how much money do you make? by Alison Green on January 10, 2017 It’s hard to get real-world information about what jobs pay, especially tailored to a particular industry or geographic region. Online salary websites are often inaccurate, and people get weird when you ask them directly. Two years ago, in an effort to take some of the mystery out of salaries, I ran a post asking people to share how much money they make, their job, and their geographic region. It ended up being one of the most popular posts on the site, so let’s do an updated version. If you’re willing to play, here are the rules: 1. Put your job title in the “user name” field, which will make it appear in bold, which will be easier for people to scan. 2. List the following info: your job (the more descriptive the better, since job titles don’t always explain level of responsibility or scope of work) your geographic area your years of experience your salary anything else pertinent to put that number in context (And assuming you want to be anonymous, don’t put your email address in the email field if you don’t want it linked to your Gravatar, if you have one.) Obviously, no snarking on anyone’s salary, because that is rude. You may also like:how much money do you make?how much money do you make, part 2interview with a budget and money coach { 2,641 comments }
Paralegal* January 10, 2017 at 11:02 am Litigation for mass torts. NYC. A little less than 1 year. 42,000/year
Copyright Permissions Person Lead* January 10, 2017 at 12:33 pm I didn’t want to put my real title because it’s specific to my organization. I obtain copyright permission to use third party materials in our publicatoins. I also oversee others who do my job, create processes, and take on special SharePoint projects in my division (Legal) of a big company. New York/New Jersey/Philadelphia region almost 6 years ~$72,000 plus 3 weeks vacation and 7 personal days, 1 community service day, great health insurance including vision and dental, pension, 401(k) match. I know I get paid very well for what I do.
Environmental Educator* January 10, 2017 at 12:50 pm Environmental Educator I am responsible for assisting in developing and leading field trips aligned to state curriculuum, lead overnight camping trips, work with Scout groups, manage our animal collection, oversee weekend programming. Texas In this position: 3 years. In this field: 10 years $17.50/hr ( This is the highest I have ever made in this field. My last position I made I earned $10/hour and I have a Master’s degree!). Full benefits, health insurance, vacation, personal days, sick time and able to earn comp time
Environmental Educator Supervisor* January 11, 2017 at 9:56 am WOW that’s fantastic! Good for you! I’m in Environmental Education as well. Our pay scale for our educators is $10-$12 an hour so for someone with their masters we would pay $12. And like you said that’s pretty good. I’ve seen as low as $8 an hour before. Environmental Educator Supervisor I don’t have my exact title listed bc it would be too specific to my organization but I supervise environmental educators who do field trips and summer camps. I hire, train, and schedule the educators and coordinate the school field trip details (time, program, cost, etc.) with the schools. North Carolina In this position: 1 year. In this field: 5 years I have a M.Ed. in Teaching and Learning and B.S. in Biology $37,000/ year. I was originally offered $35,000 but negotiated (thank you Alison!) Health insurance, 3 weeks vacation (include sick days in that). Sadly no 401k match
AlsoEnvironmentalEd* January 13, 2017 at 1:23 pm I am also an Environmental Educator! I’m so glad to see there are a few of us! Location: Southwest In current position: less than a year, 2 years experience plus Bachelors degree in a related field. Pay: $18/hr, part time, no benefits. I create ecology based workshops, lead hikes, do presentations for school groups and the public.
Mortgage Paralegal* January 10, 2017 at 1:34 pm My position exists solely to track upcoming legislative and regulatory changes that may impact my company (and affiliates), summarize these changes and send the summaries out to various people within the company, and then track any policy/procedure changes that arise as a result of these changes. I do not project manage for these changes, but follow up to ensure that any changes deemed necessary (by someone else, not by me) to remain in compliance are actually implemented. Orange County, Southern California A little more than a year 43,500/year
Non-profit paralegal* January 10, 2017 at 6:24 pm Paralegal for complex litigation Support multiple attorney’s (3 to 5) for the small Chicago office of a National non-profit law firm. I do legal research, case information research, put exhibits together, manage/organize files, cite check briefs, run ToA ToC, some IT support, and other miscellaneous tasks. $32k/$14.8 hr (hourly plus RARE overtime) Fully paid health PPO/vision/dental coverage for all dependents. 20 days PTO 25 after 5 years (UpTo 10 days of carry over) 12 paid holidays 403-b Company paid Life/disability insurance 6 months paid (70% salary) paternal/maternal leave. Experience: 8 months current job and 2 yrs 3 months total experience as paralegal/legal secretary
Community College Faculty* January 10, 2017 at 8:55 pm A full-load would be 5 sections per semester, but I currently have administrative duties as well. My salary included 3 sections in the summer. Minnesota 15 years $85,000
Process Chemist* January 11, 2017 at 10:31 am $53K Process chemist. I could describe my job more, but a process chemist does the same, widely varied work. Scaleup, process development, route scouting, occasional deliverables, safety assessment, etc. Albany, NY (that will make it obvious where i work, but whatever) 19 years experience after getting an M.S. after a B.S. And yes, we know full well here we are getting paid well below industry standards. It’s the price we pay for living in this fabulous, relatively low-cost city. I made $85K at the same level in Cambridge, MA, 10 years ago.
Process Chemist* January 11, 2017 at 10:34 am Should have clarified: Most of our work is on pharmaceuticals, though a small percentage is components of medical devices, analytical standards, monomers, i.e. non drug product chemicals. But our forte is definitely APIs.
Medical Group Manager* January 11, 2017 at 1:44 pm I manage several departments within a mixed (primary care and specialty) medical group – approx. 200 physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. I do not manage a physical clinic location, the departments I manage impact all providers and departments (customer service, referral optimization, and a few other smaller responsibilities). I oversee 30 associates, mostly nurses. Iowa Master’s Degree in a medical field and practiced for 15 years. Four years in current management position. $75,000
Legal Assistant* January 12, 2017 at 4:05 pm Intellectual property work, including preparing documents from a template, client correspondence, drafting documents for attorneys, etc NYC Less than 1 year 44,500/year, rare overtime
Library Specialist* August 26, 2018 at 9:53 am Library Associate for specialized university library Texas Less than 2 years 30,000/year I have 4 years of library experience.
Development Associate* January 10, 2017 at 11:04 am your job: I support an executive in the development department of a large nonprofit, facilitate fundraising processes including project management, tracking, data entry and scheduling your geographic area: DC your years of experience: 5 your salary: $47,500
(also) Development Associate* January 10, 2017 at 11:36 am your job: I support all of the private foundation and corporate communications for a relatively small nonprofit arts organization. I mainly do grants research, writing, and reporting, but I also help out with annual funds and special event planning. your geographic area: New York Metro area your years of experience: 2 (1 year as an unpaid intern, 1 year working in fundraising, both at different organizations) your salary: $38,000
another Development Associate* January 10, 2017 at 11:57 am your job: I support the development director (and sometimes the executive director) of a small nonprofit, which provides education services. I process and track donations and acknowledgements, light social media strategy and implementation, grant writing and research, event and fundraiser planning, eventually will include website maintenance. your geographic area: NY Metro area your years of experience: 1 year cumulatively (6 months at another organization, 6 months at this organation) your salary: $30,900
Non Profit Operations Manager and Jack of all Trades* January 10, 2017 at 12:05 pm Job: Manage and operate a small nonprofit, which provides arts and education services. Manage a downtown location, give tours, track donations and acknowledgements, social media, grant writing and research, scheduling, bookkeeping, hr, website maintenance. Geographic Area: Rustbelt Years of experience: 5 (6 months at current job, 4 and a bit at other locations) Salary: $18,000 (sob)
Nina-Marie* January 11, 2017 at 6:42 am there is a special place in heaven for people like you who take jobs that help so many others for such a pittance!! You’re appreciated!!
development adjacent* January 10, 2017 at 12:08 pm your job: I do donation processing, gift acknowledgments, and data management for a large national nonprofit. your geographic area: Midwestern United States your years of experience: about 4 years your salary: $40,000
Development Specialist/event planner* January 10, 2017 at 12:17 pm Job: Coordinate and execute all fundraising events for a hospital as part of the annual giving office. Geographic area: New Hampshire Years experience: 10 total – took three years off to be a stay-at-home mom. Salary: $53,500
Communications & Fundraising Coordinator (Nonprofit)* January 10, 2017 at 12:19 pm Job: Social media and website management, content writer for appeals, monthly columns, newsletters, etc., track and thank donors for individual fundraising, some event planning Geographic area: MN Years of experience: 2 Salary: $36,000
Development Database Admin* January 10, 2017 at 12:22 pm your job: I handle the donor database of a medium-sized nonprofit, reporting on giving trends, handling database queries for things like mailings and programs, and prospect research your geographic area: Austin, TX your years of experience: 2.5 (one was a fellowship at a related institution) your salary: $43,500
Development & Communications Associate* January 10, 2017 at 12:31 pm Job: I support a development director of a small/mid sized nonprofit. Being a two person department I do a bit of everything, but primarily grant research and reporting, process and track donations, manage our donor management software, social media, and email communication Geographic Area: Chicago Years of Experience: 1.5 (following 4 years in the private sector in a role with equivalent duties) Salary: $32,000 (hourly, not salaried)
Communications & Development Associate* January 10, 2017 at 6:33 pm Job: I support a Deputy Director of PR & RD as well as a Development Officer for a mid/large nonprofit. I handle almost all of the financials for the department, including cash handling, data entry, reporting, reconciliation, for all restricted funds. I also have a hand in all design work in the office and am responsible for several electronic communication pieces, both internal and external. Copy editing, copy writing, event planning/implementation and other general development duties. Fielding angry PR phone calls and sending to the appropriate person. Geographic Area: Alaska Years of Experience: 4 Salary: $40,000 (hourly, not salaried)
Development Officer* January 10, 2017 at 12:59 pm Job: I run both the Membership program and Annual Giving campaigns. My title has manager in it, but I am both program manager and fundraiser. Geographic area: Western NY Years of experience: 3 years in non-profits (previously I put in 6 years in for-profit marketing) Salary: $45,000
Senior Development Director* January 10, 2017 at 1:05 pm Job: drive national development and marketing initiatives, provide fundraising and development support to field offices across the country Area: Southeast Experience: 8 years in non-profit Salary: $88,000
J* January 10, 2017 at 1:13 pm For the new job job: Development officer (mid-career, higher ed) area: CT yrs of experience: 10+ salary: $67,500 other: 15 days vacation, 9 sick days, very generous 403b program For the job I had this time last year job: Membership officer (mid-career, arts organization) area: Chicagoland yrs of experience: 10+ (same experience for both) salary: $47,000 other: 30 days PTO, very generous 403b program
development director* January 10, 2017 at 1:13 pm development director your job: manage development operations for nonprofit ($2.7M budget) – all aspects of fundraising including grants, major gifts, admin, annual campaign, donor relations/communications, drives, and event. your years of experience: 6 your salary: $83,000
Advancement Associate* January 10, 2017 at 1:15 pm your job: general support for the advancement office of an independent high school, with a special focus on improving database processes and data health your location: Houston, Texas years of experience: 5 years (all in advancement services, some of it freelance) your salary: $50,000 I think this is a little inflated for my title and job description, but I have some higher level donor database experience that this org really needs.
Dir. of Institutional Giving* January 10, 2017 at 1:16 pm your job: Lead fundraising from corporate, fdn, and government sources for a large ($25 million budget) non-profit arts organization (lots of grant writing). Supervise 1 FT Mgr and 1 FT intern, responsible for raising about $2.5 million annually. your geographic area: NYC your years of experience: 12 years in the field your salary: $90,000 Nonprofit salaries vary a fair amount by subject area (arts are not the most lucrative) and particularly by organizational budget size. My job would not exist at a smaller organization though; I would be more of a generalist.
Director of Development* January 10, 2017 at 2:42 pm your job: Lead fundraising effort for Museum ($6 million budget + in an $18.5 million capital campaign). Supervise 4 FT Development Officers and 1 PT Development Officer, and 1 FT assistant, responsible for raising about $4 million annually. your geographic area: Central California your years of experience: 22 years in the field your salary: $112,000; 6 weeks vacation
Director of Development* January 10, 2017 at 6:03 pm Years: 1 in Development, 10 in Nonprofit Sector Area: Midwest Salary: $45,000, 3 weeks paid vacation
Development Services* January 10, 2017 at 1:32 pm your job: prospect research, prospect management, major gift stewardship, campaign strategy, reporting & analysis, functional database administration for a K-12 independent school your geographic area: mid-size metro area in the South your years of experience: 15+ in the industry, 4.5 in this job (wow I’m old) your salary: $54,000 plus 4 weeks paid vacation, sick time, & all school holidays (fall/winter/spring breaks/etc adding up to another 4 weeks/year), 403(b) with match, health/dental/vision/etc. I’m a little overqualified for what I do, but I have the luxury of not being the breadwinner and the incredibly generous time off alone makes it more than worth it for the time being.
Alumni Relations/Development* January 10, 2017 at 1:44 pm your job: manage development efforts and alumni efforts for a school within a larger University. This includes planning, organizing all alumni events, and mid-level giving. Geo area: midwest Years of Experience: 11 Salary: $51,000 (plus tuition remission, and great benefits. Seriously, work at a University!!)
Director of Prospect Development* January 11, 2017 at 3:22 pm hey what up other prospect research (among other things) person <3
jrpm* January 10, 2017 at 2:03 pm development director your job: manage development operations for nonprofit ($4.8M budget) – all aspects of fundraising including grants, major gifts, admin, donor relations/communications, and events. your geographic area: NYC your years of experience: 10 your salary: $105,000
Senior Development Writer* January 10, 2017 at 2:39 pm your job: I work in fundraising for a university, promoting giving through various written communications and marketing strategies. I write proposals, donor profiles, online content, event scripts, etc. your geographic area: Southeast Michigan your years of experience: 6 (excluding college internships) your salary: $56,000 (this includes annual merit increases – starting was $53,600) I started at this employer as a Development Writer and then was promoted. Starting salary for our writers is about $47,000.
Proposal Writer, Development* January 10, 2017 at 4:43 pm I write proposals to individual donors for gifts to an academic medical center. No management duties. NYC 5-7 years experience; masters in related field $85,000, 29 days combined PTO
Individual Giving / Board Liaison* January 10, 2017 at 3:34 pm Individual Giving/Board Liaison your job: I support the Board of Directors and manage a portfolio of donors at a large arts org your geographic area: Seattle, WA your years of experience: 1 your salary: $37,000
Development Manager* January 10, 2017 at 3:58 pm Job: I lead direct mail, donor relations, and moves management for a social enterprise. Geographic Area: DC Years of experience: 5.5 Salary: $55,000
Corporate relations manager* January 10, 2017 at 8:28 pm Job: oversee portfolio of corporate donors in various levels cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship at a mid-sized national nonprofit. Primary point person for developing corporate sponsorship packages for programming. Am supported by a Dept generalist assistant, but am not his direct manager. Geographic area: DC Experience: 4 years in fundraising plus 4 more in a semi-related field that has made advancing a little easier than starting from scratch. Salary: $58,000
Corporate relations manager (again)* January 10, 2017 at 10:42 pm and I should add – been in this specific job not too long (recently received a title/pay bump after about 2 years doing a version of this job at a more junior level). Benefits are pretty good for nonprofit world: 3 weeks vacation + 12 federal holidays and separate sick leave, some company match to 401k contributions, 2 healthcare options that are decent for a single and generally healthy adult (can’t comment on how it works for others), dental/vision coverage. I’m sure there are better benefit packages out there and higher pay in the for-profit world, but this is keeping me pretty happy.
Nonprofit ftw* January 18, 2017 at 12:07 am I am interested in moving into Corporate Relations. Is there a significant difference between the assigned duties / skill set needed for Foundation Relations and Corp. Relations?
Development Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:28 pm Job: Manage ~$2.4M funding portfolio, including funder relations, grants (lots of grant writing/editing and reporting, data collection), dev operations (mainly fundraising database/reporting/dashboards, developing procedures, building requirements for donor database upgrades, documenting processes), donor campaigns + relations. I also work on org & program marketing as needed (we also have a full-time comms person, thank goodness!) and manage a biannual nationwide conference. Currently not managing any staff. Geographic area: San Francisco Bay Area Experience: ~6 years, 5 in fundraising Salary: $69,000 + 4 weeks PTO, health insurance 100% covered (& affordable dental, vision, and disability insurance), 401k with 4% match
Development Manager* June 28, 2018 at 12:38 am Job: Grant writer for under 5M budget small nonprofit Geographic area: Bay Area Years of experience: just under four years (mostly internships and undergrad jobs) Salary: 57K + benefits + 33 PTO
Foundations Specialist* January 10, 2017 at 4:28 pm your job: I manage all foundation giving at a large nonprofit, within a larger development team. I do my own research, as well as grant writing, budgeting, and reporting. I also meet with internal and external contacts and manage the foundations calendar. your geographic area: NYC Metro your years of experience: 9 your salary: $70,000
Development & Event Manager* January 10, 2017 at 10:41 pm Job: I report to our Director of Development. I manage all events on our non-profit’s 50 acre property (Historic Estate) including our annual gala, member appreciation events, donor cultivation events as well as manage facility rentals for private events. I supervise one full time event associate and one part time event assistant I also help coordinate special development projects, supervise our database manager and our development intern, and am responsible for our annual campaign. Geographic Area: Southern California Years of Exp.: 14 (at this org for 10, in this position for 8) Salary: $48,000 ( low for my high COL area)
Major Gift Officer* January 10, 2017 at 10:57 pm I work in major gifts ($100K-$3M) for a very large NGO. My annual fundraising goal is ~$12M SF Bay Area 10+ yrs experience & a masters degree in a relevant field $82K yr salary, 4 weeks vacation, decent benefits and great 401K match
Data Services Manager* January 11, 2017 at 4:11 pm Manage a relational donor and membership database (create reports and mailing lists, data maintenance and analysis, annual giving and membership strategy) Current job: Location: Chicago area Yrs experience: 2 when I started Salary: $38,000 New job: Location: SF Bay area Yrs experience: 4 Salary: $60,000
Director of Development* January 11, 2017 at 5:12 pm Director of Development – in charge of setting strategy and major gifts fundraising for a professional graduate school your geographic area: NYC your years of experience: 18 your salary: $120,000
Development Assistant* January 11, 2017 at 6:08 pm Job: The vaguest of possible titles. I handle acknowledgement processes for large gifts, handle a lot of team scheduling, in-house mailings, data entry/hygiene, and various project management-y things at a large national nonprofit. Years of Experience: Going on going on 4, but less than 1 in this job. Geographic area: San Francisco Salary: $50,000 Plus medical, dental, vision premiums covered, 403b with employer match, 3 weeks vacation, plus 12 holidays.
Development Assistant* January 11, 2017 at 6:13 pm Oh I should add — Not actually salaried, as this is an hourly position.
fae* January 12, 2017 at 1:16 pm your job: i plan events, support a development team, do social media and website maintenance for a healthcare nonprofit. geographic area: philadelphia years of experience: 5 salary: $49,000
Grants Manager* January 13, 2017 at 1:26 am Job: Grant writing and reporting for a nonprofit with a $10M+ budget. Manage $2.5M funding portfolio. Some major gifts and special events work (<15% of my time) Geographic Area: Midwest Experience: 3 yrs. in this role, 7 years in fundraising. BS/BA in unrelated fields. Salary: $59,000, 3 weeks PTO, 401k with match, not so great dental/medical insurance.
Office/Grants Administrator* January 13, 2017 at 3:45 pm Job: managing office and vendors, reviewing grant proposals, assisting family foundation committees etc Area: Rustbelt with remote staff near DC Experience: 6 months in corporate project management Salary: $44,000, 5 weeks PTO accumulated, 401K with a percentaged matched after 90 days, 2016 medical benefits covered for individual
Development Writer* March 18, 2017 at 6:57 pm your job: I provide donor communications for a state branch of a national nonprofit. Write all private grant proposals and reports, quarterly donor newsletters, and major gift proposals. I also contribute to marketing and campaign materials your geographic area: intermountain west your years of experience: 5 your salary: $46,500
System Specialist* January 10, 2017 at 11:04 am job: Software Tester geographic area: Central Florida years of exp (in this job): >1 salary: $58,000 have been with the same company (not in this role) for almost 15 years which is why my salary is where it is
System Specialist/Software Tester* January 10, 2017 at 2:03 pm Job: testing in house software (also some UI design and business analysis work) Geographic: Midwest years of experience about 2, 10 in this organization, 17 in IT salary $56k
Another QA* January 10, 2017 at 2:49 pm Do you mean that your salary is higher because you stayed with the same company or it’s lower because you haven’t been jumping around?
Systems Specialist* January 10, 2017 at 3:48 pm Sorry for the confusion. I think the salary is higher than it would be if I was entry level and new to the company, but it’s difficult to know for sure.
Social Worker* January 10, 2017 at 11:05 am -Clinician at a group home for kids -Boston area -Less than one year of experience (post-MSW) -$43,000 -I have my initial license (I’m an LCSW)
also a Social Worker* January 10, 2017 at 12:05 pm -Supervisory Social Worker at the VA -New York area -9 years experience (5 at the VA) – $80,000
NYS govt social worker* January 10, 2017 at 3:16 pm -Not in title of “SW” but MSW included in master’s degree titles required for job -NYC area -8 years experience, LMSW 4 years at this agency -$65,000 -plenty of PTO, sick time, etc.
Another Social Worker* January 10, 2017 at 12:24 pm – Clinician at a community mental health center – Northeast US – 4 years in the field pre-MSW, two unpaid field placements while working full-time in the field concurrently, 2.5 years post-MSW – Current salary is 40,500 and will be bumped up to 47,500 when I become licensed (soon!) – Lots of PTO, paid holidays, my agency has a 403(b) match of up to 5% which is rare for similar agencies at this time, they provide lots of free training with CEUs and are providing my supervision toward licensure (quite expensive if you have to pay for it yourself).
Social Worker2* January 10, 2017 at 12:36 pm -“Behavioal Health Consultant” – Social Worker at Primary Care Clinic providing consults to MDs, short term therapy, and resources to patients. -Pacific NW -7 years post MSW; currently accumulating hours for my LCSW -63,000
AMT* January 10, 2017 at 12:40 pm – Clinical social worker for mentally ill adults – NYC – Got my M.S.W. in spring 2013, but I wasn’t able to find a job in my field for about 10 months, so I have just under 3 years of post-M.S.W. experience – Have worked in human services/education part- and full-time since starting undergrad – $63,400 – Working on a post-master’s certificate in a specific mode of therapy
Social Worker - Independent Clinical* January 10, 2017 at 12:56 pm Oo, I’m interested in learning about different mode certifications out there. How did you structure your search for the certification?
AMT* January 10, 2017 at 1:10 pm Luckily, there are a lot of training institutes and schools of social work in my area, so I had quite a bit of choice. I wanted a certificate that was (a) from a reputable institution or school of social work (there are a few so-so ones here), (b) intensive and at least a year long, and (c) in-person, not online. The rest was basically just Googling around and reading reviews by alumni. I ended up going with an evening certificate program at a big-name social work school within fairly easy commuting distance of my job. It’s in a mode of therapy specific to a certain type of client because I hope to work with this population in the future, and I don’t have any post-master’s experience with this population. I ended up getting it partially funded by my union, which cut it down to about half the original sticker price.
Social Worker - Independent Clinical* January 10, 2017 at 12:55 pm – County social worker completing eligibility assessments for certain disability programs -Metro Minnesota -Less than 2 years clinically licensed, four post-MSW licensed years -55,000 with our 2017 COLA -WFH option, flex work options, union contract based, federal holidays, better benefits than a lot of community work
Licensed Counselor (LPC)* January 10, 2017 at 1:37 pm Licensed counselor/mental health therapist at a liberal-arts college Chicago $37,500 (thanks to budget cuts @ the college) 7 years experience, 5 at this job; LPC (initial license) – eligible for LCPC but it wouldn’t raise my salary at this job
Licensed Counselor (LPC)* January 10, 2017 at 1:40 pm Should note I was going to get a raise thanks to the FLSA rule and that got revoked.
Non-clinical lead Social Worker* January 10, 2017 at 2:53 pm – Non-clinical lead social service worker (no Masters degree), conduct in-home assessments for people with disabilities. – County employee in the greater Bay Area. – 12 years of diverse social service experience, mostly with nonprofits, have worked for the County for 2.5 yrs. – $61, 000, which is 50-70% more than I’ve made working for previous employers. Also great benefits, incl health insurance and PTO. – Note that my current employer is VERY unusual in terms of valuing skills/experience as equivalent to education, with promotional opportunities despite my not having an MSW. That said, hiring is extremely competitive and they are very good at it — I’m surrounded by smart, productive, hard-working colleagues.
Independently Licensed Therapist (IMFT)* January 10, 2017 at 3:19 pm — Assessment specialist, completing diagnostic mental health and substance abuse assessments for individuals involved in Family Court — Non-profit, part of a Community Mental health agency — 6 years of experience, 2 years independently licensed — $44,000 — Ohio
MSW - Program Director* January 10, 2017 at 3:46 pm Job: oversee three programs (education related), all staff, and budget. Responsible for program growth, keeping up with and implementing constantly changing requirements, and positive outcomes for clients. Area: suburban area in Florida Years experience: 8 Salary: 83,000
"Mental Health practitioner" aka unlicensed MSW* January 11, 2017 at 9:40 am Mental health practitioner (I’m just an MSW, hopefully sitting for my LSW soon!!!) Metro Chicago I graduated a month ago, and have about a year of clinical internship experience ~36k, 15 pto, health/dental/vision/life/401(k)
Social worker (hospital)* January 14, 2017 at 3:24 pm – $25/hour – medium sized midwestern city – part time but does include benefits – 9 years experience, previously worked with child abuse/neglect services and infants/toddlers with special needs. I have an MSW and LCSW.
Emergency Room Social Worker* March 18, 2017 at 5:14 pm Social Worker in largest state hospital Baton Rouge, LA 3.5 years post-MSW experience currently an LMSW; will take the LCSW (highest licensure) next month Approx. 46k/year, 5% raise with the LCSW (used to be 7% raise; budget cuts were recently implemented)
Mechanical Engineer* January 10, 2017 at 11:05 am Concentrating in Machine Design Northeast US 6.5 years experience, 1.75 in current role $85,000
Another (R&D) Mechanical Engineer* January 10, 2017 at 11:06 pm Job: Prototype, design, and test medical devices. This includes visiting docs, viewing human cases, performing simulated use testing, and a boatload of documentation. Area: California Bay Area Exp: 4 yrs post-college, ~7 years including interning and such. Salary: $84,286
Mechanical Engineer (DoD RDT&E)* January 11, 2017 at 8:31 pm Team Lead (team of 5-10), focus on analysis/test of DoD systems Virginia 7 years experience (5 in current role, 4 after getting MS) $105,000
Administrative Assistant* January 10, 2017 at 11:05 am 2. List the following info: your job – Support staff of data operations center of technology provider agency: travel arrangements, expense reports, purchasing and receiving, assist with resolution of work tickets, etc. North Alabama Admin work: 30+ years; this job: 7 years Salary $50K (I have a B.A. and quite a bit of experience at office manager/admin jobs)
Also a Administrative Assistant (Nonprofit)* January 10, 2017 at 12:23 pm 2. Support Executive Director and Department Heads (dept. heads are “as needed”). I honestly do it all: reports, on-site HR paperwork (mainly tax forms, I-9, handbook, policies, etc.), order/maintain office supplies, fix/order supplies for office equipment, calendar scheduling, coordinate car usage, answer phones, maintain exempt employee PTO chart, fill-in/assist director of events and program scheduler (as needed), help coordinate our biggest event each year. Really, I have done a little of everything. I even repaired/sewed a split in a vendor’s pants. Northwest Georgia Admin work: 17 + years; this job: 9 years Salary: $30K, plus good benefits and really flexible
Also a Administrative Assistant (Nonprofit)* January 10, 2017 at 12:41 pm A little more info about benefits: 18 paid holidays per year, 1 month of paid vacation, 3 paid sick days, 2 paid personal days per year. If we get sent home due to inclement weather, we get paid for the full day. If we are closed to due inclement weather, we get paid for the full day. Most companies in our area do not offer that. Also, if you participate in the “Health Program”, your insurance premium is cheaper (but if you need to add spouse/children, you have to pay full price for them). Company pays for a portion of your health insurance deductible. For example, I chose the high deductible program ($3500). Company pays $2500 of that so I only pay $1000 and then is covered everything 100%. There are several programs to choose from, including several with lower deductibles but higher premiums.
Admin Assistand (#3)* January 10, 2017 at 12:28 pm Support a VP at a Fortune 500. Travel arrangements, calendar appointments, expense reports but also a lot of excel work, bordering on analyst duties. New England 4 years of experience, 1.5 years at current job salary: $46K
Parveen* January 10, 2017 at 12:38 pm I am an Executive Assistant Support VP of Sales and VP of Marketing for a small is company New Jersey 10+ years of experience, 1 year at current job salary: $65000
Administrative Assistant* January 10, 2017 at 1:22 pm Your job: Support the department head of an academic department in a state university and oversee the daily running of the front office, managing one direct report. Region: Northwest Arkansas Experience: 10 years experience in admin work, directly supporting a department head Salary: $27,000
Administrative Assistant* January 10, 2017 at 1:52 pm – Support one partner of a mid-size PR firm. Mostly executive support, also some office manager duties as the only admin at our satellite office – SF Bay Area (company based in Minneapolis, with 7 offices across the country) – 17 years experience, 8 months in current role – Salary $57K (benefits are not great, especially considering the HCOL area I live in. But company has an Employee Stock Ownership Plan, so they consider themselves as having an extremely generous benefit package)
Legal Administrative Assistant* January 10, 2017 at 3:17 pm Your job: Support attorneys and other staff. Region: Seattle area Experience: Approximately 10 years of varied admin type work. Salary: 58k, plus up to 20% bonus and good benefits/perks
Client Services Director (Admin)* January 10, 2017 at 3:19 pm your job: official title is Client Services Director, and I’m the primary admin, receptionist, marketing person, and office manager for day to day operations (not HR, payroll, or bookkeeping) for a very small law firm. I also work with the owner in a lot of firm development and growth initiatives and projects. your geographic area: Los Angeles your years of experience: 4.5 years, started this job right after I graduated with my BA your salary: 50k + quarterly bonuses bringing me to about 55k at the end of the year. (Started in a purely reception role at $13/hr, and gradually worked my way up, absorbing more and more tasks along the way) anything else pertinent to put that number in context: I live in a hcol area, benefits aren’t great– high cost health care, no stock, 401k, or anything like that. 13 days of paid vacation (just bumped up from 10 this past year), 3 sick days.
