short answer Sunday — 6 short answers to 6 short questions

It’s short answer Sunday — six short answers to six short questions. Here we go…

1. Unexpected second interview

I had a great job interview on Wednesday, and they told me they’d be making a decision very soon and would let me know “yay or nay” within days as they’re wanting to get someone into the position as soon as possible. This morning, I got a call to come back next week for a second interview. I understand that second interviews are generally positive, but I definitely get the impression that this wasn’t the original hiring plan. I’m guessing that I must be neck-and-neck with another candidate, and they’re doing a second interview to finalize the decision. Should I prepare differently for this interview? Wednesday I talked to a corporate HR person and the office manager. This meeting will be with that same office manager, plus the branch manager.

I’d prepare the same way. If there’s anything that you noticed they were really probing into or seemed unsure about in the first interview, I’d especially prepare to talk more about that.

As for what it might mean, it’s possible that they can’t choose between you and another candidate and are doing this to help make the choice, or it’s possible that there’s some area of skill or fit that they’re unsure about with you, or it’s possible that the branch manager just asked to meet the final candidates and they hadn’t anticipated that she’d want to.

2. Can a manager reveal your salary to others?

Is it illegal/unethical for a manager to reveal an employee’s salary to other employees that report to him?

It’s not illegal. I’m not sure I’d argue that it’s really unethical either, in the strictest sense of the word; in fact, lots of people think it would be better if all salaries were public knowledge. That said, in a context where everyone’s salary was NOT public knowledge, I wouldn’t be thrilled about my manager telling people my salary.

3. Applications that give “later” as an option for reference-checking 

I saw an online application today that did something I had never seen before. In the “listing previous employers” section, it had the typical question, “may we contact this employer?” But this application had three options for an answer: Yes, No, and Later. Color me impressed. I liked this because it doesn’t look like you’re trying to hide something if you just want to be sure your references aren’t contacted without warning.

Agreed. Frankly, they shouldn’t even ask for references until you’re at the finalist stage, but this is better than what a lot of them do.

4. Should I tell my manager why I’ve been behaving oddly?

Around the time my current manager arrived, I had a major falling-out with another employee I was quite close with. Essentially, she just wrote me off; I’m still not sure why. She’s the type to hold a grudge, and now she and my manger are very close. They have all their breaks together, lunch, etc. and always work late together. I took it quite personally and let it prevent me from being as open with my manger as I could be, especially as I’ve been a bit under the weather lately with my marriage breakup. Should I tell my manager why I’ve been so odd? I’m extremely fragile at the moment and don’t have a close relationship with my boss, but I have pretty great relationships with the rest of the team.

No. Too much drama. Just get your act together right now, start doing an excellent job, and start behaving professionally.

Read an update to this letter here.

5. Did I lose out on this job when I didn’t follow up due to health problems?

I’ve recently been interviewing with a company that I’m interested in working for. A headhunter approached me about 2 months ago in regards to a position similar to one I have held previously, in a competing company. The company that I work for now has some culture issues that I wasn’t aware of when I first came to work there, so I was excited at the new opportunity. I’ve done my research, and I think this may be a really good move for me! During my first interview (which was a 5-hour interview, with 5 different people), I must have impressed someone quite a bit since the headhunter came back to me saying that they liked me so much, they were creating a position more in line with my current experience. I went on that second interview last week, and I think it also went really well.

The problem? Since my second interview, I have been hit by a barrage of health problems. I’ve been in the hospital, and subjected to multiple tests and procedures. So I haven’t exactly gotten around to writing the follow-up email to my interviewers.

I know that this company moves slowly — there was a full 3 weeks between my first interview and my second. But I still haven’t heard anything since this second interview, and I’m becoming convinced that it is because I haven’t sent a follow-up email. Is it too late now? I don’t want to alert a possible future employer to my health problems, but I don’t want them to think that I just forgot to send this email. If they liked me so much after the first interview that they went back and created a position for me, why didn’t they immediately offer me the position after the second interview?

It is not too late at all. Send it now, today! You don’t need to mention the health problems; you can just say that you’re really interested in the role and you’d love to talk further and hear where they are in their decision-making process.

As for why they didn’t immediately offer you a position after the second interview — stuff takes time. Hiring in general takes time, but creating a new position takes even longer, at least if they’re going to do it thoughtfully.

