
What to know about job rejections — why they happen, deciphering form letters, asking for feedback, and not getting discouraged.

what’s the best time to send rejection letters?

A reader writes: Is there a standard for when to send out rejection letters? I deal with a lot of hiring in my job and I usually know as soon as I review a resume or hold an interview whether or I’m going to reject someone, but I have always figured that people don’t want […]

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should I reach out to an employer who ghosted me?

A reader writes: I’m writing in hopes that you can help me make sense of an experience I had during my recent job search. Several months ago, I applied for a position at a prestigious organization in my field. That same day, I received an email from Jim to set up a 30-minute phone screening […]

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my interview was great — but they hired no one instead of me

A reader writes: I am a restaurant industry professional, in the field of wine and beverage management. My experience in this area is fairly competitive and accomplished for my city (I have about seven years in management level wine/beverage director roles, and more junior but still relevant experience prior to that). COVID-19 has taken a […]

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why can’t I get feedback about why I was rejected for a job?

A reader writes: Do any interviewers give feedback anymore if you don’t get the job? Since being furloughed, I have been frantically applying, interviewing, and getting to second and sometimes third rounds of the hiring process, and then I get rejected. With so many out of work, I understand that the job market is tough […]

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how can I be less emotionally invested during my job search?

It’s the Thursday “ask the readers” question. A reader writes: I am about a year into my job search and it’s really wearing on me emotionally. I finished grad school about a year ago in a STEM-related (but not lucrative) field. I am trying to stay in the area where my partner lives and it […]

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should I reject job candidates by phone or email?

A reader writes: Should you always call to let a candidate know that they won’t be getting a job offer? Here’s the context: I’ve gotten calls and emails letting me know when I wasn’t accepted for a position. And my colleagues and I all agree that we hate getting phone calls. It’s awkward! If you […]

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