be following you there.” I think the underlying problem is burnout combined with a desire to prove something to his bad advisor by leaving, but I think if he does move to one of these obscure places, he’ll end up hating it and wanting to move again in a year or two. Partners of people who had careers that took them to strange areas, how did you solve the two-body problem? Partners of people in PhD programs, did they do similarly strange things when they got burned out? Partners of people who were in academia for long enough to forget what the non-academic job market can be like, how did you explain that to them?
Dawn* March 25, 2016 at 11:40 am Pretty sure Captian Awkward has had questions in this vein over the years- go check the archives over there; you’ll probably find some great answers/scripts either in the posts themselves or in the comments.
Manders* March 25, 2016 at 11:52 am I’m a fan of her site, and I’ve read plenty of her letters about partners with mental illnesses, but I can’t recall anything about this type of situation. Do you remember any of the details from those letters?
Dawn* March 25, 2016 at 12:14 pm Unfortunately not, and CA is blocked at work or else I’d search for you. I do know there’s been a lot of letters about the stresses of moving when one party doesn’t want to.
KR* March 25, 2016 at 12:00 pm When my boyfriend enlisted, I basically told him that I would not put my career on hold to move around the country with him. I had heard of so many women who couldn’t get ahead professionally because they didn’t have any long term experience because they were trying to manage their SO’s job and lifestyle. I had to enforce that decision recently when he found out where he was being stationed next and even though I could afford to move in with him, I have a good job here and the potential to work on some really cool stuff and make some good money. It’s hard but you just have to take a hard line on preserving your career. If he really wants you to go with him, he will work with you to find a place with an excellent program and that will allow you to grow your career.
Artemesia* March 25, 2016 at 12:30 pm My boyfriend and I worked this out before we married. We moved for my difficult career and then he coped. WE have been married for over 40 years now and that first move was a killer as it was very hard for him to get established after that first move. We didn’t expect that as he was very successful and on partnership track where he was and had had other offers. He felt like hot spit. In the new location a southern city, it turned out that people early mid-career in his field were almost impossible to employ unless they were sons in law or brothers in law. The firms hired newbies and they sometimes hired rainmakers with lots of experience but people a few years in without local connections were not desirable. They didn’t want to bring them in on top of their new hires and they weren’t in a position to bring in business. BUT he did put together a good career in that town and when my job was lost in a merger, it was my turn to scramble — no way we were uprooting him again. I managed that. It was hard in both cases. If the two people cannot work out something that works for both then I think it is time to move on and find a new relationship. One person can choose to be the following spouse and keep the home fires burning — but that is a choice. If that is not your choice and no reason it should be — get a PhD and then don’t pursue a career? not a choice I would make — then you need to rethink compatibility. There are many fine fish in the sea.
the gold digger* March 25, 2016 at 6:51 pm I always like your cut to the chase, no-BS answers, Artemesia!
No Longer Just a Lurker* March 25, 2016 at 12:04 pm I know you wanted work/career advice but this sounds more like a relationship issue – maybe it is time for a break in the relationship. If he really, truly cared he wouldn’t be applying for these no matter how much he wanted to prove something to someone who doesn’t matter. Especially since there are lots of private schools in big cities. He may intellectually agree with you on the trend you pointed out but he doesn’t seem to care emotionally. Find some positions he might like in areas where you can find a job and see what his reaction is – if he poo-poos them immediately I would really look at other things to find out if this is a one off “needs to prove himself” or a trend of not caring. Either way your “Cool, good for you, I won’t be following” sounds like a good response – stick to your guns because one person does not get to make this type of decision (moving) for both partners.
Jillociraptor* March 25, 2016 at 1:21 pm Yeah, it really sounds like he is not hearing you or respecting your constraints. Manders, you’ve been totally reasonable in making clear your boundaries on this, and it seems like he’s operating under the assumption that he can get you to blow them off. In my opinion, it’s not possible to find a good solution for both people when either partner’s approach is “get the other one to compromise.”
AVP* March 25, 2016 at 1:36 pm I was just scrolling down to say something like this – these are major two-person relationship decisions that need to be talked over together, not made unilaterally! It’s definitely outdated to just assume that a woman will be coming along with you wherever your career goes. I could see it maybe in the case of a PHD getting a tenure-track offer somewhere remote, but for a high school level theaching job it seems unnecessary and like the BF is choosing jobs to apply to based on whims of where he’d like to live, not out of necessity….for me thats a big red flag.
Artemesia* March 25, 2016 at 1:49 pm This. It is one thing when there are 3 tenure track jobs in your field and you get one or two offers and the spouse has to decide. It is quite another when it is a high school teaching job. Those exist everywhere; someone who chooses a remote school in Korea is simply telling you that the relationship is not important to him or that he is a misogynist who things women are not independent humans whose needs need to be considered. I’d feel differently, if it was his only chance. Or if he were in the military. But even then, at the boy/girlfriend stage, this is the moment to decide what kind of life you want to live and how much you are willing to give up. I am not giving up anything for a man who doesn’t think my needs are worthy of consideration. That sounds like the boyfriend to me.
Anxa* March 25, 2016 at 2:29 pm That’s a great point. I was about to commiserate very strongly as I’m in a somewhat similar situation regarding upcoming crosswords as the GF of someone finishing their dissertation this week, but most of our conflicts stem from both of us having some experience/aspirations in geographically limited fields. While you can’t just find a high school teaching job anywhere, there is a high school teaching industry almost anywhere. TT or even adjunct jobs in narrower specialties are much more difficult to find spread throughout the country (or world).
overeducated* March 25, 2016 at 3:18 pm Even then it’s a relationship question that isn’t automatic. I got an offer for one of those 3 jobs last year…a couple months after my spouse had accepted a great opportunity and was unable to move. I turned it down and am still looking for another chance, because it was more important to me to stay in the same city with my spouse and our infant than to advance my career at great personal cost. On the other hand, this happened with a couple married friends of mine this last year, the academic spouse accepted, the non-academic spouse saw no ability to get a job in the isolated small town, and they are getting divorced. And then I know people doing everything in between, from leaving academia to having long-distance marriages.
AVP* March 25, 2016 at 3:22 pm Oh totally! It’s a process and you have to go through it together no matter what. It just can’t be one person in a relationship deciding something that affects both people so acutely.
Realistic* March 25, 2016 at 12:08 pm I understand the frustration about his assumption that you would just “go along” with him. I understand the frustration of his changing career paths on the cusp of finishing. Both of those things would aggravate me to no end, and cause much discussion and soul-searching in my relationship. Good luck figuring out what’s right for you! I would suggest that you really look at options for a career in South Korea just to see if it’s do-able, should you decide the relationship is worth moving, though. Korea is the most-internet-connected country in the world. Digital marketing is often a job that has variations which can be done remotely. And Koreans often place a high value on native English speakers in the workplace. If you are creative, you might be able to find a job at a hagwon (academy) doing some teaching to supplement while you are lining up clients or job searching. There are many expats living in Korea who can help you learn more about living and working there, if it’s something that is an option you want to consider. Of course, that doesn’t address the reasons why you’re hesitant to go, but at least you’ll know more in making your decision. 행운을 빈다
Manders* March 25, 2016 at 12:27 pm Unfortunately, I really am talking about a *tiny* town in South Korea. There’s one Samsung branch office, and literally no other game in town. There wouldn’t be many ex-pats there because there’s nowhere for them to work except this one school. Same deal with Japan: I’d consider a move to a big city and might even be in demand there, but he’s getting interviews with schools in tiny towns. I’ve also tried teaching and, frankly, I’m no good at it. It wouldn’t be fair to the kids.
Christy* March 25, 2016 at 12:36 pm I work for the government and I can work anywhere my part of the government has an office–about 70 cities total. So my fiancée wouldn’t look anywhere that I couldn’t commute to one of those cities 4x/month. She’ll eventually follow me back to DC if my career brings me back here. If I’m coming back here, it’ll be for a big-deal job, so it would be worth it to us as a couple/family to return. (It helps that I have family near here. Her family is across the country.) I straight-up would not sacrifice my career to follow a boyfriend/girlfriend. A spouse, maybe, if we made the decision to prioritize their career, either overall or for that period of time. But if my fiancée were to do what your boyfriend is doing? I’d have MAJOR issues with it. It doesn’t sound like he’s prioritizing the relationship, and I need someone who will prioritize the relationship. And I definitely wouldn’t, as a couple, move somewhere for a lower-paying job where the higher earner couldn’t continue to earn the high wage. Eff that. I need stability.
gabrielle* March 25, 2016 at 9:43 pm “I straight-up would not sacrifice my career to follow a boyfriend/girlfriend. A spouse, maybe, if we made the decision to prioritize their career, either overall or for that period of time. But if my fiancée were to do what your boyfriend is doing? I’d have MAJOR issues with it. It doesn’t sound like he’s prioritizing the relationship, and I need someone who will prioritize the relationship.” +1.
blackcat* March 25, 2016 at 12:38 pm Has he considered working with a headhunting firm, like Carney Sandoe? I have worked with them (on both sides, job searching & hiring) and LOVE them. Teachers can select regions where they’d be interested in jobs. They upload materials. Carney Sandoe basically does the rest. Depending on his field (math/physics/chem/engineering/etc is FAR easier than English/history/art/bio), he could be pretty picky about location. BUT (and it’s a big but) does he really want to work with high school kids? That matters A LOT when looking for jobs at independent schools. And, yeah, I think the PhD process lends itself to burnout. Nine months ago, I was in cranky, f-it, I’ll leave and go back to teaching high school mode. Now, I’m in all I want to do is write my papers because I love my work mode. All that changed is that I made a breakthrough in the work. My work habits, the people around me, everything else has stayed the same. A lot of it was luck. When my husband was in the tail end of his PhD, hating every second of it, there seemed to be little to nothing I could do to convince him that there would be jobs outside of academia for him, almost wherever we wanted to live. He’s a talented programmer. He can get work! The only thing that convinced him was getting him to talk to A LOT of our friends who have PhDs in similarly quantitative fields who now do a variety of other things. It also helped that his advisor’s other student got a job at a bank post-PhD and one of his close friends washed out in year 4 and landed a cool job at a then-start up (now he is a VP). As a final note, I do not encourage anyone who doesn’t want to to finish their PhD unless they are very close (<6 months of work). The PhD doesn't really help get jobs outside of academia (and it might hurt), and in 90% of fields, the academic job market is terrible. Leaving is often the best decision a PhD student can make.
blackcat* March 25, 2016 at 12:44 pm Oh, and my husband followed me to our current location (planned move pre-wedding, actual move post-wedding). He did get an academic job nearby, but the commute is brutal. It helps that he has other male friends who have followed their female partners. But I get lots of surprised comments when I tell other academics that I had a husband who would follow me. If both of us stay in academia, there’s really no doubt that I’d be the “successful” one and he’d follow me. There is a dynamic in academia that men have significant others who follow them and women stay single. It’s an institutional/cultural problem, and not just a problem in your bf’s department. :(
Manders* March 25, 2016 at 1:25 pm Yep, that’s exactly the pattern I’m seeing: single women, men with partners who’ll drop everything for them. Even the mandatory “career options” classes he’s forced to attend are white men telling students not to settle for anything less than a prestigious university gig, while not mentioning the fact that their spouses are either old money or work in a high-income field. His advisor is being difficult about his proposed thesis, because no matter how many times my boyfriend says that he actually would prefer to teach high school or community college and he wants to get done as fast as possible, his advisor tells him to tack on extra years of research because surely he *really* wants to teach at a 4-year university. Said advisor also comes from very, very old money and has a non-working spouse.
blackcat* March 25, 2016 at 3:04 pm Ah, yes, this dynamic. The advisor with blinders, thinking “Of course my PhD student wants to be just like me.” Push back. Push back hard. Depending on whether or not there’s another faculty person who could advise the dissertation, he can go to the chair and see if there is someone else he could switch to who would sign off on the dissertation. I know that’s often not possible, but it’s worth looking into.
Artemesia* March 25, 2016 at 1:52 pm Times are changing. When my husband followed me he got a lot of rude comments. When my son followed my daughter in law and my son in law followed my daughter, no one thought it odd at all.
blackcat* March 25, 2016 at 3:05 pm I think this is field dependent. Both my husband and I are in heavily male STEM fields. The sexism is strong, I’m afraid.
Not So NewReader* March 25, 2016 at 9:49 pm Women stay single. Thank you for explaining this. It’s relevant in one of my situations I had in college and I always wondered about it. A prof would mention not being married so frequently in class that I thought it was odd that she kept mentioning it. Our private conversations kept getting more and more weird. Finally the whole situation just blew up. She never did summit my final grade and I never got credit for the course. (It wasn’t just me, other students were complaining quite vocally about things that were going on in her class.) Now, at least, I have an idea of where she was coming from.
Manders* March 25, 2016 at 1:17 pm I know he’s working with some headhunters but I’m not sure if he’s heard of that firm, I’ll mention it to him. Thank you! I’m pretty confident that he won’t change his mind about teaching high school. He started his PhD because he wanted to teach, and ended up disillusioned because his advisor wants him to focus on research to the detriment of his students. He also teaches part time at a community college with a mix of high school, college, and returning students, and he’s so great there that his department head has already said flat-out that she would give him more work if she was able to, and she’s hoping someone will retire but she’s not allowed to make any promises, so he’s stuck in this weird limbo where *maybe* work will materialize some time in the future. He also needs to finish his PhD if he wants a tenure track position at a community college. Frankly, he’s fantastic at what he does, and some of the university prep schools he’s interviewing with are very prestigious. He says he can’t find job openings in major cities, though, and that doesn’t jibe with what I understand about the job market. I think he’s applying to openings in a blind panic and getting himself worked up about moving because he wants so, so badly to quit this program. Good call on finding more people with PhDs who don’t work in academia. His department definitely acts like it’s better to be unemployed than to take a “lesser” position outside a 4-year university.
blackcat* March 25, 2016 at 3:26 pm A lot of fancy-pantsy prep schools on the coasts simply do not list their jobs publicly. They only go through firms, but many (most) do work with Carney Sandoe, just because they are so huge. But the other factor could be where he’s looking. He’s interviewing with really top schools–is he also looking to work at a not super elite, but still good, schools? There are so, so many! And I wouldn’t rule out religious schools even if he is not of the same faith–there are plenty of such schools where people of all faiths, or lack there of, are welcomed to teach. But yeah, if he’s getting interviews at elite schools in remote locations, it’s BS that there aren’t reasonable jobs for him in major metro areas. He might just have to work at a no-name private school. And plenty of those are great! I went to one (in a major, costal city) that I know is hiring for 3 openings in the upper school. They pay a reasonable amount (definitelya living wage in an expensive city). So the jobs are out there.
blackcat* March 25, 2016 at 3:30 pm Oh, and just a thought–I wrote the above assuming that he wasn’t *looking* broadly enough. He may very well want to go live in the middle of no where and just not be admitting that to you. The “there are no jobs” could just be him trying to deflect the issue. That would make it 100% a relationship problem, rather than a job-search problem. At any rate, the jobs are there. He isn’t looking broadly enough, either because he doesn’t know how (say hello to Carney Sandoe!) or because he doesn’t want to.
Manders* March 25, 2016 at 3:44 pm If he truly wants to live in the middle of nowhere, he’s pulled an impressively long con. I think it’s safe to say he wants to stay in a city if he can. Every time he talks about looking for jobs, he says he can’t find enough in big cities, hence the panicking about whether I would be willing to move to the middle of nowhere. It sounds like he’s just not looking in the right place. I will definitely tell him to check out Carney Sandoe, thank you again for that!
blackcat* March 25, 2016 at 4:07 pm Ha, got it! I had assumed that that was the case and then it occurred to me that it might not be! If he’s applying for jobs by looking at individual school websites, he’s probably just missing a HUGE number of schools.
blackcat* March 25, 2016 at 4:09 pm Oh, also, he can look at the National Association of Independent Schools website. Link to follow.
LisaLee* March 25, 2016 at 12:49 pm Have you tried flat out asking him about this pattern? “Hey Bob, I notice you keep applying to these places in the middle of nowhere, where I have no job prospects. Is there a reason you’re not applying to City A, City B, or City C?” Maybe it’s time for a big-picture conversation about where you both see your relationship. As for the PhD…I know several people who got to ABD stage, then quit for several years before finally finishing. It’s not ideal and it doesn’t look great (at least in my field) but it’s fairly common. It sounds like the bigger problem there is his lack of willingness to stick with a career path, but I don’t think that’s a trait you can really change.
Artemesia* March 25, 2016 at 1:53 pm This. Part of our deal when I was doing this 45 years ago was that I would try to find one of the rare jobs in my field in a city where he had a fair shot at pursuing his career. We screened our opportunities and even offers that didn’t meet that test as a matter of course.
overeducated* March 25, 2016 at 3:06 pm I really wouldn’t call looking for teaching jobs while ABD failing to commit to a career path, I would call it being realistic. That’s because the other alternative is finishing the PhD no matter what it takes, adjuncting and searching for full time work for as long as that takes, and possibly THEN looking for other teaching or industry jobs after wasting several years. The harsh reality is that getting a PhD and trying to get a prestigious academic job is not exactly a career path you can commit to without a high chance of failure and a huge opportunity cost. It’s treating an alternate plan as if it were the TT job market (i.e. you have to be willing to give up location, relationships, etc. because you may only get one chance) that is a problem to me. That is a backup plan that doesn’t solve the problem.
LisaLee* March 25, 2016 at 3:15 pm That’s true, but it sounds like in Manders’s case, her boyfriend wanting to quit the PhD is part of a larger pattern of not following through on career paths.
overeducated* March 25, 2016 at 3:23 pm Ok, but I just don’t think we should be considering not spending about a decade getting a PhD and applying or faculty jobs to be evidence of not following through. Especially since she says he’s actually making an effort to stay in education, just not at a prestigious university.
Anxa* March 25, 2016 at 2:51 pm I’m about to face a somewhat similar position, except that my partner is not burned out, but rather torn between committing himself 100% to his goals and being pragmatic about the odds and settling for the first job he can get. That said, he wants to go into academia, so there’s a good chance of uprooting every few years. On top of that, his subject of study requires him to be on the coasts. Coastal cities are of course pretty expensive overall, doubly so for any that also have diversified industries, like the one I took some classes in and am hoping to break into (why did I go into a geographically bound field again? why couldn’t I be a nurse or a teacher?). Think NYC, Boston, DC, San Francisco, maybe San Diego. We live about an hour away from a city that would be an excellent fit maybe in a few years when he may have some power to have fieldwork seasons, but we just can’t bank or even realistically hope that a position would open up where he could do fieldwork during academic breaks and summers. We are also torn because what’s idealistically fair isn’t pragmatic. I’m probably far less employable than he is. I have a huge gap of underachievement post graduation, have yet to establish myself as a full-time worker, and am a less confident person in general. It doesn’t make sense for him to step back to accommodate my search when it’s such a longshot. But…in a year or two he could be in my situation as well: difficult to employ. I do think your partner is taking an intrinsically complicated situation already rife with conflicts and potential sacrifices and making it unnecessarily more difficult by trying to go international. Is he looking pragmatically at alternatives to the career he was preparing for that accommodates his needs, skills, experiences, personalities, and values? As well as one that keeps the door open for a future with you? Or do you think this is more about him having an adventure? Perhaps he isn’t ready to navigate his future career with a family in mind. As to that gendered dynamic….oh boy! It is so common in my circles to see academic men with women who are nurses, physicians, pharmacists, or stay at home.
Manders* March 25, 2016 at 3:16 pm Oh man, I’d have tons of job options in those cities, but they’re a rough place to get started on a career. Best of luck to you both! (And YES, the academic man + woman in an easy-to-move medical career, I recognize that dynamic for sure!) The thing is, my boyfriend actually does prefer large coastal cities, but the international schools and the schools in less desirable areas go after candidates more aggressively, so I think he’s getting the impression that the places near us don’t want him as much. He actually does have an interview with a local place next week, and just sent in an application at another, and he’s still panicking about the possibility of moving halfway around the world. I think he’s spent so long in academia and gotten so burned out that he’s internalized this idea that we need to plan for these extreme moves, even though our local job market seems just fine.
overeducated* March 25, 2016 at 3:26 pm What’s the time horizon here? What happens if he doesn’t get a job in the next month? Is it so dire that he would HAVE to take a job in Korea instead of spending several more months looking for something in a better city for you? Would hoping for a late summer opening and being willing to move to a city you prefer quickly be a better backup? Or does interviewing for these jobs just make him feel like he’s doing SOMETHING, assuaging his panic but not really feeling like serious options?I’d ask him to think about what need he thinks these applications are fulfilling and what a more practical backup plan could look like so you can stay together.
Manders* March 25, 2016 at 3:56 pm Now that you mention it, I think it’s the last one, the need to feel like he’s doing something right this instant, that’s at the root of the problem. He already has a pretty solid backup option for next year with the part-time community college gig. I think he’s just hit the burnout wall and wants to be gone yesterday, and the schools that are remote or international are snapping up candidates now. The local schools have more leisurely hiring timelines.
Overeducated* March 25, 2016 at 7:57 pm That’s maybe not so bad then. There’s a massive difference between applying to a job to feel like you’re making a real effort to change your life and actually signing on to the sacrifices that specific change would entail. You’ve told him you’re not moving there. That’s probably all you need to do, if this is out of desperation rather than a true desire to move to Korea. If this becomes a real prospect I bet it will not look so attractive.
Terra* March 25, 2016 at 3:23 pm I’d sit down with your partner and map it all out. What is the main problem? Or do it for both the fact that he wants to drop out of his program and the fact that you will not sacrifice your career. What can you do to fix the problem? Can he just bull through the program for the degree? Can he switch to a PhD program at another university? Can he switch advisors? Can he choose to do it his way instead of what the advisor wants? If burnout is the issue can he drop out temporarily with the intent of returning? Can he quit and get a job in the country you currently live in? Can he get a job in a country that you could reasonably get a job in? Can you both move to a country where you can’t get a job? Can you live separately for x amount of time? Once you’ve thought of as many solutions as possible go through and cross out the ones that won’t work for each of you, you can even take turns if it helps. You cross out the idea of moving to Korea. He crosses out continuing the program if it’s something he is really against. Etc, etc. Hopefully at the end you have a few options to discuss and make the best possible choice for both of you as a unit. If you can’t find something you both agree on… that may be an answer in itself. Good luck!
BRR* March 25, 2016 at 4:28 pm I didn’t read the comments so I might be duplicating somebody else’s advice (well it’s not direct advice, more so my situation) My husband just finished his PhD from a lower ranked school. He wants to be a professor but would also be happy as a private school teacher. I am progressing in a career of my own and not every place will have a job for me. Our rule is we discuss where he applies before hand and I can veto but have to be reasonable based mostly on geography. We both want to be in or near a big city but he’s willing to stretch that definition more as he would have one employer and stay their for life. Now as to how he learned about the nonacademic job market. He followed me for a job and had to job hunt for alt-ac jobs and got an eye opener how he isn’t the most attractive candidate on paper.
Rocky* March 25, 2016 at 6:48 pm I’m friends with a married couple who have a similar situation and have been figuring it out. He’s been teaching in China, but just finished his PhD. She’s in a creative field similar to yours – all the opportunities are in cities and there’s no way in hell she could do it in China. So she stayed home with the house and the dog. I think they hope he will land a job in the U.S. somewhere she can also find work. They’ve made the long-distance thing work for a while now. I have no idea how. But apparently it works sometimes, if it’s what both parties want.
Carmen Sandiego JD* March 25, 2016 at 11:24 am I found out after 2.5 weeks the govt job didn’t work out. I got a rejection phone call. :(((((( The branch chief manager went out of her way to tell me I did a perfect interview but they had to go with someone with more corporate experience with numbers. Rrrr….then it slipped out I’d interviewed for the same job in a different branch with the same company too. She asked “oh, have you been rejected from them yet?” “your writing skills are great–you should apply to the programmatic side.” So I felt crushed/complimented/insulted all in one, the bf didn’t get his lateral position and we both felt horrible so I used a gift card to treat us both to happy teapot fancy noms last night. Why do people do phone rejections? I honestly thought I had a chance and it gave false hope then rubbed salt in the wound :((((
F.* March 25, 2016 at 11:39 am So sorry you didn’t get the job. At least you did get some positive feedback, though I know that is small consolation in the moment. Seriously asking, what method of rejection would people prefer? I quit doing phone rejections when a candidate burst into tears on the phone. I now do emails, but I understand some people find that too cold and impersonal.
Carmen Sandiego JD* March 25, 2016 at 11:51 am I prefer typed email rejection. I hate phone rejections because they 1) give false hope of a tentative offer by phone then 2) you have to instantly act positive while receiving negative info which gives oneself a horrific headache at the end of the day…
Paige Turner* March 25, 2016 at 11:54 am Yes, the phone rejection really puts you on the spot. Sorry you didn’t get the job.
Paige Turner* March 25, 2016 at 11:53 am Yeah, I’d prefer an email but I can see both sides. What I didn’t like, though, was getting a rejection email from a big university where I had interviewed that was a total form letter. I get it, you’re the largest private employer in town, but you’d think the hiring manager could customize it a little bit. :(
F.* March 25, 2016 at 12:31 pm I do use the form emails when I outright reject a candidate through Indeed just due to the sheer volume of resumes I receive. When I have had personal contact with the candidate, I do a more personalized email. By the way, I can thank the AAM commentariat for kicking my a$$ to be SURE I follow up with every candidate, whether interviewed or not. People aren’t always happy to hear from me (had two try to argue with me just this past week), but I try to provide closure to candidates if we are not going to proceed with them.
Artemesia* March 25, 2016 at 1:55 pm I always did personal emails i.e. specific to that person when they got to the interview and were not chosen. That way I could be warm and provide positive feedback without putting them in an awkward spot. I usually got lovely emails back. I am sure many of those folks would have had trouble being so together if I called and laid it on them.
cardiganed librarian* March 25, 2016 at 1:04 pm I prefer email, mostly because it’s far less awkward and I can swear at the screen and generally act unprofessionally right away, but also because if you don’t reach the person, leaving a rejection voicemail is awkward and asking them to call you back to be rejected seems cruel.
Carmen Sandiego JD* March 25, 2016 at 3:50 pm Yup–that’s what happened. Branch chief left a voicemail asking me to call back. I got all excited, called the next morning, then Branch chief laid it out for me >>>:(((
overeducated and underemployed* March 25, 2016 at 1:34 pm A kind, personalized email for a finalist is best. They don’t have to react in real time but the things you might say to cushion the blow are still there.
Quinalla* March 25, 2016 at 1:40 pm I mean, I can only speak for myself really, but e-mail rejections are much easier for me to deal with. I can have my initial response privately and not be expected to make a verbal response to someone. To me, e-mail rejections are kind as you want to let people know, but give them space to respond in the moment how they need to and then can respond professionally in an e-mail when ready.
overeducated and underemployed* March 25, 2016 at 1:35 pm I’m sorry to hear this. Hope you can get your mind off it this weekend.
GreenTin* March 25, 2016 at 2:30 pm I am sorry you didn’t get the job! I will say, if you continue to apply for gov jobs, be prepared for weirdness. I once got a phone call 2.5 years, YEARS!, after applying for a job asking if I was still interested.
Katie the Fed* March 25, 2016 at 2:41 pm That might have been me on the other end. We once got notified we had a week to make some new hires based on a hiring pool that had been approved 2 years ago. Yep, get ready for weirdness. I also got offered a job at my employer….after I was already working at my employer. Carmen Sandiego – I’m so sorry it didn’t work out for you and you talked to a boneheaded person on top of it. I hope you find something soon.
Khal E. Essi* March 25, 2016 at 3:12 pm I’ve only gotten 1 phone rejection call in my life and it was terrible. I was so excited to see the number come up on my phone while it was ringing only to be told I didn’t get the job. I think my voice cracked but I didn’t burst into tears, but boy was I close to it. A warm and polite personalized rejection email to ALL candidates who interviewed is what I sent when I managed an intern program.
Not So NewReader* March 25, 2016 at 9:59 pm I’m sorry you did not get the job. Just an aside, do you think you might want to do something with writing? One misstep I have made in life is not always listening closely to what other people think I do well. Okay, I listened and kept going my own merry way. Do you think that this compliment might be a pearl of wisdom for you? Sometimes we get guidance in odd ways.
TootsNYC* March 25, 2016 at 10:57 pm I do phone rejections when I really, really wish I could have hired the candidate. I intend it to be a mark of high respect, and of consideration for the time and effort they put in. I also want to keep a relationship going. Because I might get an opening later, and if I do, I’ll put them on the first e-mail list that calls for applicants. I guess I didn’t really think about how hard on them it might be.
Nicole* March 26, 2016 at 12:27 pm I’ve only gotten one rejection phone call but I took it the way you intended. The person seemed like she really wanted to hire me but couldn’t because the person they hired had worked there before. It was really jarring, though, since the assumption when you get a call is that you’re getting a job offer.
Carmen Sandiego JD* March 27, 2016 at 7:00 pm @TootsNYC: Thanks, that helps soften things a bit. Branch chief said I’d be superb at the programmatic side/writing their papers, but they didn’t currently have a writing role available, only those other specialist ones. @NotSoNewReader: Interesting lol :) That’s how I ended up going to law school instead of medical. I’d been pushed into the sciences by my mom but when every Bio grade was a C+ or way, way, worse, I realized that the thing holding up my decent gpa was my As/A+s in literature/foreign language/ethics-type courses. I readjusted my sails back then too. Hmm…
LisaLee* March 25, 2016 at 11:24 am I had a phone interview early last week for a job that I would absolutely love to get, and now that I’m in the “overthink everything” stage, I’m wondering if I committed a faux pas with the thank-you note. My interview was with two people (Lucinda and Rachel). Lucinda was the director of the department I would be in and Rachel would be my immediate supervisor. Lucinda gave me her contact info at the end of the interview and invited my to send her any questions; Rachel did not. I sent a thank-you only to Lucinda, although I addressed both of them (“It was so nice speaking to you and Rachel…” sort of thing). I figured that since Rachel didn’t give me her email, she didn’t want to be contacted. But I also could have found her email easily. Logically I know that this won’t make or break my chances, but I’ve been obsessing over it a little. Is this as much of a mistake as I think it is? Do people even care about thank-you notes anymore?
Dawn* March 25, 2016 at 11:42 am Thank you notes are great, you absolutely did the right thing by responding to the person who gave you their contact information and including a mention of Rachel in the thank-you, it would have been kinda weird if you sought out Rachel’s contact info, you’re way over thinking this! I promise that Lucinda most likely mentioned the thank-you to Rachel and that they both have a warmer opinion of you because you sent it.
Doriana Gray* March 25, 2016 at 8:15 pm I’m in the “you’re over thinking this” camp. You mentioned both of your interviewers in your thank- you note, and I’m sure Lucinda told her. And I did something similar when I interviewed for a training program at my current company – two years and three months later, I’m still here.
Random Lurker* March 25, 2016 at 11:24 am I’m dealing with a paranoid/insecure boss. Whenever I need to bring something to his attention, I know I’m in for 5 minutes of accusations of not bringing it to him sooner (even if it literally JUST occurred) or looping in one of his peers before him (never – not at this job or any other. I respect the chain of command). It’s driving me batshit crazy because there is nothing that can be done to escape it, it is never followed up with an apology, and it delays me getting timely resolution on issues (my business is extremely time sensitive and my SLAs are measured in minutes). I don’t need any advice, since I know the best way to handle this is to come to the conversation prepared with a defense. But I want to vent because it is annoying as hell. I just got told off for not notifying him sooner. When he was on a plane, with no wifi. I tracked the flight and as soon as he touched down, I was calling his phone. *sigh*
Dawn* March 25, 2016 at 11:43 am Can you rebuttal him when he does that? “Lucius, your phone had no phone signal and no wi-fi. I called you the minute your plane touched down. In the future, how should I handle that kind of a situation?” “Lucius, you were in the bathroom with food poisoning. In the future, would you like me to wear a gas mask and come shout at you while you’re retching in the toilet?” etc etc. If he’s unreasonable after that… well, your boss sucks and you know what Alison would say :)
Random Lurker* March 25, 2016 at 11:49 am My boss sucks :) No rebuttal does me any good and it ultimately delays the purpose of the call. The best recourse for me is to take it on the chin and say, “you just landed, I made sure you were my first call. If so and so heard about it already, it wasn’t from me”. Anything more than that, and I get dinged for being “emotional”, “defensive”, and “not receptive to feedback”. So I adapt to the situation. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t still drive me nuts.
overeducated and underemployed* March 25, 2016 at 1:38 pm When someone is being THAT irrational, you know it’s not about you, it’s about their own insecurity. Sorry that you are in the position of having to manage it. Your boss does suck!
Quinalla* March 25, 2016 at 1:46 pm I don’t know if it would do any good, but in a quite moment could you try and address the pattern? Of him accusing you of not contacting him right away even though you absolutely are? I do think in the moment it is best to address it quickly and move on to the important things, but maybe bring it up from the perspective that his reaction is delaying getting the problem solved. Hmm, or maybe just “Boss, I’ve noticed that when I contact you immediately with a problem, you tell me I should have contacted you sooner. I want to do better, but I can’t see how I can contact you any faster than I already am, is there something I can do to improve? Is there someone I should contact when you are out of reach (plane example) so problems can be handled more immediately?” Sounds like your boss may just be a jerk, but if you think it has a chance of helping, might be worth a try. Sorry you have to deal with this!
TootsNYC* March 25, 2016 at 11:01 pm Do the “good customer service thing” and agree with the emotion behind it? Him: “Why didn’t you tell me this before!” You: “Yeah, it can be so disorienting to find out about these kinds of changes. I’m sorry to have to tell you. I -just- found out, so at least we’re able to react immediately.” Go with him in the emotion underlying his accusations, etc., and them immediately segue into the forward looking parts.
Folklorist* March 25, 2016 at 11:26 am Argh, I’m a bit late to get up top. Story of my life. ANTI-PROCRASTINATION POST!!! Go do something that you’ve been putting off and come back and tell us about it! My list is long and plentiful, and includes: Taxes; Sorting out the new Etsy shop; creating an infographic for work; transcribing two interviews; throwing together an awkward short story for next month’s issue. That’ll be enough to go on for today… Come and escape from the Playground of Darkness with me!
Folklorist* March 25, 2016 at 11:28 am And if you don’t get the Dark Playground reference, and still want to put stuff off, go and read this EXCELLENT article about Why We Procrastinate!
MsChanandlerBong* March 25, 2016 at 1:31 pm YES. That is my favorite article on procrastination. Did you see his TED Talk about the subject? I’ll put a link in a reply to this comment so this one doesn’t get held up in moderation.
MsChanandlerBong* March 25, 2016 at 1:31 pm The post about the process of putting together the talk is also a good read. He apparently approaches TED Talks the way I approach everything: start writing the night before.
Folklorist* March 25, 2016 at 1:55 pm I saw that he posted it–I get his newsletter–but haven’t gone and watched/read them yet. I’m excellent at putting everything off!
Elizabeth West* March 25, 2016 at 1:03 pm I just did–making folders and documents for future projects. I am now caught up until Monday (I hope). :)
Anxa* March 25, 2016 at 2:32 pm Ugh, I’m about 2 months behind getting in contact with my internship supervisor to say ‘goodbye.’ After Christmas break, I thought I”d be returning, but my work schedule changed. Then I was in contact with my main supervisor about returning to do a project that got scrapped. So I hadn’t contacted the other supervisor thinking I’d see him soon. Now it just feels weird to either never get in contact or email out of hte blue to to be like “oh hey…yeah obviously I’m not there this semester, thanks for all of your help.” But I just keep putting it off…
Msquared* March 25, 2016 at 11:27 am This came up a day or two ago with the post about an employee who was suddenly making lots of mistakes, and some people mentioned that s/he might be experiencing some sort of early-onset Alzheimers or dementia. I’m wondering if anyone has actually experienced this in the workplace – someone still employed who begins experiencing cognitive decline. What happened and how was it resolved or not resolved? I ask because at my last job I suspect that my manager – the ED of a nonprofit – was experiencing some kind of cognitive decline. Despite being hired with 30+ years of ED experience, he was so bad that he “ran the place into the ground” as a coworker puts it. It was a combination big-picture things like being completely unrealistic with goals, projections, and budgets but also small things like talking about an important meeting several times and then forgetting to show up for it, or being reminded to do something crucial many times and forgetting to do it, resulting in funding in jeopardy. In the end he was forced to retire, but not after doing some major damage to our organization. While he was there none of us knew how to talk about our suspicions since he was the Bog Boss. So, anyone have any similar experiences?
LisaLee* March 25, 2016 at 11:39 am During college I had a boss who, in retrospect, was probably going through the same thing. He often wandered around not doing much, forgot to complete regular tasks (I didn’t get an annual review the whole three years he was there, and often our inventory was waaaay off) and towards the end he started acting in ways that were really inappropriate for the workplace. He was always a creep–that’s a story for another post–but at the end there was a clear shift in behavior. I know that some of the other managers there were trying to get him out, but it was the sort of place where TPTB are very reluctant to fire people. His wife ended up getting a job in a different state and he left.
Manders* March 25, 2016 at 11:47 am I worked with someone who I suspected was developing some kind of cognitive function issue, and I encouraged her to see a doctor about it. She would have periods where she was a fast learner and totally on top of things, and periods where she couldn’t remember to update a spreadsheet or do very basic routine tasks. Unfortunately, she never actually asked for an accommodation even after I suggested several that could work for her, and when she told me she did finally see a doctor her supposed diagnoses seemed… not quite right (she loved talking about her medical problems in great detail, but those details often changed or didn’t match up, and she had a history of fibbing, or possibly misremembering, in other areas). People are *very* sensitive about cognitive issues and often won’t get help until they want to. Fortunately, she didn’t have enough power to do too much damage at my organization, and after leaving she’s bounced around to several other places that have, I think, let her go after short stays. I think the only practical way to deal with this is to make sure that even people in positions of power in an organization have someone else they answer to–in your case, maybe a board that is more open to employee complaints and can take action quickly to minimize the damage.
Lore* March 25, 2016 at 12:11 pm I had this happen several years ago with one of my most revered senior colleagues. It was a truly impossible project, on which all of us were forced into increasingly unreasonable corners–but I started noticing that this colleague was dropping the ball in ways previously unheard of: giving conflicting information, forgetting conversations, missing deadlines. I asked her a couple of times if everything (other than the project) was okay, but got brushed off. I also had a close relationship with her boss, with whom she’d worked for twenty+ years. So I felt okay about going to the boss and saying I was worried about her, knowing it was coming from a place of respect, affection, and concern. As it turned out, the project was kind of the second-to-last straw tipping her into retirement; she was well past retirement age anyway (much farther past it than I’d realized until there was some decline) and a corporate restructure a few months after the project wrapped up was the back-breaking straw. I don’t know if my conversation with the boss played any part, but I feel like it was the right thing to do.
The IT Manager* March 25, 2016 at 12:37 pm This is a sad situation. I worked in an office where the secretary was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s. Sadly she felt she could not afford to to quit, but she couldn’t handle things especially technology. Someone pulled me aside when I joined the office and told me that she was ill. Sadly the same did not happen for the second in command who sat her down one day to talk about what she needed to do to keep her job not knowing that she was sick. I’m sure that was an oversite by the boss who was not a total jerk so was not setting people up for a terribly awkward conversation. Se had to eventually leave, though. She really was not getting even the non-technology things right. We felt badly for her, but she couldn’t do the job. I hope everything turned out as well for her as it possibly could, and she was happier not struggling everyday with things she just was not capable of doing.
Kay* March 25, 2016 at 2:34 pm This is a not infrequent problem for us, as I work for a nonprofit that has a large contingent of elderly volunteers. I’ve seen it happen probably a half dozen times in my three years at this nonprofit, and several times at my previous job. For us, we take steps to minimize that volunteer’s impact on our day to day while still trying to help them feel valued as a volunteer. That may mean giving them easier tasks, or making sure a staff member is with them at all times (sometimes obviously, sometimes simply doing projects in the same space as them to keep an eye). I’ve never yet managed the trick of having a conversation with them about it, but usually make sure they’re supported and we can’t suffer any egregious harm from their mistakes. We have one volunteer right now who is verging on both physically and mentally incapable of handling her job duties, BUT it’s also literally the only thing she does on a weekly basis – her only connection to the outside world, the thing that forces her to leave the house each week. It’s a really tough line to walk.
Anxa* March 25, 2016 at 2:34 pm I experience cognitive decline myself. It was mostly due to the stress of being broke. All my mind power was going toward worrying and trying to float checks and looking for jobs desperately. I really
Headachey* March 25, 2016 at 2:47 pm I’ve been the one experiencing cognitive issues, once for an extended period of time, and over the last few years, in a more transient way. The most difficult thing is that when I’m on, I’m ON – quick, accurate, able to focus and handle multiple projects and priorities. When I’m off, it’s incredibly frustrating – I know I’m having trouble with memory, word-finding, focus, accuracy, etc., but I can’t always recognize the extent of the issue or how it’s affecting my work. More than a decade ago, when I experienced this for an extended period of time, it absolutely lost me relationships with coworkers and ultimately, my job. The majority of the cognitive issues were due to a medication I was taking to deal with severe chronic migraines – some of you may be familiar with Topamax (aka Dopamax) – and people could not understand why I’d be willing to remain on a drug with such serious side effects. The reason? It was the only thing that’s ever worked to reduce the pain. I tried to keep working as long as I could, but eventually exhausted intermittent FMLA and short-term disability and had to leave that job. I still have times of reduced cognitive ability when I’m in a period of greater pain or very frequent migraines – sometimes for hours, sometimes for weeks at a time. But I’m incredibly fortunate in that my workplace offers the flexibility to slow down or offload more demanding projects when I need to – partly because they’re excellent! and partly because they know it’s temporary and I’ll be ON again when I can.
Terra* March 25, 2016 at 3:35 pm Slightly off topic but I’m getting ready to start Topamax this weekend due to chronic migraines. The doctor is having me slowly work up to the dosage and I’ve done what I can to clear my schedule in case of initial side effects but did it ever get better for you? Was there anything you found that made it easier to try and work with or is it one of those things you just have to deal with?
Headachey* March 25, 2016 at 5:08 pm Starting at a tiny dose and titrating up slowly is supposed to help – I think with me we didn’t start as low as possible and we didn’t go as slowly as we could have, since I was in a pretty bad place pain-wise and we wanted to get to an effective dose sooner rather than later. I don’t remember what that dose was, but it was on the higher end. Unfortunately, I experienced many side effects and they didn’t ever get better: my short-term memory and arithmetic skills disappeared, I had trouble finding words when speaking and writing, tingling hands & feet, edema, loss of appetite, strange effects on taste, etc. I remember trying to use a calculator to do simple addition and forgetting what numbers I was supposed to enter as I was entering them, then trying to write them down so I could look at them when using the calculator, then forgetting what I was writing down. I don’t believe my experience was typical, though – Topamax has helped many people! – and I’ve tended to fail most preventives due to side effects. Just go easy on yourself, let people around you know what’s going on so they don’t think you’re just flaking out, make lists and reminders if you need them, and keep your doctor in the loop about what you experience. Good luck!
