weekend open thread — July 27-28, 2024

This comment section is open for any non-work-related discussion you’d like to have with other readers, by popular demand.

Here are the rules for the weekend posts.

Book recommendation of the week: Sandwich, by Catherine Newman. This is the story of a family during their summer beach vacation, as the mom struggles with menopause, her kids getting older, and her aging parents. There are some very vivid descriptions of sandwiches, as well as the push and pull of family.

* I make a commission if you use that Amazon link.

open thread – July 26, 2024

It’s the Friday open thread!

The comment section on this post is open for discussion with other readers on any work-related questions that you want to talk about (that includes school). If you want an answer from me, emailing me is still your best bet*, but this is a chance to take your questions to other readers.

* If you submitted a question to me recently, please do not repost it here, as it may be in my queue to answer.

interviewer mocked my speech impediment, telling coworkers I’m having a baby unconventionally, and more

It’s four answers to four questions. Here we go…

1. My interviewer mocked my speech impediment

I recently had a job interview that was extremely unpleasant. I won’t go into the details, but suffice it to say, there were so many red flags that the conference room was practically shrouded in a crimson miasma. I’m writing to share what was, to me, the most egregious moment. When I introduced myself to the hiring manager, she promptly blurted out: “Where are you from, Rhode Island? (imitating (me?)) Look at Missusth Daffy Ducky speakth through her teef.”

I’ve never been to Rhode Island, for the record. I don’t sound remotely like I’m from Rhode Island. I have no idea how Rhode Island plays into all this. Was she conflating “Looney Tunes” with “Family Guy?” The mind boggles. Anyway…

My speech is pretty unusual and distinctive. I had a severe speech impediment when I was a kid. Speech therapy tamed the worst of it, but I still have a mild lisp and probably will for the rest of my life. It is definitely noticeable, but nothing that prevents me from speaking clearly and coherently. I’ve actually done very well in roles that required a lot of public speaking, possibly because I’m so used to putting in conscious effort to enunciate clearly and carefully! I certainly don’t sound like Daffy Duck.

Complicating things further, I had a very transient upbringing — I grew up not only in numerous states but also in several foreign countries (think military). As a result, I have a bizarre patchwork accent that people can’t place easily.

So, yeah, I sound weird. I KNOW I sound weird. It’s my biggest insecurity. Not coincidentally, I’ve always felt most comfortable in diverse, multinational workplaces where there are all kinds of accents and English-speaking abilities. About half of my coworkers at my last workplace were immigrants, mostly from India and China. So nobody cared that I had an accent, or that I sometimes struggled with pronouncing English words perfectly — I was in good company!

Obviously, I have no intention in pursuing this position further. But should I report this interaction to the company? If it was just me, I would shrug it off. But I know it can’t just be me! For one, I can’t imagine this hiring manager treats immigrants or even American-born POC decently, let alone fairly. If that’s how she treats people who don’t have a generic, bog-standard Midwestern accent, I wonder now if she would have even interviewed me if it weren’t for my white-sounding name. Moreover, I feel like singling out my speech impediment with that ugly little Daffy Duck impersonation must be an ADA violation of some kind … right? I sure don’t feel like I was treated fairly.

Could you clarify this for me? Typing it all out, the answer feels like an obvious “yes, report it” to me. But I there’s a very loud and mean part of me saying “shit happens, so get over it, ya weird lisping-hybrid-mutant-accent-having freak.”

Yes, please report it; this is awful. Not only was she cavalierly cruel for no reason, but it (a) raises a ton of questions about how she treats candidates who are different in other ways too, as you point out and (b) opens the company to legal liability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (because if you wanted to argue that she didn’t hire you because of your speech impediment, she handed you a lot of ammunition). She’s also apparently profoundly ignorant about how to treat people, which is a problem in anyone but particularly a problem in a manager, interviewer, and person representing the company.

You could frame it as, “I want to share with you why I’m withdrawing from this hiring process and hope this is not how you want your interviewers treating people with disabilities.”

2. I’m having a baby unconventionally — how do I talk about it at work?

I’m coming up at the point of wanting children, some time in the next 2/3 years. However, I do not have a partner and don’t anticipate getting one in that time frame. I have prepared to go it alone and have made financial and housing plans accordingly. My intention is to have a baby using a sperm donor, through the clinic that I choose, so I won’t know them. In addition, I do not plan to use my own eggs. There are many very generous couples who donate eggs or even embryos so that other people can have children, too.

