advice about your boss

Need advice about your boss? Here are answers to all the questions you have about your manager, from how to deal with a boss who yells, to how to tell your manager you’re allergic to her perfume.

when your awful coworker is the boss’s kid

There are a lot of perks to being the boss: You can (often) set your own hours, delegate work you don’t enjoy, get a nicer office, and dine out on the company dime. But in some workplaces, being the boss also means being able to hire your adult children — often to the detriment of […]

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I think my boss was a cheerleader in another life

A reader writes: I know it’s strange to complain that my boss praises me too much — but she does, and it’s getting on my nerves! Just for completing fairly basic tasks, she’ll say “You’re crushing it!!” or “So grateful for you!!” I feel like there’s a cheerleader waving pom-poms in my face, or maybe […]

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my boss keeps bringing her sick child to work

A reader writes: My boss keeps bringing her sick child to work because she can’t send them to school or daycare since they won’t accept sick children. While I understand that it’s hard to find someone to look after them, especially when both parents are working, I get sick every time I’m at work with […]

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I broke my leg, and my team barely acknowledged it

A reader writes: I’m a high-performing individual contributor in a small firm that is 100% remote. Our company culture really prioritizes teammate health: we put our therapy appointments on our calendar, take calls from the gym, and offer to pitch in for colleagues when they’re sick or just need bandwidth to deal with personal issues. […]

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my boss keeps asking if I’m OK

A reader writes: My manager is overall a decent boss, and is reasonable and kind. However she has this one habit that has started to eat away at me. She constantly asks if I am okay. Even typing this, it seems so inane/nice, but it is a pattern that is wearing me down. A couple […]

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