Anonsie* March 25, 2016 at 4:51 pm This happens to me here and there due to my illness, too. It’s totally normal for people with disorders that cause chronic pain, especially if they’re also inflammatory. Having a workload I can shift (so I’m not doing a concentration-heavy task at a time when that is bad news all around) is essential.
Terra* March 25, 2016 at 3:33 pm I’m going through this with my boss right now. We don’t know for sure that it’s medical/cognitive related yet but something is definitely wrong, everyone in the department has noticed. We mentioned it to the other boss in the office (my boss is a department head and doesn’t have a supervisor on sight) both individually and as a group. So far all we’ve gotten is platitudes that he understands our concern but is sure the issue is just temporary. We’ll see what happens, I guess.
INTP* March 25, 2016 at 5:24 pm I’m kind of on the other side of this right now, though hopefully it’s just a medical condition and not permanent cognitive decline (I’m in my late 20s). Without going into the nitty gritty, I’ve been dealing with some brain fog, memory issues, and decision making issues that I slowly realized are probably more than just my normal ADHD/anxiety. I haven’t been able to see the doctor for insurance chaos reasons, though I have an appointment for late May now. As far as how it’s playing out at work, doing my work sloppily is not an option, so I’ve been volunteering for fewer projects and spending more time on the ones that I do. I haven’t spoken to my boss about it because I really don’t know what I could productively say – “My brain is really not working currently and I think I have a medical condition but I’ve had no medical attention and won’t know anything for months” seems pointless (except maybe as a segue into a rant about American healthcare), plus some people can get really judgy about delaying doctor visits. No one has approached me about quality or efficiency issues – I was one of the higher performers so I think I’m just moving closer to average rather than causing problems. I also work from home so that allows me a lot more freedom for taking care of my health. If my body needs to sleep 11 hours one night, I can sleep 11 hours and roll out of bed and handle my early deadlines in pjs before breakfast. And I’m really lucky in that I manage my own workload. I have to adhere to deadlines but I decide how many tasks to commit to, so I’ve been able to pare that down. If I had a less flexible job, I might definitely be making mistakes and getting in trouble. In researching what might be going on, though, I have found that it’s not uncommon for people to lose their jobs when they’re sick but undiagnosed. And with many illnesses that cause cognitive problems (like autoimmune diseases) taking several years on average to diagnose, it’s definitely an issue. If you are just as incapacitated as any other seriously ill person (or more so, without treatment), but you have no diagnosis to take to HR and use to request accommodations or FMLA, there aren’t a lot of options for you.
Manders* March 25, 2016 at 6:23 pm I’m sorry you’re going through that. Our health care system really does suck, especially for people who don’t have immediately apparent diagnoses.
TMA* March 25, 2016 at 11:29 am One of my coworkers is charge of hiring interns for his program for this summer. We work as a government contractor and can hire foreign nationals; however, it is more complicated and time-consuming process because there are far more checks that have to be done. Once they are hired, there are also restrictions on where they can be in our buildings. This coworker decided and said aloud, “I decided not to hire Chad because he’s a foreign national, and I don’t want to mess with that process.” There are several other qualified American applicants, and he feels confident one of them will be a great intern, and I’m sure he’s correct, but the whole conversation made me uneasy.
AnotherFed* March 25, 2016 at 1:37 pm Noting wrong with discriminating based on citizenship, especially when it affects 1) the cost to the organization to hire them, 2) what the can work on when hired, 3) where they are allowed to be at your facility, and 4) what your government customer is willing to put up with. It’s much worse to hire them, then have to essentially put a leper bell on them so that people stop discussing export-controlled topics and put away documents when they walk into a room. That’s required to comply with legal obligations, but it’s a really ostracizing thing to have to do.
Student* March 25, 2016 at 10:07 pm Actually, it’s quite illegal in the US. It’s called “National Origin Discrimination” and it’s covered under Title VII. Check the EEOC website for more details. As long as someone has a legal right to work in the US, like a visa, you can’t discriminate based solely on their national origin. There are certain exemptions.
AnotherFed* March 26, 2016 at 8:39 am Work with export-controlled information or national security information, which the OP described, absolutely qualifies as an acceptable exemption, though.
Artemesia* March 25, 2016 at 2:01 pm I don’t get bringing in foreign nationals for a paid internship when so many American citizens are available. You can bet that Americans are not getting snapped up in the EU for positions their nationals could do. This is entirely different IMHO than race, gender, ethnicity discrimination among Americans applying for jobs.
RevengeoftheBirds* March 25, 2016 at 4:46 pm Just my POV but EU countries also have better work-visa options of students after graduation and for young people looking to work in a specific country. So Americans do have options.
TMA* March 25, 2016 at 5:52 pm Because they’re attending universities in the US and want to stay here? There are also certain scholarship requirements that say students have to have an internship at a Federal institution, and my place of work fits that description.
Engineer Girl* March 25, 2016 at 9:29 pm But you need to understand data restrictions. Some federal institutions are ok and others are not. It sounds like your work area has several places where it can cause problems. It is also unfair to the student if there are so many restrictions that they can’t fully participate in the internship. They can’t participate in technology discussions but only handle boring paperwork. That’s not a learning opportunity. I also want to point out a logic flaw. The students are here on student visas. That means that they are supposed to go home when they finish their studies. They knew that when they signed up. Staying longer is nice, but no one is under obligation to enable more than that.
Stephanie* March 25, 2016 at 9:51 pm Hmm, I think that the school placement office might be a little at fault here. There are definitely federal institutions that don’t deal with export control that the students could intern with. Perhaps the student ignored a warning of “Errr, you might not get hired at Acme Corp due to all the extra work in hiring foreign nationals.” Would it be possible to tell the school that you prefer citizens for internships, but open to foreign nationals for full-time roles?
Chrissie* March 26, 2016 at 6:23 am “You can bet that Americans are not getting snapped up in the EU for positions their nationals could do.” Umm, how are you so sure about that?
Stephanie* March 25, 2016 at 9:45 pm Actually, I kind of wondered how places that did security clearance/export control type work handled interns. The clearance process (or even just your standard government background check) just seems so lengthy that seems like you wouldn’t be able to do any of the really meaty stuff and be relegated to boring paperwork. I think your coworker’s phrasing was unfortunate, but I don’t necessarily know if this is something to take umbrage over.
Journal Entries* March 25, 2016 at 11:30 am So sick of potential employers ghosting! It takes 2 minutes to send a rejection email (which is how I would prefer to hear I didn’t get the job anyway). But when you just never hear back from them it keeps that tiny spark of hope alive for too long….
Job Seeker* March 25, 2016 at 4:22 pm I usually file everything under “they’re not interested right now” unless/until I hear back. I expect about a 5 – 10% reply rate when I’m just sending my resume out in response to jobs posted online. I would be disappointed if an employer ghosted midway through the process, but I also understand that people are busy and stuff happens.
Boo* March 25, 2016 at 11:31 am Any tips for chilling out and not thinking obsessively about an interview? It’ll probably be another 1-2 weeks before I hear anything, and I can’t stop reliving it and thinking about how I should have done things differently.
I Have No Name* March 25, 2016 at 11:43 am Let it go and move on. Easier said than done, right? But you are ticking seconds and minutes off your life when you obsess about something where you can no longer control influence or control the outcome. Think about playing a hand of blackjack at a casino. The dealer has a face down card. You have no clue what it is. No amount of racking your brain will change what is under that card. You just have to play the odds and see what comes out.
Ask a Manager* Post authorMarch 25, 2016 at 11:51 am The absolute best thing you can do is to pretend you’ve already been rejected and move on.
AndersonDarling* March 25, 2016 at 12:12 pm Video Games. God of War distracted me for weeks. And when I was unemployed I binge watched Stargate SG1 in between applications. I think it saved my sanity. So find an immersive hobby or find a show with a lot of seasons to start watching. :)
Terra* March 25, 2016 at 3:40 pm Sometimes thinking realistically of any challenges with or reasons this job may not be the best job ever helps. You don’t want to completely talk yourself out of it as a possibility but considering the flaws helps me feel less bad about anything I may have done wrong and makes me less concerned about not getting the job. Basically it’s tripping a switch that goes from “I want this so bad and I want them to like me and they’re so great” to “it’s a job I’d probably enjoy and be good at but they’re not perfect so they can’t really expect me to be perfect so eh.”
Confused* March 25, 2016 at 11:33 am Hi all, I’d like some advice. I was going to email AAM about this, but I’m running low on time and patience so here it goes: I graduated last May with my Master’s Degree. During school, I worked a couple of assistant positions along with some short term internships and volunteer work. I started job searching before graduation and had multiple conversations with my career services rep about my resume and general suggestions. During my job search, I’ve been receiving a lot of contradictory advice about my professional level. I don’t see myself as an entry level candidate at all, primarily because I inherited a lot of non-entry level responsibilities when my manager resigned and the department opted not to fill her role. Yet, I’ve encountered people who say I lack too much experience or people saying I am over experienced for the role. I’ve tried to listen and apply to more entry level roles and when that doesn’t work, focus on jobs that prefer a graduate degree. It feels like I’m caught in the same limbo over and over again. I’d like to move forward with a better understanding of how my skill set is being interpreted but I am just so confused. I’ve been unemployed for almost a year and I think it’s impacting my job search negatively. I want help and open to suggestions, but nothing seems to work.
Kypra* March 25, 2016 at 11:42 am I graduated my master’s program with a very similar issue–I got a lot of feedback that I was overqualified for jobs I was applying for, but likewise didn’t have the work experience necessary to apply to roles that were a step above entry-level. It’s the over-credentialed, under-experienced paradox. In the end, I did finally land a wonderful entry-level position, and the tactic that helped me get it was to have a really, really thoroughly-prepared response to the inevitable question, “You have a Master’s degree…don’t you feel you’re overqualified for this role?” Even if the interviewer doesn’t ask it, I knew they were wondering about it. So if you can get through to the interview stage for an entry-level gig, be SUPER ready for this conversation, and be proactive about addressing it. My strategy was to prompt them to broach the subject by asking if they “had any concerns about my candidacy or qualifications that I might be able to address”. And then I gave my spiel.
F.* March 25, 2016 at 11:46 am I am seeing a number of over-credentialed, under-experienced candidates this season, too. I would not hire someone who was over-credentialed for an entry-level position unless I was comfortable with them leaving in a year or so for more lucrative pastures.
Kypra* March 25, 2016 at 12:05 pm This is why I am a huge evangelizer on over-credentialed, under-experienced people being prepared for this question. We are many, like a plague of Proust-reading locusts.
Confused* March 25, 2016 at 12:06 pm Mind my asking, what response did you use during the interviews and how did you make it sound “convincing”? I’m worried that I’m coming across as just, “I’ll take anything!” which isn’t great.
Kypra* March 25, 2016 at 12:20 pm I think a couple of things worked in my favor. 1. I had a good explanation for my Master’s degree. My original plan had been to go on to pursue a PhD, but before I committed to that course, I wanted to get an MA to make sure I was doing the right thing. Turns out, TOTALLY NOT THE RIGHT THING, glad I wasn’t committed to a PhD program. I was always up front about this, and I think that helped allay employers’ fears: I wasn’t a hoity-toity Master’s person, I just had deviated a little from Life Plan #1. 2. Still, I really, really loved my Master’s work and was very passionate about my subject (a social science, in my case). Because I was so passionate about the field, I was also good at expressing enthusiasm for jobs where the mission of the organization allied with my academic interests (I now work for a non-profit). Basically, the message I tried to convey was: “I am so enthusiastic about [this particular social science] that I got a Master’s in it; this is very close to your mission of [serving this particular segment of society]. My enthusiasm will keep me here. I’d rather work someplace where my contributions are valued than try to climb a corporate ladder just because my Master’s degree says I ought to.*” *I literally said this last sentence in my interview. My advice after my experience is, look for an organization where their mission and your Master’s subject are sisters, if perhaps not twins. Non-profit work might be a good option here, depending on your Master’s field; it worked out well for me.
Folklorist* March 25, 2016 at 11:48 am Oh, man, I was in this same boat coming out of grad school. Before going to school, I had 3 years of industry experience, then internships and assistantship jobs while in school, and the received a 1-year apprenticeship position at a prestigious company–my “dream” company! In retrospect, taking that apprenticeship was my mistake it was stupidly low-paid and everyone looked at me like I was an intern. After I finished, I kept trying to freelance there while waiting to get a “real” job and interviewing around. But that made me over-qualified for all entry-level jobs, but since people still saw me as “new” to the field, they wouldn’t consider me for anything higher. It took 1.5 painful years of temping and freelancing (AFTER my apprenticeship year!) to finally land a full-time job with fair pay and good benefits. My advice to you is to apply for anything you’re qualified for. Don’t settle because people tell you to. I was so beaten down after my experience that I believed people when they told me that I was lower and inexperienced, when I really had what they were looking for. That kept me applying to ONLY temp and entry-level jobs. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t apply to any entry-level jobs–some people will tell you that you’re underqualified for their position, and they may actually be looking for someone with another year or two experience. But if you don’t apply at all, you’ll never have the opportunity to sell yourself for a better-than-entry position.
No Longer Just a Lurker* March 25, 2016 at 12:23 pm This is probably why AAM usually says unless your field requires it a Master’s isn’t as useful as it used to be. I have an accounting degree and skipped the MBA and got a corporate job right after graduation (knew public wasn’t my thing). More than half my graduating class went straight through to the MBA or MSA program and almost none of them had a job at the end of it because their only work history was an internship between graduation and starting their Masters program. The most successful classmates were those who graduated and got a job and then did a part-time MBA program – many had tuition reimbursement through their firm if they waited until the 1 year mark and had all their testing fees paid for once they passed the CPA exam (my state requires 150 credit hours and a year in Public accounting to be considered a CPA so most people end up with a Masters in order to get the cert.) A lot of MBA program are now requiring 1 or more years of relevant work experience which I think it excellent for all involved. More and more work experience is so much more important than advanced degrees in the business arena.
Engineer Girl* March 25, 2016 at 2:19 pm I think you need to see yourself as entry level I spite of what you’ve done. You have a lot of holes in your experience which means you are not operating at the next level. You should market yourself as value added for entry level positions. Most likely your promotion track will be faster once you do land that entry level job because you’ve already done a lot of stuff.
overeducated* March 25, 2016 at 2:20 pm It sounds like you are in between, so keep applying for both, I guess. Sharing my experience in case it helps. I have a graduate degree in a field so specific/non-applied that it’s kind of a joke in pop culture, combined with a lot of part time and contract/seasonal/temp work experience, but not the longer term project management or supervisory experience necessary for my goal jobs. I’ve had the most success getting interviews for some of the goal jobs anyway by stressing specific projects I’ve completed in my cover letter, talking in terms of results rather than job duties or schedule. I’ve also been able to get a high rate of interviews for higher-level jobs with direct connections to my specific educational field, maybe because even though there are very few openings, it’s so obscure that the competition isn’t as tough. I’ve gotten two offers in the last year that I didn’t take for different reasons, but I’m still getting interviews, so I think there is hope. I’ve pretty much given up on applying for entry level jobs because a) I usually don’t even get an interview, it is easier to find someone just out of college, and b) I can’t really afford what they pay in my target field anyway (if I were 21 years old and living with four roommates, fine, but I have a kid in day care, so…..). Anyway, the lack of full-time experience may not actually be the death knell it sounds like. Keep going for those stretch positions and maybe “recent grad with potential” will work in your favor.
Terra* March 25, 2016 at 3:46 pm Try creating two versions of your resume, one without the masters and one with. You can send the one without to more entry-level jobs that you’re concerned may think you’re overqualified. Remember, a resume is your marketing document, you’re not obligated to tell them about the masters if you don’t want to. You can also try playing up your managerial responsibilities in your cover letter or put something like (Interim-Manager) after the job title in question or (managerial) after certain job duties to play up your experience. Just don’t say anything that a reference might say was incorrect.
F.* March 25, 2016 at 6:52 pm If you are going to leave off the master’s degree, and I hire you (the generic “you”, not the OP), then do not complain to me that the work is beneath you because you have a master’s degree. Yes, I am ranting because that has happened where I work. Would never have hired the person had we known they secretly considered themselves overqualified. And they weren’t really that good at the job anyway. (end of rant)
Terra* March 26, 2016 at 1:31 am Oh definitely agree, but as long as your genuinely willing to accept the work on the terms given leaving the Master’s off may get you past the people who are once bitten twice shy about hiring someone overqualified.
BRR* March 25, 2016 at 4:40 pm It depends on the field and if your positions were full-time and how long you held them. But my hunch is you should be applying to entry-level roles.
INTP* March 25, 2016 at 6:02 pm I think you should err more towards entry level than higher level, though you’re something in between. When I was a recruiter, one of the core truths I got hit with over and over is that people hate to train and will usually hire one of the people who require the least training to get started on the job (I’m sure many don’t hire this way but the vast majority I worked with did). Even if you have a similar level of knowledge, I don’t think you will have much luck against people who have years of experience doing the job you’re applying for and require much less training in work processes than you. However, I think the real issue that is at play when people talk about over-qualification is that your graduate education is seen as a big sign that you are more interested in something else – you had the opportunity to go to school for pretty much anything, and you potentially chose something that wasn’t closely related to the job, revealing that it’s a backup plan or a pay the bills scenario. Most of the bachelor’s applicants probably feel that way, but they can make a more convincing case that it’s their top choice career trajectory. I’ve actually never seen anyone have an issue with a master’s degree when it related directly to the entry level job they were hiring for even if the job only required a bachelor’s. So, ideally, apply to jobs directly within or closely related to your field of expertise. But if your degree isn’t in a field that translates to a career you want, focus instead on demonstrating that you are serious about the career at hand. You can relate the interests and skills that drove you to that degree to the job at hand, or take a class or join an organization in the field, etc. Anything to show that you are interested in THAT job, and aren’t just applying to everything.
Cob on the Corn* March 25, 2016 at 11:34 am My work is all computer and internet-based. Except for a few meetings a week, I see no reason to come to the office. Last week I did two weeks worth of work at home over a weekend because there are less distractions. But here I am, expected to sit at my desk for 8 hours and do very little. What gives?
Colette* March 25, 2016 at 11:40 am Do you really not interact with anyone? You don’t need input from others, or have to give the output of your work to someone else? Building relationships remotely is hard unless everyone involved makes it a priority, so that might be part of the reason. Have you asked if you can work from home some or all of the time?
Ad Astra* March 25, 2016 at 11:43 am It comes down to culture, and your company is showing that it values face-to-face contact and collaboration. That might be for a good business reason, or it might just be because they’re overly focused on convention and appearances. Have you brought this up with your manager? What would your ideal work set-up look like?
HeyNonnyNonny* March 25, 2016 at 12:36 pm Not helpful but accurate comic: I can’t access the site at work, but google “saturday morning breakfast cereal” and “the problem with predictions of the future” …this is how I feel all the time.
Ann Furthermore* March 25, 2016 at 12:43 pm My company is moving into this scenario as well. The new CEO doesn’t believe in working virtually. If you’re not in the office, at your desk, then you’re not actually working. There are rumors flying around that he’s going to put the kibosh on all virtual work. Even on days like a couple of days ago, when it’s blizzard-of-the-century conditions outside and you can hardly see the car in front of you on the road, no working from home. If you don’t want to come in, then take a PTO day. It’s a stupid, antiquated point of view. Plus we’ve already got a horrible parking situation, with too many people and not enough places to park, so this will only make that worse.
Gillian* March 25, 2016 at 11:35 am This week at work our email distribution lists went… wrong, and an email for one division ended up getting sent out to the entire company of 20,000+. Which then resulted in a ton of people replying all to ask to be removed from the list they’re not supposed to be on (the email was clear that it was for a divisional project). And then another 100 or so replying-all to tell people to stop replying-all. Crashing the mobile servers and cluttering up everything until IT just shut down all distribution lists entirely to figure out what went wrong. It was not pretty, BUT. As someone working in communications with clients who always want “everyone” to know about the new thing their department is doing, THIS IS WHY YOU CAN’T SEND AN ALL-EMPLOYEE EMAIL. Clearly not everyone wants to know. Side note: I’ve never been more thankful for the “view as conversations” option in Outlook than I was yesterday.
The Cosmic Avenger* March 25, 2016 at 11:44 am What decade is this again? That’s why we have Intranets, people!! Emails are for time-sensitive or absolutely critical information, like “Payroll will be delayed one day due to a bank error”.
Gillian* March 25, 2016 at 2:01 pm If only we had an intranet made in this decade… our CMS is no longer supported by the company that built it in the first place and it’s slowly falling to pieces. So email is actually a better way to get things done around here, usually. Every time I have to break java to update an intranet page I cry just a little.
LizB* March 25, 2016 at 11:45 am Oh lord, Reply-All Cascades are the worst. I haven’t had to deal with any in the workforce yet, but I experienced a few in college, and they’re so irritating.
Ad Astra* March 25, 2016 at 11:48 am I will never understand why people use “reply all” to ask to be taken off a list. Why would you think the entire list needs to know that? Sometimes the “Should I reply all or reply directly?” question has some legitimate gray area, but “Take me off your list” has nothing to do with any other recipient. It’s mystifying.
KR* March 25, 2016 at 12:06 pm Only select people in our email system have the ability to send a company-wide email exactly for this reason (unless they add every single email address and make their own list, but most of them can’t remember how to turn on their computer so that’s not a concern lol)
Nanc* March 25, 2016 at 12:51 pm Yes–I worked at a University with this rule, which came about early in the use of email (yep, I’m old!) when a certain faculty member who was Grand Poobah of the local chapter of the big cheese fraternal order kept sending out campus wide emails asking folks to buy their stuff. Every department had one person who had the ability to send campus wide and if your rep was out, you could go to the head of communications and they could do it. At current job, I set up our email to prompt “are you sure you want to reply all?” when someone hits reply all. It’s helped.
Elizabeth West* March 25, 2016 at 1:06 pm Same here. You have to be given permission to be on whatever list.
Gillian* March 25, 2016 at 2:04 pm That’s usually how it works – you need to have the special access to the special account no one knows about, but when IT was doing something on the back end, that got disabled and the special ‘everyone’ list got added to a different list that should only have about 200 people. I do have access to the special account and am paranoid every time I have to send something, so I don’t understand the people who clicked through the notification saying “hey, this will be sent to more than 21,000 recipients” and emailed out an Office Space “stop replying all” meme anyways. Bolder than I by far.
WT* March 25, 2016 at 12:15 pm A few years back at my very large company everyone in NA was sent an email by accident and 1 week and if I recall about 800 emails later it finally resolved itself. It was shocking how quickly it got out of hand and since people kept changing the subject line it made it difficult to deal with.
Amber Rose* March 25, 2016 at 11:35 am So, my boss left on vacation for a couple weeks. I guess he was pretty stressed about leaving (dude loves his job). When we came into work the next day, he’d taped a picture of himself to his chair with the caption “I may be gone but I’m still watching!” I kind of want to tape a little party hat to it and change the words to partying for when he gets back. I know some others were joking about filling his office with balloons or something.
KR* March 25, 2016 at 12:06 pm Dooooo it! My boss has been out on sick leave for the past month and I wish I had done this.
AnotherFed* March 25, 2016 at 1:43 pm Do it! Just no confetti – we made that mistake one time years ago and it was impossible to clean up, which kind of ruined the joke. There’s still random glittery bits turning up in his office.
Engineer Girl* March 25, 2016 at 2:23 pm I’d tape on googley eyes to make sure he’s really watching. But then I take things to the extreme to show how silly they are.
Sunflower* March 25, 2016 at 11:37 am Lets talk about raises and how do they work at your company? What is the average percentage? Is it based on the individual or is there a standard amount everyone gets? Can you negotiate them?
Lia* March 25, 2016 at 12:36 pm Yeah. I am a state employee, and for the last 7 years, we have had two annual raises of 1% and 2%. The other years, we had no overall raise. We have the possibility of a lump sum “bonus” annually but they are given out via a nomination process. I’ve gotten lucky and gotten one every year but they do not apply to the base salary.
Kypra* March 25, 2016 at 11:54 am At my non-profit org, we are given raises once yearly during our annual review. These are based on 1) performance and 2) cost of living changes, and these are disaggregated (“Here is your raise for performance. Here is your cost of living raise, based on our calculations”). Last year, we didn’t receive a COL raise at all, but I still got a performance-based raise of 2% (I hadn’t yet been there a full year.) In our organization, these are not negotiable. This may be a special non-profit thing, though. In my husband’s corporate job, they are also given a raise once a year on the anniversary of their start with the company. Theirs are capped at 3% by policy.
ThatGirl* March 25, 2016 at 11:55 am We have a semi-convoluted system. We set goals for ourselves every year, formally, approved by our managers. At the end of the year we describe how we met them, and that ranking makes up about 80% of our annual reviews. The other 20% is more subjective stuff from our managers and our own self-reviews. We’re ranked in goal setting, company values and two other areas and get a score out of four points (each ranking is out of 4, and then the total is averaged). That plus feedback from our managers determines our raises. So I got a 3.4 out of 4 for last year (which is very good, it’s rare to get above 3.5) and was told the general pool for raises was up to 2.5% but I got 3% thanks to my manager pulling for me. I do not think there’s any way to negotiate additional raises, at least in my department.
AndersonDarling* March 25, 2016 at 12:18 pm We probably use the same goal setting software because this sounds like our system. I am so grateful for this system because my success is based on my own work. I’ve been at places where the boss gets a dollar amount for raises and he gets to divvy it up however he likes, so it all went to his favorite employee. With our current system, I have my goals, and if I meet them then I get the equivalent raise.
ThatGirl* March 25, 2016 at 12:35 pm Yeah, while there are some minor annoyances around it, I like having something tangible to point to for accomplishments to base my review and raise on. It’s not all the whims of managers.
Crazy Admin Lady* March 25, 2016 at 12:19 pm In my company, it really depends on where you are job-wise. My position last had a raise about 3-4 years ago (according to my predecessor who still works here). I’m an admin assistant and the general view of those in my position or the equivalent across the company is that we are easily replaceable and we’re only working this job because we aren’t smart enough to get anything better. This is from the level above my bosses (they would love to give me a raise and have said so many times). However, those quite high up in the food chain receive raises every year or every other year. Although I don’t know the exact figures, I do know one VP received a mid-six digit raise about 3 years ago. I work at a mid-sized higher education company. I don’t know if that helps you at all, but I think the takeaway here is that it will very from company to company and industry to industry.
Crazy Admin Lady* March 25, 2016 at 12:42 pm *vary That’s what I get for having autocorrect on my phone. :P
Kristine* March 25, 2016 at 12:31 pm There is generally a COL raise at the beginning of the fiscal year (not this past year though). Performance raises are rare and usually only awarded if there is a promotion attached.
GreenTin* March 25, 2016 at 2:33 pm 1.5% across the board. Regardless of your success. No negotiation.
Public Accounting* March 25, 2016 at 3:00 pm CPA who worked in a large regional public accounting firm– First year starting salary: $50k. First raise to $52 after 6 months. Then to 55 six months after that. That was after a ton of people quit over being underpaid so they panicked and gave everyone raises. Then to 58k at a year and a half. Then to 63 when I was promoted after being there 2.5 years. I worked an average of 300 hours of overtime per year, but I was salaried and didn’t get paid extra for that time. I think that’s pretty standard for regional public accounting. Maybe a little low. I think the raises were fairly lockstep for the lower levels and more “merit based” for lack of a better term for the higher level employees. I didnt know of anyone who negotiated a raise except one woman who had a ton of experience but found out she was being paid only a couple thousand more than the interns. She basically stormed into a partner’s office, said that her compensation level was ridiculous, and got the raise she asked for.
Doriana Gray* March 25, 2016 at 8:54 pm My company gives each business unit 3% to work with at annual review time. Business unit leaders then have the ability to give individuals merit increases anywhere from 1-8% (which think may be the ceiling, but it could be 7 or as high as 10 – I need to look at this again) dependent on three factors: performance review rating on a scale of 1-5 (1’s and 2’s don’t get increases), salary grade/band, and quintile range (e.g. I’m somewhere between the 20-40 quintile range, meaning I have the skills for someone new to the role to be a success while still learning in it). Everyone who gets at least a 3 gets merit increases every year – it’s company policy. And yes, those raises can be negotiated from what I’m told. Now, promotion raises are determined by where you are in your current quintile and job grade versus where you need to be in your new quintile and job grade. Our quintiles are based on the market rate for these positions, so if you’re under the rate and get promoted, you have to get a raise large enough to get you to the appropriate quintile/market rate average. This is how I ended up getting a 10.2% raise from my previous junior level role to my senior level role. And my promotion raise the previous year from entry level/trainee to junior was only 5.5% (with a 2% merit increase awarded in tandem – due to when I was hired into my previous division, I wound up getting another 2.5% merit increase almost seven months later). I’m not sure if promotion raises can be negotiated. The division I currently work for also gives out bonuses independent of the corporate bonuses the entire company gets in March (this bonus is usually .5-2% depending on the company as a whole’s financial performance and the individual performance of your respective division). These bonuses will be paid in May and are one time only based on the previous year’s performance (I won’t be getting this since I didn’t start until this year). None of the bonuses can be negotiated, and I believe they’re all based on your prior year’s annual salary.
nonnynonny* March 26, 2016 at 12:02 am I haven’t gotten a raise in 3 years, and I’ve only ever had one review. My office of about 20 is chronically understaffed and my manager is overworked, so I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in this. But would a $0.50/hr cost of living be too much to ask for? Of course, I doubt my co-workers who’ve been here since the 80s have considered that as an option. And our office is always going on about how we’re not making much money. Sorry, /rant.
Come On Eileen* March 25, 2016 at 11:40 am For folks in the field of communications: have any of you gone back to grad school for a masters degree while working full time? If so, did you get one in the field of communications, or an MBA, or something else? Did you find it was worth it in terms of professional advancement? I know Alison has written a bit about how to decide if a graduate degree will help you professionally, but I’d be interested in some first-hand insights from people in this field.
ThatGirl* March 25, 2016 at 12:05 pm I’m not sure if this is what you’re looking for – but I was a Comm major who went into journalism and later switched careers. While a lot of my friends have masters and other advanced degrees, I have never seen it as necessary for communication-related careers. Experience, in my opinion, matters a lot more.
Felicia* March 25, 2016 at 12:38 pm I agree with this. I’m in the field of communications, but I don’t have a masters, and I don’t think a masters would help at all in this field. The only people i know with masters who work in communications have found that it only held them back. I think experience is what matters most in communications. I take the occasional continuing education course , and they’re all very practical, but a masters wouldn’t really help my career
Bend & Snap* March 25, 2016 at 1:29 pm I’m in communications and I don’t think an advanced comms degree helps. It’s truly a profession that relies on experience. With that said, when my daughter is a little older, I’m going back for a joint MS in Organizational Communications and a JD in Media Law–but it’s more for my own development than to raise my salary.
Gillian* March 25, 2016 at 2:28 pm I did, and I’ve found mine useful in two ways – at least a few of the companies I was applying to right after I graduated/my contract ended at my old job were only interviewing the people who met the “preferred” requirements instead of the minimum. That will definitely vary by industry/location, though. I’d also been working at a very, very small educational nonprofit previously and the projects/research I did during my coursework helped give me experience that I otherwise just never would have had (video editing became a big part of my school’s social media strategy after I had to shoot/edit a short film for class). It also was a way to interact with other professionals in different industries who could provide insights I probably wouldn’t have encountered in the small world of tiny-suburb-private schooling. I was enrolled in an online/on campus hybrid program, so I was able to do nearly everything on my own time, rather than needing to be in a classroom at a set time. I don’t think I would have been able to work full-time and also get myself to class by 6 p.m. across town. (And because of that, I ended up choosing a program halfway across the country.)
I'm afraid!!* March 25, 2016 at 11:42 am I’m 27 and seriously considering making a “drastic” change and somehow changing my career to a different field. I’m only in the very initial stages of planning where to go, but I get so afraid when I think about any sort of change. Whether it’s as simple as me rejigging my resume and using transferable skills or completely going back to school and starting over. I’m just so afraid when I think about doing it. I worry that I’m too old, that I’m not skilled enough, what will happen if I fail, etc? If you’ve ever made a radical career change, how did you get the courage to do it? What finally drove you to make the change? Were you successful?
ThatGirl* March 25, 2016 at 12:07 pm You are definitely not too old. I’m 35 now, but I was fired from my newspaper job 9 years ago and had to change directions. And I did. I didn’t have a set path in mind but I was able to use my skills – attention to detail, good at deadline work, able to multitask, etc, etc, to move in other directions. It doesn’t really have to be drastic, as long as the skills are transferable. People reinvent themselves all the time, it’s normal to feel some anxiety, but don’t think that being 27 means you’re over the hill.
Not a Real Giraffe* March 25, 2016 at 12:36 pm I wouldn’t say my change was “radical,” but it was two-fold (industry AND location), which made it more complicated. The impetus for my change was partly due to being laid off; I think that’s what finally gave me to courage to go for it, but I think I would’ve eventually talked myself into it regardless. I ended up enrolling in a part-time Master’s program because that was a barrier to entry in my new industry. That allowed me to gain knowledge, network with others in the field, and realize that there were people far older than me making this same life change. When I started looking for positions, I thought back on what aspects of my previous job I enjoyed and what I could use as a compelling case for hiring me, and I applied to positions within my new field that matched that. I figured once I was in the field, I could negotiate my career path over time to get to where I really wanted to be. After I made this change, I actually realized I wanted to make another industry change for short-term financial reasons. I found that taking small steps helps. First I redid my resume with the perspective of a hiring manager in the new industry. Then I rewrote my cover letter using the language of the new industry (think non-profit versus corporate). It took a long time to break into the new industries both times. Patience and perseverance were key. Having supportive friends and family who were able to review my application materials, practice interviewing, connect me to opportunities, and just serve as a sounding board were critical. Good luck; you can do it!
KR* March 25, 2016 at 12:41 pm My dad made a radical career change when he was over 40. It wasn’t his choice – he got hurt at his job and luckily workers compensation paid for his associate’s degree to get started – but he is happy now and survived all while supporting me by himself. You can do it.
Brit* March 25, 2016 at 4:53 pm I’m just starting my radical career change. It’s been a year in the making. I started by using online resources to look into the field and the skills I’d need. I took a class in the subject to see if it would interest me enough to go back to school for it, and luckily it did (though trying to keep up with homework, projects, readings, and lectures while also working full time was not so fun! Especcially when I couldn’t tell my employer why I was suddenly so stressed all the time!). It’s going to be a huge change and a huge challenge, but I hope that I will also have some fun while doing it. So you’re not too old! 30 here and about to go back to school in Sept in a completley different field. In 2 years I’ll graduate, hopefully get an 8 month paid internship (it’s part of the program for students who graduate with a high enough gpa) and then hopefully a permanent job from that. I’m scared, scared that I will be the stupidest person in the program, that I won’t learn as quickly as others and won’t be able to keep up with the work load (it’s an intensive program; you spend more way hours in class each week than you would during a typical bachelors program). I’m scared that people in the field will all be younger and therefore more hirable. BUT, I also know that the college I’m going to attracts a lot of older people and that the college communicated with the industry to set up this program and internship experience to meet the needs of the industry and produce employable graduates. So I think I will be okay and I think you will be too! I did also speak to a career coach at the start of this journey and I did find it beneficial; it sparked me to think about potential fields that I hadn’t thought of, and we also brainstormed if there were ways to stay in my current field and be happy or not. Remember to think about if it’s the career itself that’s making you unhappy or just your workplace. For me it was the career itself and the lack of growth opportunities in the field (so lack of future learning opportunities and lack of future earning potential).
Not So NewReader* March 25, 2016 at 10:50 pm Looking back over some of the major changes I have made in my life, I can see one common thread: Determination to make it work no matter what happens and willingness to go the mile. Age- if you are telling yourself you are too old at 27 then what will you tell yourself at 57? Pretend you are 57 right now. What would a 57 y/o you say to a 27 y/o you? Skills- You aren’t skilled enough. So what? Neither is anyone else because it’s not in our genes at birth. Are you willing to do what it takes to get to be skilled? Back to that willingness thing. Failure- Yes, you will have failures. It will not be worse than what you have seen so far. And just like you have handled problems to this point, so you will continue to do. Matter of fact you might do a bit better the second time around because you have a sharper idea of how you want to handle things that come up. What drove me to make change? Sometimes it’s intuition. I get a gut feeling “do this! now!” and I can’t make the feeling go away, almost like it’s a strong push or a force. Sometimes I was going towards something I REALLY wanted. Other times I was going away from something I did not want. (I don’t recommend the latter.) There were times I would consider a change and I would feel happy or rejuvenated- those were good changes and easy to do. Most of the time whenever I have made a big change it’s involved working my tail off. I have kept a picture in my head of me, sitting in the old folks home and looking over my life. I don’t want to be that person who says, “Gee, I should have tried harder.” I want to be the person that says, “I tried my best. It may not have always gone well, but I gave it my best shot.” I want to be that person who has very few regrets. (It’s sort of a goal, I think we all end up with regrets so I think in terms of minimizing those regrets.)
h.cowl* March 26, 2016 at 12:59 am I’m also 27 and trying to make a big change. It’s frustrating because I’m trying so hard to get into the program that will get me where I want to be, but it’s so incredibly selective. No advice just commiseration.
h.cowl* March 26, 2016 at 1:03 am (My husband, while immensely supportive, is sick of my neuroses at this point. So I come here!)
LizB* March 25, 2016 at 11:43 am I feel like I’ve vented a lot recently about my job, so this week, things I really like: – I just had a meeting with leadership folks 3-4 levels above me to welcome me (and other newer staff) to the organization, check in with us, and talk a bit about the different career development opportunities here. I’ve never worked for an organization where the upper leadership is so honestly dedicated to knowing their front-line staff, connecting us with opportunities, and listening to our concerns and ideas. I also found out about some super cool possibilities for international collaboration and travel, so that sounds awesome. – I really like my coworkers, and one of them has decided we’re going to be work friends, which is really nice! She invites me along if she’s running for coffee, shows me cute photos of her baby son, we might go do some exercise classes together (our organization is partially a gym, so that’s not as weird as it sounds), she’s offered to teach me to crochet this summer if work stays so unbearably slow… she’s just great, and it’s really nice to have someone approach me to be my buddy instead of me desperately trying to find someone to connect with. I know not everyone likes to be friends with their coworkers, so this all might sound terrible to some people, but I’m really happy.
LizB* March 25, 2016 at 1:08 pm Aren’t they great? I really miss some of my work friends from my previous job — I never quite made the transition from workplace friendship to outside-work friendship with them, partially because they’re mostly at very different stages in their lives from me, but I miss their insight and humor and companionship.
Jessen* March 25, 2016 at 11:44 am Question for a friend: how should one handle a coworker making pointed comments about “deporting those illegals” while shooting dirty glances at hispanic employees? It’s pretty obvious that the comments are aimed at the hispanic coworkers, but the employee isn’t saying anything directly to them or about them.
Ask a Manager* Post authorMarch 25, 2016 at 11:50 am “I hope you’re not saying that because you think I agree with you.” “Why are you looking at our Latino coworkers while saying that?” “Please stop those comments.”
Jessen* March 25, 2016 at 11:56 am To complicate matters, my friend is a white (legal) immigrant latina. Since she’s fully white the coworker probably hasn’t realized this.
Elizabeth West* March 25, 2016 at 1:19 pm I like the first one, said in a tone like “Are you effing even serious?”
KR* March 25, 2016 at 12:15 pm “You realize that comes across as discriminatory, right? I’m just letting you know because I know you would never actually want to discriminate against someone for their race. ” “Why are you giving all those dirty looks at Rhonda when you talk about immigration? That’s pretty rude.” “I really don’t want to hear about your position on immigration at work anymore, Hilda. It makes me uncomfortable to hear you talk about people like that.” “Most of the time when people talk about deporting ‘illegals’ they mean people who are Hispanic and that’s pretty racist, so I would appreciate it if you didn’t talk about that at work.” She’s just got to call it out. I’m sorry your friend is working with such a racist fruit loop.
AndersonDarling* March 25, 2016 at 12:22 pm Stare at your co-worker with your jaw open and eyes wide with shock. You may not need to say anything.
Job Seeker* March 25, 2016 at 7:29 pm This or ask her to explain herself. “Illegals? Who? Why?” When someone says something really out of line like that, I tend to respond as if I’m their therapist and they just told me they think there are werewolves hiding under their bed, or something. “Can you tell me a little more about why you think that? Where did this idea come from? Are you ok?”
Terra* March 25, 2016 at 4:07 pm I might avoid mentioning the dirty looks. Most likely they’re happening and are intentional but they’re one of those things that people are inclined to claim didn’t actually happen/was misunderstood which tends to derail the whole conversation. I’d also probably avoid the term “racist” because while their conduct is pretty racist as soon as the word comes out people shut down and just want to argue about whether or not something was racist (sometimes for good reason but generally because they don’t want to admit to being wrong). A straight forward statement designed to shame them enough that they stop saying it (or at least stop saying it to you) is probably best. As Alison mentioned “I hope you’re not saying that because you think I agree with you” is good. You could also go with “That’s incredible rude”, “Why would you say that?”, “That’s an awful thing to say”, or “I hope a customer didn’t hear you say that.”
Jessen* March 26, 2016 at 5:35 pm The main worry is that, by itself, the coworker can claim that she was just expressing a political opinion. After all, she hasn’t actually said she thinks anyone at work is an illegal immigrant. She does in fact treat visibly hispanic coworkers badly, but she doesn’t explicitly say anything about a coworker.
Aisling* March 27, 2016 at 2:35 pm Then Allison’s first comment still stands. The coworker is giving the impression that he/she is racist, so “I hope you’re not saying that to me because you think I agree,” and then turning and walking away will suffice.
ginger ale for all* March 25, 2016 at 4:29 pm The Carolyn Hax wow might work. For emphasis, she could say it, pause, and then walk away.
QualityControlFreak* March 25, 2016 at 5:50 pm As an American Indian, I would probably tell them they’re all illegal aliens to me, but if they’re personally offering to leave the country, I certainly won’t stop them. And I have zero patience with using the term “illegals” to refer to people. I always want to say “Illegal WHATs?” “Illegal” is not a noun, people!
