how to fire an employee

This post was originally published on September 3, 2007. I’m reprinting it now because I’m taking a few days off. You’ll see a few new posts during this period, but I’ll also be using a few from the long distant past.

Firing poor performers is one of the hardest things managers do — and also one of the most important.

I’ll write in the future about how to make the decision to fire someone in the first place, but for now, here are six rules for the termination conversation itself.

Disclaimer: This post doesn’t address the legal issues surrounding firings, but obviously you should ensure that any termination you’re contemplating doesn’t violate federal or state laws … and if there are sticky issues potentially in play, you should speak to a lawyer in advance.

1. A firing should (almost) never come as a surprise.

Ideally, a firing should be the final installment in a conversation that has been ongoing. The employee has been clearly told about the problems and what needs to change, warned that the progress isn’t what it needs to be, and explicitly told that his or her job is in jeopardy if specific changes don’t occur. When the termination conversation happens, it’s more of a wrap-up than anything else; it shouldn’t be a surprise.

There are some offenses so egregious that they warrant firing on the spot, like, say, punching someone. But that’s not the case for the vast majority of terminations.

2. Be compassionate.

Acknowledge that this is hard and that you’re sorry this is the outcome. Allow your tone and body language to convey compassion. Even if you’ve been incredibly frustrated with the employee, now that the decision has been made, there’s no reason not to allow yourself to feel and express genuine compassion for what’s inescapably a horrible outcome for the person.

When at all feasible, try to truly believe this is a case of a bad fit, rather than that the employee is lazy, stupid, obstinate, or difficult. If you go into the meeting with this mindset, it will change the way you come across, helping to defuse the situation and helping the employee keep his or her dignity.

3. Be direct.

Start the conversation off with your decision. Some managers try to ease into the news, thinking it will soften the blow. But then you’ll have the employee sitting there thinking they’re supposed to be defending themselves, when in fact you’re past that point. It’s unkind to make the employee think they can sway your opinion if they can’t, so let them know up front what decision you’ve made.

Lead off with something like: “This is a tough conversation to have. When we met several weeks ago, we discussed the fact that if you didn’t meet the benchmarks we laid out, we wouldn’t be able to keep you on. Unfortunately, although I know you have been trying, we’re now at that point and have decided to let you go. I know this is hard, and I want to do whatever I can to make it as easy as possible on you.”

4. Don’t lie about the reason for the firing.

Sometimes a manager will come up with a “cover story” for the firing, thinking the real reason will hurt the employee’s feelings. Sometimes a manager will use a cover story because he or she hasn’t been direct enough with the employee about the problems earlier and has avoided tough conversations about performance issues. Now that the person needs to be fired, the manager is in the position of explaining a decision the person had no warning of. (See #1 and don’t put yourself in this position, which is tremendously unfair to the employee. If a manager has problems with an employee that the employee doesn’t know about, the problem is with the manager.)

Do not under any circumstances lie. You may need to speak about the reason for the firing in the paperwork for the employee’s future unemployment claim or even in litigation — and if what you say doesn’t match what the employee was told, it will cause big problems.

5. Keep the conversation relatively short.

Don’t enter into a debate. Your decision is final, and while you hope the employee understands it, the time for back-and-forth is over. Let the employee know your decision and then cover logistics, like returning keys and other property, the final paycheck, COBRA, etc.

6. Know you’re going to be emotionally drained afterward.

There have been firings I’ve found easier than others — firing someone found to have chronically falsified timesheets wasn’t especially hard — but in general, firing someone is always emotionally difficult. It’s terrible news to deliver to someone. But being compassionate and treating the employee with respect, fairness, and dignity and knowing that you gave the employee ample warning and opportunity to improve will at least let you know that the meeting was better in your hands than it might have been in someone else’s.

{ 46 comments… read them below }

  1. Wilton Businessman*

    6. Once the fired person is let go, let your team know immediately. Let them know that Jane’s performance has been lacking for some time. An improvement plan was put together, and Jane couldn’t meet the benchmarks in the plan. This in no way reflects the financial stability of the company (if that’s true) or this department.

    1. Interviewer*

      No, no, no.

      I would announce the departure to the team in the context of “Jane is gone, we wish her the best in her future endeavors. For XYZ, you’ll need to contact John now.”