I have chosen this for a specific reason: I am neurodivergent — specifically, autism and ADHD. The genes in my family for these are strong and in hindsight many members of my immediate family could very well have been diagnosed had it been accessible to them. The blunt truth is, I do not want to pass this onto my child. I know it is partly selfish — I was a difficult child, despite being academically gifted — and partly because it would not be fair to have a child knowing that they are likely to continue our family tree with all the difficult “quirks” we possess. I am an adult who has learned to live with these conditions — I have a job, I am successful in it, etc. so I am not incapable — but I want to break this genetic legacy.

How do I explain to the people I work with that a) this child will not be genetically mine and b) I don’t want to have a child of my own? It will not be likely that I can conceal the first part — as embryos are donated, the child may not match my ethnicity and appearance. And I don’t want to spend time justifying why I chose this. Oh, and c) how do I explain to people that yes, autistic people want to be parents, and they may do it unconventionally but it doesn’t make them less of a parent or mean their child is worse off?

My workplace is generally positive and diverse — I work in a department that attracts the neurodivergence like flies to honey — but people don’t always think before they speak, and there is a lot of criticism for parents who are not … typical in the media which I worry could impact their perspective of me. I’m not sure how to address this with both my managers (during my IVF journey and afterwards) and with my colleagues in a way that is positive but also firm in my decision?

You actually don’t need to share most of that! Not because there’s anything shameful about any of it, but because it’s no one’s business, especially at work. You are simply having a child (and then later, you simply have a child). No one is entitled to know whether your child’s origins were through IVF or sex, or whether you used your own eggs or not, or where the donor sperm came from, or any of it!

You’re simply excited to share that you are having a child. That’s it! If anyone asks about the father, you can say, “I’ll be raising the baby on my own.” Colleagues don’t need to know whether that means IVF, or a relationship that didn’t last, or a father who chose not to be involved. (Obviously if there are specific people who you’re close to who you choose to share details with, that’s different — and you can let your comfort level and the relationship be your guide there.)

If anyone is rude enough to comment on your child not looking like you, you’re under no obligation to answer their questions … and you’d probably find it helpful to delve into the writing of parents from mixed race and adoptive families about how they choose to field intrusive questions about their kids.

3. I’m a remote manager and nervous about a private meeting on my staff members’ calendars

I am a remote manager and my staff is on-site. I am six months into this position and this is the first time using this model.

I have been in my profession for 20 years, but this current job is very different than what I was doing previously so there is a lot to learn. I am not aware of any issues, but today I noticed my only two staff members had a private appointment scheduled at the same time. My boss’s calendar (also on-site) was also busy during that time but I can’t see it so I don’t know exactly what it said.

Of course, in my mind it was them meeting with him and I’m stressed about it. Do I try and get it out of my head and let it go, or what should I do? I don’t want to ask my staff what the appointment was, so I don’t know that there is anything I can do.

There are lots of reasons their calendars could have been blocked off at the same time that don’t portend anything bad for you — anything from collaborating on a mundane project together, to planning a surprise party for the guy in accounting, to simple coincidence that means nothing at all. Your boss also might do a routine check-in with your staff about how things are going, which is a smart thing for bosses to do from time to time, especially when there’s a new manager in the mix  (but even when there’s not).

But to indulge your worry a bit: What’s your sense of how things have been going? How do you think your team members think things have been going? And then … what are you basing that on? If you don’t really know how they think things are going, you could take this as impetus to check in with them more often, talk about what they need and how you can support them, and ensure that you’re cultivating an environment where they can be reasonably candid with you. On the other hand, if you feel you have a good sense of their perspectives and are fairly confident they don’t see significant problems, it makes sense to relax about what the calendar entries,, figure it’s unlikely to be a problem for you (and if is, you’ll presumably know soon enough), and trust that there are a ton of other things that could account for it.

my boss called a mysterious meeting with me and I’m afraid I’m going to be fired

4. We’re reimbursed less than the federal mileage rate

I work at a nonprofit. We are currently getting $.58 per mile reimbursed. I am one of a handful of employees that travels frequently to other sites to work. I would say I reimburse about 1,200 miles per year.