Not So NewReader* March 25, 2016 at 11:13 pm “If you have a concern with someone here, then it’s best to go talk to the boss. Bring whatever proof you have. But otherwise, there is really no point to mentioning this every day.” a) Expect him to be responsible. No painting entire groups of people. If he knows of an individual here illegally, then he needs to tell someone who is not you. b) This is a management issue, if true. If not true, then he can just stop the false accusations. c) He does not have proof. I’d bet my last dollar. d) Hit your main point- it’s pointless to tell you and you don’t want to listen to it. e) You have laid the groundwork for when he mentions it again. “Harvey, I will not discuss this with you. I have given you my advice and that is that.” And you go to your boss and tell her what you have done so far so that she is aware.
Jessen* March 26, 2016 at 4:40 pm The worry my friend has is that the coworker is doing this *just* the right way to not say anything obviously racist. He treats hispanic workers badly, and he makes comments about deporting illegals, but he never specifically says “so-and-so is illegal” or “so-and-so should be deported.)
Not So NewReader* March 27, 2016 at 10:10 pm That is why your friend can get him to put up or shut up. Either dish what he knows or stop talking about it. And your friend can figure he knows nothing therefore he is going to have to stop. Conversely, he could say, “You say that every day. Why?” I am trying to think of ways this guy can be accountable for his words and his repetition of these words. Sometimes point out that we have noticed a person says something almost daily is enough to make the person stop and think. IF he is treating an entire group of people badly, you might suggest he skip the intermediate steps and go to the boss. He could just say he does not want the company to have a problem with a lawsuit. Explain that the remarks are in the grey area but the treatment is clearly bad.
Allison* March 25, 2016 at 11:45 am I heard that someone I used to work with at my first job is being interviewed for a job here. She’s a perfectly nice young woman and knows her stuff, but after I left that job someone told me she had a criminal background and was fired after they found out. I don’t remember all the specifics, I found this out years ago, something about embezzlement when she worked at a bank. Should I let my manager know about this now? I’m not saying she shouldn’t be hired, but I feel like my manager should at least be able to make an informed decision before bringing her on.
Ad Astra* March 25, 2016 at 11:55 am It doesn’t sound like you know for certain that this embezzlement (or whatever it is) really happened, given you heard it secondhand and can’t even remember the details. Does your company do basic background checks? Something like that would almost definitely show up in a background check, so I don’t think you need to involve yourself at all.
TCO* March 25, 2016 at 11:59 am I agree with you–but it could very easily not show up in a background check if the company never pursued criminal charges. It wouldn’t be that hard for the applicant to falsify info like a boss’s contact information, her reason for departure, etc.. A good background checker will be able to spot those lies but plenty of people wouldn’t.
TCO* March 25, 2016 at 11:57 am It sounds like all you’ve heard is rumors–how trustworthy is this information about her being fired several years and several jobs ago? Also, is your company’s opening anything involving money, highly personal information, etc.? I personally don’t think you should tell your boss given that it doesn’t sound like you have very reliable information about what may have happened in the past. If you had firsthand knowledge that she was a seriously bad employee, maybe.
LisaLee* March 25, 2016 at 12:37 pm It doesn’t sound like you have a clear idea of what she did or how serious it was, and it was quite a long time ago. It also doesn’t sound like you’ve got reason to believe that she’s hiding this from your manager. I’d let this one go.
Elizabeth West* March 25, 2016 at 1:23 pm “someone told me” Who told you? You don’t know for sure, so I really wouldn’t say anything.
AnotherFed* March 25, 2016 at 1:53 pm I’d bring up that you worked with her years ago, what you directly experienced working with her, that you heard rumors about a firing but don’t know, and the contact info for the boss you two worked for who might be able to provide further information. That way, you’ve made it clear what you do and don’t know firsthand, and provided a legitimate source who would be able to give firsthand info about a topic that’s potentially critical to your employer. A background check might not turn up criminal activity if charges were dropped, the records were sealed, or records were lost.
Honks* March 25, 2016 at 11:48 am So I went back to school to get a MS in a new field with the idea that I would be switching fields. I’ve been job hunting in my new field (with almost no experience) for about 10 months, and have only had a handful of interviews. My backup plan is to start applying to jobs in my old field, where I have a lot of experience, and did enjoy the work. The main “downside” to this is just feeling like I wasted my time on the MS, and also potential for a small salary decrease from that anticipated in the new field. The question is: How long do I keep trying in the new field before I “give up” and start applying to my old field? I’m currently unemployed, about halfway through my 6 months of UI. They say “fail fast”, right?
Not a Real Giraffe* March 25, 2016 at 12:39 pm If there’s a financial crunch, I think I’d start applying to my old field now, while simultaneously applying to new field roles as well. It’s better to have a job than not have job, IMO. You can always restart the job search in another year or so, with a focus on the new field, while having the security of being currently employed.
Rafe* March 25, 2016 at 11:49 am There’s an employee who is so nasty in the games she plays that I feel like I’m on Survivor (and I’m SO bad at mind games and sabotage and being fake etc., I just want to do my job, enjoy my coworkers to the extent possible, and excel if I can). Ever since I was promoted, she says things to undermine me every chance she gets — and this is right in front of my face, I don’t even want to know what she says behind my back, but about other coworkers, she’s actually said she can’t believe so-and-so hasn’t been fired already, and she’ll do it just minutes after she’s been nice to that person’s face. How do you not lose your cool — how do you keep a poker face — with someone like this? She’s such a creep, it’s really more damaging to her, but she’s trying to provoke a reaction, and if someone were to react or lose their temper, THAT could make them (me) look bad.
Dawn* March 25, 2016 at 12:30 pm “How do you not lose your cool — how do you keep a poker face — with someone like this?” Imagine this co-worker is a hyper 5 year old trying to get a rise out of you. You’re an adult; you’re totally in control of the situation. The 5-year-old is not the boss of you, nor does the 5-year-old have the ability to get a rise out of you, because they are 5 and you’re an adult. So every time Betsy starts in with that “trying to get a rise out of you” crap, imagine Betsy as being 5 years old in a flower dress and light-up sneakers, hair in pigtails, snot coming out of one nose, crumbs on her chest, jam on her fingers, running around on a playground absolutely desperate for attention and trying to get attention from you. Basically, think of Betsy like a boggart from Harry Potter- you just gotta put the “Riddikulus!” spell on her every time she starts acting up. It definitely sounds like she’s the one who’s going to look bad in this situation *as long as you keep your cool*, so you just need to move to the eating crackers phase :)
Ann Furthermore* March 25, 2016 at 12:49 pm Keep your mouth shut, and nod and smile. To the extent that it’s possible, do not engage in any conversation with her beyond how the weather is. This sounds like the type of person that will take anything you say and use it against you later. If it’s bad enough, for any work-related conversations keep notes of what you talk about. That way if she tries to twist something around on you later, you can call her on it.
ElCee* March 25, 2016 at 1:02 pm Pretend that you are studying this person as an anthropological project. “How many seconds will she last this time before saying something nasty? 1…2…3…ah, 3.5 seconds this time. Interesting.” Etc. Stand up for yourself, if she tells a blatant falsehood about you in front of someone else calmly correct it, but otherwise be calm and ignore. People like that only want a reaction. Assuming she’s not in your chain of command, you can safely stay out of her mind games. I know it can get infuriating but pretending you are observing her from a great distance can be helpful in keeping sane.
Terra* March 25, 2016 at 4:17 pm Correct any lies you hear about yourself as soon as possible. If she says nasty things to your face you can try shutting it down by ignoring, “I’m sorry you feel that way”, “that was rude, please stop”, “that was inappropriate, please stop”. Other than that ignore her as much as possible. If someone else brings it up don’t give into the urge to vent or gossip since it can be turned against you. Instead just smile or maybe say something like “I like to form my own opinions about people” or “I don’t really talk to GossipGirl often.” As far as keeping your cool it’s unkind I know but I try to imagine the person as something like a brain-damaged puppy. Their misbehavior is a pathetic result of something wrong with them and they should be pitied for it. Also breathing exercises and stress balls can work wonders.
Not So NewReader* March 25, 2016 at 11:23 pm I would not say please. I would say, “Stop. now.” or “That’s enough on that topic.” My tone of voice would not be loud, but it would have a finality to it similar to saying, “This is over.” It’s been my experience that you do not say “please” to people like this. They perceive it as weakness.
Bumble* March 25, 2016 at 10:29 pm I’m going through the same thing and it’s annoying. Do people like this just not have proper social skills or know proper work place etiquette? If it’s only one person- try to ignore her drama. I either compliment my annoying co-worker who’s like this or ask her a work question because while she’s dramatic, she does know her job. Don’t react, it’s not worth getting in trouble over her crazy-making. Keep it calm and just think to yourself, “Oh, Jane is being Jane again.” Switch topics and talk about the weather or the meeting coming up.
AnxiouslyAnon* March 25, 2016 at 11:51 am I’ve been waiting for this post. I finally hit my breaking point. I gave my two weeks notice to my boss on Wednesday, even though I don’t have anything lined up. I finally accepted that my mental health is something that should be preserved. After some stupid work politic issues popped up, a potential job offer lost because the other company needed someone ASAP and therefore weren’t totally sold on my suggested start date, and realizing I was dreading my upcoming vacation because it meant I would have to come back to the job after it, I finally snapped and realized I need a drastic change. So I gave it, and immediately felt relief. It’s not ideal, but surprisingly my boss is understanding. The issues I had have been around for almost the whole time I’ve been here. The job never became what I signed on for, and I stuck it out to the point where I needed anti-anxiety medication to even come to work without crushing chest pain. My boss wasn’t aware of the extent of how bad I was, and didn’t realize I had been medicating to come in. He’s giving me an solid reference saying I’m a good worker and I do solid work. More shockingly, he worked to get it so I can be labeled as a contractor for a bit once I go on vacation and decompress. Because we are so short staffed that my leaving puts him in a crappy spot from a production stand point, and I know the job better than everyone else. So it’ll be doing the same work, but part time (assuming things come in) until replacements are hired and trained. And the rest of my week can be spent interviewing and applying for jobs. So in the end, I get the time and space I need to stop being burnt out, I get to keep claiming I’m working at the company (so I avoid the “Why did you up and quit” questions), and I get paid fairly well as a contractor so I won’t burn through the few months of reserves I had in case this event came to pass. And in the best case scenario, I hear back from the places I’ve been interviewing and get an awesome job doing things I love. I’m on cloud 9, while surrounded by chaos. But that’s pretty much just telling me this was long overdue.
The Other Dawn* March 25, 2016 at 12:09 pm Congrats! It can be an awesome thing to quit a job you loathe. I was in that position in 2014. I spent 10 months in a job that was wrong for me in every way: company, boss, job, responsibility level, even some of my coworkers sucked because morale was just so low. I cried everyday in the shower, created a very bad of habit of snacking in the office kitchen multiple times a day (which was very bad for me because I’d had weight loss surgery the previous year and was undoing everything I’d worked hard for), and spent every weekend in dread for the coming week. It was a HUGE relief when I could finally give my notice.
AnxiouslyAnon* March 25, 2016 at 12:20 pm See, it’s hard, because on paper, nothing about this job is terrible. Good pay, boss is a good guy (see: The contracting plan and understanding), I’m friendly with my coworkers, and there is a decent amount of potential to do. The problem was the “potential to do” part got nixed pretty hard because upper, upper management kind of doesn’t like our office and made life difficult. The entire office is running at 110%, so I never had the time to train/do other work. And a total lack of hope just kept getting worse, to the point that I have/had crushing chest pain just getting into my car to get to work. But yea. The relief I’ve felt has been amazing, even with everything going weird. My boss has even commented that I’m smiling for the first time in months. I hadn’t realized I had gotten that bad…
NarrowDoorways* March 25, 2016 at 12:42 pm PLEASE BE CAREFUL WITH THE CONTRACTING. Often, if a person withing a company makes that switch, there’s a pay raise. Remember, contract employees have to pay their own taxes and it can end up being almost half the paycheck. Don’t be surprised if this 1099 makes you pay in significantly next year.
AnxiouslyAnon* March 25, 2016 at 2:37 pm Thanks! I have our HR person and another admin on my side, and they are making sure I’m not getting screwed in the ordeal. At the moment, I’m all okay for paying things next year in taxes. I suspect I’d be able to contract here only 2-3 months before I got my replacements up to speed, anyway, and really things are in a much worse state for me if I’m still here that long. But at this point, anything to buffer my savings I’m gonna grasp at.
JaneB* March 25, 2016 at 1:06 pm Wow, that sounds like a wonderful outcome, I’m really happy for you! :-) Nice to have some good news here!
AnxiouslyAnon* March 25, 2016 at 2:39 pm Thank you! This week was up an down and up and down and I think it’s ending on an up. We interviewed a potential replacement today, and seems like it’s going to line up nicely enough that I’ll get a few weeks break, and then come in part time to help train and reduce their workload a bit. I like training people, and I like teaching newer people basic stuff, so I shouldn’t have the reaction I’ve been getting even if I am training my old job. Because I’ll actually be mentally engaged. Wins all around!
Anonacademic* March 25, 2016 at 4:02 pm One of my employees gave notice under similar circumstances, and while I was sad to lose her, I’m glad she’ll get to pursue something that’s a better fit. And her help in interviewing/training her replacement is allowing for a very amicable transition. So from the management side of things, kudos for navigating a tough situation well!
Hlyssande* March 25, 2016 at 11:51 am I’m not supposed to be working today and I’m extremely frustrated that I am, in fact, working. Our promise date for a few business units to go live in our request application is tomorrow. Everything seemed to be working perfectly up until I attempted to copy their form setups from the test database to PRD using the copy across functionality we’ve spent multiple builds perfecting. But oh wait, that copy functionality wasn’t working BECAUSE OF COURSE IT WASN’T. That was the last piece I needed; everything else is done. Surprise! So I’m sitting at home logged in remotely and twiddling my thumbs while our India-based support group attempts to fix things. They were going to copy from the back end but apparently that is also not working. I can’t go do any of the things I was going to do today because I’ll need to jump in and confirm their testing, then approve to promote the moment they bring it to me. So much for a day off. Grump. Grump!
KR* March 25, 2016 at 12:19 pm I’ve been working on a fairly involved migration on-site all week and I came back to my desk today with a bunch of missed calls and I’ve been falling behind seriously in the other time-sensitive work I had to do this week. I feel your pain.
Hlyssande* March 25, 2016 at 12:37 pm IT GETS BETTER, THE DEVELOPERS WENT HOME AN HOUR AGO OR SOMETHING SO THERE WAS NO POINT IN ME DOING ANYTHING PRETTY MUCH. I couldn’t try to promote earlier in the week because we were waiting on the results of the users’ testing in the test environment to see if any fields needed to be adjusted. I should’ve done that anyway, clearly.
Ann Furthermore* March 25, 2016 at 12:52 pm Ugh, you have my sympathies. I’ve been in situations similar to this one many times. Usually I can tell myself that it’s an occupational hazard of the type of work that I do, but sometimes it’s so frustrating that it makes me want to scream.
Rubyrose* March 26, 2016 at 9:07 am Yeah, I was on last night for about 15 minutes doing manual file transfers. The reason? Our crackerjack developer, on five lines of code, had to make two changes on each line. On each line he got one change done but not the other. He then went home for the weekend. And these folks will not call him back in to get the change made.
Crazy Admin Lady* March 25, 2016 at 11:52 am Hello everyone! I’m hoping someone might be able to help me with a coworker situation. I work in higher education and deal with a lot of sensitive information. This usually isn’t a problem, because most people don’t want to have access to the same information that I do in case they screw up the records. However, I have a coworker who has been here for years and is higher up on the food chain than me who is going in and changing the information. She can do that, so long as she fills out the paperwork. We have a process in place that allows me to alert each and every department that needs to know concerning this change. Sometimes I don’t find out until months after the fact when we have a crisis and it comes back down on me. I have talked/emailed her three or four times asking her to fill out the paperwork and/or send the student on to me and I will discuss the change of information with them. My bosses have finally started to see that this is a problem, but don’t want to confront her since she is a bully. They do not want to talk with her boss and their method for changing the situation is very convoluted and not at all clear or direct (Waiting until we have a new computer program in place before saying we should probably only have one person in charge of this information. They did this last April when we changed databases and it’s still a problem.) I have documentation from last August showing how I have tried to directly resolve this issue.My solution is to go to IT and ask them to change her editing access to view only and be done with it Has anyone else had experience with bosses who don’t want to directly fix an issue? How did you deal with the situation? Any advice on how to get the coworker to go through the proper channels to make these changes?
Terra* March 25, 2016 at 4:29 pm It sounds like right now she has no incentive to change her ways since the bosses are not willing to step in and she’s not dealing with any of the resulting problems. Have you tried redirecting anyone who has a problem to her if possible? Making it a problem for her that she has to deal with may motivate her to follow procedure in a way that talking to her hasn’t seemed to.
Crazy Admin Lady* March 25, 2016 at 4:36 pm I’ve started trying to do that. Recently, she’s been out of the office and working from home a lot. Most of the time this is brought to my attention via a phone call and she doesn’t respond to these voicemails (as far as I’m aware). I’ve been told by my supervisors to not bring it up to her anymore. I think that they don’t want to make her angry… But that’s just my personal thought on the matter.
Artemesia* March 25, 2016 at 10:04 pm I never understand bosses afraid of a subordinate who is a ‘bully’ — makes you wonder what she has on the boss.
Not So NewReader* March 25, 2016 at 11:36 pm You’re pretty well sandwiched in here. Since you have been told not to do anything about the bully then that leaves the bosses. In a calm moment, sit down with the boss and explain that when there is a crisis it falls on you. I am not sure who is blaming you, but tell the boss that you are dealing with heat because of this and you would like some help with all the flack you are getting. Ask him to run interference for you. The point here is that you let the boss know that his indecision is making your day stressful and it’s not necessary. Now, does he know your idea for fixing the problem? He should, it sounds like a simple fix. She witch and moan, weep and wail, then she will get over it and find something else to go into meltdown over. Lacking any other options, I think I would create a complaint form. Everyone who has this problem impact them must fill out a complaint form for you. I would fill in on the bottom how I resolved the complaint. Then I’d make copies and give them to the boss.
catsAreCool* March 26, 2016 at 1:26 am Can you ask IT to set up some sort of trigger so that when she changes something, you get an e-mail about it or that it writes to a table so you can report on that table?
NylaW* March 25, 2016 at 11:54 am So I have been capped in my pay grade since 2012 and I still am this year. I got a partial raise that year and the rest through our lump sum compensation program where you get the rest of your “raise” (based on your current pay rate) paid out quarterly as a bonus on your check. That’s kinda okay, but I did the math and if I had gotten my actual raises, I’d be making 7K more a year than I am now. The difference with the extra I got with the lump sum program is 3K, since the lump sum is based off your actual rate, not what you would have made. I’ve brought it up to my boss, but I don’t think he gets it. I could go somewhere else within a 1 hour drive of where I live now, and with just the cost of living increase (we live in a pretty low cost of living area) I’d be making almost 10K more a year. I really don’t want to do that for a lot of family related reasons though. Any tips for discussing this with my boss? It’s really becoming a thing that’s annoying me. I keep thinking about what we could have done with that extra money.
BRR* March 25, 2016 at 4:52 pm How are you paid compared to the market rate? At my last job there were quite a few admins who were capped BUT they were making far above market rate. So they weren’t getting partial raises (or some years none) but if they went somewhere else they would have to take a pay cut.
Not So NewReader* March 25, 2016 at 11:41 pm Are raises banked off your starting rate or are raises calculated in a compounding manner? It could be that with this method of compensation they are using a different base pay than they would have otherwise. Did you show your boss the actual math involved and the differences in calculating the raise?
Healthcare recruiter* March 25, 2016 at 11:54 am Any suggestions on finding and hiring certified nursing assistants? I’ve been a recruiter a while, but I’m new to healthcare recruiting, and having trouble figuring out how to reach these candidates. Thanks for any ideas!
No Longer Just a Lurker* March 25, 2016 at 12:38 pm Partner up with some of the local colleges or medical training programs so you have access to new grads as well as those who graduated a while ago (many come back for more advanced training or to look at posting board). You can also get fliers up at the testing locations where they take their boards. My sister actually got recruited by the nursing home our grandfather was in for a while after a severe infection left him too weak to be independent. The head nurse noticed that she was compassionate, comfortable and friendly with the patients, and strong. They told her that if she completed the program they would have a job waiting for her at the end and if she passed her boards and stayed 6 months they would reimburse her for the cost of tuition.
jm* March 25, 2016 at 2:47 pm I’m work in a large public school district in the Southeastern U.S., and at several of our high schools, students can earn a CNA license during high school, so when they graduate, they can immediately accept CNA jobs. Check with school districts in your area, and if they don’t have a program, see what it takes to start one.
Anxa* March 25, 2016 at 2:57 pm Community college continuing education centers seem to certify a lot of CNAs. I knew several CNAs who are working in retail and food service hoping to break into the field!
Mimmy* March 25, 2016 at 11:55 am The online class saga continues… A couple of weeks ago, our professor informed us that he was likely going to have to go out of the country on a family emergency. While away, he said he’d be able to stay in touch through his laptop but his availability would be limited. He expressed confidence that we’d be fine as our discussions (in the weekly discussion boards) have been of high quality. He promised that he would keep us posted. I’m fine if he wants to let us fend for ourselves. We’re all adults. Except……a lot of the due dates on weekly discussions and other papers still reflect FALL DATES!! (it appears he taught a similar course in the fall to undergraduates). He’s claimed that they’re correct in one particular tab on the Course Management System, but I don’t think he saved his changes. And it’s getting us rather confused. Some of us will post “When is Short Paper #6 due?” or “I need feedback on my Final Paper topic”. Forget emailing as I don’t think he’s responded to those either. The semester is more than half over and the next few weeks includes content I’ve been most interested in; otherwise, I’d jump ship. I just don’t know if there is any accountability on the part of my school. I say that because I have a friend in a different class whose instructor has also been largely MIA. When her class emailed the program director, they got an explanation but no help, just a “I hope you’re getting something out of the class!” This is really upsetting to me because the department just started a new Masters program that is a DREAM program because it’s in a career I’ve long been interested in. But I’ve sworn off this department–even the school–due to the apparent lack of instructor accountability. Maybe I just need a break, but I’m so disheartened at this point. And, this new Masters is the ONLY one in the country right now! (it’s one of those super-specific career oriented Masters that seems to be the new thing lately, lol). And it’s all online, which–again–I’m so done with. :'(
Crazy Admin Lady* March 25, 2016 at 12:33 pm Have you tried contacting the IT department or the chair of the department to express your concerns? Even better if you can get a few classmates on board too. I work in higher ed and we have issues all the time with our online courses. The person in charge of making them live has to work directly with the instructors to fix the problems, but the instructor usually can’t fix it along. Email IT and see where that takes you. Good luck!
Lia* March 25, 2016 at 12:53 pm Contact the department chair AND the dean. They are both invested in making sure students get through their coursework. I had a similar situation in undergrad, only our professor completely dropped off the map for a month. A group of us wound up going to meet with the dean, and a substitute instructor was found to finish up the course.
Ann Furthermore* March 25, 2016 at 12:57 pm Reach out to your adviser, if you can. When I did my online MBA program the classes were only 8 weeks. I liked it, because you could get through classes at a pretty good clip, but one professor was horrible about returning assignments — taking up to 2 weeks. In that scenario, 2 weeks is 1/4 of the class, and with such a short timeline you need to know how you’re doing pretty quickly so you can figure out how to course-correct if you need to, and so on. I emailed my adviser and told her about this and how frustrating it was. The assignments did start coming back a little sooner (though not as soon as I would have liked), so that was better than nothing.
MsChanandlerBong* March 25, 2016 at 1:27 pm Ugh, that stinks. I love online courses, but not every teacher is cut out to manage them. I took a sociology class with a professor who never uploaded the answer keys for the new edition of the book. Most of our tests were open-book, so I’d read the question, find the answer in the book, choose the correct answer from among the four options presented, and then end up having it marked wrong. When I realized what was going on, I told the teacher, but he didn’t want to be bothered with uploading the new key (I actually think he didn’t know how and didn’t want to ask for help). So I should have had scores of 100 or 98 for all of the tests, and I ended up with 92 and 94 grades (not bad, but not what I earned). He said if I had an A- at the end of the semester because of the grading issue, he’d just bump me up to an A.
Mimmy* March 25, 2016 at 1:47 pm See, that’s just wrong. If you’re going to have online courses, a school needs to make every effort to make sure instructors know how to work on the Course Management System (ours is Blackboard) and ensure that IT personnel and instructors work together to iron out any kinks. Not doing so is doing a disservice to the students.
Artemesia* March 25, 2016 at 10:07 pm You are being cheated. You need to take this to the dean. He is getting paid to teach a class he isn’t teaching. If he were responsible and left things in shape, it would be one thing, but you are paying for an experience you are not getting. Students put up with far too much.
Not So NewReader* March 25, 2016 at 11:44 pm Make sure that you send a screen shot of the schedule to whomever you speak with next. This is ridiculous. I am sorry this is happening to you.
leggomypreggo* March 25, 2016 at 11:56 am How unethical is it not to come back from maternity leave? I remember we had a letter once from someone whose co-worker said she was going to take leave and then quit the week she came back. My story is that I’m going to look for a job right before and during my leave, but if I can’t find anything, I will definitely come back. The only reason I’m waiting is that I don’t think many people will hire a pregnant lady (I know some will). I don’t want to tell my bosses, but I don’t want to blindside them, either.
Come On Eileen* March 25, 2016 at 12:27 pm So, I’ll give you my perspective, which is the co-worker of the on-maternity-leave-employee. I was asked to take on her duties while she was out on leave, with the idea that it would only be for a short time and we’d be hiring a contract employee to come take over her duties until she returned. Hiring a contract employee takes time, so I was working essentially two jobs for quite sometime. Then, my on-maternity-leave coworker announced she wasn’t coming back, so our hunt switched from hiring a contractor to hiring a full-time employee to replace her — which takes even longer. In other words, your decision puts a burden on the rest of your team. It really does. And while you do need to look out for yourself and decide what’s best for you, it really helps if you can be conscientious of your co-workers that and do your best not to screw them over.
MoinMoin* March 25, 2016 at 12:38 pm Good point, once you’re sure the more notice you can give the better.
leggomypreggo* March 25, 2016 at 1:03 pm I should’ve noted that I plan on working to some degree during my leave, but yes this is a good point.
Oryx* March 25, 2016 at 3:15 pm Be careful: if you’re using FMLA for your leave there are rules regarding you working while on leave.
Victoria Nonprofit (USA)* March 25, 2016 at 1:05 pm I agree… but nothing about that situation is difference or worse because she was on maternity leave (rather than just leaving at any other time, which would have caused the same workload for you during the search for her replacement.
Come On Eileen* March 25, 2016 at 4:54 pm Well, it definitely left a bad taste in my mouth — she’s not someone I’d work with again, if the opportunity came up, because it left me with the impression that she’s unreliable.
Artemesia* March 25, 2016 at 5:09 pm Well actually it does. Because it strings the whole thing along much longer. If they know a pregnant person is not planning to return the search can begin while she is still working and a smooth transition worked out. This way people are doubled up and yanked around to hold the position and then have to start from scratch to hire. If a person knows they won’t return, they should let people know before they take leave so they can move to fill it.
MoinMoin* March 25, 2016 at 12:35 pm It’s not unethical if you’re doing what any resigning employee should- give proper notice, try to leave any information people would need and generally leave the position in good shape and on good terms. You’re probably doing that already for whoever is covering your position while you’re on leave, so just be doubly sure that everything they may need is in as good order as possible. And depending on the position it may make sense to plan on a conversation after giving notice about bigger stuff coming up they may not have expected to cover. (I work closely with accounting so in my mind if I were taking say 2 months leave soon I’d probably have a plan for someone to cover the next couple months but not, say the quarterly audits in June. But if I found out in May that I got an offer to start in June I’d let my company know as soon as possible and try to help them with extra questions on those audits.) Life happens, reasonable companies and people understand this. Just try to be professional, leave things as well as you can, and know that the company will survive and it’s fine to set reasonable boundaries.
Preggers* March 25, 2016 at 12:47 pm I was going to post a similar question. If you are planning on coming back unless you happen to get a job then it is not unethical at all. A little annoying for your coworkers who have to cover. But they’d be in the same stop if you hadn’t been on leave and had to find a new job. My situation is if my husband gets a promotion (likely will happen while I’m on leave) I want to quit and take 6-12 months off before starting a new job . If he doesn’t get it I have to go back to work I feel guilty since I wouldn’t be giving notice and going to a new company, I’d just be not working. But I’ve also been treated horribly throughout my pregnancy so my guilt is going away.
Analyst* March 25, 2016 at 1:25 pm Not unethical at all, but be careful that your company won’t put you on the hook to pay back all medical expenses they covered during your leave. Some do this to ensure that you’ll come back for at least a brief period of time.
Terra* March 25, 2016 at 4:36 pm There’s nothing inherently wrong or shady about it. It will put an additional burden on your team but so will lots of things that aren’t good reasons not to quit. Like the email from earlier today said, there’s never a good time to quit. Give as much notice as possible and depending on your needs possibly offer to come back from leave early/work from home some/come into the office for a few days so that you can finish up anything that you really need to do or provide some direction on what the next person is going to need to do.
Stephanie* March 25, 2016 at 11:57 am Engineers! I’m considering heading to a masters program in the fall (MS in mechanical engineering). But I’m curious to hear some salary figures (I’ve worked in other things since graduation) as I make my decision. 1. In your experience, what’s a common starting salary? (Can you also mention your specific industry and region of the country.) 2. So would I be hired as a new grad hire? I have about five years’ of experience, including a bit of project and people supervision, albeit in different (but related) industries.
AnotherFed* March 25, 2016 at 2:04 pm For feds, you’d be entry level, even with your previous experience. You’d likely start at a GS-10 or GS-11 level (OPM publishes salary info, including the locality adjustments all over the country), compared to a GS-9 or low GS-10 with just the undergrad.
Stephanie* March 25, 2016 at 3:14 pm Former fed here. Do you find the GS scale comparable to what you would have gotten in the private sector? It was when I was a fed, but my agency was on special pay.
AnotherFed* March 25, 2016 at 3:29 pm We’re actually on one of the demo pay scales here. It was a little low at the beginning for true entry-level, but within a few years got to be a bit higher than industry due to a couple of promotions. Where I am, that’ll probably hold true until I hit the bottleneck for a high grade position, at which point there’s more luck and good timing involved.
Engineer Girl* March 25, 2016 at 2:36 pm #1 – salaries differ depending on where you are at. #2 – you are still entry level since your experience is not directly related to engineering. That said, you can spin your other experience as value added, especially if it is in a specialization.
Stephanie* March 25, 2016 at 3:05 pm Yeah, that was my thinking too (re the entry level status). Thanks!
SortOfRecentGrad* March 25, 2016 at 3:19 pm Not sure how helpful this is, but my boyfriend had a Master’s in an engineering field and no work experience when he graduated. His salary now is about $77k/year, 1 year+ into his job. I don’t remember what his starting salary was, but I think it was around there. We live in New England. And I agree with AnotherFed and Engineer Girl – you are still entry level since you don’t have direct mechanical engineering work experience. I’ll also say that it took my boyfriend a while (6+ months) after graduation to find a job. You might have an easier time of it since you have some work experience, even if it isn’t directly relevant.
Brendan* March 25, 2016 at 7:10 pm I got an entry level engineering role out of undergrad, in Boston, in 2005. It paid 55k plus “overtime” (all my time was billed to a client so I got to bill the company for any project hours over 40). I left that role in 2010 at which point I was making approx 80k+ overtime (about 90k total). I did not have a masters or a PE; those folks made more.
BusSys* March 25, 2016 at 11:58 am A manager in my team, but who isn’t my manager, recently admitted to having a crush on me. He’s much older than me and we do have to work closely together. Any tips on making the work relationship less awkward? We were just out for dinner (which our team does socially among each other, so it wasn’t weird that the 2 of us would be out together) when he blurted it out and I now find myself cutting work interactions down to just the meat of work and ducking other interactions that were normal (eg we’re a team that often jokes around with each other and all get along well, but I’m now avoiding some of that with him)
TCO* March 25, 2016 at 12:07 pm If it helps–it’s not your fault that this is awkward. Your coworker made the situation awkward by telling you something totally inappropriate. That’s on him, not you, and it’s totally okay that you’re avoiding him. With time this will probably pass and you’ll feel more comfortable being around him. But if that never happens, it’s not your fault and you don’t owe him your friendship/jokes/anything beyond having a functional working relationship.
BusSys* March 25, 2016 at 1:03 pm Thanks! I’m not taking responsibility for the awkwardness, I’m just hoping to sweep the whole incident under the rug and move on without making it Drama. The weirdness mostly comes into play when, say, I need to bum a ride to an offsite meeting (I commute by train) and the rest of my team are just like “oh he’s got you covered” (because he always offers for anyone who needs one)… I don’t want to just come out and say why I’d rather not go with him, and while I’m usually able to make another arrangement, it’s still awkward. And when I do get stuck having to go with him, it’s doubly so.
Engineer Girl* March 25, 2016 at 2:41 pm Tell your own manager pronto. You have already modified your behavior because of what the guy said. Your manager needs to know why. What this other manager did was wrong. He’s in a superior position which is classic sexual harassment. He should know better!
Engineer Girl* March 25, 2016 at 2:49 pm You need to tell your manager about it pronto. You’ve already started to modify your behaviors based on what was said. Your manager needs to know why or it will reflect badly on you. What this manager did was wrong. He put sexual pressure on a subordinate. No, you weren’t in the chain of command but you are further down the management ladder. This is clearly wrong behavior and manners are trained not to do it. Tell your manager so she can take care of this!! If you don’t report it it can’t be corrected. It also leaves you vulnerable if it escalates. (If there was a problem the why didn’t you tell us?)
Artemesia* March 25, 2016 at 5:13 pm This. That way your manager can protect you on situations like the ride. And you should also tell this guy, the first time he offers a ride that you don’t feel comfortable with that and to please not do so in front of others again as you don’t want to explain to your co-workers why. But your manager needs to know and it should be like ‘He came on to me and it makes it awkward when he insists on giving me a ride to meetings or otherwise corners me; I don’t want to make a scene or a fuss. How do you suggest I handle it so it isn’t awkward for the team.’
happybutfrustrated* March 25, 2016 at 11:59 am An employee has not improved in their job although they have been hand held throughout the whole process. The employee was hired by someone else and has experience in the field – frustrating to say the least! The employee walks on eggshells around me for no reason and will not open up as to why but wil tell others that they expect a pink slip any day now. Not the case (although this type of attitude makes me want to dole one out)!. It’s a daily struggle and it upsets the balance in the group. I am not a micro manager and I’ve given this person too much of my time for what it’s worth. The fact that they haven’t learned or improved over a period of six months tells me they never will. Yes, I have tried many different approaches. Now what do I do?! Signed, I give up!
The Other Dawn* March 25, 2016 at 12:12 pm Fire the person. Have you had a serious talk with this person? Laid out a PIP? Followed up? That’s not being a micromanager. That’s managing your employees.
LisaLee* March 25, 2016 at 12:14 pm Do you have the authority to fire this person? If so, maybe it’s time for a formal PIP. It sounds like you both know it isn’t working out. If you don’t want to put that process in motion, you could sit her down and say something like, “I hear from others that you feel like you are struggling here. In the future, I hope you will come to me with these concerns. To be honest, my expectation was that you would be completing X and Y on your own and would have taken over Z by now. I need you to work up to that by [date]. Can you commit to that?”
Terra* March 25, 2016 at 4:59 pm I feel like we’ve had this discussion recently but can’t find the post. Start by making sure you aren’t doing anything to cause the employee to feel this way. You probably feel like you aren’t but sometimes if you have “resting bitch face” or if you tend to sigh or roll your eyes without noticing it can be off putting to employees. Then talk to the employee about it, it’s possible their last job was toxic or upsetting and they’re still getting over it. Set out clear expectations and a path for them to be let go or not. Even if the news is not good most employees (especially coming off a bad job) will respond a lot better to a clear statement of “you are not meeting our current expectations. I need you to be able to be doing x, y, and z at a, b, and c level by this date. We’ll be having check-in meetings every four weeks while you work toward that goal. If you fail to meet any of your goals you may be let go or you’ll be put on a PIP and will have to meet those goals or be let go.” than a nebulous feeling that they’re not doing good enough but they can’t talk to their boss for whatever reason.
Encolpia* March 25, 2016 at 12:01 pm I’m trying to figure out an awkward situation with a coworker. I started my job a little over a year ago and got a surprise promotion very early on. It’s at a scientific research facility at a US university. I’m the only woman on staff, and I’m significantly younger than all my coworkers. The coworker in question, “George,” made a lot of off-color or inappropriate comments to me in my first few months there. He would persistently call me things like “sweetie” and “honey”. He once took a picture of me working and said he was going to show it to a club he was in, which was mostly older men, and so I should “expect some proposals”. Another time, he was talking to another coworker in front of me and randomly said that I was probably going to sue them all for sexual harassment. There were quite a few other comments like that; it was always right on the line where it made me really uncomfortable, but I would freeze up in the moment and then didn’t feel justified bringing it up later or telling anyone else. I definitely don’t think this is a bad attempt at flirting. He’s several decades older than me, and it seems like he’s somehow never learned to interact with young women as though they’re his equals. My other coworkers are generally pretty great, but I’m not sure if they would have had my back on this or if they’d understand that it was a problem. When this was going on, I was still new to the job and trying to find my place, deal with some impostor syndrome, etc., so I never mentioned it to anyone else (although most of the comments were overheard by other people). After a few months of this, I stopped acting at all friendly around George. I don’t smile at him, laugh at his jokes, or engage in more small talk than necessary. This was partly conscious strategy, partly being genuinely uncomfortable around him. Whenever we’re in the same room, I’m kind of steeling myself in case he says something else. The inappropriate comments from him have mostly stopped now. The problem is, I’m not sure if this is really a solution, or if it’s going to make me look bad. George and I don’t work together often, but I imagine some of our coworkers will notice that I’m very standoffish around him. I would probably just tough it out and hope he retires soon, but there’s one extra issue. I’m hoping to have my first kid a year or two from now, and because of certain workplace hazards, I would most likely notify my job very early in my pregnancy if this happens. George’s job duties would mean that he’d be told about this right away and would be involved in monitoring me throughout pregnancy. I’m really uncomfortable with the idea of having to deal with any comments from him about that (so much so that I would consider not declaring the pregnancy and giving up the protections I’m entitled to). Any suggestions for what I should do? Should I mention the past comments to my boss and see if he wants me to do anything different? Or carry on with the unfriendliness and hope no one else holds it against me?
Dawn* March 25, 2016 at 12:23 pm George is sexually harassing you. There ain’t no sugarcoating it. He’s treating you with less respect than he’d treat a male coworker specifically because of your gender. Go to you boss, lay it all out. If that doesn’t work go to HR. This is A Big Deal. You should NOT have to carry the burden of dealing with George alone!
KR* March 25, 2016 at 12:25 pm I would mention it to your boss about the comments as sort of a “This happened, and it’s mostly stopped but it’s why working with George makes me uncomfortable and I want you to be aware of it.” Then, once you find out that you are pregnant if that happens, point it out to your boss essentially: “Remember that I told you about that George thing, well I’m not comfortable with him monitoring me so can we do this differently or ensure it doesn’t happen” (seriously paraphrasing here). You’re not pregnant yet and George could announce his retirement tomorrow. A year is a long way away.
LisaLee* March 25, 2016 at 12:28 pm Yes! Go talk to your boss! Don’t just recount the comments–explicitly tell him that they are unwelcome and make you uncomfortable. You should not have to be constantly be on guard at work. Even though some of your coworkers overheard comments, I wouldn’t take their silence to mean that George’s behavior is condoned. It’s easy for bystanders to not notice or take seriously one or two overheard comments, and since your coworkers are all male, it’s likely that they’ve never experienced or been taught to notice harassment like this.
LizB* March 25, 2016 at 12:38 pm He once took a picture of me working and said he was going to show it to a club he was in, which was mostly older men, and so I should “expect some proposals”. He did WHAT?! No, no, no. Not okay. This is 100% sexual harassment, and so are the other things you’ve described — and I’m absolutely sure George is doing this deliberately. Tons of incidents, all uncomfortable, all juuuuust “minor” enough that you might feel silly reporting them? That screams intentional harassment to me. This isn’t a “lack of social graces” situation. You are absolutely justified in getting your boss and HR involved here. It’s okay that you haven’t spoken up in the moment, and it’s absolutely okay that you’ve stopped being friendly to George; neither of these things should reflect badly on you, and if anyone tries to question you about them, stand your ground. George is in the wrong here, and he is the one who needs to change his behavior, not you.
Adam* March 25, 2016 at 12:56 pm I stopped reading at that part. George is going directly into the “aggressively creepy” category at that point. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Encolpia, talk to your boss, HR, whoever you have to until action commences.
BuildMeUp* March 25, 2016 at 12:38 pm Wow, George is a creep. And honestly, his comment about how you’re going to sue him for sexual harassment says to me that he knows exactly what he’s doing, knows he shouldn’t be doing it, and doesn’t care – not that he doesn’t know how to interact with young women. He’s not socially awkward; he’s just a jerk. As far as not being friendly with him, I think that especially since a lot of his comments were said in front of other people, most if not all of your coworkers will perfectly understand why you don’t like him. I wouldn’t worry about how it comes across. I think you should have a conversation with your boss (and/or HR) about George’s comments, especially the picture taking (so creepy!). Don’t frame it as “what should I do differently,” though – this is not on you. George is the one being weird and making people uncomfortable. Someone needs to address it with him. Even if he’s no longer making comments to you, I’m sure he will make them to the next young woman who is hired. Talking to them now will also help to establish now that this is an issue – that way when you’re letting them know about your pregnancy in the future, you have a clear reason to ask them to exclude George from monitoring you. For things to say “in the moment,” if he starts up again: If he calls you honey/sweetie: “My name is Encolpia, George.” Any inappropriate comments/actions: “Wow.” “What an inappropriate thing to say/do.” “Don’t take my picture.”
Elizabeth West* March 25, 2016 at 1:34 pm And honestly, his comment about how you’re going to sue him for sexual harassment says to me that he knows exactly what he’s doing, knows he shouldn’t be doing it, and doesn’t care – not that he doesn’t know how to interact with young women. Yeah. He’s counting on the fact that she will be too uncomfortable to report him. Which tells me he’s probably gotten away with it before for that very reason. >:(
HeyNonnyNonny* March 25, 2016 at 1:51 pm Yes– practice saying “That is inappropriate” until it’s second nature. You don’t have to explain anything further!