Admin Assistant - Higher Ed* January 10, 2017 at 4:52 pm – Support staff in (private) university administrative office – Boston, MA metro area – 7.5 years experience (1 year in higher ed) – $46k salary I have a B.S. in an unrelated field. Great benefits somewhat make up for the lower pay in this high cost of living area.
Bursar Office Analyst* January 11, 2017 at 8:35 am Job: Higher Ed — Bursar’s office (interact with students about their $$$) Place: Baltimore MD 6 years experience $43.5 K (Hourly)
Administrative and Web Assistant* January 10, 2017 at 5:05 pm Job: Regular admin stuff (accounting with the exception of payroll, sales reports, orders, phones, etc.), but also writing a weekly newsletter, putting together training powerpoints, and creating/maintaining/updating company websites. Locale: Alberta, Canada Years Experience: 8 in admin work overall, 6 at current company Salary: approximately $36K with health benefits
Senior Admin* January 10, 2017 at 11:49 pm Sorry this is vague. Sr. Admin to head of student life. Basic admin duties and lots and lots of expense reports. I also oversee a staff of student workers who assist with office duties and staff student events. 6 years experience. $62k with good benefits and generous PTO. New England.
Administrative Assistant (Nonprofit Health Care)* January 11, 2017 at 10:06 am Support Administrator and other Department Heads/Directors as needed. I do a bit of everything- some accounting (maintaining various cash accounts, tracking/distributing/reporting grant funds), HR support (maintaining database of ever changing job descriptions, doing background checks and reference checks on candidates, maintaining database of licenses and certifications), marketing (maintaining and developing content for our website and social media), maintain calendars of Administrator and Directors, manage everything related to the front desk area and receptionists, event planning Northern Michigan Admin work: 5 years; this job: 2.5 years Salary: $38,000 (above average for the area) plus excellent benefits (automatic 8% contribution from company to retirement account, excellent health insurance, 4 weeks PTO, ability to flex my schedule and/or work from home as needed) I have a BA in an unrelated field
Administrative Assistant (Higher Ed)* January 12, 2017 at 5:28 pm Job: Support the department chair and instructors of an academic department in a state university and oversee the annual budget. Academic department is also part of a military ROTC unit, so I am the only civilian in the office and act as liaison between DoD and University. Location: California Experience (as admin asst): 5 years at this specific position, 5 years at another department on campus, and 3 years at a private company. Salary: $32k for a “full time benefit, part time hours” position. Full time benefits in a 32 hour per week position. Extremely flexible schedule organized by myself and dept chair.
Executive Assistant* January 13, 2017 at 7:18 am Job: Support Executive VP, multiple Senior VPs and VPs. Extensive calendar management, travel arrangements, meeting and event coordination. Industry: Professional liability insurance brokerage (part of a multinational conglomerate) Location: Suburban Philadelphia, PA Experience: Four years with current employer, 15+ years in C-Level Executive Support Salary: $45,126, poor medical benefits (can’t afford premium for better coverage)
Executive Asst to Superintendent* January 13, 2017 at 3:31 pm Public education, supporting Superintendent of small school district (about 1600 students). Northern California 20+ years experience $72,000, three weeks vacation, great benefits some college
Muriel Heslop* January 10, 2017 at 11:06 am Middle school English teacher (including gifted and special ed sections) and department head Large city in Texas 8 years 48500 per year
fond_of_jam* January 10, 2017 at 2:23 pm Early childhood special education teacher Denver 10 years experience in different preschool settings, and an MS.Ed. $60,000/year
Elementary School Counselor* January 15, 2017 at 11:16 am Work with 550ish PreK-5 grade students and support teachers. Manage behavior issues, teach in classrooms, and oversee all standardized testing. 17 years Texas 63K Teacher schedule with one additional week. Masters required as well as classroom teaching experience. Middle and high school counselors in my district make more but work more days.
Senior Staff Accountant (Public Practice)* January 10, 2017 at 11:06 am Canadian Taxes for Personal, Corporate, Trusts Ottawa 6 years $66,000 / year CAD + health benefits ($1,000) and all necessary professional development paid $50,000 / year USD approx
Tax Manager (CPA, CGA)* January 10, 2017 at 11:09 am Once I get my professional designation in June, my salary will change to $85,000 / year CAD $64,000 / year USD
B4 Tax Manager (CPA)* August 11, 2017 at 11:27 am Reviewed and signed expat tax returns and related calculations/consulting US Rockies 10 years $120K/year
Senior Accountant* January 10, 2017 at 12:58 pm Staff Accountant in a small division of a larger company. My division is myself and the CEO. I am responsible for all AP and AR, invoicing, cash transfers, most of the close each month, writing policy etc. I am on the VA side of the DC Metro Area. 8 years of experience 80,000 per year with a bonus of 8K per year paid quarterly.
Another Staff Accountant (Public Practice)* January 10, 2017 at 1:42 pm I’m in Calgary, 3 years experience, recently got my CPA, making $48,000 + bare-bones benefits, 2 weeks holiday, no PD payment other than one course a year. Everyone in my small company is grossly underpaid.
Accounting Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 2:59 pm General Ledger Accountant and Analyst West Michigan $57K/year BBA in Accounting, no additional certs
Accounting Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 3:04 pm Missed some info…sorry 9 years experience spread over 2 companies that were hit hard by the recession (office furniture and transportation) 2 weeks vacation plus 4 sick and 2 personal days, full benefits (high deductible plans that can be customized to personal needs as well as dental & vision and other insurances), a Christmas ham and random branded merchandise throughout the year that is actually useful, and I get to work at 8am and leave at 5pm 99% of the time and I consider that a major perk. I do all month end journals and financial reporting as well as sales & use tax and audit support.
CPA - Tax* January 10, 2017 at 3:47 pm -I am a CPA with the job title “paralegal” in the tax department of a law firm. This department is adjacent to the estates/trust department. – mid-sized city in the southeast – Just started my fifth year. – $65,000 ish $31 an hour, but I am hourly, so I get paid overtime during tax season. Plus $1,000 holiday bonus. – I worked in public accounting for three years. There is a lot more potential for upward mobility there. I started at 50k and was making 63k and had been promoted by my third year. I have no significant potential for upward mobility or large raises at my current job, but I don’t work nearly as many hours as I did in public accounting and have a lot more flexibility and a lot less stress.
Tax Accountant* January 11, 2017 at 12:16 am $48,000 roughly. Medium sized Pacific Northwest city I started this job in August, it’s my first job in the field since graduating with a BA in May. 4 weeks of paid time off, profit sharing at 4% of our salary, paid parking, I pay $75 per month for decent health insurance. Other small benefits like a yearly wellness reimbursement and education reimbursement
Big Law Receptionist* January 10, 2017 at 11:06 am Receptionist for Big Law firm in Minneapolis. Job duties include opening the door every morning, sending 1-2 emails a day, answering 3-4 calls, and sitting on my butt staring into space. I have two degrees, two years post-academia full time experience, and lots of project assistant/internships/random temp jobs throughout my education. $40,000 / yr
help me im bored* January 10, 2017 at 12:22 pm Context: I don’t think they want to deal with turnover and thus pay me higher than average in my area. My partner and I rely on the excellent benefits and I don’t have any other prospects, so will likely stay here while I pursue my JD part-time over the next 5 years.
Paige Turner* January 10, 2017 at 10:30 pm Sounds like my job, except I make $10k less with $$$ health insurance in a high COL area. But I work from home over half the time and have a short commute, and I wear headphones almost all the time.
lowercase holly* January 10, 2017 at 12:49 pm can you take only classes (Lynda, languages, something!) while you are at the desk? do they care what you do as long as the work gets done? because, ugh, been there with the boredom.
Big Law Receptionist* January 10, 2017 at 1:04 pm I can’t wear headphones, so I’m limited there. I currently spend my days studying for the LSAT, so at least I’m productive. No, they really don’t care what I’m doing so long as I’m sitting at the desk. The occasional task comes up but I generally have <1hr of work / day.
Molly* January 10, 2017 at 3:29 pm What about the bluetooth earbuds – will you hair cover them? They make some that are one-sided now, basically a little nub in your ear, so I wouldn’t think I’d be visible. If your computer isn’t bluetooth enabled you can buy an adaptor that fits into the headphone jack.
Kat* January 10, 2017 at 4:54 pm Online books! You can read Google Books or all day and it’ll look like you’re paying attention the whole time. I read Anna Karenina – twice – in my front-desk job one summer.
Virtual Assistant* January 10, 2017 at 5:06 pm OMG. That was my last job. It was HORRIBLE. Good luck with your studies and goals!
Rando* January 10, 2017 at 8:02 pm Lynda has transcripts that play along with the lessons- it would be fully possible to do a Lynda course without headphones.
Receptionist* January 10, 2017 at 6:28 pm I feel ya. I’m at a Big Law firm in Utah, and those tasks perfectly describe my day. I have two years experience and no schooling and my salary is $31,500. Which isn’t too bad for the area, most receptionist jobs are much lower.
Hearing Officer/Program Officer* January 10, 2017 at 11:06 am State Authority/quasi-agency, NJ JD preferred/I’m a licensed attorney 3.5 years out of law school 2.5 years experience here significantly increased responsibility/tasks beyond original HO job title after first year here 62,400/yr
Project Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 11:06 am Implementations, systems analysis, documentation, query and reporting building (using SQL or builders), metrics and stats, training, automation, acting as a SME for other teams. Orange County California 12 years working experience + a BS and a MA 56,000 a year salary (extremely low for what I do)
OC Data Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 3:12 pm Howdy neighbor! Are you government/county? I am and it sounds like we do similar jobs. Data Analyst (implementations, queries, lots of SQL and our internal data management systems, trainings) Orange County, CA 5 years working experience (1 year in this role) 69,000 Government job, really good benefits. 3 weeks vacation, 12 days sick time, all federal holidays plus some state/county holidays depending on where your office is located. In the private sector I could easily make at minimum 20k more, but more like 40k. Meh, \shoulder shrug/ I like what I do and love the agency I work for :)
Business Intelligence Specialist* January 10, 2017 at 11:06 am Job description: I work in higher education as a data analyst – I build data reports and dashboards and then teach people how to use them. I’m also slightly involved with the technical specifications of the software, such as upgrades and troubleshooting errors. Geographic area: Boston area Years of experience: ~2 Salary: $66,500
Business Systems Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 11:49 am Job Description: I work for a small private college as a data analyst. We are a non-profit with a religious affiliation, so our salaries tend to be on the low end. Like Business Intelligence Specialist, I build data reports and dashboards to meet specific needs. I also assist with upgrades and troubleshooting errors. In addition, I assist my assigned departments in increasing their use of our ERP software. Geographic area: Portland, OR area Years of experience: 1 + MBA Salary: $57,000 +8% of annual salary paid into retirement account
Data Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 12:08 pm Also Data Analyst, but I am vastly underpaid and am currently seeking a position more in line with the market rate. I build reports and dashboards, validate our EMR data, track trends and develop training for slumping departments, and I maintain our data servers. job: Data Analyst- Healthcare geographic area: Greater St. Louis, MO years of exp (in this job): 6 years salary: $43,000
Research Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 12:15 pm Higher Ed data analyst. I build data reports and visualizations in Tableau, perform comparative analyses using various statistical software, and do mandated state and federal reporting. Geographic Area: Upper Midwest Years of experience: in this role, 4, but 8 total in data analysis Salary: $62,000
Senior Data Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 2:14 pm Sounds like we have the same job! Wooo, federal reporting. :)
Business Analyst (contractor)* January 10, 2017 at 3:58 pm Job description: SQL queries, Tableau dashboard reports building, presentation of data results to internal clients, descriptive analytics work in SQL/Tableau/Excel, some Google Analytics, KPI benchmark/target setting Geographic Area: Pacific North West Years of Experience: 1.5 (started with .5) Salary: $60,000
Data nerd* January 10, 2017 at 6:39 pm Data & Performance Analyst I work for local government analyzing operational data with the goal of increasing performance and efficiency. I build dashboards, and work with departments to answer questions they have. Region: mid sized Midwest city Salary: $56,000
Yet Another Business Analyst* January 11, 2017 at 6:34 pm Job description: Dashboards, alerts, and data reports in Splunk and/or Tableau (depending on the particular instance). SQL / SPL queries and lateral thinking. Also some admin duties for both Splunk and Tableau. Geographic area: Maryland Years of experience: 10 years working with data in a totally different context) Salary: $60,000
Program Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:06 am Responsible for day-to-day operations and management of larger programs for a small academic non-profit. Intermountain west 4 years experience $48,000
US Government Management and Program Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 11:07 am Job: Management and Program Analyst for an advocacy branch of a US agency. I am a project manager/SharePoint developer for this 2000-person unit of my 80000 person agency. I’m a GS-13. I’m not a manager, but I do manage projects. Geographic area: Washington, DC Years of experience: 8 with the government. 5 as an analyst and not an intern. 1.5 with my particular office. Salary: $92,000/year. I get a 5% TSP (401(k)-type retirement savings) match, a pension, 10 federal holidays, 20 vacation days, 13 sick days, 80% work-from-home, a start time anywhere between 6 and 9:30 AM (so long as I work 8.5 hours), and great personal fulfillment. OTOH, no parental leave and uncertainty after inauguration.
US Government Management and Program Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 11:10 am Oh, and I have a masters degree, which got me two grades above my intern peers when I was a GS-09 and they were GS-07.
US Government Management and Program Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 12:40 pm Oh, and we just got a 2.1% COLA after three years of 1% COLA after three years of 0% COLA. So I actually make $94,796/year as of ten days ago.
Federal Procurement Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 11:53 am Federal Procurement Analyst here: I get these same benefits plus transit subsidy, awards, and bonuses. I telework 100%. Also, tuition reimbursement for courses needed to maintain my Federal Acquisition Certification, which is required for everyone in the GS 1102 series. I am also a warranted contracting officer with unlimited authority. Note that health insurance contributions are mandated by Congress and amount to an average of about 70% of total costs. There is no paid parental leave as such but FMLA is available and personal leave can also be used.
US Government Computer Scientist* January 10, 2017 at 3:36 pm Another GS-13 here! Job: Project lead for sustaining software for military systems (think: bug fixes, enhancements, some new requirements). On my current system, at one point I managed the work of 22 people, but it is down to about 10 now, a mix of contractor and gov’t personnel. I am non-supervisory. Geographic Area: MD Years of Experience: ~11 years, first 3 years as an intern. Gov’t paid for my masters in Software Engineering Salary: $104,433.00/yr (combination of base pay and locality). As with the above poster, I have all federal holidays, 5% TSP match, small pension, 20 vacation days use/lose (but can accrue 240 hours without loss), and 13 sick days (unused sick hours can accrue without loss). Alas, telework is not widely available for me, nor the personal fulfillment.
Personal Banker* January 10, 2017 at 11:07 am Job: Loan officer, assist with personal banking needs, small business development/lending. Area: Wichita, KS Years Experience: 2.5 Salary: $15.25/hr
Kitchen manager* January 10, 2017 at 3:04 pm Washington state I’ve been here for 7 years 36,000/yr I work in a resort area where we live on property. My living expenses are very small.
Communications Administrator* January 10, 2017 at 11:07 am * Running communications (email blasts, social media, website management), in addition to events management and other administrative tasks. * NYC * 6 * 47,500 * Started as an admin assistant at 30,000 and was promoted up to 42,000 with current title, then raised to 47,500 to meet the FLSA guidelines
another Development Associate* January 10, 2017 at 12:21 pm Are you worried about them walking back on that?
Communications Administrator* January 10, 2017 at 2:17 pm No. Since I work for a large research university, my salary was already approved beginning last September due to the academic year schedule, so it’s already set. My director and supervisor both have a lot of integrity and value my work too much to renege on a raise like that. Even if they tried to, I’m pretty sure there are HR systems in place to prevent that from happening without cause.
Communications Manager* January 10, 2017 at 8:01 pm Job Description: I manage the marketing team as well as internal communications. This includes email campaigns, website, phones, social media, mobile app, webinars, events and special projects (like our crm automation) Area: Salt Lake City Experience: 6 in this role, plus another 5 or so in semi-related positions Salary: $26.50/hr. With overtime and bonuses, I earned $60k in 2016. Plus the company pays medical and dental and contributes a few percent to my 401k. Other: I’m female and have a degree in communications. I started this position at $18.65/hr and have received raises every year.
Technical Writer/Editor* January 10, 2017 at 11:07 am Technical Writer/Editor Edits technical documentation and creates/edits technical illustrations The Carolinas 2 mos. experience at this specific job, 10 years related experience Less than a year 55,000/year
Technical Writer/Editor* January 10, 2017 at 11:15 am Wanted to add also that I have a master’s degree, if that helps with comparing salaries across job titles. (And am in SC.)
Tech Writer* January 10, 2017 at 11:27 am Tech writers represent! :) What software do you primarily use, and what’s your illustration process? We’re generally using either screenshots or photos, so I’m usually only cropping and adding callouts.
Technical Writer/Editor* January 10, 2017 at 12:53 pm Illustrator and Photoshop, mostly. I work with line drawings or 3D images.
Theme Park Technical Writer* January 10, 2017 at 11:48 am Florida, 3 years experience, B.A….$37k. Theme parks. :(
Technical Writer (Canada)* January 10, 2017 at 12:09 pm I am so curious about this, what kind of documentation do you write?
Theme Park Technical Writer* January 10, 2017 at 12:28 pm My initial experience was in training manuals for attractions, and now I handle standards for new venue creation.
Technical Editor (senior-level)* January 10, 2017 at 11:53 am That’s a good salary for your level of experience! Are you a contractor? PS: Carolina tech writers represent! :-)
Senior Technical Writer* January 10, 2017 at 11:57 am Senior Technical Writer Creates all technical documentation, both internal and external, for complex enterprise software applications, usually based on advanced psychic powers. Mentors new writers, partly responsible for setting own priorities and tasks. Expected to pull rabbits out of hats on a regular basis. UK (South East) 15 years 57,000 dollar equivalent (Note: my salary is way above the norm)
Robbenmel* January 10, 2017 at 1:31 pm Advanced psychic powers…hee! Former tech writer here…and I have had to use those powers as well….
Senior Technical Writer (Software)* January 10, 2017 at 2:25 pm Ha, same! “Developer mindreader” kind of goes along with “developer babysitter.” Some days it felt like a Tarot reading of “how is this feature going to get implemented?” would be at least as effective as my other methods of figuring it out….
Technical Writer (Canada)* January 10, 2017 at 12:07 pm Write and edit technical documentation for a high-tech hardware company Ontario, Canada (mid-size city, not Toronto) 68,000 CAD/51,000 USD 3 years experience at this company, 12 years experience in total.
Technical Writer* January 10, 2017 at 12:44 pm Cool, I suspect we work in the same non-Toronto city. Nice to have another data point! (I posted lower down; at 62K with 4 years experience.)
Managing Web Editor* January 10, 2017 at 1:40 pm Since there are a lot of technical writers here, can I ask what your backgrounds are? Do you have a strong technical background, or more writing-oriented?
Jen RO* January 10, 2017 at 1:54 pm The usual disclaimer: I’m not in the US, grain of salt, etc I studied something completely unrelated in university, but my first jobs were in editing and online writing. I’ve always loved editing, even before I knew what it was called! I studied computer science in high school with an excellent teacher, so I had a good foundation. I’ve always been into techy stuff (software, not hardware) and I’m somewhat of a geek. Plus, I know English really, really well. This combination was a winner when it came to breaking into an industry that was just starting in this country.
Technical Writer* January 10, 2017 at 1:59 pm I’ve got a humanities background, and so do most of my immediate team members. The extended writing team at Current Job has a few people with QA/QE/dev experience. At the college where I got my post-grad certificate, the majority were also from a humanities background, though there were a few making career changes from more technical areas. My impression is that, in high-tech, developer jobs are more numerous and potentially higher paying, so people with that skillset are unlikely to pursue writing as a career move.
Technical Writer Down Under* January 10, 2017 at 6:37 pm I have a background in both science and humanities, but most of the technical writers I have worked with had a science or engineering background. It’s true that you can make more in a more technical role, but I know several people (including myself) who chose technical writing in part because of the more flexible working conditions that can offer.
Senior Technical Writer (Software)* January 10, 2017 at 2:12 pm I have a humanities background. My team has 2 people with humanities backgrounds, 1 education major, 1 electrical engineer who decided he didn’t actually like electrical engineering, and 1 physics major. I took CS 101 and 102 in college–not the “CS for liberal arts folk” classes but the same classes that the CS freshmen took–not in preparation for this job per se but because I thought it might be fun (I was a senior with credits to burn). I don’t think that’s why I got the job, but I think it aided me in advancing quickly (I could read code pretty easily, which was a massive advantage when we needed to produce an API reference). I did work briefly (2 years) in telephone technical support, which I think helped my resume as well. (This was high-level support, solving issues with databases for b2b software, not scripted/”have you tried turning it off and then on again?” support, so it allowed me to display some degree of technical chops and problem-solving ability.) I think the thing that got me the job were my writing samples–one was a set of “basic user” instructions for a popular website, and one was an API reference for a small software utility that a friend wrote. For reference, I started at a bit over $35,000.
Senior Technical Writer* January 10, 2017 at 3:46 pm I also have a humanities background, but took a desktop support –> phone/email support –> tech writing pathway. Tech support seems like a really great pathway to tech writing. I started at 43K in a midwestern state, IIRC
Technical Writer/Editor* January 10, 2017 at 5:11 pm My background is in English. I transitioned over to technical writing from teaching/writing center admin. Writing manuals, handouts, reports, and other documentation for my previous jobs helped me make my case for my current tech writing job.
Technical Writer (Canada)* January 10, 2017 at 5:26 pm I got an undergraduate degree in computer science, realized that I would never be a good programmer, took a year break doing other stuff, then went to college (Canadian community college, basically a step down from university) for a post-graduate diploma in technical writing. Got my first job in tech writing a couple of months after getting my diploma and haven’t looked back since.
Senior Technical Writer* January 10, 2017 at 5:59 pm My background is writing and education, but the job fell into my lap after I graduated with my MA in English. I intended to stay at the job as a temp but as it turned out, I am good at it and I like it. So I stayed. That was 1997.
Tech Writer* January 11, 2017 at 11:07 am Definitely writing-oriented. My BA is in English, I’m an author, and I started my career as an editor in an old-school newsroom-style bullpen. I transitioned into tech writing about ten years ago because there were more jobs and it paid better. Wish I’d made the transition earlier. :) It is harder to become a tech writer now if you don’t know at least a little code, especially with DITA. But I found that a couple community-college courses in HTML and XML got me plenty far enough, and I’m a quick study, so I swotted up whatever else I needed to. But your grammar skills *really* have to be strong. Your end product is written content, after all.
Senior User Assistance Developer* January 11, 2017 at 8:08 pm My background is in humanities and writing; I wasn’t even interested in tech until I got an office job at a tech company right after college. Their documentation was terrible. After trying to to use it to help customers a few times, it dawned on me that with even a limited understanding of the software, I could make the doc much better. So I did. (Caveat: this was in the ’80s. These days it’s hard to get a tech writing job without a tech writing credential.) Re psychic powers: I used to call it writing fiction :). Every once in a while engineering would read my draft of how I thought a feature should work and change the software to match. Presto! Fiction becomes fact. Somebody in this threadlet says you need impeccable English grammar chops to be a tech writer. As recently as 5 or 6 years ago, I worked for a director who held that line. Today, my company hires writers (to write exclusively in English) who are not native speakers; they’re in places like Eastern Europe, India, and China. They’re all smart, motivated, hard-working people, and they’re improving, but I doubt that some of them will ever be able to write a paragraph without multiple errors. But they cost way less than I do (I’m in the US in an area with a fairly high CoL).
Jen RO* January 10, 2017 at 1:48 pm Senior technical writer Writing and editing software documentation, managing a small team, onboarding and training of new joiners, resident tech support for the team 7 years TW experience plus 3 years experience in related areas Eastern Europe, large city (I don’t want to be searchable, it’s a small industry here) Salary equivalent to USD 23500 before tax. The salary itself is very good by the country’s standards, and we also get great private medical insurance. (But medical costs are not crazy like in the US, so this is just a cherry on top.)
Senior Technical Writer (Software)* January 10, 2017 at 2:01 pm Senior Technical Writer Software/CS industry. I create and maintain comprehensive documentation for complex software products, primarily aimed at a technical/IT audience rather than a basic user audience. I am in charge of documentation for three of the company’s flagship products, covering the main product help, supplemental feature-specific guides, support and troubleshooting documentation, best practices, etc. I also am responsible for keeping other departments informed of new features and similar updates to the products (I call this part of my role ‘developer translator’). I also advise on user interface wording and work closely with the user experience team to ensure that product text works well with the design. Los Angeles area, California, USA 12 years experience $80,000 I can read code (and write relatively simple code), and I am capable of documenting SDK and API references with minimal assistance from development. I am trained in agile development and the scrum process (I am qualified to be a scrum master and have done it in the past, although I don’t enjoy it much and generally avoid it these days). I am also extremely comfortable with ‘learn-as-you-go’/’learn-on-your-own’ models, and with job parameters that change quickly and frequently, often with little or no notice.
Franzia Spritzer* January 10, 2017 at 3:25 pm I have so many questions about career dev in TW! From reading all of your replies I’m wondering if I have a natural propensity to this work. Since the dawn of my working life have always been the person to write process documentation for the role I’m in, from my military jobs to, web dev, retail, non-profit and arts management junk I’ve done. Before the tech bubble burst way back when I’d be invited to dev and design meetings to translate between engineers and designers, read people, and provide non-partisan feedback. I have always enjoyed doing this work, and sadly don’t have much of a trail or writing samples. Oh to pick your brains. Perhaps in the Friday open thread.
Senior Technical Writer (Software)* January 10, 2017 at 4:58 pm I’d be happy to chat in the open thread.
Senior Technical Writer* January 10, 2017 at 3:44 pm Senior Technical Writer @ an enterprise software company SF bay area 3 years relevant experience 1.5 years at this job (in addition to experience) 109K/yr
Technical Writer* January 10, 2017 at 5:00 pm Sole charge technical writer at a smallish tech company making integrated hardware and software solutions for regional authorities. Location: Australia Experience: 15 years as a technical writer, prior work experience in science/technology Qualifications: Various science/tech/humanities plus postgrad Tech Writing diploma Salary: $USD 67k which I think is fairly standard for the location.
Technical Writer* January 11, 2017 at 12:58 am I am the only technical writer at a small software company. Location: Australia (in a large capital city). Experience: 15 years experience in the industry, about 5 years as technical writer. Qualifications: Only an undergraduate degree in the humanities. Salary: $USD 68k.
Tech Writer* January 10, 2017 at 6:52 pm Tech writer for a government contractor. I am basically a glorified secretary (I take notes in meetings for technical info) I am in Maryland, USA 1 year of technical writing specifically. 8 years in database use/design/management and other IT (some PHP, VBA, etc) 75k/year plus benefits
Regional Recruiter* January 10, 2017 at 11:07 am I am a in-house regional recruiter for a heavy equipment rental company. I cover about 45 branches and hire mechanics, delivery drivers, sales people, and management. I’m responsible for sourcing and screening candidates, scheduling interviews with management and getting feedback, extending offers and basically being the go-to person for the hiring process. I work independently. I’m in a mid-sized city in the Midwest. I’ve been working in HR in some capacity for 8 years My salary is about 55,000/year, plus I’m eligible for 10-20% of my salary in bonuses (they’re really hard to get, though), and I get a company vehicle and cell phone.
Corporate Recruiter* January 10, 2017 at 12:38 pm I am also in house and work regionally; responsible for about 15 facilities plus start up recruiting for new facilities. I am responsible for sourcing, screening, scheduling interviews, offer letters, background checks and for training hiring managers in interviewing skills and techniques and strategic development of retention programs. I work from home and travel about 40% of the time. I live in the southwest but all of my facilities are in the Midwest and east coast. My industry in a niche transportation related production/industrial business so I’m recruiting welders, mechanics, etc.. I have some corporate support department recruiting responsibility as well (IT, accounting, QA, performance management, etc). I make $65,000 with some bonus opportunity (minimal) I have 14 years of experience.
periwinkle* January 10, 2017 at 6:10 pm “I get a company vehicle” I am envisioning you being handed the keys to a Bobcat backhoe as your company car. Or maybe a forklift, which would make dealing with a crowded parking lot so much more fun…
Collegiate Recruiter* January 11, 2017 at 7:35 am I’m an in-house collegiate recruiter for a Fortune 100 company. I hire new college grads for our development programs and internships, along with some odds and ends roles. I’m in Washington DC (But live outside of it and commute 1.5 hours each day due to cost of living) I had no recruiting experience prior to this position, which I got about six months ago. Previously I had 3 years of sales/marketing experience outside of college. I make 57,000 a year.
Bookkeeper* January 10, 2017 at 11:07 am your job: Bookkeeping for a small business your geographic area: NYC your years of experience: 4 years your salary: 67,000 anything else pertinent to put that number in context: doesn’t include generous benefits package
Another Bookkeeper* January 10, 2017 at 12:50 pm your job: Bookkeeping for a smallish business (~120 employees) your geographic area: St. Louis, MO your years of experience: 7 years your salary: 17.15/hr anything else pertinent to put that number in context: 80% 401k matching up to 5%, three weeks vacation, 1 week sick, decent medical insurance, flexible hours
Another Bookkeeper* January 10, 2017 at 2:58 pm job: All aspects of bookkeeping for a small business (~15 employees). Payroll processing via service. Some HR (new hire/termination processing, benefits admin, etc.) geographic area: Greater Boston, MA area years of experience: ~20 salary:$43,450 (+ holiday bonus that’s usually around $1,500 but varies based on that year’s profit) anything else: 50% employer contribution to health insurance. Dental and vision offered, but without any employer contribution. 3% employer matching to 401(k). 2 weeks vacation, 6 days sick and personal.