I recently brought up to our GM that we’re not getting the federal rate ($.67). He said it was probably just outdated, and we would look at aligning with the federal rate. However, our ED says that we’re a nonprofit so we can offer whatever we want for reimbursement. What say you? I know it’s not illegal, but how would the staff counter this?

Your ED is right that they can offer whatever mileage reimbursement rate they want, but it’s not because they’re a nonprofit. Private employers aren’t required to reimburse mileage at all (except in California, Illinois, and Massachusetts) so if they choose to, they can set the mileage rate at whatever they want.

That said, you and your coworkers could point out that the federal mileage rate is calculated to represent your actual costs (not only gas, but the wear and tear to your vehicle) and argue that employees shouldn’t be out money simply for performing their work duties.

I got rejected from a job based on a trial task, and now I’m spiraling

A reader writes:

I’ve been casually job searching since January. My current job at a nonprofit isn’t right for me, but things are decent enough that I can afford to take my time. I’m trying to stay within the nonprofit space but move out of my current type of work, which has been challenging.

There was one job I was super excited about: it was entry level but paid WAY more than what most nonprofits do, offered interesting work that matches my strengths, and had an application process based only on compensated trial tasks until the interview stage. I much prefer that model to a resume/cover letter, especially since I’m trying to pivot — highlighting my transferable skills in a cover letter feels futile when there are other applicants with direct experience. I was excited to skip that step and show that I can do the work.

I made it past the initial screen and submitted the first compensated exercise last week. I allowed myself some optimism, since the task seemed geared almost exactly to my strengths. But I also knew this job would get a ton of applicants with skills at or above my level, so I tried really hard to not get too attached.

Today I got a rejection email, and I’m surprised by how devastated I am. It’s not like I made it through several rounds of interviews and am just now being let down — I didn’t even make it to the first interview! I feel silly for taking it this hard.

I think the main issue is that I now feel inadequate. The one advantage of a resume/cover letter is that there’s always a chance a rejection was based on something subjective or logistical, but in this case it was my actual work that was evaluated and found wanting. There wasn’t a lot of room for subjectivity in the assignment — you either did everything on their checklist or you didn’t. (It was essentially finding errors in a work product, but it’s more layered and challenging than it sounds.)

They hire for this job on a rolling basis, so it’s probably not that they filled the position. The submissions were all anonymized, so there’s almost no chance it was some other kind of bias — not that that would be better, but I could comfort myself by saying I dodged a bullet.

The organization explicitly states that they never provide feedback on the application tasks, which makes sense, but also has me spiraling. In the absence of specific errors/shortcomings to point to, I’m second guessing whether I’m actually good at this kind of work at all. I feel like a case study in the Dunning-Kruger effect. I was just so hopeful — evidently more so than I realized — that my skills would carry me through the process. Now I just feel embarrassed to ever have been so delusional.

It’s been hard to look for other positions after seeing this one. I really tried not to, especially so early in the process, but I became attached to my hypothetical life with this job. Every other posting seemed (and still seems) miserable by comparison. I know this is dangerously close to entitlement and I need to come back to reality, but it’s just. So. Hard.

I tried looking for some perspective in the AAM archives, but most of the advice in the “rejection” tag seems to rely on the subjectivity and opacity of the “traditional” process; it was hard for me to apply it to this situation. Do you have any advice on moving on from a more clear-cut, work-based rejection?

I think you’re looking at this as pass/fail — i.e., that the test would show either that you’re good enough to do the job or you aren’t — and so, since you didn’t move forward, you weren’t good enough.

But hiring is never pass/fail. It’s always, always grading on a curve.

If the employer had 10 candidates who got the assignment 100% right and 15 people who got it 99% right, any of those people could be excellent at the job but they might only move the first first group forward to the next stage of hiring. And that’s especially true because they weren’t looking at resumes and cover letters; if they’re relying solely on the assignment at this stage of screening, it’s reasonable that the 100% people would beat out the 99% people. (I frankly don’t love this as a hiring method! Even the absolute best person for a job will make a mistake now and then, which is why track record matters, and they’ve taken track record completely out of their screening. Plus, maybe some of those 99% people would have scored 100% with instructions that were worded slightly differently, and on and on. But so be it.)

