
Interviewing is stressful! Here are answers to every question you can imagine about impressing your interviewer and getting the job.

bombing an interview: let’s discuss

It’s the Thursday “ask the readers” question. A reader writes: I bombed an interview today. Like seriously bombed, worst interview of my life. My brain just turned off. Could you request stories of other humiliating interviews so I don’t feel so alone? I went straight home and got into bed and right now I am […]

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how can I do well in video interviews?

A reader writes: I’m job-searching for the first time in nearly a decade and am realizing that a lot of interviews these days, especially in early rounds, are done over video. This is a change from the last time I was interviewing, so I’m wondering what the best practices are for video interviews. I don’t […]

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want a job? cool, there are 17 interviews…

Most people who are looking for a job welcome an invitation to interview and are pleased if they’re invited back for a second round. But what happens when the process extends to third, fourth, fifth, and even more interviews? Increasingly, that’s what job seekers are encountering, and it’s leaving them frustrated and exhausted. In the […]

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I was rejected after a seven-minute interview

A reader writes: I recently applied to a job for which I was well-qualified. The role was with a start-up that’s hoping to shift into doing the type of work I do. My current employer is very well respected in the field, so this start-up likely has a lot to learn from someone in a […]

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