Yet Another Bookkeeper* January 10, 2017 at 3:54 pm Geography: Dallas, TX Years Experience: 10 years Wages: $22.00/hr ~$45,760/annual Technically my job title is Staff Accountant, having been changed recently from Reconciliation Analyst, but my duties are more along the lines of bookkeeping. I work for a small business (<100 employees) that services all the back-office operations for a niche medical market. Relevant to my career is I have a BA, but not in accounting. My specific job is to match deposits to revenue reports from my list of offices, ensure all deposits are recorded properly at the office level and work out all the kinks inbetween. I also post all revenue and some minor expenses in QuickBooks, and reconcile all transactions to the bank statement up to clicking "reconcile." Our A/P team finishes closing the books from there every month.
Accounts Receivable Specialist* January 11, 2017 at 3:56 pm -Invoicing, Payment processing, data entry, report maintenance, account reconciliation, light customer service -Chicago area -22 years -$37,000 -5 weeks vacation after 7 years, the position transitioned from Data Entry, to Customer Service/AR, to mostly AR/Accounting.
Program Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:07 am Program Manager in Predictive Analytics for Healthcare Insurance Payer based in Kentucky 8 years in department (worked from Admin up and got this role 1.5 years ago under same boss) Here is the breakdown of my ending salary in each Project Analyst (2009-2012) 55,000 Project Manager (2012-2015) 68,000 Program Manager (2015-now) 78,000
Librarian* January 10, 2017 at 11:07 am Reference and Instruction Librarian Baltimore >5 years of experience as a librarian; I did instruction as needed for the first few years and gained more experience over the past two + years. $52,000/year.
Librarian* January 10, 2017 at 11:08 am I should also mention that I have a Master’s in Library Science degree.
Library administrator* January 10, 2017 at 12:18 pm Library Administrator 10+ years experience, masters in library science Supervise 10+ employees Northwest USA
Library administrator* January 10, 2017 at 4:32 pm midwest, USA 10 years experience Oversee dept of roughly 50 staff $85,000
Library Administration* January 15, 2017 at 1:56 pm •Library Administrator, Public Services •Small Private Graduate School, SF Bay Area •Been working in this position 3yrs •Experience: 7yrs increasing responsibility in LA roles, Library Technician Degree, BA in Public Administration (MLIS in progress) •$48k, $52k after benefits assessment My salary is relatively low for my region as I do not possess an MLIS. I did not have a traditional academic pathway but my passion for the industry has led me to work hard for diverse experiences and utilize my other skills in leadership and management to move forward. However my accomplishments are often underscored and I am limited in jobs/institutions I can persue due to my lack of an MLIS.
Librarian* January 10, 2017 at 12:33 pm -Reference and Instruction Librarian in a public university -Mid-Atlantic region (NC to be specific) -2 years experience -$48,000 -Great benefits…24 vacation days plus paid holidays, 12 sick days, great health insurance, etc.
Academic Library Department Head* January 10, 2017 at 12:46 pm Department Head 2nd-tier West Coast city 16 years in libraries, 11 post-MLIS $88,000/yr plus generous benefits Context: second master’s, faculty position
Academic Library Department Head* January 10, 2017 at 2:54 pm I’m another department head (of a public services department) at the Associate Librarian level Rocky Mountain West 16 years in libraries, 13 post-MLIS $62,000 12-month faculty
Library Director* January 10, 2017 at 1:04 pm Manage 4 professional librarians, electronic resources, and occasional reference and instruction. Small town in Midwest, small liberal arts college None as director, 7-plus in academic libraries $65,000 Some benefits are good, 12 month tenure track faculty, high expectations of campus involvement
Library Director* January 10, 2017 at 1:12 pm Medium sized public library, 5 library locations, one museum, and two historic houses. 27 full and part-time staff. Budget $1.2 million. North Carolina 7 years experience as director, 10 more years experience in public libraries, MLS $58,000/year
Librarian* January 10, 2017 at 1:19 pm Adult Services in a small public library – reference, collection development, programming, tech support, all that good stuff. Western Chicago suburbs 5 years + MLIS $48,000/year with good benefits & participation in the state pension plan
Library Technician* January 10, 2017 at 1:32 pm your job: Library technician for a government library your geographic area: East coast of Canada your years of experience: ~3 years experience your salary: $50,000 CAD/year anything else pertinent to put that number in context: I have an MLIS even though my job is classified as paraprofessional. The degree was considered an asset for the job. I am also paid a teeny bit more for being bilingual in French/English. I’m in a union and have good vacation/health benefits and a pension.
Librarian* January 10, 2017 at 2:05 pm Reference librarian at a public university Mid-Atlantic region 1.5 years experience $58,000/year
Blackout* January 10, 2017 at 3:25 pm Technical Services Librarian Mid-sized public library in the Midwest (rural-ish area) 1.5 years $40,000 / year plus 21 vacation days, 14 sick days, health insurance, etc. (starting salary was non-negotiable, but I love the job so it works for me)
Library Assistant II* January 10, 2017 at 4:21 pm Paraprofessional position at a public library SF Bay Area 12 years exp $67,000/year Context: unionized, at the top of pay-grade for this position, been at same employer 8 years.
Library technician* January 10, 2017 at 5:04 pm Library technician for the Navy Mid Atlantic region (Illinois) No experience when hired been here 3 years. Have a bachelors and previous experience working for Army in daycare. $25,000 I have pto and sick leave, a 401k and retirement plan. Decent medical insurance
Reference librarian (technical college)* January 10, 2017 at 5:13 pm you job: provide reference services to students, schedule/plan/teach library instruction workshops your geographic area: SC your years of experience your salary: part time, $18/hr but only when classes are in session so ~20K/yr
School Librarian* January 11, 2017 at 6:01 am School Librarian (for a secondary school of ~1000 pupils, ages 11-18, rated good by Ofsted) United Kingdom 2.5 years experience, plus my Masters in Information and Library Studies. £24k/year, pro-rated to about £19k because it’s a term-time-only position. I’m a solo librarian, except for 8 hours a week when I have a paraprofessional assistant in to do the overdues and help with odd jobs. My salary is in line with national professional recommendations in the field for my experience level and job description, but the cost of living in my area is high. I’m in my second year at this job, and got a small merit raise based on my first year.
Librarian at a Large Public University* January 11, 2017 at 8:07 am Michigan I teach (mostly first year students), supervise student reference assistants, work on the reference desk, design online instructional materials, and all manner of other things. We are considered faculty, so I also have regular publication and service requirements. 2.5 years of experience $57,000/year (we get merit-based raises every year. My starting salary was around 52k/year).
Librarian at a Large Public University* January 11, 2017 at 9:00 am I should mention that I also have an MSLIS, which is a requirement of the job. Other benefits include: $3000-$3400/year for professional development 24 vacation days Health, vision, dental insurance We are non-unionized
Library Manager* January 11, 2017 at 11:59 am Manager, Library & Info Services of a corporate library Office is in Central New Jersey but I WFH in NYC $62,000 5 years library experience +MLIS, previously worked in HR for ten years prior to going back to library school
Legis. Librarian* January 11, 2017 at 12:08 pm Legislative Librarian Annapolis, MD On job 3 months, public library work for previous 10 years. MSLS degree 54,000/year
Librarian (Cataloger, public library)* January 11, 2017 at 1:08 pm Far Chicago suburbs Have MLS (requirement for librarian vs. library associate/paraprofessional jobs). 10+ yrs in this position (but almost 15 yrs at this library). $28.62/hr., 20 hrs/wk. 4 weeks vacation, 12 days sick time. Participation in pension; dental insurance. Get to go to conferences sometimes, and our local consortium is good for continuing education. But no career path (unless you leave the library to become a manager somewhere else) and no chance to increase hours or go full time.
Librarian also* January 11, 2017 at 4:13 pm Reference and Instruction Librarian Small college in GA 4 years experience; MLIS degree $43,000/year
Librarian* January 11, 2017 at 4:20 pm I am an Adult Programming and Outreach Librarian New York City >10 years in the field, >2 as a Librarian with an MLIS $56,000 / year I like this job and the system. There are three library systems in NYC and each one operates just a little differently than the others. Salary is public information so it’s easy to look up the salary for each role. It’s a unionized position.
Youth Services Librarian* January 11, 2017 at 4:45 pm children’s/teen librarian in medium-sized public library Northern California 2 years experience (after 20 years in retail!) $58,000 + great benefits
Stellar* January 11, 2017 at 9:31 pm I’m really loving how neatly the Librarians cataloged their answers into one comment thread
Librarian/Branch Manager* January 13, 2017 at 1:13 pm Manager of a branch library Chicago MSI (fancy version of an MLS) 15 years experience as a librarian, 11.5 as a manager Supervise 8 employees currently $96,000/yr (thanks union!)
Reference Librarian* January 14, 2017 at 4:30 pm Reference department manager, I do a lot of the statistical analysis, project management, technology management and database contract negotiations. I also oversee a staff of 5 and do the nonfiction collection development and maintenance. A small county public library (county population 49,000ish) in the mountain west. 8 years at my current library, 11 over all I also have my MLIS $66,000/year w/ PTO, sick leave, I pay $100 a month for a low deductible health plan for my family ( I think that is a big benefit) and participation in the state pension and 457.
Librarian* March 1, 2017 at 6:13 pm Full Title: Assistant University Librarian Area: Washington DC Experience: 4 years Salary: $59,000 Other info: I do have my MLS and work at a for-profit (accredited!) 4-year university. I was hired in my last semester of grad school in a similar campus-based position (starting $40k) and was promoted last summer to my current role in Library Administration at the academic headquarters. In my current role, perks (which equate to $$$) are the option to work from home and plentiful office lunches. We also have HR programs to earn reduced health insurance premiums without sharing personal health information with the insurer. My workday is mostly project based and revolves around staff training/onboarding, information literacy instruction/curriculum implementation, and outreach to both students and other staff members (eg. faculty members). Due to our small staff size, I also dabble in cataloging and collection maintenance.
cs* January 6, 2018 at 3:46 am Adult Services Librarian M.A. and M.L.I.S. Philadelphia metro area $46K
Records Manager/Librarian* January 10, 2017 at 11:07 am Southeast US 5 years experience Masters in library science $39,000 Work in the public sector (no raises, no COLA, no promotions)
another Records Manager/Librarian* January 10, 2017 at 12:14 pm I’m also a manager of a Records Center. I call myself a librarian, because I have a Master’s in Library Science, but that wasn’t really a requirement for the job. In fact, I’m the first librarian to be managing this particular Records Center, and honestly – it shows. Southwest US I have over 10 years experience in libraries (public and academic) but I’ve only been on this job for about 6 months. This is not my first managerial position, but it is the first time I’ve worked in a records center. BA in English, Master’s in Library and Info Studies $58,000/year (with decent State Employee benefits, but I don’t take most of them because my partner’s are better)
Records Manager* January 10, 2017 at 1:26 pm Records manager at a global pharmaceutical company. Responsibilities include analysis of business needs, advising business system owners and employees on records issues, developing/maintaining records retention schedules, administering offsite records storage, policy development and implementation. 4 years in this position, 16 years overall. MSLIS. $115,000/year + bonus; excellent benefits, time off and WFH options
Project Archivist* January 10, 2017 at 1:56 pm I’m a project archivist supervising a digitization and web publishing project in NYC. 5 years experience in archives 6 months post MA in Archives. 53,000 plus benefits
Librarian/Records manager* January 11, 2017 at 8:54 am My job: Records and case management and archiving for a health regulator Experience: 2-3 years Salary: £20,350 Location: London, UK
Systems Engineer* January 10, 2017 at 11:08 am Job: I do risk management for a large organization. This mean identifying things that could go wrong or have gone wrong that are beyond what’s normal and accepted by the organization (So say, if this were McDonalds, we expect that the fries get cold so that’s not a risk because it’s acceptable. But if our supplier is slipping yams into our fry shipments that would be a risk because that’s outside of the normal, acceptable risk from McDonalds). This also means identifying improvements where possible, and then figuring out how to get those improvements or avoid the problems in the future. It’s much more of a project management role than engineering. Geographic Area: Washington, DC metropolitan area in the USA. Years experience: 8, plus a masters in engineering and MBA. Salary: $109,500/year Context for salary: None really, my compensation is pretty straightforward.
Christy* January 10, 2017 at 11:12 am This sounds really interesting! Can you tell us more about your job?
Systems Engineer* January 10, 2017 at 11:40 am Hm, I’m not sure what you want to know. I spend a lot of time in meetings listening to see if what people are talking about is something that should enter our risk management process or if it’s fine. I’m pretty new to the role (started in August, before that I was an operations engineer), but once it enters our process it gets a lot more visibility and I make sure that it gets closed out. It’s a big change from what I used to do, and a lot more chasing people down and seeing if they did the thing they said they’d do than I’m used to in the operations world. Do you have any specific questions?
Master Bean Counter* January 10, 2017 at 11:48 am So if I’m reading this right you get paid to think of the worst case scenario and find ways to prevent it? Does that thinking bleed over into real life and cause problems?
Systems Engineer* January 10, 2017 at 11:53 am It depends on whether the worst case scenario has any likelihood of happening. The real problems crop up with smaller cost or schedule overruns that compound on one another, and lead to a larger slip. So I spend more of my time trying to avoid those thousand cuts that can destroy a project, than the big coup de grace, because usually that sort of big item is very, very unlikely to happen. It’s also different from some of my operations engineering (where I’d draft procedures for fixing anomalies when they arise regardless of how likely some of them were, but only cared about severity) since I have to weigh the likelihood of the item occurring. So we’re assessing two components, severity, and likelihood, and once we figure that out we can see if it’s worth actively managing or something we don’t really care about. A lot of value is in the thought process, because through that we better understand the projects and their inter-dependencies. I grew up a Boy Scout and as an operations engineer, I came in already with the mindset of be prepared for the worst scenario, so I’ve kinda already lived my life that way. The trick is knowing the likelihood of an event happening. So for example, I don’t like the DC metro and it’s been making the news a lot lately, but really it’s safer than driving and the likelihood of me being in a news-making disaster story on the DC metro everyday is much smaller than getting into an accident on the road system around here. So I take the metro, even though it’s not the greatest. I don’t know if that completely answered your question, but I hope it helped some.
Red Reader* January 10, 2017 at 11:28 am Hee, today is the first day of my Risk Management class in my MBA program :) I’m looking forward to it.
Systems Engineer* January 10, 2017 at 11:56 am I should also say for context, as for benefits: – 3 weeks PTO + 9 holidays (6 fixed, 3 floating). – at least 1 telework day a week, pending no customer meetings – decent medical and dental – bonus system, but I’m new so I can’t give any decent numbers on this
Systems Engineer* January 10, 2017 at 11:58 am – Also 3% salary to 401(k) from my employer, and no match. They just always put in 3%, 401(k) plan available and I can put in more – Pretax travel benefits
Jan* January 10, 2017 at 8:00 pm Fellow Systems engineer checking in. Similar to what you do plus some architecture modeling. I’m also in the D.C. Area. 8 years of experience (7 of that is with my current company). I have a masters in systems engineering. Salary is $120,000/year. No bonuses. Pretty good match for 401k. Telework as I see fit, right now I’m 3 days at home, 2 days in the office.
Senior Editor (book publishing)* January 10, 2017 at 11:08 am acquire/edit/oversee publication of books by about 60 authors NYC 12 years 75K started just under 30K, moved companies for jumps in title and salary. Been in this position/company for three years, started at 65K
Senior Editor (book publishing)* January 10, 2017 at 11:11 am (Alison, please remove if you’d rather not have this discussion here): happy to answer any questions about book publishing, as in my years of lurking I’ve seen a lot of comments from writers and others who are interested in this world.
Aunt Vixen* January 10, 2017 at 11:41 am I am interested! – as I’m an editor and not sure I’m not going to have to be job searching in the next year. Of course okay to take the discussion offline if Alison prefers, though.
Ask a Manager* Post authorJanuary 10, 2017 at 12:32 pm The next open thread would be better for that — thank you!
Spreadsheets and Books* January 10, 2017 at 11:54 am I work in finance at a company that owns one of the Big Four publishers, and recently had the opportunity to tour their HQ and sit in on a 3-hour presentation about some of the inner workings, including how book deals and royalty offers are structured. It was amazing! Your job sounds incredible and it was so cool to learn more.
smtech* January 10, 2017 at 12:11 pm I’d love to hear more in general about what you do! Maybe Alison could do an interview with you at some point? I would be really interested in reading it. A few questions: How long does the publishing process typically take, from identifying a book you want to it actually being sold in store? How often are you publishing existing authors vs new ones? Is it true that most new authors don’t out-earn their advances? What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen – whether it was a book deal that didn’t work out, an author/agent demanding something crazy, or something else?
Senior Editor (book publishing)* January 10, 2017 at 2:31 pm I do love it! I’d be happy to do an interview, but I’ll also be sure to come by the Friday open thread.
Finance Director* January 10, 2017 at 12:33 pm So, would you be the person that receives unsolicited manuscripts from aspiring authors? If so, how is that aspect of publishing – I mean in terms of do you enjoy it, hate it? And do you get to read a lot of books or is that something someone more junior would have to do? Also, I have a burning question I’ve been dying to ask someone who would be very familiar with copyright law: If a person wanted to expand on a short story that was published in the 1960’s in a collection of short stories – in other words take that short story and make it into a novel and maybe put it on Amazon is that considered plagiarizing? Now that I’ve typed it out, it really looks like it is. There is a story that I fell in love with when I was little and it was published in the 60’s. It is a fairy tale within a collection all by the same author. Since it’s a fairy tale, it’s very short, but I’d like to take the basic story, put it in a modern setting, give the characters names and backstories, and fill in the gaps with certain mythologies and add characters to it. It’s not the exact story that was published, but it’s based on that story. Any thoughts?
anonomust* January 10, 2017 at 1:20 pm I’m not the OP, but if you change it enough I think it’s kosher – wasn’t 50 Shades of Grey initially fan fiction based off of Twilight or some such thing?
Associate Editor (book publishing)* January 10, 2017 at 12:50 pm Hope you don’t mind me piggybacking on your format! acquire/edit/oversee publication of small list of my own and provide editorial support on more senior editors’ books NYC 6 years in publishing, 4 in this role 57K I started at 30k in a different department at a different publisher and made a lateral move by taking an entry-level position company where I am now.
Sales/Marketing (Book Publishing)* January 10, 2017 at 1:00 pm Sales & marketing for a mid-sized book publisher. NYC 15-20 years 80K
Marketing Assistant* January 12, 2017 at 4:58 pm If you have time for advice giving, I’m a marketing assistant (1.5yrs) at a small educational publisher (8-10 employees) looking to make the jump to trade. Do you have any tips?
Senior Production Editor (book publishing)* January 10, 2017 at 1:53 pm oversee all the steps between manuscript and bound book for about 100 titles per year for a Big Four Publisher (and I have a subsidiary job title helping manage our digital workflow procedures) NYC 15+ years 82K (which I know is *extremely* well paid for my industry, with generous benefits to boot). Also happy to join in a discussion of How Publishing Works on an open thread, though I’m out of the office this Friday so won’t be as available!
managing editor* January 10, 2017 at 9:54 pm job: I’m on the production side of book publishing (aka managing editorial or editorial production). I manage a handful of production editors (PEs), which includes budgeting, scheduling, and assigning ~200 books/year to those PEs, including to myself (I personally produce 40+ books/year). I interact with authors, copy editors, proofreaders, typesetters, packagers, designers, acquisitions editors, marketing/publicity, and printers. I hire and review (and hopefully don’t fire) PEs, I set guidelines for how we do things in production, I track the status of all books in production (not just mine) to ensure on-time publication, I go to more meetings than I’d like, and that’s just the bare bones of what I do. geographic area: mountain west years of experience: 25 overall, 15+ at current job salary: $60k benefits: 4 weeks of vacation (’cause I’ve been there so long), 7 paid holidays, 2 floating holidays, 10 sick days, 401k, health/dental/vision insurance
Textbook Editor* January 11, 2017 at 9:39 am Late to this, but: Sign and manage approximately 45 projects (20-25 publishing per year) in a lovely sub-discipline of the Humanities NYC 5 years (in editorial, 1 year as a commissioning editor) 47K
Digital Project Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:08 am -Digital Project Manager (educational publishing) -Boston, MA -6 in the industry, 2 outside the industry (8 years work experience overall) -$60K -The salary is low compared to COL in the area and similar jobs in non-publishing industries, but the benefits make up for it: 4 weeks vacation, 5 sick days, 5 personal days and very good health benefits, excellent WFH/flexible time policy, and 7 months where we’re not busy and I can work 10 – 4:00 with an hour for lunch and an hour for the gym.
Senior Digital Project Manager* January 10, 2017 at 12:34 pm -Senior Project Manager, managing digital advertising campaigns/microsites -NYC -6 years’ experience in tech/digital project management -$90K, unlimited PTO, okay healthcare, pre-tax transit, shares in the company, 401k with small match Note: this salary was only after job hopping a decent amount and negotiating a raise in my current role. Salary history: +$30K, customer support -job hop- +$36K, digital coordinator +$39K, associate producer -job hop- +$45K, associate producer -another quick job hop!- +$65K, associate producer +raise to $67K -job hop- +$70K, project manager +$90K, senior project manager People look down on job hopping, but it really works. I’ve gone from $30K-$90K in 6 years.
Digital Campaign Manager* January 10, 2017 at 1:48 pm – Digital Campaign Manager, managing digital advertising campaigns – I’m based outside of Boston, MA, but company is in PA (entirely remote company) – 6 years experience in project management, 1 year experience in digital marketing – $47,500, 3 weeks PTO, 4 sick days, entirely WFH, 2 amazing all expenses paid company trips a year, 12 weeks paid maternity leave, 4 weeks paid paternity leave, great health benefits, 401k with matching. Salary is low for the field, but benefits are amazing and I don’t feel my job is particularly taxing or stressful and the company really values its employees.
another Development Associate* January 10, 2017 at 6:56 pm I’d love a work from home job. How’d you find this??
Sourcing Speciaist* January 10, 2017 at 11:08 am Job – Sourcing Specialist – Purchasing Geographic Area – Mid South Years of Experience in this job – >1 year Salary – $60,000 I worked in another field for 15 years and recently took this position (and significant pay decrease) in order to change career paths.
Another Sourcing Specialist* January 10, 2017 at 12:31 pm Job – Sourcing Specialist – Purchasing Geographic Area – MidWest Years of Experience in this job – >10 years Salary – $80,000
Sourcing / Purchasing Manager* January 11, 2017 at 9:42 am Job – Sourcing / Purchasing Manager Geographic Area – Southeast Years of Experience in this job – >7+ years (1.5 years in this job, 7+ years in field) Salary – $100,000 I also have a masters degree (MBA) and professional certification in supply management. 3 weeks paid vacation.
Library Technician (Federal Contractor)* January 10, 2017 at 11:08 am 1. The Job – A mix of technical services and comparatively light reference duties along with some administrative/office work. Maintaining serials, circulation, mail sorting, processing new materials, adding serial-like books to the catalog, looseleaf filing, and more. The position is at a small government agency and most of the library employees are federal FT employees; two of us are contractors. 2. Location – DC 3. Experience – Started at sixteen in fast food, worked on-campus jobs throughout college, began a “real job” (this one) October 2014 and work two other jobs PT in addition to this one (one since October 2014 and another since May 2015). 4. Salary – I make $20.60/hour. 5. Context – When I was hired for this job, it was through contract agency X and they paid $14.51/hour. When they lost the contract and a new one took over and kept the existing contract employees, I was offered $19.00/hour and negotiated for $20.00. My first raise was in May with 3%. There’s no way I could live on this alone in this area, but there it is. I finished my MLIS in May 2016, too. Benefits aren’t fantastic, but do well enough. I get two weeks combined PTO.
Prospect Research Officer* January 10, 2017 at 11:08 am In charge of prospect research for a mid-size nonprofit New York City Four Years $66,000
Senior Library Specialist* January 10, 2017 at 11:09 am -cataloging in foreign languages (East European=Slavic), Slavic serial receipt and binding, serial holding maintenance -Midwest – 7 + (5 if I count only full time jobs) – $46,000/year (* civil service job) have MLIS for top 1 Library School in the country
Generic Admin* January 10, 2017 at 11:10 am Admin Assisant for a charitry Location- Norhern England Salary- £15,000GBP (18519.83USD) PA 3 years experience Salary included additional allowance for special projects I’ve picked up.
Evidence Room Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:10 am Run the Evidence Room for a police department. Not at all like CSI (I don’t work in a lab, but I coordinate with labs to get items tested); more like … Sam’s Club? Mostly it’s about space and keeping items safe/uncontaminated. Midwest area. In position for a little over a year, but worked in law enforcement for 10+ years $57k year. Does not include my matching pension (6%), completely free health care, 39 paid days off a year, as well as other perks (tuition reimbursement, health club reimbursement, etc) The benefits are really outstanding and make up for the actual monetary pay being on the low end.
Evidence Room Manager* January 10, 2017 at 12:25 pm haha, I bet you totally get what I mean! I have to give tours of our facility all the time, both for transparency with the public but also for evidence discoveries, etc, and the Scrooge in me squeals with glee every time I see their eyes go from excitement to disappointment in the span of seconds.
Laboratory Manager* January 11, 2017 at 4:13 pm The interview for my first forensics gig* took place IN the laboratory. I later learned it was partially to weed out the CSI-effect candidates, most of whom self-selected out when they realized it was basically like any other high-throughput or production lab, not as sexy as it was on TV and the only soundtrack was the noise from the instruments. *Am actually no longer in forensics but similar enough that I also often see people’s blooming disappointment. Except high school students. They are universally astounded and awe-struck.
Curious* January 10, 2017 at 11:36 am This sounds fascinating! May I ask what kind of education/experience you had to start this job?
Evidence Room Manager* January 10, 2017 at 12:38 pm I actually just got lucky. The vast majority of property rooms across the country are run by Licensed Peace Officers (cops), which I am not. I started working in law enforcement 10 years ago, at a different agency, because I wanted to be an IRS agent – but I was having a really hard time finding a job, and Veteran’s Preference can make hiring in government REALLY competitive (I am also not a veteran). I spoke to a career counselor whose advice to me was to just start working in government – ANY branch of government – and get in those years of service to help me transition to the IRS. I applied at a ton of places – the Department of Natural Resources, Department of Vehicle Services, etc – and the first one that called me back was law enforcement. Since then I had grown to like it, although it’s really (mentally and emotionally) hard to work for a law enforcement agency right now. I worked in Records, so updating criminal histories, checking for warrants, that kind of thing – and the agency that I’m at now had an opening running their property room, I put in for it and got it. There’s one national association that governs our best practices – the IAPE (International Association of Property & Evidence Technicians) – plus a handful of state associations (California has a great one – CAPE) but that’s about it for training. Because no one offers a degree in this, and not a lot of people do it, most police departments simply want someone that feels comfortable around property/evidence (guns and narcotics) that has great time management and project management skills … which usually is why they put an officer in charge, instead of hiring a civilian. There’s no prerequisite like “must have a BS in Property Room Tetris Evidence Stacking” because no such thing exists.
Ms Ida* January 10, 2017 at 4:51 pm If a Tetris stacking degree program existed I would immediately apply.
SueEllenCrandell* January 11, 2017 at 2:47 pm OMG, describing it like a Sam’s Club just blew my mind right here :)
Executive Assistant* January 10, 2017 at 11:10 am Role: Assist C-level leader in an org with 7,500 employees – manage calendar/appointments, plan meetings and events, customer service, some graphic design work Location: Alabama Gulf Coast 10 years of experience $45,000 per year
Executive Assistant* January 10, 2017 at 11:27 am Also, per year: 15 paid holidays, plus 10 days of vacation leave (1-10 years’ employment), 2 days of personal leave and 12 days of sick leave. $325 per month for excellent family health and dental insurance
Another Executive Assistant* January 10, 2017 at 1:56 pm Role: Assist two Executive VPs in an organization of 1,500 – manage calendars and appointments, plan meetings, book all travel (domestic and international), complete travel requests and expense reports, complile or create presentations, track mileage, reconcile credit card statements and any other administrative items that pop up now and then. Area: D/FW 23 years experience, 14 years at current job $75,000, plus 4 weeks paid vacation, 7 paid holidays, paid sick leave
Executive Assistant* January 11, 2017 at 1:56 pm Location: San Francisco Bay Area Company: Biosciences, 800+ employees Experience: 5 years, 2 here Pay: $72,000 (competitive with market and experience IMO)
Software Tester* January 10, 2017 at 11:10 am your job: Testing software before release your geographic area: Chicago your years of experience: 6 years your salary: $71,000
Graphic Designer* January 10, 2017 at 11:10 am I’m the lead (read: only) designer with a tech company. I do everything from brand to marketing and web promotions, trade show and collateral design, swag and illustrations. I love the work, it’s super independent and I get to go home at the end of the day and breathe. I’m hoping to stay here for a while, we’re getting past that startup phase into being a proper company and I find I like the balance. Toronto, Ontario, Canada 10 years of experience. 60k with full benefits, free lunches, flex hours, wfh, unlimited sick time.
Graphic Designer -- non-profit education* January 10, 2017 at 12:31 pm Graphic designer at a non-profit university. I focus on print collateral like magazines, newsletters, flyers, brochures, special event invitations and programs, etc., and coordinate with the web and social media groups. In addition to the computer work — because I’m under the Public Relations umbrella of the university — I do a bit of everything including running community outreach booths on and off campus, work fundraising events (registration/hostess/setup/cleanup), design and setup bookstore display windows, and act as an advisor to the student-run literary magazine. Los Angeles, California 19 years experience 53k which is on the low side for the region because it’s non-profit but makes up for it with outstanding benefits that are largely unheard of in corporate — medical, dental, vision, 403b matching at 1.5%, 18 days of paid holidays, 2 weeks per year vacations accrues up to maximum of 384 hours (48 days), 2 weeks per year sick days accrues up to 480 hours (60 days), education reimbursement for continuing education, gym reimbursement and additional wellness incentive bonuses with regular exercise, and rideshare/public transportation reimbursement. And if an employee is really adventurous, they can volunteer to be a patient for our medical and physical therapy students for free (muhahahahaha) under the supervision of a licensed faculty member of course.