Is this work that you’ve been good at in the past? If so, there’s no reason to doubt your skills now. There were just others who performed better on this one specific test.

In fact, you could have even been in the 100% group for all we know! Maybe 40 people scored 100% and they’re not going to move them all forward (and since they’re compensating people for each stage, they definitely need to pare down as they go) so they picked a smaller number from the group at random. Or they chose based on extras that don’t reflect on you at all — like you had the right answers, but candidates A and B went above and beyond in what they turned in, organizing it with beautiful color coding, or providing interesting extra context, or otherwise adding additional work that you didn’t know would give an advantage.

In other words, the decision-making is still opaque from the outside — nearly as opaque as it can be with a more traditional hiring process. You just never really know, so it’s a bad idea to tie your self-worth to the outcome of any given job application.

don’t forget to scrutinize benefits when you’re considering a job offer

A reader writes:

I wanted to share a recent story that highlights why, when reviewing a job offer, it’s important to consider the benefits package in addition to the salary.

I was recently offered a position that would be a huge step up for me. It only came with a modest salary increase, but I figured that was okay. I did let them know I couldn’t formally accept until I had received and reviewed the full offer. I’m glad I did, because what I found out is that with my payments for insurance premiums, I would effectively be taking a pay cut by accepting this position. My current organization includes spouses and dependents in the employer-paid insurance coverage, whereas the new company does not (even if my husband were to go on his own insurance and cover our child, it would still be a large increase in what we’re currently paying monthly for insurance).

While I have not fully declined the offer yet, it has allowed me the opportunity to negotiate based on this new information. Whether I take the role or not will depend on how they respond (and thankfully I’m in a comfortable enough role at the moment that I don’t feel the need to settle). So just want to remind folks that salary isn’t the only thing to consider when looking at a job!

Yes! I have seen too many people accept job offers without running all the numbers … and then realize after they’ve already started the job that they effectively took a pay cut after you account for insurance premiums and other benefits.

let’s talk about your mortifying moments at work

It’s almost time for Mortification Week 2024, and in preparation we need to hear your stories of mortifying experiences at work — yours or other people’s. Maybe you mistakenly emailed erotica to your entire team … or accidentally told a coworker it was “great to hear” of a colleague’s death … or gave a person two noses in an interview Photoshop test. Maybe you still still lie awake at night thinking about the time you accidentally wrote in a job application that you “answer the phone throughout my shits.”

Mortification makes us human — and is often hilarious — and it’s in this spirit that we celebrate Mortification Week every summer.

Please share your own stories in the comments!

I’m biased toward midwesterners, cleaning up after a reply-all email storm, and more

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go…

1. I’m biased toward midwestern candidates

At the east coast company I work at, I’m frequently on hiring committees for competitive positions that typically include a wide range of candidates from all over the U.S. I recently noticed a concerning pattern in the candidates that I have advocated for hire. Essentially, when other qualifications are relatively equal, I nearly always prefer the midwestern candidate. (I am from the midwest and work remotely from the midwest) for their personability and communication style. And generally, my opinion holds a strong sway for who ends up being hired. While I’ve never advocated for a midwest hire who isn’t one of top candidates in terms of objective qualifications and interview responses, I still don’t think this is a great look.

What can I (and the company in general) do to reduce this type of bias during hiring? Should I just hold my opinion if we are between a handful of candidates and I prefer the midwestern one?

A quick caveat: I am, unfortunately, amazing at recognizing midwestern accents, especially in people from the Great Lakes regions (or from the city of Chicago).

Yeah, “like me” bias is really common in hiring, and it’s good that you’re recognizing it! We (often) naturally prefer people who remind us of ourselves and feel comfortable/familiar to us. It’s especially telling that you noted your preference is based on their “personability” and communication style, because those are two things that are really subjective and can be big sources of bias.