      I would *never ever ever* spell out the reasons for anyone’s termination. We usually both sign a severance agreement with a confidentiality clause. Jane resigned on such & such date, effective immediately. That’s all the information we release on our end. Telling the entire team that Jane couldn’t hack it is a breach of the agreement, and definitely rips apart any last shred of dignity I just tried to give her with our brief, compassionate and honest termination meeting.

      1. Shane*

        Besides if Jane’s perfomance has been chronically below par it is probaby obvious to her co-workers anyways. All they need to know from you is that she is no longer with the organization.

      2. Wilton Businessman*

        I disagree. Your team members need to know that Jane was let go for specific performance related reasons (which you don’t need to spell out) and not because she wore jeans yesterday.

        I believe that if you want any kind of stability that your team members need re-assurance to know that they’re not the next to go.

        1. jmkenrick*

          I can see both arguments, but as an employee, I get nervous when someone is just let go and (as far as I can tell) their work was just fine.

        2. Anonymous*

          The only reason to ever tell employees should be to correct misinformation or to address issues that are consistently occuring. Otherwise you look gossipy and mean. If you’re managing them appropriately and giving them consistent feedback they don’t need reassurance everytime someone is fired.

        3. Anonymous*

          I can understand reassuring folks that you’re not downsizing and that this was a one-time thing. However, if one firing of a sub-par employee leaves co-workers fearing for their jobs, that suggests a poor, anxiety-ridden working environment is already in place. If anyone is worried despite that, you should be clear what would proceed a firing (see AAM’s #1).

        4. KellyK*

          I agree that it’s relevant and important for the team to know that Jane wasn’t let go due to downsizing and it doesn’t reflect on the financial situation of the department. I agree that the team needs to know that people don’t get fired out of the blue for minor infractions. But I’m not sure it needs to be broadcast formally via email that Jane, specifically, was fired for performance-related reasons, as opposed to having resigned because she got a better job elsewhere or decided to stay home with her kids.

          It’s also worth noting that “team” can be much more flexible or hazily defined in some companies than others and what it’s appropriate to tell four people might be less appropriate to tell fifty.

        5. The Other Dawn*

          I wouldn’t tell employees that someone was fired because they’re a poor performer or whatever the reason was. It’s no one else’s business why that person was fired. As someone else said, if employees are on edge because of one firing, that’s a symptom of a larger problem within the company. Also, I think employees are usually mature enough to know that people aren’t just fired for no good reason (not usually, anyway). If someone approached me about it I would simply tell them we aren’t downsizing and the company isn’t having any financial issues.

        6. LJL*

          That only works well if there is an actual reason for the firing instead of office politics. I agree with the “she is no longer with us” story. Stick to the facts.

  2. Anon*

    Definitely inform your staff that they’re gone, though I would not say why unless it was a safety issue that you need to address. Something like, “Thank you for letting us know John was making threats against Dave. John is no longer with us and we’ll have a security officer monitoring our building for awhile for all our safety.” (true story)

    But at my workplace, they never announce that someone is gone so all info is left to the rumor mill. If you ask a manager point blank if someone is gone, they will tell us but they never offer that info. They don’t even tell us when it’s one of our own team members – as if we aren’t going to notice when they stop showing up to work or when the manager has to clear their desk. I find it unnecessary for them to act that way, since we’re all going to find out anyway and a quick, discreetly worded email is all it would take.

    1. Anonymous*

      At my last office, we were all constantly back and forth between our branch and the corporate offices one state over. So you could literally go months without seeing some of your coworkers. It was a complete shock to me to find out that one of them had been fired over two months before, and as it turned out, I wasn’t even the last one in the office to hear about it!

      Honestly, it used to bother me that there was often double standards of how departures (whether people quit to take other jobs, were downsized, or were fired) were handled. Some people would get a nice “We wish Jane luck as she moves on” sort of goodbye, while other people were just erased out of corporate existence. It was very unsettling at times, even when you had an inkling of why certain people were let go.

  3. CatB (Europe)*

    Yet another cultural difference (this is one of the reasons I so avidly read both posts and comments here). If the large (international and national) companies would simply announce “Jane isn’t with us anymore, we wish her luck”, leaving the details to the grapevine, mom and pop shops of all flavours often go “Jane was so-and-so (words improper to use here) and she did this-and-that (often times deeds she didn’t do), thank Goodness she’s out, that (more words of a certain kind)”. I do enjoy seeing such decent treatment for poor Jane advocated here.