Graphic Designer -- non-profit education* January 10, 2017 at 2:06 pm I guess I can add that I have a Mailpiece Design Professional certification since a good bit of what I do needs to follow the US Post Office regulations, and they try to make that as confusing and arduous as possible and then change it as often as they can.
Senior Graphic Designer* January 10, 2017 at 12:49 pm Self-employed graphic designer living in Portland, OR with 9 years experience here, earning about 95K. 99.9% of my work is through a small agency so I have very steady income, but as I’m not an employee my salary takes a big hit after I pay self-employment taxes and for all my equipment/software, health insurance, self-paid sick/vacation days, retirement, plus a whopping accountant fee every year. Benefits? None, really, except that introvert me gets to work from home in comfortable clothes, the agency I do work with handles all the paperwork and billing headaches and client recruitment, and I really enjoy my job.
Senior Graphic Designer* January 10, 2017 at 12:58 pm Dang it, forgot to add to I work primarily on print projects (brochures, ads, flyers, environmental graphics) for the healthcare sector, but occasionally work on smaller WordPress sites and a smattering of email marketing. We often do the copywriting for clients. I also help give creative direction to a few other junior designers we work with and assist in writing estimates and proposals.
Senior Graphic Designer* January 10, 2017 at 1:54 pm SGD for a cosmetics company in NYC. I work on both print and digital and work on a wide variety of projects: in-store visuals, marketing collateral, displays, ads, eblasts, banner ads, social media posts, etc. I have a BFA from a prestigious art school (still paying it off) and have been working for 10+ years as a designer. My salary is 80K plus bonus and benefits, been here 3 years and started at 73K. Salary is on the low end but benefits are amazing: full medical (literally everything is covered), retirement w/matching, PTO, all sorts of other included benefits really too much to name – we even have pet insurance – and we get cost of living raises every year. Work/life balance is really great too (no late nights ever, which is kind of unheard-of). Downside is the work itself is really boring, and interesting work is what I live for. I’m thinking of switching back to agency work (but may kick myself when I’m working 65-hour weeks) or possibly back to freelance.
Senior Graphic Designer (from above in PDX)* January 10, 2017 at 2:40 pm Would you mind listing what school you went to? I got a wonderful education getting my BFA at a private art school, but I have to be honest, literally no one has ever cared about where I went to school when it comes to hiring! (My college has a great reputation in the region, but it’s not well known nationwide, so it’s definitely not prestigious.) Do you find that having more name recognition has been worth the cost in terms of opportunity?
Senior Graphic Designer* January 10, 2017 at 3:10 pm I went to Parsons. For me the name definitely opened tons of doors and I would go so far as to say most jobs/clients I’ve had wouldn’t even consider hiring someone without a comparable level of education, particularly when starting out. However I’m a number of years out of school and not sure it would still be worth it today given the dramatic changes in the industry and the “business of education.” Parsons has grown an enormous amount since I went there (and the school was more than happy to rake in the extra tuition and build up its real estate holdings etc) and I seriously doubt that all those many, many grads are going to get jobs. Not everyone I went to school with wound up working in the field and it wasn’t quite as competitive when I was starting out. Did you go to PNCA? I always thought of it as a good school, though more fine-art focused.
Senior Graphic Designer (from above in PDX)* January 11, 2017 at 8:28 pm I went to another small art school but it was in another region. It’s small enough that I’m going to avoid naming even the region! That’s wonderful that it gave you opportunities, I wouldn’t go back and do anything differently but I’ve certainly wondered about the path not taken! When I asked the question, I was thinking about a job that I left to work for myself shortly after I found out that a male designer who went to a for-profit, 2-year school was making $20k/year more than I was (same job title/responsibilities but several years less experience and not well liked). I was only out of school for a few years and after he told me he didn’t negotiate for that salary it just made my education seem kind of worthless.
Graphic Designer (Freelance, full time)* January 10, 2017 at 1:13 pm Graphic Designer for print and web. Colorado (Northern Colorado, 30 miles from Denver and Boulder). Experience in field: 20 years. Running my own business for 8 years. Pay: $90,000/year after business expenses (varies since I am freelance). Benefits: None! I pay for it all out of pocket (the downside to being self-employed).
Graphic Designer (Freelance, full time)* January 10, 2017 at 1:17 pm Adding because another designer mentioned it: I also do Packaging Design for food companies. Not much different than other types of print design but it helps to have an understanding of the regulations for food packaging.
The Toronto graphic designer above* January 10, 2017 at 2:42 pm Hope you don’t mind me asking, but how did you find the transition to running your own business? Now that I’ve been working for about 10~ years, I’ve been thinking a lot about what my future looks like. Where do I want to be as a 45 y-o designer? A 55 y-o designer? Going on my own sounds like it would have a lot of perks, but also be pretty scary.
Senior Graphic Designer* January 10, 2017 at 2:16 pm Your job: I work with the Art Director for two niche publication magazines, each published bi-monthly, offset (so we publish every month). Mostly layout, but also photoshoot styling, web-related advertising, eBooks and one-off publications, designs to be published for our subscribers, patterns for the same, pre-press and coordination. Your geographic area: Denver Metro Your years of experience: 5 Your salary: $42k anything else pertinent to put that number in context: I left a job that was giving me an anxiety disorder last year and took a pay cut, in order to take on a job in my field where I feel I will be able to stay around much longer. My jobs since leaving college have been of the 1+/2 year range so I haven’t gotten many raises over that time.
Graphic Designer* January 10, 2017 at 10:42 pm Graphic designer for the sales team of an ecommerce fulfillment company — I design sales proposals to try to win new clients Suburb outside of Philadelphia 10 years $55K/year Can work from home, have a great boss and co-workers, benefits package (PTO, health, dental, vision, we even get pet insurance at discounted rates)
Graphic Designer* January 14, 2017 at 1:09 pm My job: Mid-level graphic designer at a small (around 30 employees) direct mail firm. I layout new direct mail packages (envelopes, letters, response devices (mostly form stuff) and the occasional exciting insert. You know those mailings you get with labels in them to entice you to donate? I design those labels! (And everything else in the package). I also design emails, facebook/twitter/banner ads and the occasional donation landing page. I’m in a middle position – I have a direct manager who is the Art Director and am supervising/training a new hire though I don’t have any power regarding her salary, hours, etc. I just tell her what to do and tell my boss when I want her to come in. My geographic area: Washington DC Years of experience: 8 Salary: 65k with an annual bonus of around 8-10% every year. 25 days PTO/year, 401k match of 5% and the company occasionally gives us a random surprise day off or 100+ gift card. Plus I have an office with a door that actually closes! Pertinent Info: I took two years off in the middle of my career to start my own freelance business. It was getting to a successful place but I realized that I love having health insurance and the freedom to have a day off without thinking of how much money I’m losing.
System Support Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 11:10 am System Support Analyst – government Implement/support all IT initiatives, break/fix as needed, project management as needed Missouri Experience: 8 years in user support 9 months in current position 45,500/year
I.T. Helpdesk Coordinator* January 11, 2017 at 10:17 am Helpdesk Coordinator Oversee day-to-day activities of a team of technical consultants. Dispatcher (though I hate being called that!), project management as needed, team lead/coach/mentor, liaison between staff & management. Detroit Metro, MI, USA 8 years experience 2.5 yrs at current position $45k/year, 80 hours PTO, full-time work from home, contributions toward life insurance, vision/dental/health insurance
Senior Meeting and Event Planner/Events Project Management* January 10, 2017 at 11:10 am Plan meetings and events (20-30 per year, one day or multi-day, for 25 to 75 attendees per) for a software company RTP, NC 15 years experience $84 K Salary may seem high for my field, but career stalled/no promotions for many years under a horrible manager, but did receive modest raises each year as all company employees do. I think I would be making more money but also have a higher job title (probably manager) if I had worked under someone else.
VP of events and conferences* January 10, 2017 at 12:04 pm Plan conferences, events dinners etc for an international Retail Bank NYC 20+ years 2.5 at this bank $107,000 plus 5 weeks vacation/sick days
Corporate Event Planner* January 10, 2017 at 1:00 pm I plan about 50 meetings/events each year for a Fortune 500 Company. They range from small internal dinners to multi-day conferences for the top executives of my company. Most events are local (NYC), but I plan some out-of-state and international events as well. I have 8-10 years of event planning experience in general, but most of my experience was in the non-profit/academia field, so my corporate experience was less than 2 years before I started this job. I think that hurt me when getting offers, as I received a few and they were all within the same range. $73K, including what I’ll just refer to as bonuses.
Student* January 10, 2017 at 4:59 pm If I may ask: Do you event planning people have a degree in event management or related?
Senior Meeting and Event Planner/Events Project Management* January 12, 2017 at 4:24 pm No degree in Event Management for me. (I kind of fell into this field, starting as an admin. and found I had great knack for project management and organizing complex events with lots of logistical details.) I do have a Bachelor’s Degree. Most of the job openings for similar jobs ask for a Bachelor’s in Business, Marketing, etc. However, if you have a background/degree in another field all is not lost. For example, I recently saw a job opening for a corporate event planner for a bank and they strongly emphasized that they wanted a candidate who also have finance industry experience. I personally haven’t found that having industry knowledge (which can always be learned) is a requirement to doing the job, but when it comes to hiring, that can be what puts you over the edge if you have that + event planning experience. Besides Business and Marketing, I would recommend coursework (and possibly eventual certification if you want to go that route) in Project Management or the CMP/Certified Meeting Professional. Take a look at MPI or PCMA for lots of resources. If you are flexible about where you will live, I’d HIGHLY recommend the greater DC area for the availability of jobs (although be sure to factor in the cost of living too). Lastly, so much of this job is “building your toolkit”/having something go wrong but then figuring out how to recover that experience on the job is probably more important than your degree. Even if you have to start out as an “Event Assistant” or “Event Coordinator” to get it- that experience is invaluable. Good Luck!
Communications Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:10 am I’m the only full-time communications staffer at a small human rights nonprofit. This is a recent promotion, and there is no one below me except for part-time interns, so I’m still responsible for all the implementation I did as the comms associate, as well as the big picture strategic stuff. I manage our website, our email, our digital strategy, our online marketing, our PR (with the help of a firm), our print materials … everything. NYC Five years working experience, just got this promotion. At this org for 17 months. $50,000 Benefits are pretty solid – employer fully covers health insurance deductible, 4 weeks vacation + sick days + personal days + we’re closed Christmas to New Years. Flexible schedule and able to work from home as needed. But our 403b has no employer contribution and they’re talking about ending that benefit.
Another Communications Manager* January 10, 2017 at 12:17 pm I’m also a nonprofit communications manager (manager in the sense of program management, I only loosely manage a couple part time people in an unofficial capacity). Tiny health care nonprofit, same duties as poster above. Philadelphia area 16 years experience, but am rebuilding my place after taking a large step back when my kids were born. $43,000/ 32 hours a week. (so roughly equivalent to $52K if I worked 40 hours)
Communications Manager (DC metro)* January 12, 2017 at 10:15 am I’m a Communications Manager working for a small, privately-owned consumer service/tech company. I’ve been with the company three years and my role has evolved a lot, but I currently manage and develop all internal communications (newsletter, email, social, digital signage, even comms, print collateral) and serve as a strategic communications partner for internal-facing teams (hr, it, etc), as well as dept heads for dept-specific comms. Washington, DC Metro 8 years experience (3 here, 5 at a PR agency) $61,100 base plus 10% annual bonus (can be more based on performance)
Lead Copywriter & Content Manager* January 10, 2017 at 12:35 pm Similar situation, so adding to this thread. Job: lead content writer at a smallish nonprofit (70 FTE), overseeing email communications, digital/social, website, blogging, etc. Location: Philadelphia suburbs (live in the city, work in the burbs) Salary: $48,000 Experience: 3 years Context: This is my first job. I started as an intern 3.5 years ago, then transitioned into a full-time position with a lower title for $35k. Have been lucky/persistent enough to get a raise in salary and title each year ($35k -> $40k -> $44k -> $48k). Last raise was in response to new overtime rules, but I have been promised it won’t be rescinded.
Yet Another Communications Manager* January 10, 2017 at 1:12 pm I’m also at a nonprofit with similar duties to the user above me. Atlanta With my current org for three years, promoted from a different position. I’ve been working full-time in the communications field for seven years, and prior to that, I had internships and other part-time experience. $55,000 Benefits are excellent: health, dental, vision; employer-matched 403(b) (nonprofit version of 401k); good vacation policies; flex scheduling; tuition assistance for degree-seeking staff; an emergency assistance fund for staff who fall into dire circumstances. Also, my bosses are very supportive of my professional development goals.
Communications & Technology (non-profit)* January 10, 2017 at 1:49 pm I’m a department of one for a moderate sized church and school. I take care of all of our communication pieces (social media, websites, app, newsletters, etc.) I also work with the school board and volunteer groups on special events and development. Additionally, I do all of the A/V for our Sunday worship services, handle helpdesk type IT issues for staff, and help make decisions about the technology maintenance/improvement plan. Basically they took all the jobs that weren’t getting done and glommed them together to make one full time position. Geographic area: Midwest/Great Lakes Years of experience: 4 in current role, longer experience at various pieces Salary: $48,000 Solid benefits including 8% retirement contribution (not matching, doesn’t vest until 5 year mark). Access to limited professional development funds (tuition assistance, conferences, etc.) Some flexibility/WFH as long as tasks are being completed on time plus reasonable vacation/PTO policies and holidays.
Assistant Vice President, Marketing and Communications* January 10, 2017 at 1:49 pm Chicago Nine years of working experience $125,0000 (including bonus compensation) I lead global marketing and communications efforts for a financial services firm, including writing/editing copy, managing brand standards, writing proposals, running our website content, and building the firm’s profile globally.
Vice President of Communications* January 10, 2017 at 2:17 pm NYC 15 years (omg) experience $200,000 (including bonus, which varies each year, so this is an estimate) Decent benefits, solid vacation, unlimited sick days, excellent maternity leave.
Potential Head of Global Marketing* January 15, 2017 at 9:21 am VP Of Comms and Assistant VP of Marcomms, Would you be kind enough to offer me some insight? I’m in final stages of interviewing for a Head of Global Marketing position with a fintech firm and they are pushing me to quote my salary and performance bonus before the final meeting with the CEO. In my current job, I answer directly to the head of marketing so this would be my proverbial “key to the executive washroom” step up. I did my research on salaries in the region they want me to relocate to and found a 60k range! I’m struggling with this since they have not disclosed their salary structure or range for the position, any perquisites or benefits, etc. Also, I’ve never had to negotiate performance bonus since in my current and previous roles this was already outlined in tiers for non-executive roles. Any advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated. I’m happy to share relevant specifics (like number of subordinates managed, company size, annual budget at my full discretion) in private email. Many thanks in advance!
Another Non-Profit Communications Manager* January 10, 2017 at 3:54 pm I’m the only communications staff at a small non-profit. I do everything. Toronto, Canada 5 years, about 1.5 years here. $55,000 CAD. Benefits middling. A few months ago I insisted on a title change and small raise, after I covered many of my Director’s duties during a mat leave from which she didn’t return. They restructured so as not to replace her, “promoting” me and hiring another manger to cover the other half of her job. I have a Master’s degree.
Employee Comms Manager* January 12, 2017 at 12:34 am Internal communications for a branch of large global company. Weekly newsletter, (writing, design, and analytics) managing a video team of >5 people, creating social media strategy/content, refreshing design/written content on our external website, graphic design (web and print), designing internal comms campaigns. Area: NYC Experience: four years of freelance, one in a higher education comms department, and four in my current role. Pay: 63K plus up to 10% bonus Pay is great, even if the hours sometimes get crazy. Management has a tendency to request the unreasonable but no one is mean about it. The people being nice and generally professional is a plus. Benefits are less than stellar. Two weeks vacation and almost no tuition reimbursement. Fairly standard 401k and above average health benefits.
Instructor* January 10, 2017 at 11:10 am – Teach diploma / degree courses in business – Calgary, AB – 2 years’ experience + 17 years of business experience – CAD$92,016 – MBA & PMP
PM* January 10, 2017 at 11:11 am Software Engineering Project Manager 3 years experience in that role. 7 years as a software engineer beforehand. South West England £38,000
Clinical Research Coordinator* January 10, 2017 at 11:11 am I work with pharmaceutical drug data: collection, entry, reporting safety concerns, ensuring accurate documentation, mentor newer employees, and a bunch of other random stuff. Saint Louis, Missouri 5.5 years $52,500 salary
Clinical Research Associate* January 10, 2017 at 7:47 pm –med device drug data– collection, data entry, etc like above – Portsmouth, NH – 2 years experience – $42,000 – I am underpaid for my region/role because I was promoted internally
Clinical Research Coordinator* January 11, 2017 at 10:26 am San Diego, CA 5 years experience $62,000 salary
Development Director* January 10, 2017 at 11:11 am Development Director of a one-person school fundraising office, school of ~400 students. Annual fund, event planning, alumni relations. Austin, TX 7 years experience $60K
Assistant Director for Development* January 10, 2017 at 11:22 am Gift officer for a research area at a state university. Unlike most university gift officers, I oversee all fundraising efforts (major gifts, grant writing, annual fund), though I am able to work with our Central Development team. Austin, Tx 10 years $65K (I took a pay cut to move to Texas, and took this job in particular for the state employee benefits like free health care, significant time off, comp time for salaried employees, and 6.5% contributed to my retirement account by the university.)
(another) Director of Development* January 10, 2017 at 12:05 pm Director of Development for a medium-size nonprofit. Primary responsibilities include: capital campaign, program grants, social media management, and volunteer recruitment. Tulsa, Oklahoma 9 years of fundraising experience $65,000
Development Director* January 10, 2017 at 12:18 pm Development Director for a 5 person nonprofit, I am a team of 1. Building development plan from scratch, major donor relations, annual fund, event planning, grant writing, corporate outreach. Boston, MA 5 years experience $63K – I took a paycut from $67,500 when I was working as the Development Manager for an extremely dysfunctional organization. I also do not receive healthcare or any retirement benefits with this job, but my old job was causing an extreme amount of mental distress and I am very passionate about this cause.
Development Sr Associate Director* January 10, 2017 at 12:21 pm *Central donation processing for large private University (online, credit card, mailed donations, pledges) for all areas of this higher education institution (ugrad, grad, law, medical, veterinary, dental, museums, etc.) *Philadelphia, PA *20+ years of Accounts Receivable experience (revenue lifecycle, all payment type processing, system implementation, process improvement/re-engineering) *$75,000.00 *403b match, transit discount, tuition benefit (at this institution and 40% of this institution’s tuition & fees at other colleges for dependents); extensive time off
Assistant Director (Development)* January 10, 2017 at 12:33 pm Manage a team within a larger development department in a large/mid-size nonprofit. Northeast 20 years experience $95K, reasonable benefits
Associate Director of Development* January 10, 2017 at 1:02 pm I oversee direct marketing, donor services, communications and public relations for the local office of a very large non-profit organization. Large City in Texas 10 years of experience, 5 directly related to fundraising $75,000
Public Accounting Clerk* January 10, 2017 at 11:12 am Job: Bookkeeping for clients, preparing financial statements, answering client inquiries, administrative duties Area: Northern Ontario, Canada Experience: 2 years Salary: $36,920
Executive Director/CEO* January 10, 2017 at 11:13 am Upper Midwest, small town, almost a decade on the job.
Executive Director* January 10, 2017 at 12:15 pm Small, region nonprofit $60,000 plus up to 10% performance bonus $300/monthly stipend for health care 4 weeks vacation
Nonprofit Exec Director* January 10, 2017 at 2:48 pm Small, new nonprofit (though affiliate of large national org). Super rural midwest. $40,000 per month. No benefits. 3 weeks of vacation, and I had to fight for that. I supervise 2 part time staff and 2 interns. I have 2 master’s degrees (MSW + MDiv) and 1 year of relevant experience.
Anna* January 11, 2017 at 11:47 am Wait, is this a typo? $40,000 PER MONTH? If you work a year, that adds up to almost half a million dollars. And living in the rural midwest, I imagine you have a super low COL. Go you!
Marketing Consultant* January 10, 2017 at 11:12 am I work in corporate marketing/communications. My job until recently was creating materials for our sales executives. Midwest, 10 years of experiences, $69,000/annually with no bonuses or additional compensation – have been working for corporations for the last several years and made a lot more money than when I worked at a non-profit and on the agency side, where I started my career
Marketing Consultant* January 10, 2017 at 11:13 am Also, good employer match on the 401K (6%) and I work from home full-time, only going into the office once a month or so
Marketing Associate* January 10, 2017 at 11:12 am I handle all administrative and marketing tasks for a recruiting firm including website management, database organization and management, social media management, content creation, metrics tracking, resume writing, some light recruiting work (candidate sourcing, internet research etc), and office management/operational tasks like answering phones, ordering office supplies, etc. I work in southern Maine. Been in this position 1 year, with a total of 7 years professional work experience. My base salary is $40,ooo annually (salaried) with a profit sharing option that in 2016 amounted to an additional $7k in income.
Another Marketing Associate* January 10, 2017 at 7:21 pm I update forms and applications, create brochures and fliers, help write and copyedit materials, proof direct mailings before they go out, create and deploy emails. This is for a small TPA Insurance company. NYC Metro area 1 year here full time, before that freelanced and had P/T jobs in marketing for about 4 years. (Also took some time off when I had kids, and switched careers from one I had been at for about 10 years) Have BA and Masters degree in a related field. Salary: $43 k. Benefits: 3 weeks PTO, Safe Harbor 401k contribution after 1 year. No medical insurance, or bonus.
Marketing manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:12 am I work with engineers (both mechanical and software) in R&D to define the customer benefits of new products. I create the marketing message, write marketing materials to send to marketing communications for use in customer brochures, write the internal release notes for the software, write copy for the company website, and produce videos highlighting new products and their benefits. I have developed many new methods of reaching the internal audience of the company to inform them about new products, including various marketing pieces, a regular newsletter, and announcements for the company internal TV. In addition, I set up and maintain the R&D sharepoint site, developing a managed metadata structure and a product taxonomy that makes it faster and easier to find information, I have improved access to current technical documentation (by using the managed metadata and image maps of the product taxonomy), and I do market research. I live in Milwaukee. I have over 20 years of corporate work experience. I have an MBA from a top-20 school. I make $89K a year and am not on bonus. In my former job, I made $101K with 20% bonus in state where there was no state income tax. (Wisconsin’s is about 6%.) I was laid off from that job in 2005 and did not go back to work until 2012, when I found a job at $51K, which is less than I made in 1988, even though the new job required the MBA and the experience I had gotten since 1988. It’s kind of depressing.
Contracts Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 12:59 pm Hi there (waves) I was making $160k doing contract negotiations in oil and gas until mid-2016… and I am now making $70k doing the same job in healthcare. I feel your pain!
Marketing Manager too* January 10, 2017 at 1:42 pm Job: Strategic Marketing – developing marketing plans and strategy, market research, tradeshows, marketing campaigns, etc. Area: Philly Suburbs Experience: 9 years Salary: $80,000/ year – 22 days PTO
Product Marketing Manager* January 10, 2017 at 5:13 pm Job: Product Marketing Manager B to B Enterprise Software Area- Los Angeles Experience: 15 Years Salary: $130,000, 3 Weeks vacay (that I can never actually take), 8 Holidays, 8 Sick days, Good insurance, 401K Education: 4 Years University, no degree
Director of Inbound Marketing* January 15, 2017 at 8:41 am Job: Inbound marketing for a 15-person digital marketing agency – I manage a small team of 2. My team is responsible for all inbound marketing/marketing automation projects and initiatives for our clients, and I am personally also responsible for leading the team responsible for our agency’s marketing efforts. Area: Cleveland, Ohio Experience: 9 years (holy sh*t I’m old) Salary: $75,000/annually + small bonuses, depending on our profitability. Great benefits with flex time and the ability to work from home often (just had a kid and have another on the way, so this is a huge perk for me). I accrue 13 hours of PTO per month. I was previously a Senior Account Executive prior to this promotion, for 2.5 years or so, making a little more than $60K. That role put me as the primary liaison between clients and the agency.
Director of Marketing* January 18, 2017 at 10:22 pm At a ski and golf resort in the Midwest 6 yrs direct experience in marketing and communication $65k base annual salary with $13k annual bonus based on goals being met Decent PTO policy and benefits Best part of the job is marketing fun things – people having a great time on vacation.
Project Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:12 am –> Project Manager in Telecom –> Focus on Supply Chain & Systems Automation –> Colorado –> 15 years experience (broad base, jack-of-all-trades re finance, accounting, IT/systems, Sales, Operations, Telecom, Network, etc. focus in Supply Chain) –> Been in this job 4 years –> $101K/year plus pretty great benefits.
Project Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:18 am Have my BA from a top university in the field, work is paying for my PMP.
Project Manager* January 11, 2017 at 1:37 pm PM in IT 10 years of experience (all PM, was a developer for 3 years prior to that) $97,000 +10% bonus Minneapolis
Bank Secrecy Act Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:12 am Job: Bank Secrecy Act Manager Geographic Area: Northeast–CT Experience: 17 years of banking experience Salary: $86,000 Started as a teller and worked my way up to head of Operations over 14 years, all at one bank. At that bank I did compliance, IT, network administration, deposit operations, was BSA Officer and Information Security Officer, even did some loan operations (against my will) and helped with some accounting tasks. Was a risk manager at the next place (hated it!) and now I’m a BSA manager. I have 5 direct reports in the BSA department and I report to the BSA officer. I count all my years in banking as experience for this job, because BSA starts at the teller line.
Bank Secrecy Act Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:14 am Forgot to say I’ve been at the current company for two years and started as the BSA manager.
Bank Secrecy Act Manager* January 10, 2017 at 12:18 pm Apparently I can’t follow directions today. I should have added that my job entails, in a nutshell, looking for bad people and people doing shady things: money launderers, terrorists, human traffickers, tax evaders, people trying to avoid reporting of certain cash transactions to the government, stuff like that. I manage the department. I’m doing a lot of the stuff my direct reports do, but I’m also doing the bigger picture-type stuff, like making policy/procedure changes, assessing the bank’s risk for money laundering, and dealing with the auditors and bank examiners.
Names Are Hard* January 10, 2017 at 1:06 pm BSA Officer and Deposit Compliance Geographic Area: Greater Washington DC Experience: 5 years of Banking Salary: 85,000 Started in human resources, moved to accounting, and worked my way over to Compliance/BSA. Help with Audits, make sure that banks are following the rules, and look for the bad guys.
Risk Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 2:21 pm Replying here since my job responsibilities are basically the same as Bank Secrecy Act Manager in addition to fraud prevention and detection. I am the most tenured employee of 3 doing the same job under a manager and at a credit union approximating $1 billion in assets. Geographic Area: Denver Experience: 1 year in current role, 2 years as Assistant Risk Analyst, and 1.5 years before that as a Teller. I majored in English as an undergrad and am just now going back to school for a MS in Financial Crime. Salary: $52,000.00 plus 401k matching.
HR Generalist* January 10, 2017 at 11:13 am HR Generalist @ not-for profit, approx. 250 employees Central Massachusetts 11 years of experience $50,000 annually Extra info: Decent benefits package, excellent time off benefits
(also) HR Generalist* January 10, 2017 at 11:44 am HR Generalist – private sector, professional services firm Responsibile for recruiting, compliance, training and compensation Metro SE US 10 years experience $80,000 annually
HR Generalist/Partner* January 10, 2017 at 1:07 pm HR Generalist/Partner – private sector, US sales division, $2B international company Performance, benefits, partnership for sales/marketing departments Metro Midwest US 11 years experience (SPHR, SHRM-SCP, pursuing CEBS) $81k annually + 10-30% bonus potential 3 wks. PTO, 10 holidays, cell phone, 4% 401(k) match, free onsite clinic/fitness center 10% travel
HR Director* January 10, 2017 at 1:18 pm Public corporation Southeast US 20+ years experience $190,000 annually plus ~30% bonus and ~30% stock
Sr HR Manager/Generalist* January 10, 2017 at 1:44 pm Sr HR Generalist/Partner Software industry, Corporate Office North Texas 7 years experience, Master Degree and PHR $128,000 annually
HR Manager/Generalist* January 10, 2017 at 1:53 pm HR Manager (“Seat-at-the-table” level) Public agency Central California 25+ years experience $97,000 annually
HR Manager* January 10, 2017 at 4:05 pm HR Manager. (1 person HR dept), small (about 60 people) public/governmental agency. Texas. Currently make $67,000 but will be making $90,000 as a result of a recent in-depth compensation/salary study.
HR Generalist* January 10, 2017 at 2:01 pm HR Generalist, 60 person company. Benefits/payroll administration, performance management. No recruiting or training/development. Upper midwest 8 years experience (B.S. in an unrelated field, no professional certs) $64,000
HR Generalist* January 10, 2017 at 2:03 pm I should add that I have up to 10% bonus potential annually. Last year it was 7.5%
(another) Sr HR Generalist* January 10, 2017 at 2:24 pm Work for a global corporation with $40+B revenue in multiple industries Responsible for strategic business partnering, employee relations, staffing, compensation, OD, etc. currently in UK, previously in US (southwest, midwest, east coast) 5 years experience (no certifications, but MBA in human resource management) UK Salary: 57,000 pounds sterling (no bonus) US Salary: $85,000 (No bonus) Other info: 15-20% travel in UK, 5% travel in US. In other companies, my role would probably be titled HR Business Partner or HR Manager
Sr HR Business Partner* January 10, 2017 at 2:33 pm Sr HR Business Partner – City Government Denver,COish 10 years experience, Bachelors degree, SHRM-CP & PHR Certification $67,500 annually Good time off and retirement plan. Medical benefits are pretty meh.