GOG11* March 25, 2016 at 1:03 pm I recently met with a former manager who is higher up in my company for advice about a coworker who makes disparaging comments about others based on things like race, or just generally inappropriate comments/observations. Part of the reason I waited a couple of years to say anything was that it took a while for a pattern to emerge. If you feel like it’s weird to bring it up without one big incident, or after some time when there isn’t a fresh incident to talk about, looking at it that way might help.
Elizabeth West* March 25, 2016 at 1:33 pm YES OMG Document document document; report report report. Do it now rather than later. If you have to make a formal report, use the term “sexual harassment.” And tell him to STOP. You will likely be advised to do that first, if you haven’t already. Next time he does it, look him straight in the eye and say, “George, this behavior makes me uncomfortable. Please stop it. All of it.”
Terra* March 25, 2016 at 5:12 pm You’re not obligated to get along great with all your co-workers. As long as you can be civil and get your work done as needed I wouldn’t worry about people noticing your coolness toward George or holding it against you. Since the behavior has already stopped I’m not sure there’s anything your boss could or would do about George if you told them now. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t if it will make you feel better but just be prepared for it to mostly be something they make a note of with no overt action. As far as feeling uncomfortable around him you may just have to suck it up. Essentially it’s the same as if you had complained about George’s behavior, your boss said something to him, and he stopped. You might still be uncomfortable but since the underlying issue had already been dealt with they may not be willing to do anything else just for your comfort. You can absolutely talk to your manager and see if there’s an alternative but there may not be. If I were you I’d continue with my life (and pregnancy) as planned without saying anything to my boss. I’d continue treating George the same. If George ever did say something sexist again I’d tell him immediately to stop and never do it again. If he continued I’d take it to my boss. Your actions may not be the same though depending on your personal comfort level and the more subtle politics involved.
Artemesia* March 25, 2016 at 5:19 pm You need to sit down with your boss (might wait till you are pregnant, that is a judgment call) and discuss this issue and your desire to not have this guy ‘monitoring you’ while pregnant or in any position where he can belittle you. Those protections are in place to protect your baby; don’t give them up because of this dipstick. You might do it in two steps: general issues and then when pregnant. But you don’t want him supervising or monitoring you or your work.
takeiteasy* March 25, 2016 at 12:04 pm Do any of you have any tips on how to get over negative feelings about a coworker? I believe her work ethic is so much weaker than mine. She is often taking days off, working from home (however she doesn’t take incoming calls on those days) and she isn’t great at correspondence. She seems to always be shopping online or working on her side business. Will she ever get reprimanded? I feel like my boss knows what is going on but doesn’t address it. On the other hand my boss has said that I am going above and beyond. What gives? IDK maybe I’m just venting.
Sadsack* March 25, 2016 at 12:59 pm Your boss’s comments indicate he knows you are a hard worker. You don’t know if your boss has talked to your coworker about her work ethic, but that’s really not your business unless you are doing her job for her. If you are having problems due to her being incommunicado while wfh, then that’s something to discuss.
takeiteasy* March 25, 2016 at 1:44 pm I do her job when she isn’t here. Her job can’t really be done from home, so I’m not sure why they allowed that. I guess this is where my negative feelings stem from. I’m here everyday and she pretty much gets an extra day off. I know I shouldn’t pay attention to what she is doing but it kind of affects me. My boss has given me a really good raise this year but I’d rather have the time off too.
Sadsack* March 25, 2016 at 2:16 pm Wow, well that makes a difference. Sorry i don’t have anything more helpful to add though.
Newbie* March 25, 2016 at 1:03 pm I currently have a similar coworker. I think one way to cope is to focus not on her behavior but on your own work. If what she’s doing (or not doing) impacts on your ability to accomplish your work, then speak up to your supervisor, keeping it framed in regard to the work. If she isn’t meeting deadlines, speak up about the missed deadlines, not that she seemed to be online shopping when she could have been completing the task. It’s difficult to watch others getting away with slacking, but if you aren’t her manager, there’s not much you can do to change her behavior. Hopefully there is some way that the boss is rewarding the fact that you go above and beyond.
takeiteasy* March 25, 2016 at 1:50 pm I think I’ll try to focus more on my work and talk more to my supervisor about it. I just don’t know how to phrase things sometimes. I don’t want to sound petty and bring up the extra curricular stuff.
Victoria, Please* March 25, 2016 at 3:01 pm “Boss, I can do X and Y but not W or Z because I am covering for Mildred being out. What would you like me to prioritize?” “Boss, could we talk about the due date for DEF? I’m waiting on Mildred to get me the supporting KLM which was due last week, as per our staff meeting.” “Boss, would you prefer me to use overtime or push the deadline back for ABC? Mildred was out so I was covering for her. Also she did not get me the RST necessary for the ABC by the date needed.” Totally factual. No explanation as to WHY Mildred isn’t getting things to you on time.
Bend & Snap* March 25, 2016 at 1:52 pm I’ve been working at home with a sick kid for 2 weeks and not attending calls like normal because toddler. What people don’t see is me killing myself to make sure nothing critical slips and prioritizing things accordingly, which might mean a delayed response on a non urgent email. My coworkers might be saying the same thing about me right now but they don’t have the whole picture and my boss knows I’m on top of my stuff. You may not have the full story.
takeiteasy* March 25, 2016 at 2:04 pm It’s hard to sympathize with her because I know a lot about her. I know she has her mom helping her with her child at home. I know she has gone out of town on the day she wfh. She admitted this to me one day when I asked her to do something from home and she couldn’t because she was visiting friends in California and didn’t have her laptop with her. She only admitted this to me when I asked her why she couldn’t complete a task that she is able to do from home that day. She told me a this after she had gone to her vacation and she didn’t bother to tell anyone about her actually taking PTO, so she basically has a free PTO. Ever since then I don’t think she actually does work from home. I didn’t tell my boss about this because I felt that if I did tell him it would be petty. They have no complaints about her. So, yes, maybe I don’t know the whole situation but I do know that one part and it has since left me feeling negative about this whole situation.
Not So NewReader* March 26, 2016 at 5:29 pm If you don’t want to tell the boss, then please tell her to stop confiding in you. Let her know that many companies consider taking pay for hours NOT work unethical, perhaps it could be considered stealing. Let her know that you do not want to be a party to fraud. I don’t know if it is possible but stop doing her work for her if you can. Maybe you can find a compromise where you do A and B because you have to have those things done and you let C, D and E wait for her return. If you decide not to confront her AND not to tell the boss, then you have to move on. You basically have boxed yourself in where there is no action you can take and you just have to let it go. One thing I have seen is that good workers can get themselves really messed up by concentrating on what one person is doing or not doing. Maybe you can motivate yourself to let it go because it’s not worth ruining your good work history over.
NicoleK* March 25, 2016 at 8:31 pm Are you at BEC phase with coworker? If you are, it’s really difficult to pull back once you’re at that phase.
Adam* March 25, 2016 at 12:05 pm I’ve been home sick these past two days, so I’m going off topic a bit. But hey, the sooner I get better the sooner I get back to work! Also my job requires talking on the phone a lot so I may need this next week. What are your favorite non-medicine means of dealing with a sore throat?
Colorado CrazyCatLady* March 25, 2016 at 12:23 pm bragg’s apple cider vinegar in a mug of hot water, a few times a day. I swear this helps.
KR* March 25, 2016 at 12:29 pm Swallow a spoonful of honey – it coats your throat and is such a sweet way to relieve your throat (puns lol),
AndersonDarling* March 25, 2016 at 12:33 pm I’ve found that honey works wonders! It is my go-to fix if I have the tiniest tickle in my throat. Also, the Ricola brand lozenges are the only ones that would work on my tonsillitis.
Elsajeni* March 25, 2016 at 3:55 pm LOTS of honey and lemon. I find it helps most if it’s lemony enough to be slightly unpleasant to drink. (This may be psychological — if it tastes bad it MUST be medicine!)
No Longer Just a Lurker* March 25, 2016 at 12:44 pm tea with honey and lemon juice tea keeps the throat lubricated, honey coats and soothes, and the lemon juice clears away any mucus
Stephanie* March 25, 2016 at 12:47 pm Hot tea with honey or a Neti pot. I’ve had sinus crud the last couple of days, so I feel your pain. And my job is in a dusty warehouse, so I was at work yesterday like “please kill me now.” I took Mucinex yesterday and I think it made things worse in some respects (it thinned out my mucus, but then I had horrible drainage the rest of the day).
Bekx* March 25, 2016 at 12:57 pm There’s a type of tea called “Throat Coat Tea”. I used it when I lost my voice a few days before opening night of a show I was in. It works WONDERS. It coats your throat and tastes pretty good too. I found it at CVS, if you have those, but I’m sure most drugstores will have it.
GOG11* March 25, 2016 at 1:05 pm Over the years, several doctors have recommended gargling salt water, I think because it somehow cleans your throat? I’m not sure, but it seems to help.
Terra* March 25, 2016 at 5:17 pm Cepacol lozenges taste foul but they have a numbing ingredient that works wonders on even the most painful of throats.
Karowen* March 25, 2016 at 12:06 pm Guys, I need advice on how to deal with a co-worker. He’s a passive-aggressive blowhard who is convinced that I’m trying to sabotage him and also has the ear of the CEO. He has complained to our boss, and I’m sure to the CEO, about how I didn’t train him how to do his job. In actuality, I gave him all the tools I could, told him I was there to answer any questions, etc. He constantly forgets about the tools, doesn’t ask questions until it’s a crisis situation and then gets mad when – instead of holding his hand – I tell him where he can find the answer. He gets mad that I’m not trying to be BFFs with him. He has said some racist and misogynistic things (genuinely not realizing that they’re racist and misogynistic) so while I have other friends in the office, I have no interest in being friends with him. I’m cordial, but when I chat while working I chat with my friends, not with jerks. (It probably didn’t help that I gave him a pass on the first two comments and then started calling him on them.) He spends some of his day every day talking to his friends. Not a big deal here. The problem is that when any of the rest of us talk, he starts muttering – just loudly enough that those who have to sit next to him can hear. Fun comments from the last two days include “Oh god, dear god, shut up,” and “Stop whining, please.” I’m genuinely not sure what to do. My boss knows that I’m doing the best I can with the guy, and part of me is saying that I should just not let his inane comments get to me. Another part of me is saying that I should talk to him – basically say that he doesn’t have to like me, but he needs to not be rude out loud – but then I remember that anything I say is going to get me painted as a sea witch. (He has referred to me as Ursula before in what he thought was a private conversation when in actuality it was something he published for our entire team to see.) I’m trying to remove myself from the situation permanently, but until I can, any tips on how to not let him get to me?
WT* March 25, 2016 at 12:18 pm I would start by calling him out in the moment on the passive aggressive crap. A simple “what did you mean by that?” or “why would you say such a thing?” can have a lot of success since it forces someone to acknowledge their statements.
Sadsack* March 25, 2016 at 1:03 pm Your manager knows you are doing your best with him, but what is your manager doing about it? Sounds like nothing. I’d be talking to my manager about all of this.
Elizabeth West* March 25, 2016 at 1:39 pm I’d call him on the comments. “Excuse me, Fergus, did you need something? I thought I heard you talking. No? Okay then.” Then go back to your conversation. Every time. If he wants to act like a toddler, then treat him like one.
Not So NewReader* March 26, 2016 at 5:39 pm If the boss was the one who told you that Fergus complained about his lack of training, then go back and ask the boss to schedule a three person meeting. In that meeting you can ask him why he is telling people this when it’s simply not true. If he backpedals, I would consider it as my point was taken. Then you can say, “Fergus, I usually have a good working relationship with people. Going forward if you have any issues/misunderstandings with me, please tell me directly and we will find a solution. Don’t go to ten other people who cannot fix the misunderstanding, I am expecting that you will speak directly to me.” When he is muttering shut up and stop whining, stop, turn and ask him, “Fergus, is there a problem you wish to discuss?”
BlackEyedPea* March 25, 2016 at 12:08 pm I’m still looking for work and have not found anything yet, but I have been able to maintain a positive attitude which I view as a win (I was previously getting super depressed over being unemployed). :)
Anxa* March 25, 2016 at 3:03 pm Congratulations! I live in the US. I think it’s an incredible success to maintain a lot of positive feelings and avoid depression in a culture where identity is so strongly linked to employment. I hope this does not come off as patronizing in anyway. Simply maintaining good spirits through a seemingly never-ending job search has been one of the biggest challenges of my life.
BlackEyedPea* March 25, 2016 at 3:47 pm Thank you! It’s been difficult, but I’ve learned that I have to do other things and not obsess over it as much in order to stay sane. Also, I’m learning not to take it personal when I don’t hear anything back. It’s been awhile since I’ve had to job search, so at first it was odd to me when I didn’t even get a “thanks, but no thanks” response.
NicoleK* March 25, 2016 at 12:12 pm A friend recently graduated with a degree in computer animation. What job sites do people suggest for careers in the visual and media arts?
Not a Real Giraffe* March 25, 2016 at 12:44 pm I may be wrong, but I think the Daily Muse job board has a lot of tech-y type stuff.
Semi-nonymous* March 25, 2016 at 12:15 pm We found out this week that one of our biggest clients (that accounts for a huge chunk of our income) is being purchased by one of the industry giants, and they will no longer be using our services, as the giant company has an in-house department to do what we do for them. Thank goodness, our relatively new head of the company saw that possibility coming and had been slowing bringing in more small clients, to offset the risk of losing our main source of income – but it still hurts our bottom line. So far, he has promised that people will be the last thing he cuts, and no one is losing their job as of right now – but of course, that is assuming the board of directors don’t tell him to make slashing cuts where people are the easiest way to cut tens of thousands out of the budget in one swoop. And this client is also someone we’ve had a really good working relationship with, so it also just stinks because now I’m going to have to spend more time dealing with the obnoxious, less reasonable clients instead of our calm one that paid us lots of money. Blech. Lesson of the year – don’t make big plans projecting out how much money you are going to make in the next 5 years and all the fancy ways you will spend that money (including new assistants and direct reports for me, new upgraded equipment that would make my life easier, sigh), unless you have put a giant mental asterisk on it saying *assuming nothing bad happens*.
Artemesia* March 25, 2016 at 8:08 pm You know. You know. But start your job search right now. These things always happen faster than you think. My daughter and I both caught out thinking the job was stable for X time ahead, when it was really much shorter. And the first people to move always do best in a tight market.
NarrowDoorways* March 25, 2016 at 12:19 pm I just found the most infuriating email chain. Someone reached out to me asking about contributing a story to the publication I work for. Part of her email, though, specifically said, “Love to be involved if you’re requirements have changed.” I scrolled down to try to figure out who she’d previously talked to and what requirements she was referring to. She’d exchanged emailed with my old boss, who was fired in January. Looking down farther, I found the email where I referred her to him in the first place for follow-up. And I remembered how this all started!! I’d worked with her on something different, and then she’d expressed an interest in contributing as a writer. I’d forwarded her to my boss, as she was PERFECT and I didn’t have the authority to add her. When I had a daily round-up with my boss (who was still new and feeling out his role), he’d given me crazy attitude. “What do you want me to do? Why can’t you do it?” After I explained I couldn’t add her because that wasn’t within my role at the company, I thought he would handle it. I’d been overhearing for weeks from his boss that he needed to expand our list of writers. I was helping him, even though he constantly under-valued me. What did he do with my lead? He BRUSHED HER OFF AND SAID WE DIDN’T EVER ADD NEW WRITERS. He deserved to be fired. And now I have a new writer.
Mary* March 25, 2016 at 12:20 pm I am an HR Manager and need a reality check on what is/isn’t acceptable when it comes to expectations around work from home and connectivity. I asked to work from home due to my daughter being ill and was told that I could do so. I did not have my laptop at home as I did not plan to be out. I did have my blackberry with me and was able to respond to work emails, etc. I took the liberty of rescheduling two early morning meetings as I needed to care for my daughter, make doctor’s apt, etc. I believed that it was OK for me to do so as I was trying to balance caring for daughter with work assignments. My boss stated that because I missed those calls I was “not working from home” and that I should have asked for PTO. She then went on to question my integrity and accused me of not being honest. I feel like one of us must be crazy, here! If it’s me, please tell me. I’m losing perspective.
Ask a Manager* Post authorMarch 25, 2016 at 12:23 pm If you didn’t have a computer at home and were only responding to work emails, I probably wouldn’t consider that fully working at home either. It sounds like you did some work from home, but not a full work day — does that sound right? (Unless answering work emails truly took up roughly eight hours that day.)
Ask a Manager* Post authorMarch 25, 2016 at 12:28 pm Yeah, so I basically agree with your boss, although it sounds like she was unnecessarily harsh about it — there’s no need to question your integrity or accuse you of lying. She should have just said, “Working from home rather than taking PTO is for days when you’ll be working a full day, just from a different location. In this case, it sounds like you should have taken PTO for at least part of the day.”
Meg Murry* March 25, 2016 at 1:18 pm While I think it is harsh, I think it could be explained as a matter of integrity. When someone says “I am working from home today” and then doesn’t put in a full day’s worth of work and doesn’t use PTO, that’s not being honest about PTO – which I’d consider a matter of integrity. Especially for an HR Manager. Caring for sick kids is not WFH, and it sets a bad example that other employees could try to do the same. If OP had said “I have to stay home with my daughter today but I’ll be doing what I can on my Blackberry, so I’ll consider it a half day PTO, half working day” I think that would be honest and a fair use of WFH/PTO balance. The problem is that when OP asked if she could work from home, she didn’t clarify that she wouldn’t really be able to do a full day’s work and that working from home meant canceling meetings. Next time, OP, when you ask if you can WFH, you need to clarify as to what you mean by that (as far as what you have to cancel and what you can actually get done).
F.* March 25, 2016 at 7:12 pm I AM an HR Manager, and I have to agree: taking care of a sick kid is not WFH. I answer emails on my phone all the time in the evenings and on weekends, but I would never consider that WFH. It’s just part of the job.
Victoria Nonprofit (USA)* March 25, 2016 at 1:10 pm Yep, agree with this. Mary didn’t attend her scheduled meetings and didn’t do any desk work. That is not a work day.
Colette* March 25, 2016 at 12:27 pm My thought is that if all you were doing was checking emails and responding to them, you weren’t really working from home. When you’re working from home, you should be doing close to the same amount of work as you’d be doing in the office.
The Cosmic Avenger* March 25, 2016 at 12:58 pm Yeah, I probably would have put down for 2-4 hours of leave, depending on how busy I was with emails, but if I can’t call in for meetings or do other work, I wouldn’t bill for 8 hours of work. (I am exempt, but we have to bill for any hours we work or charge it to our leave.)
pieces of flair* March 25, 2016 at 3:08 pm Sounds like your boss understood “working from home” to mean that you were putting in a regular work day, just not in the office. What you actually did was take the day off while occasionally checking in with work. I’ve done that before and I don’t refer to it as working from home. I tell my boss and close co-workers I’m at home with my sick child, but I’ll be checking email or they can call me if needed. Throughout the day I’ll respond to emails and do any work that can be done remotely as time permits. I will either cancel meetings or participate by phone depending on the meeting’s formality and which kid I’m home with (the 6-year-old is capable of quietly watching TV and not being a nuisance; the 2-year-old, not so much). Generally I’ll end up putting something like 2 hours of regular work and 6 hours of sick leave on my timesheet for that day. Working from home means that you’re just as available (by phone and email) as you would be in the office, and are doing just as much work. It’s not compatible with providing solo care for a toddler. It’s a huge pet peeve of mine when people try to “telecommute” as a way of avoiding having to arrange/pay for childcare. So while I agree with your boss’s interpretation of the phrase “working from home,” I don’t think it was realistic of her to expect that you could actually do it while caring for your sick toddler. (Seriously, does she have kids? Unless maybe she misunderstood and thought you’d also be getting a babysitter?) She should have been clear with you that you needed to take PTO unless you could actually put in a regular work day from home, and you should have been clear with her that you’d be doing whatever you could under the circumstances, but not a full work day. Now all you can do is apologize for the misunderstanding and assure her you weren’t intentionally dishonest.
Oryx* March 25, 2016 at 3:22 pm Yeah, I have to side with you boss on this one. The fact that you rescheduled meetings in order to care for your daughter is an indicator that your focus was on family, not work. Which is fine if you had been using PTO but not when you’re supposed to be working from home.
Oryx* March 25, 2016 at 12:23 pm I realized this morning I have officially hit BEC stage with a co-worker. She sent me an instant message and as soon as the little preview window with her name popped up I felt my blood pressure rise. I’m always polite and professional with I communicate and interact with her but she drives me bonkers and I know she drives other people bonkers and ARGH. Any tips?
GOG11* March 25, 2016 at 1:10 pm I have a coworker who is (THANK GOODNESS) retiring soon who is very difficult to work with (objectively speaking – I hear it from other people all the time) who I got to BEC with pretty quick. My tips are to respond as if someone else, preferably someone you get on well with, is making the request (so you can respond to it as more of a weird one-off than yet another thing so-and-so is doing to drive you bonkers) and to focus on ANYTHING you can find redeeming about them. Ex, my coworker has a dog and the dog likes him (I’ve met the dog) and if the dog likes him he can’t be completely terrible. In an open thread a while ago someone suggested trying to be beige – just envision the color beige and try to do the person equivalent of the color beige. It’s helped me maintain a neutral expression when I want to roll my eyes so hard they fall out of my head.
GOG11* March 25, 2016 at 3:43 pm It means [expletive] eating crackers, and comes from one of those some-e-card type memes that says something to the effect of look at that [person] over there eating crackers with the implication being that even them doing something as innocuous as eating crackers gets on your last nerve.
BlackEyedPea* March 25, 2016 at 3:44 pm “BEC” = bitch eating crackers BEC stage is the idea that you’ve reached the point where you dislike someone so much that pretty much everything they do is annoying. They could be eating crackers, and you’d think “look at that bitch over there, eating those crackers like she owns the place…”
Apollo Warbucks* March 25, 2016 at 3:50 pm Bitch eating crackers. If I remember right it’s when some is so annoying they drive you crazy even if they were just sitting there minding their own business eating a cracker.
SortOfRecentGrad* March 25, 2016 at 3:26 pm I had to look up what BEC means and got a good chuckle out of it. Thanks for the laugh, and good luck!
NicoleK* March 25, 2016 at 8:40 pm Lol. The only suggestion I have is to get a new job. I had the same reaction to BEC coworker at my old job. Everything about her annoyed the heck out of me. Like I’ve mentioned before, she was a major reason why I left the company. Would probably still be there if boss hadn’t hired her or would have fired her sooner.
Not So NewReader* March 26, 2016 at 5:50 pm I mentioned up thread, that I have seen good workers come unraveled because of watching the nonsense of a bad coworker. Is she worth unraveling yourself for? No. Is she worth even making yourself look a little bit less than professional? Probably not, right? There are things that need to be reported and things that just need to have nature run its course. So report when you are ethically supposed to report bad behavior or let nature just take care of the situation. This is hard stuff, I know first hand. But if you practice ignoring, practice not dwelling on it, it will get easier after a bit.
Mx* March 25, 2016 at 12:23 pm I turned down a job offer this week, and I kind of regret it because my current company is actually collapsing, and it has become an open secret we might not last the month. But I really want to finally transition back to a role I was in before. I feel like the last few years have been this weird detour I only took so I could raise my salary out of the hinterlands. And haven’t really enjoyed it at all. I thought I could do a couple more years of it, but man, I can’t.
Rye-Ann* March 25, 2016 at 12:24 pm I have been wondering about going to happy hours organized by coworkers. Every once in awhile, one of my coworkers says (to a bunch of us), hey, let’s do a happy hour! I know the typical advice is to go because it will be good for my career, but there’s a couple of reasons I’m wondering about it in this case. First, I still feel awkward about the first time I went to hang out but just had water. Now everyone who was there seems to know me as “that person who doesn’t drink” (not strictly true, but close enough). From my POV it seems like they are kinda weirded out by it but are trying not to show it & still be inclusive. Now, if that were the only problem I would probably just suck it up and go. However, it’s not. My boyfriend and I share a car now & commute to/from work together. His suggestion was that we just go together, but to me that seems unprofessional. Still, it would be a waste of time to have him drop me off and then pick me back up after. So…does anyone have any advice for navigating this situition? I have decided not to go today, but it will come up again. Other, possibly relevant info: -I am younger than most of my coworkers -Last time, only 10 people went, so it’s not the sort of thing everyone goes to
BlackEyedPea* March 25, 2016 at 12:35 pm Ask your coworkers if they mind your boyfriend going. It may be a non-issue (I know I have previous workplaces no one would have cared, and others where it would have been seen as weird). Or, if they don’t want him there, maybe he could go to a nearby restaurant/coffee shop/bookstore while you put in some face time at happy hour.
Temperance* March 25, 2016 at 1:08 pm How far is the drive to/from home? Can you just Uber home? I wouldn’t bring your BF if no one else brings partners and you’re younger. It might seem unprofessional.
NarrowDoorways* March 25, 2016 at 1:32 pm I went out with co-workers yesterday! I was tired and feeling like a cold might be coming on. I decided to go anyway because bonding can be important in certain companies. It’s ridiculous that people get annoyed when someone doesn’t drink, but it absolutely does happen. I don’t drink so I discretely ordered a coke the first time and after just asked for “the same.” One of my co-workers carpools with her boyfriend. It would have been wildly awkward for her to bring him. She was fortunate to have the option to catch a bus instead. Other options are cabs (as long as you’re not going out all the time, obviously, though it doesn’t sound like you’d want to anyway) and just asking your boyfriend to, you know, not be a dick and put in the extra commuting time because he loves you and this can’t be the first time you’ve ever wanted to go somewhere and a car conflict arose.
Elizabeth West* March 25, 2016 at 1:44 pm I did too! We had a team dinner at a nice restaurant. :) Nobody gives me any grief for not drinking wine with my meal, etc. because I have to drive myself. Cabs are expensive here (especially clear across town). If they do act like I should, I just pretty much laugh and blow them off. I just say, “No thanks; I’m driving.” We don’t go out for happy hour, so that hasn’t come up, but I probably wouldn’t drink then either.
NarrowDoorways* March 25, 2016 at 2:26 pm For the most part, people are fine with not drinking. I’m still fun and engaged. I sometimes wonder if a person who takes issue with my lack of drinking somehow feels I’m judging them for indulging? I was talking with a co-worker in our shared office kitchen last week. I had commented his meal smelled wonderful. We ended up discussing his attempts to be vegetarian and how difficult it had been for him to eat out, which was one reason he stopped being a vegetarian. And then he threw in, “It’s just as annoying as going out for drinks with a group and finding out one person doesn’t drink. How obnoxious!” That pretty much ended my need to continue the conversation. I don’t understand why people feel what’s in my glass has any effect on their glass.
Elizabeth West* March 25, 2016 at 8:15 pm I think you’re probably right–they feel like they’re being judged for doing it. Simple transference. Maybe they’re secretly judging themselves….
catsAreCool* March 26, 2016 at 1:43 am Yeah, I wonder why he thinks it’s obnoxious. Some people have to drive, some people are recovering alcoholics, some people just don’t like the taste. If everyone else was drinking a Coca Cola, and I wanted a Dr. Pepper, would that be a problem, too?
Not So NewReader* March 26, 2016 at 5:58 pm I would have said, “Whooops, guilty!” Then I would have asked him why he was so upset, what if someone was a diabetic? Would he still think the person was obnoxious… I would keep going with similar questions using different examples of why people do not drink. One time I remember saying something about, “yeah, when I was in high school everyone had to drink and/or smoke pot in order to fit in. I am so glad high school is over, aren’t you?” It depends on how the person comes at me and what their relationship is to me. Conversely, you could have said, “Well, then I guess I should not ever go because I am just not much of a drinker. I don’t want people upset with me though, it is just a private choice and I feel no need to push my choice on anyone else.”
Artemesia* March 25, 2016 at 8:18 pm Good points. ABSOLUTELY do not bring a boyfriend or ask to do so to this sort of thing unless it is the norm and lots of people bring a spouse. It does two things — it change the dynamic of a work group get together and it makes you look immature. If spouses often join then of course it is fine, but go and get the feel of it first. If you don’t drink and want to do this sort of thing, decide what it is you can drink and then walk up to the bar when you arrive and order it and carry it to the table. If you think you will want a couple, let the bartender know. They are used to dealing with people who don’t drink in groups in bars. You can do the ginger ale or soda with a twist thing or a coke or whatever you like, but you don’t have to order in front of the group. ‘What are you drinking?’ (which no one should ever ask, is met with ‘my usual’ with bland face) If it is really hard for you to manage logistically, then just do it on rare occasions. You don’t have to be a regular. You can even say ‘oh I carpool and need to catch my ride, so this doesn’t work with me, it sounds like fun.’
BadPlanning* March 25, 2016 at 3:28 pm Could you plan to go for 30 or 45 minutes and have BF hang out somewhere in the meantime? Is there a coffee shop nearby or something? Or somewhere to take a walk? Shopping? Basically balance out a Happy Hour appearance and save the extra drive time. It’s not unusual when we have happy hours for someone to only stay for a short bit. Sometimes people mention something specific, “Gotta pick up the kids” or sometimes just a general, “Oops, gotta run! See you guys Monday!” But ours are very casual — like, hey, we’re having a happy hour. Not, Clear Your Schedules for Mandatory Work Fun at The Happy Hour of Team Togetherness.
NicoleK* March 25, 2016 at 8:47 pm I’m not much of a drinker but still attend happy hours. No one has really given me grief. One coworker asked me about it the first time but it was never brought up again. So go to happy hours and who cares what people think.
crushing anonymously* March 25, 2016 at 12:24 pm It’s related to a coworker but not really work related, so maybe i can save it for the weekend. But I find myself having a massive crush on a coworker (I’m married there single) occasionally. We get along well, and I enjoy their company (and I think that’s mutual)…..we don’t talk much outside of work and we don’t work closely together (i.e. Different assignments and clients and teams) so it shouldn’t affect our work. But I do find myself attracted to them occasionally and I can’t keep a neutral face to save my life. I don’t intend to cheat ever but it just makes my day better. Should I be worried?
Pipkin* March 25, 2016 at 1:12 pm Not worried as such but I also wouldn’t indulge it too much – if it’s never going to go anywhere (for whatever reason) then that’s just time wasted.
Artemesia* March 25, 2016 at 8:23 pm Recognizing this is the first step in not making it worrisome. You can then be careful to never go to coffee or lunch with them alone, and can avoid socializing as much as possible. This is something that happens to most everyone from time to time during one’s work life. People get attracted to others; people who know this take all the steps necessary to avoid anything that could lead where they don’t want to go. Try to share as few projects as you can; don’t spend time chatting; don’t overreact so people notice or comment that you are avoiding him. Be cool. Notice how easy it is to put yourself in his company and do the opposite. Been there. It works. Crushes are part of being alive.
TootsNYC* March 25, 2016 at 11:22 pm I had one of those. I decided I didn’t need to worry when I realized that I literally never thought of him when I was home. I decided to just enjoy it. Eventually he got a buzz-cut haircut that made his eyes look bugged out, and the crush was over. The admiration and liking of him remained, though. So, all in all, a win. (Though I heard that he became a bit of an asshole when his marriage broke up, and shortly before.)
MsChanandlerBong* March 25, 2016 at 12:26 pm What does “basic knowledge” of Excel mean to you? My husband (who has been searching for a job for six months, as I’ve mentioned here) got a call from a temp agency yesterday about a temp-to-perm job with full-time hours, which would be great! We pulled up the listing, and it says a basic knowledge of Excel is required. My husband knows how to open a spreadsheet, add new sheets, rename sheets, enter data, and use simple formulas. Would that be enough to be considered “basic knowledge”?
LisaLee* March 25, 2016 at 12:33 pm I think so. In my experience, “basic knowledge of MS programs” means that you’re not coming into it cold and can understand instructions for doing things you don’t have memorized.
Dawn* March 25, 2016 at 12:33 pm Yeah, I’d say so. And honestly, anything that he might come across that he doesn’t immediately know can easily be found on a Google search.
AnotherAlison* March 25, 2016 at 12:34 pm I think this depends on the position. If it is an admin-type job, then that probably qualifies as basic Excel. If it’s an analyst or database-type position, probably not. I think it’s fair to say for a temp position, it’s fine and he has a foundation to learn anything else he needs to know.
MsChanandlerBong* March 25, 2016 at 1:29 pm It’s a job as a scanning operator, so nothing too high-level. We need money more than we need career prestige right now, so he’s going for anything that doesn’t involve working in a windowless warehouse.
Meg Murry* March 25, 2016 at 12:36 pm I would say that’s probably good enough for basic knowledge to throw your hat in the ring. If he wants to get a little better at it, he could find out if any of the local libraries have a subscription to or a similar online training program and he could put himself through the 101 and 102 level classes.
MsChanandlerBong* March 25, 2016 at 1:30 pm Our library does have a Lynda subscription, and I was using it, but when I tried to log in this morning it told me my card number is wrong. I’ll have to go to the branch and see if it expired or something (there’s no exp. date on the card, so I didn’t think it would expire, but I may be wrong).
Manders* March 25, 2016 at 12:38 pm Sure, I’d call that a slightly more than basic knowledge of Excel. That knowledge base + a willingness to Google what he doesn’t know will take him pretty far. If he’s in doubt, it might help to go to the recruiter and ask exactly what they want people doing in Excel. It doesn’t sound like this is the kind of position where being able to use advanced features is vital to the work they’re doing.
Persephone Mulberry* March 25, 2016 at 12:40 pm I think so. Throw in sorting and filtering, and you’ve got what I imagine 90% of casual Excel users can do.
Trixie* March 25, 2016 at 1:10 pm If it’s through a temp agency placement, there’s a good chance they have would ask candidates to compete a skills test or assessment.
Colorado CrazyCatLady* March 25, 2016 at 1:34 pm I think that is enough – maybe how to do basic formatting or filtering/sorting data.
Artemesia* March 25, 2016 at 8:26 pm It is enough to apply but if he gets the job the first thing I would do is go through a tutorial to notch it up a couple of levels. If he is unemployed now and has time, doing that before he is interviewed is a good move. And it isn’t time wasted even if he isn’t interviewed or doesn’t get this job, because being able to easily use Excel to manage and manipulate data is just a very useful skill to have.
TootsNYC* March 25, 2016 at 11:23 pm If he can talk with jargon and detail about what he knows, as in your list, and can maybe talk a bit about how he found out new stuff via Google, or how he examined an existing spreadsheet and figured out how to capitalize on the formulas people had plugged in, that might be to his advantage.
Wakeen's Teapots, Ltd.* March 26, 2016 at 9:25 am Yup. And, I’m rooting for you guys. Go MrChanadlerBong!
Student* March 26, 2016 at 1:10 pm The most important thing to know about Excel is to how to look up things you don’t know. As long as he’s got reasonable skills in using a help menu interface and/or searching for an answer to a technical question on the internet, he’ll be fine.
Meg Murry* March 25, 2016 at 12:28 pm And for today’s fun task: try to figure out what industry specific language the original document might have used, when reading an article on Wikipedia that has been automatically translated to English from Google. Lots of head tilting and saying “mean gloss, huh? Oh, I bet that means semi-gloss, got it” Wikipedia + Google Translate = probably not the most accurate source of information, but I think we’ve figured it out well enough to have a clue. Maybe
hermit crab* March 25, 2016 at 10:01 pm Ha! One time, I needed a certain piece of information and the only place it existed was in a technical report written in Norwegian. One phrase, which eventually ended up making sense after some serious head-tilting, was initially rendered as “thereby construct basilica” by the free translation program we were using. (I don’t remember what it actually meant, but this was an engineering report about natural gas production in the North Sea and definitely had nothing to do with basilicas…)
CryloRen* March 25, 2016 at 12:31 pm How soon before a start date have you usually received the first-day info (like what time to show up, who to check in with, HR benefits meeting schedule etc)? I’ve passed my background and drug tests 2 weeks ago, but I haven’t heard a peep from my new employer yet…granted, I don’t start until April 4, so I still have time, but I guess I’m just getting nervous and wanting it all to seem more “solid”!
Meg Murry* March 25, 2016 at 12:42 pm I think if you haven’t heard anything its fine to contact them next week (I’d do it Tuesday, since Mondays are usually so blech). You might not get the details like exactly what time you’ll be meeting with HR to talk about benefits, etc until you show up – but its not unreasonable to ask what time they want you there on your first day and who to ask for at the front desk, etc. If they haven’t nailed down your regular schedule (for instance, will you be working 8-5, or do they want you to start at 7, 9, etc) you can definitely ask that as well. Probably also good to ask if you need to bring anything special with you for your first day (for instance, I-9 documents like passport or birth certificate and social security card; blank check for direct deposit setup; dependents social security numbers for insurance paperwork, etc). Congrats on your new job and good luck!
CryloRen* March 25, 2016 at 2:13 pm Thank you for the tips! It’s been a few years since I’ve started a new job so I’d completely forgotten that I might need to bring in identification documents. I’ll keep that question in mind when I call them next week.
Packers Fan* March 25, 2016 at 1:31 pm When I started my last job I actually called the hiring manager the Friday before I was supposed to start around 4:30pm because I hadn’t heard from her. (She was a really great manager otherwise!) It was also the norm at that company to call new employees the Thursday or Friday before the start date to confirm their arrival time. At my current job my hiring manager called me the Tuesday before I started to let me know that he would be sending me a schedule by the weekend before I started.
CryloRen* March 25, 2016 at 2:17 pm I actually went back to my personal emails to see if I could find that info from the last time I’ve started a new job (2+ years ago) and my manager at the time didn’t contact me until the Friday right before my Monday start date (I’d even had to follow up with her to remind her). It’s reassuring to know that this has happened before and everything was fine. I think I’m just unnecessarily anxious because the new employer has been silent for 3 weeks now, but I know they’re very busy.
My Boss is Kevin Spacey* March 25, 2016 at 12:37 pm I started watching House of Cards last night, and wow, my boss could be modeling her management style after Frank. Telling people different (sometimes entirely fictionalized) versions of events, pitting her employees against each other to acheive her own ends, and denying involvement/coming up with elaborate revisionist history when things go south. Only our organization is way smaller than all of Congress and she’s not nearly as subtle about it as Kevin Spacey, so all the people she’s trying to maneuver see right through her.
Blondie* March 25, 2016 at 12:39 pm Someone I’ve known since childhood is interested in an entry-level role at my company. I shared her resume with the supervisor over the department she’s interested in, and told her I would be glad to serve as a reference (since I’ve had professional, not just personal, interactions with her). She told me today that she appreciated the offer to serve as a reference, but needed to disclose a mistake that happened in her last job that caused her to be fired. The mistake was a big one, but was due to being forgetful and overlooking a detail, not something sinister. I’m still willing to serve as a reference, maybe even more so now, because she was open and honest, and protected my reputation by sharing her story. Happy to know people who make mistakes (because we all do), but still act with integrity.
GOG11* March 25, 2016 at 12:39 pm I wanted to share some great news I got this week! I met with boss’s boss and learned I’m being assigned to a new team half time (I am full time and shared between more than one unit). The position I’ll be taking over on the new team has been neglected for quite a while and things are in disrepair and boss’s boss felt, among those at my level, I’m best equipped to take on the challenges they’re having and get things to where they need to be. The team that I’m leaving has some really difficult personalities and some weird boundary issues, and I’ve heard consistently good things about the people on the team I’m going to. I also get to keep working half time with the other team that I absolutely adore. The vote of confidence from the higher ups feels great and knowing that I’ll be moving into a better fit for me almost outweighs the stress and headache of the transition coming at such a busy time for us.
TLV* March 25, 2016 at 12:47 pm I’m having an ethical dilemma. I’m an EA to a completely bananas woman who inherited a company from her parents and is now busy running it into the ground while using it as a personal piggy bank. The way I stay sane is by bonding with my co-workers (it’s a flat hierarchy). I helped hire and train a new marketing person this past year who has quickly grown to become one of my best friends. So it’s been extremely awkward and angst-inducing to be told that she’s being fired next week basically for disagreeing with the boss over something extremely minor. I want to give her a heads up even though I know that would be extremely unprofessional and also risking my own job, but the way firings have gone in the past is that EVERYONE in the company knows they’re coming except for the victim which makes work intolerable for the days/weeks/months until the boss finally gets around to pulling the trigger. I’ve been looking for a new job for years, and even rage quit last year (I was demoted in a company-wide email with zero heads up) for a few months until they begged me to come back (in the meantime, I went on three interviews – turned down one job because it turned out to pay slightly above minimum wage and was rejected by two others). I’m a single mom in an expensive city with depressed wages and high unemployment so I need this job, but if everyone else knew I was getting fired, I’d want to know ahead of time. I couldn’t sleep last night worrying about it. I keep almost crying every time I talk to my doomed friend so I don’t even know how long I can keep up my poker face about it. I’m considering just telling her and then immediately confessing to the boss that I cracked and letting things fall where they may because I shouldn’t even be IN this situation. Help?
BuildMeUp* March 25, 2016 at 1:05 pm If you tell your friend, do NOT tell your boss that you told her unless you are prepared to possibly be fired as well. Tell your friend you’re not supposed to tell her and to please not tell *anyone* that you did. Your boss sounds like she would not take it well at all. As far as telling your friend… I personally can see both sides to it, and I think you need to decide what you can live with doing, unfortunately.
Pipkin* March 25, 2016 at 1:15 pm Tough situation but if it were me I wouldn’t say anything. Best friend or not you have no idea how she’d react and who she’d take down in the process if she felt she had to. Also what is there really to be gained from telling her? Will she be able to prevent the firing? I would never let her know that you knew, and I also wouldn’t tell her.
TLV* March 25, 2016 at 1:28 pm The gain would be she could already be looking for a lawyer and preserving email trails she could use as evidence of wrongful dismissal (the boss will go through her email and delete anything that could be used against her like the borderline abusive emails she sends). The boss wants to fire her “with cause” which will be extremely flimsy as co-worker is an excellent employee so she could easily sue and win (as many others have before her).
Meg Murry* March 25, 2016 at 2:36 pm Rather than tell your friend specifically that SHE is next on the chopping block, can you just tell stories of how bananas boss has done this to other people in the past? How the boss has fired previous people “for cause” and although the people eventually won the lawsuit, it was horrible for them. And then follow up with your personal CYA methods (printing questionable emails and taking them home, making regular backups of your contact lists and templates you’ve created, etc). So you aren’t saying “you should be doing this because you are next” – you’re saying “boss is bananas and I’d recommend we all do this because you never know who she’ll turn on next.”
Ask a Manager* Post authorMarch 25, 2016 at 4:14 pm Just to be clear, it’s not illegal in the U.S. to be fired without cause. To be illegal, it would need to be based on her race, sex, religion, disability, or other protected characteristic or as retaliation for legally protected behavior (like reporting harassment).
TLV* March 25, 2016 at 4:38 pm I’m in Canada. Being fired with cause means not being able to draw Employment Insurance (as far as I understand it) so I mean fighting it on that front.