So how do you mitigate it? First and foremost, make sure that you’re assessing all candidates on the same list of must-have and nice-to-have traits, and that you’re clearly defining what each of those looks like and not just “I know it when I see it.” For example, you might assess communication style and personability through metrics like: enthusiasm for engaging with people; conveying points clearly; listening carefully and asking questions to understand others’ perspectives; and being able to put people at ease, especially people different from themselves (that last part is key). Also, involve diverse voices in your hiring process (and make sure you get aligned with them about the must-have’s and how to assess those so that everyone is measuring against the same bar; otherwise people will default to their own criteria). Ask people to fill out written assessments independently, so they’re not overly influenced by what you or others think, and ask them to peg their ratings to observable behaviors, not gut feelings.

Those two things won’t solve it entirely — bias is a huge and complicated thing that takes significant work to mitigate — but they should help significantly, and should also surface places where earlier you might have been influenced by bias without even realizing it.

2. The right way to clean up after a reply-all email storm

My inbox was victimized by an external email storm yesterday, and it made me curious about how you’d advise the organization at the center to proceed in the aftermath. A university career center recently launched a new hiring platform to connect students and employers, and they sent a webinar invitation to recruiters across the region — corporate, public sector, school districts, etc. Something went wrong in the system and an automatically generated reply went to everyone, which then generated a service ticket email that also went to everyone. Enter Corporate Recruiter A, who responded, “I’m not sure why I’m on this service ticket.” For some reason this email also generated a subsequent service ticket email. Enter Corporate Recruiter B, who responded, “Same here.” (HELPFUL. Are both of you new to email? And technological systems in general?) City Employee chimed in, “I am getting multiple emails from this. Is there something you need from me?” And then Corporate Recruiter C opened the floodgates with, “Please remove me from your mailing list.” Cue hundreds of recruiters from the region asking to be removed from the list, followed by a handful of well-intentioned folks with the “STOP REPLYING” directives. Every one of these emails generated a separate service ticket email, so it was like the BOGO of email storms.

800 emails later, it has finally stopped. If you were the university, would you ignore all those requests from recruiters to be removed, since you need them to be recruiting your students and they were most unwittingly responding to one specific event? Or are you obligated to honor their request? Do you dare send a follow-up email to explain and apologize? Do you do personal outreach to the recruiters who participated in the melee to mend relations? Just to recruiters from high-value contacts, e.g. Fortune 500 companies and major local employers? Cut the registration fee for your next career fair as a mea culpa?

The emails were annoying, of course, but I mainly felt sorry and frustrated for the university employees. If I were them and I were instructed to send an apology email, I’m not sure I could stop myself from including some “electronic mail guidance for noobs” on how to disengage from an email storm…

Eh, people asking to be removed in that context usually mean “remove me from this shitstorm,” not necessarily “never contact me again.” I don’t think you’d need to unsubscribe all of them, as long as you’re very, very sure that the problem has been solved. You could send an email a day or so later apologizing and assuring people the problem has been fixed and won’t recur (make sure that’s true! the last thing you need is for that email to set up a whole new flood) and offering an unsubscribe link for people who want it. (That said, you’d want to look at CAN-SPAM and any other applicable laws to make sure you’re in compliance.)

I don’t think anyone would expect you to cut the registration fee or call people personally to apologize. (I’d actually be more annoyed by a phone call about it, in an “I still can’t get away from this?” kind of way.)

the burnt bagel, the excessive candor, and other reply-all email catastrophes

3. How open should I be about family stress that may affect me at work?

I’m tangentially connected to an ongoing family issue which is apparently on the verge of boiling over and causing some irrevocable damage to the extended family. There’s a high likelihood of my brother and his wife divorcing, and they have two kids under 10. There was a deliberate attempt to conceal the issues from me, up to and including lying to my face about how things are with them.

This affects my work only slightly: My work is pure physical labor. I deliberately made more work for myself when counting new stock as a healthy way to vent my frustrations and distract myself, and I explained my reasoning for doing that. At what point am I giving too much information, or at what point is giving specific details that there is an issue ongoing necessary?

Hmmm, it really depends on the details. If no one will even notice that you’re doing something differently to get more of a physical outlet, you don’t need to say anything at all. If it’s going to be noticeable, sure, say, “I”m working out some family stress on these boxes right now!” But there’s a fairly narrow window for how much of that is okay at work — tackling boxes extra vigorously is fine, but if it comes close to looking like hostile aggression (even though it’s directed toward inanimate objects, not another person), it’s inappropriate for work. If someone would be nervous about coming near you, you’ve crossed a line. Regardless, though, people don’t really need to know the details of what’s going on with your family.