HR Generalist* January 10, 2017 at 8:42 pm HR Generalist at retail organization Chicago 4 years experience $67,500
Employee Relations Advisor* January 10, 2017 at 10:04 pm Retail Toronto, ON 1 year of experience + masters degree 60,000 a year
Employee Relations Specialist* January 12, 2017 at 11:33 am Employee Relations Specialist Large Non-profit Phoenix, Arizona $65,000 7 years HR experience, bachelors degree in psych
Human Resources Specialist Gov't* January 11, 2017 at 9:38 am HR Specialist (lateral movement to big government from Snr. HR Generalist/HR Manager roles) Washington, D.C. Four years of experience (plus MS in HR and two years of intern/volunteer/full-time temp work. Yet to pick a side in PHR vs SHRM-CP) $82,000/year (DC-based federal cost of living/locality adjustment) Benefits and Perks: Extra PTO and cash for required travel. No bonus; or maybe? Poor communication. Public transit costs of up to $255/month are covered. Five percent retirement match with vesting and additional mandatory retirement contribution for separate account; 80% of health insurance is covered; in addition to federal holidays, PTO is 3-4 weeks annually. Teleworking and flex schedules are encouraged. *Special thanks to all of the HR Directors and Execs for sharing
Human Resource Analyst* January 11, 2017 at 4:51 pm Main HR contact for office of about 60 people. Basically an HR-generalist role; heavy recruiting/scheduling (all onsites, interviews)/interviewing, manage immigration process for visa sponsorships/applications, manage on-boarding process, maintain employee files, print and ensure counter-execution of employee contracts, develop and run training sessions as needed, work with exec management to handle terminations and employee issues, run background checks, enroll new hires in ADP, answer employee benefits questions, and assist with international relocations. Hired originally to assist mainly with recruiting and minor HR-tasks, after a few months was asked to take over majority of HR duties from Director of Biz Dev/Recruiting. Besides him, I am the only HR person. Only 10 months of experience; worked in an admin capacity for a hedge fund for 10 months previously (hated it). 2015 college grad with BA in Literature. Salary: 55k with bonus TBD, up to 20k but likely less as I haven’t been here the full year. Area: Manhattan, NYC – tech-focused hedge fund
HR Lady* January 13, 2017 at 12:35 am HR Manager for a private global company Melbourne, Australia 9 yrs experience 90,000 AUD annually, 5% bonus potential, cell phone Before Australia I was in NYC as an HR Advisor making 45,000 USD at a major investment bank.
Development and Database Coordinator* January 10, 2017 at 11:13 am –I am an entry-level development person at a small nonprofit; I process gifts and acknowledgements, execute mailings, and support events, plus do email marketing and communications. –Boston –1 year previous post-college experience but in a different field; I am 5 months into this job. –I make $16/hr with guaranteed at least 40 hours a week and get overtime for anything beyond that. So at least $33,280, but in practice closer to $35,000. –I have been promised a raise in March but am not sure how much yet–would love advice on how much to try for! (Is $20 too much to ask for?)
Art Collection Registrar* January 10, 2017 at 11:13 am Job: I am in charge of collection management and maintenance and logistics (I make the trains run on time!) for a large corporate art collection Geographic area: Northeast US Years of experience: Almost 20, and a Master’s Degree Salary: $69,000 – very few complaints here (although obviously more is always better). Since I work for a corporation and not a museum, I am better paid than most people in my field, and with much better benefits.
Art Collection Registrar* January 10, 2017 at 2:34 pm Art galleries, auction houses, and small museums! I definitely prefer a museum environment.
Program Associate* January 10, 2017 at 11:13 am Job: I am a junior staffer on a leadership development program. My boss, and two other more senior people, facilitate the actual program. I’m responsible, on paper, for recruitment, communications, and alumni support. Not in my job description, but nevertheless expected of me, is alumni fundraising and most of our grant writing and reporting. Geographic Area: Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA Years of Experience: 13 years in nonprofit program management/post-graduate school. Salary: $53,000 An important note: My and salary are not the norm for my level of experience, so don’t be scared off. My organization pays fairly. I intentionally took a step back after having much higher-level roles, because I wanted work that was less time-demanding and stressful. My last role was was at a director level at a different organization, making $78,000/year.
Software Engineer* January 10, 2017 at 11:14 am (mid-to-senior, big tech company. I have reason to think my base salary is on the high side for my company and experience.) your job: Writing backend software your geographic area: Denver your years of experience: 8 years your salary: $130,000 plus bonus plus equity = ~$180,000
Software Engineering Manager* January 10, 2017 at 12:33 pm That might be a little on the high side, but not grossly out of line. I live in a metro that costs about 87% of yours, and my base was $117,000 when I left dev for management.
Software Engineer* January 10, 2017 at 12:55 pm My particular company has low base salaries and makes up for them via equity grants. I think it all comes out in the wash, as I suspect my equity grants and raise schedule are on the lower end :P
Software UI Engineer* January 10, 2017 at 3:33 pm (mid) your job: front-end web development / web application development your geographic area: Austin your years of experience: 10 total, 2 in my current role your salary: $110,000 + bonuses == $130,000
Software Engineer* January 10, 2017 at 4:55 pm Your Job: Full-stack leaning towards backend, main programming languages are C#, jQuery, SQL, minor knowledge of AngularJS. In my time at this company I’ve worked on front-end page reskins and major feature developments, including doing the technical design work. I wouldn’t say I’m an expert in any particular area of code, but I’m a very solid engineer who can be trusted to do quality work on a wide variety of projects. I’m one of the more senior engineers (in terms of having worked here longest) at this company, so I have a wide base of knowledge of the our specific systems as well. Area: Bay Area Years Experience: 6 Salary: 120k Other: Good health/dental/vision insurance, I think they do some sort of 401k matching but it isn’t much. We technically have unlimited vacation days, but since the previous policy was three weeks, that’s what I try to stick to. Flexibility in terms of work hours and work-from-home.
Software Engineer* January 10, 2017 at 4:57 pm Argh, I should add my job is also web development / web application development.
Software Engineer* January 10, 2017 at 7:00 pm Junior Javascript app programmer Boulder, CO 5 years (2 at current company) $80,000 plus bonuses; was $70,000 when I started I am trying for a promotion this year to a mid level and hoping to leave junior status behind.
Another software engineer* January 11, 2017 at 5:06 pm Good luck! 5 years’ experience sounds solidly mid-level to me.
Software engineer* January 11, 2017 at 1:32 pm Software engineer, small company, Washington DC, govt contractor. $80,000. No bonus or equity. C/C++. 8 years experience. Female.
Software Engineer* January 11, 2017 at 6:15 pm Job: Software Engineer Area: Silicon Valley Experience: 10 years Salary: $140,000 plus stock and bonuses worth an extra $50k at least per year.
Software engineer* January 13, 2017 at 11:30 am Your job: Frontend developer at a multinational tech company Your geographic area: Colorado Your years of experience: 8 years, 2.5 years at this company Your salary: ~$110,000 (~$215,000 after bonus and equity) Good medical/dental/vision/life insurance, 401k matching, vacation, unlimited sick time, etc.
Software Engineer* January 13, 2017 at 9:03 pm Senior Level for a consulting co. Job: Full Stack Developer and tech lead on a variety of projects and technologies Geographic Area: San Francisco Years of Experience: 20+ Salary: $155K
Jr. Software Engineer* January 31, 2017 at 7:19 pm Job: Jr. Software Engineer at a web-dev consulting firm. People hire us to do web consulting work and build their websites/webapps for them. All Javascript work, with some CSS/UI. Primarily using React. I lean towards the front-end, but other people with my title lean towards the back-end. Geographic area: Seattle Years of Experience: Just over 1 Salary: $90k Notes: I also get free, ‘platinum’ health insurance, 25 days PTO/holiday, unlimited sick time, and unlimited WFH/flex schedule. I really lucked out. Would probably make more at Amazon/Microsoft but not a better combined compensation package and not as good of a company culture.
Tax Staff 2 at Big 4* January 10, 2017 at 11:14 am Midwest region. $55k base. 3yrs relevant experience when joining the firm.
Environmental Scientist* January 10, 2017 at 11:14 am ◾Private contractor providing subject matter expertise and technical support to DoD installations, specializing in National Environmental Policy Act issues and general environmental regulatory compliance. Currently writing Environmental Assessments. ◾Colorado front range ◾8 ◾$72,000 ◾Hold MS degree in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; got a late start due to abortive PhD attempt that I abandoned after 5 years.
Environmental Scientist* January 10, 2017 at 11:16 am That’s probably a little low for my experience/education level and responsibilities, but my employer is fantastic and I live where I want, sooooo….
HRIS Administrator* January 10, 2017 at 11:14 am Role: Update, configure, and helpdesk for our Human Resources Information System Location: Boston, MA 2 years experience in role (4 in payroll previously) $62,000 per year B.A from liberal arts college
Human Resources Specialist* January 10, 2017 at 11:14 am Chicago, IL 4 years experience $45,000 Responsibility includes payroll – benefits – employee relations – contracts
HR Specialist* January 10, 2017 at 11:52 am Upstate NY area (2+ hrs from NYC) 6 years of experience plus MBA $40,000 Responsible for recruitment & benefits Mid-sized non-profit w/excellent benefits (fully paid health insurance), time off, 401K w/match and super flexible – was recently exempt, switched to non-exempt
Instructor* January 10, 2017 at 11:14 am I teach a nine-course load. And I should note benefits are amazing. 43 days’ vacation, generous sick leave policies, institution closed between Christmas and New Year’s.
Business Transient Coordinator* January 10, 2017 at 11:14 am job: admin to group sales / revenue; tasks vary between admin-type (data entry, client gift handling) to reservation and booking tasks area: large city in the SE US years: 7 in industry; 2 as admin salary: $31k ($15/hr) notes: hospitality industry, large hotel
Senior Administrative Assistant* January 10, 2017 at 11:14 am $45K 4 years experience out of college, DC Metro area, non-exempt position, large nonprofit Scheduling, low-level coordination, event planning, accounting coding and data entry. It’s a good salary for 35 hours/week, but does not allow for any kind of upward growth internally, or opportunities to develop skills that would prepare one for other positions.
Senior Editor* January 10, 2017 at 11:14 am I run a news department for the flagship publication of a non-profit scholarly society. Washington, DC area 10 years experience (7 as head of my department) $99K I have a PhD in my subject area of expertise (not in writing/editing, but in the field that I write about)
Senior Editor* January 10, 2017 at 11:20 am Plus employer contributions to my retirement account in the amount of 10% of my salary (regardless of what I contribute myself).
Grant Writer* January 10, 2017 at 11:14 am Currently I work as a Grant Writer in a mid-size global conservation nonprofit based in Washington DC. I have been in the position two years and have a combined total nine years experience in grantwriting and institutional fundraising. The position salary is $53,000. Honestly, the job itself is somewhat underpaid and my experience level is definitely underpaid. I accepted it quite gratefully two years ago when I needed to escape a bad work situation but they advertised for four years of experience.
Technical Program Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:15 am Technical program manager, sort of a cross between a project manager and a product manager for a small product team within a larger organization. 2 years experience as PM, 7 years work experience total Boston $67,000/year
Technical Program Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:21 am I should also mention, I have a master’s degree in an unrelated field (an MFA, actually) and my company has excellent health care benefits and a generous vacation policy.
Christian Troy* January 10, 2017 at 12:09 pm How did you get into this other field with an unrelated degree? Always curious to hear from people who have been successful at changing fields.
Technical Program Manager* January 11, 2017 at 10:05 am Total happenstance. I was working at another company in more of an admin role, and they promoted me to Product Manager because I had been taking on more and more of a technical role, then I moved laterally into my current job after about a year.
IT Program Manager* January 10, 2017 at 4:42 pm Healthcare 16 years exp SoCal $166k/year including bonus
Dana* January 10, 2017 at 11:15 am I have a seasonal job so I’ll post both my on and off-season jobs. I’m located in Montreal. My ‘real’ job: Bicycle Mechanic Years experience: 5 years + technical certificate Wage: $15/hr Winter job: bicycle food courier Years experience: 2 Commission: $4/delivery + $1/km travelled (calculated according to taxi grid). Other winter job: Warehouse picker Years experience: less than 1 Wage: $11/hr
Dana* January 10, 2017 at 11:18 am When I work year-round I generally make about $22,000/ year depending on what I do during the winter, but for the last couple of years I’ve taken significant time off to travel during the summer so I’ve made less than $10,000 for three years in a row, and this year I’ll make about $8,000 before leaving to hike the CDT
Also a Bicycle Mechanic* January 15, 2017 at 9:31 pm I work year-round in the Pacific Northwest. Years of experience: 14 Yearly income: $25,000
Psychologist (Clinical, Private Practice)* January 10, 2017 at 11:15 am Job: Therapy with children, teens, adults, and families. Average 25-30 client hours per week. Primarily reimbursed from insurance (as opposed to clients who pay cash out of pocket which is typically more lucrative than insurance reimbursement) Southeast Michigan 2 1/2 years in private practice, three years out of post doc fellowship Gross Income: 95k/year. Expenses are about 20% (not including taxes and retirement funding)
Associate Art Director* January 10, 2017 at 11:15 am Manage a team of 3 graphic designers Philadelphia area 10 years experience $84,000 + 4-8% annual bonus
Internal Auditor* January 10, 2017 at 11:15 am Internal auditor – experienced lead, health insurance industry. Not management, not management track (by choice) Chicago IL 6 years external audit, 3 years internal audit $76k USD
Internal Audit Manager* January 10, 2017 at 12:31 pm job: Head of small dept geographic area: New England, not Boston years of experience: 15+ salary: $95K + bonus, average benefits anything else pertinent to put that number in context: CPA
Audit Project Manager* January 12, 2017 at 9:39 am Audit project manager – third party consultant. Commercial real estate. 10 yr experience. Remote employee but company based in WA. $90k + 10% bonus (not every year as it is based on company performance). Great health et al. 4 weeks paid time off. Significant flexibility due to remote status.
Sales & Marketing Support* January 10, 2017 at 11:15 am Job: Sales generalist, responsibilities include managing reports, data analysis, tracking budgets for marketing programs, etc. Geographic area: Boston suburbs Years of experience: 15 years, 9 with current company Salary: $83k + bonus for achieving quota
Director of Public Relations* January 10, 2017 at 12:11 pm Job: I’m responsible for all aspects of public relations and marketing at a small religious non-profit organization, including writing and graphic design of print newsletters and brochures, website content, social media, radio spots, press releases…you name it. Because of my writing skills, I also am responsible for all of our grant writing. I currently manage 2 part-time assistants. Geographic area: Detroit suburbs Years of experience: 15, 12 with this organization Salary: $47K The salary is low, but the organization is great to work for. I can work from home (days of my choosing), or if the kids get a snow day, I can bring them into the office with me. Health insurance is also excellent. Our organization has expanded a lot over the past decade, and it’s been exciting to be a part of that growth.
Laboratory Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:15 am job – manager of analytical chemistry lab that processes both regulated samples and samples with legal implications geographic area – SF Bay Area years of experience – field 20+y / position 1y salary – $100K (plus generous employer-funded benefits)
Laboratory Manager* January 11, 2017 at 4:03 pm Yes. I have a BS in Chemistry and an MS in a specialized, related field though the latter wasn’t a requirement at my place of employment.
Laboratory Manager II* January 11, 2017 at 6:56 pm Job: I manage a biomedical research lab at a nonprofit. Location: Seattle, WA Years of experience: field 17, position 3 Salary: $64K with a negotiated flexible schedule and several employee benefits that I have not found at other places.
Performance Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 11:15 am Job: Performance Analyst, which is a glorified Sales Admin with a focus on data processing, quality assurance, and managing the dispersement and upkeep of sales training materials Location: Metro Detroit Years of experience: 10 years Salary: $18.13/hour
Performance Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 11:38 am I should say – 10 years of general admin experience, 6 years of sales admin experience, and 7 months in this particular job. I feel I am severely underpaid for my experience. I also have a Master’s Degree in Nonprofit Arts Admin, yet have never worked in it.
Editor* January 10, 2017 at 11:15 am Book editor, science and medicine. Central Europe. 15 years. Around EUR 100K tax-free depending on exchange rate (I’m paid in a different currency to the country in which I live). Graduate degree; fluent in several languages; very specialized field. (This salary is a complete anomaly and I will never earn this much again, so I’m saving like crazy.)
Healthcare Recruiter* January 10, 2017 at 11:15 am Job: In-house recruiting for a for-profit healthcare company. Recruiting for clinical positions. Area: Atlanta metro area Experience: 4 years + relevant master’s Salary: $70,000 base; bonus up to 20% Context: Bonus is largely theoretical. Benefits package is weak, so salaries are higher.
Database Administrator* January 10, 2017 at 11:16 am Oracle and MySQL DBA. Certified on multiple versions, including current. Germany. 10 years experience. Euro 63 000 / USD 67 000. Public sector = a bit underpaid, but excellent working conditions and benefits.
Director of Marketing & Communications* January 10, 2017 at 11:16 am Director of Marketing & Communications for a private high school Seattle, WA 14 years $85,000 Great work/life balance (6 weeks vacation, lots of holidays, done everyday by 4pm, etc.) and I love what I do! I oversee our website, social media accounts, publications, marketing collateral and develop strategy to increase enrollment.
Director of Marketing & Communications* January 10, 2017 at 11:20 am (14 total years of related experience but I have only been in this role at this employer for a few months)
Administrative Specialist I* January 10, 2017 at 11:16 am – I’m the assistant to an associate dean. I organize meetings, handle scholarship competitions, college wide elections, answer questions regarding policy, and act as a back-up for most of my office. I also help with data projects involving collecting information regarding admissions, scholarships given, etc. – Northeast GA – 3 years (1.5 years in this position) – $35,700 -I have a BSA and an MS, which is why I work with our data projects.
Project Manager (Software Development) | GS-13, Step 3* January 10, 2017 at 11:16 am ◾Software Development Project Manager for the US federal govt (series 2210) ◾New Orleans, LA (doesn’t actually matter ◾5-10 years experience ◾$91,537 ◾GS-13, step 3 (<– This is what influences my salary. Base pay ($79556) plus "Rest of US" locality pay = $91537 ) – — —
QA Engineer / software tester* January 10, 2017 at 11:16 am Job: QA engineer / software tester / build automation testing suites at a tech startup Location: Portland, OR (resident for 10 years; every job I’ve gotten was through social connections) Experience: 5 years testing; held many support jobs before this, and made the mistake of going to a non-tech grad program Salary: $70,000/yr. (Student loan debt: $116,000) Salary context: stock options, which are usually worthless. Two weeks of PTO which is supposed to cover sick time and vacation. They let us have the week off between Christmas and New Year’s this year, finally – so I could save PTO!
Software Test Engineer (QA)* January 10, 2017 at 4:23 pm > stock options, which are usually worthless Thank you! Former coworkers have been encouraging me to jump to the new start ups cropping up since I’m young and could be risky, but stock options in lieu of competitive salary as a concept annoys me greatly. > made the mistake of going to a non-tech grad program May I ask what program? My education is still within “STEM”, but it’s not in software engineering.
SueEllenCrandell* January 11, 2017 at 2:58 pm I find myself constantly reminding friends and younger folks I mentor that stock options don’t pay your rent – equity is nothing until it’s something. Always negotiate for a REAL, livable salary, not options in lieu of one. Those “Facebook paid him in options and he became a millionaire” are not the rule, they are the exception – and I’m saying this as someone who was fortunate enough to be part of the early core team at 2 startups that were acquired. So sure, I had generous equity that ended up amounting to something I would have not amassed otherwise on my own, but no way were these equity grants given *instead* of an actual salary. It’s also worth keeping in mind that most startups will put you on a vesting cliff schedule (makes sense from employer’s POV to keep you there and engaged, as well as prevent issues later on if you leave) and will eventually dillute whatever you’d been given when additional rounds of funding happen.
Stone Satellite* January 13, 2017 at 11:53 am Do not count on equity or bonus to pay your bills! I started off at a large company that granted equity. When I got my first equity grant, my manager seemed to think I would be totally stoked about it … but honestly, a few years’ worth of vested stock from that company is worth so little that I can’t even be bothered to call the broker and figure out how to sell (how is there no SELL button on the damn website?!?). And the bonuses and raises were of the “You should be grateful you’re still employed” sort. So thank goodness I got a livable base salary, because the rest of my compensation there was never worth much. And side note about vesting: Even very large, well-respected companies put vesting schedules on equity, it’s not just startups. It’s basically a retention + prospective performance bonus; if you stay for several years and the company performs well during that time, it can (but is not guaranteed to) add up to a lot of extra money.
Librarian* January 10, 2017 at 11:16 am Librarian I/Adult Services Librarian at a mid-sized public library Central NY 3.5 years of experience $41000
Prospect Researcher* January 10, 2017 at 11:16 am One of two researchers at a small nonprofit (<50 employees), with no one below me. Large city in rust belt 3.5 years as a Prospect Researcher, previous experience (5+ years) as a Librarian $52,000 Additional degree (MLIS)
Academic Librarian* January 10, 2017 at 11:17 am I do project management and assessment at a public research institution New England 8 years $72,000 Other info: Librarians are unionized and in the faculty union.
Document Review Attorney* January 10, 2017 at 11:17 am Job: I review documents for large/complex litigation. Geographic area: Twin Cities, MN Years of experience: 2 Salary: $22/hour
Doc Review no JD (yet!)* January 10, 2017 at 7:54 pm Actually I do doc review and I’m not an attorney and don’t have a JD. I was combing through this thread looking to see if there were any doc reviewers! Most are attorneys though, and it’s a common job for attorneys just out of law school. But at our firm we are supervised by attorneys and we go to them for any true legal issues. I mostly check for clerical errors and accuracy. I have a B.A. Salary is 27K, no benefits currently 1 year of experience
Content Producer* January 10, 2017 at 11:17 am Job: Write, edit, and produce any copy necessary (emails, publications, web copy, etc.) and manage social media for a non-profit organization. Location: Washington, D.C. Four years of experience, less than one at current job. 51K, started at 48K, plus excellent benefits and an annual bonus. From what I can tell, pay here tends to be slightly above industry average, as do annual raises.
Product Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:17 am Product Manager at an independent software company Michigan Less than 1 year in this roll, 9 years with the company $60,000
Product manager* January 10, 2017 at 3:43 pm Product manager at b2c internet/software co, with three dev teams, reports to sr director Female Utah 1-3 years experience in similar roles $72k plus unlimited pto, 401k match up to 3%, annual bonus based on company performance (5-10% is common).
Digital Marketing Program Manager - Global* January 10, 2017 at 11:17 am Develop strategy and manage all externally facing digital properties including social media, email automation, landing page builds, lead generation digital support, tracking implementation, interactive marketing, webinars, etc. No direct reports in this position, but have had up to 10 direct reports in previous positions. Southwest U.S. 9 years of experience $81,000 + avg. bonus of $8,000 annually = $89,000 a year. I also get $5,000 in tuition reimbursement and 4% 401K match.
Office Administrator* January 10, 2017 at 11:18 am Bookkeeping, payroll, benefits administration, assisting designers, general office administration. Vancouver, BC 20+ years experience $60,000.00 CAD 3 weeks vacation, good benefits, awesome boss.
Administrative Coordinator* January 10, 2017 at 1:49 pm Office Administrator + Legal Support + Paralegal Support + Event Coordination. Basically anything to help my satellite office run. I call in the main office when I’m overworked or overwhelmed and they call on me when they feel the same. City in the Midwest 5-7ish. Worked 2 years marketing, 3 years in admin roles, now 2 years in this position and I have a paralegal certificate as well as a 4-year degree $50,000 I work 37.5 hours/week, have 18 (soon to be 23 next year) days PTO, 2 hours of flexible scheduling a week, subsidized gym membership, and have a good retirements package.
Physician Assistant* January 10, 2017 at 11:18 am Southern California 168k Urgent Care Plus excellent benefits
Physician Assistant* January 10, 2017 at 11:28 am 18 years experience Always OT and in 2016 I made 176k
Senior Tax Associate* January 10, 2017 at 11:18 am CPA at a local public accounting firm Mid-sized city in Virginia 3 years experience $66,500 + 6-7% annual bonus Decent benefits including 401k and HSA contributions, reduced hours in the summer (to make up for the crazy hours during tax season), casual dress code for days with no client meetings
Chief Operating Officer* January 10, 2017 at 11:18 am job: Chief Operating Officer for medical start up company area: mid sized city in midwest years: 20 years in healthcare administration salary: $50k notes: took low salary in exchange for equity in company. Preparing for IPO in 18 -24 months. Previous salary more than double
Development Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:18 am Development Manager – manage renewal process for 20,000 members, manage pledge drive(s), manage donor portfolio. Chicago 5 Years Experience 48,000 Took a pay cut to come work for my current employer with great benefits, fantastic work culture and a cause which I feel connected to.
Project Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:18 am Job – medium complexity projects at a large corporation (budgets usually in the low millions) Location: Minneapolis-St. Paul Experience: Less than 5 years Salary: $70,000 Other data: Bachelor’s Degree only. I do not have my PMP (major industry certification). Master’s not usually important for my field.
Project Manager (OP)* January 10, 2017 at 11:25 am I should add that I have 10 years experience with the company I’m in. This can hurt or help, depending on if you get stuck in a salary range.
Editorial/Publishing Assistant* January 10, 2017 at 11:18 am Location: Chicago, IL Experience: 2 years Salary: $32,000
Aspiring Editor* January 10, 2017 at 12:52 pm I would love to talk to you! I’m in Chicago and I just graduated from college in 2016, and I’m trying to find an Editorial Assistant-type job. Maybe we can talk on this week’s Friday open thread? I’m always looking for advice on publishing in Chicago!
Editorial Director* January 10, 2017 at 1:37 pm For Chicago, look into PI Kids (Phoenix International, formerly Publications International) and the adult division of Publications International. Great companies.
Sales/Marketing (book publishing)* January 12, 2017 at 1:24 pm Sourcebooks is outside Chicago – they do a wide variety of good books.
Medical Coder / Coding Team Lead* January 10, 2017 at 11:18 am My job: I am a team lead for a team of ~20 medical coders at a large academic health organization. I do training and education, quality checks, work assignments and general team direction, for both our internal team and also any vendor coders we have, but have no direct HR responsibilities (our manager does those). The team is fully remote, including all management staff, so I also take point on team communications and team building activities (always optional ;) ). My geographic area: Central Indiana My years of experience: 12 in the industry, 3 at my organization, 1 in my current role. (Today is my 1 year anniversary, actually!) My salary: I am salaried at just a shade under $71,000 per year, listed at $34.11/hour on a 40 hour workweek. Anything else: My department offers salaried staff the option of a supplemental role on a different team, limited to 30% of their regularly scheduled hours (so 24 hours per 2-week pay period for me) and paid at their last hourly rate before moving into a salaried position. So I also work as a coder, 24 hours every two weeks, at $24.40 per hour straight time in addition to my regular salary. Both positions are raise-eligible when our performance-based-pay increases happen in the spring, and I think the range on that this year is 3 to 4.5%? But I’m not positive.
Mini-scholar* January 10, 2017 at 1:06 pm I’m about to graduate from my program in March and obtain a RHIT myself. I’m hoping to get into coding. What sort of salary/pay is expected for entry level if you don’t mind my asking?
Medical Coder / Coding Team Lead* January 10, 2017 at 2:57 pm I believe our entry level coding staff start at the $16/hour mark? I know people who have been with us for 2-3 years are making in the range of $36k/year, which is $17 and change per hour, but all our new team members since I started a year ago have been internal transfers from elsewhere in the hospital, not completely new entry level hires. I first hired in at $23/hour, roughly, but I had been certified for seven years at that point.
Associate Director, IT* January 10, 2017 at 11:18 am I work for central IT at a research University, working on internal IT processes (making sure we don’t lose requests, can prioritize working on the right things, etc) and am responsible for the tool where these processes live. I have one direct report. Midwestern city 3 years in current role, 8 in IT in general $85,000 salary
Sr. Human Resources Representative* January 10, 2017 at 11:19 am HR Generalist, business partner level with a couple of direct reports but not a manager/director. Manage recruitment, org strategy, and advisement on laws, rules, regs, and org policy across a variety of programs within organization. Train new HR staff on all things they’ll need to know to take my job. ;) Geographic area: Northeast – small city 10 years HR experience $78K
Senior Human Resources Specialist* January 10, 2017 at 12:11 pm I have a very similar role. Geographic Area: Ottawa, Canada 10 years experience $80k (Canadian)
HR Manager* March 20, 2017 at 10:41 pm Similar role in Ottawa! HR Manager title, 10 years HR experience, large global professional services firm. 88K plus approx bonus of 2-4K.
Sr. Human Resources Representative* January 10, 2017 at 2:43 pm A couple more things: Bachelor’s not required for my role, but definitely preferred. I have a Master’s and a PHR. The Master’s helped me get my foot in the door and helped with my professional network, which is invaluable, even if it wasn’t directly necessary for my career. The PHR I did more for myself than anything. I like professional development and continuous education. :)
E* January 10, 2017 at 5:10 pm Sr. Human Resources Rep (non-profit) Basic Duties: Recruiting, hiring, new employee on-boarding and orientation, writing/revising job descriptions, employee relations, employee engagement, terminations. No ACA, benefit administration or management duties. Area: Texas Experience: 4 years (in current HR position), 9 years (prior in a management role) Salary: $52,000 (w/ year end bonus)
Support Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:19 am Software Support Manager of a tech startup Toronto 5 $65 000 I don’t have a relevant degree, just years of experience and a lot of ambition.
Marketing and Communications Coordinator* January 10, 2017 at 11:19 am Marketing and Communications Coordinator for an arts non-profit. I’m the “everything bagel” employee. Responsible for all design work (conception and execution), eblasts, social media, press releases, event coordination, partnerships with other companies, any and all other ill-defined tasks… Toronto 3.5 years experience in this field, 7 months at this job. Salary – $35,000/year + some benefits. Limited upward mobility or chance for a raise. I’m looking for other work.