6. Job-searching because of a possible layoff

I recently learned from the principal investigator in the lab I work in that my position may be terminated at the end of the fiscal year due to budget cuts. Due to the nature of scientific research, this can also depend on a number of factors, including grant funding, etc. As a result, I began job searching for positions in other laboratories at the institution I currently work at. I informed my direct supervisor about my situation, and I’ve already been invited to interview with another laboratory in the department I work in.

There is a decent chance that the principal investigator of my current lab knows my interviewer, but I don’t have him listed as a reference (my direct supervisor with whom I work with on a daily basis is my reference). Should I notify him that I am interviewing for other positions? If I’m asked why I’m looking for employment during the interview, is it alright to mention the possibility of my current position ending?

Yes, let him know. He probably assumes it, since he’s the one who warned you that your job may end soon, but have an explicit conversation with him about it so that you can use him as a reference (or in case he’s called without you including him as a reference). And yes, it’s absolutely fine to say in interviews that you’re looking because your job may be ending; that’s perfectly understandable.

{ 44 comments… read them below }

  1. EJ*

    #4 – from personal experience (and my own mistakes) it can be worth telling those you work closest with that you are going through a major life event (divorce, major illness) so that they have the opportunity to cut you some slack if you seem a little disengaged. That said, do your best to not be disengaged.

    I wouldn’t mention the argument with the colleague.

    1. darsenfeld*

      I don’t think that’s advisable, since it can be used against you. It may seem paranoid, but co-workers cannot really be trusted with personal information. I only really, in my current job, provide cursory details of myself such as where I live, hobbies/interests, etc.

      It may be best if she approaches her boss and apologises for her behaviour. Though this is dependent on how good a boss she has. If it’s a good one, then she may not mind and actually be supportive.

    2. Anonymously Anonymous*

      Agreeing but only to the point that’s comfortable for the op. While she doesn’t have to go into details just saying something like, “I’m going through a life changing issue that is difficult and I’m doing my best to not let it affect my work.” Some office environments are more sensitive than other. And since she hasn’t really engaged with her manager maybe she should consider engaging her and bringing it up at some point soon.
      To the op, Imo it sounds like you are holding a grudge against your boss because she and your co-worker have a good relationship.

  2. Original Poster #5*

    Well, the thank you note question is now irrelevant since they came to me with an offer right after I submitted the question! That was Friday afternoon, so I’m using the weekend to think about my options. I’ve built up 9 years of service with the company I’m at now, and that comes with some perks. If I accept this offer, I want to make sure I’m considering everything that I’ll be leaving behind.

    I currently get 3 weeks vacation, but I’ll be eligible for 4 weeks next year. The offer included 3 weeks vacation. So I need to find out when I’d be eligible for 4 weeks.

    The company I’m currently at also offers a pension plan, and you are eligible to retire after 25 years of service. The new company has a retirement package as well, but it is set up differently. How do I go about determining the value of the time I’ve accumulated toward retiring with my current company?

    I also would be missing out on a bonus with the current company. I’ll be eligible for a bonus with the new company, but it will be pro-rated based on how many months out of the year I’ll be there. So how do I ask to be compensated for the bonus I won’t be getting from the first half of the year?

    I’m really excited about this opportunity. The new company is bigger, and will offer more in terms of career advancement opportunities. They are also moving super slowly, so I should have time to take care of my health issues long before I have to start in the new position, as well as give my current employer plenty of notice. I’d be doing something I’m good at, in an environment that is preferable to the one I’m in now (I hope – I’ve been really careful about doing my research!)

    Any advice about what I should ask for, over and above what they offered (which was about a 10% raise, plus 3 weeks vacation and the standard benefits package)? I don’t want to sound like I’m not interested in the offer, because I am! But I want to make sure that what they are offering me is worth it.

    1. Anonymous*

      Super flattered to have my question published, by the way! I’ve been an avid reader of this blog since I became a first-time manager about 2 years ago. Your advice made the transition from colleague to manager much easier. Thanks for all the wonderful advice you give out. I don’t know what I would have done without this blog to turn to for direction.

    2. Colette*

      I’d ask for 4 weeks vacation – you’re close to it at your current company, and otherwise it might be a while (or never). They might say no, but if you don’t ask, you definitely won’t get it.

      As far as retirement, I assume you’d be able to take some of the money allocated to you in the current plan and move it into some sort of locked-in investment vehicle?