  4. Ask a Manager*

    If you established as part of the culture of your organization that people don’t get fired out of the blue but instead have warnings and a chance to improve, then when you do fire someone, your staff generally understands that while they may not be privy to exactly what happened, in general people are treated fairly and not fired for no reason or without warning.

    Regardless, while you do want to protect the fired employee’s dignity and privacy, the morale of your staff and its impact on your ability to function effectively means that at times, you may need to share some general information about the situation, without tons of details.

    1. Blue Dog*

      Firing nonproductive or underperforming employees sucks, but it is so important. I was elevated into a management slot and put in charge of 16 people who were my peers. After years with a manager who did nothing, I had to let three people go in the first 6 months. But honestly, after it was all over, the rest of the team was relieved because they knew that certain people were not pulling their own weight.

      I would stick with something like: “I can’t really get into the ‘Why’ of it, but there were just some ongoing issues that we had talked about many, many times and he just couldn’t seem to remedy them. Too bad, too. I liked John a lot and I had hoped it would work out. I think we were just a bad fit for each other.”

      It’s clear it was performance related without being specific. It shows it was a chronic problem and not something capricious or out of the blue. It shows you are human and the company didn’t want it to come to this. And it is sort of non-accusatorial with the “bad fit for each” ending.

      But AAM is right. It is one thing to know you SHOULD let someone go and quite another to actually have to DO it.

      1. KellyK*

        I like your explanation. It covers all the bases that Wilton Businessman is concerned about without dragging the person through the mud or potentially sabotaging their future options. I think it would be better to give this verbally to anyone who asks rather than emailing it out.

        I think it would be hard to write a general “this person has been fired” e-mail without giving the impression that they were a screw-up or a slacker, when the case might just have been bad job fit.

    2. Bonnie*

      I agree with this. We send out a general “this person is not with the company any longer” email to the entire Company. However for the team on which the employee worked, we have a meeting. At that meeting we say that the employee is no longer with the company and we are not going to discuss why. That this was a one time event and no else is going be leaving to our knowledge. What we are going to talk about is how the workflow is going to change to going forward and why we are not going to hire a replacement or the timeline for hiring a replacement. This tends to get the employees focus back on work an off the fired employee. We do this because most of our teams are pretty close and we know that the fired employee is probably going to reach out to team members at some point with her side of the story. We get our message out first. Once that fired employee contacts our team members, some of them will come back to our managers to ask questions. The response they receive is we are not going to discuss this person’s situation with you because if it were your situation you wouldn’t want us discussing it with anyone else. Usually this stops the quesitons. But AAM is right that we can do this becauase our employees know that we are not going to fire anyone without cause or without warning.

  5. Nyxalinth*

    I’ve been fired 5 times since 1986, and in all but two cases, it came as a surprised to me. Not ONCE in those cases was I ever approached and corrected, coached, or otherwise asked to do things differently.

    Two instances were youthful stupidity, one was due to health issues and depression (I saw that one coming though), one was because I couldn’t pass the billing and coding portion of tests for an insurance call center (no matter that I busted my ass studying, I was just too dumb to retain it for the the test, and I saw it coming too), and the fifth was just stupid as hell. I was simply called to the office along with several others, told I wasn’t working out, and let go, never mind I was doing my job quite well and had never been told otherwise. Later I found out it was partly due to them having fired the man who had hired us, and partly because we did our own thing at lunch time as opposed to eating with the others.

    1. Anonymous*

      I hear you Nyxalinth, I’ve been laid off and I’ve been fired before. Always saw it coming. But the last time came out of the blue. Still haunts me because I’m still unsure of the reasons. I suspect that it was office politics though. I had just a few months before gone through the annual evaluation, was told of some minor performance issues that they wanted me to work on such as average handling time, taking better notes but I got my raise, yearly bonus and I really thought that I was meeting their goals since I never heard any other critiques and was showing demonstrated improvement in the areas previously mentioned and knew that I was pretty much in the middle of the pack among my peers. So when they called me in the office and told me that they were letting me go I was truly caught off guard. So much so that I didn’t even ask what I did wrong nor did they tell me. I could see that the decision had been made. I’m not one to make a scene and I was just in a daze. Kind of surreal. All they said was that I wasn’t working out. To this day I’m still not sure why. Former coworkers didn’t know why either. They got the email that I was moving on and thought that I had initiated my own departure. It just bugs me to this day. Both because they didn’t spell it out and that I was so caught off guard that I didn’t ask. I won’t let that happen again.