RevengeoftheBirds* March 25, 2016 at 5:48 pm Big city? Depressed wages? Canada… VANCOUVER! You can people without cause in Canada as well. However, if you’re firing them without cause you’ll have to pay them their statutory entitlement. For example, two weeks of pay for a worker that has been employed for between 1 and 3 years. If over five years, they are also entitled to severance pay.
Sadsack* March 25, 2016 at 1:16 pm Aside from my comment below, I actually agree more with this. Do what you think is right, but do not tell your boss.
Persephone Mulberry* March 25, 2016 at 1:13 pm I would totally tell her, and trust her not to say “yeah, TLV told me.”
Sadsack* March 25, 2016 at 1:15 pm That’s certainly a difficult position for you to be in, but I wouldn’t say anything to your friend. What if bananas boss changes her mind and ultimately decides not to fire your friend? How will you use your current employer as a reference if you are let go for telling?
TLV* March 26, 2016 at 7:16 pm The “hilarious” end to this story – boss sent an all-staff email saying my friend had been fired so I immediately texted my friend offering condolences and telling her I’d help her anyway I could… She hadn’t yet heard from the boss to tell her she’d been fired. So she ended up finding out from me and then getting an email about 30 minutes later confirming it. UGH. At least that’s over with. Time to look for a new job.
Sally Sparrow* March 25, 2016 at 12:48 pm Currently, I am a temp but there is a pretty good chance I will be offered a permanent position. If it happens, I will have been here a year. Would it be out of line to ask for seniority based benefits (mostly, you get more vacation the longer you are here, and retirement stuff) to be based on when I began as a temp and not my perm hire? That way I already have a year under my belt for amount of vacation given instead of starting from the bottom?
HeyNonnyNonny* March 25, 2016 at 12:53 pm Totally in line! For the government, they call it a “service credit,” where your work there is taken into account. It is definitely worth asking– be prepared to have concrete things you want though, otherwise they might just toss some benefits your way and it might not be what you’re looking for.
BRR* March 25, 2016 at 5:04 pm I think you can ask but it depends on the company. My husband is temp and they do tons of temp to perm and start them as if they’re new employees.
orchidsandtea* March 25, 2016 at 12:50 pm Does anyone have happy stories of a performance improvement plan ending well? One of my favorite people was just placed on a PIP. He’s taking it well, and working his ass off, so there’s hope. Right? Details: Favorite Person is a relatively new nurse on a busy medical-surgical unit at a hospital. They have high patient ratios and high-acuity patients. At first, he stayed late to chart the eleventy-billion daily things. He was told he’d get fired if he did that, so he clocked out and still stayed late to chart. Of course that’s illegal and he had to stop. So he started charting fewer of the non-necessities but getting out on time. Now his manager put him on a PIP, saying his charting has taken a nosedive and if he doesn’t get to both perfect charting and perfect on-time clocking out within a month he’s fired. I just want reassurance that sometimes this works out well for all parties. My only time on a PIP, they told me I’d done everything right and had become a stellar employee, but they had to let me go because they found an intern who’d do my job for free.
Analyst* March 25, 2016 at 1:07 pm As a new manager with a bad new hire (I didn’t hire him!) I had to put the bad hire and another employee on PIPs pretty early on. They were seriously slacking on their duties and I had to micromanage them to get stuff done. Bad hire ended up quitting when I sat down to fire him, and other employee wised up and turned everything around and became a very stellar performer. There is hope!
Jillociraptor* March 25, 2016 at 1:36 pm I coached an employee of a PIP once — she was successful because she genuinely wanted to improve, took direction really well, and finally had a boss who would invest enough time in her to help her build the baseline organizational skills that would let her higher-level skills be effective. It sounds like your person is very dedicated and wants to do well, so that’s a good start, but is there anyone there who’s able to help him figure out how to be successful in this particular circumstance? I’m sure there are ways to be more efficient if others are able to do it, so hopefully he can connect with other nurses or managers to get ideas and feedback!
Mimmy* March 25, 2016 at 1:41 pm I have no examples, but that sounds like a pretty unreasonable expectation for him to meet.
Mkb* March 25, 2016 at 3:49 pm I’m in the process of taking one of my employees off a PIP. If you take the feedback and address the issues it is possible to come back from one.
BRR* March 25, 2016 at 5:07 pm I was close to passing. It’s a long story. Are other’s being able to do the things he can’t? Honestly, it sounds like if your favorite person is on the PIP for those reasons they may not be able to get up to speed because if he could do those things he wouldn’t be on the PIP to begin with :(.
orchidsandtea* March 28, 2016 at 9:56 am Some others are, many others aren’t. The standards don’t appear to be applied quite evenly.
Doriana Gray* March 25, 2016 at 10:47 pm One of my former coworkers was on a nearly 15 month long PIP. He was making a lot of mistakes, costly mistakes, but it was due to the stress of being endlessly nagged and berated by psycho boss. Her final act before (finally) being demoted was to give him a 3.94 rating out of 5 effectively ending his probation. I’m so happy for him because he was concerned that she was going to try to lowball him again come review time and if she had, he was going to quit.
Anon for this one* March 25, 2016 at 12:53 pm I had to fire someone this week. I always hate letting people go, but this one was particularly awful because the employee was a good worker and he just told a very stupid lie to hide something that he didn’t even need to hide. If you are applying for a U.S. government security clearance, please do not lie about anything on the application! The investigators will contact your college and verify that you got a diploma. They will pull your passport records and see where you traveled. They will contact your neighbors and old roommates and whoever else you listed and make sure they know you. They will look for criminal records of all types. A less than stellar background does not prevent someone from getting the type of clearance we have, but dishonesty on the application does. We tell people this multiple times. There are warnings on the clearance application and they sign under penalty of perjury. I’ve never had anyone outright lie on the app before, and it’s so frustrating because now he’s been let go for cause with no severance or notice, and the team he was on is left short handed in the middle of a project.
Almost a Fed* March 25, 2016 at 1:05 pm +1. a history won’t necessarily preclude you. when they find you lying about it, that will. a friend who was an investigator and later an opm supervisor of a team of investigators went over my sf-86 with me before I submitted and pointed out any gaps, etc where it might cause my form to come back. he kept saying, “answer the question!” don’t lie but also don’t volunteer information. be truthful and take every inquiry literally. I do the same do interviews with investigators. I spend most of the time (for most of my awesome, upstanding friends) saying “not that I am aware of.”
Katie the Fed* March 25, 2016 at 2:54 pm And the worst part is – he’s burned that bridge for life now. Because they’ll ask if he’s ever had a background investigation before and he’ll have to disclose. I have a friend that made it all the way through the rigorous foreign service testing, got an offer, was in the process of starting and lied about pot smoking on her clearance investigation, despite me repeatedly telling her not to. And guess what? She finally disclosed it and was out for lying. It’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up.
Engineer Girl* March 25, 2016 at 3:20 pm This was the correct response. Your employee knew the seriousness of the investigation. They would have been granted access to information that could seriously harm the country. Yet Employee lied. * was it a lack of maturity? Then they don’t have the discernment needed to handle sensitive information. * were they trying to hide something? Then that would open them up to blackmail * what if they made a mistake? Would they bring it forward so it would be corrected or would they cover up the security hole leaving it open to exploitation?
Anon for This* March 25, 2016 at 12:55 pm After a year of striking out and two offers that didn’t pan out, I received an offer yesterday for a job I am excited about accepting! It is a government job and there isn’t really much to negotiate (they will not flex on vacation-earning, which is the one thing I was interested in – I am being started at a more than fair salary and grade.) The only thing I am worried about is an upcoming vacation. This summer, I’m scheduled to be abroad for 8 days (of leave. The trip would touch 3 weeks, starting on a Friday and returning to work on a Wednesday.) The plane tickets are booked, prepaid hotel arrangements have been made, we have tickets for a cruise, etc. and this has been in the works since last year. Usually I would negotiate this at the offer stage. But the HR rep just kind of shrugged it off and said I’ll have to talk to the hiring manager about it, but that HR could send over my paperwork to get started on the onboarding process. When should I reach out to the hiring manager? I have to pass a background check (just a check, not a clearance) before I’ll be given the official offer, but I obviously want her to know ASAP, but don’t want to seem like I am jumping the gun or trying to get out of work. I’m planning to note that I’m fine taking this time as LWOP since I understand I’ll have just come on board and not have any leave accrued.
KW10* March 25, 2016 at 8:59 pm Reach out to the hiring manager right away! Maybe start of with saying how excited you are, then something like “I normally wouldn’t ask for time off so soon but I wanted to let you know that I’ve already booked a trip on X dates. Would it be ok with you if I take those days off without pay?” (Allison probably has better phrasing somewhere in a previous post. ) the sooner the better, I would think.
Martin* March 25, 2016 at 12:56 pm Two co-workers, Niles and Daphne, work on the same team. One of Daphne’s responsibilities is to assist everyone on her team, including Niles. Although Niles is not her supervisor, he does have the ability to delegate tasks to her, and is one position higher. Niles often speaks in commands or directives (e.g. “Email Roz with the teapot designs.” instead of “Daphne, can you email the teapot designs to Roz?”) which Daphne feels is disrespectful towards her. (For the record, Niles has also spoken like to this to Frasier, his and Daphne’s supervisor.) It should also be noted that Daphne is a sensitive person. Frasier has spoken with both of them several times about communication, and specifically to Niles about being more conscientious of his tone and phrasing. Niles is trying to improve, but Daphne may also be at the BEC point with Niles. Other than this personality conflict, they are both good employees and get along with our other colleagues. What else can Frasier try to get them to get along better?
GOG11* March 25, 2016 at 1:18 pm I may be missing something here, but is there really anything to do? It seems like it should be pretty easy to add a bit of softening language for Niles (or even just add please and thanks, which is how some of my coworkers request things of me) and for Daphne to behave professionally outwardly even if she is annoyed with Niles’ phrasing. Am I missing or misunderstanding something? I’m not sure there is more to be done by Frasier.
Martin* March 25, 2016 at 1:33 pm Daphne has complained several times (verbally and in writing) to Frasier that she feels disrespected and harassed by Niles treatment of her. We don’t want this situation to get to the point where it is affecting their work, others’ work, or creating a stressful or toxic work environment. Niles has tried to soften his language but he takes it too far to the other extreme so that it comes off cloyingly sweet or insincere.
Laurent* March 25, 2016 at 1:49 pm Daphne needs to be told that this is not harrassment or disrespectful, just a blunter communication style than she prefers, and that she needs to get over herself, basically. Probably in more professional language than that ;). But stop coddling her. Unless Niles is actually rude or offensive, rather than just direct, she needs to deal.
GOG11* March 25, 2016 at 2:40 pm I would agree with this, especially if she’s treated well in general by other coworkers and the company. If there are other things going on that Daphne can’t control that make her feel undervalued or unappreciated, she may be fixating on this as she may think it’s something she can do something about. I know I find it harder to let little things go when there are bigger issues at play, as well. On the other hand, there was an assistant where I work who complained to her boss when someone asked her to make some copies (which is well within her job duties but something she felt she shouldn’t have to do), so some people really do just need to buck up and do their job.
Not So NewReader* March 26, 2016 at 6:55 pm Why not encourage her to use the same style with him? I try to match how people speak to me. I am surprised by the numbers of things people do not take offense at. If she adopts it as her way of speaking, at least with him, she might have a better understanding of what this is.
Sadsack* March 25, 2016 at 1:23 pm What does “trying to improve” mean? Maybe send him to sensitivity training of some sort? Or just tell Niles to get it together — Be respectful to all of his coworkers or leave.
Martin* March 25, 2016 at 1:46 pm Trying to be more conscientious of the tone and language he choose when communicating with Daphne. Yes, sensitivity training could be helpful – maybe for both of them. I don’t know that he’s not being respectful. Some people are just more terse in the way they talk. I know that Niles speaks like that so I don’t consider it disrespectful. Daphne chafes at the way he speak to her – even though Frasier has explained that is the way Niles talks and it’s not personal.
Jillociraptor* March 25, 2016 at 1:51 pm I’ve been the Daphne in this situation, and the Niles actually ended up being able to turn his behavior around to the point where we had a great working relationship, so it’s possible! I think the prerequisite for success are that both Daphne and Niles are willing to assume that the other is honestly trying to appropriately calibrate their behavior. They have to both be willing to assume the best in the other. If Daphne thinks Niles’s behavior change is just temporary or an act so he won’t get into trouble, or if Niles thinks that the real issue is that Daphne is too sensitive, this isn’t going to work. If I were Frasier, I’d want to sit down with both separately, really understand how each is thinking about the conflict, and make a determination as to whether they’re past the point of no return with each other. I’d then want to have a really clear idea of what my performance expectations are for both, and communicate them clearly. This is both to set individual expectations, and to make sure that Daphne knows what you’re considering appropriate/inappropriate behavior from Niles and vice versa. Then, enforce. If they are past the point of no return, I’d realign duties. Maybe it means Niles doesn’t get admin assistance until he’s able to repair his relationship with Daphne, or that another admin dedicates 5 hours a week to your area until it’s sorted. I’m not sure it’s a fireable offense just yet, but you could definitely make clear that if Niles continues to bark, AND if Daphne is unable to work well with Niles despite meaningful improvement in his behavior, these could be justifcation for dismissal.
Martin* March 25, 2016 at 2:10 pm This is very helpful. Niles says he wants to improve, but everything he tries does not seem to assuage her feelings so he gets frustrated and doesn’t understand what else he can do/feels like nothing he’s trying is right.
Meg Murry* March 25, 2016 at 2:48 pm Is most of Niles’ communication with Daphne verbal, or is some of it via email? For email, for a start, to avoid going too far in the cloying direction, suggest that Niles write the email he was going to write, then go back and add “Please” or “Can you please” to the beginning and “thanks” or “thank you” to the end. And suggest that when Daphne sends him results, he includes a “thanks” in his response, instead of “got it” or no response at all. Unless he’s being totally unreasonable and firing orders at Daphne that she physically can’t do in a reasonable day or is delegating all the crap work to her while he plays on Facebook and watches cat videos, I think Daphne probably needs to get over herself though.
Martin* March 25, 2016 at 4:14 pm The communication is both verbal and written. I think that there is probably room for improvement on both sides. As I mentioned, I think there may also be a bit of BEC (maybe from both) which makes it difficult to separate what’s feeling v. fact (to borrow the phrase Engineer Girl used in her response a few comments down).
Jillociraptor* March 25, 2016 at 3:20 pm It’s such a hard situation because it’s so subjective and (assuming you’ve reflected the genders of the people involved in the pseudonyms) so wrapped up in other stuff! If it were me, I would try saying something like this to Daphne: “I know you’ve struggled a lot in your relationship with Niles, and because you’re both really good workers, I want to find a solution that helps both of you work together more effectively and feel more satisfied and happy at work. What would you want to see change in Niles’ behavior in order to feel like it was possible to work together productively?” This could help spark a conversation that gives more specificity to Niles (that you can tell him about later, I’d have this convo just with Daphne), and also help Daphne change her mindset to see that Niles is genuinely trying to make progress on those things. It lays the groundwork for you to come back to Daphne when she complains to remind her that Niles is indeed doing those things she asked for, and it will take flexibility on both their parts to rebuild their relationship. Another thing you might think about is helping Daphne to make the distinction between behavior that’s not appropriate for work, and behavior that she just personally doesn’t like. It’s totally within her rights to say that she doesn’t like working with Niles; but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll manage Niles to behave solely within her needs. This is where the clear expectations become especially helpful in articulating what you will and won’t do to change Niles’s behavior. She can decide if she wants to live with that. And it’s totally fine if she doesn’t! This all assumes that you feel confident that Niles is making a genuine effort, of course, and the issue truly is just a clashing of personalities between the two. I trust that that’s the case for you, Martin! But my institution is going through some major issues with sexual harassment right now so I’m very sensitive to saying that this would be major gaslighting if someone did it to someone who is actually being singled out or harassed.
Martin* March 25, 2016 at 4:21 pm Yes the names accurately reflect the genders of those involved – which is what adds another layer of complexity in my opinion. I like the point you made about the distinction between work appropriate behavior and behavior one doesn’t like.
Engineer Girl* March 25, 2016 at 3:34 pm Feelings vs facts? Maybe it is time for Daphne to grow up. From your communication it appears that Niles is actually trying to do better. There is clear evidence of that to the point of going overboard. Daphne on the other hand has shown no signs of improvement. I’d talk to her to suss out the details of why she’s feeling disrespected. Specifically ask her how Niles should have phrased things. If she can’t do that then is say the problem is with her.
fposte* March 25, 2016 at 4:10 pm Yes, I’m not clear why it’s all on Niles, especially when people agree he’s not mean or offensive; she just doesn’t care for her flavor of communication.
F.* March 25, 2016 at 7:23 pm If the complaints about Niles were coming from more than just Daphne, then I would definitely say there was a problem with Niles. At this point though, it sounds like Daphne needs to be given explicit instructions on how to behave. I wouldn’t get into trying to suss out why she feels disrespected. It is not up to Niles to specially tailor his communications with her so as to not upset her tender ego.
Ask a Manager* Post authorMarch 25, 2016 at 4:03 pm But is Niles definitely in the wrong, 100%? It sounds like at a minimum Daphne needs to do some adjusting of her own, and possibly even could be the majority of the issue between them. “Daphne doesn’t like the way Niles communicates” doesn’t inherently mean that Niles is the one who’s wrong.
Martin* March 25, 2016 at 4:35 pm In response to Engineer Girl: Yes, she can articulate how she would rather have Niles to phrase things – as questions rather than directives/orders. It’s not just grammatical, but tone too. It’s true that saying “Daphne doesn’t like the way Niles communicates” doesn’t inherently mean he’s completely in the wrong but I do think it’s worth bringing to his attention that people may react in a particular way to that style of communication. It could hinder him professionally, I think, as it’s a way of communication that can be misinterpreted as being unnecessarily mean or rude. It doesn’t bother me because I know it’s not personal, but I think he’d be better served by softening his tone. (I’m a straight-forward person myself and very early on decided to adjust my communication style when working with Daphne because I realized she’s much more sensitive than I.)
fposte* March 25, 2016 at 4:37 pm But isn’t it equally worth bringing to Daphne’s attention that taking well-meaning informative communication as dismissive can hinder her professionally?
Ask a Manager* Post authorMarch 25, 2016 at 4:52 pm Yes, this! It sounds like Niles is getting all of the “you need to change” when actually Daphne’s behavior is the more disruptive of the two.
AnotherFed* March 25, 2016 at 5:08 pm Just from that description alone, it sounds like Daphne is a bit of a drama llama. If at least two of you are hedging around communicating to Daphne because she’s so sensitive, other people are skipping dealing with Daphne because they don’t want to deal with that.
Engineer Girl* March 25, 2016 at 5:30 pm She wants Niles to phrase things as questions even though Niles is the lead and senior to her? It sounds like Daphne is insisting that they are equal peers even though they are not. As the lead he absolutely can say “I need you to do this” instead of “Daphne would you please do this?”. You are undermining Niles authority as the work delegator when you force him to say “pretty please”. Yes, it is good for Niles professional development to say “please”. But what Daphne is doing is a subtle form of insubordination. She’s refusing to accept Niles authority as work delegator. I can see where Niles would be frustrated. Daphne’s needs to learn that everyone is not equal on the team. She’s got ego issues that are going to manifest other places. And she’s playing the rest of you like a violin.
Jillociraptor* March 25, 2016 at 9:42 pm I think in general, you’re right, but there are some weird dynamics that can arise for people in administrative support roles. Of course, the reality of the role is that you’re responsive to others’ needs, and often do work that is invisible, and if you can’t deal with that, this isn’t a job for you. But even for those who are happy in this sort of role, it’s really easy for it to get under your skin when it feels like others are taking your time and effort for granted. There’s a happy medium that recognizes that the superior is fully entitled to asking for the support of the admin person, and also that the admin’s time and effort is valuable. Regardless of level of authority, I think it is a professional obligation to find this balance. All of that said, it’s not appropriate for Daphne to stew about this, especially when Niles is making a concerted and visible effort. Just providing some additional context to how emphasizing the authority and hierarchy can ring particularly ickily to an assistant.
Ultraviolet* March 25, 2016 at 8:47 pm I think you can get tricky situations when one person’s job responsibilities include assisting other people with whatever they want help with, but they also have their own things going on. Different “cultural” norms can develop around what’s appropriate to delegate to that person or how much effort you should put into making the task you’re giving them easy. In my department, people who err on the side of giving “Daphne” more work can be looked at as arrogant, even though they’re being perfectly civil and delegating work in a way that’s totally appropriate for their role and hers. So if Niles is the only one who talks to Daphne like this, I can see where it would stand out and annoy her. But she needs to accept that this is an appropriate way for Niles to interact with her. I think you should try to separate the question “What should Frasier do about Daphne’s complaint about Niles?” from the question “Should Frasier coach Niles on being less brusque and how that might benefit him?” Don’t think of it as a spectrum where you need to settle somewhere between “Daphne’s right” and “Niles is right.” Treat them independently.
Engineer Girl* March 25, 2016 at 8:56 pm I’ve thought more about why this bothers me. Communications are either info, directives, or requests. Daphne is insisting that all communications be framed as requests even though they are work flow directives. She doesn’t get a vote on if she does it or not! Maybe she doesn’t see Niles as a leader because he isn’t above her on the org chart. In that case you need to explain that there are coded managers as well as workflow leaders (POCs, SMEs, project leads). Both groups get to issue directives to get work done even if they are not above her on the org chart. Maybe she doesn’t understand the difference between directives and requests. In this case she needs to understand that the two are phrased differently, with requests using the soft language that she demands. Tell her that there needs to be different wording on directives so folks know what has to be done Vs nice to haves. Niles should read Crucial Conversations and Influencer to get some scripts for communications. But it sounds like he is trying to act respectfully and most of this issue is with Daphne.
TootsNYC* March 25, 2016 at 11:34 pm You said earlier that he’s too cloying. So he may be coming across as sarcastic or obstructive by faking it or exaggerating it. If he truly wants to add this new communication style to his repertoire but isn’t being successful at sounding sincere, maybe someone could sit down with Niles and spend 20 minutes coaching him through phrasing and tone. It’s really simple: “email Darcy” becomes, “Would you email Darcy for me, please?” The tone just needs to be friendly-neutral, with an actual lift at the end, and not cloying or sickly sweet. And then Daphne needs to be sat down and told, “When Niles is trying, you need to make room for him to succeed.” The other option–if Daphne is sensible–is to have her coach Niles right in the moment: “Niles, that sounded kinda bossy. Could you say it again as a request?” But from your description, I don’t think Daphne could really be trusted with that. I’d focus on Niles, because honestly he would benefit from having “would you…for me, please?” as his default phrasing. It’s not only Daphne who would object to the bald statements that can sound like orders, and while other people might complain, -Niles- would probably find that he got greater help from his colleaguesin general if he had other ways to approach them.
Job Seeker* March 25, 2016 at 7:13 pm There’s probably more going on here than you’re aware of. When two people really don’t get along, there’s usually more to it than one person being offended by the way another communicates about work. If that is the only issue, some team training on communication styles might help. Otherwise, someone’s going to need to dig a little deeper. Not getting overly involved. Just scratching the surface a bit and finding out if there are other issues.
Not So NewReader* March 26, 2016 at 7:11 pm I tend to agree. I am wondering what the real issue is. I have mentioned this a couple times and I think that it fits into this situation also. Explain to both of them, IN FRONT of each other that part of what they are being compensated for at any job, is their willingness to get along with other people. My first boss said this and I have held on to it. It really is not anything anyone explains to you, rather it is just expected. It seems to me that both of them could learn to bend a little, it will serve them well through out their working career so it is not a waste of time learning how to work with different personalities and different styles. I would be clear that Daphne does not get to select every word that Niles says. And Niles does not get to bark orders at people. It sounds like you have put a lot of time into this already and I would mention that. I would encourage them to talk to each other and bring this matter to a rest.
Gobbledygook* March 25, 2016 at 12:57 pm I’m trying to relocate to another state and I’m not having any luck. My main motivator is to move closer to family (my sister) and I mention that in my cover letters, but I don’t know if I’m being rejected due to being a long-distance candidate or other considerations. I think it doesn’t help that I’m in the pharmaceutical industry with a BA in English. I’ve found that I really enjoy data management and would like to stay in the field (medical & pharmaceutical), but I’ve been quickly rejected for all the jobs I’ve applied for. I’ve only been at it for a few months, but I’m beginning to get discouraged. I’ve combed through AAM’s archives, but would love advice and success stories!
Job Seeker* March 25, 2016 at 1:32 pm Ah, I wrote a great reply to this and then the site crashed! It’s still being slow. I’ll be back later.
overeducated* March 25, 2016 at 1:57 pm I am sorry – no advice, just commiseration. I’ve applied for a lot of local jobs and a handful of jobs in Ideal City (it’s smaller and there don’t seem to be as many openings), stressing in my cover letters that I’m eager to move there to be closer to family. No bites yet, even though it is pretty common to move for jobs in my field. I’ll be reading comments here with interest too.
Gobbledygook* March 25, 2016 at 2:59 pm Thanks! It’s so frustrating. One of my coworkers suggested trying a recruiter/staffing agency because it worked for her in the past. So, we’ll see.
Karowen* March 25, 2016 at 4:20 pm Rather than restate AAM’s stuff, I’ll just remind you of this link in case you missed it: Other than that, I don’t have any first-hand experience, but I do remember reading a comment somewhere on AAM’s site where the woman would put “moving by X date” in her cover letters (implication being regardless of the job), and that she had always been able to land a job before she moved with that tactic. Of course, I don’t know what other qualifications she had so maybe she was just an amazing candidate but something to consider.
Gobbledygook* March 26, 2016 at 11:55 am Thanks! I’ve instituted several of those points. I guess I just have to keep trying.
Job Seeker* March 25, 2016 at 4:42 pm Ok, I’m back. I’ve heard perspectives on this from several hiring managers. Long distance candidates are generally seen as more of a risk because the move might not work out, or they might have trouble adjusting to the new area, they often don’t have local references, and long distance interviewing is more of a challenge logistically. The way around that is to (indirectly) address these concerns in your cover letter and draw attention to skills you have that other candidates might not. For example, you could present your BA in English as a strength, pointing out that it qualifies you to do writing, PR, marketing, etc. I would focus more on that, and any professional reasons to be in the area, more than talking about being closer to family, although that also wouldn’t hurt. Good luck!
Gobbledygook* March 26, 2016 at 11:51 am I’m originally from the neighboring state, so I have many friends and family members in the area. I currently live in Florida and I’m looking to move to Wisconsin, which I’m sure some people will question (sunshine and beaches vs snow). I really, really miss being close to my family. I’ve addressed the reason for the move and that I am prepared to cover all interview and moving expenses in my cover letters. As for professional reasons to move there, all I can really say is that the job market is so much better there. Thanks for the advice! I hope something comes up for me soon.
Undine* March 25, 2016 at 5:34 pm When I was searching for a job remotely, one thing I put in my cover letter was “I will be visiting [city] on these dates, and will be available for interviews in that time frame”. (Obviously it had to be true.) Then they know that they can interview you in person without having to pay for you to come out. And it says something about your commitment.
Gobbledygook* March 26, 2016 at 11:57 am I was thinking of doing that, but I don’t want to risk nothing coming from it and then having to take future trips. I have mentioned in my cover letters that I am prepared to pay for interview and moving expenses. Maybe I’ll have to bite the bullet and try that.
Anonyby* March 25, 2016 at 12:59 pm Thanks to all that responded last week to my question about handling people asking if I’ve been moved to FT. I was asked a lot less this week, but it was helpful for when I was asked. Still no idea when I’ll find out even a timeline on the hiring process! I’m hoping it doesn’t go on for months, because I’d like to either get moved to FT (and get benefits!), or really step up my game for job hunting with a clear conscience. And yes, I do know that I can job hunt even with a possible promotion in the works…but I also suck at job hunting, quite frankly.
Job Seeker* March 25, 2016 at 1:00 pm I’m back on the job hunt and dealing with the familiar questions. 1) Under what circumstances is it ok to apply for more than one position at the same company? (My answer so far is that it’s fine if it’s a larger company, the positions are clearly part of the same career path, and one is not a personal referral). 2) Cover letters – How formal? How entertaining? Good to take some risks or to play it safe? (So far I’m trusting my instincts based on the company and tone of the job description.) I think that job hunting is a process. It’s a skill you get better at when you’ve been focused on it for a while. I started out with some applications for jobs I was over qualified for. Now that I’ve honed my skills, I’m applying for jobs I’m a little under qualified for. There’s a reverse psychology thing about that; it can be easier to get jobs you’re a little under qualified for because you come across as highly motivated and confident rather than (potentially) the opposite. Unfortunately, I’m dealing with some other stuff that has come up at the Worst Possible Time and is taking away time and energy from my job search. On the other hand, I’m being more organized about it than ever before. I know that if I systemize it and break it into steps, it’s less intimidating and seems more like a job itself. I also have detailed records of everything that I can reference later should I ever need to.
overeducated* March 25, 2016 at 2:01 pm I’m having the same experience with getting more interviews from jobs I’m slightly under qualified for vs. over qualified. (There’s one I interviewed for recently where the committee chair said “why are you applying, you’re really overqualified!” but it’s actually one I’m both excited and nervous about because even though it doesn’t require my degree, it involves major responsibilities that are new *to me.*) Here’s hoping one results in an offer soon.
Job Seeker* March 25, 2016 at 4:46 pm Thank you! I took a huge risk, leaving my last job to do an unrelated, unpaid project for a while. I accomplished a lot and have now landed a part-time evening job, but it’s always hard to find something full time 9-5ish when you aren’t coming directly from a similar role at a similar type of company.
Susan C* March 25, 2016 at 1:01 pm HAPPY EFFIN’ (belated) SPRING EQUINOX, Y’ALL I accepted my first properly non-acedemic job offer today! It’s at the lower end (but definitely within) my range, but comes with a car, amazing flex time, and a contract* that made my “counsel”** almost weep with joy. I’d like to give heartfelt thanks Alison and the Comment Crowd for their respective significant contributions to this :D * note that written contracts are the norm here ** i.e. my about-to-graduate-law-school best friend
overeducated* March 25, 2016 at 1:59 pm Amazing, congratulations! I’m so curious to hear what sort of job it is, if you’re willing to share!
Pipkin* March 25, 2016 at 1:10 pm Any tips on how to refocus what’s left of a team when a toxic employee finally leaves? I joined a team almost a year ago as manager – it’s a non profit (yes, another one!) which up to my arrival was so laid back about pretty much everything it was horizontal. No proper policies, procedures, boundaries…no concept of what’s appropriate conduct in work – nothing. It has been an uphill battle and I was down to two un-cooperative staff from the old team when my nemesis finally resigned (they jumped just before they were pushed). I’d really love to clear the decks and have a fresh start with the one old team member left and the new hires – I want the attitude of ‘well before you came we were allowed to do x’ (x being whatever they wanted with no regard for productivity, honesty or transparency) to go and have us all move forward into a better space. How do I do this without sounding like I’m being…well…a b1tch? The one remaining team member would acknowledge the old way of doing things wasn’t proper – but they also went for my job and didn’t get it so kind of enjoy picking holes in any changes I try to make.
Laurel Gray* March 25, 2016 at 1:14 pm How about a meeting to discuss some in the near future goals, re-iterate how things will be going forward, praise your staff (with specific examples of everyone’s good work) and close with a nice catered lunch? (Everything lasting not longer than 90 minutes with the bulk of the time being enjoying the lunch)
Rainbows and Bunnies* March 25, 2016 at 1:31 pm I am going through a similar situation right now, having to manage people who have been there for almost two decades, and who have never been held to task when they defy management time after time. I will be kind but firm, I will set guidelines and timelines, I will document everything, and if things don’t change I will make the necessary changes. I will practice the art of emotional detachment and just do what I have to do. Um, hopefully that will work since that’s my plan!
Not So NewReader* March 26, 2016 at 7:37 pm I had to take over someone else’s crew. At first they did not like me, AT ALL. So I lowered my voice, I did not speak loudly about anything until they got to know me. After that I would joke loudly or say hi from a distance, etc. I found out what they needed to do their jobs. There were basic rules that had to be in place. I presented these rules as everyone works under the same set of rules. I explained why each rule existed. (Ex. Be on time, here’s why: this is a group effort and we need everyone here. The workload gets brutal fast if we are missing even one person.) I used the word WE a lot. I made sure if they had a real problem, I put my hands into it along with them. When you catch them doing something right be sure to mention it. Where you can let them chose something, let them pick and don’t second guess them. If you have a preference, just state your preference and skip asking them what they think. Be approachable. Listen, even when you know you are going to have to disagree hear them out before disagreeing. There is nothing wrong with having productivity levels or output measurements, tell them what these things are BEFORE you put the standard in place. I had them measure their own daily outputs for about a week or so before I stepped into see what they were doing. I said, “If you check your own stats, it feels less demanding when others check your outputs.” (This made me smile, they all knew their own productivity level BEFORE I started checking on them! It was very cool. I was able to congratulate most of them. The setting was such that you had to keep working in order to get your numbers up. You could not reach a good number on your first day of work. This meant that most of them had been working at getting their numbers up before I checked.) Allow them to see you being pleased. Act happy with their wins/successes, even if you are dog tired and don’t feel like acting happy. Allow them to see you working just as hard as you expect them to work. Be fair. They don’t have to like what you are saying, but they do have to understand the fairness in what you are saying.
Rainbows and Bunnies* March 25, 2016 at 1:23 pm What to do when you’ve been promoted to manager of a small branch office, and your boss (who is also the president/CEO of the company), tells one of your direct reports that he is second in command? This came with little clarity, so this person has run with it, assuming that he/she has much more power than they actually do. This person has become very focused establishing chain of command (and has gone so far as to draw an organizational chart showing their position above my other direct reports, who are actually on an equal level) and requesting job descriptions for every single person. These things are not bad to have, but they are being done in order for him to establish more authority and power over others. This is not how I operate; I want to manage processes, not people, and I want a smooth transition. This person is pedaling towards establishing a dictatorship. My boss has since told us in no uncertain terms that it is my office and that I am in control, and that this person is a backup and there to assist, because this person is very good at completing tasks and is forward thinking in some areas. But he expects us to work closely together. As a result, this person is in my office several times a day, going over ideas in great detail and taking lots of my time that I need to complete all of my other duties. I haven’t had any space to really work on MY ideas for managing things. I am also a fairly introverted INTJ, and I need more time than some to plan and strategize, and I would rather do it alone with guidance from my boss. It has caused me a lot of anxiety over a position that I was really hesitant to take in the first place. I am not afraid to set boundaries and deal personnel issues that have frustrated this other person in particular, but I am not going to create a dictatorship.
Sadsack* March 25, 2016 at 1:30 pm I don’t understand why you don’t just tell your employee to hold off on the things you don’t want him to do. For one thing, do not let him commandeer your office for his brainstorming. When he does, tell him now is not a good time and ask him to put a meeting on your calendar. Then you decide if you need to move that meeting. When he tells you his plans, tell him you’ll consider it and will let him know what you decide, or tell him what you don’t like and why.
Rainbows and Bunnies* March 25, 2016 at 1:33 pm This is all very new to me, just in the past week. I think that setting a meeting is the way to go. I will do that, thanks!
Sadsack* March 25, 2016 at 2:23 pm Oh, you might also tell him you don’t want him distributing anything to the office, like org charts and whatnot. Next time he comes up with something like that, nicely tell him to give it to you to review and that you’ll let him know when you are ready to discuss it. It sounds like this guy thinks he is comanager instead of second in command, which I take to mean he is in charge when you are not there.
Rainbows and Bunnies* March 25, 2016 at 3:32 pm I saw that he had it written down but it did not get distributed – thank goodness! I will make it clear that he is not to distribute anything that hasn’t been run past me. And you have that correct, he is in charge when I’m not here, or in case I get hit by a bus or otherwise disappear, but he is not comanager, as he thinks.
Temperance* March 25, 2016 at 3:23 pm As another INTJ, this is where my logical and blunt side would take over. Call Direct Report into your office early Monday morning, and lay out some ground rules. He might be trying to usurp your authority, which is not cool. He can’t boss anyone around. He can’t draft job descriptions, he can’t establish a chain of command … your boss wants the person to be your backup and to grow. Tell him to slow his roll, and that you and Boss will be handling the planning/managing/strategy. Don’t be too nice, or he’ll steamroll you. This guy sounds like a nightmare.
Rainbows and Bunnies* March 25, 2016 at 3:39 pm It took about a week, but my boss did clarify some things, but it kind of spiraled there, and I truly didn’t realize the full extent of this person’s authoritarian leanings until late this week. I think that he is very eager to change some ongoing problems that we’ve had in the office, saw his opportunity and completely jumped on it but went a bit too far. Your words are exactly true, boss wants this person to be a backup and grow, that’s it. There will be discussions on Monday. Thanks for the feedback!
Ultraviolet* March 25, 2016 at 8:13 pm I would have been really thrown off by the boss announcing this guy was second in command and apparently not clarifying what that meant for awhile too, so I totally sympathize. Sounds like things are looking up now you’ve talked to your boss though! I’d be interested in an update next week.
WhichSister* March 25, 2016 at 4:07 pm Assistant TO the regional manager? Does this guy like bears, beets and battlestar galactica? That’s all I could picture when I was reading your post.
Not So NewReader* March 26, 2016 at 7:58 pm I think I see an issue. You do manage people. The people manage their own processes. You can’t take the people component out of managing, unless you work by yourself. Honestly, any boss that said to me “I manage processes not people”, I’d run. Stuff does not get done magically, there are people doing the stuff. On the good side of thing, introverts make great managers because they are keenly aware of people issues. Take care of your people and your people will take care of the process. Your second in command. People gravitate toward dictatorship when they feel no one is in control. It could be that this guy’s dictatorship is because he feels that you appear to not be taking control. One thing I would do is schedule meetings with him so he is not in your office several times a day dumping on you. Set the pace by establishing the numbers of times a week the two of you will meet and the time of day you will meet. Tell him that he should come with a list of topics and you will spend x amount of time going through all the topics. When the time is up tell him, time is up. Don’t let him ramble forever.
Rainbows and Bunnies* March 27, 2016 at 12:13 pm It’s true that he feels like we have not had leadership, because due to a merger we have not had a manager in our office at all for over two years. I was just promoted to manager last week so I have barely begun. He started this the absolute second he was told he was 2IC. I never told him about the managing processes thing, I certainly want to support and take care of the people in my office. What I don’t want to do is have a reactionary management style that attempts to address our issues by creating rule upon rule to reign in the one or two people who need it, I want to manage to a higher level and either they come up with us or they go.
INTP* March 25, 2016 at 1:24 pm Quite the highs and lows this week. I got my first ever freelancer job! It actually went very smoothly, I felt totally capable and delivered quite early. The next day I got my second ever freelancer job from the same agency. That one was more of a disaster. First, one of the PDFs they sent must have something weird in the back end because it wouldn’t work with any of my software. I actually did the work and lost it because my software had not been able to save the file properly. And I made a very stupid mistake in converting time zones (I went the opposite direction), so I thought I sent most on time, but realized later that it was 2 hours late. The project manager told me they would find a solution for the technical glitch, then emailed at 7pm (several hours after the rest was due, and while I was eating dinner) that they needed it urgently, I didn’t see that email until 9pm, it was a pretty small project but with the extra formatting required I didn’t send it until midnight. That was 12 hours ago and I haven’t received a confirmation of receipt or any response whatsoever. Logically I know that this is probably pretty common for early freelancing careers, but I’m also feeling down on myself for the time zone error (I work with time zones all the time and I don’t normally mess up like that) and because with more organization I could have handled their changing expectations (technology and formatting wise) with less chaos and delay. Now I’ve barely slept for two nights and get to work 12 hours today to catch up on required weekly hours for my regular job. I’m not sure whether to take this as a sign that I’m not ready to start freelancing (but it’s really the only way to increase my income which I really, really need to do) and try to get more organized, or try again with another agency.
Wakeen's Teapots, Ltd.* March 26, 2016 at 9:01 am So yay! and boo! for your 1st and 2nd experiences. For some feedback, letting people know there was a technical problem with the PDF, as soon as you discovered it would have covered your ass and also let somebody step in with a new file, if they had it, way before the deadline. I’m made a little batty when a deliverable is late from my art staff, to only hear THEN that there was a problem with the original resource. I’ve told everybody so very many times to please let me know ASAP so we can see if we can get a better resource, but for some reason it’s a battle. So! Your situation: very common. Maybe you can make yourself look good with #2 by asking for feedback on how you could have handled this differently.
Wakeen's Teapots, Ltd.* March 26, 2016 at 9:04 am oh and pish posh on the “not ready to start freelancing”. Of course you are. What happened with #2 is stuff that happens. Don’t get down on yourself, just learn from this. All of your jobs are not going to go smoothly. The mistakes have to happen before you learn better how to avoid them.
jm* March 25, 2016 at 1:29 pm My husband has been at a new job for 3 months, and his supervisor pulled him aside yesterday and told him he was doing great, but wants him to respond faster to cell phone calls. My husband gets terrible reception on his personal cell phone (Net 10 prepaid phone being used at a huge shipyard), which the supervisor has apparently been calling to pass on work info during the work day. The reception is so bad that missed calls don’t even show up on the phone — it’s like two rings, goes to voice mail, and no missed call message on the screen. It happens when I call my husband, too. Anyway, he’s picking out a new cell phone this weekend, but I can’t help but feel bad for my husband that part of his evaluation was based on the functionality of his cell phone.
Elizabeth West* March 25, 2016 at 1:52 pm That sucks, and I hope the new phone helps. To be fair, the supervisor wouldn’t have known that was the problem, though, until he actually brought it up.
jm* March 25, 2016 at 2:56 pm True — hopefully my husband did a good enough job explaining the crappy functionality of the phone…so it was clear to supervisor that my husband isn’t the one with the crappy communication funcationality :) #venting
BRR* March 25, 2016 at 5:13 pm Ugh I really want to respond that if he needs to be able to receive phone calls for work they need to get him a phone.
Mike C.* March 25, 2016 at 5:34 pm It seems like the kind of thing that once the problem stops it will be completely forgotten.
AnonFR* March 25, 2016 at 1:40 pm OK, so I am now 95% certain I will be leaving my job in the summer… I have a couple of worries, I’m in education so will have a long summer break where no one is at work, I want to still be paid for this time (technically I should be either way, my pay is worked out based on what I work during the year but then spread out over 12 months) but there won’t be anyone to hand my notice in to during this time? I hope my employer wouldn’t be difficult about it but how I handle this/make sure it’s done how I want it to be. I don’t want to look greedy by trying to get as much money as possible. I also think it would make sense to tell my manager I’m leaving early enough that they can hire someone before the summer if they want to rather than coming back one staff member short. How do I go about this without actually handing in my notice?
