September 2020

am I being too self-deprecating at my new job?

A reader writes: Over the summer, I landed a new job during the pandemic, thanks to your guidance on your website and your book. It was a significant increase in pay over my last position, I like my boss and coworkers, and I realize now I was previously in a more dysfunctional workspace than I […]

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my employee has been sulking since her job changed

A reader asks: I’m managing an employee, Lucy, who was recently moved to a different position on our team. Her old position was eliminated because it had evolved to require skills she didn’t have, and so she moved to this job. Initially, Lucy said she was a “team player” and ready to do whatever may […]

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should I warn job candidates about how bad my company is?

A reader writes: I’m currently wrapping up a job of many years. While my major reason for leaving was wanting to change professions, I’ve been looking for the past year due to job dissatisfaction and problems with senior management. Honestly, I stuck around longer than I should have because I really enjoyed my team members […]

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my boss is impossible to reach when I need responses

A reader writes: I work at a small organization that’s heavily regulated (financial services). I manage the marketing projects for the organization and report directly to the CEO. He is a smart and kind man, but he is impossible to get in touch with. He never replies to my emails about large-scale projects and events, […]

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how to fire a difficult, long-time employee

A reader writes: I work in a small office in a declining industry. Our salespeople have seen reduced commissions because they are based on sales, and the owners have taken pay cuts to avoid layoffs and cutting employee’s salaries. One of our designers has been in the job since the company’s inception (20+ years) and […]

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I can’t seem to stop being late to meetings

A reader writes: With COVID still in full force and us working from home for months now, I’ve had a recurring issue with me constantly being late to meetings. At the beginning of this year and again in June, I told my manager I was burnt out due to constantly being overlooked at work, not […]

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