job offers

You’ve got a job offer! What could go wrong? Plenty, it turns out. Here’s how to navigate job offers, negotiate salary, and come out ahead.

my job offer was rescinded — after I already quit my old job

A reader writes: Well, it happened to me: the dreaded rescinded job offer. Everything was going great with the interview process for this job. I had gotten to the reference stage and provided information for five people who I knew would represent me well. I got a call the following week from the HR manager, […]

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you should ask for more money when you get a job offer. here’s how.

Since a lot of people are changing jobs right now, here’s a round-up of advice on negotiating salary when you get a job offer. Before the Offer Stage Salary Expectations how to answer questions about your salary expectations does an employer asking you to name your salary requirements first mean they’re jerks? Salary History how […]

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how to turn down a job offer

You spend most of your time on a job search hoping for an offer, but sometimes you might end up wanting to turn a job down. Maybe the salary is too low, even after you tried to negotiate it, or maybe the boss seems like a hopeless micromanager, or maybe the role doesn’t focus on […]

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should a job offer be “take it or leave it”?

A reader writes: I received a job offer from a company that I had been interviewing with over the course of almost four months. They are a multinational firm, and the role would require me to move to a different country. Their initial offer was lower than my current salary, which I expected because the […]

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employer rescinded my job offer — where did I go wrong?

A reader writes: I had a job offer pulled last week, and I’ve reflected on it, but I still don’t know where I went wrong. I interviewed with my would-be supervisor on Thursday. On Friday, the recruiter calls to extend a verbal offer for the position. I express that this is good news to hear, […]

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I keep breaking my own heart by turning down great job offers

A reader writes: I’m 25 and work in a very high-pressure and competitive industry. I’m trying to leave my current job for something more challenging with a better culture. Due to the nature of the job, I’ve had to turn down several of the offers I’ve had (which all would have challenged me and had […]

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