Rob Lowe can't read* March 25, 2016 at 4:42 pm Check your contract/CBA or talk to your union rep to get clarification about the pay issue. It sounds like your pay is spread across the year rather than just during the school year (ex. 26 checks per year rather than 20 or 21), and so presumably you must be paid until you’ve received your full salary, assuming you worked the full school year. Which you should be, it’s not greedy to want to be paid in full for the work you do. That’s why you took the job, presumably.
Lamington* March 25, 2016 at 1:42 pm Someone has stolen my lunch twice at my new job. First a Trader’s Joe salad eith candied pecabs and dressing that it was in a separate container from home. Now, someone took my sandwich :( again in a home container. Thankfully the cafe was open!
Elizabeth West* March 25, 2016 at 1:53 pm I’d get a lunchbox you can put ice packs in and keep your lunch at your desk. That stink. I hate thieves and I especially hate lunch thieves.
The Cosmic Avenger* March 25, 2016 at 2:21 pm Either that or I’d start bringing lutefisk sandwiches with extra ghost pepper sauce. (What? I’d actually eat it!)
KR* March 25, 2016 at 3:02 pm I’m in the ghost pepper/jalapeno camp. Either that or get like bright orange Tupperware and write your name all over it and then when you’re talking with everyone around the office (this will depend on how large your office is), make it your go-to story that someone keeps eating your lunch and sooner or later someone will see that person with the Tupperware with your name clearly all over it and comment on it. You could also put a note in your lunch so when that person opens the container there’s a little note that says, “This is Lamington’s sandwich and if you’re not Lamington you shouldn’t be eating it!”
Not Karen* March 25, 2016 at 3:06 pm I simply cannot wrap my mind around why anyone would eat someone else’s lunch…
T3k* March 25, 2016 at 3:18 pm If all else fails, get one of those lockable cage things that some use for their lunches. And seriously, I wish people realized how annoying and possibly dangerous this can be. If you had a really strict diet that meant you couldn’t eat anything at nearby restaurants, this would have put you in quite a bad situation.
Alma* March 25, 2016 at 8:57 pm THIS. They sell them on Amazon, and there was a particularly detailed thread about someone whose supervisor stole her lunch every day, even after being spoken to. I seem to remember he even went into her desk to find what she had packed and put in her desk instead of the fridge. There is also something very compelling about the food dye… hummus with roasted red peppers on the top loaded with red food coloring? Some crackers and veggies to dip into it. If the gods are good s/he will drip it down their zhirt, too.
Temperance* March 25, 2016 at 3:39 pm This is super imature, but can you make a sandwich with a ton of food coloring in the middle, so the jerk will get a dyed mouth and you’ll know who he/she is?
Lamington* March 25, 2016 at 4:18 pm I even went to check our big trash container and no one throw the container there :( and it was a nice one. I usuay put it on my lunchbox but it was full with my breakfast stuff :(
3D Queen* March 25, 2016 at 1:42 pm Hello all! Long-time lurker here! Any tips/thoughts/recommended reading for someone looking to start a small creative business? Me and a colleague have a pretty solid idea but we’re a little overwhelmed by the business end. I can provide more details if that would help. Also, AAM’s resume advice absolutely got me the awesome university arts education side gig that made all of the above possible, so thanks!
Dawn* March 25, 2016 at 1:59 pm “…start a small creative business” Take advantage of as many free resources for someone starting a business as you can. Look to the library and your local chamber of commerce for seminars. See if there’s a small business incubator near you that could help. Your local banks and credit unions might have seminars for how to get funding or be able to point towards good resources for starting a business. LEARN FROM THE MISTAKES OF OTHERS! There are tons of people out there that want to help businesses get started, so go seek them out and get their help (FOR FREE- that’s important here).
katamia* March 25, 2016 at 2:03 pm Hard to give specific advice without knowing more about the business, but one more minor piece of advice: save all your receipts/keep a record of everything purchased for anything remotely business-related. It can help for taxes and also to figure out where your money is going.
3D Queen* March 25, 2016 at 2:21 pm We are both graphic designers and we co-own a 3d printer that we’ve been using for prototypes. We have had a lot of interest from other artists/designers who want something similar but don’t want to buy a large machine just for one or two mockups. The goal is to (1) rent time on the machine to those who already have designed products (2) help hobbyists who are interested but don’t know CAD software and want a more personal and design-friendly experience than Shapeways (3) rent studio space/time to production companies/photographers as the space is large for our very expensive city (4) foster a co-working environment where other creatives can rent smaller amounts of time/space in the studio. We’re definitely looking at library resources (thanks Dawn!) and are looking to find a small business class at one of the many great community colleges, but the nitty gritty is still flummoxing. I will definitely look into small business incubators!
Dawn* March 25, 2016 at 3:22 pm Here’s my $0.02 as a Business Analyst of things that I’d immediately suggest you think about: Your four points up there are actually two separate business plans- (1) is 3D printing with a personalized touch, and (2) is studio space rental with a co-working atmosphere. These are two totally, wildly separate businesses. Start with (1), focus on that with all of your might, and then maybe, MAYBE a few years down the road (2) would start to become possible. Questions you should be answering with thorough, in depth answers: – Who are your competitors? Are there any within 100 miles of where you are? How much do they charge? What is their business plan? Who are their customers? Do their customers like them? What do they like? What do they not like? What will be the differentiator between you and your competitors? What about online competitors? What do you offer that they don’t? Are your services really worth the money you’d charge? – Who will your customer be? How old are they, what do they do, what exactly are their problems? How much will they use your service? Do you anticipate repeat customers? – How, EXACTLY are you going to market yourself? How are you going to win new customers? How are you going to get your name out there? Who will your customers be in the first 3, 6, 9, and 12 months of your business being open? What’s your marketing plan? How do you know it’s any good? How do you determine your marketing plan is working? If it’s not working, what’s your backup plan? – In the same vein, what is your growth plan? What’s your 1 year, 3 year, and 5 year target going to be? How are you going to get there- SPECIFICALLY, with exact steps of how you’re going to get from 0 to your goal. – Where’s the money coming from? How long until you break even? What will have to happen for you to break even? How long until you’re making a profit? MEET WITH A FINANCIAL PLANNER. I cannot stress enough how much a budget and a financial plan will make or break a new company. – How EXACTLY will the business responsibilities be split between you and your friend? Will you be equal partners, sharing 50/50 of the work? Write up a contract to this effect. Go to a lawyer and make it official. What happens if one of you gets sick or really sucks at the job or wants to go back to another job or needs to move to another city? What’s the point that you both would agree it wasn’t working anymore and you’d dissolve the company? How far are you both willing to go with this- all the way, even if it means 120 hour weeks in the beginning? 80 hour weeks? How much of your personal money are you willing to put into this venture? Entering into a business partnership is like getting married but with actual money on the line- be absolutely sure that everything is ironed out beforehand in a legally binding contract BEFORE you start. That’s like… probably 1/5 of what I could write but that’s enough to get you started I think!
3D Queen* March 26, 2016 at 1:33 pm Love this, thanks! There is a TON to sort through, but this is a great starting point.
Meg Murry* March 28, 2016 at 11:54 am Late to the game, but I wanted to point out – one of your major competitors (at least in my area) is local public libraries, community colleges and vo-tech high schools. In my area, there are 2 different public library systems that offer 3D printing (and time to consult with one of their on-site experts) for $0.05 per gram, and our community college and vo-tech high school are offering similar pricing in order to get their students some useful experience instead of just 3D printing for fun. It isn’t super widely publicized in my area yet, but as the cost of 3D printers goes down I expect to see more and more of this type of service popping up. So since I’m assuming you would be charging more, you will need to make sure you are really playing up the service you are providing (higher quality, faster turnaround, more customization – what have you) to reach your target audience and keep them as customers.
Oh reaallyyy* March 25, 2016 at 1:42 pm I had a strange thing happen today and I am not sure what to make of it. I recently applied for a job and had several interviews that went well. I thought it would be a good fit and so did they. Then they asked me to take a personality assessment. After getting the results they promptly changed their tune and rejected me for the position. They sent me the results of the inventory which included a written description of my work style. When I read it I was shocked! It was highly inaccurate. It basically described the work style and requirements of all the jobs I have had that I hated and try to stay away from because it is not a good fit for my personality. I am not surprised they rejected me based on the results it painted a picture of me that if true would be a poor fit for the role. Its a very social role and the results said I was highly analytical, slow to think through things and not social. They said that the president of the company uses this assessment and relies on and trusts it so I know they won’t change their minds and hire me. Do I give them the feedback that I think it is inaccurate? Has anyone had any experience with this happening? I have taken lots of assessment of this type and have never had one come out so inaccurate.
CAA* March 25, 2016 at 1:55 pm Do you really want to work for someone who relies more on personality assessments than he does from assessing the person during the interview? If you know the name of the assessment, you could google for some info about it so you could game the results if you ever have to take it again; but I don’t really think it’s worth giving them feedback on your perception of the results. It is just too likely to sound like sour grapes coming from the guy who didn’t get the job.
overeducated* March 25, 2016 at 2:05 pm That’s really frustrating. I’m not sure there is anything you can do but I’m going to post a response with a link you might at least find funny/depressing, by a personality psychologist who got rejected after an over the phone personality test, about this sort of thing….
overeducated* March 25, 2016 at 2:06 pm Here’s the link:
Not So NewReader* March 26, 2016 at 8:05 pm I got burned by an honesty test years ago. One thing I learned was look at the control group for the test. In my case it was a group of white males. Yeah, the court had a field day with that one and the company was forced to quit using it. If you know the name of the test you might be able to research and find out more background.
WhatOnEarth?* March 25, 2016 at 1:43 pm Call this an ‘is this normal? Someone pooped somewhere other than a toilet last week at work. Thing is, at my last job someone pooped somewhere they shouldn’t have done as well. My boyfriend is joking that I’m the ‘common factor’ here (note: I did NOT poop anywhere) but is this honestly something that just happens at work?
CAA* March 25, 2016 at 1:48 pm It might be normal if you work with young children or with adults who have physical or mental illnesses. Otherwise, definitely not.
GOG11* March 25, 2016 at 2:34 pm +1. Even so, I used to work with individuals who have developmental disabilities and there was not a single incident of poop being somewhere it shouldn’t have been while I worked there.
WhatOnEarth?* March 26, 2016 at 3:54 pm Nope. It was a neurotypical adult. And not even a random stranger, they were toilets that only staff can access.
Apollo Warbucks* March 25, 2016 at 3:09 pm WHAT! How is this a thing that has happened TWICE!!!!!!! I’m gobsmacked. As for your boyfriend you could tell that collocation isn’t causation.
AnotherFed* March 25, 2016 at 3:18 pm It is not normal or acceptable, and yet many people have an office pooper story. I lean towards ‘this is just something that happens’ because statistically, even if only .1% of people poop somewhere other than a toilet, most people will run into that once or twice in a career just because of how many coworkers you’ll cycle through.
Artemesia* March 25, 2016 at 10:27 pm I was thinking of Miss Marple. I have heard several stories like this and when I worked retail in the 60s we had the occasional dressing room pee’er or pooper. And people who work construction often have to deal with vandals who enter half built homes and poop here and there.
Mreasy* March 27, 2016 at 2:56 pm This used to happen so often when I worked retail – but it wasn’t staff! Though it was a toy store, the culprits were just as often adults as children. And I don’t just mean in the bathroom but not in the appropriate receptacle, either. Why is this a thing??
BRR* March 25, 2016 at 1:45 pm How can I reign in my boss’ attention during our one on ones? I put together an agenda but she’ll respond to something on her phone (not the whole time) or think of new things we have to do. I don’t know what to say for her to focus on my items.
Jillociraptor* March 25, 2016 at 1:58 pm Start with the biggest rock and ask direct questions. If she brings up something new, write it down and tell her you’ll chat about it next but first you need an answer on Original Topic. With my previous boss, I sometimes applied a little social pressure with the phone checking/email checking thing. I would tell her “I’ll wait until you’re done with that.” in a super, super neutral tone (don’t do it if you can’t be completely neutral) and then just sat silently until she stopped looking at her phone.
Job Seeker* March 25, 2016 at 4:53 pm Email it to her beforehand. Show up with a printed copy, or write it out on a whiteboard. Go through it as quickly as possible, asking simple, straight forward questions about each point. Leave at least half of the meeting for her to discuss anything she wants to. Let her know that your agenda will only take ten minutes and that she can have the other twenty (for example).
Not So NewReader* March 26, 2016 at 8:11 pm Use redirects. “Getting back to my list…” Or, “I was hoping we could finish my list because I have things here that I really need help with…” Or if you can make it work for you, “Uh, we’re not done with my list yet….” The main thing here is that you have to keep track of where the two of you are on the list and keep dragging her back to the list. Just keep pointing out how it is to her advantage, “If you answer these questions I can complete A, B and C.” OR “If I get your signature on these papers then D and E will be finished completely.” Sometimes I just point out why it is to the boss’ advantage to keep following what I am saying.
SortOfRecentGrad* March 25, 2016 at 1:51 pm Does anyone have advice on how to structure a resume for the following situation? I graduated college in May 2013, and have been working at the same full time job from then until now. I want to update my resume so I can start job searching. Does my education still go at the top? Do I take my college projects/honors off my resume at this point? I’ve been going over the AAM resume advice and I’m trying to figure out if it would be worthwhile for me to create a “Profile” section at the top or not. I have had one job – this one, and part time work on campus during my 4 years at school.
CAA* March 25, 2016 at 2:30 pm This is a one page resume. Name Contact Info Profile — 2 or 3 sentences is fine. Look at the LinkedIn profiles of people similar to you to get some ideas for what to say in this section. Experience in reverse chronological order — full-time job — spend most of your space on this one — part-time jobs — couple bullet points for each Education — degree and school, year is optional, you can include college graduation honors here (e.g. summa cum laude, phi beta kappa; but not something like “deans honors list for 2 semesters” or “national merit scholar”) I would not put course work or projects unless 1) you’re trying to work in a career field different from the one you’ve been in since graduation; or 2) the ad is asking for specific experience that was addressed in your education but not in your current job, and even then, I’d try to put that in the cover letter.
katamia* March 25, 2016 at 1:53 pm Found out I got hired for another WFH position this week, so I’m hoping this’ll help me phase out my main WFH job over time because I hate it. So that’s good. I really wish they’d actually sent me an official “You’re hired” email, though, instead of just emailing me that there was work available. Sent me into an anxiety spiral, and I had to go run errands for awhile to calm down. By the time I got back, there was no work left. It’s a marketplace setup (like Mechanical Turk, although more specialized), so there are no penalties for my not taking any of those tasks. But harrumph.
Awkwardly Anon* March 25, 2016 at 1:55 pm Update from last year’s awkward conversation with my manager. The promotion I was promised for the next review cycle came through! You just never know with these things what will happen, but my employer kept their word on this. My manager was right on top of it when the year-end review cycle started. I really appreciate and respect how she ended up handling this. It started off really quite bad, and I was anticipating having to move on to advance my career. Since I love what I do here and the team, that was kind of (really) depressing even though my skills are in really high demand right now, and I had no worries about being able to move on from a practical point of view. *phew* Also apparently our group had a really good year. We all got extra $ in our bonuses.Win! Win!
some1* March 25, 2016 at 1:55 pm Anybody (especially admins) have advice about working with people new to the company & semi new to their careers who are way over-eager?
GOG11* March 25, 2016 at 2:31 pm Could you explain what you mean by over-eager? Are they taking the initiative where they shouldn’t and things are going awry as a result or is it more of a soft-skills thing and you’d like to coach them on how to be more composed (which reads as more professional)? Or something else?
AdminSue* March 25, 2016 at 4:15 pm Hi Someone1, the only thing you can do is tell them and lead by example. Just be aware that some people just won’t listen. We just had to let go of an employee (not admin) who refused to listen to the good advice given him. The worst part, he didn’t see it coming and was totally surprised?!?!
NicoleK* March 25, 2016 at 9:05 pm Are you their boss? If not, it should be the boss that mentors the over eager beavers.
Wakeen's Teapots, Ltd.* March 26, 2016 at 8:46 am One person’s over-eager is another person’s eager. N00bs usually settle down so step 1 is: don’t crush their spirit. Address actual problems that are actual problems, be kind, and let them get their footing.
Not So NewReader* March 26, 2016 at 9:09 pm Can you give them a rough time frame for what to expect? Can you or another person give a personal experience story as an example?
Countess Boochie Flagrante* March 25, 2016 at 2:02 pm Whoo, sudden racist coworker incident, I’m so glad it’s open-thread Friday! So the coworker next to me, who is in some ways my unofficial mentee, is an immigrant and is ESL, so we generally cut her a fair bit of slack when it comes to word choice and things like that. But she stepped over a line today, and I’m not sure how to handle it (or if I even should) going forward. Long story short, we were talking about the end of my lease and my hunt for a new place, and she recommended an apartment complex where she lived when she first immigrated from Europe — which wrapped up with her enthusiastically telling me it was a quiet and safe community because everyone there is white. I didn’t really have a good response other than shock and discomfort in the moment, so I ended the conversation a bit abruptly and turned around. But there’s no way in hell I can write this one off as “poor word choice due to ESL” and now that I’m looking back on some of the other things she’s said, I’m starting to wonder if I’ve been too generous with the benefit of the doubt. Our manager is nice but tends to be somewhat ineffective on interpersonal issues, and our team lead has made some very uncomfortably un-PC remarks in the past, so I’m wondering what I should even be doing.
katamia* March 25, 2016 at 2:19 pm Ooooooooooof. This is clearly racist, but there could also be some legit cutural differences here, too, because the racial/ethnic hierarchies and which groups it’s considered “okay” to say negative things about varies a lot. In the past, as an ESL teacher and tutor (so I’ve had more official power and authority than you have in this situation), I’ve tried to focus on making sure my students are aware of the (US in my case) cultural norms and how a lot of people may judge them poorly for saying things like that rather than on just “Don’t be racist/sexist/homophobic/whatever.” You can’t magically change the mind of someone who holds views like that, but if you can get her to understand that some things are not okay in the workplace (or outside the workplace, but you have much less control over that), then that at least can help to make her interactions with you and other coworkers more pleasant and improve her job prospects at your company and possibly others down the road. Depending on her self-awareness and willingness to change, you telling her this might even be a catalyst for her helping to examine her perspective and eventually becoming less racist in truth, although I wouldn’t hold my breath there; people generally don’t learn this stuff until they’re ready, and she may or may not be ready. I don’t have any specific wording advice because I’ve always been able to deal with this from a more authoritative position, but because you’re a bit of a mentor to her, it would be a kindness IMO to try to address it.
Mando Diao* March 25, 2016 at 2:36 pm I’m not usually one to write things off as “cultural norms,” but different races interact in different ways, and IMO it’s difficult for a white person (if you’re white) to comment on how people of different minority groups regard each other. Plus, if she’s from a country/culture that isn’t too kind to women, I don’t fault her for personally feeling safe in a living situation that makes her feel removed from that. I’m not a fan of pressuring women or minorities to put themselves on the line to look open-minded. It’s not up to her individually to put herself at risk (real or imagined) to “fight the good fight.” It’s her life. This particular utterance is hard to parse though, since it’s not about something work-related, and she’s speaking to a preference that she likely developed while living in a different country with a different culture. If she’s of a race/ethnicity that Americans view negatively, I’m not sure you can find an entry point to tell her where she’s being inappropriate. She might very well be speaking to the realities of maintaining her own safety.
Tea* March 25, 2016 at 3:47 pm I think I’d have to disagree with you on this– “a community is safe when everyone is white” is not a reality of maintaining anyone’s personal safety, and is a sentiment that many people actually use to enforce racial segregation and discrimination against non-white home buyers and renters. Furthermore, if she expresses sentiments like this around her non-white coworkers, what are they to think? By living in their own homes and neighborhoods, they are making the area more unsafe? Just by existing, they are a threat to the neighborhood? It honestly doesn’t matter what this woman’s race or ethnic background is– I’d personally read this as her being a white European immigrant, but I’m a non-white immigrant to the US myself and I’ve heard plenty of people (of my racial background) espousing similar sentiments (“This area is white/my race, so it’s safe. People of X race live in this neighborhood, so it’s dirty and unsafe.”) Countess Boochie’s coworker can believe whatever she wants about her personal safety and live wherever makes her feel comfortable– she doesn’t need to put herself in real or imagined risk, but if she’s espousing discriminatory attitudes at work, that needs to stop. Whether it’s “This is a safe community because everyone is white,” or “My children are much safer in this neighborhood because we don’t have gays here” or “I only feel comfortable working with good Christian people,” that’s absolutely something worth discussing and trying to change her behavior on, even if it’s only for her work behavior.
I'm a Little Teapot* March 25, 2016 at 4:01 pm Countess Boochie Flagrante said the coworker is from Europe. So she’s not *necessarily* white herself, but it’s quite likely. And I’m not sure how making a remark like this at work is “maintaining her own safety.”
Engineer Girl* March 25, 2016 at 3:44 pm Consider this a flag for work. Keep watch to see if it affects her behaviors with others, especially non-white. If it manifests at work then have the conversation.
Tea* March 25, 2016 at 3:57 pm First thing, I definitely want to extend some AWKWARD COMMISERATION in your direction, because this isn’t a conversation you want to have with a coworker, but also you feel kind of crappy if you don’t have some kind of “uh, NO” response to out-and-out discriminatory remarks. I think there is a way to push back against it in very work appropriate and casual (if you want casual) manner, and if it doesn’t taper off, it may be worth having a more straightforward conversation about it down the line. Coworker: [Says something racist] You: [PAUSE. Let it be awkward for a moment, let yourself pause and blink if you need some time to get over the surprise.] “Well, that hasn’t been my experience. I’ve known plenty of [insert designated group] who were just fine as [neighbors, coworkers, friends, whatever.]” If you want stronger, not as casual verbiage, you could substitute “Well, that hasn’t been my experience” with “Well, I wouldn’t say that.” or “Hmm, I don’t agree with that.” All very professionally and calmly stated.
fposte* March 25, 2016 at 4:02 pm I would raise it with her. Don’t go deeply into the cultural theory. “I should have said something in the moment, but I was really startled when you said that about being all white makes your apartment complex safe. For one thing because it’s not true–crime happens in all apartment complexes–and for another, when you make a remark like that in the U.S. even if you’re talking to white people their spouses and kids may be black, and they certainly will have had teachers and friends that a comment like that insults. And you’re a nice person, and not somebody who wants to be seen as insulting, so I thought I’d let you know.”
BRR* March 25, 2016 at 5:18 pm I second this (I second everything fposte says). I would say something similar how it’s not true and not appropriate and if they say it to the wrong person they could end up in some shit.
Wakeen's Teapots, Ltd.* March 26, 2016 at 8:37 am Perfect. Much better than: OMG YOU CAN’T SAY THINGS LIKE THAT which probably would have popped out of my mouth.
Pineapple Incident* March 25, 2016 at 2:22 pm I wrote into the open thread 2 weeks ago with frustration about how to handle being asked to reorient a stubborn coworker because there had been complaints from other staff that nothing was getting done during her shifts. Turns out I wasn’t the only one with reservations about it.. After my manager talked to her about it in person at the start of an evening shift, she finished that day and then no-call no-showed the entire next week (at our company, 3 in a row is the threshold for auto-termination unless you can provide really clear evidence of why you were unable to call about your absence). So while I didn’t want it to end that way, it saves me the trouble of having to explain to my boss why we didn’t accomplish anything during her reorientation that was going to happen next week, because we definitely weren’t going to get anywhere.
Ang in Admin* March 25, 2016 at 2:23 pm Should I tell my boss about my co worker before I leave? I don’t want to sound bitter, she isn’t the reason I am leaving. I am leaving because I don’t have any room to grow or be promoted unless I go into management or move permanently. The co worker in question is who I work with the closest. She a good worker but when things don’t go her way she tends to get really defensive and give you the silent treatment. My manager is aware that she not really a team player but I am not sure she knows the full extent of how awful it is to work with this person everyday and not know what mood you are going to get. Should I tell her in my exit interview or just not worry about it?
JJ* March 25, 2016 at 3:10 pm Hmmm, I’d let it go. If it’s as bad as you say it is, your manager is probably more aware of the situation that you think but just doesn’t want to be gossipy or fully transparent about it with other employees. I worry that mentioning it in your interview will, indeed, give off the wrong impression (that you are bitter or that she does factor into your decision to leave). I guess if you have an unusually great relationship with your manager you could bring it up again to her directly using the exact framing you’ve presented here, but again I think that’s a risky move.
Wakeen's Teapots, Ltd.* March 26, 2016 at 8:34 am Don’t do that. You will end up leaving a bad impression of yourself, likely more than the co-worker. The time for the co-worker information was when you were still working there, and could be party to a solution.
NicoleK* March 26, 2016 at 3:12 pm It sounds like you have another job lined up already. I’d let it go. I never told my boss that I was leaving because of BEC coworker. Didn’t really matter at that point in time.
Worried* March 25, 2016 at 2:26 pm I just got back from an interview, for an area where I have a PhD and 20+ years experience. The embarrassing thing is, I think I blew a 10 min knowledge quiz! The quiz asked me to ID two teapots to a certain taxonomic level, and to compare and contrast them (The quiz was one question). I knew what the teapots were, and yet failed to ID them down the the level they asked. It’s partly because we haven’t used the classification system they asked for in a while, and partly because I was very nervous and found the whole thing weird. I thought about mentioning the first part about classification on the quiz, and didn’t. The rest of the interview went well, including my presentation, but I’m at home almost in tears thinking about that stupid quiz. Should I contact the committee chair and explain? I’m even considering sending them my old teaching materials to show that I know the subject (teapot classification). Should I just let it go and trust that my CV, letters of rec, and interview compensate? The interview was very structured, they only asked me the list of written questions that I had 10 minutes to study before going into the interview. I don’t know if contacting the chair would be out of bounds given their structure. This is the first interview round, they’ll invite a shorter list to a second interview next week. I’d also love to hear from anyone who blew a knowledge quiz and still got the job. Ugh, I’m going to be kicking my self for a long time.
JJ* March 25, 2016 at 3:14 pm Fellow PhD here. What the what? Is this for an industry job, or is it in academia? My hunch is that you should just let it go. You excelled in other areas, so don’t call attention to the quiz by trying to compensate with old teaching materials, etc.
Worried* March 25, 2016 at 3:18 pm Academia! Crazy, right? Despite the weirdness, I really want the job.
JJ* March 25, 2016 at 3:34 pm Yeah, that’s crazy…but academic job search requirements are getting weirder and weirder all the time to weed out hundreds of applications on average (and growing), so I’m not too surprised. I’m in a different field than you but I have never heard of this practice and don’t think that it is commonplace. I think my original hunch still stands: let it go. Even if you had a publication in a top tier journal on the topic, asking them to consider your work outside of that context may come across as an attempt to cheapen the meaningfulness of the exercise. I personally think it’s sounds pretty dumb, but academics are short-tempered/irritable people and I don’t think you want to risk that reaction at this point. You should search Google for the story about the pregnant job candidate who puked all over her search committee chair in the middle of her job talk. That is the most embarrassing story I have ever heard and I’m sure it will make you feel better about the quiz, haha. ;)
friendlyinitials* March 25, 2016 at 2:27 pm This is kind of a rant I guess, I still feel weird about it but I can’t do anything about it now so I’m going to vent a bit if that’s okay. I started my new job about 3 weeks ago and had to get a small check up for the health insurence. Coworker has started a few months before me brted ut he hadn’t gone around to doing this so he (and our boss) suggested we do it together yesterday morning. I kept trying to let him go first into the doctor’s offices and give him privacy but he always called me in with him so we literally did everything together. At the end we talked had to get the overall OK from a family doctor and she obviously asks a few questions. I really wanted privacy so I said maybe we should do this separately. Coworker said no it’s fine. I would have gone out myself but the doctor had already taken my materials and started in my stuff and she was already really pissed for some reason so I didn’t want to stop her midway. Anyway I had to tell her I was on antidepressants with my coworker who I’ve only known for 3 weeks in the room. Perhaps it’s not that big a deal but I’m REALLY uncomfortable that a virtual stranger knows that I’m on meds. I’m really private about this stuff, none of my friends know I’ve ever used them and my family only know this time around. He later apologized and said he didn’t know I would say something like that. I feel like privacy should be a given in any health-related situation but he just wanted to get it over with so he kept rushing us. Anyway, what’s done is done. I feel weird around him but I guess I’m going to have to get over it.
Colette* March 25, 2016 at 2:38 pm It sounds like you could have been more assertive, so that might be something to think about for next time. For example, when your coworker said it was fine, you could have said something like “actually, I’d prefer a private conversation – you can go first” and, if necessary, walked out of the room.
Sadsack* March 25, 2016 at 2:47 pm This, totally. Maybe the doctor was annoyed because your coworker wanted you there to do everything together? That is is bizarre to me. You definitely could have insisted and it would have been acceptable.
friendlyinitials* March 25, 2016 at 2:57 pm You are both right, I’m really bad at saying no in these types of situations I always get swept up in the current. It’s definitely something I need to work on. And I don’t know why the doctor was pissed. All the doctors we saw that day were weird. One doctor spent the whole time we were in her office taking care of personal business and in between she signed our report. I guess they’re not big fans of their job at the clinic.
Colette* March 25, 2016 at 3:21 pm I have to say that in this situation, I would have been so stunned at both the doctor and the coworker that I’m not sure I would have spoken up, either, so don’t beat yourself up over it. I also wouldn’t worry about inconveniencing/ annoying the doctor – it’s her job, and if she doesn’t like it, she should find a new one.
Kay* March 25, 2016 at 4:17 pm This is so bizarre to me. Why would the doctor even let this situation happen? Not sure what the laws are in your country I suppose, but in the U.S. this is against the law I’m pretty sure with HIPAA.
Noah* March 25, 2016 at 5:56 pm It is not a HIPAA violation if you agree to have someone else present.
Temperance* March 25, 2016 at 7:06 pm No it absolutely is not against the law. She consented to the coworker being present.
Job Seeker* March 25, 2016 at 8:35 pm No, she said she wanted privacy and the co-worker said, “No, it’s fine.”
Amy UK* March 26, 2016 at 3:14 pm No, she said ‘maybe’ they should do it separately (implying no real strong feelings on her part) and didn’t raise any kind of protest when the colleague said they were fine doing it together. If someone says “maybe we should go separately” rather than “let’s go separately”, they’re implying (either because they mean it, or because they aren’t willing to be assertive) that it doesn’t matter to them either way. I don’t see that the co-worker did anything wrong here, and it’s entirely likely that if OP had said “actually, I’d like the privacy” then co-worker would have gone “oh, fine, sure”.
Mike C.* March 25, 2016 at 5:20 pm What in the hell?! Why did this doctor allow your coworker to speak for you? Why weren’t you specifically asked? When my dad and I were sitting with my mother before some routine surgery, every nurse/assistant/doctor/etc always, ALWAYS made sure to ask her specifically if it was ok that we were in the room at the time. Every single time. I think you might want to have a conversation with some management over at this office, this is really uncalled for.
TootsNYC* March 25, 2016 at 11:43 pm Yeah, that might help you feel better, and it might help someone else later. Call the management at that doctor’s office and explain it. Pretty much the way you’ve said it here. It doesn’t matter that the coworker said “it’s fine.” (and how I wish you’d said, “but *I* would like some privacy, Joe” or “it’s not fine with me”) The doctor should have said, “yes, this is medical information, it’s best to do this privately.”
K-VonSchmidt* March 25, 2016 at 2:30 pm Question on pushing for a raise…I am paid below market for a technology director position, however my department is quite small and our company focus is manufacturing consumer products (household products, not technology items). We just had our best year ever and I completed a critical software implementation for our logistics group. We do not get performance evaluations. When COLA raises came through in January I thanked my boss and asked what it would take to earn more / adjust my salary, given the successful project completion and his previous statements that I do a great job. He said he would discuss with HR, but I could tell he was slightly taken aback. I was not demanding, just asking about it and specifically asked if there were areas I would need to improve. He said there were none. He is in a non-technical role and probably has no idea what to tell me to improve upon. He is happy that I handle the technical stuff and our uptime is 99.9%. I am unsure how to proceed. He has not followed up, but neither have I. Since it wasn’t a formal, written request, should I put together a packet with info on all accomplishments plus the salary survey data and bring it up again? Or do I just ask about his HR meeting? I know he has direct reports in his area of expertise on the same level as me (but not technical) that make significantly more. I sort of feel he is biased toward his expertise, but he could just be out of touch with the tech side and needs me to educate him. Thoughts???
Job Seeker* March 25, 2016 at 5:06 pm Just like anything else, you have to make a strong business case for it. One based on facts and numbers: – You bring X value to the company so it is in their best interest to retain you. – The going rate for your job in your region is X so they should pay you that to encourage you to stay. I would focus more on the second point. They may be unaware of the market value for your role.
BRR* March 25, 2016 at 5:21 pm I would be direct and say you wanted to follow up about your previous conversation. Spell out what you’ve done and what you are asking for.
BRR* March 25, 2016 at 5:23 pm I’m also not sure if you’re paid low for your title or for your responsibilities. Like are all technology directors paid $100K but they typically manage X and you earn $90K but manage less. Or do you manage the average amount but earn below the average?
overeducated* March 25, 2016 at 2:34 pm After last month’s crushing, third-round rejection for a job I was incredibly excited about…I’ve been contacted for an interview for the same position at a much smaller, less exciting, related organization in the same town. Like interviewing to be Candy Decoration Director at Willie Wonka’s Chocolate Factory with a $2 million budget, losing out after the third interview, but then getting a call from Auntie Amy’s storefront candy shop across the road to be Window Display Organizer with a $50/month budget for fabric and glitter. Now I need to figure out how to summon up the level of excitement I had for Willie Wonka’s. In other news, I’ve had about two in-person interviews a month for the last ten months, not including phone screens and mutiple rounds. Applied for 11 new jobs this month, a few pretty cool. It IS jut a matter of time, right?
JJ* March 25, 2016 at 3:00 pm I am sorry to hear about how lengthy and frustrating your job search has been. You are NOT never going to get another job. It will come. As for how to muster up the excitement for the less exciting role, I would try to look forward to it as an opportunity to gain the experiences and achievements that will make you more competitive for a Wonka-like position in the future. I’m not crazy about or feel miserable about my current role, but on those occasional days where I’m feeling unmotivated or even discouraged, that line of thinking (showing off for the next job) somehow always seems to motivate me and put me back on track.
Wakeen's Teapots, Ltd.* March 26, 2016 at 8:27 am There are a lot of safety issues working for Willie, you know. It sounds like working for Auntie would be doing the job you want, in the field you want, which is more than halfway towards you goal. I get that it feels like a mini version of your previous opportunity, but if the pay is decent and the people are nice, you could spend a few years there doing work your enjoy and are proud of. Don’t forget that in a smaller place you get a chance to put your hands in many pies (vats of chocolate?), which is both satisfying and good for the resume. Also, it’s easier to make and mark personal impact in a smaller place.
Overeducated* March 26, 2016 at 1:25 pm Absolutely, it would be a great opportunity, and I’d see getting that job as a major victory and great step in the career. It’s just…the actual excitement level that shows through when you’re talking about why you want the job in an interview was at 10 out of 10 in my Willie interviews, and I need to figure out how to get it higher than a 7 for Auntie’s.
GreenTin* March 25, 2016 at 2:36 pm So I accidently complained in front of an applicant about a stress induced hospitalization on my team. Should I apologize to the person who was trying to hire? Or should I not make a big deal?
Katie the Fed* March 25, 2016 at 2:50 pm Oof. I’d let it go – don’t bring more attention to it. There’s nothing you can do about it now anyway.
GreenTin* March 25, 2016 at 3:01 pm Thanks! I did try to do some damage control once I realized there was an applicant nearby – but I was thinking I should probably drop it unless the leader brings it up.
BRR* March 25, 2016 at 5:24 pm I also say drop it. Anything else will just be poking at the wound. On the bright side you gave the applicant information about what it’s like working at your company.
Workingincrazytown* March 25, 2016 at 2:39 pm In our email system, when you call up someone’s name, you can click on a link and see their direct reports and who they report to. There have been rumors about reorganization in our department for a few months. On Thursday, people noticed that the organization reporting structure has changed for several people in our department and some people have been demoted, had their managers changed, etc. but no formal announcement regarding the new structure has been made. This is so ridiculous. No one did work for the rest of the day! Everyone wonders when we will be officially informed.
TCO* March 25, 2016 at 2:55 pm Last year my husband found out his department was being sold/eliminated (and therefore he would be laid off within a few months) because it was the top morning news headline… there had been no internal communication about it whatsoever until it hit the press. How do people bungle these major announcements so badly?
Mike C.* March 25, 2016 at 5:16 pm My wife found out that her old employer (major cell phone company) was for sale. ON FACEBOOK.
GreenTin* March 25, 2016 at 2:49 pm I recently got promoted and there was contention between HR and what my manager and I thought I should earn. We eventually got a small bump for me, but not much. HR cited the “job description” and “fairness to all employees” often in justifying the salary. Fast forward to today, and I am doing WAYYY more than the job description mentions! I own 3 systems, not 1. Project Management, Employee oversight, Technology inventory management – even for tech not related to those systems! None of this was on the job description! I think it’s worth revisiting the job description and salary band early and while we set the budget for next year. What do others think?
KR* March 25, 2016 at 2:53 pm Definitely worth revisiting especially since they sited the job description in their reasoning. Fairness to all employees is a bogus reason: you should be paid what you’re worth, period.
Grey* March 25, 2016 at 2:54 pm I don’t know much about LinkedIn. If I’m already employed and not looking for a job, is there any reason to have an account there?
The Cosmic Avenger* March 25, 2016 at 3:20 pm Eh, I started using it at the start of the recession, so that friends who were out of work could network through me. (A lot of my friends are in various tech jobs.) Now I find that sometimes a work-related article or blog post works better as a LinkedIn post than as a Facebook post. Even if I never leave my current position, I think those kinds of work-related posts help my professional reputation.
Kyrielle* March 25, 2016 at 3:38 pm Arguably, no. But on the gripping hand, if you might look for a job in the future, setting it up in small stages now might look better than having it go up full-force later. It’s also useful for connecting to your network – now, while you’re in touch with some of them, rather than trying to reach out later on.
The Cosmic Avenger* March 25, 2016 at 5:08 pm First off, love the Niven/Pournelle reference! And yes, now that I think about it, I should have added that even if you don’t want to do any of those things now, you can create a profile, add a few close colleagues, then add a few more connections or profile details in dribs and drabs as they occur to you. That’s usually easier, IMO.
WannaManager* March 25, 2016 at 2:58 pm I have been asked to “oversee” a co-worker and assign them any work I need done. The problem is – I’m not their manager! Their manager is not even in the same department as me? And – their manager was not informed about this! I think it will be impossible to “oversee” aka “manager” this person without being their manager. I was thinking of suggesting as much – but I’m curious if others have different ideas? Has anyone ever made this work?
Colette* March 25, 2016 at 3:23 pm Theres no reasonable way to assign work to someone if their manager doesn’t know you’ll be asking. That’s ridiculous.
Nobody* March 25, 2016 at 9:44 pm Is the other person new/inexperienced? If so, it might help to think of it more as trainer/trainee relationship. This is very common where I work — I am partnered with a trainee, and I am responsible for telling him what he needs to do on a day-to-day basis, even when I am not specifically training him on how to do something. I don’t think it’s a problem to oversee him without being his manager, but it’s a huge problem if his manager is not aware of and on board with it. This reminds me of some recent letters here, where someone writes in about a coworker acting like he thinks he’s the boss even though he’s not. That is what the other person is likely to think if his manager doesn’t tell him that your role is to oversee him and assign work to him. Is your manager intentionally trying to keep this a secret from the other manager, or is she planning to tell him eventually? Either way, that’s screwed up, because your manager should have discussed it with the other person’s manager before telling you to do it.
JustAnotherNonProfiteer* March 25, 2016 at 3:11 pm Phone pre-screening tips? I’m planning to incorporate phone pre-screenings into my hiring process for the first time. Opinion in my office is split: some think it should be for personality and fit, others for requisite skills. The internet seems to be a mish-mash of questions no different from in-person interviews. Thoughts? Experiences or advice to share?
katamia* March 25, 2016 at 3:20 pm Some people are very different on the phone than they are in person, so I don’t think it makes a lot of sense to look at personality and fit during a phone interview. If there’s a specific computer program or something that’s vital to the position, you could ask them briefly for more details about their experience with whatever that key component is. One thing I like is when phone interviewers bring up salary if it wasn’t already mentioned in the ad (I know some people don’t apply to jobs if they don’t list that in the ad, but so few around here actually do list salary that I will if the ad otherwise seems reasonable). That can be a pretty big dealbreaker on both sides, so if you and the applicant are way off on salary expectations, it saves everyone’s time to just discuss that in the phone interview.
katamia* March 25, 2016 at 3:26 pm Also, if people don’t answer, leave a message! I don’t pick up the phone for numbers I don’t recognize, and I’m defiitely not the only person I know who does this.
GreenTin* March 25, 2016 at 4:30 pm Honestly every HR phone screen I have ever had has been really, really, awkward. I’m not sure what they are supposed to accomplish. HR doesn’t know the role, it’s needs, or … anything about my skillset really … so how are they supposed to effectively “screen” applicants? Now a phone interview with the manager before a face to face is different and very valuable!
GreenTin* March 25, 2016 at 4:32 pm Just realized you may be the manager and not in HR. My best phone screening experiences is when the manager gives a bit more background about the role, and asks a few probing questions about my skills. It should not last longer than 30 minutes. At this point, if the candidate is worth bringing in, this is also when we get our case study/interview pre-work material.
BRR* March 25, 2016 at 5:29 pm Alison has a post about it that I will link to in another comment. I’m with GreenTim that I like when it’s with a hiring manager manager who can share more about a role. I don’t like them with HR as I feel like it’s not an accurate test of whether I should be brought in. I also agree with katamia to discuss salary and benefits because it might be a dealbreaker and save time for both of you. If you can I’d also try to offer some before or after work hours (especially for strong candidates if you can’t do it for all). It’s incredibly nice for applicants and reflects on your positively as an employer.
BRR* March 25, 2016 at 5:30 pm
JustAnotherNonProfiteer* March 27, 2016 at 5:56 pm Aaaaah thank you, for the comment and the link. I searched this site but didn’t find it.