    3. Josh S*


      You’re in the right place to be thinking about these things! When they’ve made you the offer (but before you’ve accepted it) is when you have the most power/leverage to negotiate. They want you (Hooray!) and they’ve told you, and now they need to hope they can attract you.

      So, first off, don’t be afraid to negotiate, even if they’re proposing to give you a raise/other perks.

      Here is some good advice for what to say when you negotiate:

      As for your particular questions (I’m going to use the made up salary offer of $50k at this new job, since it’s easier to work with than some hypothetical #):
      -3 vs 4 weeks of vacation: You can ask outright for 4 weeks vacation. You might even consider leaving salary alone as a result, but you could say something like, “I was hoping for $60k, but would be perfectly willing to accept $55k/$50k if I could have 4 weeks vacation rather than 3 weeks vacation.”
      -Pension vs. Retirement: This can be really tricky and confusing. For your current company, you said it’s a pension plan (known as “Defined Benefits” plan in the retirement business, because you’re entitled to a pre-determined benefit no matter how much is contributed to your account). Are you eligible for a cash payout for the current value of your account when you leave? Are you eligible to roll the amount over to another retirement account when you leave?

      You said your new plan is “set up differently”. I’m guessing this means it’s a 401(k) plan (or something similar), which is a “Defined Contribution” plan — your payout at retirement is determined by how much you contribute and how the investments do, rather than based on years of service or final salary. This works like an IRA–you get a tax deferred status on the money you put in, and then you can invest that and take taxes on it later when you withdraw it.

      If that’s right, you really want to do 2 things — find out if the new company offers a “company match” (something like We match 100% of the first 2% of your income, and 50% of the next 2% of your income in contributions). You definitely want to take advantage of any/all company matching funds, because it’s free money. 2% of $50k is $1000, so in the scenario above, if you contributed $2000 (4% of your salary), the company would match an additional $1500 in contributions to your retirement account. Totally the way to go. (Oh, and by-and-large, there’s no way to negotiate the terms of the company match for your retirement plan–there’s all sorts of federal regulations that need to be in compliance, and so the plan almost always needs to work the same way for all employees.)

      Second, you want to immediately make contributions from day 1. If it’s never showing in your paycheck, it’s a lot easier to live without it. I’d even suggest contributing enough so that your take-home pay is equivalent to what you’re taking home now–you already know you can get by on that amount, and it makes your retirement savings that much stronger. (You don’t have to, but that’s my suggestion.)

      But, circling back to why this matters for negotiating — if you have to make your own contribution to the retirement plan, that’s a decrease in your take-home pay. If you’re interested in this job because of the increase in pay (large or small), you need to negotiate to make sure your take-home pay is going to ACTUALLY be higher after your contributions to the retirement plan. So don’t be afraid to ask for a higher salary to make up the difference.

      -Missing out on the bonus. Hm…I don’t know that there’s any real way to ask to be compensated for missing out on the bonus from your current/old job. The bonus is a retention tool, and, well, you’re not letting yourself be retained. You could ask if the new employer might consider your bonus based on a full year’s participation in the bonus plan (that way you get the full bonus rather than pro-rated), or roll that into your salary negotiation. But don’t make a big deal about the WHY of it. They are unlikely to find it a good reason if you say, “I’m losing out on a bonus at my current job, can you make it up to me?” Rather, ask for “By coming to this company, I’m losing a significant bonus at my old job. For this year’s bonus at NewCompany, can you consider it as though I’ve worked a full year’s service so I’m eligible to receive the full bonus?” It’s something of a long shot, but it won’t hurt to ask, so long as you’re not coming across as entitled (which you don’t seem to be at all). Sadly, I think this is the reality of how bonuses work, though I could be wrong.

      -Any advice about what to ask for, beyond what’s listed above?
      Not really–just realize that NOW is the time to mention anything and negotiate for anything (flexible hours, Friday telecommuting rights, an office, a nice office chair, etc etc etc). And be comfortable making the ask–they can say ‘no’, but they’re not likely to rescind the offer simply because you asked (unless you’re particularly rude in the way you do it, which again, you don’t seem to be).

      Hope that long, rambling brain dump helps! Let us know how it goes!

      1. Charlotte*

        A particularly eloquent and understandable description of defined benefit vs. defined contribution.