      1. Any*

        You know, it’s not too late to go back and ask about the reasons if it continues to bug you.

        1. LJL*

          Yeah, right. If they lied about the reasons before, why would they have an epiphany to be honest now? I think that AAM is assuming that the managers are professional and behave well and responsibly. yes, that is how it should work, but it seems that if the workplace isn’t like that, then nothing here really applies, unfortunately.

          1. LJL*

            My bad…upon re-reading I understand that the reasons were not requested. Ignore my comment. :-)

  6. A Nonna Miss*

    The one time I was fired, it came as a surprise. Perhaps it shouldn’t have been – it was a poor fit, and they didn’t like me any more than I liked them. That, and I sent an email to an old boss from my work email asking if my old company looking for someone at my level. I should have known they were reading outgoing emails.

    Still. I was only there a year, and leave them off my LinkedIn profile, so it amuses me when their recruiters email me.

  7. Anonymous*

    We have a relatively new employee in a high-responsibility position who shows up late or not at all every work day (frequently without calling in). The rest of us are frustrated at having to pick up the slack (explain to customers, forward her work to someone else, etc.), and don’t understand why this person has not been fired already. This has been going on well over a month. I know it must be really hard to fire someone, especially when you can’t catch them at work because they’re never there, but OMG!

  8. david*

    it is a sad thing when an employee is fired. However, I do think that many firings are not for the stated reasons.

    Sometimes, it is really the manager that is the problem. There are even people at the director level who can create huge problems for everyone else.

    Eventually, that may get straitghtened out by a higher level exec but that usually takes a long time. In the interim that person can cause a lot of damage to the people around him / her as well as to the company itself.

    It is a shame when this happens. But I have seen it.

    There are many things going on with company politics that the employee may not even know about (probably does not) and those political things can have a lot to do with firings and even more so with layoffs.

    A bad manager can create a lot of problems in the work place and cause damage to the company’s bottom line.

    1. anon-2*

      Spot on, David!

      Because of the power of management – the structure, decision making, “saving face”, chain of command, etc., a manager will always be backed up by his/her higher-ups on discipline and a firing, unless —

      a) some decision is going to cost the company a lot of money; then it will be reversed. Higher-ups will always look for a gracious, face-saving way out, but in such cases they will arrange for a retraction of a bad decision.

      b) the company is going to face serious legal action over a manager’s decision, and the company’s lawyers advise “don’t do that”.

      I once worked for a director who had untested managers, and he often stepped in and put the brakes on them — because their decisions would have caused destruction. Not just to themselves, but to him. Sometimes an employee – the intended target – can take pre-emptive action and prevent management from making a severe mistake as well, but that’s rare.

  9. Corey Feldman*

    I never apologize even in regards to that it came to this. I try and be as compassionate as possible, I hate firing people, but I am careful not to use words that can come back to haunt me later. I know you are saying you sorry it came to this, not sorry I’m terminating you. But I just don’t want there to be any thought that I don’t fully support the termination.

    1. Jamie*

      This. I had a habit of saying I was sorry when I meant I was sorry for what the person was going through. I broke myself of that habit when I realized that most people mistook that as my admitting guilt.

      Great point.

  10. Anonymous*

    Any suggestions on additional approaches when firing an employee who has a different take on reality (usually tied to them never taking responsibility for their own actions – someone or something else is ALWAYS to blame)? Our company does follow these steps pretty well but every now and again we get someone who even after coaching and then warnings on performance is shocked when they are fired. These employees’ reactions work towards undoing the perception by other staff that we have a cultural of not firing people out of the blue.
    So far my main goal is to weed that type out in the interview process so we don’t hire in the first place but that might not always work.

    1. Ask a Manager* Post author

      Oh, yeah, I know that type. Your goal should be that no reasonable/sane person would ever be surprised by being fired — but you can’t make people be reasonable or sane, unfortunately. All you can do is be as clear as possible on your end; the rest is on them.

    2. Charles*

      “So far my main goal is to weed that type out in the interview process . . .”

      How exactly do you try to weed that type out? I mean, it isn’t like they have “insane” stamped on their forehead! (although that would make the interview process easier, wouldn’t it?)

      I once trained someone who was really rather “normal” (or at least he came across that way). He did okay in training; he did okay during his few weeks on day shift; but, then when we transferred him to night shift the troubles started.

      One time, he claimed that he didn’t know how to do something (even though I know he should because I trained him!) because that was, he claimed, the day that his “twin” came into training for him.