(For what it’s worth, and I realize I’m saying this knowing almost nothing about the situation: avoid judging other people’s marriages and divorces as much as you can. Divorce is sad, especially when kids are involved — but lots of grown children, including me, will tell you firsthand that the damage to kids when their parents don’t divorce but should can be harder on them than a split would have been. Your brother also didn’t owe you a full account of what was happening within his marriage before he was ready to share. Again, I don’t know the details and certainly there are situations that would enrage any reasonable bystander — but when your feelings about someone else’s marriage are looming this large, it’s worth questioning.)

4. Do I owe a previous employer help with their questions now?

I gave two weeks notice at my job. My manager, the owner of the company, sent a message to all the team leads that I would be leaving and I sent the team leads and the other person on my team a message that I had cleared my calendar and would be happy to meet with them to facilitate my departure. I also created a document outlining several tasks that remained and where I was with each of them.

The other person on my team, Sara, set up a meeting with our accounting firm and participated in several meetings in which the managing owner and she were present but I was excluded. Which is fine, but I did not have any insight into what decisions were reached, so I assumed they had everything in hand. I had one meeting with the two owners and Sara, where they said they felt my procedures were excessive and overdone and instead of learning them, they said there was a better way to do my job. (That was fine with me — I was leaving anyway.) I also asked Sara if she wanted to set a time to go over procedures and how to do tasks, as most would fall on her plate, but she insisted she already knew. No one got in touch, no one asked questions, no one showed any interest in anything I had to share. I completed the document, wished everyone the best, and went on my way. No hard feelings, just excitement for my new role.

A couple weeks after I left, I received a message from Sara with questions — where things were, if I had finished a report, etc. etc. I did not feel like I had any responsibility to answer. I don’t have hard feelings, but I feel like no one wanted my help while I was leaving and now I don’t owe them anything further. I don’t think of myself as bitter or angry, just happy to move on. Am I wrong? Should I have answered all the questions?

You’re right on the principle of it: you tried repeatedly to help with the transition while you were still there and they made it clear that they didn’t want your help and felt they knew better. So it’s particularly irritating that they’re coming back to you now.

That said, it generally makes sense to be willing to answer one or two simple questions after you’re gone if you can do so very quickly, simply for the purpose of maintaining good will. But I’m talking about things like “do you remember where the X report is?” not “can you walk me through the history of this client and all the strategies we’ve tried with them in the past” — and also only one or two, not endless or ongoing contact. So if it would have taken only a minute or two to respond to Sara, I’d advise just doing it. You don’t have to, though; it also would have been fine to let the message sit for a week and then reply with, “Hmmm, I don’t know off the top of my head, but check the documentation I left.” (Or even not reply at all.)

5. I have no idea who to give my resignation to

I’ve decided to quit my job! However, I’m not sure who to give my notice to. My boss has left, and her boss is a C-suite executive I’ve never met. I’m sure I’m overthinking this, but I’m in a very senior role with no clear redundancy / transition plan for my responsibilities, and want to make sure I’m setting my team up for continued success after I’m gone. So who do I talk to about all of this? What are the appropriate protocols here?

Who are you going to for other management things right now? If there were a crisis in your department, who would you talk to? That’s probably the right person to resign to. If there’s no clear answer to that, then default to your ex-boss’s boss. If that’s impractical, head to HR, explain the situation, and let them straighten it out.

my boss is upset that I quit without more notice because I’m vital to the business

A reader writes:

I just left my job. I had worked at the same small company for six years. Over the years, I have seen admin staff leave with little notice and staff who gave notice but did not actually work through it. My boss, Amanda, told me that she actually did not want them to work those two weeks, so she gave them the option to leave immediately. I was not there for those conversations, so I only had her word. I also know from past interactions that she is not someone who is open to criticism.

When I left, I was the only employee. I did my job (which is a client-facing job and if something is missed, it can open the business up to liability) plus a large share of the administrative work. Amanda worked partial days while I worked extra hours to get everything done. I was vital to the company running smoothly.