        1. Chinook*

          I agree, Josh S described the difference perfectly and his description also applies to Canadians with the substitution of 401k for RRSP. I can’t say this enough – if your employer offers to match your contribution, make the contribution. Not only is it free money but a tax break too.

    4. fposte*

      If a 401k is part of what you’ve got at the old company, Fidelity has a decent overview of the possibilities when you move companies (, and you can search “roll over 401k from previous employer” for more info.

      If the new company doesn’t have a pension plan, you’ll just be paying into Social Security, and as far as I know there’s nothing to be done about giving you credit for years of contributing into the private pension–they can’t transfer credits from the private to the public system or sell them to you. However, as Josh notes, the plans that I know of have arrangements–usually a lump sum dispersal or rolling it into an IRA–for when you leave.

      I would strongly recommend a conversation with an accountant or financial planner (bring documentation on both Old Job and New Job plans and pensions) to make sure that you don’t overexpose yourself on the tax liabilities during such transfers. You don’t want to accidentally put tax-sheltered/tax-deferred money into a taxable account on the way and lose a chunk of it.

    5. Another Evil HR Director*

      Without knowing the type of company and the level of the position you were offered, I’d be a bit hesitant about giving advice as to what to negotiate.

      In regards to the pension/retirement plan, you will need to discuss your options with your HR department at your current employer. If it’s a pension plan, you can roll it over into an IRA, but most likely cannot roll it into a 401(k) plan at your new employer. Different plans, different regulations. Also, you can’t really negotiate anything in regard to the retirement plan, again, regulations and plan design rule; they can’t make case by case decisions.

      As already suggested, you can try to address the loss of the bonus, but again, it all depends on the level of your position. It’s not uncommon for upper management/executive level to negotiate something extra for the loss of a bonus from the previous employer, but far less common for a mid-level manager or below.

      Let us know how it goes!

    6. Original Poster #5*

      I would classify this as an entry-level management position in the oil & gas industry, if that makes a difference.

      Both companies offer comparable benefits in terms of 401k match (which I am already taking full advantage of), health, FSA/HSAs (which I also take full advantage of), and bonus potential. The main difference in benefits is in the pension/retirement package. I will have to check into the company policy regarding converting pension benefits once I get into the office on Monday.

      My current company has a policy regarding time-accrued vacation. I’m assuming the new company has a similar policy. I’m hoping to transfer “time served” credit. Is this unreasonable?

      1. Chinook*

        I don’t think you can transfer “time served” regarding vacation time because it is accrued. If you took 5 days off in the first 2 months and the quit/were let go in the third month, they would have essentially given you a few extra days of pay that you never worked for (this makes even more sense if they pay out unused vacation time as taking unaccrued time is literally taking unearned money)

      2. fposte*

        Make sure you’ve got a tax professional in the loop–it’s an easy mistake to make to put tax-deferred/sheltered funds into a taxable account in the transfer process, and it could cost you.

      3. AB*

        “My current company has a policy regarding time-accrued vacation. I’m assuming the new company has a similar policy. I’m hoping to transfer “time served” credit. Is this unreasonable?”

        As a coincidence, a friend of mine also working on the oil industry, with many years of experience, but starting a management position, was able to negotiate time-accrued vacation when he left a company to join another in the same city a year ago. If he followed the policy of the new company he joined, he’d get 3 weeks of vacation, but he didn’t even have to ask, they offered him “time served” credit so he started with FIVE weeks of vacation. So I say ask for it; the worse that can happen is they say unfortunately it’s not possible due to internal policy.

  3. Marmite*

    I’m curious to know if any other UK readers, particularly those that are involved in hiring, have a view on the thank you note/follow up letter? Is it common here? I’ve never sent one and neither has anyone I’ve asked, but I don’t know if that’s to do with the field/job level that I’m in. Any UK readers sent one, or received them while hiring?

    1. UK HR Bod*

      Nope. I really wouldn’t worry about it. It isn’t usual (I can probably count on both hands, and I’ve been hiring for about 15 years), and to be honest, it’s a surprise on the rare occasions you do get one. I wouldn’t count it against someone who wrote one, but I’d think it was slightly odd. It’s one of those very clear cultural differences in hiring between UK/US. Caveat – I’ve not worked in all industries, but I’ve hired across a very broad range of functions and specialisms.