Hopefully Employed Soon* March 25, 2016 at 3:13 pm I hope everyone is having a good day today. : ) It’s looking like I might finally get a job offer (crossing my fingers), and I’m wondering if anyone has any advice on how to bring up multiple questions at the offer stage. This is also a job with local government at a small city, so I expect that they aren’t used to anything that comes close to negotiating. I’m just afraid that when I bring up three or four different things, it will come across badly. Any tips for bringing up things at the offer stage when it’s a government job? Thanks! (I want to know if the desk gets natural light because I get really depressed if it doesn’t, and that would be a deal breaker. I also need a lower / more ergonomic desk because of a hand injury (that probably isn’t severe enough to qualify as a disability, but does mean I’m in lot’s of pain if I stress my hand too much), and I have some vacation coming up that I’d still like to take.)
JJ* March 25, 2016 at 3:21 pm This may be an obvious question, but have you tried using one of those light therapy lamps as a substitute for natural light? It sounds like you’ve been searching for a while, so I’d hate for you to miss out on something when there may be a solution out there (unless the lamps just aren’t as effective as the manufacturers claim). You may ask if you can come see your space, meet your team, etc., before accepting the offer so you can get these answers without necessarily tipping anyone off. The vacation issue is fine to discuss when talking about your start date; just ask if you can have a slightly later date.
Hopefully Employed Soon* March 25, 2016 at 3:32 pm I have tried using a light lamp, and it helped, but not enough. (Although a better quality lamp might be better.) Asking to come see the space sounds like a good idea. The vacation would be in July (a cousin is getting married out of state, and I already have plane tickets).
fposte* March 25, 2016 at 3:52 pm Are you local? Then it’s easy and reasonable to say “Could I see where I’d be working?” Hopefully that lets you see that there’s light, so you can whittle the issues down to two. Vacations are usually pretty easy–“I’ve got tickets for an 8-day trip in July–what’s the best way to deal with that?” On the desk–I think you can ask, but I also think it would be good to consider if low-impact alternatives would work–lower keyboard tray? Higher chair with footrest? Would you be okay with one of those manual crank desk/tables that you can lower a few inches, or are you asking for something fancier when you say “ergonomic”? (Fancier might be a hard sell in local government, whereas a manual crank table can be had for under $300.)
Hopefully Employed Soon* March 25, 2016 at 4:11 pm For me, I just have to have the desk at the right height. So either a lower desk than standard, or a higher chair (I’ve actually found it hard to find a good desk chair for my private desk). But it doesn’t have to be something really pricey, just the right height. A keyboard tray might not work, because I need the mouse lower as well.
fposte* March 25, 2016 at 4:36 pm We once had an adjustable biggish tray with no raised edges, so there was room for a mouse. That was nice. A lot of adjustable desk chairs will go pretty high. I would prefer a lower desk to a higher chair myself, so I don’t want to push you in that direction, but I also think that local governments tend to be pretty tight-fisted, so it’s good to be flexible if you can be. (Another advantage to the office tour is that you can see what kind of setups people have, which might give you hints about budget.)
BRR* March 25, 2016 at 3:14 pm Second question, I had my performance review this week and it was stellar (thank god if you have been following my struggles over the past year). The only thing they want me to work on is basically not going too detailed or too broad at certain times when discussing topics. My department is going through a lot of positive changes (including the addition of my role so I need to be weighing in on a lot of things) and when things come up I sometimes start bringing up the tiny details that will be need to be addressed or start listing the ten other things that will be affected by the original change. The thing is, my manager specifically wants these ideas at some point in time but said I’m not feeling out the right time and place to discuss them. One solution we thought of is for her to tell me to write it down in the moment and we’ll bring it up later (which I’m perfectly fine with). Any other thoughts on basically reading the room? PS I was specifically praised for my attention to detail which my last boss thought I sucked at towards the end because it had become a set up to fail situation. Is there a subtle way of sending that note to her? J/k
JJ* March 25, 2016 at 3:26 pm Hmmm, maybe always start with a brief bit on the broad idea and then mention that you can discuss the details if they’d like to hear them? That way, you are actively collaborating with others so that they can provide you with cues to help you figure out what they want, and you won’t be holding anyone hostage while they wait for you to get to the point?
AVP* March 25, 2016 at 3:28 pm I would go over the topline statement (which you’ve hopefully jotted down, even if just in your head, before the meeting) and then take a distinct pause to read the room. Do people look like they want more? Are there questions? If you’re not sure, you can say something like, “as always there are a lot of details here but we don’t need to get into them, unless you need me to? Or can we move on?” and let people react from there.
fposte* March 25, 2016 at 3:42 pm Other people’s answers are good, but I just wanted to say yay on the review!
BRR* March 25, 2016 at 5:33 pm Thanks! The support and advice you gave me through the entire ordeal means a lot to me.
Wakeen's Teapots, Ltd.* March 26, 2016 at 8:10 am As one of your followers, may I say: YAY! Now, erm, I do this, too and it took me a lot of years to realize that the way I personally process information isn’t necessarily helpful to the group as a whole, when processed out loud. Give me an idea or a change and my brain immediately starts processing Worst Case Scenario, and then back processing all of the steps that are needed to be taken to avoid WCS. (When you’re the boss, this appears to be shooting holes in something proposed by another, and it’s not my intent! I swear! It’s how I process!) Okay, so this is a killer skill and now the matter is how to use it effectively. Written plans are great. As a boss I love them because I can read when I’m read and refer back to as I need them. Would that work for your boss? Bullet points after a meeting? During a meeting, don’t forget to pay full attention to the speaker while she is speaking and don’t just jump on the end of her speech to get your thoughts out. I still have to work on this. My eyes get all darty when the back of my brain is processing WCS details and I have to remember to look as if nothing is going on in there and all I am doing is listening.
Not So NewReader* March 26, 2016 at 9:30 pm As you are talking, watch for the eyes glazing over, or a change- such as a person shifts around in their chair and keeps shifting or a person suddenly starts doodling all over a piece of paper. Watch how others handle their stuff and try to copy them. If you know the meeting has a predetermined end time, be aware of the time and decide to make sure there is plenty of time for others to speak also. Ask the boss to let you know when you get it RIGHT so that you can keep doing the right thing again.
Lentils* March 25, 2016 at 3:28 pm Not a question, just wanted to mention a hilarious thing that happened the other day. So, background: my workplace is…disorganized is a kind word (part of that is because we’re one of multiple US offices and the home office is in an international city whose timezone is almost an entire day ahead of ours), and I’ve been team lead of a team I used to be a member of since late October last year. They converted the whole team to remote except me, and while I have one coworker that I work with directly on team projects, my actual boss is in the office maybe 2-3 days a week because she’s in charge of a bunch of other projects. I basically have to pounce on her every time I need to talk to her, because she’s terrible at answering my emails. So anyway, I just did that in regards to getting a couple days off in April, and she agreed, and then asked if I had the ability to work from home in case an emergency came up or something on our project. I said “well, no, I have a Mac laptop at home but not one that’s Windows compatible [necessary for our projects].” She made the most horrified face and said “you should’ve gotten a work laptop!” And I said “I didn’t know I was supposed to get one.” So I’m still laughing internally because this is pretty typical, honestly.
Xana* March 25, 2016 at 3:31 pm The job I currently have is one which is filled by student workers and some non-student workers. It’s part-time. There is very little room for advancement (hours are capped at 24) without a master’s. I’m an institutional tutor. Although it’s an hourly position with no growth, it’s hard to temper my drive to think of ways to improve our services. I feel like I have 101 ideas, but it’s not really my place to try to drive any chances and I don’t want to be an over-eager, naive worker who overvalues her perspectives without having enough experience. It’s especially difficult because in the jobs I held previously (which is by now, quite a while ago), input from even the inexperienced was highly valued. I had a lot of autonomy and opportunity that many people without a lot of professional experience usually get. Even dismissing the fact that I’m not the director of our department, I’m hourly and scheduled to work with students, so I don’t really have a lot of time to do the research to put these plans together. Plus, there’s still plenty I could do to improve my main duty and just throw myself into each session. Any tips on how to swallow any of these ambitions or desires? Even in the best case scenario, I would only be getting myself more invested in a job that will never be enough to live on, and my roommate situation may be changing soon. *I also rather clumsily let my boss know I’m looking for other work. Our summer employment situation is pretty iffy and lots of people skip the summers, but I was still pretty clumsy about it and mentioned that I love my job but may not be able to continue to do it in the future without securing another part-time job. Which is true. I will have to quit my job soon either to take a full-time job, or to follow my partner who subsidizes my unlivable salary UNLESS I job search and find a compatible job. But if in the process I find a full-time one…well, I couldn’t turn it down.
Dr. Doll* March 25, 2016 at 5:16 pm First, you don’t sound clumsy to me for how you handled your summer employment issue. Your boss needs to know what you are thinking. Maybe it would have been nice to have an official conversation instead of a “mention” but don’t worry about it for another minute. Your boss will eventually ask you what your summer plans are, or you can approach her and ask if there is any way that for summer, the hours cap can be changed (in my U, it can). More importantly, ask your boss if it’s all right if you shared some ideas with her and/or the director. I know that if one of my department’s students asked if she could talk to me about things, I would be THRILLED at the initiative and I would listen carefully and see if there were things we could use. I would consider it a professional development opportunity for the student. You do need to be as non-arrogant as possible (obviously) and it WILL be better if you have more than a half-formed, vague idea, but you don’t need to do extensive research. “I notice that ____ happens. From my perspective as a tutor, we could serve the pupils better in this situation if we ____.” Pick one or two ideas to develop a bit more rather than blatting out all 101 at once. You should also expect to be told, super! Go work on that. And, as you mention, make sure you are doing great work at your main duty. That will get you a much more receptive hearing than if they think you are an okay but not great tutor.
Not So NewReader* March 26, 2016 at 9:34 pm What can be applied to your own work? Sometimes all we can do is change what we are doing and wait for others to notice our improved results.
Anonsie* March 25, 2016 at 3:51 pm Does anyone else suffer from some degree of face blindness? I have to see someone’s face A LOT to remember it and be able to match it to them as a person. There are people I work with in other offices (so I see them in person rarely) but talk to all the time by phone and email. This has put me in some very awkward situations where I’m going to a meeting with one of them and don’t actually know if the person in the conference room I’m walking in to is the right person or not, because I don’t see their face enough to recognize it. Or I run into a rarely seen person from work in some other setting unexpectedly and… I just don’t know who they are. I might know Jane the person very well in theory because I email with her every week many times, but wouldn’t recognize Jane if I saw her at the supermarket and she stopped to say hi. I can’t play “I don’t remember your name” because these are people I speak with enough for it to be very weird to forget their names. A lot of my remembering of people is contextual, so if I see a coworker outside work it’s especially hard, or if I see them at a work site they’re not usually at. And God help me if someone changes their hair and glasses at the same time or something. Does anyone else have any advice on how to deal with this when someone you don’t recognize catches you? I just don’t know what to say about it. I usually fake it but sometimes that creates more problems- like recently someone at work brought up how they ran into me somewhere else recently and I had no idea what they were talking about and it was very obvious and… It really made everything very weird. I’ve found people get super uncomfortable with me if they either 1) catch me in one of these scenarios and realize I have some weird memory gap or 2) if I outright say I have difficulty with faces. Like, people are weird with me forever if either of those things happen, as if they’re very uncomfortable with me. So I don’t know how to handle it.
Tea* March 25, 2016 at 4:12 pm Quick question– are you good with matching names and identities? If someone you didn’t recognize told you “Oh, I’m So-and-so-, from such-and-such department,” could you place them then? I have TERRIBLE facial recognition skills… and I’m also the primary client facing person in my office, which leads to uh, fun hijinks for all. (Not really.) Honestly, when I have a situation like that, I tell people straight up that I’m bad with faces, usually in as casual and humorous a tone as I can manage, even if I’m cringing a little inside from the awkwardness. People usually have a quick laugh about it, introduce themselves, and I smooth over the awkwardness afterward. Here’s the script I use: “I am so sorry, I’m just terrible with faces. It’s not personal, put a pair of glasses on my [mom, dog, sister etc.] and I can’t tell them from Adam. ” Other person: [Laughs and introduces themselves.] Me: Oh, [NAME]! Sorry about that, I should have recognized you from [where I should have recognized them from.] How are you doing?”
Anonsie* March 25, 2016 at 4:21 pm Oh yeah, I might know everything about Jane and if you mentioned Jane I would remember it all. I just don’t know what Jane looks like, so if I see her unexpectedly I might know she’s someone I know but not who. I haven’t had good experiences with saying stuff like that, personally. People get really uncomfortable about it, like they just found out I’m a secret sociopath or my hobby is cutting the eyes out of photos of people in my basement or something.
Tea* March 25, 2016 at 4:36 pm Oof, sorry to hear that. Do you think it’s an issue with your delivery, or just… people don’t like to not be recognized? I do make an extra effort to butter people up after not recognizing them, but that’s my natural “omg, get over this awkward moment with compliments!!!” instinct rather than anything else.
Anonsie* March 25, 2016 at 6:40 pm I get the sense they first don’t know how to react (“The hell does that mean, is it a joke?”) but then the feeling I get after that is that they feel like it’s a sign that I’m some weird kind of crazy and they don’t know how I might behave in the future after the time I didn’t know a face. It might be the delivery but I do it the same way you might admit you forgot a name or some other thing like that, and those situations never get such a strange reaction.
AnotherFed* March 25, 2016 at 4:35 pm I’m not quite that bad, but if someone changes their appearance a little (shaves a beard, changes haircut or color, or is just dressed way up or way down from how I normally see them), I’m hopeless. Like Tea, I apologize and re-introduce myself (or not if they clearly know my name) and make a joke about needing flash cards. Usually they laugh and get over it, but most people from work already know this about me – someone I’d worked with every day for 3 years got a radically different hair style, and I reintroduced myself and asked if she was new.
pieces of flair* March 25, 2016 at 4:36 pm I have trouble matching names and faces until I’ve met someone several times or had a very extended in-person conversation with them. Lucky for me, my workplace has a website directory with everyone’s pictures. I started a new job a few weeks ago and I have spent a bunch of time looking at the photos and memorizing faces and names. At my former job, we had a bulletin board with everyone’s photo and a little blurb we wrote about ourselves. Any chance you could start something like this for “team-building”/morale? I’m surprised people get so weird with you when you say you’re bad with faces. It’s a pretty common thing (unless you’re not recognizing people you interact with in-person regularly). Just be jokey and breezy about it. If you don’t treat it like a big deal, they shouldn’t either.
Anonsie* March 25, 2016 at 7:02 pm Unfortunately no, I work for a massive organization. Only people in specific job classes have photos in the directory and I use them when I can. I try to make like it’s not a big deal but most people definitely act like they’ve never heard of it before
Temperance* March 25, 2016 at 6:52 pm I don’t do this, but I sometimes have trouble recognizing work people not in work clothes. I say so, like, oh, sorry, I’m not used to seeing you out of your LAW FIRM uniform. And then I laugh.
Nobody* March 25, 2016 at 9:16 pm Yes, I have always been really bad with faces! It’s especially difficult with men because I usually remember women by their hair, but there is not nearly as much diversity with men’s hair (it doesn’t help much to remember that Joe is the one with the short brown hair, you know?). I didn’t know there was a name for it until my mid-20s, but I have had the same frustrating experiences as you describe. Sometimes when I’m at work, someone will start talking to me and I’ll have no idea who it is, so I just try to play along and figure it out from the context of what they’re saying. That’s probably not the greatest approach, though. I know the people in my department well enough to recognize them, but I struggle with people I only see occasionally. I think most people assume that you forgot their name, and it hurts their feelings because they think you don’t care about them and they’re not important enough for you to bother remembering. They might not believe you when you say you didn’t forget their name — you just didn’t recognize their face. I wish I had some better advice for you, but I don’t really have it figured out for myself.
Finny* March 26, 2016 at 3:11 am I am faceblind, and it definitely makes work interesting. It’s part of the reason I won’t ever work retail again. Fortunately everyone in my department at my current job, a book wholesaler, knows about my inability with faces (as well as most of my other quirks–they consider me “quirky, but our quirky,” as they told me after I got bullied by a new hire and they defended me), and they don’t mind taking me to people’s desks and such rather than just telling me names. (I’m also legally blind, so pointing towards someone or their desk doesn’t work so well, as I usually can’t differentiate the desk or person from the background.) If I ever lost this job–I’ve been here almost eight years–I’m not sure what I’d do. Between the faceblindness, the other visual issues, and some other stuff, I’d probably try for disability, as I know from previous experience that retail and office stuff doesn’t work for me. I rather inadvertently fell into this position, and it is perfect. I shelve books all day, but don’t have to deal with patrons or customers, as I would in a library, school, or bookstore. So I don’t really have any ways to help you–I’ve just been very open with my coworkers, though only one or two know the specifics of faceblindness beyond “Finny has really bad eyesight.” I do understand what you’re going through, though, as it’s not easy, especially when folks around you are not so understanding as my coworkers.
Kay* March 25, 2016 at 4:08 pm Why would a senior executive who I don’t know message me through LinkedIn to point out positions at his company that I seem under-qualified for? This is a large, established, global company. His title and resume indicate that he’s a senior executive with no particular ties to any HR or recruiting function. All of my experience to date has been in a completely different sector. On the one hand, I appreciate the gesture and am considering putting in an application just to see, but on the other hand I’m really confused. Is there any reason for someone like this to be going after pure volume of applications? Some kind of negotiating tactic to use with the eventual favored candidate? It just kind of feels like a waste of my time applying almost, because the positions seem so far outside of my experience.
Job Seeker* March 25, 2016 at 5:11 pm The job descriptions could be off, he might know they need to hire quickly but be unaware of some of the specifics, there could be something in your background that stands out even if it isn’t obvious based on the job description. If you’re interested in the company, I would reply and ask some basic questions. You might get an informational phone interview, and you could go from there.
BRR* March 25, 2016 at 5:38 pm He’s asking because he thinks you might be a good fit for them :). He doesn’t get paid by the applicant. It’s in his best interest to have high quality applicants.
Anxa* March 25, 2016 at 4:15 pm I know one thing that infuriates me is that we’re in dissertation month. It’s such a dance between wanting to step up and take care of most of the chores and support him in finishing strong (I know I’d want a partner to do that for me if I was in do-or-die mode). At the same time, I need to try to get a my own affairs in order and look out for myself, for me and for us (as a couple and as people). I think with large cities, you have that paradox of increased opportunity but increased competition. Is there a way you could focus on smaller cities with only a few schools or feeder institutions for his specialty? Or is his specialty more broad? For example, maybe it would be easier to teach marine biology in a large midwestern city where the best marine biologists can’t find reliable research opportunities? Or maybe teaching agriculture studies in a much more urban environment.
Manders* March 25, 2016 at 5:43 pm Good think I searched for my username. :) He’s actually very good at keeping up with chores, even at his busiest. His specialty is history, which does mean he’ll be competing with more applicants than a STEM teacher in any market. We’ve talked about small cities and he did apply to a spot in one near us, but never heard back from that school. There’s a limit on how small a city can be while still maintaining enough of a job market for me. If I had more years of experience, a smaller city with cheaper COL might be exactly what I need if I want to start freelancing. I just can’t move to one in the next few years, and he’s all fired up to get his career started now.
Regular Incognito* March 25, 2016 at 4:15 pm Bringing this up again since I’m actually working on it now: I’m an American trying to get a job in Denmark. In the process I’m also looking to move from health care to pharma, hopefully in project management (which is a branch off my current job). Is it considered ok to reach out to recruiters? A lot of the big pharmaceutical companies have tons of them in house, and they pop up on my LinkedIn all the time. But I have no idea whatsoever what the etiquette is here. Also, some of these have branches in my current city and Denmark. Is it smarter to try a local recruiter or a Danish one? I would assume I’d need to talk to someone local where I’m going. I have a lot of specific questions that I doubt would be answered here but if you happen to work in Denmark please tell me so I can harass you with them.
PX* March 27, 2016 at 7:46 am Late and not in Denmark but a different European city. But the truth is recruiters are generally the same the world over, so dont hesitate to reach out to them if you are looking. For the places with both branches, I might start with a local one first and see if they can help point you in the right direction for the Danish one, but otherwise just go for it!
Kanelsnegl* March 29, 2016 at 10:34 am I doubt this will be seen considering the time elapsed – but I do work in Denmark, if you have any questions fire away.
What the....???* March 25, 2016 at 4:22 pm Does anyone know if it’s legal for a boss to say you can only go to the bathroom during breaks? We are in a state where breaks are not required.
fposte* March 25, 2016 at 4:30 pm AFAIK, OSHA speaks pretty broadly–you need to have reasonable access to a bathroom, and some restrictions on that access are okay. Are you saying that because your state requires no breaks you actually have no access to a bathroom during the day? That could be illegal. But if your company gives breaks even though the law doesn’t require them, it’s a lot greyer.
What the....???* March 25, 2016 at 4:35 pm We can go to the bathroom, but only during scheduled breaks. I did a little more searching on this site and found a similar situation. Looks like it’s legal unless there’s a medical condition.
The Cosmic Avenger* March 25, 2016 at 5:10 pm That just means that many people will leave as soon as humanly possible, even for lower pay. But I am skeptical that a company that would do that would pay anywhere near industry average anyway.
Noah* March 25, 2016 at 6:02 pm Yeah, there’s even an OSHA legal interpretation out there stating that they only require employers to provide restroom facilities for employee use. Breaks to use the facilities would be covered by the Department of Labor.
Anon job hunter* March 25, 2016 at 4:55 pm I’ve been getting a little experimental in my cover letters, because for once in my life I’m applying to jobs without desperately needing one tomorrow. Instead of using my usual boilerplate, “Dear Hiring Manager, I am excited to apply for position X. I believe my experience and skills in Y and Z will help bring X to the next level” I wrote one recently that started: “Dear Hiring Manager, What I love most is telling stories, and data management.” Then went on with a paragraph about how I merge the two, examples of what I’ve done with those skills in the past, and ways I was interested in doing the same at this job, etc etc. Just got a call for a phone interview on Monday! Writing quirky cover letters is fun. :)
Job Seeker* March 25, 2016 at 5:16 pm I’m working on the same thing. After years of writing “safe” cover letters, it occurred to me that an actual person will be reading them and that being entertaining and showing some personality is a good thing. I’m trying to figure out the right balance, though. How to write something that has a professional tone and conveys the right info but is also interesting enough to stand out.
BRR* March 25, 2016 at 5:41 pm After reading an awesome cover letter like that I realized that the writing made me want to meet the person.
Dcanon* March 25, 2016 at 5:09 pm First time posting in this thread but longtime reader. Have a weird work situation that is driving me a bit nuts. There is a new deputy director position that was created within my organization. It’s an amazing opportunity and it would actually be based in one of our overseas offices. The hiring manager is my current boss. When I told him I was interested, he was thrilled and told me he didn’t even want to interview other people for it. I told him I couldn’t commit without a concrete offer, but that I was in theory very excited. Great, right? I still don’t have my offer. It’s been a few weeks now. He’s been crazy busy and apologetic. Yesterday he acknowledged it was overdue and promised I’d have it this morning so I could think about it over the weekend. I’ve received nothing, not even a note saying it’s going to take longer. Don’t want to give many more details but this would be a massive, life-altering shift for me and my family due to the location, the new scope of work, etc. I would be excited to do it, but in the short term my husband will be giving up his job and it’s a lot to process. I’m really sick of being in limbo and need something concrete so I can start the million things that need to be done when moving overseas! Nothing to do but wait, but I’m so frustrated. This is a manager who is really great to his staff and has always been amazing to me. He’s not trying to do anything shady, but I just wish he would give me an update, even if the update is that it’s taking a few extra days. I would have asked directly but he is off for the holiday (he still promised to take the time to send the offer). I have been feeling like a crazy person all day obsessively checking email and getting frustrated. Now I’ll be spending another weekend wondering if I’m uprooting my entire life or not. I have a general sense of what the terms of the offer would be, but I really need something on paper. Any tips on being patient?
FutureLibrarianNoMore* March 25, 2016 at 6:32 pm As with all other job offers, I would assume this has been rescinded, and mentally move on. Otherwise, you’re just going to continue to torture yourself! Don’t spend the weekend doing that. Assume your boss is never going to come through, and forget it for now.
So Very Anonymous* March 26, 2016 at 12:13 am I wouldn’t necessarily assume that it’s been rescinded, but I would try as hard as possible to put it out of your head if you can. If you feel like you’ve just got to prepare for a move you might be making, do something that could feel vaguely like preparing but isn’t a commitment exactly. I just had about a month of waiting to hear about the next round of interviews, and I tried to do things like cooking (look, I’m using up ingredients!) and doing reading that would have been relevant for preparing for the next-round interview. As it turned out, I didn’t make the next cut, but doing things that felt vaguely preparatory without really being a commitment helped somewhat with the waiting.
Dcanon* March 27, 2016 at 9:02 pm Thanks for the advice, I love the do things that are preparatory but without commitment advice, that’s exactly the type of thing I enjoy doing. For what it’s worth, I received the offer over the weekend. It’s generous and I”m planning to accept this week! Now on to the stress of packing up and moving my entire life :). Yay!
Mike C.* March 25, 2016 at 5:13 pm Can people at work stop IMing me with just “Hi” and then sitting there waiting for me to respond? Just tell me what you want and I can decide if I want to answer or not. Ugh.
Greggles* March 25, 2016 at 5:33 pm I always wait. I didn’t always but I had a few complain when I didnt.
BRR* March 25, 2016 at 5:43 pm I feel you. I do a pleasantry like good morning but then I get to the point. I’m not fooling anybody.
Katie the Fed* March 25, 2016 at 5:47 pm Ha, I hear you. Even worse when they try to exchange pleasantries first. Just ask me for the thing you need.
Rebecca* March 25, 2016 at 5:54 pm Yes, and please stop sending the Hi IM two seconds after the program loads. It’s like they’re sitting there on the other end, waiting for my name to appear as ready and then they pounce. Geez, give me a minute to get my computer completely up and running first!
Diluted_TortoiseShell* March 26, 2016 at 6:08 pm Actually – some programs allow you to “tag” someone and it will notify the person when someone you have tagged has logged on. If it bothers you try turning off your programs auto-sign on computer boot.
The Cosmic Avenger* March 25, 2016 at 6:33 pm I think I complained about this a few months ago. Why are you messaging me? Just to say hi? If you have a question, don’t you think it might be useful to tell me what it is before interrupting whatever I’m working on? So I can decide if what you’re asking about takes priority over what I’m currently in the middle of? Really, the hardest part is that the people that do that are some of my favorite coworkers….well, other than that one habit. And I don’t know that it’s relevant, but the main perpetrators aren’t native English speakers, so I’m wondering if others are seeing the same thing. Also: Hi Mike.
Ask a Manager* Post authorMarch 25, 2016 at 6:36 pm Ugh, this is my pet peeve. I hate it. I always reply with “what’s up?” which usually gets them to the point quickly.
Adnan* March 25, 2016 at 8:54 pm When someone IMs me just a ‘Hi’, I do not respond at all until they tell me why they are messaging me.
Elizabeth West* March 25, 2016 at 8:43 pm I hate when they IM me when an email will do. Because I can save an email but I have to do some Outlook gymnastics to save the IM message if it has important information in it. :P
Adnan* March 25, 2016 at 8:56 pm In our system, all IMs are saved automatically in the ‘Conversation’ folder in outlook.
Diluted_TortoiseShell* March 26, 2016 at 6:09 pm It’s an admin setting actually. For some whacky reason our company has this turned off! Such a pain.
periwinkle* March 25, 2016 at 9:24 pm Just because someone’s status is green doesn’t mean they’re immediately free to respond. At my org it’s preferred to first send a message saying “IM?” or “Hi” rather than just launching in a question or request. Either message is accepted as shorthand for “are you available to answer a question right now?” It’s considered a bit rude to just send a question or request without confirming that. That’s just our cultural norm, though.
catsAreCool* March 26, 2016 at 11:43 pm I hate it when people just say “hi”. This is work, just tell me what you want. I say hi back and then go back to what I was doing until they finish typing the question, but it’s distracting to try to work while I’m expecting to be interrupted any second.
PersistentCat* March 25, 2016 at 5:54 pm Does anyone have any advice about what potential roles I could do with the following training/skills, despite having never used them at work? I went & did this training for an internal position, that I didn’t get. I attend college part time as my work schedule allows, but don’t actually get -Lean Six Sigma Green Belt (project done through the agency I volunteer with) -PMI’s CAPM (project management associate) -Design of Experiments/Statistical Process Control/Further Statistics and Quality training Considering changing companies/careers, but honestly don’t know what I should be looking for that would utilize my skills, and college takes forever when you can only do 3 classes per semester.
PersistentCat* March 25, 2016 at 6:02 pm Wonderful grammar, thank the actual persistent cat’s keyboard skills. Basically, I’m at a loss as to what might be available to me & where I can go with where I am now, and any basic advice would be welcomed.
Mkb* March 25, 2016 at 7:35 pm Do you have a bachelors? If so this might be a good background for market research. I’m in prj mgmt in MR and it uses a lot of statistics.
Mkb* March 26, 2016 at 9:28 am It might be worth looking into an internship while you’re still in school if you have the time to do it, once you graduate I think you would qualify for MR project management types of roles. Some companies may higher without a degree but the really large ones do not unfortunately. I work at one of the largest and we do higher paid interns while they’re still in school.
Sara B.* March 25, 2016 at 6:00 pm Long time reader, first time commenting! I recently found myself back in the job market. The start-up company I was working for closed after a year and a half of operations, letting me go at the start of my maternity leave in October. I have been applying for jobs seriously since the 1st of the year, but having very little luck. In total, I have applied to 65 positions in the Business Analyst/Financial Analyst field. Is this normal? Am I still early in the job hunt game? Or do I need to see if my resume needs tweaking? Just for reference, I worked in financial operations in a healthcare company 1.5 years, prior to that wealth management for 1 year, have an MBA, and live south of DC…. Thanks for your help!
Blake A* March 26, 2016 at 6:46 pm Hi! If it helps as a reference, I’ve also been job searching for a Financial Analyst position since the beginning of the year, I’ve sent about the same number of applications as you, and I’ve only been contacted for an interview by one company (I’m now further along the hiring process and hopefully they will tell me next week if they are interested). I’d say you’re early in the job hunt game, but it wouldn’t hurt to perfect your resume as much as possible. I’ve modified mine several times now, and I always find little things to improve that I think have/will make a difference. Good luck!
Éowyn* March 25, 2016 at 6:09 pm This may seem like a silly or trivial question, but I am genuinely wondering about hair accessories in the workplace. I’m starting my first professional-type job as a teller at a credit union (thanks to AAM!). I have very difficult-to-manage hair, with lots of little flyaways (yes, even with hairspray), and usually wear headbands to keep from looking like Albert Einstein. However, I’m wondering if headbands are too immature-looking for a professional atmosphere. I received a copy of the dress code in my new hire packet, and it’s very detailed with dos and don’ts, but it doesn’t mention anything about hair accessories. I realize headbands probably aren’t prohibited or anything, but would they look out place in this kind of environment? I am 29, but look about 10 years younger, and don’t want to be seen as a little girl or out-of-touch with professional norms. Thanks for any advice!
PersistentCat* March 25, 2016 at 6:15 pm I would personally avoid pastels and colorful headbands, but a tortoiseshell, geometric pattern, or black/brown/grey/gold/other neutral color should be fine (was perfectly acceptable at my teller position 8 years ago). You can always wait and ask, or bring one in that you are concerned about.
FutureLibrarianNoMore* March 25, 2016 at 6:23 pm I agree with PersistentCat. Keep it neutral, and also keep it as thin as possible. That way, it is barely even noticeable.
Temperance* March 25, 2016 at 6:43 pm John Freida makes an AMAZING anti-flyaway spray. It’s in a red bottle and is the only thing that has tamed my hair. It’s like $6/bottle.
Elizabeth West* March 25, 2016 at 9:51 pm Ooh, I need to try this myself. I have frizzy hair but since I went blonde, it’s VERY noticeable.
Nicole J.* March 26, 2016 at 3:24 am My hair’s frizzy as well, and John Frieda products work for me – especially the serum. I’m in the UK, so I don’t know if the exact same products are available elsewhere.
catsAreCool* March 26, 2016 at 11:44 pm I use hair gel when I’m trying to keep my curly hair from being too flyaway – that usually works.
Observer* March 26, 2016 at 10:13 pm Headbands should not be an issue. The key is what kind of headband. As others have noted, skip the “fun”, neon, funky or otherwise striking colors. Keep the size reasonable, and bands with things on them. Even things that are relatively flat to the head.
runnergirl* March 25, 2016 at 6:40 pm I work for a small consulting firm, and my boss said a long-standing, anchor client refused to work with me. I have never met this client or done any work on any aspect of the account. I brought up this point but my boss still feels it shows I don’t have a future at my company since clients “don’t want to work with me.” I printed several emails from clients who provided rave reviews about my work. Any other suggestions for handling this?
Wakeen's Teapots, Ltd.* March 26, 2016 at 7:50 am Geeze, I’m sorry. There’s a piece missing here. It’s not super strange that the client doesn’t want to work with you. The client may have demanded not to work with the “new person” or may want to only work with the person they’ve been working with or may only want to work with the boss. Clients are like that so it’s not bizarre. Your boss’s conclusion from that, as described, is bizarre. There’s another reason she’s displeased with your work that she’s either not telling you or you aren’t hearing. There’s only a small possibility that she’s whacko enough to actually draw that conclusion from the described circumstances. Can you ask her to give you feedback on your work done to date, this client aside, and see what happens next? Try to drill to the real reason and see if it’s solvable.
runnergirl* March 26, 2016 at 9:44 am That’s a great perspective! I had never thought the client may have been saying “I don’t want to work with her” but meant “I don’t want to work with a new person.” To be honest, I don’t think I’m a great fit for my company. Our company president handles most of the billable work himself, and I’ve struggled to get assigned billable projects. My clients can’t afford large amounts of billable hours, and they assign me to write a report or do a newsletter, but then once the task is done, there isn’t a lot to do. There’s a definite disconnect–I see it as a management failure to delegate appropriate work, set expectations and make sure employees are profitable. The agency president thinks I should be more proactive and self driven. (He has a self described “light” management style.) It may be an instance where we’re both right. I’ve managed to advocate for myself to be placed on a different team that has a lot of billable work that was traditionally done by freelancers. For the long term, I’m seeking new employment in a more stable environment.
Wakeen's Teapots, Ltd.* March 28, 2016 at 6:00 am Yeah, that’s messy. Lookit, it is really really really common for a client to not want to be reassigned. You could be J.D. Salinger and the client would be like NOPE I want to deal with the principal, deal with the person I’ve been dealing with, do not change me. This is so common, your boss knows this which means it’s a disingenuous excuse if she’s going to that. I hope your new team works out for you!
Shell* March 25, 2016 at 6:45 pm Serious question for the IT folks, system administrators and the like: what do you do if nothing breaks? I may be misunderstanding your jobs; if so, please correct me. But I was under the impression that the majority of your is to make sure your system works. You may not develop the program, but you make sure computers are working, tickets are answered, no server has crashed, swap out ageing hardware, etc. But things can’t break all the time. When things actually work the way they’re supposed to, what takes up your time? My mom asked me this the other day (after I explained why IT can’t be a nine to five job), and I honestly couldn’t answer.
Manders* March 25, 2016 at 7:01 pm From what I understand, this almost never happens. Partially because computers will always be finicky in some way, and partially because companies don’t tend to staff IT departments beyond the amount they actually expect to need them. Maybe there are some helpdesk people twiddling their thumbs out there, but I’ve never met someone in IT with too little on their plate.
Jillociraptor* March 25, 2016 at 7:42 pm The IT staff at my job also look at things like: preventing/responding to security risks, planning for tech projects (like when machines need to get replaced), planning for and pushing out system updates, building software and other apps/solutions for our business processes, monitoring systems to prevent future issues, stuff like that. But I think Manders is right — it’s pretty rare that nothing is going wrong that needs troubleshooting.
Job Seeker* March 25, 2016 at 8:53 pm Upgrading to new systems, managing permissions, giving new hires the tools they need to do their jobs, deactivating the accounts of people who have left, running tests to make sure things really are working, teaching people how to use the software / hardware, exploring potential upgrades or ways to save money, attending highly important functions so this is someone there in case something breaks, building integrations and plugins so things work better . . . The list goes on.
periwinkle* March 25, 2016 at 9:47 pm IT system admins do a lot more than just cope with things breaking. Making sure the computers are working is an unending thing – planning, upgrading, optimizing, and maintaining are going on all the time. When things break is when that stuff gets pushed to the side so the staff can deal with the emergency – but it never goes away. My husband is a sysadmin, I’m not, and both of our jobs are a combination of urgent/crisis-model projects and normal projects. The difference is that at the end of my workday, nothing dire is likely to happen before 7am the next day; if a network server crashes at 3:00 am, the sysadmin’s phone rings at 3:00am.
Anonymous Educator* March 26, 2016 at 1:14 am Even if everything runs smoothly, you still need to push out security updates and retire old hardware / get new hardware. Believe me–it’s a full-time job.
Wakeen's Teapots, Ltd.* March 26, 2016 at 7:33 am I’m pretty tight with the IT team at Wakeen’s (probably because we have similar geeky outside interests, more than anything else). A lot of the job is setting up new employees, answering user questions, maintenance to prevent stuff breaking and learning about things to do to prevent things from breaking . When nothing is breaking and we haven’t just hired 10 people, there is goof off downtime. There’s time to troll some forums, send You Tube videos or play some games. The head of our IT dept told me that he manages the department with that as the goal. Not that the goal is to have a few hours a day to goof off, but that this happens because things are running so well. Then something breaks and he’s up all night. He recently went 36 hours straight when we had a major server problem. I was texting back and forth with him to give him some company and he got very, very punchy! So he manages everything to avoid that but they don’t create work for themselves if they don’t have something at that moment either.
Diluted_TortoiseShell* March 26, 2016 at 6:13 pm Even when everything is working there is so much to do! Prepare for audits, insure your system is protected from clients/meets all applicable laws, update processes, insure adequate user controls, test new builds/next steps for the system. It never ends! I even have to have a process in place for dealing with bed bug infested laptops since I work in healthcare. Bedbugs!
Observer* March 26, 2016 at 10:09 pm On top of the other stuff, there is the issue of upgrades and finding / planning applying new technologies (or at least new to the organization or unit.) That stuff takes time.
Betti* March 25, 2016 at 6:51 pm Having difficulty with employees who can’t take direction. In a weird culture where even if you speak to someone in a perfectly level voice volume to explain the expectations of their work, they accuse me of yelling at them. It’s all I can do to not laugh at them.
FutureLibrarianNoMore* March 26, 2016 at 3:26 pm Can you whisper it to them? Or maybe write it on a piece of paper and send it via airplane? It sounds like people take things very personally there, and that is frustrating!
salad fingers* March 25, 2016 at 6:59 pm Quick question – I responded to a job listing that was 20 days old at the most prestigious company in my industry, which typically means in my field, the job has been taken. Completely shut it out of my mind and got this: Dear salad fingers, We would like to thank you for your interest in the XPosition with CompanyZ. Your background is quite impressive. We regret to inform you that we have selected another candidate for this opportunity. We sincerely appreciate your interest in CompanyZ, and wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Sincerely, Human Resources Department This is a form letter right? I guess the part about my background being quite impressive threw me – otherwise I would assume 100% that this was mass emailed. Thoughts?
Ask a Manager* Post authorMarch 25, 2016 at 7:07 pm Almost certainly a form letter :) Only a small chance that they added in the “impressive” line just for you (but hey, nothing wrong with deciding that they did).
salad fingers* March 25, 2016 at 7:40 pm Thank you for confirming this, Alison :-)/:-(. I guess the one reason I though this might have been adjusted especially for me (aside from that I am in fact impressive) is that it’s a very small industry and I’m kind of uniquely qualified for this position. And I think it’s really really weird to tell someone that their background is impressive in a form letter. Alas.. Also, although I’ve conducted interviews, until last week I had never actually properly interviewed for a job before (?!!!) . After a grueling 4 rounds of interviewing, I got an offer for a really nice position today (which I’ll be declining on Monday). I feel very weird and not happy about any of it, but I know that I killed the interviews (their words) and I know so much of that is because I’ve been reading this blog for years now. Typically only comment on the weekend posts because I feel incredibly out of my depth in the comment section here, but I’m always reading. Thank you for being ridiculously smart and prolific and all the rest!
Friends at Work* March 25, 2016 at 7:12 pm What do you think about making friends at work? Do you actively pursue making friends at work? I am lucky that I have made one really great friend at work in my 15 years in the workforce, but other than that I don’t expect anything from my co-workers. I want us to get our jobs done, be respectful of each other, and if we all get along that’s swell. Friendly, but not friends. If a true friendship evolves on its own then great.
newreader* March 26, 2016 at 5:57 am Early in my career I became very friendly with two coworkers, who were both older than me. At one point, the two of them had a falling out and expected me to take sides. It was like, really – this isn’t junior high! So I distanced myself from both of them outside of work and since then have been careful to not mix work and friends too closely. I do have people at work I’m friendly with, but the type of friendly where we get together for lunch during the week, not spending time together on weekends.
Ruffingit* March 25, 2016 at 8:07 pm Started my new job this week. I’ve been in training and I’m loving it so far! I even got today off paid even though I just started four days ago. The culture there is one of treating employees with respect. They basically said “this job is hard and you will have a lot of work, but we want you to take time off because you will need it, we very much encourage that.” So much so that employees begin earning 14 hours a month of paid time off immediately. It’s awesome.
Mimmy* March 25, 2016 at 10:52 pm WONDERFUL to hear!! You deserve it after the last couple of bad eggs!!
Surviving Insanity* March 25, 2016 at 9:05 pm AAM, please help me find the way on this one. My manager is psycho (like, really psycho… like on strong meds psycho, police were called to her house for a domestic dispute involving her brandishing firearms psycho, a coworker talked her down from leaving work and harming someone psycho, so of course they promoted her to management psycho) and had put me on a PIP because… well, I’m not sure why. Strangely I’m not worried about her harming me (we’re all searched for weapons before entering the workplace), just that I’ll lose my job and have to start job-hunting. Looking for a job is a pain in the backside plus this job affects what someone would consider normal behavior. Her behavior is well known among the staff, including managers and she’s upfront about her demons. No one is doing anything (yes, the company has EAP and counselors). So she wrote the PIP for me then had another manager go over it with me instead of her doing it. She has not mentioned it to me even once and the PIP was the first I’ve heard of any performance problems. The other manager says there’s nothing to worry about because everyone is on a PIP right now but I’m not so sure. No examples of problems were provided, no dates for follow up, no standard of behavior. Nothing. Just a form saying improve or progressive discipline up to and including dismissal, blah-blah-blah. I asked the other manager to ask for more feedback and examples and haven’t heard back. I believe psycho and other manager are both on PIPs as well. Any advice on handling a manager with serious mental health issues, or handling a PIP they don’t understand would be a huge help. Not surprisingly, our HR department is adversarial with the employees and not much help. Thanks in advance.