      Another time he claimed that someone else told him to do something differently; but that he wasn’t allowed to reveal that person’s secret identity.

      The final straw was when he muttered under his breath that if a another co-worker didn’t stop laughing he would “chop her up and put her in a blender.” Ouch! He was gone that night.

      So, I’m not trying to be funny or anything; but, just how do you screen for this type of person? My batman detector ring just doesn’t have a “crazy person” setting on it; so, what do you do?

      P.S., at that company many on the night staff were rather quirky; which made them lovable, not crazy. But, he was too far gone to even be consider eccentric!

      1. Wannabe a good manager*

        ““So far my main goal is to weed that type out in the interview process . . .”

        How exactly do you try to weed that type out? I mean, it isn’t like they have “insane” stamped on their forehead! (although that would make the interview process easier, wouldn’t it?)”

        I have the same question and I’d like your feedback on how I TRY to weed that type out. First I give them some homework to do which is due before the interview, so that I can evaluate it beforehand. Then I give them feedback on the homework. Then I will ask them a question or make a request at some point. My logic is that THAT TYPE doesn’t believe that I mean what I say, so they will either not do the task, not be interested in my feedback or respond to it aggressively or not follow up.

        1. Ask a Manager* Post author

          I’d be surprised if they didn’t do the work — that would be very unusual. You might weed out a few extreme cases with this, but plenty of others will get by (but it’s still a good thing to do in hiring for other reasons). Really, you can’t weed these people out definitively, like I wrote above.

  11. Rana*

    The one time I was fired I wish they’d been half as considerate.

    It was very poorly done: I had no warning (no complaints, no cautions, nothing); neither of my supervisors had any warning either (both of them loved my work and praised me often for doing such a good job); HR told me the news in the morning and then left me alone in my office to stew about it all day (they’re lucky I’m an ethical person!); it happened just before a large and vital report where my work was essential for completion (so they ended up hiring me temporarily as an independent contractor — for twice my hourly rate! — when my supervisors screamed about it); when I came back it turned out that they hadn’t really bothered to explain my absence – a good half of my co-workers had thought I was on vacation; while I was back to work on the report, they threw a going-away party for someone else who’d been there a shorter time than me, insisted that I join the celebration (I tried to stay in my office and work) and didn’t understand why I was hurt.

    I liked my supervisors, but the rest of the place was a freakin’ mess.

    1. Risa*

      It sounds like they did you the favor of getting out of that nuthouse. I’ve never heard of anything so bizarre.

      1. Rana*

        Yeah, it was upsetting financially, but it was, indeed, a very odd place to work, so in the long run it was good to be out of there.

        It was a small, family-run business that had worked fairly well when the founder had been actively engaged, but it had been on a slow, downhill slide as he got older and started shifting responsibilities to family members and staff who weren’t really up to the task. I, and my two supervisors (yeah, I know… luckily they got along), were relatively recent hires and had some experience with how things at a place like this should function (which was good, because their responsibilities included things like reporting to the state government!).

        When I first got there, it was as a temp. Both I and the temp agency thought that my job was providing limited and supervised support for Supervisor B’s position (The previous person in that role had left suddenly, leaving them in the lurch). In fact, it turned out that they wanted me to do Supervisor B’s job, which was highly technical, and, as noted, required an extensive knowledge of reporting requirements, deadlines, etc., with no supervision or training at all! Yikes! Luckily I was able to hold it together until Supervisor A (whose office coordinated with B’s on a lot of reports) finally got it through management’s head that, although I was doing an adequate fill-in job with regard to some tasks (like filing and scheduling), they really needed an experienced person in that position. (With which I very much agreed.)

        I ended up being hired as the joint assistant to A and B because it turned out that their reporting database system was completely screwed up — the previous “B” hadn’t fully understood it, and before they brought me in several different people without any experience with it at all had monkeyed around with the data in ways that made things worse — and I ended up being the only one who finally figured out how it was supposed to work. (And don’t get me started on how they refused to upgrade to a better system that was cheaper, more efficient, and had active customer support included, plus on-going training, merely because one employee who was friends with the boss complained that it would be “too hard to learn.”)