      1. Marmite*

        Good to know. I’m not worried about it, I’ve done well enough this far without ever writing one, but was just curious!

    2. Original Poster #5*

      Just so you know the background, I’m in an extremely conservative industry in the southern US, where this is just standard practice. At least it always has been my standard to follow up with a thank you note after an interview, although I switched from hand-written to email after reading the advice on this blog. After recently hiring for an open position in my group, I was surprised to receive only 2 thank you notes out of 10 interviews. One was hand written and one was emailed. We were on a really short time schedule, so I didn’t get the hand written thank you note until after I had already offered the position to another candidate. I didn’t end up hiring the other thank-you note writer (someone else just had more relevant experience), but it definitely left a positive impression!

      1. Jessa*

        Yes, email vs snail mail in this day and age can be an issue, most letters now take far longer to arrive than they used to. (Thank you congress for killing the USPS. Seriously. Not.)

    3. Ask a Manager* Post author

      Yeah, we’ve heard from UK readers here before that it’s not done in the UK. It’s very much done in the U.S., though, so I don’t want any U.S. readers to read these comments and think they apply to them!

      1. Marmite*

        I was just curious, I’d never heard of the practise before reading this blog, and I lived, studied and worked in the US for 5 years! I can see how it would go down well in the US and come across entirely differently in the UK.

        1. Lee*

          I live in Australia and I’d never heard of it either until I read this blog. I think it would be seen as unusual here but I haven’t worked across a broad range of industries so I may be wrong.

      2. JM in England*

        I was once advised by a careers counselor that sending a thank-you (or any other follow-up note) could come across as desperation or “sucking-up”, so I’ve been loathe to send them before I started reading your blog, Alison.

        1. Chocolate Teapot*

          I have sent follow up emails in the past, but it was more as a “I was pleased to meet you and I thought the position was particularly interesting, especially given my experience in Chocolate Teapot production” note reiterating the main points of the interview rather than a toadying “Please give me the job”.

          I took the view that it couldn’t do any harm, and it did work for my last 2 jobs!

        2. Manda*

          I’m no expert and this is just my own opinion, but that’s exactly the impression I’ve always gotten about them and I don’t want to feel like a suck-up. =/ I wonder if that’s how the whole thing got started – some butt-kisser decided to send a note to suck up to get a job, someone else liked it, and then everyone started sucking up.

          Are there any Canadians who would like to weigh in on this? I’m sure it happens here to some degree. There are Canadian websites that suggest writing thank you notes. But I wonder if it’s as common as it is in the US.

          I remember when we were learning how to write resumes and cover letters in high school and there was a section in the textbook about thank you notes. The teacher said he had done a lot of interviewing and had never seen anyone send a thank you note. He seemed to be suggesting that was a bit ridiculous and that we shouldn’t bother. But I have no idea whether the book we were using was Canadian or American. That was also more than ten years ago and I wonder if they’ve become more common as email has gotten more popular.

    1. Jessa*

      Unless they have a stock written policy and nobody allows variations. There are a lot of companies like that.

    2. darsenfeld*

      It depends on the position, culture, or company. Many organisations have fixed vacation periods in their contracts.

  4. Vee from SD*

    Regarding asking for more vacation: Our company has it written in our policy manual how much you accrue based on years of service. When we have a candidate who negotiates for more, we just have them take that extra vacation without recording it as vacation time taken. It is up to the manager that agreed with that extra vacation and the new hire to keep manual track of when that extra time was taken.

  5. Anonymous*

    #6 For grant-funded research it’s the nature of the job to be looking for another position when the grant is close to running out (I’m in the same position, and I know a co-worker is looking). It’s also normal to tell the PI and sometimes your coworkers you’re looking for a job. It’s easier to do long term planning of research if you know the person might be leaving. And unless your supervisor has been at your place of employment longer than your PI your PI is a better reference. Also ask your PI what their plans are for the research, some are very up front about what their future plans are. Even if the PI is terminated, it doesn’t mean they won’t be hired someplace else, and that person might offer their current employees a place in their lab at the new place of employment. And, even if the grant is running out, it can be negotiated that the new place of employment provide salaries for employees for a short time. However due to the sequester, there are some people who have decided to get out of the rat race of grant funding and are leaving research entirely.

