
Internships: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

is our intern just clueless and inexperienced — or a con artist?

A reader writes: I am a mid-level engineer at a small (70-80 employees) tech company. We frequently host undergrad interns from a local university. Some were during the summer, and some were during the school year. These were all paid, full-time internships that lasted for 12 weeks. The past interns all had a great attitude […]

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you should be giving your interns mock interviews

A reader writes; My husband and I were having a water cooler chat in our kitchen today (we’re working remotely on different floors) and he mentioned something he’d been doing this week that I thought was brilliant. He’s a software engineering manager at a medium-sized division of a huge international corporation that does many things […]

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I’m not a recent grad — can I still intern?

A reader writes: I completed college about seven years ago and, after a few months of fruitless applying, I said “screw it” and moved to a major city to pursue a niche talent unrelated to my degree. I think it was worth the adventure and while the interest wasn’t well-paying, it did take me around […]

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I have nothing to do at my internship

A reader writes: Three weeks ago, I started a new internship at a large design office, and so far I have not been assigned any real work. I have been asked to do small tasks like cleaning a shelf or compiling information that takes me less than an hour to complete. I’ve brought up that […]

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what to say to an intern who’s chronically late

A reader writes: I am currently managing an intern on my team. Interns at my organization are unpaid, which I do not agree with, but this does not seem to be changing any time soon. She has very poor timekeeping and is constantly late, often by a significant amount of time. The fact that the […]

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an underage intern told me she got drunk at a staff event

A reader writes: Earlier this week I was chatting with our intern, Rachel, and another coworker about the staff team-building activity the previous week. (Once a quarter we plan a voluntary team outing. It’s pretty relaxed and in no way cringy or terrible, so it’s weird calling it team-building.) I happened to be sick and […]

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how to deal with a rude intern

A reader writes: I am a relatively new manager who is having an odd issue with my intern. He has been with us for about two months, and in that time I have noticed that his basic professional manners are incredibly lacking-much more than I might reasonably expect for someone just out of college who […]

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tell us your weird summer intern stories

There was the intern who gave another intern a tattoo in the office conference room; the intern who told a horribly offensive joke at an external meeting; the intern who set up a cot for himself, complete with pillow shams; the intern who was blown away by an electric stapler and thought dragons exist; the intern […]

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