        Another bit of craziness was that there were these periodic tasks that regularly came up every few weeks, which were labor intensive and complicated. Rather than budget the time to do the prep work for these projects in the intervening quieter times, they let things slide until “suddenly” about four deadlines would come at once (as they had every few weeks for the last several years, and would again in another few weeks). The place would go crazy for about three days as everyone struggled to get the work done and all other projects were shoved aside for the duration of the “crisis.” The management’s way of handling it was to hand out plastic fire hats and make jokes about it being time to put out fires; when I and my supervisors set up a schedule that allowed us to do most of the work on an ongoing basis, reducing the “fires” by about a factor of ten, they were astonished.

        It was, indeed a nuthouse, and really opened my eyes to all the ways that a business could screw things up.

  12. Anne*

    My manager told me today that she does not like me. I told her I was comfortable with people not liking me personally, I can work in that environment, but I work for a small family owned business and my manager is an owner.

    I know I will be fired relatively soon even if I perform well and will lose our health insurance.

    I am middle-aged, working out of my profession and just trying to survive. ANy suggestions?

    1. Rana*

      Document everything, just in case. And make sure that you forward and delete any personal emails, files, etc.

      Regarding the insurance: now is the time to see what the other options are. If you’ve had insurance through them, you should have COBRA to hold you over a few months. But it’s good to see what the other options are too, because some of them have waiting periods before they’ll cover certain conditions, and juggling those with COBRA gets tricky (the COBRA company will be looking for any excuse to dump you if you’re expensive to cover). This site will help you figure out what’s available in your state:

      1. Business Owner*

        “And make sure that you forward and delete any personal emails, files, etc”
        Really???? This is why a person like you SHOULD be fired. Your workplace is no place for your “personal” emails/files. And there are things in place like keylogger software, which we have to keep sneaky employees from stealing our time that we pay them for while they “surf” and send out resumes etc.

        1. Ask a Manager* Post author

          Tons of hard-working valuable employees have some personal stuff on their computers — in fact, the higher-level you are, the more likely it is that there’s been some blending of the two. And you shouldn’t need keylogger software to determine if your employees are productive or not; you should be able to tell by looking at their output.

      2. Anne*

        Thanks Rana!

        We have been through COBRA . We both have had heath issues that make us un-insurable as individuals. We are also not eligible for any kind of assistance.

        It is what it is.

        We have lost our savings and our retirement and are still hanging on to the house.

        I know that the managers here will verify that people like my husband and I are not considered valuable employees because of our age. No amount of experience or education can make up for being old.

  13. Anonymous*

    Our company has a tested and very successful policy of out-of-the-blue surprise firings. We subscribe to “dark side” techniques such as this, and it’s extremely effective. The idea is to keep employees from becoming undermotivated, knowing that they can push the envelope downward until they receive a warning and know how low they can set the bar. We want every employee to assume that they’re underperforming at all times, and with short-term (less than a year) contract employees, that’s the best way we’ve found to keep them guessing. An occasional without-warning firing boosts output and lets everyone know that they could be next.

  14. Jdawg*

    I worked for a governmental agency that whenever they fired someone they changed the door codes. You would come to work, the receptionist would psst and hand you the new door code. We figured as long as they did that, you still had a job. When the door code doesn’t work and they refuse to give you the code … that was the clue that you were fired.

  15. More mad than a yellowjacket without a stinger!*

    I was terminated first thing when I came into work and it was very shocking why I was. I had never been counseled,nor giving a verbal/written disciplinary,nothing ! I was told I had poor attendance. Now this is WHY IT DOES’NT MAKE SENSE: I came to work sick and with a fever and my supervisor told me she appreciated my dedication but neded to go home so I would’nt infect our patients and co-workers. I thanked her and I left and went to my doctor’s office. Long story short: I was diagnosed with bronchitis and “adult croup.” Called my supervisor back to inform her what I had. She told me to stay home until I wasn’t coughing and didn’t have a fever. I come into work today and was told I was being terminated for poor attendance! It was her rule/decision to not come back until I felt better. How messed up is that!??!! This must be a blessing in disguise for something better to come along,must pleezz hurry!

    1. More mad than a yellowjacket without a stinger!*

      My immediate supervisor who told me to go home,get better and rest was not even in this meeting! She probably had no clue it was going to happen. I feel like if she had been in this meeting,things could have gone a bit different.My immediate supervisor even had e-mailed me the rest of March and lost of Abril’s too so I know this wasnt her plan! It was her supervisor and another clinical manager-& I liked her also but the Director is who dropped the bomb on my head. I’m so sick&tired of being sick and tired I could SCREAM!! I loved working there,minus their wishy-washy policies. One awesome thing will come out of this..God has my back

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