Elizabeth West* March 25, 2016 at 10:41 pm I’m really not sure what to say–it seems the company doesn’t know WHAT to do. They can’t force the manager to seek help. They may be afraid to let her go. If HR isn’t assisting the employees, and they’re just letting this manager run rampant, I don’t know what else you could do. I think I’d start putting some feelers out for other positions.
Ruffingit* March 25, 2016 at 11:46 pm Job hunting is a total PITA, but it seems to me it’s the only option because your manager sucks (and is psychotic per your verbiage) and isn’t going to change. The only advice on handling a manager with serious mental health issues is to NOT handle her and move along. What other choice is there except to continue working in a culture that allows this to happen? Move on.
AnotherTeacher* March 26, 2016 at 8:20 am Adding my agreement with the above. This is a terrible situation, and there does not appear to be any resolution.
Not So NewReader* March 26, 2016 at 10:03 pm You cannot be logical with someone who is not logical. This is one of the few examples that I would say quit the job even with no job lined up. I understand you are saying she will not physically hurt you. That is not the same as saying she won’t hurt you at all. And these situations make us forget what normal business days look like. When that happens our skills start to slide, because we have to focus on survival, not on being professional. You have an additional layer of complexity because people around you are willing to cover for her antics. If you get unfairly accused of something, you do not have a snowball’s chance here. Everyone will carry on as if the accusation is fair and reasonable. This could work into a substantial problem for you. Since we cannot project out what will happen next, we can’t really give you solid advice. Expect anything to happen next and try to build a plan for it. If it were me, I would call in Monday and quit. Done.
Sophie* March 25, 2016 at 9:35 pm I’ve heard most of my life that I am “too quiet,” but no one has ever treated me poorly about it until now. I have to deal with men putting me down at work quite a bit- they make fun of me, laugh if I don’t know the proper tech terminology, they talk down to me and treat me like some petulant child. (Then they wonder why I don’t want to talk to them!) I don’t understand this, as I’ve always gotten good reviews, and have always worked hard to do good work. There are two other women, but they are twice my age-none of them get the treatment that I seem to be receiving. The guys are buddy-buddy with one another, but seem at a loss on how to treat me. I try to joke around to ease tension, but they still seem awkward around me. I don’t know what to do.
Kanye The Giant* March 25, 2016 at 10:00 pm Who are these guys? Are they supervisors or just co-workers (and do you *have* to work with them)? Also, can you add a bit more info about how your quietness factors into this? Do they make fun of you for being quiet specifically, or are you suspecting that has something to do with it?
Sophie* March 25, 2016 at 11:09 pm Both- supervisors and co-workers. Yes, unfortunately I do have to work with them. I need to be quiet and concentrate on my work because it is usually urgent material, but some other co-workers don’t have urgent tasks and socialize more and I guess it offends them that I’m quietly working. It’s a very laid back environment where it’s more important to socialize and b.s. than it is to work. (Don’t get me wrong- they’re all very smart and do get their work done, but sometimes they spend a lot of time socializing.)
Grumpy* March 25, 2016 at 10:05 pm I’m so sorry you’re going through this and can’t promise you it will get better or worse. Some people are hopeless. It’s probably best to just focus on doing the job you were hired to do to the absolute best of your ability and learn everything you can. Show a genuine interest in what your coworkers do and respect them as equals. And please do not under any circumstances get romantically involved with them. Not very helpful, I know. There is no magic wand and you cannot control your coworkers.
Sophie* March 25, 2016 at 11:16 pm They’re all either engaged or married, so no romantic feelings. I wonder if they might think that though because my boss is male and married and once a co-worker made a remark about if I missed him when he went on vacation. It made me very uneasy. Once another co-worker said something about how I only talk with my boss and not with them- but he and I have to communicate on work matters. My boss goes out of his way to avoid me- even in the hallway and barely speaks to me. In meetings, he sits on the opposite side of me. This is a situation that I have never been in before and it just turns my stomach and makes me cry.
Colette* March 26, 2016 at 6:52 am Do you call them on it? You don’t have to be rude, but you can speak up for yourself. “Wow.” “Why would you say that?” “What an odd thing to say.” “Please stop saying that.” When you speak up, way whatever you’re going to say and then stop yourself from laughing, apologizing, or otherwise softening the message. Let them feel the full awkwardness.
Not So NewReader* March 26, 2016 at 10:09 pm I would try to talk to the other women and see what they think you can do. They have to be seeing it. OR if you are misinterpreting things, maybe they will help you figure that out. It sounds like you could use some friends in this place so maybe talking to the other women would help on more than one level. I will say this. Quiet people seem vulnerable to these type of behaviors coming from others. You may find that by talking more the behaviors go away.
Stressed near TO* March 25, 2016 at 9:55 pm I was laid off in September and have been trying to find work ever since. I am five hours outside of a major city, so I have been applying for jobs there as my area is very economically depressed. I’ve applied for more than a hundred jobs by now and I haven’t even gotten a call for an initial interview. I obsessively read AAM and have been trying to follow all of the tips for resumes and cover letters. Friends and family have reviewed my resume and say it’s great. With their permission, In January started using a family member’s address in the city. Still no calls. Arhh! I’m now very depressed and anxious. My EI runs out in two months and I have no idea what I will do when that happens. I try to remind myself that I’m a conscientious employee, a pleasant person, and a good worker but at this point I’m afraid that if I even did get an interview I’d blow it because of my low confidence. I’m wondering if no one is calling me because I went to university as an adult. So my timeline looks like this: admin professional (10 years) -> bachelor’s degree (4 years) -> operations manager (3 years). Bleah. Where’s the magic job fairy when you need her?
Elizabeth West* March 25, 2016 at 10:44 pm I don’t know, but keep trying. I found a job one week before my unemployment ran out. I’ll send some good vibes your way.
Job Seeker* March 25, 2016 at 10:55 pm Can you do any kind of in person networking? Join a professional organization in Nearby City, go to meetups, conferences, etc? Meeting people in person tends to yield the best results.
Colette* March 26, 2016 at 6:56 am I’ve been laid off three times, and every time it has taken me at least six months to find something. Job hunting is really hard, and it takes also get than you want it to. Hang in there. I second NicoleK’s comment about reaching out to former colleagues, not necessarily be cause they will be able to help you get a job but because they will remind you that you have something to offer.
FutureLibrarianNoMore* March 26, 2016 at 3:16 pm I would try to find a mentor or someone in the field who can look at what you’re doing objectively. While family and friends are wonderful, I’ve gotten some of the worst resume advice from them! (I love them still, of course, but remind them that times have changed.)
FutureLibrarianNoMore* March 26, 2016 at 3:17 pm Note, I am not saying that your stuff is necessarily bad!! More that, maybe an outside mentor can say, “Oh hey, these days they’re suggesting to do this instead of that”.
Not So NewReader* March 26, 2016 at 10:13 pm Sending good vibes your way. When I start to feel the panic hitting, my favorite thing to do is look around and try to change one thing that I am doing. Doesn’t matter what, pick something, make a well-thought out change. See where that puts you. Then move to a second thing and tweak that. See where it puts you. Keep going like this until you start to see a difference in your setting.
StellaRed* March 25, 2016 at 9:58 pm Hi y’all. I’m graduating with my BA in psychology at the end of May, and I’m trying to apply for entry-level human service positions at non-profits (like mental health case worker, HIV counselor, poverty alleviation, etc.). I know nonprofits generally want to know why you’re passionate about the area/community they serve, such as having a personal connection to the issue. In the case of mental health, I do have a personal connection to it, since I have a couple of mental illness diagnoses. I am generally very comfortable with disclosing this to others because I believe it’s important to do so in order to reduce stigma about mental illness, and I disclose all the time in the support group I help run. However, on one hand, I feel like it might be kind of risky in the context of a job search. I know these agencies deal with people who have mental illnesses all the time, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t have stigmatizing attitudes about it that could affect my job prospects. On the other hand, it could be beneficial because I can really empathize with what it’s like to struggle with mental illness and that could be an asset to these types of jobs. Any advice on how to approach this? Should I mention it if I’m asked about my passion? And if so, how should I do so in a way that shows it as an asset without getting overly personal?
Job Seeker* March 25, 2016 at 10:48 pm I would leave it out of any written communications (cover letters, etc) but mention it in person if you have the kind of rapport where it feels ok to do so. I think it could work for or against you. Some people might judge, but others will admire your honesty. If you do mention it, talk about how you’re managing it and how this makes you a positive role model to others.
StellaRed* March 25, 2016 at 11:01 pm Thanks for the response! I definitely wasn’t going to put it in a cover letter. I was thinking more like interview situations where they might ask me why I care so much about mental health, etc. Thinking more about it, assuming the context was right to mention it, another way it could benefit me would be as a kind of screener. I wouldn’t want to work for an organization that would be judgmental or view this as a weakness of mine instead of the illness that it is. I have been very successful in my previous jobs and at my challenging university, but I sometimes need a little extra support or flexibility to perform at my best. It’s important to me to find a work environment that can understand and sometimes accommodate that.
Ellen Ripley* March 26, 2016 at 2:59 pm Yeah, this is tricky. You’d like to think that these organizations would be more sensitive to this sort of thing than some other random company might be. I like the idea that you wouldn’t disclose until you meet the people in person and get a bit of a feel for their organization. You’d also be completely reasonable to not disclose until you got to the offer stage, or until you started the job. For better or worse, some mental illnesses are less stigmatized than others – depression, anxiety, and maybe ADHD (is that seen as a mental illness or a processing disorder?) are probably going to be seen as less of a barrier to employment than something like schizophrenia, BPD, or bipolar.
Marina* March 26, 2016 at 4:55 pm If you do mention it, definitely focus on how it would positively affect your ability to work in that organization. I know some service-oriented nonprofits are wary that staff or volunteers who’s main connection to their mission is that they’re similar to clients, might have difficulty maintaining boundaries with clients. It’s hard for anyone to see clients in need and stay within the boundaries of what that particular organization can provide, and it can be extra hard for someone who empathizes on a personal level. I think mentioning that you run a support group (or act as a peer mentor or advisor, or any other aspect of your work in that area) is gold and you can absolutely bring up in that context. That shows that you have experience using your personal experiences as a way to connect with and support others, and that you also have experience keeping the focus on the client and off your personal experience. I hope that makes sense… I think it’s fantastic that you’re passionate about destigmatizing mental illness, and I hope you find the perfect organization where that’s recognized as the asset it is!
Diluted_TortoiseShell* March 26, 2016 at 6:18 pm Not answering your question, but since you mentioned non-profits, I wanted to suggest you not forget hospitals. There are a lot of not-for-profit hospitals that don’t actually post to the non-profit boards and are typically better run than some of the smaller not-for-profits.
Kanye The Giant* March 25, 2016 at 9:58 pm Who are these guys? Are they supervisors or just co-workers (and do you *have* to work with them)? Also, can you add a bit more info about how your quietness factors into this? Do they make fun of you for being quiet specifically, or are you suspecting that has something to do with it?
Kanye The Giant* March 25, 2016 at 9:59 pm Sorry, I thought I was responding to Sophie and ended up creating a completely new thread on accident! Please disregard.
Cover Letters* March 25, 2016 at 10:43 pm I have some background in internal comms. I realized, now applying for jobs, that writing a cover letter is the same kind of thing. It has to be written as if it’s for a wide audience because you don’t know the people who will be reading it. It has to be clear, professional, and to the point while also engaging. I’m thinking about all the company-wide emails I’ve seen, the different tones people use, what works and what doesn’t work. I think it’s best to keep it humble, honest, friendly and informative. Entertaining without being gimmicky. It’s a tough kind of thing to write.
FutureLibrarianNoMore* March 26, 2016 at 3:06 pm If you look back at the cover letters Alison has posted as examples, that’s exactly what they do. They manage to convey their interest and passion without boring the reader or seeming too…crazy. I think that is what is so challenging. That is *REALLY* hard to do. I have a background in writing, and yet, I still struggle. It is very difficult to write one or two incredibly awesome cover letters…but try to write one after another after another, and your brain fries.
Cover Letters* March 26, 2016 at 6:18 pm I think they’re one of the hardest things to write. I’m now sticking less strictly to the standard format and writing as if I’m talking to a real person, explaining why I’m applying for the job. What I’ve heard from most hiring managers is that they don’t pay much attention to cover letters and not to waste time over-thinking them, but I’ve also heard that exceptional ones can make you stand out. I know they probably see a lot of cover letters that look the same. Hoping that being a little less formulaic and more personable will make a difference.
Disclosing a Disability* March 25, 2016 at 10:51 pm You know the part of a job application where it asks you to (voluntarily) disclose whether or not you have a disability? If you do, is it better to disclose or decline to answer? I used to decline to answer, but I’ve started disclosing, thinking it might be better in the long run to be upfront. Could this be hurting my job prospects?
Mimmy* March 25, 2016 at 11:12 pm I’ve seen different sources recommend different things; honestly, I think it’s a case-by-case decision. Are you talking about the initial application, i.e. sending your resume and cover letter? Or do you mean filling out an actual application, which is common when you’re called in for an interview. Generally, I think it depends on if you think will need an accommodation at any point during hiring and employment. Even then, it’s often suggested to wait until you are at the offer stage to disclose, particularly if the disability isn’t apparent. like a learning disability or an anxiety disorder. Not only do I have a professional interest in this topic, I have personal experience too, so I completely understand the conundrum. I have a vision impairment and can’t drive, but I don’t have any outward appearances, like a white cane or service animal—just my thick glasses. If you’re willing to share further details, maybe I can give a bit more advice. Only if you’re comfortable :)
Disclosing a Disability* March 26, 2016 at 12:22 am I have a physical disability that isn’t obvious, but I have required reasonable accommodations at times and it’s been awkward to bring it up. At my last job, I worked with HR a bit and was aware of their efforts to build a more diverse workforce, and the reasoning behind it. I think there can be a strong stigma against disabilities in the workplace, but I know now that companies benefit in various ways from hiring diverse teams. I also think it might be easier to put it out there from the get-go. That way it will be less awkward if it comes up later on. A lot of the online applications I’ve been filling out have a part at the end where you can disclose your gender, race, veteran status, and disability status. It seems to be a federal requirement for large companies. That’s what I’m referring to.
Marina* March 26, 2016 at 4:48 pm Usually those forms have a disclaimer saying something like they’re not allowed to use that information in the hiring process, and usually they’re anonymized and kept in an entirely separate place from the rest of your application. Employers are not legally allowed to make hiring decisions on the basis of a protected disability. Of course it’s always possible that they are, but usually if they’re savvy enough to be asking during the application process, they’re savvy enough to avoid any appearance of using that info in hiring decisions.
Disclosing a Disability* March 26, 2016 at 6:12 pm Yes, this the federally mandated Section 503 form, and it has a clause saying it won’t be used to make hiring decisions. Good to hear that companies tend to tend steps to ensure that.
Phone Interview* March 25, 2016 at 11:28 pm This might be a “duh” question, but I had a phone interview with a recruiter and on Monday it will be 3 weeks since said interview- is it safe to say that the company probably isn’t interested in me? They were supposed to finish up interviews the week of the 7th and I’m assuming I would have been contacted for an in-person interview by now if they had chosen me.
Ask a Manager* Post authorMarch 25, 2016 at 11:29 pm No way to say. Some hiring processes move really slowly. But the best thing for you to do is pretend they’re not interested and move on, and let it be a pleasant surprise if they do contact you. More here:
Job Seeker* March 26, 2016 at 12:28 am You could follow up with a brief email. Something short and friendly, just to get a sense of whether they’ve reached a decision or not.
nonnynonny* March 26, 2016 at 12:11 am Should I leave my part time job? Last year I started a part time job that I knew was going to be seasonal and closed for a month or two in the winter. But now I’ve heard that it’s not going to be open until late spring or summer. I’m torn: I really like this part time job! They paid pretty well and worked with my schedule for my regular job. Plus my coworkers were fun and the job was comparatively low stress. But I need that extra income and the next few months might get pretty stressful if I don’t have it. So do I try to find another one? There are others in the industry that might not pay as well or be more stressful but at least they’re open right now. Or do I try to hold out until this one opens up again?
NicoleK* March 26, 2016 at 12:43 am Sounds like you really like the part time job. Can you get a temporary position at a temp agency until then?
Marina* March 26, 2016 at 4:45 pm I’d start looking for another position. If you find one that’s just as awesome as your seasonal job, great! If you don’t find anything or don’t like where you end up, you know you can go back to the seasonal job.
Not So NewReader* March 26, 2016 at 10:18 pm Just my opinion, but I found that the fluctuations in income because of having seasonal work, hurt me more than helped me. So I would vote for steady year round income from a part time job.
So Very Anonymous* March 26, 2016 at 12:23 am Waaaay down here at the bottom because it’s been a really long day. But I wanted to post quick: Monday I got a call on my cell phone while I was at work rejecting me for a job. I’d been waiting to hear if I’d made the second round of interviews after a first interview that felt really great. I did know that I was missing some things, but it was one of those “this is going to depend on how important or not those missing things are” situations, and there were other things asked for that I had in spades, and those things they responded to very positively to in the first interview. So I guess I’m glad it went well, but I am also really struggling with not being able to get past first-round interviews. It’s not because I’m doing anything particularly wrong, I don’t think, it has more to do with the combinations of things wanted and me fitting some really, really well and being weaker on others, and if they happen to want those things more, well, then I’m not such a fit. For the kind of job I’m aiming for, postings are very few and far between, and I now have pretty much no irons in the fire until something opens up again. That’s discouraging. Also, no fun at all to be rejected over the phone. First there’s the moment of “ooooh, it’s THAT area code!” immediately followed by “I’m in an open cubicle, how am I going to schedule a day-long interview? Can I run to the conference room?” then followed by “Oh. Well, now I don’t have worry about being heard scheduling an interview. Let’s just try to smile while saying ‘Thanks very much for letting me know.’ Smile!” Sigh.
NicoleK* March 26, 2016 at 12:38 am I totally hear you. I’ve only been rejected once over the phone. When the call came, I just had the feeling that it wasn’t an offer. I remember the company and where I was when I got the call. Thankfully most of my rejections have been via email, letters (it’s been years since I’ve gotten a rejection letter) or I hear nothing from the companies after the interviews.
Job Seeker* March 26, 2016 at 12:57 am I always try to handle those rejections graciously, with a positive attitude. Sometimes that makes a good enough impression that it leads to a job offer later on.
So Very Anonymous* March 26, 2016 at 12:39 pm Yep, that’s what I did. It’s just so much easier to do that over email where it doesn’t matter if your voice happens to be quavering just a little.
New Employee, Still Looking* March 26, 2016 at 1:08 am Fairly new to the site, so apologies if a similar question has been answered, but here goes… I just started a job a few weeks ago, knowing full well I was gonna hate and resent it for several reasons, but couldn’t turn it down, as I was unemployed, ineligible for benefits and no one else was even looking my way. Because of this, I’ve continued my job hunt, and had already took a day off to go to another job interview a week into my new job – Long side story short, I have no car, and public transportation here SUCKS! If you need to anywhere, you gotta make a day of it! Which brings me to my questions : is there any way to ask any potential new employers to schedule an interview several weeks in advance? I would need that time to schedule time off from my current employers to make going to another job interview a reality! Failing that, would it be considered too much for an interview on a Saturday? (And do Saturday job interviews even exist?)
misspiggy* March 26, 2016 at 1:46 am Question 1: No, sorry. But occasionally it might be possible to request a Saturday interview. More realistic would be to ask for an interview after your work hours and arrange for a friend or relative to drive you. After the employer contacted you to offer an interview date, you’d reply saying that it would be particularly difficult for you to take time off at that time, and would x or y alternative day and time work. You could also say you’re available for phone interviews and give a range of days and times for that. But if you really want a particular job and alternative interview timings look difficult, many people would just take the day off sick and let the cards fall where they may.
Ask a Manager* Post authorMarch 26, 2016 at 1:58 am I think you’re better off asking for an interview time earlier in the morning or in the very late afternoon/early evening. In most fields, interviewers aren’t going to do Saturday interviews (assuming a professional M-F job) unless you’re a truly stellar candidate who they’re going out of their way to court (they want weekends off, after all).
Questions for Firms* March 26, 2016 at 3:30 am Hi, I wanted to reach out to some Accounting Firms to ask how often they are hiring entry level positions and would they be okay with candidates who are not fresh out of graduate school, but have graduated a year ago and have a year of experience working in accounting at an nonprofit organization. Do I use their to contact them, or is there a better way to contact them. I currently have no connections with anyone working at Accounting firms and my school’s career fairs are currently not featuring them.
Marina* March 26, 2016 at 4:43 pm Frankly, I’d be surprised if you got answers to those questions from an info email address. Mostly because the answers are likely to be “it depends”. They might have six entry level positions open one month, then nothing for the next year. The kind of experience they prefer likely depends on the currently open positions and who else is on their team at that time. I’d suggest thinking a little more closely about what you hope to get out of asking those questions. What do you hope to learn that wouldn’t be in a posted job ad? How would you use that information in your applications?
Questions for Firms* March 26, 2016 at 6:07 pm I wanted to know if I am able to get a job at an Accounting firm based on the school and job experience that I have currently. I still considered myself an entry-level accounting/finance professional because I haven’t work in many types of industries yet. I have only worked in a nonprofit. I think accounting firms can expose me to a wider forms of accounting from many industries. I was told that as a entry-level professional I need to go a little broader for my job searches. When I was first job searching, I was applying for jobs with a narrower (but not too narrow) strategy and I did not end up getting an accounting job. I have to apply for a non-finance related job in order to finally get my foot at the door to the organization’s financial operations team. I wanted to improve the way I am looking for job opportunities and also to reach out to employers in a better way.
Diluted_TortoiseShell* March 26, 2016 at 6:25 pm “Foot at the door” This is A MYTH! It’s really imporant to do due dilegence for your first out-of-college job and insure it’s something you can see yourself happily staying in for at least 2 years if not longer! I’ve been on several internal interview panels and when someone is hopping from department to department, especially with nothing but 1 year stints it’s a huge red flag to me. It says you do not know what you want to do. There are a variety of ways to get accounting experience and finance generally has accounting opportunities so I am not sure why you are trying to avoid financial roles. Check out financial analyst roles – a lot of them will ask for accounting experience. There is also decision support and business analyst roles that lean harder on accounting. Don’t be narrow just out of college. Cast a wide net in your field to see what you like be sure your boss is someone who is prepared for a new-to-the-workforce person.
DS* March 26, 2016 at 7:55 am Hi guys! I actually had a question revolving around, well, when to tell a socially awkward coworker that they need to watch their manners/tone of voice/attitude. Background: I’m full time, she’s part time. We were hired to the department at the same time, but I was here for eight months already in a different department (think a sideways move/promotion for me: part time teapot research to full-time teapot outreach). Technically I’m her senior in position, and there’s a slight difference in departments (teapot outreach to children, teapot outreach to teenagers). Our manager is out on maternity leave, we have a temporary department head. This is not something she’s done to me, but it’s something I’ve seen her do to the older part-time, been there forever, technically could do all our jobs, staple of the department. Y’all know who I mean. It’s not even outright rudeness, but it’s something in the tone. And I know it’s taken our other coworker aback because for a minute she had that ‘Wow’ expression on her face that Alison’s told us all to use when people ask inappropriate things. So do I need to say something? Should I say something, as the coworker closest in age (everyone else is at minimum ten years older than either of us, and even I am at least four/five years older than she is) and the other new hire? Or should I just report what I’m seeing to our temp department head?
Katie the Fed* March 26, 2016 at 9:10 am I’m not clear on exactly what it is she’s doing, but if there are clearly defined behaviors you can highlight, I’d focus on those. Say something like “Judy, can I talk to you about something that’s been concerning me? I’ve noticed when you talk to people about XX you tend to do YYY. And it’s giving the impression that you think the person you’re talking to isn’t very smart or capable. I’m sure that’s not your intent, which is why I thought you’d want to know how it’s coming across.”
DS* March 26, 2016 at 9:26 am It’s really hard to define it exactly, which is why I’ve been struggling to figure out what to do since it happened. This is the second time it’s pinged my radar; once was our awesome amazing head of security coming to me and asking what was up with her, why was she so rude to everyone NOT in teapot outreach. (You need two degrees minimum to be in teapot outreach, fwiw.) It’s definitely a ping, though, even if I can’t exactly define what it is about the behavior that’s doing it.
NicoleK* March 26, 2016 at 3:26 pm This has been my experience….Typically employees who have been there forever, staple of the department can take care of themselves. If it really bugs your coworker, she can say something to socially awkward coworker.
Diluted_TortoiseShell* March 26, 2016 at 6:29 pm Is “she” the only woman? Or a woman minority? I read a fascinating article about how minority women were especially likely to be considered “rude” for behaviors white men get a pass on – and often the “issue” was tonal. Your inability to describe the problem makes me wonder if this could be a factor. Just be cognizant of potential bias.
AnotherTeacher* March 26, 2016 at 9:13 am Nothing indicates you need to say anything or report this to anyone. People can be rude and awkward. If it’s not affecting work or clients/customers, it’s not likely to be an issue management will address.
Aella* March 26, 2016 at 9:59 am I am visiting my parents for Easter, so this afternoon is being swapped between cooking (the big Easter meal is happening tonight, because we are visiting my aunt tomorrow, and also we are varieties of Quaker so don’t really do Lent), and applying for jobs. This afternoon, I am trying to write a cover letter and another application, then take a look at my ToDo list, and structure how I want to apply to the next set of jobs. Annoyingly, I am in that limbo state where it feels like I’m just casting applications out into the ether, and will never hear from them again. And I’ve found a job posting in Berlin, which looks simultaneously interesting and terrifying, with the additional excitement of a) my imminent name change, and associated passport change, which I was originally planning on doing separately, and b) the possibility that we will leave the EU, and I might lose the right to work there until negotiations are completed, which will take ages.
Good_Intentions* March 26, 2016 at 1:42 pm Memo Interpretation: Fired, laid off, or resigned? The CEO’s executive assistant sent out the following memo on his behalf to department leaders, and I’m trying to decide what the language means. Was Jenna terminated, laid off, or did she resign? Please share with me your perspectives, dear AAM readers. Here’s the memo: “As you should be aware, Jenna’s last day with us was March 18. I am in no hurry to fill the position as we are going to take some time to think about restructuring the duties and responsibilities. Until we decide what we’re going to do with the position, send any requests to Sarah. She will be taking care of it and consulting with me when appropriate.”
De Minimis* March 26, 2016 at 2:21 pm It’s pretty vague….I would say it’s more likely to be laid off or resigned because of the “as you should be aware,” since that seems to imply that it was more or less public knowledge beforehand. I’d say too that if it were a firing they would probably be working on finding a replacement.
Good_Intentions* March 26, 2016 at 8:55 pm De Minimis: Thanks for your close reading of the language. To avoid any show of bias, the CEO tends to write his memos in very vague terms. I’m still learning how to decipher them.
NicoleK* March 26, 2016 at 3:21 pm It doesn’t sound like Jenna resigned. Sounds more like Jenna was terminated or laid off.
DCR* March 27, 2016 at 1:25 am Did you hear about it before the 18th? Are you sufficiently close to Jenna to expect that she would have told you/been invited to a going away party? If you didn’t hear about it before the 18th and expect that Jenna would have mentioned it to you (when you saw her during her two week notice period, to be invited to her going away party), I would think she was fired. But if you’re not close, I would think she resigned. When in doubt, assume she resigned
Milli Vanilli* March 26, 2016 at 2:14 pm This is my fortune cookie advice to you AAM readers: if someone is being rude and obnoxious to you at work, tell them to knock it off. Now! Don’t wait another day. Backstory: So last week my coworker Mary asked me if Jane had told me about the boyfriend she was going to meet up with in Exotic Foreign Country that week. Whatever, the details aren’t important. I said no, but I found it interesting because Jane and I had worked very closely together on the same small team for 2 years but she had chosen to tell Mary (and everyone else in our department except me) about her dude and the upcoming trip several months ago. There are 12 people in my department and most work solo although there are two teams of 2 and our team of 3. The first year Jane and I worked together she was a total d!ck to me for no reason. Mind you, I was also her lead. I truly have no idea why she was vicious to me. Had I said something to offend her? It got so bad that after four months of this I met with my supervisor to ask for advice and instead I just burst into sad, pathetic tears. This went on for another 4 months. Then one day it stopped. It was as if she had woken up one day decided to “be nice” to me from now on. For the next year we worked together she would still get in small jabs, but for the most part it was civil. What I found interesting is that she’d tell all the other 10 people on our team details of her life and boyfriends and whatnot but really, really went out of her way not to tell me anything about her. Which it total fine, again I just found it odd. I don’t care about you either, lady. I have since transferred departments and I’m loving it. Anyway, in retrospect I can’t believe I let her treat me like that for so long. I was a damn doormat to her rudeness and I should have spoken up for myself from the beginning. If I had nipped that sh it in the bud, who knows where our team would be. Now when we see each other at meetings she acts so happy to see me, but I just mostly smile and wave from afar. F people like Jane. Don’t let people like that bring you down. The end.
Not So NewReader* March 26, 2016 at 10:31 pm My wise friend told me, you see a behavior three times that means you have a pattern. When you have a pattern, you need to address it. We had this discussion because of a story like you are showing here. I said I let it go on too long. My wise friend, said “Yep.” He went on to explain that people test the waters to see how much we will put up with. The first incident just write it off. People make mistakes. Second incident means heads up and eyes wide open. Third incident means speak up and NOW. He also explained that the longer we allow it to go on the harder and harder it gets to tell the person to stop. The behavior becomes entrenched, rooted. I found this info helpful because it motivated me to speak up sooner rather than later. I don’t want to go through months or years of BS. NO! You have a lot of company on this one- lots of people who have come to realize don’t put up with the BS, it does not go away on its own.
De Minimis* March 26, 2016 at 2:45 pm I’m probably too late, but wanted to vent. Getting frustrated with my job that I’ve had for nearly six months. I feel like my boss keeps asking me to do things that really affects my productivity and makes it hard for me to do well. We’re affiliated with a university, and he wanted me to hire some student workers to help us out. Our last student worker worked around 8-10 hours a week and had been there a while so I didn’t really have to worry about them too much. But they are out at least for this semester and possibly won’t be back, so I had to find someone else. For whatever reason, I was told we needed someone to work around 20 hours a week total, even though it really doesn’t seem like we need that much. I had trouble finding suitable candidates, which I wrote about before. Anyway, I found a couple of them, and it’s been rough. I don’t have enough tasks for them to do, and I get very little done when they’re here because of trying to come up with tasks for them. My boss doesn’t get involved with them at all and leaves the whole thing to me to handle. Also add the fact that I’m still pretty new to this job and have trouble training them because most of their main tasks are things I have not really worked with up to this point So it’s just been a mess. At least the semester will be over soon, and I think at that point I will try to have a talk with him about our needs. One of the ones I’ve hired I really am leaning toward not continuing with after this semester [after two weeks they’ve already been pretty difficult to work with to where I don’t know if it’s worth it] but we’ll see if he backs me up on that. I know I need to stick with this job a few years, but not sure if I can make it–the job really is vague as far as the duties and I feel like I’m having to do too much and the job isn’t right for me in some ways–my boss and I aren’t that compatible as far as working style, either, so not sure what’s going to happen.
NicoleK* March 26, 2016 at 3:18 pm Besides a paycheck, what are you getting out of this job? If the answer is “not much” then you should start looking for another job.
De Minimis* March 26, 2016 at 3:25 pm It is actually a field I want to be in, and it does line up with my current career goals, but it has been a hard transition. The experience is something I’ve needed for a while too…my last job was really oddball in how it was structured, and I actually wasn’t exposed to a lot of very basic accounting experience for that reason. So I’m getting that now, but it’s just a question of if this will get better and how much I’m willing to tolerate if it doesn’t. I have a spotty work history other than my last job so I really need to stay for a while to make up for that. I’m still willing to leave after a year though if I decide it’s not worth it–but not without another job.
Ask a Manager* Post authorMarch 26, 2016 at 3:31 pm A year isn’t going to be enough to counter a spotty job history. I’d try to stick it out three years if possible, unless it’s truly so toxic that it’s worth the problems continuing that spotty history could cause!
De Minimis* March 26, 2016 at 7:11 pm Yeah, I’m actually only considering leaving after a year if I moved into the right job [like a stable long-term job at a university or governmental agency.] I wouldn’t leave without a job lined up no matter what. I’ve been in toxic jobs before and this is not at that level, but I don’t think I’m ultimately a fit for the job long term [long term to me is more than 3 years….]
anonforthis* March 26, 2016 at 3:59 pm How do people deal with office martyrs? I’m really sick of hearing ‘oh, I guess it will be me again’, ‘I’ve had no lunch break for 4 days in a row’, ‘I guess I’m working late again’ from someone who refuses to either say she is busy or to solve simple workload problems by bringing them up with our manager. I have tried to say ‘if this role is causing problem X then suggest to Jane that you do Y instead which should solve it’ but she refuses to do so. She insists on cleaning up any additional work herself and doesn’t understand that that probably isn’t helpful, if there is too much work then the manager needs to know that so it can be addressed properly, not by her working unpaid overtime constantly.
Marina* March 26, 2016 at 4:36 pm If she’s working unpaid overtime, that’s a reasonable thing to bring up to your manager, since it’s a legal liability for the company. Other than that, though, it’s none of your business and you have to learn to roll your eyes and brush it off.
Diluted_TortoiseShell* March 26, 2016 at 6:33 pm
Diluted_TortoiseShell* March 26, 2016 at 6:32 pm Sounds like my first co-worker “Emma” Emma constantly said yes to everything and worked super late hours. Problem is she never actually got anything does and her office martyrdom cause more problems than it solved. Here’s hoping your supervisor isn’t caught in the “First in , last out, ball dropping super star employee” trap.
Jascha* March 27, 2016 at 7:52 am Probably far too late to be posting this, but hopefully sometime will still see it. I could use some advice on defusing a situation at work. “John” supervises “Jane.” My rank is below John’s (but he confides in me more than he should) and technically equivalent to Jane’s (but I have more experience and more informal authority). John is Jane’s “team lead,” although they’re a team of two. John and Jane are having significant work conflicts. John is unhappy because he says Jane won’t do things the way he wants her to, doesn’t listen, doesn’t reflect his authority, and tries to get out of doing more difficult parts of the job. Jane is unhappy because she says John won’t listen when she disagrees, mishears and misinterprets her, doesn’t respect her, and doesn’t provide positive or useful feedback. As is the case in most such situations, they’re both partially right and partially wrong. John accepts that he is often wrong, but can’t stick with his intentions to improve. Jane says she accepts that she has flaws, but doesn’t really see her part in the conflicts as anything other than justified self-defence. Both of them confide in me and expect me to take their side. It isn’t as easy as simply staying out of it altogether, because having them come to me a) ensures someone is aware of the depths of the issues and b) keeps it from blowing up on the rest of the office staff more than it already does. I’ve encouraged them to seek mediation from their formal supervisor, but both are reluctant because they don’t want this to reflect badly on them. What do I do? I know it’s technically not my problem, but they can’t keep blowing up at each other and taking the rest of the office with them. Do I betray their trust (but accomplish something) by having a private word with their manager (also my manager)? Do I keep pushing them to address this with him? Do I stay quiet and let them keep going at each other’s throats until they eventually melt down in front of him? Is there an alternative I haven’t considered? For the record, I have some thoughts on ways the problem could be resolved, but I have no authority to even bring them up, much less implement them. I assume I shouldn’t mention those ideas (as or managers are perfectly capable of managing), but if I’m wrong, I’d like to know. Thanks!
Observer* March 27, 2016 at 10:35 am I think I would do three things. Firstly, when it does blow up on the rest of the office, make sure their supervisor knows what happened. And when you are keeping things from blowing up, let their supervisor, and yours, know that, too. Not “John came to me and said Blah, but Jane says Bloo”. More like “QA wasn’t able to finish checking the batch that was supposed to have shipped today because John and Jane didn’t get the TPS info into the database for QA to use as their baseline.” Or “I’m changing our normal order of shipping preparation because I’m pretty sure that we are going to have a hold up on Step four, because John and Jane seem to be having trouble getting the information into the system.” It’s not your job to ride herd on their interpersonal conflicts, but it IS legitimate for you to let their supervisor know when they mess up in ways that affect others or the office in general. And, it’s important that your supervisor knows what you are dealing with. Secondly ASK them why they are coming to you. What do they expect you to do about this. This is not a sustainable situation, and it’s not fair of them to dump it on you. Lastly, I would point out the them that if they don’t deal with it, they are going to look bad anyway, as things keep on blowing up and it gets traced back to them.
Jascha* March 27, 2016 at 10:51 am Thank you for the advice! Unfortunately, when John and Jane don’t get something done, it has no bearing on me, because each team of two works on completely separate things. It only reaches me when I need to step in and help finish, which is almost never, because this team always work right down to the wire and John always finishes things on his own time at home (yes, this is legal). It affects the rest of the office mostly in that they all have to play audience to the conflicts when they blow up, and then have to play audience to each individual person as they air their grievances when the other isn’t around. I don’t think anyone enjoys it, but I also don’t think I can phrase that as an issue that affects anyone’s actual work, other than John’s and Jane’s. However, the public conflicts mean that if it’s in the office’s best interest to separate John and Jane, it will be quite difficult to pair them up with new teammates, as they’re each doing a fairly effective job of besmirching the other’s name… I’ll try the other tactics you’ve suggested and see how they go!
Observer* March 27, 2016 at 12:15 pm If this is so public, then they are certainly making themselves look bad, so they really have nothing to lose by going to their supervisor.
Jascha* March 27, 2016 at 12:34 pm I agree – I don’t think anything else will help. But John is afraid of backlash and I suspect Jane thinks that only John looks bad in their public arguments (thus doesn’t want to bring it up lest she also look bad). The manager is good enough that I expect he’ll be able to see through all the surface mess, at least…
NicoleK* March 27, 2016 at 12:10 pm John is Jane’s supervisor. If he’s correct that she doesn’t do the tasks he wants her to do, tries to get out of the difficult tasks, and etc. he is well within his rights to put her on a PIP or terminate her. Unless John’s boss is totally clueless or a terrible manager himself, he’s probably picked up on the tension. As a peer, it’s not your responsibility to solve their problem. If you’re close to Jane, it may be an opportunity to provide some peer mentorship. If you’re not close to Jane, I would leave it alone as she may be without a job if things continue. If you’re close to John and he’s asking you for help, you can share your thoughts with him.
Jascha* March 27, 2016 at 12:46 pm John is partially, but not entirely, correct. I also suspect he sometimes overestimates (and other times underestimates) her current level of capability. However, John is her “team lead” and not a true manager. He doesn’t have the authority to start a PIP or terminate her. That would have to go through the actual manager – but neither of them will bring this up with him for fear of negative consequences. (I’m close to both and have suggested it to each more than once.) Peer mentoring is difficult when one party recognizes fault, but consistently fails to address it despite good intentions, and the other party doesn’t recognize it at all. I’ll try revisiting things on Tuesday.
Ask a Manager* Post authorMarch 27, 2016 at 12:58 pm This isn’t yours to solve, but you’re treating it like it is! You said, “It isn’t as easy as simply staying out of it altogether, because having them come to me a) ensures someone is aware of the depths of the issues and b) keeps it from blowing up on the rest of the office staff more than it already does.” … but (a) isn’t an appropriate role for you to be playing (since, as you’re seeing, there’s nothing actionable you can do with that knowledge) and (b) isn’t your problem to solve. By letting them use you as an escape valve for some of the pressure/tension in the situation, you’re actually enabling them in avoiding a real solution. I’d recuse yourself from the whole thing — say you don’t feel comfortable being in the middle anymore.
Marina* March 27, 2016 at 5:40 pm It sounds like you’re taking responsibility for the feelings of everyone in your office, not only for John and Jane, but for your office mates who you’re trying to shield from being in the position you are currently in. That’s not helpful to anyone… especially since it sounds like no one has asked you to take on that role. Even John and Jane aren’t asking you to resolve the conflict–they’re asking you to agree with them. Treat them like the grownups they are, encourage them to resolve their own conflicts, and take yourself out of it.
Not So NewReader* March 27, 2016 at 10:29 pm These things, these things. By providing “counsel” you are actually making their process worse. You are enabling them to continue doing what they are doing. Insist that they handle the problems like adults and stop coming to you. If things blow up, then they blow up. So be it. That is on them and has nothing to do with you. My wise friend used to say DO NOT allow yourself to be the bridge between two arguing people. Typically what happens is they end up making peace then they both turn on YOU. For whatever reason they become besties and they both hate you. It is not up to you to control all outcomes. People are responsible for their own nonsense.
Jascha* March 29, 2016 at 5:18 am Oh, blow up they do! But you guys are all correct – and it’s entirely possible that they could turn on a dime. I’ve been trying to avoid being caught in the middle by finding reasons not to be in the room when tempers are lost (so I can point out that I wasn’t there without anyone’s getting angry with me for NOT taking their side), so perhaps a little more of that will discourage them from using me as that kind of resource.
Jascha* March 29, 2016 at 5:12 am I’m distinctly avoiding “agreeing” and trying to stay neutral (while recognizing that they need to vent) – but I’ll do my best to redirect them to actions that might actually result in solutions. They’re having a lot of difficulty resolving their own conflicts, but hopefully at some point they’ll involve a managerial third party who can help them untangle things…
Jascha* March 29, 2016 at 5:09 am Thank you for the advice! On further reflection, I do recognize that it isn’t my job to be in the middle. I’m fairly new to my increased responsibilities and a peacemaker by instinct, and I was trying to do that in an area where it’s not the most productive course of action. I know they’re going to come back to me again with their issues, but I’ll try to keep my comments to neutral statements and the suggestion (which, sadly, I doubt they’ll take) that they seek mediation from someone with the authority to act. Thank you again!
Tree* March 28, 2016 at 12:46 am I’m late to the game, but this is something I realized when I was talking to a couple of friends today. I started a new job recently. It was a very good move for me professionally, and the work is everything I had hoped it would be. However, the first few weeks were rough. I was very homesick for my old job. I would keep comparing the new job to the old one and mentally keep a tally of things that were better at the old job. It felt like breaking up with a boyfriend. It wasn’t my first job, but it was the first job that I truly loved. I think I just became emotionally attached. I had invested so much of myself into it, working long hours, letting it cut into my personal time. Luckily, I wasn’t scared to leave when I saw that was the only way to advance my career. At my new job, I have no desire to repeat that overly attached behavior, and I’m finding that I’m still able to succeed in my new role while maintaining boundaries. My question for those who are experienced is this: At what point is it bad to become attached to your job? What are the symptoms that you’re too attached?