OP* January 10, 2017 at 1:54 pm OP here: Yeah, it’s been rough, especially given all of the design work I do (with my own computer, as they don’t have one capable of running Adobe programs). That wasn’t part of my initial job description, but they discovered that I have that skill, so…now it takes up the majority of my time. I’d like to formalize some of my design skills and get further training so that I can move into something a bit more specialized. My partner is a senior designer and makes upwards of $83,000. The difference is rather striking.
Communications Coordinator* January 10, 2017 at 8:26 pm I do what appears to be an extremely similar job to you also in Toronto, and unfortunately that’s extremely common for marketing communications jobs. So if it mkaes you feel better, there are better jobs here in this field, even in the non profit world, and as a fellow everything bagel type communications person, though I’m happy with my job and my pay, I totally understand where you’re coming from.
Business Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 2:41 pm I think comments like this were explicitly discouraged.
Also a Marketing and Communications Coordinator* January 10, 2017 at 12:52 pm I am also a Marketing and Communications Coordinator at a large non-profit. My tasks are also ill-defined and range from running all of our advertising campaigns, writing marketing copy, and assisting with planning events to helping employees find our stash of tissues. NYC 2.5 years of experience, 1.5 at this job. $41,330/year, with little prospect of upward mobility
Statistical Programmer* January 10, 2017 at 11:19 am Role: Use SAS software to create report and other analyses using data from pharma clinical trials. Statisticians and other specialists create the analysis plan. Programmer use those specifications to code the reports. Location: Southeastern Michigan (work from home) 7 years experience since taking first SAS class. $90K annually. We have many open positions. SAS is a very growing field.
Environmental Scientist* January 10, 2017 at 11:20 am SAS? Dag, that’s old school – I used R in grad school.
Statistical Programmer* January 10, 2017 at 11:38 am It’s what Big Pharma and the CROs are using, for the most part. SAS 9.4 just installed. If you know it and are looking for a new career…
Clinical Data Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:52 am Just chiming in to agree with the Statistical Programmer — SAS is really really big in biotech and CROs. Before getting my last promotion at my last job (a CRO), I was seriously considering making the change from what I was doing into SAS programming since I had a bit of a programming experience and there is definitely a need.
moss* January 10, 2017 at 2:58 pm R is not validated so no industry uses it. Excel is shoddy. SAS is pretty much the only respected statistical software.
Biostatistician* January 10, 2017 at 6:48 pm Short version — that’s not true. R is used by a number of industries, pharma included.
Statistical Programmer* January 11, 2017 at 10:38 pm The documentation for SAS is the big draw. Federal regs require validated systems. SAS provides the necessary documentation. We had an in-house system for a long while, but so hard to maintain from a QA/documentation perspective.
LabTech* January 13, 2017 at 3:06 pm I was under the impression that R gets more use in academia, and SAS in industry.
Research Analyst* January 11, 2017 at 3:14 pm I was taught R in grad school because “in a few years, everybody will be using it instead of SAS.” Since I got out, every job I’ve seen requires SAS.
Also a SAS Programmer* January 10, 2017 at 2:23 pm I may or may not have Statistical in my job title, it varies. Role: Prepare data for analysis and making graphical and tabular output. I do some work with R/S-Plus. I’m skilled in macros. Location: Mid-Atlantic Years of Experience: 9 years. I played with SAS prior to interviewing, but knew almost nothing when I started. Salary: 69K, plus usually a generous bonus and generous benefits SAS is great. I have a math background and I took some programming courses in college (Java). I went back for a Master’s in Statistics which I really only view now as a back-up (I didn’t like coursework that much, but I was committed). I very much like what I do.
Application Development Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:19 am Job – Manage and lead IT team(s) of developers and QA folks engaged in creating software solutions. Area – Central Ohio Experience – 12+ in IT field, 2+ in management Salary – $138K + benefits
Also an Application / Software Development Manager* January 10, 2017 at 12:12 pm Job- manage and lead a team of 15 (12 devs, 3 QA) creating and maintaining software solutions (C# and SQL mostly). Area – Metro Denver Experience – 16 years in Software, 2 in management Salary – 104K + 5% bonus + 15 days vacation, 6 days PTO annually
AP/AR Specialist* January 10, 2017 at 11:19 am Responsible for posting cash, entering invoices, paying invoices, balancing the balance sheet, preparing cash flow statements, and whatever other finance related project my manager needs me to do. Central NY state 3 year work experience. 1 year in this position. $17/hr (35,360/yr) I’ve been promised a raise to at least $40,000 when I graduate with my B.S. this May.
Administrative Support Assistant* January 10, 2017 at 11:19 am –I work for a Big10 branch campus within the largest school on my campus. I work on scheduling for faculty, assisting students to a point (not an advisor or Registrar’s Office member), and other background things like faculty ratings by students, updating forms, keeping track of faculty workload, and other things that keep the office/school running. I work at the main desk so I answer all calls and greet all students who come in. –Northwest PA –Been here 1.5 years, have had administrative duties for 5+ years working at another college before this –$30,084 (only get 2% COLA increase a year. Raises aren’t a thing, I’m told. At least for staff) –I want out! I have a Masters and tons of people applied for this job but I don’t really want to do it anymore but can’t find better work in my area. I’m 35 and feel like I’m never going to get a higher salary.
Office Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:51 am I feel your pain here in SW Pennsylvania. Raises aren’t done where I work, either.
Academic Advisor* January 10, 2017 at 12:21 pm Have you considered academic advising? At some universities you just need a Master’s degree and experience working at a university. The pay isn’t great, but it might be at least $10K more than your current salary. (Depending on salaries where you are… I’m familiar with some midwest and DC area advisor salaries… but not PA.)
Administrative Support Assistant* January 10, 2017 at 12:46 pm I did but they didn’t even interview me. Same for a similar mentoring program for students. I’m not sure if I have any ability to grow here. I’m sticking it out to get more time under my belt and the benefits are pretty good (for the area anyway). 12 hours of vacation a month, 8 hours of sick time, paid holidays, including off between Christmas and New Year’s), plus health insurance (we pay, but about $45 a month). But working thankless tasks for faculty is just not where my heart is at. A bunch of people took the early retirement option but won’t be leaving until June. I will hopefully see some of those jobs posted (many are just going away completely) and maybe something there will use my education and pay more). But after that we’ll have to see.
Another Academic Advisor* January 10, 2017 at 3:30 pm I’m not the same person who posted above, but I’m also an academic advisor. It’s a great job and I love it, but it can be a tough field to get into. I’ve done a lot of hiring, and we always have several candidates with academic advising experience. Compared to that, the applicants without experience are almost never in the running. My advice would be to look for job that gets you closer to what you want to do. For example, look for an admin support position in an advising office. Some smaller departments might have positions that combine administrative and advising duties, if there isn’t enough advising work to justify a full time person – that can be your foot in the door to start building experience.
Another Communications Manager* January 10, 2017 at 12:31 pm Oof. I am interviewing for your employer at the end of the month (non faculty position), but in SE PA. the listing had a salary range– but it was a $40,000 difference between the low and high end, which was really not helpful (low end was less than I made 17 years ago with no experience at a nonprofit). Your post is making me nervous about what they would potentially offer. Based on your post, sounds like I should try to advocate as hard as I can for a higher starting salary if raises are that hard to come by.
Administrative Support Assistant* January 10, 2017 at 1:10 pm See what happens first. Could be location matters, which department you work for, who you work for, or many other number of factors and/or skills/experiences. I did ask for more and got it when I started (only a few hundred more). I came in making more than my coworker who had been here longer. I’ve heard anecdotally that they tend to pay roughly in the middle range most of the time. More experience could move that to a higher range.
Another Communications Manager* January 10, 2017 at 2:46 pm Thank you! This is good information. I would be OK with the middle or just above middle of the range. I’ve been worried they would offer toward the lower end.
Assistant Professor* January 10, 2017 at 3:15 pm I’m faculty at a private R1, and faculty and staff get only 2% COLA per year (and sometimes less). Merit raises are pretty much non-existent. It’s super frustrating because it means we lose great people!
Anon-e-moose* January 10, 2017 at 11:19 am your job: Program Administrator/Office Manager/Executive Assistant at an education non-profit. Basically I am in charge of our programs, the physical office space, and our CEO’s schedule your geographic area: Boston, MA your years of experience: 6 years your salary: $38,000 + medical (no dental/eye) + 4 weeks combined sick/PTO
Production Manager - Women's Wear* January 10, 2017 at 11:19 am I manage foreign and domestic production for a Women’s Wear company NYC 20 years $90K
Internal Audit Senior* January 10, 2017 at 11:20 am Job: Compliance, operational, and financial audit projects, and assisting external auditors Location: Chicago Years of Experience: 4-5 Salary: $80,000
Receptionist* January 10, 2017 at 11:20 am Receptionist – answer phones, direct calls, distribute mail, keep facilities clean, keep front lobby presentable, keep bathrooms/kitchen stocked, handle inventory taking and placing orders, track shipments and deliveries, handle all last-minute requests from all levels of associates, be a walking phone/printer manual, keep printer areas stocked and ready to work in, be knowledgeable about all electronics/machinery in the office and their whereabouts, maintain employee records such as required insurances, handle all incoming guests and set up conference rooms, schedule meetings in-office; be very prioritized, professional, calm but firm, able to multitask, able to handle rude callers/guests, able to handle conflicting directives from multiple levels of associates, offer support to office manager and any other associate, *be able to be discrete and to keep private info confidential*, and to maintain a positive demeanor and be professionally dressed at all times. (I say this dryly: I’m like a nice piece of art in a lobby(pleasant and not flashy), crossed with a concierge and a walking notebook of lists.) Kansas City, USA 1 year $15/hour * I get 18 days PTO : D * Health insurance offered was over a quarter of my salary when I was hired, and I could not afford it then so was on Obamacare; my company has since switched to a more affordable option so I am insured now through them. * no opportunity to move up in my company, so if I stay with them this is likely to be my situation for a long time, if not always.
Office Specialist 1* January 10, 2017 at 11:20 am Classified (union) employee at an academic institution. Job duties involve processing and generation of documents and explaining rules and policies through a variety of communication media. Specifically, I work in the Parking department and the major component of my job is to review parking ticket appeals. This particular position reports to the director of the 12 permanent staff department, has no supervisory component and is quite independent. Geographic Area: Pacific Northwest Experience: 3 years (in this role) Salary: 27,560 (role is actually hourly at $13.25) This is a union (SEIU) position at a public university. Salary is negotiated statewide between all public academic institutions in the state, so no negotiating on salary. I am currently in Step 3 of 10 on the salary schedule.
Quality Assurance Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 11:20 am Job: Quality testing software for the insurance industry; quality analyst and liaison for major US insurance carrier Geographic Area: Intermountain West Years of Experience: 3.5 Salary: $45,000 Other: Benefits including health and dental insurance, 401k matching contributions up to 6%.
Quality Assurance Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 11:25 am Forgot to mention: I started 3.5 years ago fresh out of college at $33,000 and have since received 5 raises in that time –generally you get one raise per year, for the past 2 years I have gotten 2.
Tax Manager (CPA)* January 10, 2017 at 11:20 am Tax manager at a public accounting firm – local firm, one office, and kinda/sorta just started a satellite office (keeping the office of a small firm we merged with last year), about 100 employees. Review tax returns, consulting projects, etc. Contact with clients, manage project flow. Suburb of Portland, OR. 9.5 years (entering 10th busy season) $90,000 I work full time (which is 50 – 60+ hours) during tax season, but part-time (30 – 35 hours) outside of tax season. I end up working about 2,050 hours in total for the year, which is equivalent to 40 hours year-round, whereas industry standard (I think, but at least standard at my firm) is 2,350 hours (40 hours outside of tax season and much more during tax season). So my salary is reduced to 85% – while raises might have been calculated slightly differently had I been regular full time all along, I would be at least $100k if I were working regular full time at my firm. We have reasonably good benefits: PTO starts at 4 weeks and goes up to 5 at manager level and 6 at partner. 2 weeks parental leave. Firm pays 100% of employee health insurance (but no contribution towards dependent health insurance). Firm pays for life insurance and disability insurance. 401(k) with 4% match for first 5% contributed, plus has made generous profit sharing contributions in recent years. Pretty flexible in terms of reduced schedules (see description of mine above) and allows occasional working from home (e.g., in bad weather).
Seal* January 10, 2017 at 11:20 am -Academic librarian and head of a sizable branch library with supervisory responsibilities for 6FTE librarians and staff. MLIS required; second masters preferred. Expected to participate in related professional activities (conference attendance, publishing, etc). -Geographic area: Southeastern US -10 years as a professional; almost 20 years as a paraprofessional -$66,000 -A recent salary survey revealed that average pay for librarians at my institution is one of the l0west in the SE
Course Schedules Coordinator, Registrar's Office* January 10, 2017 at 11:20 am I’m roughly 5 years out of university (B.A., state school), and in my second professional position as coordinator for course scheduling in a Registrar’s office at a major university in Boston. I’m 9 months into my position and make just shy of 60k.
Tech Writer* January 10, 2017 at 11:20 am Technical writer here! I take content created by my subject-matter experts (in this case, engineers) and I correct the language, rewrite it for clarity, and format it to fit with company style. I use Microsoft Word, Adobe Framemaker, and XML. I mainly work on hardware products, rather than software, but my previous job leaned more toward software and specialty content. I live and work in Silicon Valley. To be precise, I work in the East Bay. I have about seven years of experience doing primarily technical writing, and another ten working primarily as an editor. My highest degree is a BA. I make $72K, which means that I need to have housemates in order to live here. My previous job paid me $50K and, even though my husband works full-time, we were not getting by.
the cake is a pie* January 10, 2017 at 1:37 pm What an interesting job! I’d be curious how you got into it?
Tech Writer* January 11, 2017 at 11:23 am Very briefly, I felt it was a good match for my existing skillset, and so I took a certification course at my local community college, which got me networked in to the STC and helped me hear about job openings. Come to the Friday Open Thread for more! It looks like several of us are having a discussion about it. Please swing by and join in! :)
Development Coordinator* January 10, 2017 at 11:20 am Development Coordinator — I work at a large university doing fundraising for a department; I am the staff liaison for donors/volunteers; plan events; create solicitations; write grants; do donor prospecting and research; and manage fundraising efforts for three academic units — DC area — $47,500 (excellent benefits package including free tuition for myself) — 8 years experience
Customer Service Rep* January 10, 2017 at 11:20 am Office and phone duties for a small software company, primarily dealing with customers but also some vendors. Central Arizona 0 year experience/fresh off of BS $35,000 starting/$40,000 after 4 years. A year after I started the company was bought by a larger company that pretty much killed salary and raises.
Customer service rep* January 11, 2017 at 9:44 pm Incoming call center for a telecom doing customer service/sales currently in other offices with same title and same company have done other responsibilities including outgoing calls; data processing; internal support; and processing orders/support for other telecom -Boston area -17 years of experience in the same company -$70k / starting pay was less than I was making at big box retail (slightly above minimum wage) -reps in a sales office can make more with prizes and commission payouts (most reps do not get any payouts because the qualifications are high and complicated) we’re taxed on the value of the prizes which you can’t refuse, which sucks when you win a coffeemaker twice and don’t drink coffee. Everything that is given to us as a reward is taxed so sales reps can end up with a large income without having a larger paycheck (unless you were planning on buying something that you won) -union job, we have fairly good benefits as well – I only have a high school diploma, no degree but most people have a degree and a degree is a requirement now
Call Center Agent* January 12, 2017 at 12:37 am Making medical appointments for a network of offices and checking patient information for billing. Midwestern city. 0 years experience. $11/hr, some 401k match
Librarian* January 10, 2017 at 11:20 am My role is collection assessment, so it is all analytical and doesn’t involve interacting with students. I work at a large university and look at data related to the usage of our collection in different formats (print books, e-books, e-reference, online journals, etc). East coast city 14 years 64,000 I have a master’s in library science and have published several articles in scholarly journals.
Research Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 11:20 am Policy research (data cleaning and analysis) at a private university. Boston/Cambridge 1 year of experience $58,000
GigglyPuff* January 10, 2017 at 11:20 am Digital Archivist Southern U.S. about 4 years experience $36000 (govt. position) with a MLIS
QA Engineer / software tester* January 10, 2017 at 11:20 am The grad program was a cash cow for a humanities department, and wasn’t as tech focused as I thought it was going to be. I was the first student in the program and was the guinea pig. Giant, finances-wrecking career regret. Don’t go to grad school, kids!
QA Engineer / software tester* January 10, 2017 at 11:21 am darn it, this was supposed to be as a context reply to my first comment above – AAM, please feel free to correct. Thanks!
Financial Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 11:20 am Financial Analyst – wine industry Sonoma/Napa Valley 15 in industry, 4 as analyst 80k
Policy Analyst at a Nonprofit* January 10, 2017 at 11:21 am Job: A bit of lobbying (within c(3) limits), mostly writing briefs, coordinating events, working with enforcement agencies, supporting progressive public policy Location: DC Experience: 1.5 years in this field, 6.5 years of professional work experience overall Salary: $65,000
Business Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 11:21 am I’m responsible for data collection and analysis and creating reports for a cancer center. This involves a lot of forecasting and financial analyses. Area:Baltimore, Maryland Years of experience: 2 years $51K When I was hired I thought this salary seemed low but just figured it was due to the lower cost of living. It turns out I was completely low-balled and there are other people in my role who make market rate. Luckily I just received a new job offer with a 30% raise!
business analyst too* January 11, 2017 at 10:24 am I do reporting and analytics, presentations on that data, project management and am a subject matter expert in one area. Cleveland 52,000 but an external hired into this role would make around 10k more. 1 year in the role, 6 years industry experience in other roles
Information Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 11:21 am Area – Northern England Experience – 11 years at my current organisation and 4 years in information provision/analysis Salary £22.5K – $27.4 according to google. I produce dashboards and monthly reports on service delivery in excel – moving into using oracle and sql more though.
Endeavors* January 10, 2017 at 11:21 am Assistant to the Chair (of a mid sized academic department at a state U) (Which translates to an entry level admin) $38k/year great health ins, 15 days vacation leave, 11 days sick time annually.
Statistician* January 10, 2017 at 11:21 am Statistician for federal agency Southeast, major metro area 10+ years and a masters degree in statistics. (Most people in similar jobs have a PhD.) Salary: $110,000 ( I’m a federal employee on the GS scale)
Statistician* January 11, 2017 at 11:17 am Statistician for a marketing company Colorado metro area (I never know how to describe CO – midwest? West? Southwest?) 5 years and a masters in stats 87,000 Medium benefits – pretty good health, some remote work, we just switched to unlimited PTO but it’s not clear how comfortable our management will be with us actually using it
HR Generalist* January 10, 2017 at 11:21 am salary mid 60’s excellent benefit package and training budget Carolinas–metropolitan area academic/educational
Registered Massage Therapist* January 10, 2017 at 11:21 am Job: Regulated health care professional providing massage therapy Location: Toronto, Ontario Experience: 1 year Salary: $50,000
Analytics Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:21 am Analyze customer transactional data, build statistical models, strategic analytics, manage three direct reports for Fortune 500 company with $10B revenue worldwide. Chicago, IL 16 years of experience and have an MBA from a top business school $126,000 plus bonus averaging around 15% and profit sharing
Transactions manager* January 10, 2017 at 7:48 pm I have a very similar job in NJ paying 72k. Getting a raise to 80k soon. I am sans MBA and our revenue is closer to 80M though
Transactions manager* January 10, 2017 at 7:49 pm Forgot to say, I’m older but 10 years in this type of work
Customer Research Director* January 10, 2017 at 11:21 am Establish, monitor, analyze, interpret, and disseminate various research mechanisms along the customer journey to inform and facilitate an evolving and more customer-centric experience. Insight is used to refine product features/functions, strengthen sales and marketing strategy, identify cross-sell/up-sell opportunities and enhance the overall, end-to-end customer experience. Location: northeastern US Experience: 30 years Base salary: $160,000 plus bonus based on overall company performance
Agricultural Engineer* January 10, 2017 at 11:21 am Providing technical support to farmers throughout province on a large range of issues (current focus is reducing the risk of barn fires). Also provide technical input into related codes. London, Ontario $83,000 (union, pension and benefits) Work/life balance is emphasised. Unionized position, but significant professional development focus. Great working environment with coworkers who want you to succeed. If wage is >$100k, it gets publicly reported(ouch!).
Agricultural Engineer* January 10, 2017 at 11:22 am Forgot to say. 12 years experience. Area with relatively low cost of living.
Editor* January 10, 2017 at 11:22 am -Editing and quality control for our (written) products; also writing press releases and editing/proofing most external communications for 45 person company -Washington, DC metro area -14 years relevant experience -$61,500/year
TuesdayBlah* January 10, 2017 at 11:22 am Job – Web Marketing Copywriter for a hospital. Create and execute digital content strategy and creation: social, web content, SEO, search. Location: Fairfield County, CT Experience: 10+ years Salary: $75,000 Other data: Bachelor’s Degree: English and Spanish. Go figure. Non-profit and very small team, so not much room for growth/promotion unless there’s a need.
Associate Advisory Specialist* January 10, 2017 at 11:22 am Employer: Multi-national insurance brokerage firm Duties: help build E&O programs for large professional firms Location: NYC Experience: I’ve been in the insurance business for 20 years; this employer for 11 years and this position 3 years. Salary: $72,000 (AFAIK, this is the starting salary for anyone in this position, at this location, regardless of experience. I was originally hired as a senior admin @ $60,000 and received two or three COL increases before being promoted. I have not received an increase in pay in the last 3 years.)
Policy Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 11:22 am Health Policy Analyst working in medical regulation. Toronto, Canada 1 year experience in this role – 5 years in career overall Master’s degree required – Law or Health Backgrounds preferred. Starting – $80,000/yr
Senior policy analyst* January 10, 2017 at 4:05 pm Developing policy initiatives for central government (at present Workplace Health and Safety). Wellington, New Zealand 18 years experience Degree required, legal or economics qualifications preferred. Starting salary NZ$80,000 (roughly US$55,000). Current salary $140 000 (about US$100 000)
Control Systems Engineer* January 10, 2017 at 11:23 am Job includes programming automation and electrical/instrumentation work. Oil refinery located in Rocky Mountains region Salary: $98,000 plus bonus
Controls Engineer* January 10, 2017 at 2:56 pm Job: About the same as above, add 25-75% travel (distance < 5 hour drive) and some project management and computer repair Location: Midwest Experience: 4 years Salary: $65k Anything else: The average for 5 years outside of the oil industry is probably closer to $75-80k, but we also receive these benefits: – Bonus averages $10k – 3% yearly raise all but guaranteed, can go higher but not every year – Profit sharing/401k (not usually necessary to do your own saving once it kicks in) – Company car for travel, accounting calculates tax for whatever personal use you want to do – You can live wherever you want in the region once you're established, remote work is the norm when clients aren't requesting you in person – Excessive overtime, holiday work, and night/weekend travel happens, but you are compensated either by bonuses or extra free time off depending on how much (and how much you've not had much to do the rest of that year). At a minimum, you'll get enough days off to avoid burnout.
Control Systems Engineer (Manager)* July 6, 2017 at 2:45 am Job: Automation programming and electrical work for a food and beverage company. Low travel (only for tradeshows and vendor visits), some project management and I manage a team of electrical/controls technicians. Based in a manufacturing plant, have to provide 24/7 support for issues if my team cannot resolve it. Location: Southwest Experience: 6 years Salary: $92K + ~10% bonus each year – 401k matching and good health insurance, can get free/discounted food from the company Other notes: – Starting salary out of school was ~$65K, was with a different company but would have been similar at my current employer. On the higher side for starting in the industry as a whole. – I have worked for a few of the “consumer goods companies who own everything” in the Midwest and Southwest, pay was comparable across companies and did not vary much geographically. There is a cost of living adjustment for expensive cities but generally not worth enough to compensate for the increased costs, only makes sense to take those roles if you want to live in the HCOL area for other reasons. – As an engineer you will rarely get OT pay, you almost always will as a technician. May not hold true if you work for a supplier/vendor to plants. – Workload can vary significantly with the industry and company. More than 40 is the norm but some jobs have no operations on weekends or very good support coverage so outside of hours support is minimal and only for real emergencies. Others are like the awful IT support roles you see in other posts where they are called at 2AM on a regular basis and work 60+ hours frequently with no extra compensation. Some roles require night shift work. Burnout has been a concern in one of my roles. – This is an aging career field that is in need of young talent. Most of my reports, coworkers, and networking contacts are within 15 years of retiring. There is difficulty in filling many of the roles out there already and it is likely to grow more difficult when retirements kick in. Without an internal succession plan filling positions typically takes months rather than weeks.
Trust & Safety* January 10, 2017 at 11:23 am I make sure users on our platform are safe, and not doing anything illegal (think child porn) Midwest – Smallish city 5 years $62,000
Credit Broker* January 10, 2017 at 11:23 am Job: Broking credit insurance for a portfolio of clients. Geographical Area: Northern England Experience: Entry Level (I took this role last year, previous experience: 11 years in customer service, 3 years in credit control) Salary: £20,500
Senior Underwriter* January 10, 2017 at 11:23 am Commercial insurance underwriter – I’m responsible for the renewal policy and endorsement activity for many small businesses… and for the profitability of my territory. Location: mid-size city in the SE Experience: 5 years in current job, 27 in industry Salary: $62k plus bonus of up to 15 percent, 401k and decent vacation
Marketing Coordinator* January 10, 2017 at 11:23 am I work for a mid-sized nonprofit and coordinate print, digital, and social media marketing efforts. I also plan 2 conferences and a few small training events a year. I manage some projects, but no people. In my organization, I’m considered the next step up from entry level. Midwestern city 3 years of experience $44,000
Events & Marketing Coordinator* January 10, 2017 at 12:35 pm Area: Washington DC Metro area Company: Environmental and community focused nonprofit. Job: Planning and running in-house events (a few large and numerous small). Attending external events. Creating, writing, and editing promotional materials to publicize events and the organization. Manage team of on-call events staff. Experience: Relevant masters degree, some event experience, and a communications-based internship. This is my first marketing job; I started last month. Salary: $20/hr, full time
Marketing Coordinator, too!* January 10, 2017 at 3:17 pm I work for a mid-sized public company and also handle print, digital, and social media marketing efforts. I support the Director of Marketing and the CMO. I train interns when they come in and manage them (for the most part). Southern California 4 years work experience 2 in marketing 2 in my current role Just shy of $52,000. Standard/good benefits – 2 weeks vacation, 12 days paid holidays, 401K with some matching, health/dental/eye insurance. Work/life balance is good. I’m eligible for OT pay as well since I’m hourly. Since I handle social media, I have to work some weekends. The OT is pretty nice in those situations.
Procurement Coordinator* January 10, 2017 at 11:23 am Role: Determine best procurement method for internal business clients, provide guidance to procurement personnel for agreement creation Location: TX (major city) Experience: 7 years Salary: $90k Bachelor’s degree received prior to hiring on, Master’s degree received while working and not accounted for in compensation (company doesn’t give raises for completion of higher degrees, only given if you hire on with that degree)
Procurement Coordinator* January 10, 2017 at 11:26 am Should also say I get a 401k with solid match and a pension. Decent vacation now that I have some tenure and good work/life balance.
Transactions manager* January 10, 2017 at 7:51 pm This is interesting, I thought coordinator roles would never pay that much so haven’t applied to one in many years goes to show how misleading titles can be
Document Control Specialist* January 10, 2017 at 11:23 am Make sure all technical documentation adheres to formatting standards, manage major revisions to the documentation by keeping track of who’s doing what and when things are due, audit all documentation for compliance with state and federal law. Phoenix, AZ 4 years experience as a technical writer with a BS $42,500 Currently working for a medical industry non-profit.
Quality Systems Specialist* January 10, 2017 at 11:23 am Quality Systems Specialist – Metrics generation, data analysis and statistics. Aerospace industry. Greater Seattle/Everett/Tacoma metro are. >5 years in this particular job, >8 in QA/QC type positions in general. $76,000 per year, great healthcare, matching 401(k), tons of vacation time.
Exec Assistant* January 10, 2017 at 11:23 am In higher ed. Typical EA duties plus some project management. Midwest 5 $47,000 Excellent benefits
Data Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 11:23 am It’s a mixed bag. Some of the work is ETL development (extract, transform, and load), some of it is writing SQL reports for various folks, and some of it is doing database design work as part of the development process. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 2 years at this job, 1 year in marketing, and about 2.5 years of thesis/coop experience in other fields $52,000 CAD
Data Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 11:25 am I should also follow up, I get 100% dental & health coverage on top of OHIP (up to some fairly reasonable limits), including drugs and most paramedical (physio, psychologist, massage, chiropractics, etc…)
Environmental Specialist* January 10, 2017 at 11:23 am Run an Environmental Department for heavy industry, dealing with haz waste, water, air and sewer permits, etc. SF Bay Area 10 years exp $95,000 Geography skews salary. $100k is barely a living wage in SF. I work two other jobs.
Member Services Associate* January 10, 2017 at 11:24 am Volunteer management, archive administration, backup member support DFW, TX 5 years $40,000 Non-profit, great health and retirement benefits.
HRIS Database Type position* January 10, 2017 at 11:24 am Manage two data entry folks, responsible for all data integrity for all 6,000 ish employees’ job and personal data at a state university. Involves cleaning up previous folks’ messes and streamlining everything I can get my hands on while still moving forward. Pacific Northwest 10 years HR/data $54,000 almost 5 weeks vacation, excellent benefits, decent boss, state job, wicked fast pace.
Events Coordinator* January 10, 2017 at 11:24 am Assist coordination of weekly guest speakers at a school, from booking the space to RSVPs, to setting up the night of and making sure the event goes smoothly. I also help with end of semester showcases of student work and the graduation ceremonies. Los Angeles, California First real job out of college, 1 year experience 29k, full time (currently 15/hr, started at 12/hr part time)
Epidemiologist* January 10, 2017 at 11:24 am Epidemiologist with federal agency DC metro 8 years (5 years professional full time work (before and after PhD) plus 3 years as graduate researcher) salary: $101K
Another Epidemiologist* January 10, 2017 at 1:18 pm Epidemiologist with a provincial healthcare agency Canada (large metro area, for the sake of being vague) I have 3 years of work experience and an M.Sc, which was required for my role salary: $71,000
Another Epidemiologist* January 10, 2017 at 1:20 pm Should also add: defined benefit pension plan, excellent health benefits, more than 20 days of vacation per year and educational support ($$) available.