Amanda had asked me multiple times if I planned on staying with the company. I always said yes, because I felt like I could not leave without damaging the business and that she would not be receptive if I told her I didn’t plan to stay.

But one day, I had a terrible day at work and all of the frustrations of the job just boiled over. I felt unsupported, used, and frankly like I was drowning in mismanagement. After a tearful phone call about how stressed I was, my fiance suggested that I look for jobs in his area, about two hours away. We had talked about it before, but now I was ready to leave. It was not a full-time search but I was keeping an eye open. I applied for two jobs. Within a week of submitting my second application, I was interviewed and hired. I told them that I would need a delayed start date so that the transition would be smooth. They agreed.

Amanda did not take the news well. When I gave her my resignation, I told her I could stay at least three to four weeks for a smooth transition. She said okay and walked away. A few minutes later, she told me to be done at the end of the week. I again offered to stay longer, but she said she “would figure it out.” The next day we had the conversation again. I even suggested she look at the calendar before she made a decision because some big events were upcoming. I thought she just needed some time to process the resignation. But she said the same thing, so I called my new employer and set my start date for two weeks later so that I would not be without a pay check for a month.

The next day, Amanda called me in tears and asked me to come in to help out on days when she would be busy. I told I could not do that. I explained that I had offered to stay four weeks and she declined, so I was starting at the new job sooner and would not be available. I told her I would leave her detailed notes and be available for questions. She cried and told me that I was screwing her over by not telling her that I had been looking for a new job. I told her I was not trying to upset her and that I offered to stay on longer for that reason, and every version of “its not you, it’s me” I could think of.

I know that I was a vital employee. I thought I was doing the right thing while still protecting myself. But now I’m not sure. Was I in the wrong? Should I have told her that my plans changed and I had put in applications somewhere else? Could I have handled this better?


You never, ever need to warn your boss that you are job-searching.

Okay, maybe in some very outlier edge cases, like your boss is about to invest significant time and money in training you to take over while she’ll be on leave to donate an organ, has asked you to level with her if you’re not the right person for it, and has done the work to create an environment where you know you could safely say you were considering leaving. Or your boss is about to spend significant capital getting you something you want and, again, has done the work to create an environment where you know you could safely say you were considering leaving.

But usually, you don’t warn your boss you’re job-searching. You don’t warn them because if you do, you risk being pushed out earlier than you want to leave, or sidelined from projects you want to work on, or because you might change your mind and don’t want to permanently be seen as having one foot out the door. You also don’t warn them because it’s simply not the professional convention to expect that you would. Reasonable managers understand the power dynamics involved in the relationship and know they’re not entitled to a heads-up, even if it would make their lives easier to get one. Reasonable managers also know that anyone could be job-searching at any time — or could be crushed by a boulder when they leave their house tomorrow, or have a too-good-to-pass-up offer fall in their lap unexpectedly, or win Powerball, or all sorts of other things — and so they plan for contingencies. A business that relies on everyone staying forever unless they give a ton of notice is a business that’s precarious and poorly run.

And all of that goes double for Amanda for two reasons: One, you’ve seen people leaving without working their whole notice periods and in some of those cases she told you she was part of that decision, so you had good reason to fear being pushed out earlier than you wanted to go. Two, you were the lone employee and playing a vital role, which made it all the more important that she have contingencies in place. If she didn’t, that’s on her, not you.

Not only did you not screw over Amanda, but you actually went above and beyond when you resigned. You offered more than two weeks notice to try to help her, and you were generous enough to extend that offer again after she had already rejected it once.

Amanda wants to be petulant in the moment (“No, leave this week, I don’t need you”) and then be able to retract that once reality sets in. But that’s not how business works. You are a person with your own interests and your own commitments that you can’t walk back just because she’s done sulking now.

You tried to tell her “It’s not you, it’s me.” But it’s her. It’s definitely, definitely her.

You did nothing wrong.

my employee is monitoring other people’s work

A reader writes:

We are a semi-remote team that uses a project management system to keep our workflow organized and distribute assignments. One of my employees, Jane, feels it is necessary to look at everyone’s work on this system and comment on it. She also uses it as a tool to fuel her immense paranoia (“Why is Boss watching my tracker and not Coworker’s)?” when I haven’t even looked at either — Jane misread!

