June 2021

should you connect with strangers on LinkedIn?

A reader writes: I work in an industry that’s largely freelance, with a massive component of networking and word-of-mouth. But almost all of that networking is done in-person. As far as I know, I’ve never gotten a job or a useful contact out of LinkedIn because it’s just not really the way we work. Additionally, […]

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my coworker is really aggressive about commuting home with me

A reader writes: I have a complicated social question for you, which is ultimately about laying boundaries when a coworker shares your commute. I recently started a new job and found out that a former coworker from my last job and I have been hired into the organization at the same rank. We work alongside […]

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can I keep mentioning my period at work?

A reader writes: I work in tech, in a fairly close-knit, moderately progressive office, with a majority of male coworkers. Many months, I get really bad fatigue before or during my period. It can knock me out for anywhere from half a day to a day and a half. If I need to take time […]

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can I leave an unproductive meeting?

A reader writes: I work at an organization where we are very friendly and fairly informal. In our department, we have pairs of junior and senior staff working on the same portfolio, and everyone is supervised by the head of the department. I’m the junior in the pair, and my senior has known our boss […]

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