Account Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:24 am Small tech company, managing B2B accounts. $75K base + up to $90+K with performance bonus. Bonus typically expected. Great benefits with time off and HC covered. NYC – HCOL. 5-6 years of experience. Likely below market based on city and COL, but the benefits are great with sharp working hours (9-6 and almost no on stays past 6), understanding boss, and work/clients I enjoy.
Records Mgmt/ Information Mgmt/ Privacy* January 10, 2017 at 11:24 am Job: writing policies and procedures for RM & privacy issues; reviewing surveys and research proposals for compliance with privacy legislation; providing consultation and group training on all of the above. Industry: Government Geographic area: Toronto Years of experience: 10+ Salary range: $80,000 – $93,000 CDN
Records Mgmt/ Information Mgmt/ Privacy* January 10, 2017 at 11:39 am Oh, and I coordinate responses to Freedom of Information requests.
Communications Specialist* January 10, 2017 at 11:25 am Communications Specialist at an industry regulatory agency, handling website, publications, communications planning etc. Greater Toronto area Bachelor’s degree and four years of experience $63,000 (CAD) plus generous benefits, sick leave, three weeks vacation
jeneria* January 10, 2017 at 11:25 am Associate Professor at a small engineering college Upper Midwest 8 years at this job plus a PhD and about 10 years as an instructor/grad assistant $61,000
Assistant Professor* January 10, 2017 at 2:04 pm Assistant Professor of engineering at mid-range public university Bay Area I’m in my second year; I came in with a PhD + 1 year teaching experience (my field is unsaturated at the faculty level, so a postdoc was not needed) ~$92,000 academic year salary, plus generous benefits, sick leave, pension (!!!), summers “off” (LOL…most of us work all summer anyway)
Jeneria* January 10, 2017 at 5:12 pm I should have clarified, I’m an English professor at a small engineering college.
Doctumentary / Commercial Producer* January 10, 2017 at 11:25 am – Producer for commercials and documentary films. Technically freelance but I work exclusively with one company. – 10 years of experience in the biz but only 6 months in this role – New York City – ~$100k but being freelance it could swing between 80-120k depending on the year. – No insurance or 401k but very flexible schedule.
Doctumentary / Commercial Producer* January 10, 2017 at 11:25 am good lord that typo in my title is killing me right now.
Manager of HR, Finance & Operations* January 10, 2017 at 6:01 pm I just laughed until I cried after reading your 2nd comment. I can’t stop and people walking by are worried.
Admin Assistant* January 10, 2017 at 11:25 am Answer phones, create service tickets, do A/P and A/R, and data entry & clean-up for small tech company. Pacific Northwest Less than 1 year $16/hr
Relocation Consultant* January 10, 2017 at 11:25 am I manage international relocations from end to end, acting as the relocating employee’s ponit person as well as working with the client and the providers for the employee’s approved benefits. Saint Louis, MO 2 years in the field, 7 years in the international field in general $46,000/year, salaried, plus various bonuses for meeting certain metrics throughout the year I’m one of the higher-paid consultants at my company, and the range is around 42-48K
Relocation Consultant* January 10, 2017 at 1:27 pm Oops, I mean *point* person! Also, for benefits, I get 2 WFH days per week, 18 days vacation, insurance through the company, and they match up to 3% of 401(k) contributions after 3 years.
Admin Assistant* January 10, 2017 at 11:25 am –As an admin assistant I manage the office of a smallish, newish startup, do supply runs and order stuff we’re running out of, I do the filing for HR, onboard new employees, update benefits in HR software, answer the phones, and do a lot of scheduling for travel and events –Southern Wisconsin –3 years admin experience –$29,120 ($14/hour) I get insurance and the vacation time is nice but I really like how the hours are more flexible than my previous job.
Editorial Director* January 10, 2017 at 11:25 am job: Oversee daily operations for 100 print titles annually. Manage 2 part time editors as well as relationships with ~10 outside partners. geographic area: NYC years of experience: 15 salary: $103k context: It’s a very well known nonprofit media company focused on children. Salaries are meant to be market value, but usually a little lower. Benefits are robust, and company culture is pretty positive. My manager and team are amazing and I love working with them.
Managing editor* January 10, 2017 at 1:25 pm context: ed-tech startup years of experience: 10 location: Chicago salary: $70k
Auditor (IV)* January 10, 2017 at 11:25 am Current Salary: $49,509 Job: “auditor” for state government healthcare agency… responsible for reviewing financial data submitted by providers to determine payments from state to provider Region: Southeast… more specifically, the Carolinas Experience: 5.5 years Education: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration majoring in Accounting and International Business, Master of Science in Accounting *No professional certificates or licenses
Auditor (IV)* January 10, 2017 at 11:28 am Forgot benefits… state values my fringes at nearly $25K… Insurance: health (portion is state-funded, remainder is withheld), dental (withheld), supplemental LTD (withheld), life (withheld), medical spending accounts optional (withheld) Retirement: pension with state match, optional deferred comp, can buy years of service in standard pension program Misc: dependent care accounts optional (withheld)
Finance Director* January 10, 2017 at 11:25 am Oversee the financial operations for a small-ish nonprofit, heavily funded by federal money. I work with Program Directors to develop and maintain operating budgets for their program. I provide financial reports to the Board of Directors on a monthly basis, prepare the annual financial reports and statements for auditors, develop and maintain current financial policies and procedures that are in accordance with Uniform Guidance and the new Head Start performance standards. I manage the Accounting/Benefits Specialist and the Accounting/Human Resources Generalist. I’m also the unofficial Director of IT. I handle all IT issues here and call our IT contractor when it’s something I can’t handle. Southwest Virginia I have about 10 years experience in accounting-type roles such as Bookkeeper, Staff Accountant and that type of thing, but I’ve only been in this position for a little over 2 years. $42,737 The area I work in is pretty economically depressed. This salary is not bad considering the area, I suppose, but if it were in a for-profit setting, I imagine it would be higher. We have some pretty good perks, extra holidays based on state government holiday schedule, great personal leave (8.31 earned every pay period which is bi-weekly) and health insurance is okay – nothing to write home about for sure, but it’s better than nothing.
Operations & Finance Manager* January 10, 2017 at 12:40 pm Piggybacking on you because similarities. In charge of operations and finance in a small nonprofit. Mostly office manager type tasks, payroll, budgeting, bookkeeping, monthly financial reports, grant management and reports, HR liaison (we outsource) and unofficial IT help desk. Chicago, IL, USA 2 years in this role and 5 in a prior (program) role in the same organization. I don’t have a degree in finance (not even close) so we have a CPA who consults at audit time and with my bonehead questions throughout the year. $48,000 Decent benefits (medical, dental/vision, 401k [without matching]) I also get 200 hours of paid vacation time each year (5 weeks) plus 96 hours paid sick time, some government holidays and a full week at the end of the year. Nonprofits really do like trading time off for salaries don’t they!
Application Security Engineer* January 10, 2017 at 11:25 am I work for a large company that develops its own software. My job is to work with the developers to make sure our stuff can’t get hacked. Washington DC 10 years exp $130,000 + 10% bonus ~ 143,000
Content Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:26 am Your job: I wear pretty much every hat possible in digital marketing at a small law firm. One day I’m doing a content audit on the website, the next I’m laying out a book for print. I’m still learning a lot and picking up new skills as I need them. I have two managers who also work in the marketing department and I don’t oversee anyone, so although I have “manager” in my job title, I don’t actually manage people. Your geographic area: Seattle Your years of experience: 1 in marketing, 3.5 in an admin position before that Your salary: I’m paid hourly at $19 an hour, 40 hours a week, with very occasional overtime. Nice benefits, although our health insurance can be kind of a pain to use. Anything else pertinent to put that number in context: There’s no income tax in Washington state, but the sales tax is ~10%, higher on some items like liquor. I think the average one bedroom in the city is going for $2,000 per month these days; I pay way less because I split expenses for a cheap (and not totally legal) one bedroom with my partner.
Purchasing Specialist/DBE Program Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:26 am Buy material and services for natural gas and oil pipeline projects domestically. Also make sure we meet our clients’ diversity goals for the federal and state regulatory agencies Chicago-land 10+ years of supply chain and supplier development $71,000, this is pretty much the market rate for my level. Different types of buyers in different industries varies from $35k to $100k. ◾anything else pertinent to put that number in context
Buyer of Finished Goods/Accessories* January 10, 2017 at 12:28 pm Buyer-I get to purchase kitchen appliances for outdoor and indoor cooking Location: Chicago-land Experience: 5 years- 3 years in logistics and 2 years in purchasing Salary: $62,000 + possible $1000 bonus
Administrative Professional* January 10, 2017 at 11:26 am Job: Executive/personal assistant, receptionist, event coordinator at a real estate investment/private equity firm. I provide administrative/calendar support to the 4 partners with a focus on the Managing Partner and CFO, assist with planning our yearly investor meeting, and coordinate all office events such as the holiday party and other meetings. Geographic area: Boston, MA Experience: 3 years of experience in this role (6 prior years of retail management). Salary: $61K + bonus (last year I grossed $78k) + medical & dental fully paid for Yes, my title is actually “Administrative Professional” (which I find to be more of a category than an actual position, but I don’t have any control over it).
Administrative Professional* January 10, 2017 at 11:28 am Also to follow up I do not have a college degree as I started working full-time right out of high school. I feel pretty stuck as I don’t think I’ll ever find a job that will match this salary with my qualifications.
Administrative Professional* January 10, 2017 at 11:34 am Another follow up, since I see other commenters mentioning it, I get 3 weeks paid vacation, 10 sick days, and 10 paid holidays per year. There is no additional vacation accrual for length of time worked here.
Hello it's me* January 10, 2017 at 11:46 am I apologize if I’m being a bother, but may I ask how and where you found your role? I also live in Boston and do what sounds like very similar work to you, but am making half of your base pay with no bonus. I have 2 less years of experience than you, but I do have a college degree. I’m looking to move up and would appreciate any advice. Thanks!
Administrative Professional* January 11, 2017 at 7:19 am I actually went through a staffing agency and this was the first place that made me an offer. I started at $40k. Look for a job in finance – that’s where all the money is.
Administrative Professional* January 11, 2017 at 7:21 am But also you kind of have to be okay with selling your soul to the devil a little bit, IMHO.
PA/EA* January 10, 2017 at 8:37 pm Job: Personal/Executive Assistant Geographic area: midwest Experience: 7 years direct experience Salary: $104K/year (no benefits)
Assistant Managing Editor* January 10, 2017 at 11:26 am I work at a magazine. I am in charge of running the print close, which means overseeing every step from the issue’s lineup being set, to text and images being turned in, layouts being designed, and stories being edited, fact-checked and printed in various stages of proof before being shipped off to the actual printers. I see the production of the magazine through, essentially as a project manager, minus charts and graphs. I’m also responsible for tracking the editorial budget (content costs and general overhead for the brand on the editorial side). I approve and process vendor invoices and act as a guru of sorts for other staff who have questions ranging from deadline-related queries to “how do I get the heat turned up in my office?”. I also help staff with their expenses and vet and approve their expense reports. Mostly I’m a professional babysitter. Years of Experience: I’ve been in the “working world” full time since 2008-2009, I’ve been in my direct industry for 3/4 years. Salary: $70,000 a year plus benefits (decent health insurance, dental, 401K, legal) 15 vacation days per year, and paid holidays. Note: 70K in NYC goes about as far as 45-50K per year in other cities. Also, my industry is dying. I’ve already been laid off once and every year feels like Russian Roulette with budgeting and staffing cuts, and that’s if your magazine continues to publish altogether.
Magazine editor* January 10, 2017 at 6:04 pm Hey, fellow magazine person! Commiserations on the death of the industry. I’ve been working in magazines since 2010 so I’ve had a front-row seat to the dismantling of the industry. Right now I’m the only staff member of my niche title (my salary is $40k). I’ve been wondering if the solution is to move to a bigger market, like NYC, so it’s useful if depressing to see that things are just as unstable there. Mind if I ask you a few questions on a open thread later or something?
Assistant Managing Editor* January 12, 2017 at 12:12 am Hi! Absolutely! Magazines today are like vinyl in the 80s. The end is nigh, and the staffs and titles are shrinking and shrinking. I’ll pop in on an open thread under this handle next time I see one! :)
Managing Editor* January 13, 2017 at 1:09 pm Hi, I edit magazines as well (for a consumer audience, but custom magazines with industry clients as sponsors)… we’ve had major cuts but are doing a lot in the digital space, and fortunately enough to not rely on newsstands for distribution. Will look for your open thread! :)
Optical Media Team Lead* January 10, 2017 at 11:26 am Technical team lead for producing DVD and Blu-ray end-user products for entertainment industry Los Angeles 15 years in the industry, 10 years in this position $95,000 per annum I’m in the unusual situation of commanding an ever-higher salary in a rapidly-contracting field. Going to keep riding this gravy train until rising oil prices shut off the flow of DVD plastic.
Senior Policy Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 11:26 am – Responsibilities: Produce original quantitative and qualitative policy research for publication in journals and magazines, in addition to reports and op-eds. Present research at conferences and before policymakers. Initiate and coordinate the production of new policy research projects. – Location: Washington, DC – 7 years relevant experience, Masters degree – $65,000
IT Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:26 am IT Manager form an SME Architects firm in central London. your geographic area LONDON UK your years of experience 20+ your salary £54,000
IT Manager* January 10, 2017 at 12:08 pm IT manager for a law firm that handles oil & gas, litigation and transactional things. I manage the network, VoIP phones, end user support I am based in central Texas, my firm has offices in 4 Texas cities 15 years experience in IT $70k/year
IT Director* January 10, 2017 at 4:51 pm IT Manager Manufacturing plant. Handle network, website, all computer systems, programmer(s), phone system, end user support. Based in SC Degrees held: BS and MS in CS years of experience: 25 Years Salary: $102 (+~$30k in bonuses) 2 weeks vacation (that’s all anyone gets), full medical, 401k
Association Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:26 am Your Job: Manager at a national professional association. Manages the development and delivery of all educational services offered nationwide. Supervises a staff of 4. your geographic area: Midwest (although some people would argue that we are located in a plains state not a midwestern one) your years of experience: 15 years your salary: 68K
Association Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:41 am I would also toss in that we have bonuses that can be as much as 10% of your salary, and a very generous vacation allowance. I get 30 days of vacation (new employee’s begin with 20 days), and a decent 401K match.
Technical Writer* January 10, 2017 at 11:26 am Write software documentation for end-users based on notes from developers and personal research. Create images/illustrations to accompany the documentation and enhance comprehension. Update previously written documentation as necessary. Scottsdale, AZ BS in computer science, 1 year as a programmer $40,000 Working for a subsidiary of Reynolds & Reynolds.
Administrative Assistant* January 10, 2017 at 11:26 am I am the office manager for a branch office of an F100 financial services org. Minneapolis 15 $58k
Data Warehouse Developer* January 10, 2017 at 11:26 am Job: Data Warehouse Developer in Higher Education. I work with PeopleSoft enterprise cloud-based installations pulling data into various data warehouses and data marts to meet business, federal, and state reporting requirements. Our IT department has 110 people, while the overall business has more than 14,000 employees. Geographic area: Phoenix Years of experience: 4 years in this role, 12 years with the company, 20 years in Information Technology Salary: $102,000 (Government position on a fixed pay scale)
Data Warehouse Developer* January 10, 2017 at 11:30 am Forgot to mention, I have a BS in Business Management and a Master’s Degree in Information Management.
Technical Writer* January 10, 2017 at 11:26 am ◾Technical writer for a small software company: specifically, user-facing documentation. ◾Vancouver, BC, Canada ◾10 years experience ◾$70,000 CAD
Associate Scientist* January 10, 2017 at 11:27 am Associate scientist in cell biology at a small biotech company focusing on cancer therapeutics. San Francisco/Bay Area PhD with 0+ years industry experience or 8+ years industry experience (I have been in my position for a 1.5 years now, started immediately after getting my PhD) Salary: $97,500 + up to 7% cash bonus + equity worth around $12,000 (vested over 4 years)
ESL Teacher* January 10, 2017 at 11:27 am ESL teaching somewhere in South America. $8k a year. This may seem irrelevant because of my geographic location, but I’m posting because so many people think this is the dream, “I’ll go off on an adventure and teach English somewhere if things don’t work out,” but good luck paying for your plane ticket back home.
Former ESL Teacher in Brazil* January 10, 2017 at 12:22 pm Yep, it just doesn’t seem real for people elsewhere what little money you get paid in around here and after conversion how laughable it all becomes. I was born in Brazil and it took me a long time to be able to afford the plane ticket to visit anywhere outside South America. Besides, immigrating legally to Brazil, for instance, is just as hard and annoying as trying to do the same to the US or Europe.
Former ESL teacher in France* January 10, 2017 at 7:23 pm Another former ESL teacher: – I made 18 EUR/hr (brut) in private language schools (5-20 hours/week depending on demand) – then 800 EUR/month (net) for a 7 month contract – then 1250 EUR/month (net) for a 12-month university contract. The last job was just fine, but the others were pretty rough financially! Now I’m back in the US training to be a project manager.
Elementary School Teacher* January 10, 2017 at 8:46 pm I thought about going that route for a while. The Internet was like, “You can save so much because it’s so cheap to live in other countries!” Then I looked at the actual salaries.
student records coordinator* January 10, 2017 at 11:27 am Job: track graduate student progress from matriculation-graduation, also coordinate supplemental certificate programs and additional training Geographic area: major east coast city Years of experience: 7 (5 in higher ed; 2 in this specific job) Salary: $51,500 Private R1 University
HR Assistant/ Receptionist* January 10, 2017 at 11:27 am Reston (Washington DC metro area/ Northern Virginia) Entry level/ just a few months 34k bonuses 2x a year
Associate Director, Public Relations* January 10, 2017 at 11:27 am Job: Associate Director of Public Relations at a university Geographic area: Larger city in Midwest Years of experience: about 15 Salary: $62,000/year I also get 100% tuition remission for myself and my family. So my kids will be able to go to this school for free. I received a free masters degree. So that’s certainly a part of my income as well.
Assistant Director, Media Relations* January 10, 2017 at 1:46 pm I’m also an assistant director at a university in a medium-sized city in the Great Lakes area! Duties: I research, write and edit news releases about faculty research and campus events, pitch stories to media, and generally fill in where needed in our small office. I have a BA in a related field. Years of experience: ~1 in my current role but about 5 at the university I’m at and 10+ in this field Salary: about $52,000/year Benefits are great: 3 weeks vacation, retirement contributions, good health insurance, WFH options, and tons of professional development opportunities
Project Associate* January 10, 2017 at 11:27 am your job: assist consultants (at consulting firm) in managing client-facing projects (tax compliance, legal consulting, etc) and handling of administrative issues your geographic area: eastern Massachusetts your years of experience: 4 summer jobs, 1 year abroad full time, 3.5 years in US full time your salary: $47,000/year benefits: good health insurance, unlimited PTO anything else pertinent to put that number in context: corporate, for-profit company
Financial Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 11:27 am Job: Financial Analyst Role: Senior FP&A analyst for a Fortune 500. Location: NYC Experience: 1 year largely unrelated, 2 years related Education: BA in English, Master of Accounting Pay: $75,000 I have a hunch I’m on the underpaid side, but I love my company and there’s lots of room for growth here. Plus I walked into a position looking for 3-5 years of experience with just under 2 of FP&A work, so I’m content. Great work life balance.
Accountant I* January 10, 2017 at 11:27 am Mostly Accounts Payable with other additional duties; reconciling, providing support for employee reimbursement, some cash entries, whatever else the boss thinks of, etc… Location: Northern Florida Experience: 2.5 years Salary: $44,000 plus yearly bonus, profit share (small, basically another little bonus), 120 hours PTO rolled over every year, decent insurance, and I get merit raises every year.
Accountant - Non-Profit* January 10, 2017 at 1:09 pm Title: Accountant, non-profit agency, <100 employees, $4.5m annual budget Responsibilities: Payroll, AR/AP, budget mgmt, federal grant mgmt/reporting/billing, cash receipts, financial reporting, JE, purchasing, HR overlap (benefits, policies, etc.), misc other hats (non-profit fun). Location: Midwest state, outside of large metropolitan city Experience: 5 years corporate mgmt/finance, 2.5 current agency Current Salary: $47k annually Additional benefits: PTO (150 hrs per calendar year, increases with time worked) , observed paid holidays, cafeteria benefits plan (lots of options, affordable, good coverage), 401k with employer matching, work/life balance and work site culture is exceptional.
Technical Writer* January 10, 2017 at 11:27 am Writer/Editor for the US Government Washington, DC 4 years of experience, plus a master’s degree $75,000
Assistant Director of Communications* January 10, 2017 at 11:27 am I do all aspects of communications – marketing, email marketing, social media, and even some graphic design for a large non-profit. Baltimore, MD 4 years exp $49,000
Librarian* January 10, 2017 at 11:27 am – Academic Librarian at a liberal arts college – MLS required, second masters preferred (I do have one) – Non-metro Midwest – 7th year -$54,000/yr
Office/Project Mgr-Construction* January 10, 2017 at 11:28 am Manage accounting assistants (6+employees), contract reviews, COI tracking, proposals, change orders, budget analysis, project tracking, and sometimes manage smaller jobs. Southwest-Arizona 15 years experience, this position 10 years-all with the same company-no college experience salary $62,400 $3600 vehicle allowance & gas card (appx $2600 annually) job and year end bonuses of $10k+ last year Full benefits
Political Compliance Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:28 am Job: Sole Senior Associate in midsize political compliance firm. FEC filing, banking reconciliation, Lobbying Disclosure Act, etc. This field used to be cyclical, based on election cycles, but given the trend for campaigns to start earlier and earlier it’s more or less flat with very busy hours (similar to BigLaw) during campaign season. Area: Washington, DC Experience: 8 years total (2.5 as an intern with a govt agency while in law school), 5 years in my particular field. I have JD, am barred in a neighboring state, but never worked in a traditional practice. Salary: $55,000/year no bonus and I take benefits through my partner’s firm. Minor transit allowance.
Recruiting Specialist* January 10, 2017 at 11:28 am Job: Recruiting professional staff for a private top tier research university. Area: Southeast US Years of experience: 2.5 in recruiting, 6 total in higher ed Salary: $51K Add’l info: Generous benefits and vacation/sick leave. Have a master’s degree. Started in recruiting at 42K, then 45K, then 51K.
Recruiting Specialist* January 10, 2017 at 11:32 am Should also add that I received approx. 10K over 3 years in tuition reimbursement toward my master’s.
Senior Financial Examiner* January 10, 2017 at 11:28 am I work for a government entity that regulates insurance companies. I’m in a mid-management position. geographic area: Missouri years of experience: 6+ with this organization, I am CPA and have about 10 yrs general experience salary: $91k (and some change) pertinent info: working for the government, my salary is what it is. Everyone with this job is paid the exact same. I travel 80-100% of the time, but I work 4 10’s, so I have 3-day weekends, which helps make up for it.
Web Administrator* January 10, 2017 at 11:28 am * Web administrator for [Federal agency] * Washington DC metro area * 12 years performing these duties, 18 years in this industry * $78K + $2K bonus (Bonuses here can vary a little but generally are very consistent, and I’ve never heard of someone not getting one, so I consider my current salary $80K.) Great benefits, including telework.
Web Administrator* January 10, 2017 at 11:33 am Oh, probably should have said: I do everything from content management to web development to quality assurance and task management for web programming projects.
Manager of Student Activities* January 10, 2017 at 11:28 am • Coordinate and implement all aspects of extra-circular events and activities. • Collaborate with faculty to coordinate and implement all aspects of co-curricular events and activities. • Collaborate with Dean of Diversity and Diversity Committee to ensure a singular approach to cultural education and awareness activities. • Collaborate with President’s Office and appointed liaisons in support of major college-wide event initiatives. • Ensure completion of essential events in support of Title IX, diversity and strategic initiatives. • Ensure Student Activities participants meet eligibility requirements set by the Board of Trustees. • Develop relationships with vendors to purchase group tickets and other event services. • Coordinate the ticket sale process in conjunction with the Cashier’s Office. • Track ticket sales to analyze return on investments and determine continuation of events. • Collaborate with local non-profit community fundraising agencies to develop relationships and secure large-scale, on-campus community fundraising events. • Work with non-profit agencies to develop, organize and implement fundraising events. • Coordinate on-campus community fundraising event logistics committee to arrange facilities and campus resources. • Develop annual report for on-campus community fundraising outcomes, to include community members on campus and total funds raised. • Organize annual department challenge to encourage participation in fundraising events from faculty, staff and students. • Work with the Red Cross to hold and promote on-campus community blood drives. • Coordinate marketing and promotion of all Student Activities and ensure accurate and timely dissemination of information to students, staff and faculty. • Provide Director with weekly report on Student Activities programming. • Provide direct supervision to the Student Activities Part-Time Student Staff and Work Study positions. • Oversee onboarding, training, delegation, scheduling, payroll and oversight of the Part-Time Student Staff and Work Study positions. • Oversee the creation and completion of the staff duties in support of Student Activities, Student Organizations and the Department of Student Development and Activities. • Collaborate with Technical Assistant on budgeting, purchasing and financial record-keeping. • Effectively communicate college policies, department procedures, and student responsibilities to staff, faculty, club advisers and students. Region: Midwest at a somewhat large community college 10 years experience Salary: $58,771
Manager of Student Activities* January 10, 2017 at 11:32 am I should mention that the flexible hours, good benefits including health care, and a generous vacation package (30 days vacation per year, 13 paid holidays and 10 hours of sick leave per month), makes it difficult to leave this job, though compensation would surely be better elsewhere.
Member Services* January 10, 2017 at 11:28 am Mostly I do data entry/processing. I work with spreadsheets to enroll people in group insurance. Midsize Midwestern city 6 years of experience in this role, I also have 10 years experience as an Administrative Assistant $15.42/hour USD
Vehicle Engineer* January 10, 2017 at 11:28 am Job: Design components/systems for a flying car, mostly structural or ground-drive related. Small company, so lots of related hats (vendor selection/management; test planning, overseeing/doing, and documenting; process writing/maintenance; more) Location: Northeast USA Experience: 18 years total; 2 years here Salary: $80,000/year. I could make more elsewhere ($20k pay cut to come here + lesser benefits), but it’s a flying car! And my boss & coworkers are awesome.
irritable vowel* January 10, 2017 at 11:41 am I’m seeing lots of jobs here that I would love Alison to do Q&As about! This one, the police dept. evidence room manager, the agricultural engineer who works on preventing barn fires…
Master Bean Counter* January 10, 2017 at 12:06 pm Yeah, I’m pretty sure I’d trade off a bunch of stuff to be able to say I worked on a flying car. That’s just cool.
You're Killing Me Smalls* January 10, 2017 at 1:54 pm !!!! W-when do you think we can buy said flying car??
Senior Development Associate* January 10, 2017 at 11:29 am Job – Fundraising for a nonprofit. Primarily corporate relations but also some major donor stewardship Location – Boston Experience – 5 years total, 2 in fundraising/development Salary – $47,500
Financial Administrator* January 10, 2017 at 11:29 am Job – all accounting duties for a nonprofit organization–payables, payroll, general ledger, financial statements, audit preparation–as well as a variety of other tasks to keep things running, like troubleshooting computer issues, training volunteers, and running the website. Location: near Minneapolis/St. Paul Experience: 23 years, 13 at current position Salary: $49,700 (nonprofit–low pay, pretty good benefits)
Customer Support Specialist* January 10, 2017 at 11:29 am * Admin for a customer service team. Lots of administrative duties and cleaning up old messes, and some process improvement & training. * Indianapolis, IN * 4-8 years experience depending on what you see as relevant * $14/hr as a temp; permanent role is $30-35k/year with benefits, or $14-17/hr part time. I’ve gone above and beyond and would ask for more like $18-20/hr because I’ve expanded the role.
Customer Support Specialist* January 10, 2017 at 12:04 pm Details about my job: My manager tells me that I’ve taken the job halfway between the administrative support it was designed for and the (currently empty) assistant manager role. I will be receiving a higher title as soon as we can figure out what it should be. When a customer service rep goes “This sucks and makes my job harder”, I figure out how to make the process better. So for example, our team shares a group inbox and receives thousands of emails a day. In addition to sorting out which email should go to which CSR, I’ve been automating more of how emails are color-coded, filed, and tagged. I coordinate account coverage when someone’s out, and I do a lot of the CSRs’ timesucking repetitive work like closing files for billing. Everything has been disorganized, with problems ignored for years, so I fix that. I do not have a bachelor’s degree.
Potter/ PT Retail* January 10, 2017 at 11:30 am Working as a cashier PT for $11/hr while I start up my own pottery business, mostly online. Since starting in July, have made almost $4,000 on my pottery, by working out of my house. Hoping to go at it full time by this time next year! BFA late in life, after making $35k/ year as a case manager for a non-profit, and many other admin/ office related jobs.
Marisol* January 10, 2017 at 12:44 pm I think it would be ok to give a plug to your pottery business–I like to know about artisans who sell their own work and I’m sure others here would like to know too. Would you post your website so we can peruse?
Awesomite* January 10, 2017 at 6:46 pm That is awesome to be able to make money creating art. I know it’s work, but it’s inspiring!
Early Childhood Teacher* January 10, 2017 at 11:30 am Specialist in infant and toddler development, no degree (some college), 8 years experience. Expensive for-profit preschool/childcare that pays similar wages at most locations in the US and Canada, regardless of cost of living. $11 an hour. I would get a 5% raise if I finished my degree.
Lab/field technician, Water analyst, (Environmental)* January 10, 2017 at 11:43 am such an underpaid field…
Teacher's Aide* January 10, 2017 at 8:45 pm Job: 4-year-old kindergarten teacher’s aide. I work with one licensed teacher and together we manage 2 classes in 2 different schools. Typical class size is 20-23 students. This is a public school district. Location: rural/small town Wisconsin (USA) Years of experience: 5.5 Salary: $17,000 ($13.50/hr) I have a bachelor’s degree in an unrelated field. My job only requires a high school degree, and my degree has no bearing on my rate of pay. As far as I know there is no possibility of negotiation for pay (at least for support staff) and experience does not affect pay (same hourly rate for everybody with the same position).