  6. darsenfeld*

    Regarding the point on the manager telling co-workers of salaries, I don’t agree with AAM. I do believe it’s unethical, since managers shouldn’t really be revealing personal information to other co-workers. If a co-worker him or herself should not discuss salaries/rewards/compensation with others, then surely a manager shouldn’t.

    Of course, it depends on the corporate culture involved, but generally I wouldn’t say it’s wise to do so.

    1. Joey*

      I know some people think its taboo to discuss salaries, but its actually to your advantage. Wouldn’t you want to know how you compare to your peers? Wouldn’t you be happier in your job if you knew that high performers were paid more? Wouldn’t you want to know if you were being underpaid?

      Not everyone knows this but employers cant discourage or prohibit employees from discussing compensation with each other. Its illegal.

      1. Jamie*

        Section 8 of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA).

        Section 8 of the NLRA further reinforces employees’ rights to discuss payment policies by making it an unfair labor practice to enact policies that prohibit employees from discussing their compensation packages or make any other effort to circumvent the organization and discussion rights. Although the NLRA’s provisions apply to nearly all employers, Federal and municipal government positions and religious schools are exempt from the law.

        That refers to people discussing it amongst themselves – not someone else disclosing their salary – the way I read it.

        In other words if I want to discuss my own salary that’s fine – but I would be very unhappy if someone just starting disclosing my salary around the workplace. As mentioned above – that’s personal. How much I make is up there with other personal stuff like how often I have relations, how much I paid for my house, my medical information…it’s mine to disclose or not unless I’m at a company where they are transparent with salaries.

        But if the company typically has an expectation of privacy around compensation I would certainly be pissed if all of a sudden everyone knew what I cleared last year.

  7. Mike*

    Re #1: We recently hired a person who we brought in for a second interview that we hadn’t initially planned. On the day of the first interview the manager was sick so we just did the peer interview part. After that there were still some lingering questions about his skills so the second interview continued the peer questions before the manager came in.

  8. OP #1*

    I’m the original poster for #1 and hopefully I’ll have more info to share after the second interview on Wednesday. Regarding thank-you/follow-up notes, though – what’s the easiest way to ask (without being tacky) for email addresses so you can send the note? I sent my first note to the HR person who was at my first interview, but she won’t be at this one. Do I just ask if they have cards? I’m fairly sure the branch manager will have one, but not sure about office manager. And it’s a tiny office, so I can’t just call the receptionist later and ask for the addresses – the office manager is currently answering the phone!

    1. short geologist*

      Yep, just ask for cards at the interview! I do it at the very end of the interview, when you’re wrapping up and (usually) they ask if you have any additional questions. In my experience, most interviewers have handed me their cards right off the bat. But I’ve had mostly huge/lengthy interviews with lots of people and nobody expects you to remember them in those situations.

  9. W.W.A.*

    Part of my job involves putting together budgets in various configurations, and consequently I know everybody’s salaries. It’s weird and uncomfortable and does make me wish all salaries were simply public knowledge.

  10. #6*

    I’m the original poster for #6. Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. Thanks to your advice, I’ve been able to maintain open communication with my PI and from what I garnered from my interview, it seemed that my interviewer already had some background on me from speaking to my current PI. It also seems that a lot of labs are sympathetic towards those experiencing cutbacks. I’ve also been using my PI as a reference more (it seems a lot of labs have been contacting him as an additional reference anyway).

    As a follow-up, I’ve been invited to interview with another lab as well, and will be open in my communication with them regarding my situation.

  11. Manda*

    Re #3: I applied for job once through a staffing agency and the directions were to email your resume and references to them. I didn’t want the job all that badly and I’m kinda glad no one called me back. I’m sorry I even applied. It bothered me afterward that I sent out other people’s contact information someplace I’m never going to hear from. As if they don’t bloat their databases enough with job seekers they aren’t going to call, they have to waste space with a bunch of names and phone numbers of references they’re never gonna talk to either.

  12. OP #1*

    Well, second interview was yesterday afternoon. It turned out that the previous two interviewers had narrowed it down to two candidates, and neither of them wanted to be the one to make the final decision, so they showed all the information to the branch manager and asked him to make it. He didn’t want to do that on paper, so that’s why we were called in again. It was a pretty short, relaxed meeting. I’d be worried about the length except I really did get the impression that he only wanted an informal meeting to get a feel for personality and put a face to the resume. Everything was positive and we seemed to click. Fingers crossed! Sounds like it could be a coin toss at this point.

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