It’s none of her business, and definitely not her job. Every time I have said something to the effect of “Jane, there’s no reason for you to be looking at other peoples’ work, focus on your own assignments and if there an issue I need to handle, rest assured that I will,” this has been met either with self-pity, pouting, remonstrations about how she’s just trying to help, or some combo of all three. Do you have any advice? I cannot set permissions to keep her from viewing other peoples’ trackers.

I answer this question — and three others — over at Inc. today, where I’m revisiting letters that have been buried in the archives here from years ago (and sometimes updating/expanding my answers to them). You can read it here.

Other questions I’m answering there today include:

  • Colleague wants us to stay connected in cutesy ways
  • Bathroom breaks during video calls
  • Should I tell my employer my concerns about a friend’s wife who’s applying for a job?

the person who’s supposed to train me belittles me when I have questions

A reader writes:

I’m learning the ropes in a new job, and there are lots of things that are very difficult to figure out by yourself. That’s expected though, and I am supposed to ask Lawrence for help. Lawrence has been with the company for several years now, but we hold the same job title and are on the same hierarchical level.

Lawrence sucks at explaining things. During 10 minutes, he will waterfall off 30 separate complex items, without break, even after I said to slow down and back up a few steps, to make sure I can take notes and actually understand them.

Additionally, he makes condescending comments throughout. Here are some examples:
– “Why are you asking me this?”
– “I thought you said you were competent?”
– “I already mentioned this to you once before.”
– “Why can’t you figure this out yourself?”

Then he ends with, “Don’t forget to come back if you need any help!” … and then begins the next time with, “Why are you asking me for help on this? Can’t you figure this out yourself?”

I am not the only one experiencing this. Two others started at the same time as me, with the same knowledge level, and have confirmed to me they have similar hurdles in learning how things work.

I feel awful, and I do not want to interact with Lawrence. I need this job (the market is really difficult at the moment) and am really afraid of antagonizing one of the most senior people in this project.

How can I tell Lawrence to be more considerate when communicating? I would love to ask my direct boss for feedback, but it is impossible to schedule a meeting with him so I cannot rely on that option.

You really, really need to find a way to get a few minutes with your boss.

When you say he’s impossible to schedule a meeting with, what does that mean exactly? Most people who are over-scheduled and hard to get time with will still carve out time if you say “I need to talk with you about an urgent issue,” particularly for someone who reports to them. If you don’t like that wording, there’s also, “I know you’re swamped, but I really need 10 minutes with you sometime this week for a problem I’m running into.” Or however you want to say it — but make it clear that this is important and outside of routine day-to-day work stuff. (Also, for what it’s worth, it’s ridiculous for a manager of a new hire to be so inaccessible to you, but that’s a different issue.)

But I say that because this is squarely in boss territory. You need to let him know that Lawrence belittles you when you ask for help. And be specific — repeat the same quotes you used in your letter, because this isn’t Lawrence just acting a little put-upon; this is insulting and borderline abusive.

If for some reason your boss truly isn’t an option, you could try addressing it with Lawrence himself. For example:

Lawrence: “Why are you asking me this?” / “Why can’t you figure this out yourself?”
You: “I was told it’s normal to have questions on this sort of thing while I’m learning it and that you’re the person I should come to. Is that not correct?”

Lawrence: “I already mentioned this to you once before.”
You: “There’s a lot to learn and I’m doing my best to learn it all, but I’m going to have questions as I do.”

Lawrence: “I thought you said you were competent?”
You: “Wow, okay. I was told there’s a large learning curve to this job and it would take some time to master it. Do you have concerns about how I’m doing overall that I should talk to (manager) about?” This may invite further abuse from him, but “I thought you said you were competent” is such a phenomenally shitty thing to say to a colleague that it could make sense to name what he’s hinting at and ask about it point-blank.

You could also consider saying to Lawrence in response to his crappiest moments: “I was told to come to you for help and that it’s normal to have a learning curve in this job. You often seem to think I shouldn’t need any help and you’ve been insulting about my capabilities. If I shouldn’t be coming to you with these questions, is there someone else I should talk with instead?”

But given that Lawrence has proved himself a raging asshole, I’d rather you skip all that and take the whole thing to your boss.