CA Admin* January 10, 2017 at 11:30 am Job: Administrative Assistant Salary: $65,000 / year + OT and bonuses (~$80,000 total in 2016) Location: San Francisco Industry: Private Equity Years of Experience: 2.5 Other info: I was the firm’s Receptionist before moving into a AA role. I support 5 people, including a Partner, Principal, and VP. I do the work of the Executive Assistants at the firm (in terms of who I support) and am likely to be promoted in the next year.
Public Information Officer* January 10, 2017 at 11:30 am Area: Los Angeles Experience: 10 years Salary: 77,000 Job – managing internal & external communications for local-level gov’t agency, incl. writing news articles & press releases, preparing executive briefings, handling media requests, responding to public inquiries, maintaining social media presence & occasional photo/graphics/layout work.
Public Information Officer* January 10, 2017 at 11:35 am experience clarification – <1 year at this job, 9+ in PR & digital marketing overall, primarily in nonprofits + a master's
Project Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:30 am – My role as a project manager involves determining requirements, establishing priorities and monitoring progress. I evaluate project status and resource utilization and make recommendations to improve the team’s effectiveness by integrating agile tools and best practices. I conduct analysis on mid-sized, time-limited projects or components of larger projects and consult with business teams to develop new agile processes and policy solutions to address highly complex business needs. – Denver, CO – I have 3 years of project management experience in the fields of software development, telecommunications and the cable industry. I did not earn a Project Management Professional certification (PMP) – $76,000 annual salary + $7,000 in annual employer paid benefits (401k, HSA, dental and medical) – Factors that may have an influence on my salary 1. I earned a Master of Science degree from the top ranked university (non-engineering) in the state, according to U.S. News & World Report ( 2. I asked for $85,000
Student Affairs Administrator* January 10, 2017 at 11:30 am Officially the “Associate Director for Student Conduct” Job: Oversee the office that handles all cases of student conduct for a college campus. Location: mid-size city in the midwest Salary: $55,000 Experience/Education: 10 in the field of Student Affairs, graduate degree in higher education
Applications Engineer* January 10, 2017 at 11:30 am – Applications Engineer in the power industry Providing product and technical sales support, evaluating/processing RMA’s, staffing tradeshows. Only 2 apps engineers supporting the US region – other position is a senior-level employee with 11+ years with this company. – Wisconsin – BSEE in 2007 8 years with a previous company supporting microcontroller-based products have been in my current role for almost 2 years. – 78,000 salary plus up to an additional 16% discretionary bonus (based on personal goals AND company performance) annually after the first year -24 days of PTO (incl. sick leave), 17 paid holidays -Health insurance premium is offset by company’s 401k contribution all health insurance copays are also eligible for reimbursement. (Swiss-based company ftw)
Software Engineer - 15+ years* January 10, 2017 at 11:30 am Software engineer – C++/Linux – EDA (currently, but other fields previously and they seem similar) Portland, Oregon metro 15+ years experience Just over $100,000 a year, plus very good benefits (health; 401k matching; but also free gym membership and the like). Plus a 5% bonus scheme.
Director of Operations* January 10, 2017 at 11:30 am Job: finance, business, and logistics management for a small arts nonprofit/performing ensemble Area: NYC Years: <1 year in this job, 6 years in arts management overall Salary: $52,500
Director of Operations* January 10, 2017 at 11:31 am Also, extremely flexible schedule and unlimited PTO.
Secretary in an Academic Archive* January 10, 2017 at 11:30 am I perform the basic admin tasks (answering the phone, ordering supplies, filing) but also work on exhibits and preservation. New England 3 years at this job, 4 years experience in general entry-level archival settings Starting $14/hr. Currently $15/hr Academia is of course wide and varied, $14/hr is (was) the basic starting rate for paraprofessionals. Benefits are good and I was able to receive tuition reimbursement while I worked on my Master’s. Unfortunately, now that I have my Master’s I’m underpaid for my qualifications.
Technical Writer* January 10, 2017 at 11:30 am Job: Write user documentation, including installation, developer, sysadmin, concepts, and API guides, release notes, and online help. Provide UX feedback and UI wording, edit developer-written content. Industry: Software/telecom. Geographical area: Big city in Ontario, Canada Years experience: 4 Salary (before tax): 62,000 Additional info: Giant company, flexible work environment, decent benefits (including dental and drug coverage, RRSP matching, 4 weeks vacation). I’m at the bottom of the level 3 salary band (level 1 being no experience, entry-level). We often don’t get a focal budget, so raises aren’t an every-year thing.
Graphic Artist* January 10, 2017 at 11:31 am Graphic Artist (non textile/non ad agency) I’ve done a little bit of this and that and a lot of being a print specialist over the years. New York, NY 37 years doing it (OMG!!!!) Current salary: $52,000 Starting salary at the very beginning: $9,000 There seems to be a need for packaging designers right now – which I haven’t done.
Senior Copywriter* January 10, 2017 at 12:40 pm I started as a copywriter 34 years ago, and my starting salary was $11,000. Scary, huh? ;)
Teacher* January 10, 2017 at 11:31 am I teach 6th-12th grade humanities, language, composition, and rhetoric at a small private school in the midwest/south. This is my 9th year at the school and my 8th in this position. I make $22,000/year.
me* January 10, 2017 at 2:12 pm Another private school teacher I teach AP math classes at a small private school in the southwest Also department head $50,000/yr, normal school vacations MA in Education, 8 years of teaching
Marketing Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:31 am I am responsible for all of my company’s content marketing (blogs, press releases, social media, resources, website copy) and for working with freelancers (e.g. graphic designers, video editors). your geographic area: South East (outside London), UK your years of experience: 3 in marketing, 1 at this company your salary: £30,000
Financial Management Analyst* January 10, 2017 at 11:31 am Analyst for the government in a developmental program rotating jobs every 6 months. Indiana 50,106 Overall 1 year 8 months in the government
Program Manager (Academic)* January 10, 2017 at 11:31 am Job: Outreach, event coordination, project management in higher education. Location: Boston About 8 years of progressive experience 54,000
Another Program Manager (Education)* January 10, 2017 at 12:03 pm Job: Program Manager for a for-profit after school company. Supervises teachers, sells new programs, manages client relationships Location: NYC Experience: 1 year teaching, 2.5 managing Salary: $50,000 Other info: no Master’s degree (those who have a Master’s at my company make more)
Research Project Coordinator* January 10, 2017 at 3:50 pm Job: Public Health research coordinator at medium-sized academic institution Location: large metro area in Midwest Experience: 3 years Salary: $47,500 (just got bumped in anticipation of new FLSA- was 41,000- boss let me keep the raise)
Higher Ed Admin* January 10, 2017 at 11:31 am Job: Higher education administration for an academic department in the sciences. I support faculty, keep up with appointments/reappointments, promotion & tenure, etc. I also supervise 3 direct reports who are responsible for graduate and undergraduate program coordination. Location: Large city in Texas Experience: 8 years in higher education, including a stint as a professional academic librarian (I also have a MLS). I have been in my current position for less than a year. Salary: $52,000
Director of Communications/PR Coordinator - USA Division* January 10, 2017 at 11:31 am I work for manufacturing company (B2B and B2c) that sells internationally and creates retail items that are sold both through distributors/department stores/individual retailers and company-owned stores and acompany-owned online shop. I wear many hats but am responsible for writing/editing English language public facing documents and press-releases; assist in running social media presence, and do a lot of other things as needed, from representing the company at exhibitions/trade shows to doing trend research or providing feedback on future merchandising. Geographic Region: North America – the actual North American Office is located on the West Coast, but I work remotely, the company headquarters is overseas 2 years experience; honestly I was hired with no background in retail or marketing $40,000/year, 11 paid holidays, PTO, and 100% health coverage (with high deductible and office visit fees)
Director of Communications/PR Coordinator - USA Division* January 10, 2017 at 12:44 pm To clarify – I have plenty of experience in retail (i.e cashier level, food service) but not the corporate level of marketing and communication strategies where I ended up I have grad degrees – in the humanities — which are completely unrelated to my current position Also my title is grossly inflated. This was what my VP wanted; honestly I feel like a 1 person department always running 10 directions 90% of the time, and then every once in a while I just sit there and spin my wheels…
Event Coordinator* January 10, 2017 at 11:32 am (My job title is approximate here, because googling my real specific-yet-meaningless title turns up my staff bio.) My job is 90% event management for a grad program with about 350 students–I do conferences, lectures, graduation parties, and whatever else we have on the calendar. The other 10% is advising some of our student groups. Washington DC 1.5 years of experience, plus another 2 as a part-time or student employee Salary: $48,500 Notable benefits: 17 vacation days + 17 paid holidays; full tuition benefits for my own MA I also get paid as much overtime as I need, which, since many events are outside of work hours, is a lot–I’m new to the job but am told that my predecessor earned “thousands” in overtime each year.
Meeting planner for conventions and tradeshows* January 10, 2017 at 11:39 am Interesting, you and I do pretty much the same type of thing (I am a meeting planner for conventions and trade shows) and we make the same amount and benefits (except no overtime for me, I’m salaried – the hours we pull in this industry are insane!). I am on the West Coast with about the same amount of experience.
Event Manager* January 10, 2017 at 2:20 pm Enjoy that paid OT benefit! We just get time in lieu, which is not very valuable when there is no free time to be taken. :P Technically we have flexible hours, I suppose, but again, working 12+ hours a day in season makes it an earned benefit, not a freebee.
Meeting planner for conventions and tradeshows* January 10, 2017 at 3:15 pm How much time do you get in lieu of overtime? We get one day off per show we travel to.
Information Literacy Coordinator at a College Library* January 10, 2017 at 11:32 am Job: Coordinate library instruction activities and oversee librarian teaching (without direct management). Also serve as a public services liaison to several departments. Geography: West Coast metro area Experience: 6 years post MLS. Without tenure. Salary: 58k for 12 month
Information Literacy Coordinator at a College Library* January 10, 2017 at 11:35 am I should clarify – it’s tenure-track but I’ve been at this position less than the 5-6 year tenure clock
Customer Success Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:32 am Strategic Customer Success Manager: Working for a SAAS company, I work with strategic (larger) customers to evaluate their business processes and translate them into improved workflows via our software. I also provide onsite/ virtual training and provide general support (above and beyond our standard technical support team). Location: Seattle Experience: 10 years, BSci Environmental Sciences $90+k (the + indicates performance-tied bonuses)
Human Resources Assistant* January 10, 2017 at 11:32 am Payroll processing, benefits administration (health, dental, vision, HRA, FSA, life and disability products), new hire onboarding, records maintenance, incident reporting, compliance and labor reporting, some recruiting, I’m forgetting a lot, I think Charlotte, NC 3 years, in position and field ~$37,000/year
Research Investigator* January 10, 2017 at 11:32 am I manage a portfolio of agricultural products with regard to analytical chemistry methods. I’m responsible for providing new and historical data to regulatory bodies (think EPA) around the world, as well as supporting laboratories in manufacturing sites. I am also responsible for analytical method development for quantification of active ingredients and impurities (these methods also go to the regulators and the manufacturing sites). I manage one lab technician. Area: Delaware Experience: 1.5 years with a Ph.D (hired right out of grad school, with 3 years of experience at the Bachelor’s level) Salary: $103,000 [The title is standard for people at my position in my (very large) company. No matter what division you work in you’re usually a Research Investigator if you have a Ph.D and <10 years of experience]
Electrical Engineer* January 10, 2017 at 11:32 am I’m an electrical engineer working in an MEP design firm. We design the power/HVAC/lighting/plumbing/fire protection systems for commercial buildings. Anything ranging from a conference room getting converted to two offices, to a 800,000 square foot new construction warehouse, to converting an office building to a medical lab. My firm is in Boston, MA, and most of the work is either downtown, or in a surrounding suburb, though we do get the occasional job out of state 5 years of experience. I don’t have my FE or my PE yet. I’ll get a small bump with an FE, a BIG on with the PE. I make about $76,000 a year, with a typical bonus of about $4,000. The amount isn’t guaranteed and is based on a variety of factors that I’ve never really had defined for me.
Electrical Engineer* January 10, 2017 at 5:20 pm I hold this exact same position (electrical engineer for MEP design firm). I’m at a management level with a few engineers working under me. Los Angeles, CA 6.5 years of experience. I have the FE, taking the PE in April this year. $82,000 a year with very aggressive discretionary mid year and end of year bonus structure (last year bonuses totaled $20,000).
Credentialing Specialist* January 10, 2017 at 11:32 am Credentialing for a nursing agency, includes primarily RNs, LPNs, CNAs. Make sure they continue to turn in certifications and other items required by the facilities we staff; credentialing new nurses fully when we hire them South Louisiana, United States Less than 1 year (moved to Credentialing in Oct 2016 from Staffing. Worked Staffing for over 2 years prior) $33,000/year ($16.00 hourly pay, non-exempt) Plus full benefits offered (full benefits minus retirement plan-we don’t have one offered through the company); bonuses offered (if earned) but very small and not worth factoring in to salary but I will expand on this if anyone asks
Credentialing Specialist* January 10, 2017 at 11:39 am No degree required (and I don’t have any college/university degree at all)
Hospital Medical Staff Office Manager* January 11, 2017 at 12:41 pm 25% Credentialing and privileging of the medical staff that uses the hospital 25% Internal regulation development and external regulation compliance 25% Administration duties including meeting management 12.5% Event and education planning and management 12.5% Staffing the metaphorical PSYCHIATRIC HELP 5 Cents booth 60K, full benefits, decent vacation policy. Upper Midwest. I manage a small staff and have >10 years of experience in medical and research administration. I have an unrelated (humanities) BA and MA.
Another Credentialing Specialist* January 11, 2017 at 9:26 pm Medical credentialing in for a non-profit specializing in rural communities Upper Midwest 2 years $34,000-ish (paid hourly) First job remotely related to my degree in human resources
Digital advertising executive* January 10, 2017 at 11:32 am Principal at a ~20-person digital advertising firm DC 10 years experience ~$170K/year, including bonuses and commissions
Assistant Professor* January 10, 2017 at 11:32 am Assistant Professor in the social sciences, private university Mountain West Experience: PhD and some previous experience, but not up for tenure yet $67,000 + regular opportunities to pick up extra money with consulting and teaching on the side
Assistant Professor* January 10, 2017 at 12:32 pm Assistant Professor in the humanities, private university (Catholic) Midwest Experience: PhD and some previous relevant professional work, 18 months until I put together my packet for tenure $57,000 for teaching a 3/3 load
Associate Professor* January 10, 2017 at 2:21 pm * Associate Professor in the social sciences, public college – Teach 3 courses each semester with 80-100 students total; academic advisor to 40 or so students – Conduct research and publish the results in academic journals – Ever more committee/admin service: developing and assessing curricula and co-curricular projects, faculty orientation and professional development, diversity and campus climate, strategic planning, alumni and donor outreach, recruiting prospective students, plus manuscript reviews and committee service for professional societies * Non-metro Northeast US, low COL * 11 years here plus a few years before * $65,000 base salary + 10% to my 403(b) + GREAT health ins + $2000-$3000/year in royalties * This is an academic-year appointment; I do work year round, but they can’t make me teach or come to meetings in the summer. I could try to get grants to pay me a summer salary. I can do extra teaching or service for additional compensation; I usually get about $5000 or so.
Sr. Tech Writer* January 10, 2017 at 11:32 am S.F. Bay Area Unlike the tech writer above, I get very little direct written input. Gather technical input in various ways, including: Read specs, talk to experts, follow email threads, attend technical meetings, work directly with product. Also give feedback on product design. Over 20 years as a tech writer ABD in a stem field (ie, PhD level, but didn’t complete), with a consolation masters $130,000
Communications Specialist* January 10, 2017 at 11:32 am Internal communications consultant and content creator for an academic medical center. I write on behalf of institutional leaders for two divisions and provide advice on best ways to reach their target audiences. Writing internal news articles and longform pieces for various publications. Many other duties (writing and event-planning) as assigned. Texas 7 $60,000 Work for the government and academia, so salaries/promotions/etc are very regimented and algorithmed – I started at $58,212/year.
Accountant* January 10, 2017 at 11:32 am job : accountant at a large non-profit (but not a hospital) specializing in reporting (financial statements, tax return) with four clerical direct reports geographic area : metropolitan southwest years of experience : 30 years salary : $109,000 per year pertinent : professional license and master’s degree
Programmer/System Analyst 2* January 10, 2017 at 11:32 am job: I am a full stack programmer for a K-12 charter school. We develop and maintain systems for ordering of supplies, communications, integration with other systems, and other projects to support the business and instructional activites for the school. We are a large school (over 5000 students spread out in a region the size of Vermont). I also act as 3rd tier support for our users. Part of my individual role is to make sure the team is staying on track from week to week in order to meet our goals and dealines and act as a system architect. Region: Outside of the San Francisco Bay Area in Northern California. years of experience: 8 years professional and another 10 of amateur/hobby Salary: $92,500. context: Salaried Non-Exempt. 10 days vacation per year, 21 other holidays. Currently maxed out on steps and haven’t hit my longevity. Work recently did a salary survey and the results of which brought the programmers up quite a bit and we are now at the high end for our local area. San Francisco is still only a few hours away and compared to that we are on the low end. So it is a balance of what we could earn and wanting to stay here.
Systems Analyst/Programmer II* January 10, 2017 at 12:58 pm Same title, different location, and I think way underpaid. Degree: BS Computer Science, minor Math Job: database developer (mostly), working with Oracle SQL, Crystal Reports, SQL Server, SSIS, Excel VBA programming – lots of back-end and reporting. Currently working for a gas utility, but have also worked for a corporate farm, a city government, a federal government contractor, a testing laboratory, and a medical device manufacturer. I’ve worked on payroll, GIS, front and back-end, maintenance, documentation, teaching, billing, technical support, anything and everything for small to large companies, but always gravitating towards the databases. Region: eastern WA Years of experience: nearly 30 Salary: $67,696. I’ve earned as high as a bit over 74k, but that was before the last layoff. I’m on the low end of our salary scale, and it hits my confidence pretty hard. They say they like my work, but … On the other hand, I enjoy the work (I love databases!), I enjoy my co-workers, I enjoy the challenges. I like everything about the job except the pay. And I’m close enough to retirement age, I’m not sure I’m willing to go for higher pay and maybe lose some of those other benefits. I’ve been here a bit over 4 years, so I’m finally clawing my way up to getting more than 2 weeks vacation, and I don’t want to start over for that, either.
Software Engineer* January 10, 2017 at 11:32 am Job: software engineer working at a tech company Location: Seattle Experience: 4.5 years at this company, hired straight out of college. Had internships elsewhere Salary: ~$125k, plus another $50k or so in stock
Academic Librarian* January 10, 2017 at 11:33 am Mid-level management role; I manage 1 FTE professional staff Location: Boston area Experience: ~20 years Education required: I hold an MILS and a second master’s degree Salary: $84,500 plus 5 weeks PTO and pretty good benefits
Managing editor* January 10, 2017 at 11:33 am National business to business publication for niche market. Find and write articles, assign to freelancers, update website, social media and layout and design monthly print edition. Northern New England 13 years in industry, 11 years at this company $40,000 per year Haven’t had a raise since I was promoted to this job about 5 years ago (ad sales are down), but get fours weeks of vacation seven days personal/sick time, paid holidays and generally treated like a human being.
Senior Database Administrator* January 10, 2017 at 11:33 am Microsoft SQL database administrator I am a system datababase administrator that ensures the server performance and uptime 12 years experience KCMO $105,000
Insurance Defense Attorney* January 10, 2017 at 11:33 am Job: I represent insured persons or companies in lawsuits, largely construction companies Region: Utah Experience 5 years Salary $85000
Librarian* January 10, 2017 at 11:33 am My job: I do reference, instruction, and collection development for a particular subject at a university. Since it is academic there are the usual committee and professional service requirements as well as my day to day job. Location: Upstate New York Years of experience: 10+ Annual salary: $63,000 Added compensation: Benefits and vacation time at the university are amazing.
Events Coordinator* January 10, 2017 at 11:33 am Coordinate several large-scale benefit dinners per year in addition to smaller cultivation events for a nonprofit Washington, DC 6 years experience $48,000
Senior Architectural Executive* January 10, 2017 at 11:33 am Job – being part of an architectural design team, handling design concepts, drawing and reviewing up the plans for submission and client presentations, presenting aforementioned design to client, making authority submissions for building permits. Location – Singapore Experience – 8 years Salary – 67,200 SGD a year, so around 47,000 not including bonuses (which are subject to the economy). Benefits includes medical and annual leave.
health policy analyst (fed gov't)* January 10, 2017 at 11:33 am your job: policy analyst for a large federal public insurance program (you know the one). tons of technical writing, operations work, implementation of major federal rules and policies, etc. your geographic area: baltimore/DC your years of experience: 3 years in this job; 1 year before this post-grad school (i have a master’s); in the general health/human services field for 11 years during/between periods of schooling your salary: $80k anything else pertinent to put that number in context: $15k of my salary is the federal COLA adjustment. the “base” is $64k.
Program Coordinator* January 10, 2017 at 11:33 am I work at a private university in Washington, DC. I mainly do administration and program coordination. -3 years experience -$55k and tuition benefits In DC, housing is like $2500 for a one bedroom. So unless you have a significant other that you live with, things get expensive fast. I would imagine this position would pay less elsewhere.
(also) Program Coordinator* January 10, 2017 at 1:17 pm I work at a private university in Western NY 15 years experience -$32K, tuition benefits , and TWENTY FIVE vacation days/unlimited sick time My housing cost is $525 per month, so I think our salaries might be comparable
Web Developer/Programmer* January 10, 2017 at 11:34 am – Web Developer/Programmer – Madison, WI – 5 years in this type of position, additional 3 years in general IT support positions – $73K
Web Developer* January 10, 2017 at 3:33 pm Job: Senior Web Developer at a public university. I work for the largest college within the university, and I oversee our public websites (about 150 at last count). I handle updates to our CMS, tech support, training faculty and staff, and developing custom templates and themes for our major sites. I oversee a couple of students, and recently started managing another full-time staff position, our web application developer. I’ll be helping this position transition to agile development, version control, etc. Location: College town in Southeastern United States Experience: 7 years. I have a BA in English. I worked here as a student, and just got hired at the right time. I used to do mainly content updates and very little development, but I’ve learned on the job. Handed off most of the content work to other non-technical folks. Compensation: $49K, 22 days of vacation in addition to spring break and Christmas break, lots of sick leave, a pension, great health insurance. I could probably make more in the private sector, but I like this job, the benefits are great, and I value the flexibility as a new parent.
Research Consultant* January 10, 2017 at 11:34 am Job: I work for a mid-size consulting firm focused on healthcare/public health/etc. Clients are generally government agencies. I function as a consultant doing lots of data analysis, etc. Geographic area: Washington D.C. Experience: 2 years (B.S. and an M.P.H.) Salary: $74,000 + merit-based bonuses (only a fraction of employees end up getting a bonus each year) + 23 days PTO (vacation/sick time) + decent healthcare coverage but nothing great. Limited ability to work remotely (i.e. not regularly, only in one-off situations).
Environmental Consultant* January 10, 2017 at 12:06 pm Mine’s very similar so I’m nesting it here. – Job: Mid-level staff (“associate” title) at a consulting firm supporting environment-/public health-related projects for federal clients. Project management, desk-based research and analysis (lit review, data crunching, regulation development support, training/outreach, report writing), some business development, (currently) one direct report. – Geographic area: Washington D.C. – Experience: 8 years (started after undergrad, got an MPH while working, have had a bunch of promotions) – Salary: $75k (I’m a little underpaid relative to other people at my level because I’ve worked at the same place my whole professional career and in this field it’s definitely easier to get money in salary negotiations vs. in raises) – Benefits etc.: 4 weeks vacation, 10 federal holidays plus 2 personal days/floating holidays, 7 days sick time, good health insurance, very flexible attitudes toward work schedules/locations, moderate billable hour requirements, 401(k) match plus ESOP benefits, assorted extras like a tuition reimbursement program
Cam* January 11, 2017 at 9:41 am I want your job and I live in the same area! Do you have any advice for getting into the field?
Environmental Consultant* January 11, 2017 at 10:39 am Hi! I’m glad I checked back. In hiring (other than for super entry-level positions), we mostly look for subject matter knowledge (geology, toxicology, chemistry, hydrology, biology, health communication, whatever) plus experience in some kind of government setting (either directly or as a consultant/contractor, ideally with one of our key client agencies). Feel free to email me if you want – peagreenpoems at gmail. I can send you a link to our firm’s career page.
Consulting Associate* January 10, 2017 at 2:55 pm Job: Project management, research, report writing, roughly 20% travel to client sites. Clients are mostly not-for-profit organizations. I work on healthcare, STEM research, and education projects. Location: Boston Experience: Less than one year – this was my starting salary right out of grad school Salary: $70,000 + bonuses Benefits: 3 weeks vacation, 11 holidays, ‘unlimited’ sick time, 100% of health/dental insurance premiums paid by employer
Finance and Human Resources (Senior Manager)* January 10, 2017 at 11:34 am Job: oversee all financial and human resource responsibilities for a small non-profit (annual budget $5M) Location: New York, NY Experience: 12 years relevant experience, 18 years professional experience Salary: $78,000 Other info: I have an MA in a field that relates to the type of work the non-profit does, but I do not have an accounting degree.
Dog Wrangler* January 10, 2017 at 11:34 am Location: Mid-Atlantic greater metro Occupation: Business owner, social dog boarding Experience: <5 years running, but 10 years of animal and veterinary care experience prior to opening Salary: Just raised it to $19k. Last January I gave myself my first salary paycheck from the business. Total salary last year was <$9k, but profits brought that number up to closer to $17k. For comparison, when I lived in the Midwest, I was paid ~$8/hour for the same job description as an employee.
Marketing Representative* January 10, 2017 at 11:34 am Job Desc: All marketing & advertising for North America for a manufacturer based in Europe. This includes trade shows, advertising, special events, email/direct mail marketing, etc. Area: Dallas/Fort Worth, TX Years of Exp: 20 yrs sales & marketing; almost 4 years with current company. Salary: $78,000
University administrator* January 10, 2017 at 11:34 am I coordinate the admin team for a professional programme in a large university. Wales, UK Five years experience in education admin. £27,000 My workplace is very supportive, is paying for me to study elsewhere and offers an outrageously large amount of leave, which is worth more to me than the higher salary I could probably get elsewhere.
Research Planning Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:34 am your job: Research Development at a large public university (mostly limited submissions and other internal competitions) your geographic area: Research Triangle, North Carolina your years of experience: ~2 your salary: $48K anything else: I have a master’s degree, with my graduate school experience being seen as a positive in this area
Recruiting/Project Manager* January 10, 2017 at 11:34 am Manage recruting for nannies, housekeepers and senior caregivers for a home staffing company. Additionally manage random projects as needed involving web design changes, app creation, training program updates, etc. Essentially if it doesn’t fit neatly into a category, the job goes to me. Westchester County, NY 1 year relevant experience Salary: ~$62,000/year Base: $36,400 Commission: ~$26,000 Commission is for hitting certain goals for recruiting, a percentage on placements and a percentage on regular services. This is my first year here and that number is what I’d expect to get in a full year at the rate I’m currently making.
Deskside Technical Analyst \ Team Lead* January 10, 2017 at 11:34 am My Job: Evaluate technical needs of our staff and approve / deny the use of new hardware / software. I also lead the Deskside team for my region in all the support needs of our users. Geographic Region: Southwest – Arizona Experience: 5 years in my current role, 15 years in technology Salary: $75,000 Other: I am really good at what I do, and have gained a lot of trust from decision makers in this company.
Technical Writer* January 10, 2017 at 11:40 am Haha, I read that as “Darkside Technical Analyst” and was REALLY curious.
Deskside Technical Analyst \ Team Lead* January 10, 2017 at 12:46 pm Oh man! I really want to see that job description now. So long as I’m not stationed on the death star – those pesky rebels keep blowing it up!
Computer Application Administrator* January 10, 2017 at 11:34 am Job: I manage an event management software program for an interdisciplinary arts organization. This includes training, trouble shooting, light SQL report writing, managing and implementing projects related to the software, etc. Area: Toronto, Canada Years Experience: In the full breadth of my job duties, zero because I’ve only been in this job for two months. I was an enthusiastic end-user for six-ish years before moving into this role. Salary: $61,000 CAD / $46,000 USD (wow, the Canadian dollar is terrible right now) Other info: I have (separate) certificates in Arts Administration and Project Management in addition to my Fine Arts degree, but I don’t think those impacted any of the above in a major way.
Event Manager* January 10, 2017 at 2:13 pm Fascinating! I’m an event manager elsewhere in Ontario who is the primary end-user for our sales and project management systems. I’d love to get into a similar role, as customizing software applications is my favourite part of the job, and I spend a lot of time training new staff and troubleshooting user issues due to our complex build. Any tips/advice? Thread contribution: Event sales and customer service manager (music industry). I manage 16-20 seasonal staff, 50 event volunteers, and report to my organization’s ED. Years’ Experience: 3 in this role, 2 additional with the organization as a project coordinator, 12 years in the workforce overall. Salary: $55,000 CAD Other info: I have a MA from a well-regarded university that is tangentially related to my job (aka looks good on paper).
Event Manager* January 10, 2017 at 2:54 pm Forgot to add: Benefits: RSP matching – 3% Fruit and coffee in the break room Friends and family tickets to our events Annual conferences, etc. based on cost and distance No health insurance – biggest issue for me and likely the reason I would leave the organization. This alone is about $10,000 a year pre-tax for me.
Associate - financial risk management* January 10, 2017 at 11:35 am I hello manage capital risk and an the tabs contact on the topic with other group and act as the tabs defacto secretary and make sure all follow ups from meetings get competed and plan topics and make materials for our management meetings. Greater Boston area $100k (base + target bonus of 15%)